コード例 #1
function sanitise_html($original_html)
     * this function cleans up the crud that gets inserted by programs such as Word or CKeditor, or Skype
    $original_html = sanitise_html_essential($original_html);
    $original_html = html_fixImageResizes($original_html);
    $original_html = str_replace("\n", '{{CARRIAGERETURN}}', $original_html);
    $original_html = str_replace("\r", '{{LINERETURN}}', $original_html);
    do {
        $html = $original_html;
        // { clean white-space
        $html = str_replace('{{LINERETURN}}{{CARRIAGERETURN}}', "{{CARRIAGERETURN}}", $html);
        $html = str_replace('>{{CARRIAGERETURN}}', '>', $html);
        $html = str_replace('{{CARRIAGERETURN}}{{CARRIAGERETURN}}', '{{CARRIAGERETURN}}', $html);
        //	$html = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$html);
        $html = preg_replace("/<p>\\s*/", '<p>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace("#\\s*<br( ?/)?>\\s*#", '<br />', $html);
        $html = preg_replace("#\\s*<li>\\s*#", '<li>', $html);
        $html = str_replace(">\t", '>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<p([^>]*)>\\s*\\&nbsp;\\s*</p>#', '<p\\1></p>', $html);
        // }
        // { remove empty elements and parameters
        $html = preg_replace('/<!--[^>]*-->/', '', $html);
        // }
        // { combine nested elements
        $html = preg_replace('#<span style="([^"]*?);?">(\\s*)<span style="([^"]*)">([^<]*|<img[^>]*>)</span>(\\s*)</span>#', '\\2<span style="\\1;\\3">\\4</span>\\5', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<a href="([^"]*)">(\\s*)<span style="([^"]*)">([^<]*|<img[^>]*>)</span>(\\s*)</a>#', '\\2<a href="\\1" style="\\3">\\4</a>\\5', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<strong>(\\s*)<span style="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</span>(\\s*)</strong>#', '<strong style="\\2">\\1\\3\\4</strong>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<b>(\\s*)<span style="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</span>(\\s*)</b>#', '<b style="\\2">\\1\\3\\4</b>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<li>(\\s*)<span style="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</span>(\\s*)</li>#', '<li style="\\2">\\1\\3\\4</li>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<p>(\\s*)<span style="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</span>(\\s*)</p>#', '<p style="\\2">\\1\\3\\4</p>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<span style="([^"]*)">(\\s*)<strong>([^<]*)</strong>(\\s*)</span>#', '\\2<strong style="\\1">\\3</strong>\\4', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#<span style="([^"]*?);?">(\\s*)<strong style="([^"]*)">([^<]*)</strong>(\\s*)</span>#', '\\2<strong style="\\1;\\3">\\4</strong>\\5', $html);
        $html = preg_replace("/<p>\\s*(<img[^>]*>)\\s*<\\/p>/", '\\1', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('/<span( style="font-[^:]*:[^"]*")?>\\s*(<img[^>]*>)\\s*<\\/span>/', '\\2', $html);
        $html = preg_replace("/<strong>\\s*(<img[^>]*>)\\s*<\\/strong>/", '\\1', $html);
        // }
        // { remove unnecessary elements
        $html = preg_replace('#<meta [^>]*>(.*?)</meta>#', '\\1', $html);
        // }
        // { strip repeated CSS inline elements (TODO: make this more efficient...)
        $html = str_replace('font-size: large;font-size: large', 'font-size: large', $html);
        // }
        // { strip useless CSS
        $sillystuff = ' style="([^"]*)(color:[^;"]*|font-size:[^;"]*|font-family:[^;"]*|line-height:[^;"]*);([^"]*)"';
        $html = preg_replace('#\\s*<span' . $sillystuff . '>\\s*</span>\\s*#', '<span style="\\1\\3"></span>', $html);
        $html = str_replace('<span style=""></span>', '<span></span>', $html);
        $html = preg_replace('#\\s*<p' . $sillystuff . '>\\s*</p>\\s*#', '<p style="\\1\\3"></p>', $html);
        $html = str_replace('<p style=""></p>', '<p></p>', $html);
        // }
        $has_changed = $html != $original_html;
        $original_html = $html;
    } while ($has_changed);
    // { old-style tabs
    if (strpos($html, '%TABPAGE%')) {
        $rand = md5(mt_rand());
        $test = preg_replace('/<p>[^<]*(%TAB[^%]*%)[^<]*<\\/p>/', '\\1', $html);
        $test = str_replace('%TABEND%', '</div></div><script>$(function(){$("#' . $rand . '").tabs();});</script>', $test);
        $parts = preg_split('/%TAB[^%]*%/', $test);
        $headings = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); ++$i) {
            $headings[] = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', preg_replace('/^[^<]*<h2[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/h2>.*/', '\\1', $parts[$i]));
            $replacement = ($i > 1 ? '</div>' : '') . '<div id="' . $rand . '-' . strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $headings[$i - 1])) . '">';
            $parts[$i] = preg_replace('/^[^<]*<h2[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/h2>/', $replacement, $parts[$i]);
        $menu = '<div id="' . $rand . '" class="tabs"><ul>';
        foreach ($headings as $h) {
            $menu .= '<li><a href="#' . $rand . '-' . strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $h)) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($h) . '</a></li>';
        $parts[0] .= $menu . '</ul>';
        $html = join('', $parts);
    // }
    $html = str_replace('{{CARRIAGERETURN}}', "\n", $html);
    $html = str_replace('{{LINERETURN}}', "\r", $html);
    return $html;
コード例 #2
$original_body = isset($_REQUEST['body']) ? $_REQUEST['body'] : '';
$body = $original_body;
$body = sanitise_html($body);
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
// { check that name is not duplicate of existing page
if (dbOne('select id from pages where name="' . addslashes($name) . '" and parent=' . $pid . ' and id!="' . $id . '"', 'id')) {
    $i = 2;
    while (dbOne('select id from pages where name="' . addslashes($name . $i) . '" and parent=' . $pid . ' and id!="' . $id . '"', 'id')) {
    $msgs .= '<em>' . __('A page named "%1" already exists. Page name amended to "%2"', $name, $name . $i) . '</em>';
    $name = $name . $i;
// }
// }
$q = 'update pages set importance="' . $importance . '"' . ',template="' . addslashes($template) . '",edate=now()' . ',type="' . addslashes($_POST['type']) . '"' . ',associated_date="' . addslashes($associated_date) . '"' . ',keywords="' . addslashes($keywords) . '"' . ',description="' . addslashes($description) . '"' . ',name="' . addslashes($name) . '",title="' . addslashes($_POST['title']) . '"' . ',original_body="' . addslashes(sanitise_html_essential($original_body)) . '"' . ',body="' . addslashes($body) . '",parent=' . $pid . ',special=' . $special;
$q .= ' where id=' . $id;
// { page_vars
dbQuery('delete from page_vars where page_id="' . $id . '"');
$pagevars = isset($_REQUEST['page_vars']) ? $_REQUEST['page_vars'] : array();
if (@$_REQUEST['short_url']) {
    dbQuery('insert into short_urls set cdate=now(),page_id=' . $id . ',short_url="' . addslashes($_REQUEST['short_url']) . '"');
    $pagevars['_short_url'] = 1;
} else {
    dbQuery('delete from short_urls where page_id=' . $id);
if (is_array($pagevars)) {
    foreach ($pagevars as $k => $v) {
        if (is_array($v)) {