function print_tabbar($maxwidth = 4) { global $page; if ($page['tabs']) { $tabbar = $page['tabs']; $len = count($tabbar); $selected = $page['tabselected']; $tabbar2 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $tabbar2[] = $i != $selected ? "<li><a href=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($tabbar[$i]['link']) . "\">" . safe_htmlspecialchars($tabbar[$i]['title']) . "</a></li>\n" : "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">" . safe_htmlspecialchars($tabbar[$i]['title']) . "</a></li>\n"; } if ($len > $maxwidth) { // && $len - $selected > $maxwidth if ($selected < $maxwidth) { $tabbar = array_splice($tabbar2, 0, $maxwidth); array_splice($tabbar2, count($tabbar2), 0, $tabbar); } // else 3 rows menu } echo "<ul class=\"tabs\">\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($tabbar2 as $v) { if ($i > 0 && ($len - $i) % $maxwidth == 0) { echo "</ul><br clear=\"all\"><ul class=\"tabs\">\n"; } echo $v; $i++; } echo "</ul>"; } }
function tpl_menu() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors, $current_locale; ?> <li> <h2><b><?php echo getlocal("lang.choose"); ?> </b></h2> <ul class="locales"> <?php foreach ($page['localeLinks'] as $id => $title) { ?> <li<?php menuloc($id); ?> ><a href="?locale=<?php echo urlencode($id); ?> "><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($title); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <?php }
function format_rss_text($text) { $text = format_text(trim($text), 1, 0, 1); $text = strip_tags($text); $text = safe_htmlspecialchars($text); $text = cut_at_word($text, 250); return $text; }
function get_user_addr($addr) { global $settings; if ($settings['geolink'] && preg_match("/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/", $addr, $matches)) { $userip = $matches[1]; return get_popup(safe_htmlspecialchars(str_replace("{ip}", $userip, $settings['geolink'])), '', safe_htmlspecialchars($addr), "GeoLocation", safe_htmlspecialchars("ip{$userip}"), safe_htmlspecialchars($settings['geolinkparams'])); } return safe_htmlspecialchars($addr); }
/** * Sanitize message body and make it a safe HTML string. * * @param array $msg Message object * @return array Message object with sanitized body. */ function sanitize_message($msg) { $message_body = $msg['message']; // Messages entered by user or operator cannot contain any markup if ($msg['kind'] == Thread::KIND_USER || $msg['kind'] == Thread::KIND_AGENT) { $message_body = safe_htmlspecialchars($message_body); } $msg['message'] = sanitize_string($message_body, 'low', 'moderate'); return $msg; }
function generate_button($title, $locale, $style, $group, $inner, $showhost, $forcesecure, $modsecurity) { $link = get_app_location($showhost, $forcesecure) . "/client.php"; if ($locale) { $link = append_query($link, "locale={$locale}"); } if ($style) { $link = append_query($link, "style={$style}"); } if ($group) { $link = append_query($link, "group={$group}"); } $modsecfix = $modsecurity ? ".replace('http://','').replace('https://','')" : ""; $jslink = safe_htmlspecialchars(append_query("'" . $link, "url='+escape(document.location.href{$modsecfix})+'&referrer='+escape(document.referrer{$modsecfix})")); $temp = get_popup(safe_htmlspecialchars($link), "{$jslink}", $inner, safe_htmlspecialchars($title), "mibew", "toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=640,height=480,resizable=1"); return "<!-- mibew button -->" . $temp . "<!-- / mibew button -->"; }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php echo getlocal("page.notifications.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; ?> <form name="notifyFilterForm" method="get" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/notifications.php"> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="packedFormField"> <?php echo getlocal("notifications.kind"); ?> <br/> <select name="kind" onchange="this.form.submit();"><?php foreach ($page['allkinds'] as $k) { echo "<option value=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k) . "\"" . ($k == form_value("kind") ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . getlocal("notifications.kind." . ($k ? $k : "all")) . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> <div class="packedFormField"> <?php echo getlocal("notifications.locale"); ?> <br/> <select name="lang" onchange="this.form.submit();"><?php foreach ($page['locales'] as $k) { echo "<option value=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k["id"]) . "\"" . ($k["id"] == form_value("lang") ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k["name"]) . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </form> <br/> <?php if ($page['pagination']) { ?> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal("notifications.head.subj"); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal("notifications.head.msg"); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal("notifications.head.time"); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { foreach ($page['pagination.items'] as $b) { ?> <tr> <td class="notlast"> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/notification.php?id=<?php echo urlencode($b['id']); ?> " target="_blank" onclick="this.newWindow ='<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/notification.php?id=<?php echo urlencode($b['id']); ?> ', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=720,height=520,resizable=1');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;" class="<?php echo $b['vckind'] == 'xmpp' ? 'xmpp' : 'mail'; ?> "> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(shorten(topage($b['vcto']), 30)); ?> </a> </td> <td class="notlast"> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(shorten(topage($b['vcsubject']), 30)); ?> </td> <td class="notlast"> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(shorten(topage($b['tmessage']), 30)); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo date_to_text($b['created']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <?php echo getlocal("tag.pagination.no_items.elements"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { echo "<br/>"; echo generate_pagination($page['pagination']); } } ?> <?php }
function setup_redirect_links($threadid, $token) { global $page, $mibewroot, $settings, $mysqlprefix; loadsettings(); $link = connect(); $operatorscount = db_rows_count("{$mysqlprefix}chatoperator", array(), "", $link); $groupscount = 0; $groups = array(); if ($settings['enablegroups'] == "1") { foreach (get_groups($link, true) as $group) { if ($group['inumofagents'] == 0) { continue; } $groups[] = $group; } $groupscount = count($groups); } prepare_pagination(max($operatorscount, $groupscount), 8); $p = $page['pagination']; $limit = $p['limit']; $operators = select_multi_assoc(db_build_select("operatorid, vclogin, vclocalename, vccommonname, istatus, (unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)-unix_timestamp(dtmlastvisited)) as time", "{$mysqlprefix}chatoperator", array(), "order by vclogin " . $limit), $link); $groups = array_slice($groups, $p['start'], $p['end'] - $p['start']); mysql_close($link); $agent_list = ""; $params = array('thread' => $threadid, 'token' => $token); foreach ($operators as $agent) { $params['nextAgent'] = $agent['operatorid']; $status = $agent['time'] < $settings['online_timeout'] ? $agent['istatus'] == 0 ? getlocal("char.redirect.operator.online_suff") : getlocal("char.redirect.operator.away_suff") : ""; $agent_list .= "<li><a href=\"" . add_params($mibewroot . "/operator/redirect.php", $params) . "\" title=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_operator_name($agent))) . "\">" . safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_operator_name($agent))) . "</a> {$status}</li>"; } $page['redirectToAgent'] = $agent_list; $group_list = ""; if ($settings['enablegroups'] == "1") { $params = array('thread' => $threadid, 'token' => $token); foreach ($groups as $group) { $params['nextGroup'] = $group['groupid']; $status = $group['ilastseen'] !== NULL && $group['ilastseen'] < $settings['online_timeout'] ? getlocal("char.redirect.operator.online_suff") : ($group['ilastseenaway'] !== NULL && $group['ilastseenaway'] < $settings['online_timeout'] ? getlocal("char.redirect.operator.away_suff") : ""); $group_list .= "<li><a href=\"" . add_params($mibewroot . "/operator/redirect.php", $params) . "\" title=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_group_name($group))) . "\">" . safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_group_name($group))) . "</a> {$status}</li>"; } } $page['redirectToGroup'] = $group_list; }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php if ($page['saved']) { ?> <?php echo getlocal("page.translate.done"); ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- if(window.opener && window.opener.location) { window.opener.location.reload(); } setTimeout( (function() { window.close(); }), 500 ); //--></script> <?php } if (!$page['saved']) { ?> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> <br/> <br/> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; ?> <form name="translateForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/translate.php"> <?php print_csrf_token_input(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['key']); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="target" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['target']); ?> "/> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="fieldForm"> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['title1']); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <textarea name="original" disabled="disabled" cols="20" rows="5" class="wide"><?php echo form_value('original'); ?> </textarea> </div> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['title2']); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <textarea name="translation" cols="20" rows="5" class="wide"><?php echo form_value('translation'); ?> </textarea> </div> </div> <div class="fbutton"> <input type="image" name="save" value="" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </form> <?php } ?> <?php }
if ($thread['istate'] == $state_chatting) { $link = connect(); commit_thread($threadid, array("istate" => intval($state_waiting), "nextagent" => 0, "groupid" => intval($nextid), "agentId" => 0, "agentName" => "''"), $link); post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_events, getstring2_("chat.status.operator.redirect", array(get_operator_name($operator)), $thread['locale'], true), $link); mysql_close($link); } else { $errors[] = getlocal("chat.redirect.cannot"); } } else { $errors[] = getlocal("chat.redirect.unknown_group"); } } else { $nextid = verifyparam("nextAgent", "/^\\d{1,10}\$/"); $nextOperator = operator_by_id($nextid); if ($nextOperator) { $page['message'] = getlocal2("chat.redirected.content", array(safe_htmlspecialchars(topage(get_operator_name($nextOperator))))); if ($thread['istate'] == $state_chatting) { $link = connect(); $threadupdate = array("istate" => intval($state_waiting), "nextagent" => intval($nextid), "agentId" => 0); if ($thread['groupid'] != 0) { if (FALSE === select_one_row("select groupid from {$mysqlprefix}chatgroupoperator where operatorid = " . intval($nextid) . " and groupid = " . intval($thread['groupid']), $link)) { $threadupdate['groupid'] = 0; } } commit_thread($threadid, $threadupdate, $link); post_message_($thread['threadid'], $kind_events, getstring2_("chat.status.operator.redirect", array(get_operator_name($operator)), $thread['locale'], true), $link); mysql_close($link); } else { $errors[] = getlocal("chat.redirect.cannot"); } } else {
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; $notification = $page['notification']; ?> <?php echo getlocal("notification.intro"); ?> <br/><br/> <div class="logpane"> <div class="header"> <div class="wlabel"> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> : </div> <div class="wvalue"> <?php echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($notification['vcto'])); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> <div class="wlabel"> <?php echo getlocal("notification.label.time"); ?> : </div> <div class="wvalue"> <?php echo date_to_text($notification['created']); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> <div class="wlabel"> <?php echo getlocal("notification.label.subj"); ?> : </div> <div class="wvalue"> <?php echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($notification['vcsubject'])); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="message"> <?php echo topage(prepare_html_message($notification['tmessage'])); ?> </div> </div> <br /> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/notifications.php"> <?php echo getlocal("notification.back_to_list"); ?> </a> <br /> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot; ?> <?php echo getlocal("page.analysis.userhistory.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php if ($page['pagination']) { ?> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { foreach ($page['pagination.items'] as $chatthread) { ?> <tr> <td> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/threadprocessor.php?threadid=<?php echo urlencode($chatthread['threadid']); ?> " target="_blank" onclick="this.newWindow ='<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/threadprocessor.php?threadid=<?php echo urlencode($chatthread['threadid']); ?> ', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=720,height=520,resizable=1');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;"><?php echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($chatthread['userName'])); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo get_user_addr(topage($chatthread['remote'])); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($chatthread['agentName']) { echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($chatthread['agentName'])); } ?> </td> <td> <?php echo date_diff_to_text($chatthread['modified'] - $chatthread['created']); ?> , <?php echo date_to_text($chatthread['created']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <?php echo getlocal("tag.pagination.no_items"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { echo "<br/>"; echo generate_pagination($page['pagination']); } } ?> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot; ?> <?php echo getlocal("updates.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <div> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> <br/> <div id="news"> </div> <?php echo getlocal("updates.current"); ?> <br/> <div id="cver"><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['version']); ?> </div> <br/> <?php echo getlocal("updates.latest"); ?> <div id="lver"></div> <br/> <?php echo getlocal("updates.installed_locales"); ?> <br/> <?php foreach ($page['localizations'] as $loc) { ?> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($loc); ?> <?php } ?> <br/><br/> <?php echo getlocal("updates.env"); ?> <br/> PHP <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['phpVersion']); ?> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php echo getlocal("page_ban.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; ?> <div class="tabletool"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/buttons/createban.gif" border="0" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/ban.php" title="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("page_bans.add")); ?> "> <?php echo getlocal("page_bans.add"); ?> </a> </div> <br clear="all"/> <?php if ($page['pagination']) { ?> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th> <?php echo getlocal("form.field.address"); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal("form.field.ban_comment"); ?> </th><th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { foreach ($page['pagination.items'] as $b) { ?> <tr> <td class="notlast"> <a href="ban.php?id=<?php echo urlencode($b['banid']); ?> " class="man" id="ti<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($b['banid']); ?> "> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($b['address']); ?> </a> </td> <td class="notlast"> <?php echo date_to_text($b['till']); ?> </td> <td> <?php if (strlen(topage($b['comment'])) > 30) { echo safe_htmlspecialchars(substr(topage($b['comment']), 0, 30)); } else { echo safe_htmlspecialchars(topage($b['comment'])); } ?> </td> <td> <a class="removelink" id="i<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($b['banid']); ?> " href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/blocked.php?act=del&id=<?php echo urlencode($b['banid']); print_csrf_token_in_url(); ?> "> remove </a> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <?php echo getlocal("tag.pagination.no_items.elements"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { echo "<br/>"; echo generate_pagination($page['pagination']); } } ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!-- $('a.removelink').click(function(){ var addr = $("#t"; return confirm("<?php echo getlocalforJS("page_bans.confirm", array('"+$.trim(addr)+"')); ?> "); }); //--></script> <?php }
function show_nav_option($title, $url, $extra = "") { global $site_sess; $bgcolor = get_navrow_bg(); echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor}\" valign=top onmouseover=\"'#FFE673';'hand';\" onclick=\"parent.frames['main'].location='" . $site_sess->url($url) . "'\" onmouseout=\"'" . $bgcolor . "'\">\n"; echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>\n"; echo "<a href=\"" . $site_sess->url(safe_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($url))) . "\" class=\"navlink\">" . $title . "</a> {$extra}\n"; echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><img src=\"" . ROOT_PATH . "admin/images/spacer.gif\"></td></tr>\n"; }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php echo getlocal("operator.groups.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; if ($page['stored']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal("data.saved"); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <form name="opgroupsForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/opgroups.php"> <?php print_csrf_token_input(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['opid']); ?> "/> <div> <?php print_tabbar(); ?> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <p> <b><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['currentop']); ?> ‎</b> </p> <?php foreach ($page['groups'] as $pm) { ?> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(topage($pm['vclocalname'])); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="checkbox" name="group<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($pm['groupid']); ?> " value="on"<?php echo form_value_mb('group', $pm['groupid']) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo $pm['vclocaldescription'] ? safe_htmlspecialchars(topage($pm['vclocaldescription'])) : getlocal(""); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($page['canmodify']) { ?> <div class="fbutton"> <input type="image" name="save" value="" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> <?php } ?> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> </form> <?php }
function format_text($text, $html = 0, $word_wrap = 0, $bbcode = 0, $bbcode_img = 0) { if ($word_wrap && $text != "") { $text = preg_replace("/([^\n\r ?&\\.\\/<>\"\\-]{" . $word_wrap . "})/i", " \\1\n", $text); } if ($html == 0 || $html == 2) { $text = safe_htmlspecialchars($text); } // Replace { to prevent parsing in templates global $site_template; $text = preg_replace('=' . preg_quote($site_template->start) . '([A-Z0-9_]+)' . preg_quote($site_template->end) . '=Usi', '{\\1}', $text); if ($html !== 2) { $text = nl2br(trim($text)); $text = replace_url($text); } if ($bbcode == 1) { $search_array = array("/(\\[)(list)(=)(['\"]?)([^\"']*)(\\4])(.*)(\\[\\/list)(((=)(\\4)([^\"']*)(\\4]))|(\\]))/siU", "/(\\[)(list)(])(.*)(\\[\\/list\\])/siU", "/(\\[\\*\\])/siU", "/(\\[\\/\\*\\])/siU", "/(\\[)(url)(=)(['\"]?)(www\\.)([^\"']*)(\\4])(.*)(\\[\\/url\\])/siU", "/(\\[)(url)(=)(['\"]?)([^\"']*)(\\4])(.*)(\\[\\/url\\])/siU", "/(\\[)(url)(])(www\\.)([^\"]*)(\\[\\/url\\])/siU", "/(\\[)(url)(])([^\"]*)(\\[\\/url\\])/siU", "/(\\[)(code)(])(\r\n)*(.*)(\\[\\/code\\])/siU", "/javascript:/si", "/about:/si"); $replace_array = array("<ol type=\"\\5\">\\7</ol>", "<ul>\\4</ul>", "<li>", "</li>", "<a href=\"http://www.\\6\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\\8</a>", "<a href=\"\\5\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\\7</a>", "<a href=\"http://www.\\5\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.\\5</a>", "<a href=\"\\4\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\\4</a>", "<pre>Code:<hr size=1>\\5<hr size=1></pre>", "java script:", "about :"); $text = preg_replace($search_array, $replace_array, $text); if (!$bbcode_img) { $text = preg_replace("/(\\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\\[\\/img\\])/siU", "<a href=\"\\5\" target=\"_blank\">\\5</a>", $text); } else { $text = preg_replace("/(\\[)(img)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\\[\\/img\\])/siU", "<img src=\"\\5\">", $text); } $text = preg_replace("/(\\[)(b)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\\[\\/b\\])/siU", "<b>\\5</b>", $text); $text = preg_replace("/(\\[)(i)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\\[\\/i\\])/siU", "<i>\\5</i>", $text); $text = preg_replace("/(\\[)(u)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\\[\\/u\\])/siU", "<u>\\5</u>", $text); $text = replace_badwords($text); } $text = str_replace("\\'", "'", $text); return $text; }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("page.groupmembers.intro")); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; if ($page['stored']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("data.saved")); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <form name="membersForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/groupmembers.php"> <?php print_csrf_token_input(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="gid" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['groupid']); ?> "/> <div> <?php print_tabbar(); ?> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <p> <b><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['currentgroup']); ?> </b> </p> <?php foreach ($page['operators'] as $pm) { ?> <div class="field"> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <input type="checkbox" name="op<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($pm['operatorid']); ?> " value="on"<?php echo form_value_mb('op', $pm['operatorid']) ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> <?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(topage($pm['vclocalename'])); ?> (<a href="operator.php?op=<?php echo urlencode($pm['operatorid']); ?> " ><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(topage($pm['vclogin'])); ?> </a>) </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="fbutton"> <input type="image" name="save" value="" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> </form> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; ?> <form name="buttonCodeForm" method="get" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/gettextcode.php"> <div> <?php print_tabbar(); ?> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="fieldForm"> <div class="fieldinrow"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.choose_locale"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <select name="lang" onchange="this.form.submit();"><?php foreach ($page['availableLocales'] as $k) { echo "<option value=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k) . "\"" . ($k == form_value("lang") ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k) . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> <?php if ($page['showgroups']) { ?> <div class="fieldinrow"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.choose_group"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <select name="group" onchange="this.form.submit();"><?php foreach ($page['groups'] as $k) { echo "<option value=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k['groupid']) . "\"" . ($k['groupid'] == form_value("group") ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k['vclocalname']) . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <br clear="all"/> <div class="fieldinrow"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.choose_style"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <select name="style" onchange="this.form.submit();"><?php foreach ($page['availableStyles'] as $k => $v) { echo "<option value=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($k) . "\"" . ($k == form_value("style") ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . safe_htmlspecialchars($v) . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </div> </div> <br clear="all"/> <div class="fieldinrow"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.include_site_name"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <input type="checkbox" name="hostname" value="on"<?php echo form_value_cb('hostname') ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> onchange="this.form.submit();"/> </div> </div> <?php if ($page['formhostname']) { ?> <div class="fieldinrow"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.secure_links"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <input type="checkbox" name="secure" value="on"<?php echo form_value_cb('secure') ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> onchange="this.form.submit();"/> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <br clear="all"/> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.modsecurity"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <input type="checkbox" name="modsecurity" value="on"<?php echo form_value_cb('modsecurity') ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> onchange="this.form.submit();"/> </div> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.code"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluewithta" dir="ltr"> <textarea cols="44" rows="15"><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['buttonCode']); ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="fdescr"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.code.description"); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal("page.gen_button.sample"); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <?php echo $page['buttonCode']; ?> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> </form> <?php }
$comment = getparam('comment'); $threadid = isset($_POST['threadid']) ? getparam('threadid') : ""; if (!$address) { $errors[] = no_field("form.field.address"); } if (!preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $days)) { $errors[] = wrong_field("form.field.ban_days"); } if (!$comment) { $errors[] = no_field("form.field.ban_comment"); } $link = connect(); $existing_ban = ban_for_addr_($address, $link); mysql_close($link); if (!$banId && $existing_ban || $banId && $existing_ban && $banId != $existing_ban['banid']) { $errors[] = getlocal2("ban.error.duplicate", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($address), safe_htmlspecialchars($existing_ban['banid']))); } if (count($errors) == 0) { $link = connect(); $utime = time() + $days * 24 * 60 * 60; if (!$banId) { $query = sprintf("insert into {$mysqlprefix}chatban (dtmcreated,dtmtill,address,comment) values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,%s,'%s','%s')", "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . intval($utime) . ")", mysql_real_escape_string($address, $link), mysql_real_escape_string($comment, $link)); perform_query($query, $link); } else { $query = sprintf("update {$mysqlprefix}chatban set dtmtill = %s,address = '%s',comment = '%s' where banid = %s", "FROM_UNIXTIME(" . intval($utime) . ")", mysql_real_escape_string($address, $link), mysql_real_escape_string($comment, $link), intval($banId)); perform_query($query, $link); } mysql_close($link); if (!$threadid) { header("Location: {$mibewroot}/operator/blocked.php"); exit;
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function renderUrl($url) { return sprintf('<script src="%s"></script>', safe_htmlspecialchars($url)); }
function generate_pagination_image($id, $alt) { global $mibewroot; return "<img src=\"{$mibewroot}/images/{$id}.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars($alt) . "\"/>"; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function renderUrl($url) { return sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />', safe_htmlspecialchars($url)); }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot; ?> <?php echo getlocal("page_search.intro"); ?> <br /> <br /> <form name="searchForm" method="get" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/history.php"> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="fieldForm"> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </div> <div class="fvaluenodesc"> <div id="searchtext"> <input type="text" name="q" size="80" value="<?php echo form_value('q'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div id="searchbutton"> <input type="image" name="search" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </form> <br/> <?php if ($page['pagination']) { ?> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr class="header"> <th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th><th> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { foreach ($page['pagination.items'] as $chatthread) { ?> <tr> <td> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/threadprocessor.php?threadid=<?php echo urlencode($chatthread['threadid']); ?> " target="_blank" onclick="this.newWindow ='<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/threadprocessor.php?threadid=<?php echo urlencode($chatthread['threadid']); ?> ', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=720,height=520,resizable=1');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;"><?php echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($chatthread['userName'])); ?> </a> </td> <td> <?php echo get_user_addr(topage($chatthread['remote'])); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($chatthread['agentName']) { echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($chatthread['agentName'])); } else { if ($chatthread['groupid'] && $chatthread['groupid'] != 0 && isset($page['groupName'][$chatthread['groupid']])) { echo "- " . topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['groupName'][$chatthread['groupid']])) . " -"; } } ?> </td> <td> <?php echo topage(safe_htmlspecialchars($chatthread['size'])); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo date_diff_to_text($chatthread['modified'] - $chatthread['created']); ?> , <?php echo date_to_text($chatthread['created']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <?php echo getlocal("tag.pagination.no_items"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($page['pagination.items']) { echo "<br/>"; echo generate_pagination($page['pagination']); } } ?> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot; ?> <div id="confirmpane"> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <?php echo getlocal2("confirm.take.message", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['user']), safe_htmlspecialchars($page['agent']))); ?> <br/><br/> <br/> <div> <table class="nicebutton"><tr> <td><a href="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['link']); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/submit.gif" width="40" height="35" border="0" alt="" /></a></td> <td class="submit"><a href="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['link']); ?> "> <?php echo getlocal("confirm.take.yes"); ?> </a></td> <td><a href="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['link']); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/submitrest.gif" width="10" height="35" border="0" alt="" /></a></td> </tr></table> <table class="nicebutton"><tr> <td><a href="javascript:window.close();"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/submit.gif" width="40" height="35" border="0" alt="" /></a></td> <td class="submit"><a href="javascript:window.close();"> <?php echo getlocal(""); ?> </a></td> <td><a href="javascript:window.close();"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/submitrest.gif" width="10" height="35" border="0" alt="" /></a></td> </tr></table> <br clear="all"/> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> <?php }
if ($show == 's1') { $allkeys = array_intersect($allkeys, load_idlist('level1')); } else { if ($show == 's2') { $allkeys = array_intersect($allkeys, load_idlist('level2')); } else { if ($show == 's3') { $allkeys = array_diff($allkeys, load_idlist('level1'), load_idlist('level2')); } } } foreach ($allkeys as $key) { if ($key != 'output_charset') { $tsource = safe_htmlspecialchars($lang1[$key]); if (isset($lang2[$key])) { $value = safe_htmlspecialchars($lang2[$key]); if (get_auxiliary($lang2[$key]) != get_auxiliary($lang1[$key])) { $value = "<font color=\"#6030c1\"><b>{$value}</b></font> <strong>(wrong formatting)</strong>"; } } else { $value = "<font color=\"#c13030\"><b>absent</b></font>"; } $result[] = array('id' => $key, 'l1' => $tsource, 'l2' => $value); } } $order = verifyparam("sort", "/^(id|l1)\$/", "id"); usort($result, "compare_localization_by_{$order}"); setup_pagination($result, 100); $page['formtarget'] = $target; $page['formsource'] = $source; $page['availableLocales'] = $localesList;
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php if ($page['opid']) { echo getlocal("page_agent.intro"); } if (!$page['opid']) { echo getlocal("page_agent.create_new"); } ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; if ($page['needChangePassword']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal("error.no_password"); ?> </div> <br/> <?php } else { if ($page['stored']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal("data.saved"); ?> </div> <?php } } ?> <?php if ($page['opid'] || $page['canmodify']) { ?> <form name="agentForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/operator.php"> <?php print_csrf_token_input(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="opid" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['opid']); ?> "/> <?php if (!$page['showjabber']) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="jabber" value="<?php echo form_value('jabber'); ?> "/> <?php if (form_value_cb('jabbernotify')) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="jabbernotify" value="on"/><?php } } ?> <div> <?php if (!$page['needChangePassword']) { print_tabbar(); } ?> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="fieldForm"> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.login'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="login" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('login'); ?> " class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] && !$page['opid'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.login.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.mail'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="email" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('email'); ?> " class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.mail.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.password'); if (!$page['opid'] || $page['needChangePassword']) { ?> <span class="required">*</span><?php } ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="password" name="password" size="40" value="" class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> autocomplete="off"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.password.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.password_confirm'); if (!$page['opid'] || $page['needChangePassword']) { ?> <span class="required">*</span><?php } ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="password" name="passwordConfirm" size="40" value="" class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> autocomplete="off"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.password_confirm.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.agent_name'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="name" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('name'); ?> " class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.agent_name.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.agent_commonname'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="commonname" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('commonname'); ?> " class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.agent_commonname.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <?php if ($page['showjabber']) { ?> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.jabber'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="jabber" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('jabber'); ?> " class="formauth"<?php echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.jabber.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field" style="padding-top:0.3em;"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.jabbernotify'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="checkbox" name="jabbernotify" value="on"<?php echo form_value_cb('jabbernotify') ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; echo $page['canmodify'] ? "" : " disabled=\"disabled\""; ?> /> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.jabbernotify.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($page['canmodify']) { ?> <div class="fbutton"> <input type="image" name="save" value="" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> <div class="asterisk"> <?php echo getlocal("common.asterisk_explanation"); ?> </div> </form> <?php } }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $current_locale, $menuItemsCount, $version; ?> <br/> <?php if ($page['needChangePassword']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal("error.no_password"); ?> <?php echo getlocal2("error.no_password.visit_profile", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['profilePage']))); ?> </div> <br/> <?php } else { if ($page['needUpdate']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal2("install.updatedb", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['updateWizard']))); ?> </div> <br/> <?php } else { if ($page['newFeatures']) { ?> <div><div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal2("install.newfeatures", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['featuresPage']), safe_htmlspecialchars($version))); ?> </div></div> <br/> <?php } } } ?> <table id="dashboard"> <tr> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/visitors.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/users.php"> <?php echo getlocal('topMenu.users'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('page_client.pending_users'); ?> </td> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/history.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/history.php"> <?php echo getlocal(''); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('content.history'); ?> </td> <?php $menuItemsCount = 2; ?> <?php if ($page['showstat']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/stat.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/statistics.php"> <?php echo getlocal('statistics.title'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('statistics.description'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <?php if ($page['showban']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/blocked.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/blocked.php"> <?php echo getlocal('menu.blocked'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('content.blocked'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/canned.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/canned.php"> <?php echo getlocal('menu.canned'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('canned.descr'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); ?> <?php if ($page['showadmin']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/getcode.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/getcode.php"> <?php echo getlocal('leftMenu.client_gen_button'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('admin.content.client_gen_button'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/operators.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/operators.php"> <?php echo getlocal('leftMenu.client_agents'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('admin.content.client_agents'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); ?> <?php if ($page['showgroups']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/dep.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/groups.php"> <?php echo getlocal('menu.groups'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('menu.groups.content'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/settings.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/settings.php"> <?php echo getlocal('leftMenu.client_settings'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('admin.content.client_settings'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <?php if (isset($page['currentopid']) && $page['currentopid']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/profile.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/operator.php?op=<?php echo urlencode($page['currentopid']); ?> "> <?php echo getlocal('menu.profile'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('menu.profile.content'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <?php if (isset($page) && isset($page['localeLinks'])) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/locale.gif" alt=""/> <a href="#" id="changelang"> <?php echo getlocal('menu.locale'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('menu.locale.content'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <?php if ($page['showadmin']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/updates.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/updates.php"> <?php echo getlocal('menu.updates'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('menu.updates.content'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <?php if ($page['showadmin'] || $page['shownotifications']) { ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/notifications.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/notifications.php"> <?php echo getlocal('menu.notifications'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('menu.notifications.content'); ?> </td> <?php menuseparator(); } ?> <td class="dashitem"> <img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/exit.gif" alt=""/> <a href="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/logout.php"> <?php echo getlocal('topMenu.logoff'); ?> </a> <?php echo getlocal('content.logoff'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if (isset($page) && isset($page['localeLinks'])) { ?> <div id="dashlocalesPopup"> <a href="#" id="dashlocalesPopupClose"><img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/close.gif" alt="X"/></a> <h2><img src="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /images/dash/locale.gif" alt=""/> <b><?php echo getlocal("lang.choose"); ?> </b></h2> <ul class="locales"> <?php foreach ($page['localeLinks'] as $id => $title) { ?> <li<?php echo $current_locale == $id ? " class=\"active\"" : ""; ?> ><a href="?locale=<?php echo urlencode($id); ?> "><?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($title); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div id="backgroundPopup"></div> <?php } ?> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php if ($page['grid']) { echo getlocal(""); } if (!$page['grid']) { echo getlocal(""); } ?> <br /> <br /> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; if ($page['stored']) { ?> <div id="formmessage"><?php echo getlocal("data.saved"); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <form name="groupForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/group.php"> <?php print_csrf_token_input(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="gid" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['grid']); ?> "/> <div> <?php print_tabbar(); ?> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="fieldForm"> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupname'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="name" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('name'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupname.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupdesc'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="description" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('description'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupdesc.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupcommonname'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="commonname" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('commonname'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupcommonname.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupcommondesc'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="commondescription" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('commondescription'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupcommondesc.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.mail'); ?> </div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="email" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('email'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.groupemail.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="fbutton"> <input type="image" name="save" value="" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> </div> <div class="asterisk"> <?php echo getlocal("common.asterisk_explanation"); ?> </div> </form> <?php }
function tpl_content() { global $page, $mibewroot, $errors; ?> <?php if ($page['saved']) { ?> <?php echo getlocal2("page_ban.sent", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['address']))); ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- setTimeout( (function() { window.close(); }), 1500 ); //--></script> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo getlocal("page_ban.intro"); ?> <br/> <br/> <?php require_once 'inc_errors.php'; ?> <?php if ($page['thread']) { ?> <?php echo getlocal2("page_ban.thread", array(safe_htmlspecialchars($page['thread']))); ?> <br/> <br/> <?php } ?> <form name="banForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $mibewroot; ?> /operator/ban.php"> <?php print_csrf_token_input(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="banId" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['banId']); ?> "/> <?php if ($page['threadid']) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="threadid" value="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars($page['threadid']); ?> "/> <?php } ?> <div class="mform"><div class="formtop"><div class="formtopi"></div></div><div class="forminner"> <div class="fieldForm"> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.address'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="address" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('address'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.address.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.ban_days'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="days" size="4" value="<?php echo form_value('days'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.ban_days.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="flabel"><?php echo getlocal('form.field.ban_comment'); ?> <span class="required">*</span></div> <div class="fvalue"> <input type="text" name="comment" size="40" value="<?php echo form_value('comment'); ?> " class="formauth"/> </div> <div class="fdescr"> — <?php echo getlocal('form.field.ban_comment.description'); ?> </div> <br clear="all"/> </div> <div class="fbutton"> <input type="image" name="save" value="" src="<?php echo $mibewroot . safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> " alt="<?php echo safe_htmlspecialchars(getlocal("")); ?> "/> </div> </div> </div><div class="formbottom"><div class="formbottomi"></div></div></div> <div class="asterisk"> <?php echo getlocal("common.asterisk_explanation"); ?> </div> </form> <?php } ?> <?php }