コード例 #1
//If false, then action method names will only be converted to camel
//case before being executed.
//NOTE: This setting does not apply to S3MVC_APP_DEFAULT_ACTION_NAME.
//      It only applies to the routes below:
//          '/{controller}/{action}[/{parameters:.+}]'
//          '/{controller}/{action}/'
//This is used to create a controller object to handle the default / route.
//Must be prefixed with the namespace if the controller class is in a namespace.
define('S3MVC_APP_DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_CLASS_NAME', '\\Slim3MvcTools\\Controllers\\BaseController');
//This is the name of the action / method to be called on the default controller
//to handle the default / route. This method should return a response string (ie.
//valid html) or a PSR 7 response object containing valid html in its body.
//This default action / method should accept no arguments / parameters.
define('S3MVC_APP_DEFAULT_ACTION_NAME', 'actionIndex');
//this method is first called here to ensure that $_SERVER,
//$_GET, $_POST, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION & $_ENV are
//captured in their original state by the static $super_globals
//variable inside s3MVC_GetSuperGlobal(), before any other
//library, framework, etc. accesses or modifies any of them.
//Subsequent calls to s3MVC_GetSuperGlobal(..) will return
//the stored values.
 * This function detects which environment your web-app is running in 
 * (i.e. one of Production, Development, Staging or Testing).
 * NOTE: Make sure you edit /public/env.php to return one of S3MVC_APP_ENV_DEV, 
 *       relevant to the environment you are installing your web-app.
コード例 #2
 public function actionLogin()
     $request_obj = $this->request;
     $data_4_login_view = ['controller_object' => $this, 'error_message' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => ''];
     if (strtoupper($request_obj->getMethod()) === 'GET') {
         //show login form
         //get the contents of the view first
         $view_str = $this->renderView('login.php', $data_4_login_view);
         return $this->renderLayout($this->layout_template_file_name, ['content' => $view_str]);
     } else {
         //this is a POST request, process login
         $controller = $this->login_success_redirect_controller ?: 'base-controller';
         $action = $prepend_action ? 'action-' : '';
         $success_redirect_path = "{$controller}/{$action}{$this->login_success_redirect_action}";
         $auth = $this->vespula_auth;
         //get the auth object
         $username = s3MVC_GetSuperGlobal('post', 'username');
         $password = s3MVC_GetSuperGlobal('post', 'password');
         $error_msg = '';
         if (empty($username)) {
             $error_msg .= "The 'username' field is empty.";
         if (empty($password)) {
             $error_msg .= empty($error_msg) ? '' : '<br>';
             $error_msg .= "The 'password' field is empty.";
         if (empty($error_msg)) {
             $credentials = ['username' => filter_var($username, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING), 'password' => $password];
             //try to login
             if ($auth->isValid()) {
                 $msg = "You are now logged into a new session.";
                 //since we are successfully logged in, resume session if any
                 if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
                 if (isset($_SESSION[static::SESSN_PARAM_LOGIN_REDIRECT])) {
                     //there is an active session with a redirect url stored in it
                     $success_redirect_path = $_SESSION[static::SESSN_PARAM_LOGIN_REDIRECT];
                     //since login is successful remove stored redirect url,
                     //it has served its purpose & we'll be redirecting now.
             } else {
                 $msg = 'Login Failed!<br>' . $auth->getAdapter()->getError();
         } else {
             $msg = $error_msg;
         if (s3MVC_GetCurrentAppEnvironment() === S3MVC_APP_ENV_DEV) {
             $msg .= '<br>' . nl2br(s3MVC_DumpAuthinfo($auth));
         if ($auth->isValid()) {
             if (strpos($success_redirect_path, s3MVC_GetBaseUrlPath()) === false) {
                 //prepend base path
                 $success_redirect_path = s3MVC_GetBaseUrlPath() . '/' . ltrim($success_redirect_path, '/');
             return $this->response->withHeader('Location', $success_redirect_path);
         } else {
             //re-display login form with error messages
             $data_4_login_view['error_message'] = $msg;
             $data_4_login_view['username'] = $username;
             $data_4_login_view['password'] = $password;
             //get the contents of the view first
             $view_str = $this->renderView('login.php', $data_4_login_view);
             return $this->renderLayout($this->layout_template_file_name, ['content' => $view_str]);
コード例 #3
 * Returns the base path segment of the URI.
 * It performs the same function as \Slim\Http\Uri::getBasePath()
 * You are strongly advised to use this function instead of 
 * \Slim\Http\Uri::getBasePath(), in order to ensure that your 
 * app will be compatible with other PSR-7 implementations because
 * \Slim\Http\Uri::getBasePath() is not a PSR-7 method.
 * @return string
function s3MVC_GetBaseUrlPath()
    static $server, $base_path, $has_been_computed;
    if (!$server) {
        //copy / capture the super global only once
        $server = s3MVC_GetSuperGlobal('server');
    if (!$base_path && !$has_been_computed) {
        $base_path = '';
        $has_been_computed = true;
        $requestScriptName = parse_url($server['SCRIPT_NAME'], PHP_URL_PATH);
        $requestScriptDir = dirname($requestScriptName);
        // parse_url() requires a full URL. As we don't extract the domain name or scheme,
        // we use a stand-in.
        $requestUri = parse_url('http://example.com' . $server['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
        if (strcasecmp($requestUri, $requestScriptName) === 0) {
            $base_path = $requestScriptName;
        } elseif ($requestScriptDir !== '/' && stripos($requestUri, $requestScriptDir) === 0) {
            $base_path = $requestScriptDir;
    return $base_path;