function run_db_upgrade($db_version_now) { // Dirty, but need it here global $setting; // Drop caches from our settings for live data $setting->flushCache(); // Find upgrades $files = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . "/definitions/{$db_version_now}_to_*"); if (count($files) == 0) { die('No upgrade definitions found for ' . $db_version_now . PHP_EOL); } foreach ($files as $file) { $db_version_to = preg_replace("/(.*)\\/definitions\\/{$db_version_now}_to_/", '', $file); $db_version_to = preg_replace("/.inc.php/", '', $db_version_to); $run_string = preg_replace("/\\./", '', $db_version_to); if (!(require_once $file)) { die('Failed to load upgrade definition: ' . $file); } echo "+ Running upgrade from {$db_version_now} to {$db_version_to}" . PHP_EOL; $run = "run_{$run_string}"; if (function_exists($run)) { $run(); run_db_upgrade($db_version_to); } else { echo 'Could find upgrade function ' . $run . '!' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } }
public function make_upgrade() { //cp_check_perm('cp_autoupdate'); if (!function_exists('ftp_connect')) { showMessage(lang("FTP_connect function is not available", "admin"), false, 'r'); exit; } $this->load->library('ftp'); $this->load->helper('string'); $this->load->helper('file'); $status = $this->_check_status(); if ($status['is_update'] == TRUE and $status['upgrade_file'] != '') { $upgrade_file = $status['upgrade_file']; } else { showMessage(lang("You are using the latest version", "admin"), lang("Congratulations!", "admin"), 'g'); exit; } $path_to_index_php = $_POST['root_folder']; $config['hostname'] = $_POST['host']; $config['username'] = $_POST['login']; $config['password'] = $_POST['password']; $config['port'] = $_POST['port']; $config['passive'] = FALSE; $config['debug'] = FALSE; if ($this->ftp->connect($config) == FALSE) { showMessage(lang("Server connection error:Check username and password"), false, 'r'); exit; } $root = '/' . trim_slashes($path_to_index_php) . '/'; if ($root == '//') { $root = '/'; } // Try to find self. $list = $this->ftp->list_files($root . 'application/modules/core/'); $error = TRUE; foreach ($list as $k => $v) { if ($v == 'core' . EXT) { $error = FALSE; } } if ($error == TRUE) { $this->ftp->close(); showMessage(lang("Error: Wrong path to the root directory."), false, 'r'); exit; } else { // download zip archive $file = $this->upgrade_server . $upgrade_file; if (($fh = fopen($file, 'r')) == FALSE) { $this->ftp->close(); showMessage(lang("Error downloading update file", "admin"), false, 'r'); exit; } else { $contents = stream_get_contents($fh); $tmp_folder = BASEPATH . 'cache/' . time() . '/'; // Save file $tmp_file = BASEPATH . 'cache/'; if (file_exists($tmp_file)) { @unlink($tmp_file); } write_file($tmp_file, $contents); if (!file_exists($tmp_folder)) { mkdir($tmp_folder); } $this->load->library('pclzip', $tmp_file); if (($zip_result = $this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $tmp_folder)) == 0) { $this->ftp->close(); delete_files($tmp_folder, TRUE); @rmdir($tmp_folder); @unlink($tmp_file); showMessage(lang("Exploding error", "admin"), false, 'r'); exit; } // Update DB if (file_exists($tmp_folder . 'migrations.php')) { include $tmp_folder . 'migrations.php'; if (function_exists('run_db_upgrade')) { run_db_upgrade(); } @unlink($tmp_folder . 'migrations.php'); } $this->ftp->mirror($tmp_folder, $root); delete_files($tmp_folder, TRUE); @rmdir($tmp_folder); @unlink($tmp_file); $this->ftp->close(); // Clear system cache $this->load->library('cache'); $this->cache->delete_all(); // Rebuild sys hooks $this->load->library('cms_hooks'); $this->cms_hooks->build_hooks(); showMessage(lang("Updating has been completed", "admin"), false, 'g'); updateDiv('page', site_url('admin/dashboard/index')); } } }