function rt_shortcode_slider_slides($atts, $content = null) { //[slide link="link" title="title" img_url="" video_url="" styling="" title_color="" title_bg_color="" text_color="" text_bg_color="" title_size="" text_size=""]slide_text[/slide] global $rt_slider_width, $rt_slider_height, $rt_slider_script, $rt_total_slide, $rt_slide_count, $rt_caption_output, $rt_slide_output, $rt_slider_id, $rt_image_resize, $rt_image_crop; $text = $image_output = $resized_img_url = ""; $rt_slide_count++; //defaults extract(shortcode_atts(array("link" => '', "title" => '', "title2" => '', "img_url" => '', "video_url" => '', "text_align" => 'left', "stretch_images" => true, "styling" => "", "title_color" => "", "title_bg_color" => "", "text_color" => "", "text_bg_color" => "", "title_size" => "", "text_size" => ""), $atts)); //nivo slide id $nivo_slide_id = $rt_slider_script == "nivo_slider" ? "random_" . rand(100000, 1000000) : ""; //randomized $nivo_image_sync_id = $nivo_slide_id ? "#" . $nivo_slide_id : ""; //caption css $caption_css = ""; if ($styling == "new") { $caption_css .= !empty($title_color) ? " color:" . rt_rgba2hex($title_color) . "; color:" . $title_color . ";" : ""; $caption_css .= !empty($title_bg_color) ? "background-image:none; background-color:" . rt_rgba2hex($title_bg_color) . "; background-color:" . $title_bg_color . ";" : "background-color:transparent;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;"; $caption_css .= !empty($title_size) ? " font-size:" . str_replace("px", "", $title_size) . "px;line-height:140%;" : ""; $caption_css = !empty($caption_css) ? 'style="' . $caption_css . '"' : ""; } //text css $text_css = ""; if ($styling == "new") { $text_css .= !empty($text_color) ? " color:" . rt_rgba2hex($text_color) . "; color:" . $text_color . ";" : ""; $text_css .= !empty($text_bg_color) ? "background-image:none; background-color:" . rt_rgba2hex($text_bg_color) . "; background-color:" . $text_bg_color . ";" : "background-color:transparent;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;"; $text_css .= !empty($text_size) ? " font-size:" . str_replace("px", "", $text_size) . "px;line-height:140%;" : ""; $text_css = !empty($text_css) ? 'style="' . $text_css . '"' : ""; } //allowed html codes $allowed_html_title = array('br' => array()); $allowed_html_text = array('a' => array('href' => array(), 'title' => array()), 'br' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'strong' => array()); //title $title = !empty($title) ? !empty($link) ? '<div class="caption-one" ' . $caption_css . '><a href="' . $link . '" title="' . wp_kses($title, "") . '" ' . $caption_css . '>' . wp_kses(stripcslashes($title), $allowed_html_title) . '</a></div>' . "\n" : '<div class="caption-one" ' . $caption_css . '>' . wp_kses($title, $allowed_html_title) . '</div>' . "\n" : ""; //text $text = !empty($content) ? '<div class="caption-text" ' . $text_css . '>' . trim(wp_kses(stripcslashes($content), $allowed_html_text)) . '</div>' . "\n" : ""; //li class $li_class = $stretch_images == "true" ? "stretch" : ""; //featured image output if (!empty($img_url)) { $img_url = rt_find_image_org_path($img_url); $image_id = rt_get_attachment_id_from_src($img_url); $image_alternative_text = get_post_meta($image_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); $image_meta_data = wp_get_attachment_metadata($image_id, "true"); $image_height = isset($image_meta_data["height"]) ? $image_meta_data["height"] : ""; //crop & resize = true if (!empty($rt_image_resize) && !empty($rt_image_crop)) { $resized_img_url = rt_vt_resize($image_id, $img_url, $rt_slider_width, $rt_slider_height, true, false); } //crop = true & resize = false if (empty($rt_image_resize) && !empty($rt_image_crop)) { $resized_img_url = rt_vt_resize($image_id, $img_url, $rt_slider_width, $rt_slider_height, false, true); } //crop = false & resize = true if (!empty($rt_image_resize) && empty($rt_image_crop)) { $resized_img_url = rt_vt_resize($image_id, $img_url, $rt_slider_width, $rt_slider_height, false, false); } //if resized or cropped if (isset($resized_img_url) && is_array($resized_img_url)) { $img_url = $resized_img_url["url"]; $image_height = $resized_img_url["height"]; } //first image height $rt_first_slide_height = $rt_slide_count == 1 && $image_height ? $image_height : 0; $rt_first_slide_data = $rt_slide_count == 1 ? 'data-flexfirstslide="true"' : ""; $rt_first_slide_height_data = isset($rt_first_slide_height) && $rt_first_slide_height > 0 ? 'data-sliderminheight="' . $rt_first_slide_height . 'px"' : ""; $image_output = !empty($link) ? sprintf('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s" /></a>' . "\n", $link, $img_url, $image_alternative_text, $nivo_image_sync_id) : sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s" />' . "\n", $img_url, $image_alternative_text, $nivo_image_sync_id); } //output for flexslider if ($rt_slider_script == "flex_slider") { //caption $rt_caption_output = !empty($title) || !empty($text) ? sprintf('<div class="flex-caption %s"><div class="caption-holder">%s %s %s</div></div>' . "\n", $text_align, $title, $title2, $text) : ""; //slide output $rt_slide_output = sprintf('<li class="%s" %s %s><div class="slide_data">%s %s</div></li>' . "\n", $li_class, $rt_first_slide_height_data, $rt_first_slide_data, $image_output, $rt_caption_output); return $rt_slide_output; } //output for nivoslider if ($rt_slider_script == "nivo_slider") { //caption $rt_caption_output .= !empty($title) || !empty($text) ? sprintf(' <div id="%s" class="nivo-html-caption"> <div class="nivo-title caption-%s"> %s </div> <div class="nivo-text"> %s </div> </div> ' . "\n", $nivo_slide_id, $rt_slide_count, $title, $text) : ""; //slide output $rt_slide_output .= sprintf("%s", $image_output); if ($rt_total_slide == $rt_slide_count) { //the slider holder output $rt_slide_output = sprintf(' <div class="nivo-container theme-default"> <div class="nivoSlider" id="%s"> %s </div> %s </div> ', $rt_slider_id, $rt_slide_output, $rt_caption_output); return $rt_slide_output; } } }
function generate_template_output($template_contents = "", $templateID = "") { global $rt_google_fonts; // output $template_output = ""; $header_output = ""; $footer_output = ""; $footer_started = false; $css_output = array("color_sets" => array(), "backgrounds" => array(), "css_codes" => "", "fonts" => array()); //template options $template_options = array(); //variables $start_row = $next_item_width = $count_item_widths = $columns_started = ""; $layout_width_values = array("four-five" => 48, "three-four" => 45, "two-three" => 40, "five" => 12, "four" => 15, "three" => 20, "two" => 30, "one" => 60); $column_class_names = array(2 => "four-five", 3 => "three-four", 4 => "two-three", 8 => "five", 7 => "four", 6 => "three", 5 => "two", 1 => "one"); $row_counter = 1; $header_purpose = isset($header_purpose) && !empty($header_purpose) ? $header_purpose : false; $footer_purpose = isset($footer_purpose) && !empty($footer_purpose) ? $footer_purpose : false; // Create contents foreach ($template_contents as $item_num => $template) { //extract template vars extract(get_object_vars($template)); //content type $content_type = isset($content_type) ? $content_type : ""; //columns holder for other elemets if (!$header_purpose && empty($columns_started) && $content_type != "column" && $content_type != "grid" && $content_type != "slider_box" && $content_type != "space_box") { $template_output .= '[rt_columns]'; } //colorsets and bacgrounds if ($content_type == "grid" && $part == "first") { // container if ($header_purpose) { $container = "body .header-" . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID); } elseif ($footer_purpose) { $container = "body #container .footer-" . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID); } else { $container = '#row-' . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID) . 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'"]'; //keep common values $breadcrumb_position_keep = $breadcrumb_position; $page_title_keep = $page_title; $breadcrumb_keep = $breadcrumb; //add values to $template_options $template_options = array("breadcrumb_position" => $breadcrumb_position, "display_title" => $page_title, "display_breadcrumb" => $breadcrumb, "header_background_options" => $header_options, "first_top_widget_name" => $first_top_widget_name, "second_top_widget_name" => $second_top_widget_name); } if ($part == "second") { //second part $template_output .= "[/header]"; $header_output = $template_output; $template_output = ""; } } elseif ($content_type == "grid" && $footer_purpose) { if ($part == "first") { //first part $save_template_output = $template_output; $template_output = ""; $template_output .= '[footer selector_class="footer-' . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID) . '"]'; //add values to $template_options $template_options["display_widgets"] = $display_widgets; $footer_started = true; } if ($part == "second") { //second part $template_output .= "[/footer]"; $footer_output = $template_output; $template_output = $save_template_output; } } elseif ($content_type == "grid" && !$header_purpose && !$footer_purpose) { if ($part == "first") { //first part $row_id = 'row-' . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID) . '-' . $group_id . ''; //get row style $row_class = ""; $row_class .= $background_options["background_selection"] == "ca2" ? "row-style-2" : ""; $row_class .= $background_options["background_selection"] == "ca3" ? "row-style-3" : ""; //get row width $full_width_row = $row_style_options["row_width"] == "full" ? "true" : ""; //row css $row_paddings = ""; $row_paddings .= !empty($row_style_options["padding_top"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s { padding-top: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "", $row_style_options["padding_top"]) : ""; $row_paddings .= !empty($row_style_options["padding_left"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s { padding-left: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "", $row_style_options["padding_left"]) : ""; $row_paddings .= !empty($row_style_options["padding_right"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s { padding-right: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "", $row_style_options["padding_right"]) : ""; $row_paddings .= !empty($row_style_options["padding_bottom"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s { padding-bottom: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "", $row_style_options["padding_bottom"]) : ""; $row_paddings = !empty($row_paddings) ? sprintf('%s', $row_paddings) . '' . sprintf('@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #%1$s { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } }', $row_id) : ""; //columns css $column_paddings = ""; $column_paddings .= !empty($column_options["padding_top"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s > .row > .box { padding-top: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "-content", $column_options["padding_top"]) : ""; $column_paddings .= !empty($column_options["padding_left"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s > .row > .box { padding-left: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "-content", $column_options["padding_left"]) : ""; $column_paddings .= !empty($column_options["padding_right"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s > .row > .box { padding-right: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "-content", $column_options["padding_right"]) : ""; $column_paddings .= !empty($column_options["padding_bottom"]) ? sprintf('#%1$s > .row > .box { padding-bottom: %2$spx; }', $row_id . "-content", $column_options["padding_bottom"]) : ""; $column_paddings .= !empty($column_paddings) ? sprintf('@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #%1$s > .row > .box { padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px; }}', $row_id . "-content") : ""; $paddings = !empty($column_paddings) ? "true" : ""; $css_output["css_codes"] .= $row_paddings; $css_output["css_codes"] .= $column_paddings; $css_output["css_codes"] .= $column_options["background_selection"] == "new" ? sprintf('#%1$s > .row > .box { background-color: %2$s; background-color: %3$s; }', $row_id . "-content", rt_rgba2hex($column_options["background_color"]), $column_options["background_color"]) : ""; $css_output["css_codes"] .= $column_options["background_selection"] == "half_transparent" ? sprintf('#%1$s > .row > .box { background-image: url(%2$s/images/transparent-white.png); }', $row_id . "-content", RT_THEMEURI) : ""; $sidebar_id = is_array($sidebar_id) ? implode(",", $sidebar_id) : ""; $background_image_url = isset($background_options["background_image_url"]) ? $background_options["background_image_url"] : ""; $parallax_background = $background_options["background_selection"] == "new" && isset($background_options["parallax_background"]) ? $background_options["parallax_background"] : "disabled_parallax"; $template_output .= '[row full_width_row="' . $full_width_row . '" row_counter=' . $row_counter . ' page_title="' . $page_title_keep . '" breadcrumb="' . $breadcrumb_keep . '" breadcrumb_position="' . $breadcrumb_position_keep . '" id="' . $row_id . '" sidebar_selection = "' . $sidebar_selection . '" sidebar_id = "' . $sidebar_id . '" paddings = "' . $paddings . '" class="' . $row_class . '" parallax_background="' . $parallax_background . '" background_image_url = "' . $background_image_url . '"]'; $sidebar_id = $sidebar_selection = $column_paddings = ""; //the row counter $row_counter++; } if ($part == "second") { //second part $template_output .= "[/row]"; } } elseif ($content_type == "column") { $count_column_widths = isset($count_column_widths) ? $count_column_widths : 0; if ($part == "first") { //first part //create column holder $template_output .= $count_column_widths == 0 || $count_column_widths == "" ? '[rt_columns]' : ""; //start counter for column holder $this_column_width = $layout_width_values[$column_class_names[$layout]]; // finds width of this item as in $layout_width_values $count_column_widths = $count_column_widths + $this_column_width; //start column $template_output .= '[rt_column layout="' . $column_class_names[$layout] . '"]'; $columns_started = true; } if ($part == "second") { //second part //end column $template_output .= "[/rt_column]"; //find the next columns width if (isset($template_contents[$item_num + 1]->content_type) && $template_contents[$item_num + 1]->content_type == "column") { $next_column_width = $layout_width_values[$column_class_names[$template_contents[$item_num + 1]->layout]]; } else { $next_column_width = 60; // there is no next column so this must be hightest value } //close the column holder if ($count_column_widths + $next_column_width > 60) { $template_output .= '[/rt_columns]'; $count_column_widths = 0; // reset the column counter $columns_started = ""; } } } elseif ($content_type == "new_content_box") { $content_box_id = 'content-box-' . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID) . '-' . $group_id . ''; $template_output .= '[content_box id="' . $content_box_id . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '" title_position="' . $title_position . '" featured_image="' . $featured_image . '" image_style="' . $image_style . '" icon="' . $icon . '" icon_style="' . $icon_style . '" text_position="' . $text_position . '" link="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '" link_text="' . htmlspecialchars($link_text) . '" link_target="' . htmlspecialchars($link_target) . '"]'; //fix editor shortcodes $text = $this->fix_editor_columns($text); $text = $this->fix_editor_contents($text); $template_output .= $text; $template_output .= '[/content_box]'; } elseif ($content_type == "content_icon_box") { $content_box_id = 'content-box-' . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID) . '-' . $group_id . ''; $template_output .= '[content_icon_box id="' . $content_box_id . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '" title_position="' . $title_position . '" icon="' . $icon . '" icon_style="' . $icon_style . '" text_position="' . $text_position . '" icon_color="' . $icon_color . '" icon_bg_color="' . $icon_bg_color . '" icon_border_color="' . $icon_border_color . '" link="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '" link_text="' . htmlspecialchars($link_text) . '" link_target="' . htmlspecialchars($link_target) . '"]'; //css output for this icons $css_output["css_codes"] .= !empty($icon_color) ? sprintf('.row #%1$s .heading_icon{color:%2$s !important;}', $content_box_id, $icon_color) : ""; $css_output["css_codes"] .= !empty($icon_bg_color) ? sprintf('.row #%1$s .heading_icon{background-color:%2$s;}', $content_box_id, $icon_bg_color) : ""; $css_output["css_codes"] .= !empty($icon_border_color) ? sprintf('.row #%1$s .heading_icon{border-color:%2$s;}#%1$s .pin:after{color:%2$s;border-color:%2$s;}', $content_box_id, $icon_border_color) : ""; //fix editor shortcodes $text = $this->fix_editor_columns($text); $text = $this->fix_editor_contents($text); $template_output .= $text; $template_output .= '[/content_icon_box]'; } elseif ($content_type == "text_box") { $text = $font_size = $font_color = $heading_color = $font_family_text = $font_family_heading = $font_family_heading_css = $font_family_text_css = ""; extract($values); $text_box_id = 'text-box-' . str_replace("templateid_", "", $templateID) . '-' . $group_id . ''; //font family heading if (!empty($font_family_text)) { $font_family_text = stripslashes($font_family_text); if (isset($rt_google_fonts[$font_family_text])) { //check if it is a google font $font_family_text_css = "'" . $rt_google_fonts[$font_family_text][0] . "',sans-serif"; $font_weight_text_css = isset($rt_google_fonts[$font_family_text][2]) ? $rt_google_fonts[$font_family_text][2] : "normal"; } else { $font_family_text_css = $font_family_text; $font_weight_text_css = "normal"; } } //font family heading if (!empty($font_family_heading)) { $font_family_heading = stripslashes($font_family_heading); if (isset($rt_google_fonts[$font_family_heading])) { //check if it is a google font $font_family_heading_css = "'" . $rt_google_fonts[$font_family_heading][0] . 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'" bw_filter="' . $bw_filter . '" ]' . stripslashes($h_image_box_output) . '[/h_chained_contents]'; //add to the template output $template_output .= $h_image_box_output; } else { $template_output .= rt_generate_shortcode($template); } //close column holder for other elements than a column if (!$header_purpose && empty($columns_started) && $content_type != "column" && $content_type != "grid" && $content_type != "slider_box" && $content_type != "space_box") { $template_output .= "[/rt_columns]"; } } return array('header' => $header_output, 'footer' => $footer_output, 'content' => $template_output, 'css' => $css_output, "template_options" => $template_options); }