
* Product Categories
vc_map(array('base' => 'rt_product_categories', 'name' => __('Product Showcase Categories', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'icon' => 'rt_theme product_box', 'category' => array(__('Content', 'rt_theme_admin'), __('Theme Addons', 'rt_theme_admin')), 'description' => __('Displays product showcase categories with selected parameters', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'id', 'heading' => __('ID', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('Unique ID', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => ''), array('param_name' => 'class', 'heading' => __('Class', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('CSS Class Name', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield'), array('param_name' => 'list_layout', 'heading' => __('Layout', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Column layout for the list", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array("1/6" => "1/6", "1/4" => "1/4", "1/3" => "1/3", "1/2" => "1/2", "1/1" => "1/1"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'layout_style', 'heading' => __('Layout Style', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Design of the layout", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Grid", "rt_theme_admin") => "grid", __("Masonry", "rt_theme_admin") => "masonry"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'orderby', 'heading' => __('Order By', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Sorts the categories by this parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('ID', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'id', __('Name', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'name', __('Slug', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'slug', __('Count', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'count'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'list_order', 'heading' => __('List Order', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Designates the ascending or descending order of the orderby parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Descending', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'DESC', __('Ascending', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'ASC'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'parent', 'heading' => __('Parent Category', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("(Optional) Select a parent category to list only the subcategories of the category.", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array_merge(array(__('All Categories', 'rt_theme_admin') => ""), array_flip(rt_get_product_categories())), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'ids', 'heading' => __('Select Product Categories', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("(Optional) List only selected categories", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown_multi', "value" => array_merge(array(__('All Categories', 'rt_theme_admin') => ""), array_flip(rt_get_product_categories())), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_titles', 'heading' => __("Display titles", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_descriptions', 'heading' => __("Display short descriptions", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_thumbnails', 'heading' => __("Display thumbnails", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_crop', 'heading' => __('Crop Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "description" => __("If enabled the category thumbnails will be cropped according the 'Maximum Thumbnail Height' value.", 'rt_theme_admin'), "value" => array(__("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false", __("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'image_max_height', 'heading' => __('Featured Image Max Height', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', "description" => __("Maximum image height for the category thumbnails. 'Crop Thumbnails' option must be checked in order to use this option.", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'value' => 0, "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'save_always' => true))));

* Product Carousel 
vc_map(array('base' => 'product_carousel', 'name' => __('Product Carousel', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'icon' => 'rt_theme carousel', 'category' => array(__('Content', 'rt_theme_admin'), __('Theme Addons', 'rt_theme_admin')), 'description' => __('Displays product showcase posts with selected parameters as a carousel', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'id', 'heading' => __('ID', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('Unique ID', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => ''), array('param_name' => 'list_layout', 'heading' => __('Layout', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Column width of an item. Percent of the visible part.", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array("1/6" => "1/6", "1/5" => "1/5", "1/4" => "1/4", "1/3" => "1/3", "1/2" => "1/2", "1/1" => "1/1"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'max_item', 'heading' => __('Amount of item to display', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'rt_number', 'value' => '10', 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'nav', 'heading' => __('Navigation Arrows', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true", __("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'dots', 'heading' => __('Navigation Dots', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true", __("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'autoplay', 'heading' => __('Auto Play', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false", __("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'timeout', 'heading' => __('Auto Play Speed (ms)', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'rt_number', 'value' => "", "description" => __("Auto play speed value in milliseconds. For example; set 5000 for 5 seconds", 'rt_theme_admin'), "dependency" => array("element" => "autoplay", "value" => array("true"))), array('param_name' => 'list_orderby', 'heading' => __('List Order By', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Sorts the posts by this parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Date', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'date', __('Author', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'author', __('Title', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'title', __('Modified', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'modified', __('ID', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'ID', __('Randomized', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'rand'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'list_order', 'heading' => __('List Order', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Designates the ascending or descending order of the list_orderby parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Descending', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'DESC', __('Ascending', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'ASC'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'categories', 'heading' => __('Categories', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("List posts of selected categories only.", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown_multi', "value" => array_merge(array(__('All Categories', 'rt_theme_admin') => ""), array_flip(rt_get_product_categories())), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_titles', 'heading' => __("Display titles", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_descriptions', 'heading' => __("Display short descriptions", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_price', 'heading' => __("Display prices", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_resize', 'heading' => __('Resize Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('Enable "Image Resize" to resize or crop the featured images automatically. These settings will be overwrite the global settings. Please note, since the theme is reponsive the images cannot be wider than the column they are in. Leave values "0" to use theme defaults.', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true", __("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false"), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_max_width', 'heading' => __('Featured Image Max Width', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => 0, "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_max_height', 'heading' => __('Featured Image Max Height', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => 0, "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_crop', 'heading' => __('Crop Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false", __("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true"), "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true))));
コード例 #3

* Product Showcase
* [product_box]
vc_map(array('base' => 'product_box', 'name' => __('Product Showcase', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'icon' => 'rt_theme product_box', 'category' => array(__('Content', 'rt_theme_admin'), __('Theme Addons', 'rt_theme_admin')), 'description' => __('Displays product showcase posts with selected parameters', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'params' => array(array('param_name' => 'id', 'heading' => __('ID', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('Unique ID', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => ''), array('param_name' => 'class', 'heading' => __('Class', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('CSS Class Name', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield'), array('param_name' => 'list_layout', 'heading' => __('Layout', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Column layout for the list", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array("1/6" => "1/6", "1/4" => "1/4", "1/3" => "1/3", "1/2" => "1/2", "1/1" => "1/1"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'layout_style', 'heading' => __('Layout Style', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Design of the layout", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Grid", "rt_theme_admin") => "grid", __("Masonry", "rt_theme_admin") => "masonry"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'pagination', 'heading' => __('Pagination', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Splits the list into pages", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array("False" => "false", "True" => "true"), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'ajax_pagination', 'description' => __('Works with Masonry layout only', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'checkbox', "value" => array(__("Enable ajax pagination (load more)", "rt_theme_admin") => "true"), "dependency" => array("element" => "pagination", "value" => array("true")), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'list_orderby', 'heading' => __('List Order By', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Sorts the posts by this parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Date', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'date', __('Author', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'author', __('Title', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'title', __('Modified', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'modified', __('ID', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'ID', __('Randomized', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'rand'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'list_order', 'heading' => __('List Order', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("Designates the ascending or descending order of the list_orderby parameter", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Descending', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'DESC', __('Ascending', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'ASC'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'item_per_page', 'heading' => __('Amount of post per page', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield'), array('param_name' => 'categories', 'heading' => __('Categories', 'rt_theme_admin'), "description" => __("List posts of selected categories only.", 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown_multi', "value" => array_merge(array(__('All Categories', 'rt_theme_admin') => ""), array_flip(rt_get_product_categories())), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_titles', 'heading' => __("Display titles", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_descriptions', 'heading' => __("Display short descriptions", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'display_price', 'heading' => __("Display prices", "rt_theme_admin"), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__('Yes', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'true', __('No', 'rt_theme_admin') => 'false'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_resize', 'heading' => __('Resize Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'description' => __('Enable "Image Resize" to resize or crop the featured images automatically. These settings will be overwrite the global settings. Please note, since the theme is reponsive the images cannot be wider than the column they are in. Leave values "0" to use theme defaults.', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true", __("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false"), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_max_width', 'heading' => __('Featured Image Max Width', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => 0, "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_max_height', 'heading' => __('Featured Image Max Height', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => 0, "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true), array('param_name' => 'featured_image_crop', 'heading' => __('Crop Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'type' => 'dropdown', "value" => array(__("Disabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "false", __("Enabled", "rt_theme_admin") => "true"), "dependency" => array("element" => "featured_image_resize", "value" => array("true")), 'group' => __('Featured Images', 'rt_theme_admin'), 'save_always' => true))));