function rs_wpss_magic_parser($keyphrase_needles = array(), $haystack = NULL) { /** * The Magic Parser * Magically parse a large string of text for a number of keyphrases * The "magic" is that this will check for all kinds of text variations, accents, plurals, 1337 (LEET), etc. * Extremely accurate...same mechanism used in the rs_wpss_anchortxt_blacklist_chk() function * @since * @param array $keyphrase_needles The array containing keyphrases to search haystack for * @param string $haystack The string of text to search. This works well for large chunks of text such as contact form submissions. * @return bool TRUE if haystack contains any of the keyphrase needles, FALSE if it does not */ if (empty($keyphrase_needles) || empty($haystack) || !is_array($keyphrase_needles) || !is_string($haystack)) { return FALSE; } foreach ($keyphrase_needles as $i => $keyphrase_needle) { $keyphrase_needle_rgx = rs_wpss_regexify($keyphrase_needle); $regex_check_phrase = rs_wpss_get_regex_phrase($keyphrase_needle_rgx, '', 'authorkw'); if (preg_match($regex_check_phrase, $haystack)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
function rs_wpss_cf_content_blacklist_chk($haystack = NULL, $get_list_arr = FALSE) { /*** * Contact Form Content Blacklist Check * Use for the message content of any contact form ***/ $blacklisted_content = rs_wpss_rbkmd(rs_wpss_get_cf_content_blacklist(), 'de', TRUE); if (!empty($get_list_arr)) { return $blacklisted_content; } /* Goes after array */ $blacklist_status = FALSE; if (empty($haystack)) { return FALSE; } $blacklisted_content_rgx = rs_wpss_get_regex_phrase($blacklisted_content, '', 'red_str'); $blacklisted_content_rgx = str_replace(array('email', 'disclaimer', '2007', '\\s+the\\s+', '\\s+an\\s+', '\\s+a\\s+', ','), array('e?mail', '(disclaimer|p\\.?s\\.?)', '20[0-9]{2}', '\\s+(the\\s+)?', '\\s+(an?\\s+)?', '\\s+(an?\\s+)?', ',?'), $blacklisted_content_rgx); if (preg_match($blacklisted_content_rgx, $haystack)) { $blacklist_status = TRUE; } return $blacklist_status; }
public function check_post_sec() { /*** * Check if POST submission is security threat: hack attempt or vulnerability probe ***/ $site_url = WPSS_SITE_URL; $site_dom = WPSS_SITE_DOMAIN; $admin_url = WPSS_ADMIN_URL . '/'; $cont_url = WPSS_CONTENT_DIR_URL . '/'; $plug_url = WPSS_PLUGINS_DIR_URL . '/'; $post_count = count($_POST); $user_agent = rs_wpss_get_user_agent(); $req_url = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', rs_wpss_get_url()); $req_ajax = rs_wpss_is_ajax_request(); $req_404 = rs_wpss_is_404(); /* Not all WP sites return proper 404 status. The fact this security check even got activated means it was a 404. */ $req_hal = rs_wpss_get_http_accept(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); $req_ha = rs_wpss_get_http_accept(TRUE, TRUE); /* IP / PROXY INFO - BEGIN */ global $wpss_ip_proxy_info; if (empty($wpss_ip_proxy_info)) { $wpss_ip_proxy_info = rs_wpss_ip_proxy_info(); } extract($wpss_ip_proxy_info); /* IP / PROXY INFO - END */ /* Short Signatures - Regex */ $rgx_sig_arr = array('-e*5l?*B-@yZ_-,8_-lSZ98BC[', '+25-Z9dCZ,87C-7CBlSZ=-C['); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $v = rs_wpss_casetrans('lower', $v); foreach ($rgx_sig_arr as $i => $s) { /* Switch to single preg_match as this expands, replace nested foreach() */ $sd = rs_wpss_rbkmd($s, 'de'); if (FALSE !== strpos($v, $sd)) { return TRUE; } } } /* Full Signatures */ $signatures = array(array('description' => 'Revslider & Showbiz Pro - AJAX Vulnerability', 'post_i_min' => 2, 'post_i_max' => 2, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'revslider_ajax_action', 'client_action' => 'update_plugin'), array('action' => 'showbiz_ajax_action', 'client_action' => 'update_plugin'))), array('description' => 'WP Marketplace <= 2.4.0 & WP Download Manager <=2.7.4 - Remote Code Execution', 'post_i_min' => 5, 'post_i_max' => 5, 'target_urls' => array(), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'wpmp_pp_ajax_call', 'user_login' => '*', 'execute' => 'wp_insert_user', 'role' => 'administrator', 'user_pass' => '*'), array('action' => 'wpdm_ajax_call', 'user_login' => '*', 'execute' => 'wp_insert_user', 'role' => 'administrator', 'user_pass' => '*'))), array('description' => 'WP Symposium <= 14.11 - Shell Upload Vulnerability', 'post_i_min' => 2, 'post_i_max' => 3, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/wp-symposium/server/php/index.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('uploader_url' => $plug_url . '/wp-symposium/server/php/', 'uploader_uid' => '1'))), array('description' => 'Ultimate Product Catalogue <= 3.11 - Multiple Vulnerabilities', 'post_i_min' => 3, 'post_i_max' => 3, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-links-ompt.php', '/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-includes.php', '/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-styles.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('p2' => '2929', 'abc28' => 'print $_REQUEST[\'p1\'].$_REQUEST[\'p2\']', 'p1' => '4242'), array('p2' => '2929', 'af5f492a1' => 'print $_REQUEST[\'p1\'].$_REQUEST[\'p2\']', 'p1' => '4242'), array('p2' => '2929', 'e41e' => 'print $_REQUEST[\'p1\'].$_REQUEST[\'p2\']', 'p1' => '4242'))), array('description' => 'Ultimate Product Catalogue <= 3.11 - Multiple Vulnerabilities', 'post_i_min' => 1, 'post_i_max' => 1, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-setup.php', '/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/product-sheets/wp-includes.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('e51e' => 'die(pi());'), array('af5f492a1' => 'die(pi());'))), array('description' => 'Simple Ads Manager <= 2.5.94 - Arbitrary File Upload', 'post_i_min' => 2, 'post_i_max' => 2, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'upload_ad_image', 'path' => '*'))), array('description' => 'Work The Flow File Upload <= 2.5.2 - Shell Upload', 'post_i_min' => 1, 'post_i_max' => 1, 'target_urls' => array('/wp-content/plugins/work-the-flow-file-upload/public/assets/jquery-file-upload-9.5.0/server/php/index.php', '/assets/plugins/jquery-file-upload/server/php/index.php'), 'ajax_request' => FALSE, '404' => '*', 'session_cookie' => FALSE, 'hal_signature' => array(''), 'ha_signature' => array('', '*/*'), 'key_val_pairs' => array(array('action' => 'upload')))); /* Run Checks Against Signatures */ foreach ($signatures as $i => $sig) { if (!empty($sig['post_i_min']) && ($post_count < $sig['post_i_min'] || $post_count > $sig['post_i_max'])) { continue; } if (!empty($sig['target_urls'])) { $urls_rgx = rs_wpss_get_regex_phrase($sig['target_urls'], '', 'red_str'); if (!preg_match($urls_rgx, $req_url)) { continue; } } if ($sig['ajax_request'] !== '*' && $sig['ajax_request'] !== $req_ajax) { continue; } if ($sig['404'] !== '*' && $sig['404'] !== $req_404) { continue; } $hal_max = count($sig['hal_signature']) - 1; $m = 0; /* Matches */ foreach ($sig['hal_signature'] as $i => $hal_sig) { if ($hal_sig == $req_hal) { $m++; } if ($i == $hal_max && $m === 0) { continue 2; } } $ha_max = count($sig['ha_signature']) - 1; $m = 0; /* Matches */ foreach ($sig['ha_signature'] as $i => $ha_sig) { if ($ha_sig == $req_ha) { $m++; } if ($i == $ha_max && $m === 0) { continue 2; } } foreach ($sig['key_val_pairs'] as $i => $kvp) { $kvp_max = count($kvp); $m = 0; /* Matches */ foreach ($kvp as $k => $v) { if (!empty($_POST[$k]) && $_POST[$k] === $v || $v === '*' && isset($_POST[$k])) { $m++; } if ($m === $kvp_max) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; }