function dotags($tags, $forum, $topic) { global $auth, $db, $user, $config, $template; global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path; include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'roller/commands.' . $phpEx; include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'roller/utilities.' . $phpEx; $results; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $tag); $tag = explode(" ", $tag); switch (strtoupper($tag[0])) { case "ROLL": // Do attack post $results .= roll($tag[1]) . "<br>"; break; case "MULTIROLL": if ($tag[2]) { $results .= multiroll($tag[1], $tag[2]) . "<br>"; } else { $results .= multiroll($tag[1]) . "<br>"; } break; default: $results .= "<br />The {$tag['0']} command is not recognized. <br />"; echo $results; die; // return false; } } post($forum, $topic, $results); return $results; }
function avg($n) { $sum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $sum += roll(5); } echo $sum / $n . "<br />"; }
function sev($n) { $sum = 0; $min = 20; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $t = roll(4); if ($min > $t) { $min = $t; } $sum += $t; } return ($sum - $min) / ($n - 1); }
function roll($dice = 1) { $dice = intval($dice, $again = 10); if ($dice < 1) { $chancedie = true; } if ($dice > 50) { return "Too many dice at once."; } $result = ""; $reroll = 0; $successes = 0; $rdotorg = true; $rollbunch = randnum($dice, 1, 10); for ($i = 0; $i < $dice; $i++) { $thisgo = $rollbunch[$i]; if (!is_int($thisgo) or !$rdotorg) { $thisgo = mt_rand(1, 10); $rdotorg = false; } if ($thisgo > $again - 1) { $reroll++; } if ($chance and $thisgo > 9) { $success++; } else { if ($thisgo > 7) { $successes++; } } $result .= $thisgo . " "; } if (!$rdotorg) { $result = "* " . $result; } if ($chancedie) { return "Chance Roll! " . mt_rand(1, 10) . "*<br>"; } else { if ($reroll < 1) { return $result . "// Successes: " . $successes . "<br>"; } else { return $result . "// Successes: " . $successes . "<br> Rerolls: " . roll($reroll); } } }
<?php defined('BASE') or die('No access'); /* dice rolls test */ $arr = []; $max = 100000; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $num = roll(); if (isset($arr[$num])) { $arr[$num]++; } else { $arr[$num] = 1; } } foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { tag('p', $key . ': ' . $value); }
<?php /* * 3d10-die-roller.php * by Duane O'Brien - * written for IBM DeveloperWorks */ /* A really basic function to simulate rolling a simple die with N sides */ function roll($sides) { return mt_rand(1, $sides); } /* Next we put in a sloppy bit of form to allow you to pick the number of sides, and roll away */ ?> <form method="post"> Sides : <input type="text" name="sides" value="<?php echo @$_POST['sides']; ?> "/> Result : <?php echo roll((int) @$_POST['sides']); ?> <input type="submit" value="roll" /> </form>
$female = explode("\n", file_get_contents('names.female.txt')); $last = explode("\n", file_get_contents('names.last.txt')); /* Shuffle the name arrays, or you'll get the same results every time */ shuffle($male); shuffle($female); shuffle($last); for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { echo "<br />Male Name : " . $male[$i] . ' ' . $last[$i] . "<br />\n"; echo "Female Name : " . $female[$i] . ' ' . $last[$i] . "<br />\n"; foreach ($rules as $stat => $rule) { if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $rule)) { // This is only a number, and is therefore a static value $character[$stat] = $rule; } else { if (preg_match("/^([0-9]+)d([0-9]+)/", $rule, $matches)) { // This is a die roll $val = 0; for ($n = 0; $n < $matches[1]; $n++) { $val = $val + roll($matches[2]); } $character[$stat] = $val; } else { if (preg_match("/^([a-z]+)\\/([0-9]+)\$/", $rule, $matches)) { // This is a derived value of some kind. $character[$stat] = $character[$matches[1]] / $matches[2]; } } } echo $stat . ' : ' . $character[$stat] . "<br />\n"; } }
function touzi() { $a1 = roll(); $a2 = roll(); $a3 = roll(); return $a1 . ',' . $a2 . ',' . $a3; }
renderTravelTo(); break; case 2: $dest = $_SESSION["destination"]; tag('h2', 'Traveling to the nearest ' . $dest['name'] . '…'); if ($_SESSION["hazards"] > 0) { $num = roll() * 10 + roll(); doHazard($num); } else { tag('p', 'You reached your destination. You may enter the ' . $dest['name'] . '. '); $_SESSION["step"] = 3; // in a settlement $_SESSION["day"] = 1; } tag('a href=""', 'Continue'); break; case 3: // in a settlement $dest = $_SESSION["destination"]; tag('h2', 'In ' . $dest['name'] . ', day ' . $_SESSION["day"] . '…'); // each warrior: // do stuff, then: $num = roll() * 10 + roll(); doSettlementEvent($num); $_SESSION["day"]++; tag('a href=""', 'Continue'); break; default: tag('p', 'Error: no rule for step ' . $step); debug($_SESSION); }
function roll_form() { global $dice, $gv; if ($_SESSION['turn_num'] > 0) { if ($_SESSION['turn_num'] <= 3) { roll(); } show_dice(); } if ($_SESSION['turn_num'] < 3) { printf("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Roll\">\n"); printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_roll\" value=\"true\">\n"); } else { if ($_SESSION['has_yahtzee']) { $si_arr = $gv->get_score_items(); $si = $si_arr['yahtzee']; if ($si->verify($dice)) { printf("Yahtzee bonus! 100 points will automatically be added to the Yahtzee Bonus entry<br>"); $_SESSION['_bonus'] = true; } } printf("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Make Selection\">\n"); printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_select\" value=\"true\">\n"); } }
* 3d10-damage-calculator.php * by Duane O'Brien - * written for IBM DeveloperWorks */ /* A really basic function to simulate rolling a simple die with N sides */ function roll($sides) { return mt_rand(1, $sides); } ?> <table border="1"> <tr><td>Weapon Name</td><td>Damage</td><td>Result</td></tr> <?php $weapons = array('littlestick' => array('name' => 'Little Stick', 'roll' => '1d6', 'bonus' => '0'), 'bigstick' => array('name' => 'Big Stick', 'roll' => '1d6', 'bonus' => '4'), 'chainsaw' => array('name' => 'Chainsaw', 'roll' => '2d8', 'bonus' => '0')); foreach ($weapons as $weapon) { list($count, $sides) = explode('d', $weapon['roll']); $result = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $result = $result + roll($sides); } echo "<tr><td>" . $weapon['name'] . "</td><td>" . $weapon['roll']; if ($weapon['bonus'] > 0) { echo "+" . $weapon['bonus']; $result = $result + $weapon['bonus']; } echo "</td><td>" . $result . "</td></tr>"; } ?> </table>