コード例 #1
 foreach ($entity_array as $index => $entry) {
     if ($entitysensor[$entry['entPhySensorType']] && is_numeric($entry['entPhySensorValue']) && is_numeric($index) && $entry['entPhySensorOperStatus'] != 'unavailable' && $entry['entPhySensorOperStatus'] != 'nonoperational') {
         $ok = TRUE;
         $options = array('entPhysicalIndex' => $index);
         $oid = ".{$index}";
         $type = $entitysensor[$entry['entPhySensorType']];
         $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalDescr']);
         if ($entry['entPhysicalDescr'] && $entry['entPhysicalName']) {
             // Check if entPhysicalDescr equals entPhysicalName,
             // Also compare like this: 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1 Bias Current' and 'Te2/1 Bias Current'
             if (strpos($entry['entPhysicalDescr'], substr($entry['entPhysicalName'], 2)) === FALSE) {
                 $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalDescr']) . ' - ' . rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalName']);
         } else {
             if (!$entry['entPhysicalDescr'] && $entry['entPhysicalName']) {
                 $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalName']);
             } else {
                 if (!$entry['entPhysicalDescr'] && !$entry['entPhysicalName']) {
                     // This is also trick for some retard devices like NetMan Plus
                     $descr = nicecase($type);
         if ($device['os'] == 'asa' && $entry['entPhySensorScale'] == 'yocto' && $entry['entPhySensorPrecision'] == '0') {
             // Hardcoded fix for Cisco ASA 9.1.5 (can be other) bug when all scales equals yocto (OBSERVIUM-1110)
             $scale = 1;
         } else {
             if (isset($entry['entPhySensorScale'])) {
                 $scale = si_to_scale($entry['entPhySensorScale'], $entry['entPhySensorPrecision']);
             } else {
                 // Some devices not report scales, like NetMan Plus. But this is really HACK
コード例 #2
 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong
// Huawei VRP  mempools
echo " {$mib} ";
$mempool_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "hwEntityMemUsage", NULL, $mib, mib_dirs('huawei'));
if (is_array($mempool_array)) {
    $mempool_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "hwEntityMemSize", $mempool_array, $mib, mib_dirs('huawei'));
    $mempool_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "hwEntityBomEnDesc", $mempool_array, $mib, mib_dirs('huawei'));
    foreach ($mempool_array as $index => $entry) {
        if (is_numeric($entry['hwEntityMemUsage']) && $entry['hwEntityMemSize'] > 0) {
            $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['hwEntityBomEnDesc']);
            $percent = $entry['hwEntityMemUsage'];
            if (!strstr($descr, "No") && !strstr($percent, "No") && $descr != "") {
                $total = $entry['hwEntityMemSize'];
                $used = $total * $percent / 100;
                discover_mempool($valid['mempool'], $device, $index, $mib, $descr, 1, $total, $used);
unset($mempool_array, $index, $descr, $total, $used, $percent);
// EOF
コード例 #3
  * @dataProvider providerRewriteEntityName
  * @group rename_entity
 public function testRewriteEntityName($string, $result)
     $this->assertSame($result, rewrite_entity_name($string));
コード例 #4
    <div class="widget widget-table">
      <div class="widget-header">
        <a href="<?php 
    echo generate_url(array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $device['device_id'], 'tab' => 'health', 'metric' => 'mempool'));
          <i class="oicon-memory"></i><h3>内存</h3>
      <div class="widget-content">

    echo '<table class="table table-condensed-more table-striped table-bordered">';
    foreach ($mempools as $mempool) {
        $percent = round($mempool['mempool_perc'], 0);
        $text_descr = rewrite_entity_name($mempool['mempool_descr']);
        if ($mempool['mempool_total'] != '100') {
            $total = formatStorage($mempool['mempool_total']);
            $used = formatStorage($mempool['mempool_used']);
            $free = formatStorage($mempool['mempool_free']);
        } else {
            // If total == 100, than memory not have correct size and uses percents only
            $total = $mempool['mempool_total'] . '%';
            $used = $mempool['mempool_used'] . '%';
            $free = $mempool['mempool_free'] . '%';
        $background = get_percentage_colours($percent);
        $graph_array = array();
        $graph_array['height'] = "100";
        $graph_array['width'] = "210";
        $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now'];
コード例 #5

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
$sensor_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'hpicfSensorTable', array(), 'HP-ICF-CHASSIS');
foreach ($sensor_array as $index => $entry) {
    $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['hpicfSensorDescr']);
    // Find entPhysicalClass some way
    if (stripos($descr, 'fan') !== FALSE) {
        $entPhysicalClass = 'fan';
    } else {
        if (stripos($descr, 'power') !== FALSE) {
            $entPhysicalClass = 'power';
        } else {
            if (stripos($descr, 'temperature') !== FALSE) {
                $entPhysicalClass = 'temperature';
            } else {
                $entPhysicalClass = 'other';
    $oid = '.' . $index;
    $value = $entry['hpicfSensorStatus'];
コード例 #6
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorTrapEnabled.11 = INTEGER: false(2)
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorUnits.11 = INTEGER: volts(4)
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorScale.11 = INTEGER: -2
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorValue.10 = INTEGER: 1194
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorValue.11 = INTEGER: 330
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorCode.11 = INTEGER: ok(1)
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorStatus.11 = INTEGER: ok(1)
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorTimeStamp.11 = Timeticks: (3426521929) 396 days, 14:06:59.29 Hundredths of seconds
//BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB::deviceSensorName.11 = STRING: +3.3V bus voltage 2 (Vcc)
$sensor_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'deviceSensorValueTable', array(), 'BLUECOAT-SG-SENSOR-MIB', mib_dirs('bluecoat'));
$sensor_type_map = array('volts' => 'voltage', 'rpm' => 'fanspeed', 'celsius' => 'temperature', 'dBm' => 'dbm');
foreach ($sensor_array as $index => $entry) {
    if ($sensor_type_map[$entry['deviceSensorUnits']] && is_numeric($entry['deviceSensorValue']) && is_numeric($index) && $entry['deviceSensorStatus'] != 'unavailable' && $entry['deviceSensorStatus'] != 'nonoperational') {
        $ok = TRUE;
        $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['deviceSensorName']);
        $oid = "." . $index;
        $type = $sensor_type_map[$entry['deviceSensorUnits']];
        $scale = si_to_scale($entry['deviceSensorScale']);
        $value = $entry['deviceSensorValue'];
        if ($type == "temperature") {
            if ($value * $scale > 200) {
                $ok = FALSE;
        if ($value == "-127") {
            $ok = FALSE;
        if ($ok) {
            discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $type, $device, $oid, $index, 'bluecoat-sg-proxy-mib', $descr, $scale, $value);
コード例 #7
 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong
$mib = 'SW-MIB';
echo " {$mib} ";
$sensor_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'swSensorTable', array(), $mib, mib_dirs('brocade'));
$sensor_type_map = array('temperature' => 'temperature', 'fan' => 'fanspeed', 'power-supply' => 'state');
foreach ($sensor_array as $index => $entry) {
    if ($sensor_type_map[$entry['swSensorType']] && is_numeric($entry['swSensorValue'])) {
        $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['swSensorInfo']);
        $oid = '.' . $index;
        $type = $sensor_type_map[$entry['swSensorType']];
        $value = $entry['swSensorValue'];
        // Because I am nice, rename old RRDs - CLEANME remove in r7000
        $old_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/sensor-' . $type . '--' . $index . '.rrd';
        $new_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . '/' . $device['hostname'] . '/sensor-' . $type . '-sw-mib-' . $index . '.rrd';
        if (is_file($old_rrd)) {
            rename($old_rrd, $new_rrd);
            print_warning('Moved RRD');
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $type, $device, $oid, $index, 'sw-mib', $descr, 1, $value);
unset($sensor_type_map, $sensor_array, $index, $type, $value, $descr);
// EOF
コード例 #8
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxServicesPowSupplyIndex.0 = INTEGER: 0
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxServicesPowSupplyIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxServicesPowSupplyItemType.0 = INTEGER: fixed(1)
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxServicesPowSupplyItemType.1 = INTEGER: removable(2)
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxServicesPowSupplyItemState.0 = INTEGER: operational(2)
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxServicesPowSupplyItemState.1 = INTEGER: notpresent(1)
$oid = 'boxServicesPowSuppliesTable';
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, $oid, array(), $mib);
$show_numbers = count($oids) > 1;
foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) {
    if ($entry['boxServicesPowSupplyItemState'] == 'notpresent') {
    // State Sensor
    $value = $entry['boxServicesPowSupplyItemState'];
    $descr = nicecase(rewrite_entity_name($entry['boxServicesPowSupplyItemType'])) . ' PSU';
    if ($show_numbers) {
        $descr .= ' ' . ($index + 1);
    $sensor_oid = ".{$index}";
    $options = array('entPhysicalClass' => 'power');
    discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'state', $device, $sensor_oid, "boxServicesPowSupplyState.{$index}", 'dnos-boxservices-state', $descr, NULL, $value, $options);
// Power Usage
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxsPwrUsageHistoryUnitSampleTime.1.1 = STRING: "6d:03:46:39"
// ...
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxsPwrUsageHistoryUnitSampleTime.1.60 = STRING: "3d:16:45:40"
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxsPwrUsageHistoryUnitSampleTime.2.1 = STRING: "6d:04:46:39"
// ...
// DNOS-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB::boxsPwrUsageHistoryUnitSampleTime.2.60 = STRING: "3d:17:45:40"
コード例 #9
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong
$graph_type = "processor_usage";
echo "<div style='margin-top: 5px; padding: 0px;'>";
echo '<table class="table table-striped-two table-condensed table-bordered">';
echo "<thead><tr>\n        <th>处理器</th>\n        <th>历史</th>\n        <th>使用率</th>\n      </tr></thead>";
$i = '1';
$sql = "SELECT *, `processors`.`processor_id` as `processor_id`";
$sql .= " FROM  `processors`";
$sql .= " LEFT JOIN `processors-state` ON `processors`.processor_id = `processors-state`.processor_id";
$sql .= " WHERE `device_id` = ?";
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, array($device['device_id'])) as $proc) {
    $proc_url = "graphs/id=" . $proc['processor_id'] . "/type=" . $graph_type;
    $mini_url = "graph.php?id=" . $proc['processor_id'] . "&amp;type=" . $graph_type . "&amp;from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=80&amp;height=20&amp;bg=f4f4f4";
    $text_descr = $proc['processor_descr'];
    $text_descr = rewrite_entity_name($text_descr);
    $proc_popup = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('<div class=entity-title>" . $device['hostname'] . " - " . $text_descr;
    $proc_popup .= "</div><img src=\\'graph.php?id=" . $proc['processor_id'] . "&amp;type=" . $graph_type . "&amp;from=" . $config['time']['month'] . "&amp;to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&amp;width=400&amp;height=125\\'>";
    $proc_popup .= "', RIGHT" . $config['overlib_defaults'] . ");\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"";
    $percent = round($proc['processor_usage']);
    $background = get_percentage_colours($percent);
    echo "<tr>\n         <td class='entity-title'><a href='" . $proc_url . "' {$proc_popup}>" . $text_descr . "</a></td>\n         <td width=90><a href='" . $proc_url . "'  {$proc_popup}><img src='{$mini_url}'></a></td>\n         <td width=200><a href='" . $proc_url . "' {$proc_popup}>\n         " . print_percentage_bar(400, 20, $percent, $percent . "%", "ffffff", $background['left'], 100 - $percent . "%", "ffffff", $background['right']) . "\n          </a></td>\n       </tr>";
    echo "<tr><td colspan=5>";
    $graph_array['id'] = $proc['processor_id'];
    $graph_array['type'] = $graph_type;
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
// EOF
コード例 #10
 * @subpackage webui
 * @author     Adam Armstrong <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2014 Adam Armstrong
$graph_type = "device_processor";
$sql = "SELECT *, `processors`.`processor_id` AS `processor_id`";
$sql .= " FROM `processors`";
$sql .= " LEFT JOIN `processors-state` ON `processors`.processor_id = `processors-state`.processor_id";
$sql .= " WHERE `processors`.`processor_type` != 'hr-average' AND `device_id` = ?";
$processors_db = dbFetchRows($sql, array($device['device_id']));
if (count($processors_db)) {
    $processors = array();
    // Combinate multiple same processors
    foreach ($processors_db as $proc) {
        $text_descr = rewrite_entity_name($proc['processor_descr']);
        $processors[$text_descr]['id'][] = $proc['processor_id'];
        $processors[$text_descr]['usage'] += $proc['processor_usage'];

        <div class="widget widget-table">
          <div class="widget-header">
            <a href="<?php 
    echo generate_url(array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $device['device_id'], 'tab' => 'health', 'metric' => 'processor'));
              <i class="oicon-processor"></i><h3>处理器</h3>
コード例 #11
      $descr = str_replace("temperature", "", $descr);
      $descr = str_replace("sensor", "", $descr);
      $descr = trim($descr);

      discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $temperature_oid, $oid, 'junos', $descr, 1, $temperature);
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'jnxOperatingEntry', array(), 'JUNIPER-MIB');
$oids = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'jnxFruEntry', $oids, 'JUNIPER-MIB');
if (OBS_DEBUG > 1) {
foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) {
    $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['jnxOperatingDescr']);
    // Temperature
    $oid_name = 'jnxOperatingTemp';
    $oid_num = '.' . $index;
    //$type     = $mib . '-' . $oid_name;
    $type = 'junos';
    // Compat with old discovery style
    $scale = 1;
    $value = $entry[$oid_name];
    if ($value != 0) {
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid_num, $index, $type, $descr, $scale, $value);
    $oid_name = 'jnxOperatingState';
    $oid_num = '.' . $index;
    $type = 'jnxOperatingState';
    $value = $entry[$oid_name];
コード例 #12
 if ($entry['entPhysicalDescr'] && $entry['entPhysicalName']) {
     // Check if entPhysicalDescr equals entPhysicalName,
     // Also compare like this: 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1 Bias Current' and 'Te2/1 Bias Current'
     if (strpos($entry['entPhysicalDescr'], substr($entry['entPhysicalName'], 2)) === FALSE) {
         $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalDescr']) . " - " . rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalName']);
 } else {
     if (!$entry['entPhysicalDescr']) {
         $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['entPhysicalName']);
 // Set description based on measured entity if it exists
 if (is_numeric($entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']) && $entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']) {
     $measured_descr = rewrite_entity_name($entity_array[$entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']]['entPhysicalDescr']);
     if (!$measured_descr) {
         $measured_descr = rewrite_entity_name($entity_array[$entry['entSensorMeasuredEntity']]['entPhysicalName']);
     if ($measured_descr) {
         $descr = $measured_descr . " - " . $descr;
 $oid = ".{$index}";
 $value = $entry['entSensorValue'];
 if ($c_entitysensor[$entry['entSensorType']] != 'state') {
     // Normal sensors
     $type = $c_entitysensor[$entry['entSensorType']];
     $sensor_type = 'cisco-entity-sensor';
 } else {
     // State sensors
     $type = 'state';
     // 1:other, 2:unknown, 3:chassis, 4:backplane, 5:container, 6:powerSupply,
コード例 #13
         $hrDeviceIndex = $entry['hrDeviceIndex'];
         $usage_oid = ".{$index}";
         $usage = $entry['hrProcessorLoad'];
         // What is this for? I have forgotten. What has : in its hrDeviceDescr?
         // Set description to that found in hrDeviceDescr, first part only if containing a :
         $descr_array = explode(':', $entry['hrDeviceDescr']);
         if ($descr_array['1']) {
             $descr = $descr_array['1'];
         } else {
             $descr = $descr_array['0'];
         // Workaround to set fake description for Mikrotik and other who don't populate hrDeviceDescr
         if (empty($entry['hrDeviceDescr'])) {
             $descr = 'Processor';
         $descr = rewrite_entity_name($descr);
         if ($device['os'] == 'arista_eos' && $index == 1) {
         if (isset($descr) && $descr != 'An electronic chip that makes the computer work.') {
             discover_processor($valid['processor'], $device, $usage_oid, $index, 'hr', $descr, 1, $usage, NULL, $hrDeviceIndex);
             $hr_total += $usage;
         unset($old_rrd, $new_rrd, $descr, $entry, $usage_oid, $index, $usage, $hrDeviceIndex, $descr_array);
 if ($hr_cpus) {
     $hr_total = $hr_total / $hr_cpus;
     discover_processor($valid['processor'], $device, 1, 1, 'hr-average', 'Average', 1, $usage);
コード例 #14
 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @author     Adam Armstrong <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
// temperature
$sensor_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'temperature', array(), 'SMARTNODE-MIB');
foreach ($sensor_array as $index => $entry) {
    if ($entry['tempProbeDescr'] != '' && is_numeric($entry['currentDegreesCelsius'])) {
        $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['tempProbeDescr']);
        $oid = "." . $index;
        $type = 'temperature';
        $value = $entry['currentDegreesCelsius'];
        discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $type, $device, $oid, $index, 'smartnode-temp', $descr, 1, $value);
/// FIXME. Disabled, since this functionality should be implemented in graphs module.
//  http://jira.observium.org/browse/OBSERVIUM-1066
// calls
$sensor_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'gateway', array(), 'SMARTNODE-MIB');

foreach ($sensor_array as $index => $entry)
  if ($entry['gwDescr'] != '')
コード例 #15
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisTotalNumber.0 = INTEGER: 1
$chassis_count = snmp_get($device, "tmnxChassisTotalNumber.0", "-Oqv", $mib);
if (!isset($cache_discovery['timetra-chassis-mib'])) {
    $cache_discovery['timetra-chassis-mib'] = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, 'tmnxHwTable', NULL, $mib);
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxHwName.1.50331649 = STRING: "chassis"
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxHwName.1.134217729 = STRING: "Slot 1"
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxHwTempSensor.1.50331649 = INTEGER: true(1)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxHwTempSensor.1.134217729 = INTEGER: true(1)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxHwTemperature.1.50331649 = INTEGER: 37 degrees celsius
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxHwTemperature.1.134217729 = INTEGER: 37 degrees celsius
foreach ($cache_discovery['timetra-chassis-mib'] as $chassis => $entries) {
    $chassis_name = $chassis_count > 1 ? ", Chassis {$chassis}" : "";
    foreach ($entries as $index => $entry) {
        if ($entry['tmnxHwTempSensor'] == 'true' && $entry['tmnxHwTemperature'] != '-1') {
            $descr = rewrite_entity_name($entry['tmnxHwName']) . $chassis_name;
            $oid = ".{$chassis}.{$index}";
            $options = array('limit_high' => $entry['tmnxHwTempThreshold']);
            discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, "{$chassis}.{$index}", 'timetra-chassis-temp', $descr, 1, $entry['tmnxHwTemperature'], $options);
$timetra_entity = array('tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus' => array('name' => 'Power Supply Temperature', 'class' => 'temperature', 'oid' => '.'), 'tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status' => array('name' => 'Power Supply 1', 'class' => 'power', 'oid' => '.'), 'tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status' => array('name' => 'Power Supply 2', 'class' => 'power', 'oid' => '.'), 'tmnxChassisFanOperStatus' => array('name' => 'Fans', 'class' => 'fan', 'oid' => '.'));
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus.1.1 = INTEGER: deviceNotEquipped(2)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus.1.2 = INTEGER: deviceNotEquipped(2)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus.1.1 = INTEGER: deviceStateOk(3)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus.1.2 = INTEGER: deviceStateOk(3)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus.1.1 = INTEGER: deviceNotEquipped(2)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus.1.2 = INTEGER: deviceNotEquipped(2)
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold.1.1 = INTEGER: 58 degrees celsius
//TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempThreshold.1.2 = INTEGER: 58 degrees celsius