コード例 #1
 * checkDefaultPassword function that checks if the currently logged in user is using a default password. Sets a session message which is displayed when the user is redirected to the index page, which suggests the user to change their password.
 * @author Prayas Bhattarai
 * @return boolean 
function checkDefaultPassword()
    $userProfile = retrieveCurrentUserProfile();
    $currentPass = $userProfile->get_password();
    if (getUserAccessLevel() == 1) {
        //use functions for social workers
        $fname = $userProfile->get_swFirstName();
        $phone = $userProfile->get_swphone();
    } else {
        if (getUserAccessLevel() > 1) {
            //use functions for rmh staff
            $fname = $userProfile->get_rmhStaffFirstName();
            $phone = $userProfile->get_rmhStaffPhone();
        } else {
            return false;
    $defaultPass = trim(strtolower($fname)) . trim(substr($phone, -4));
    $defaultPass = getHashValue($defaultPass);
    if ($defaultPass != $currentPass) {
        return true;
    } else {
        setSessionMessage(array('default_pass' => 'You are using the default password for your account. It is advised that you change your password immediately by clicking on the "Manage Account" section.'));
 $accountSettingsRules = array('title' => array('alpha', 'allow' => array('.')), 'old_pass' => array('password'), 'new_pass' => array('password'), 'verify_pass' => array('password', 'notempty'), 'submit' => array('ignore'));
 $validator = new DataValidator($_POST, $accountSettingsRules);
 $data = $validator->getData();
 if ($validator->isValid()) {
     //validation successful
     $newPass = getHashValue($data['new_pass']);
     $verifyPass = getHashValue($data['verify_pass']);
     $oldPass = getHashValue($data['old_pass']);
     $title = $data['title'];
     $username = getCurrentUser();
     //TODO we could add this check in the validator?
     if ($newPass === $verifyPass) {
         if (retrieve_UserByAuth($username, $oldPass)) {
             //verify password and new password match AND the user with the old password exists
             //retrieve user profile:
             $userProfile = retrieveCurrentUserProfile();
             if ($userProfile) {
                 //change the password
                 //TODO set the user title too. But isn't that included in profile change?
                 //update the user profile table
                 if (update_UserProfile($userProfile)) {
                     //set session message
                     setSessionMessage("Your password has been successfully changed. You should log out and log in again for security reasons.");
                     $data = array();
                     $dataErrors = array();
                     //TODO Logout the user here
                 } else {
                     ErrorHandler::error('Could not update user profile');
             } else {