function CreateValue($NameValue, $Type) { request_url(); switch ($Type) { case 'Var': return strip_tags($_REQUEST[$NameValue]); break; case 'Array': return json_decode(trim(file_get_contents('php://input')), true); break; default: return strip_tags($_REQUEST[$NameValue]); break; } }
<?php /* Template Name: landing_tpl */ $href = request_url(); $arr = parse_url($href); $action_alias = preg_replace('/^\\//', '', $arr['path']); $action_alias = preg_replace('/(^\\w+)\\/.*/', '$1', $action_alias); $theme_path = ''; $global_prot = 'https'; $global_url = ''; $global_salesite = ''; // $url = $global_prot . "://" . $global_url . "/cgi-bin/site?request=<command>get_actions</command><url>".$global_salesite."</url><action_url_alias>".$action_alias."</action_url_alias>"; // // $ch = curl_init(); // // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); // // $resp = curl_exec($ch); // // if (curl_errno($ch)) // print curl_error($ch); // else // curl_close($ch); // $columns = json_decode($resp)->results["0"]->data_columns; // $data = json_decode($resp)->results["0"]->data[0]; //
function write_syslog($type, $type_name, $str) { global $db, $online_ip, $ip_address; $setarr["l_type"] = $type; $setarr["l_type_name"] = $type_name; $setarr["l_time"] = time(); $setarr["l_ip"] = $online_ip; $setarr["l_address"] = $ip_address; $setarr["l_page"] = request_url(); $setarr["l_str"] = $str; return $db->inserttable(table("syslog"), $setarr); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: goptarev * Date: 22.01.16 * Time: 19:10 */ $href_h = request_url(); $arr_h = parse_url($href_h); $query_h = $arr_h['query']; $sid = $_COOKIE["site_sid"]; require_once 'wp-content/plugins/SocialAuther-master/lib/SocialAuther/autoload.php'; ?> <div class="mbw-loader-holder"> <div class="mbw-loader-gif"></div>
// А порт у нас по-умолчанию? if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != $default_port) { // Если нет, то добавим порт в URL $result .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } // Последняя часть запроса (путь и GET-параметры). $result .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Уфф, вроде получилось! return $result; } $summer_txt = "%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE"; //Весна-лето $winter_txt = "%D0%9E%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C-%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0"; //Осень-зима //"details.php?art="; $foo = request_url(); if ($_GET['search_form_flag'] != "true") { if (strrpos($foo, 'art=', 0) != FALSE or strrpos($foo, 'cat=', 0) != FALSE or strrpos($foo, 'season=', 0) != FALSE or strrpos($foo, $summer_txt, 0) != FALSE or strrpos($foo, $winter_txt, 0) != FALSE) { // echo "<script>alert('34');</script>"; $tmp_s1 = season_translator($item_season); header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); if ($item_season == NULL) { $item_season = "any"; } header("Location:{$tmp_s1}/{$cat_type}/{$title_words_content_num}"); exit; //echo "<script>alert('mod-rewrite flag: $item_season - $cat_type - $title_words_content_num');</script>"; } } //получаем url страницы для определения его корректности (modrewrite), в противном случае - 301 редирект - конец require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/template/header.php';
/** * Returns the current request path without any hostname or $_GET parameters. * Returns the current request URL along with $_GET parameters, relative to * {@code get_site_config('absolute_url')}. */ function request_url_relative() { $url = str_replace("https://", "http://", request_url()); if (strpos($url, "?") !== false) { $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, "?")); } $absolute = str_replace("https://", "http://", get_site_config('absolute_url')); $result = str_replace($absolute, "", $url); if (!$result) { $result = "index"; } return $result; }
static function CheckSql($db_string, $querytype = 'select') { global $QS_pwdhash; $clean = ''; $error = ''; $old_pos = 0; $pos = -1; $log_file = QISHI_ROOT_PATH . '/data/' . md5($QS_pwdhash) . '_safe.txt'; $userIP = getip(); $getUrl = request_url(); $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($querytype == 'select') { $notallow1 = "[^0-9a-z@\\._-]{1,}(sleep|benchmark|load_file|outfile)[^0-9a-z@\\.-]{1,}"; if (preg_match("/" . $notallow1 . "/i", $db_string)) { fputs(fopen($log_file, 'a+'), "{$userIP}||{$time}\r\n{$getUrl}\r\n{$db_string}\r\nSelectBreak\r\n===========\r\n"); exit("您输入的内容不符合要求请正确输入!"); } } //完整的SQL检查 while (TRUE) { $pos = strpos($db_string, '\'', $pos + 1); if ($pos === FALSE) { break; } $clean .= substr($db_string, $old_pos, $pos - $old_pos); while (TRUE) { $pos1 = strpos($db_string, '\'', $pos + 1); $pos2 = strpos($db_string, '\\', $pos + 1); if ($pos1 === FALSE) { break; } elseif ($pos2 == FALSE || $pos2 > $pos1) { $pos = $pos1; break; } $pos = $pos2 + 1; } $clean .= '$s$'; $old_pos = $pos + 1; } $clean .= substr($db_string, $old_pos); $clean = trim(strtolower(preg_replace(array('~\\s+~s'), array(' '), $clean))); if (strpos($clean, '@') !== FALSE or strpos($clean, 'char(') !== FALSE or strpos($clean, '"') !== FALSE or strpos($clean, '$s$$s$') !== FALSE) { $fail = TRUE; if (preg_match("#^create table#i", $clean)) { $fail = FALSE; } $error = "unusual character"; } elseif (strpos($clean, '/*') > 2 || strpos($clean, '--') !== FALSE || strpos($clean, '#') !== FALSE) { $fail = TRUE; $error = "comment detect"; } elseif (strpos($clean, 'sleep') !== FALSE && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])sleep($|[^[a-z])~is', $clean) != 0) { $fail = TRUE; $error = "slown down detect"; } elseif (strpos($clean, 'benchmark') !== FALSE && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])benchmark($|[^[a-z])~is', $clean) != 0) { $fail = TRUE; $error = "slown down detect"; } elseif (strpos($clean, 'load_file') !== FALSE && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])load_file($|[^[a-z])~is', $clean) != 0) { $fail = TRUE; $error = "file fun detect"; } elseif (strpos($clean, 'into outfile') !== FALSE && preg_match('~(^|[^a-z])into\\s+outfile($|[^[a-z])~is', $clean) != 0) { $fail = TRUE; $error = "file fun detect"; } if (!empty($fail)) { fputs(fopen($log_file, 'a+'), "{$userIP}||{$time}\r\n{$getUrl}\r\n{$db_string}\r\n{$error}\r\n===========\r\n"); exit("您输入的内容不符合要求请正确输入!"); } else { return $db_string; } }
<?php // Don't know on the fly how to request data from another URL in PHP, but it's easy to find out $response = request_url(""); echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $response . ')';
} // see // print "STARTING " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; $mtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $tstart = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $pg_cnt = 0; $e_cnt = 0; $collection = $modx->getIterator('modResource', $c); foreach ($collection as $obj) { $url = $modx->makeUrl($obj->get('id'), '', '', 'full'); if (!$url) { print 'ERROR empty URL for page ' . $obj->get('id') . "\n"; continue; } if (!($loadtime = request_url($url))) { print 'ERROR requesting ' . $url . "\n"; $e_cnt++; } else { print $url . ' Load Time: ' . $loadtime . "s\n"; $pg_cnt++; } wait($params['sleep']); } $totalTime = $tend - $tstart; $totalTime = sprintf("%2.4f s", $totalTime); print "COMPLETE " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; print "Total Time " . $totalTime . "s\n"; // seconds print "Total pages: " . $pg_cnt . "\n"; print "Total errors: " . $e_cnt . "\n";
function getRequest() { $current_url = request_url(); return parse_url($current_url); }
function SetArrayURL() { $this->ArrayURL = request_url(); }
function write_syslog($type, $type_name, $str) { global $db, $online_ip, $ip_address; $l_page = addslashes(request_url()); $str = addslashes($str); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table('syslog') . " (l_type, l_type_name, l_time,l_ip,l_address,l_page,l_str) VALUES ('{$type}', '{$type_name}', '" . time() . "','{$online_ip}','{$ip_address}','{$l_page}','{$str}')"; return $db->query($sql); }