コード例 #1
                echo Ht::form_div(hoturl_post("bulkassign", ["saveassignment" => 1, "assigntypes" => join(" ", $atypes), "assignpids" => join(" ", $apids)]));
                echo '<div class="g"></div>', '<div class="aahc"><div class="aa">', Ht::submit("Apply changes"), ' &nbsp;', Ht::submit("cancel", "Cancel"), Ht::hidden("default_action", $defaults["action"]), Ht::hidden("rev_roundtag", $defaults["round"]), Ht::hidden("file", $text), Ht::hidden("assignment_size_estimate", $csv_lineno), Ht::hidden("filename", $filename), Ht::hidden("requestreview_notify", req("requestreview_notify")), Ht::hidden("requestreview_subject", req("requestreview_subject")), Ht::hidden("requestreview_body", req("requestreview_body")), Ht::hidden("bulkentry", req("bulkentry")), '</div></div></div></form>', "\n";
if (isset($_REQUEST["saveassignment"]) && check_post() && isset($_POST["file"]) && get($_POST, "assignment_size_estimate") >= 1000) {
echo Ht::form_div(hoturl_post("bulkassign", "upload=1"), array("divstyle" => "margin-top:1em"));
// Upload
echo '<div class="f-contain"><div class="f-i"><div class="f-e">', Ht::textarea("bulkentry", req_s("bulkentry"), ["rows" => 1, "cols" => 80, "placeholder" => "Enter assignments"]), '</div></div></div>';
echo '<div class="g"><strong>OR</strong> &nbsp;', '<input type="file" name="bulk" accept="text/plain,text/csv" size="30" /></div>';
echo '<div id="foldoptions" class="lg foldc fold2o">', 'By default, assign&nbsp; ', Ht::select("default_action", array("primary" => "primary reviews", "secondary" => "secondary reviews", "pcreview" => "optional PC reviews", "review" => "external reviews", "conflict" => "PC conflicts", "lead" => "discussion leads", "shepherd" => "shepherds", "tag" => "add tags", "settag" => "replace tags", "preference" => "reviewer preferences"), defval($_REQUEST, "default_action", "primary"), array("id" => "tsel", "onchange" => "fold(\"options\",this.value!=\"review\");fold(\"options\",!/^(?:primary|secondary|(?:pc)?review)\$/.test(this.value),2)"));
$rev_rounds = $Conf->round_selector_options();
if (count($rev_rounds) > 1) {
    echo '<span class="fx2">&nbsp; in round &nbsp;', Ht::select("rev_roundtag", $rev_rounds, $_REQUEST["rev_roundtag"] ?: "unnamed"), '</span>';
} else {
    if (!get($rev_rounds, "unnamed")) {
        echo '<span class="fx2">&nbsp; in round ', $Conf->current_round_name(), '</span>';
echo '<div class="g"></div>', "\n";
$requestreview_template = $null_mailer->expand_template("requestreview");
echo Ht::hidden("requestreview_subject", $requestreview_template["subject"]);
if (isset($_REQUEST["requestreview_body"])) {
    $t = $_REQUEST["requestreview_body"];
コード例 #2
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: kohler/peteramati
 private static function login()
     global $Conf, $Now, $email_class, $password_class;
     $external_login = $Conf->external_login();
     // In all cases, we need to look up the account information
     // to determine if the user is registered
     if (!isset($_REQUEST["email"]) || ($_REQUEST["email"] = trim($_REQUEST["email"])) == "") {
         $email_class = " error";
         if ($Conf->opt("ldapLogin")) {
             return Conf::msg_error("Enter your LDAP username.");
         } else {
             return Conf::msg_error("Enter your email address.");
     // Check for the cookie
     if (isset($_SESSION["testsession"])) {
         /* Session cookie set */
     } else {
         if (!isset($_REQUEST["testsession"])) {
             // set a cookie to test that their browser supports cookies
             $_SESSION["testsession"] = true;
             $url = "testsession=1";
             foreach (array("email", "password", "action", "go", "signin") as $a) {
                 if (isset($_REQUEST[$a])) {
                     $url .= "&{$a}=" . urlencode($_REQUEST[$a]);
             Navigation::redirect("?" . $url);
         } else {
             return Conf::msg_error("You appear to have disabled cookies in your browser, but this site needs to set cookies to function.  Google has <a href='http://www.google.com/cookies.html'>an informative article on how to enable them</a>.");
     // do LDAP login before validation, since we might create an account
     if ($Conf->opt("ldapLogin")) {
         $_REQUEST["action"] = "login";
         if (!self::ldap_login()) {
             return null;
     // look up user in our database
     if (strpos($_REQUEST["email"], "@") === false) {
     $user = $Conf->user_by_whatever($_REQUEST["email"]);
     // look up or create user in contact database
     $cdb_user = null;
     if (opt("contactdb_dsn")) {
         if ($user) {
             $cdb_user = $user->contactdb_user();
         } else {
             $cdb_user = Contact::contactdb_find_by_email($_REQUEST["email"]);
     // create account if requested
     if ($_REQUEST["action"] == "new") {
         if (!($user = self::create_account($user, $cdb_user))) {
             return null;
         $_REQUEST["password"] = $user->password_plaintext;
     // auto-create account if external login
     if (!$user && $external_login) {
         $reg = Contact::safe_registration($_REQUEST);
         $reg->no_validate_email = true;
         if (!($user = Contact::create($Conf, $reg))) {
             return Conf::msg_error($Conf->db_error_html(true, "while adding your account"));
         if ($Conf->setting("setupPhase", false)) {
             return self::first_user($user, $msg);
     // if no user found, then fail
     if (!$user && (!$cdb_user || !$cdb_user->allow_contactdb_password())) {
         $email_class = " error";
         return Conf::msg_error("No account for " . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["email"]) . ". Did you enter the correct email address?");
     // if user disabled, then fail
     if ($user && $user->disabled) {
         return Conf::msg_error("Your account is disabled. Contact the site administrator for more information.");
     // maybe reset password
     $xuser = $user ?: $cdb_user;
     if ($_REQUEST["action"] == "forgot") {
         $worked = $xuser->sendAccountInfo("forgot", true);
         if ($worked == "@resetpassword") {
             $Conf->confirmMsg("A password reset link has been emailed to " . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["email"]) . ". When you receive that email, follow its instructions to create a new password.");
         } else {
             if ($worked) {
                 $Conf->confirmMsg("Your password has been emailed to " . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["email"]) . ".  When you receive that email, return here to sign in.");
                 $Conf->log("Sent password", $xuser);
         return null;
     // check password
     if (!$external_login) {
         if (($password = trim(req_s("password"))) === "") {
             $password_class = " error";
             return Conf::msg_error("Enter your password. If you’ve forgotten it, enter your email address and use the “I forgot my password” option.");
         if (!$xuser->check_password($password)) {
             $password_class = " error";
             return Conf::msg_error("That password doesn’t match. If you’ve forgotten your password, enter your email address and use the “I forgot my password” option.");
     // mark activity
     // activate and redirect
     $user = $xuser->activate();
     $_SESSION["trueuser"] = (object) array("email" => $user->email);
     $Conf->save_session("freshlogin", true);
     $Conf->save_session("password_reset", null);
     if (isset($_REQUEST["go"])) {
         $where = $_REQUEST["go"];
     } else {
         if (isset($_SESSION["login_bounce"]) && $_SESSION["login_bounce"][0] == $Conf->dsn) {
             $where = $_SESSION["login_bounce"][1];
         } else {
             $where = hoturl("index");
コード例 #3
function ldapLoginAction()
    global $Conf, $Opt;
    if (!preg_match('/\\A\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\d+\\s+)?([^*]+)\\*(.*?)\\s*\\z/s', $Opt["ldapLogin"], $m)) {
        return Conf::msg_error("Internal error: <code>\$Opt[\"ldapLogin\"]</code> syntax error; expected &ldquo;<code><i>LDAP-URL</i> <i>distinguished-name</i></code>&rdquo;, where <code><i>distinguished-name</i></code> contains a <code>*</code> character to be replaced by the user's email address.  Logins will fail until this error is fixed.");
    // connect to the LDAP server
    if ($m[2] == "") {
        $ldapc = @ldap_connect($m[1]);
    } else {
        $ldapc = @ldap_connect($m[1], (int) $m[2]);
    if (!$ldapc) {
        return Conf::msg_error("Internal error: ldap_connect.  Logins disabled until this error is fixed.");
    @ldap_set_option($ldapc, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
    $qemail = addcslashes(req_s("email"), ',=+<>#;\\"');
    $dn = $m[3] . $qemail . $m[4];
    $success = @ldap_bind($ldapc, $dn, req_s("password"));
    if (!$success && @ldap_errno($ldapc) == 2) {
        @ldap_set_option($ldapc, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 2);
        $success = @ldap_bind($ldapc, $dn, req_s("password"));
    if (!$success) {
        return ldapLoginBindFailure($ldapc);
    // use LDAP information to prepopulate the database with names
    //   add the additional filter key if set
    if (isset($Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"])) {
        $sr = @ldap_search($ldapc, $dn, "(cn=*)", array("sn", "givenname", "cn", "mail", "telephonenumber", $Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]));
    } else {
        $sr = @ldap_search($ldapc, $dn, "(cn=*)", array("sn", "givenname", "cn", "mail", "telephonenumber"));
    if ($sr) {
        $e = @ldap_get_entries($ldapc, $sr);
        $e = $e["count"] == 1 ? $e[0] : array();
        if (isset($e["cn"]) && $e["cn"]["count"] == 1) {
            list($_REQUEST["firstName"], $_REQUEST["lastName"]) = Text::split_name($e["cn"][0]);
        if (isset($e["sn"]) && $e["sn"]["count"] == 1) {
            $_REQUEST["lastName"] = $e["sn"][0];
        if (isset($e["givenname"]) && $e["givenname"]["count"] == 1) {
            $_REQUEST["firstName"] = $e["givenname"][0];
        if (isset($e["mail"]) && $e["mail"]["count"] == 1) {
            $_REQUEST["preferredEmail"] = $e["mail"][0];
        if (isset($e["telephonenumber"]) && $e["telephonenumber"]["count"] == 1) {
            $_REQUEST["voicePhoneNumber"] = $e["telephonenumber"][0];
    // additional filter key set?
    if (isset($Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"])) {
        // only pass, if key exists in LDAP query, has one value, and the value matches
        //if (!(isset($e[$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]]))) {
        //  return $Conf->errorMsg(" Filter key : '".$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]."' not found in ldap search. " . var_dump(array_keys($e)));
        //if (!($e[$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]]["count"] == 1)) {
        //  return $Conf->errorMsg("Found wrong number of entries for key: " . $e[$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]]["count"]);
        if (!(isset($e[$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]]) && $e[$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]]["count"] == 1 && $e[$Opt["ldap_addlFilterKey"]][0] == $Opt["ldap_addlFilterValue"])) {
            return $Conf->errorMsg($Opt["ldap_addlFilterErrMsg"]);
    // set default affiliation
    if (isset($Opt["ldap_def_affiliation"])) {
        $_REQUEST["affiliation"] = $Opt["ldap_def_affiliation"];
    // stick in no collaborators by default (avoids setting popping up all the time)
    if (isset($Opt["ldap_def_collab"])) {
        $_REQUEST["collaborators"] = $Opt["ldap_def_collab"];
    return true;