コード例 #1
 * Created by HCV-TARGET.
 * User: kbergqui
 * Date: 2/25/14
 * Time: 9:02 AM
function create_download_all($Proj, $lang, $project_id, $app_name, $app_title, $super_user, $userid, $headers, $headers_labels, $data_csv, $data_csv_labels, $field_names, $is_child=false, $chkd_flds, $table_pk, $longitudinal, $exportDags=false, $exportSurveyFields=false) {
	$dagEnum = '';
	$do_remove_identifiers = false;
	$do_date_shift = false;
	// Retrieve project data (raw & labels) and headers in CSV format
	//list ($headers, $headers_labels, $data_csv, $data_csv_labels, $field_names)
	//	= fetchDataCsv($chkd_flds, $parent_chkd_flds, false, $do_hash, $do_remove_identifiers, $useStandardCodes, $useStandardCodeDataConversion, $standardId, $standardCodeLookup, $useFieldNames, $exportDags, $exportSurveyFields, $exportSurveyFields);
	// Log the event
	//log_event("", "redcap_data", "data_export", "", str_replace("'", "", $chkd_flds) . (($parent_chkd_flds == "") ? "" : ", " . str_replace("'", "", $parent_chkd_flds)), "Export data");


	# Initializing the syntax file strings
	$spss_string = "FILE HANDLE data1 NAME='data_place_holder_name' LRECL=90000.\n";
	$spss_string .= "DATA LIST FREE" . "\n\t";
	$spss_string .= "FILE = data1\n\t/";
	$sas_string = "DATA " . $app_name . ";\nINPUT ";
	$sas_format_string = "data redcap;\n\tset redcap;\n";
	$stata_string = "clear\n\n";
	$R_string = "#Clear existing data and graphics\nrm(list=ls())\n";
	$R_string .= "graphics.off()\n";
	$R_string .= "#Load Hmisc library\nlibrary(Hmisc)\n";
	$R_label_string = "#Setting Labels\n";
	$R_units_string = "\n#Setting Units\n";
	$R_factors_string = "\n\n#Setting Factors(will create new variable for factors)";
	$R_levels_string = "";
	$value_labels_spss = "VALUE LABELS ";

	// Get relevant metadata to use for syntax files
		$syntaxfile_sql = "SELECT field_name, element_validation_type, element_enum, element_type, element_label, field_units
						   FROM redcap_metadata where project_id = $project_id and field_name in ($chkd_flds) order by field_order";

	// Array that is prepended to $field_names array if fields need to be added, such as redcap_event_name or survey timestamp
	$field_names_prepend = array();
	$prev_form = "";
	$prev_field = "";

	// Loop through all fields that were exported
	$q = db_query($syntaxfile_sql);
	while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
		// Create object for each field we loop through
		$ob = new stdClass();
		foreach ($row as $col => $val) {
			$col = strtoupper($col);
			$ob->$col = $val;

		// Set values for this loop
		$this_form = $Proj->metadata[$ob->FIELD_NAME]['form_name'];

		// If surveys exist, as timestamp and identifier fields
		if ($exportSurveyFields && $prev_form != $this_form && $ob->FIELD_NAME != $table_pk && isset($Proj->forms[$this_form]['survey_id'])) {
			// Alter $meta_array
			$ob2 = new stdClass();
			$ob2->ELEMENT_TYPE = 'text';
			$ob2->FIELD_NAME = $this_form . '_timestamp';
			$ob2->ELEMENT_LABEL = 'Survey Timestamp';
			$ob2->ELEMENT_ENUM = '';
			$ob2->FIELD_UNITS = '';
			$meta_array[$ob2->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob2;

		if ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE != 'checkbox') {
			// For non-checkboxes, add to $meta_array
			$meta_array[$ob->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob;
		} else {
			// For checkboxes, loop through each choice to add to $meta_array
			$orig_fieldname = $ob->FIELD_NAME;
			$orig_fieldlabel = $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL;
			$orig_elementenum = $ob->ELEMENT_ENUM;
			foreach (parseEnum($orig_elementenum) as $this_value => $this_label) {
				// $ob = $meta_set->FetchObject();
				$ob = new stdClass();
				// If coded value is not numeric, then format to work correct in variable name (no spaces, caps, etc)
				if (!is_numeric($this_value)) {
					$this_value = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/", "", strtolower($this_value));
				// Convert each checkbox choice to a advcheckbox field (because advcheckbox has equivalent processing we need)
				// Append triple underscore + coded value
				$ob->FIELD_NAME = $orig_fieldname . '___' . $this_value;
				$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM = "0, Unchecked \\n 1, Checked";
				$ob->ELEMENT_TYPE = "advcheckbox";
				$ob->ELEMENT_LABEL = "$orig_fieldlabel (choice=" . str_replace(array("'", "\""), array("", ""), $this_label) . ")";
				$meta_array[$ob->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob;

		if ($ob->FIELD_NAME == $table_pk) {
			// If project has multiple Events (i.e. Longitudinal), add new column for Event name
			if ($longitudinal) {
				// Put unique event names and labels into array to convert to enum format
				$evtEnumArray = array();
				$evtLabels = array();
				foreach ($Proj->eventInfo as $event_id => $attr) {
					$evtLabels[$event_id] = label_decode($attr['name_ext']);
				foreach ($evtLabels as $event_id => $event_label) {
					$evtEnumArray[] = $Proj->getUniqueEventNames($event_id) . ", " . label_decode($event_label);
				$evtEnum = implode(" \\n ", $evtEnumArray);
				// Alter $meta_array
				$ob2 = new stdClass();
				$ob2->ELEMENT_TYPE = 'select';
				$ob2->FIELD_NAME = 'redcap_event_name';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_LABEL = 'Event Name';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_ENUM = $evtEnum;
				$ob2->FIELD_UNITS = '';
				$meta_array[$ob2->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob2;
				// Add pseudo-field to array
				$field_names_prepend[] = $ob2->FIELD_NAME;
			// If project has DAGs, add new column for group name
			if ($exportDags) {
				// Alter $meta_array
				$ob2 = new stdClass();
				$ob2->ELEMENT_TYPE = 'select';
				$ob2->FIELD_NAME = 'redcap_data_access_group';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_LABEL = 'Data Access Group';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_ENUM = $dagEnum;
				$ob2->FIELD_UNITS = '';
				$meta_array[$ob2->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob2;
				// Add pseudo-field to array
				$field_names_prepend[] = $ob2->FIELD_NAME;

			// Add survey identifier (unless we've set it to remove all identifiers - treat survey identifier same as field identifier)
			if ($exportSurveyFields && !$do_remove_identifiers) {
				// Alter $meta_array
				$ob2 = new stdClass();
				$ob2->ELEMENT_TYPE = 'text';
				$ob2->FIELD_NAME = 'redcap_survey_identifier';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_LABEL = 'Survey Identifier';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_ENUM = '';
				$ob2->FIELD_UNITS = '';
				$meta_array[$ob2->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob2;
				// Add pseudo-field to array
				$field_names_prepend[] = $ob2->FIELD_NAME;

			// If surveys exist, as timestamp and identifier fields
			if ($exportSurveyFields && $prev_form != $this_form && isset($Proj->forms[$this_form]['survey_id'])) {
				// Alter $meta_array
				$ob2 = new stdClass();
				$ob2->ELEMENT_TYPE = 'text';
				$ob2->FIELD_NAME = $this_form . '_timestamp';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_LABEL = 'Survey Timestamp';
				$ob2->ELEMENT_ENUM = '';
				$ob2->FIELD_UNITS = '';
				$meta_array[$ob2->FIELD_NAME] = (Object)$ob2;

		// Set values for next loop
		$prev_form = $this_form;
		$prev_field = $ob->FIELD_NAME;

	// Now reset field_names array
	$field_names = array_keys($meta_array);

	// $spss_data_type_array = "";
	$spss_format_dates = "";
	$spss_variable_label = "VARIABLE LABEL ";
	$spss_variable_level = array();
	$sas_label_section = "\ndata redcap;\n\tset redcap;\n";
	$sas_value_label = "proc format;\n";
	$sas_input = "input\n";
	$sas_informat = "";
	$sas_format = "";
	$stata_insheet = "insheet ";
	$stata_var_label = "";
	$stata_inf_label = "";
	$stata_value_label = "";
	$stata_date_format = "";

	$first_label = true;
	$large_name_counter = 0;
	$large_name = false;

	// Use arrays for string replacement
	$orig = array("'", "\"", "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "&lt;", "<=");
	$repl = array("", "", " ", " ", " ", "<", "< =");


	// Loop through all metadata fields
	for ($x = 0; $x <= count($field_names) + 1; $x++) {

		if (($x % 5) == 0 && $x != 0) {
			$spss_string .= "\n\t";
		$large_name = false;

		// Set field object for this loop
		$ob = $meta_array[$field_names[$x]];

		// Remove any . or - in the field name (as a result of checkbox raw values containing . or -)
		// $ob->FIELD_NAME = str_replace(array("-", "."), array("_", "_"), (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME);

		// Convert "sql" field types to "select" field types so that their Select Choices come out correctly in the syntax files.
		 * override for autocomplete plugin code starts here
		 * add autocomplete type to this check
		if ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "sql" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "autocomplete") /**
		 * end override for autocomplete plugin code
		 */ {
			// Change to select
			$ob->ELEMENT_TYPE = "select";
			// Now populate it's choices by running the query
			$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM = getSqlFieldEnum($ob->ELEMENT_ENUM);
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "yesno") {
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "truefalse") {

		//Remove any offending characters from label
		$ob->ELEMENT_LABEL = str_replace($orig, $repl, label_decode(html_entity_decode($ob->ELEMENT_LABEL, ENT_QUOTES)));

		if ($field_names[$x] != "") {
			if (strlen($field_names[$x]) >= 31) {
				$short_name = substr($field_names[$x], 0, 20) . "_v_" . $large_name_counter;
				$sas_label_section .= "\tlabel " . $short_name . "='" . $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL . "';\n";
				$stata_var_label .= "label variable " . $short_name . ' "' . $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL . '"' . "\n";
				$stata_insheet .= $short_name . " ";
				$large_name = true;
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_label_section .= "\tlabel " . $field_names[$x] . "='" . $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL . "';\n";
				$stata_var_label .= "label variable " . $field_names[$x] . ' "' . $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL . '"' . "\n";
				$stata_insheet .= $field_names[$x] . " ";
			$spss_variable_label .= $field_names[$x] . " '" . $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL . "'\n\t/";
			$R_label_string .= "\nlabel(data$" . $field_names[$x] . ")=" . '"' . $ob->ELEMENT_LABEL . '"';
			if (($ob->FIELD_UNITS != Null) || ($ob->FIELD_UNITS != "")) {
				$R_units_string .= "\nunits(data$" . $field_names[$x] . ")=" . '"' . $ob->FIELD_UNITS . '"';

		# Checking for single element enum (i.e. if it is coded with a number or letter)
		$single_element_enum = true;
		if (substr_count(((string)$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM), ",") > 0) {
			$single_element_enum = false;

		# Select value labels are created
		if (($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "yesno" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "truefalse" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "select" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "advcheckbox" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "radio") && !preg_match("/\+\+SQL\+\+/", (string)$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM)) {

			//Remove any apostrophes from the Choice Labels
			$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM = str_replace($orig, $repl, label_decode($ob->ELEMENT_ENUM));

			//Place $ in front of SAS value if using non-numeric coded values for dropdowns/radios
			$sas_val_enum_num = ""; //default
			$numericChoices = true;
			foreach (array_keys(parseEnum($ob->ELEMENT_ENUM)) as $key) {
				if (!is_numeric($key)) {
					// If at least one key is not numeric, then stop looping because we have all we need.
					$sas_val_enum_num = "$";
					$numericChoices = false;

			if ($first_label) {
				if (!$single_element_enum) {
					$value_labels_spss .= "\n" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . " ";
				$R_factors_string .= "\ndata$" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . ".factor = factor(data$" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . ",levels=c(";
				$R_levels_string .= "\nlevels(data$" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . ".factor)=c(";
				$first_label = false;
				if (!$large_name && !$single_element_enum) {
					$sas_value_label .= "\tvalue $sas_val_enum_num" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_ ";
					$sas_format_string .= "\n\tformat " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . " " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_.;\n";
					if ($numericChoices) {
						$stata_inf_label .= "\nlabel values " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . " " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_\n";
						$stata_value_label = "label define " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_ ";
				} else if ($large_name && !$single_element_enum) {
					$sas_value_label .= "\tvalue $sas_val_enum_num" . $short_name . "_ ";
					$sas_format_string .= "\n\tformat " . $short_name . " " . $short_name . "_.;\n";
					if ($numericChoices) {
						$stata_value_label .= "label define " . $short_name . "_ ";
						$stata_inf_label .= "\nlabel values " . $short_name . " " . $short_name . "_\n";
			} else if (!$first_label) {
				if (!$single_element_enum) {
					$value_labels_spss .= "\n/" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . " ";
					if (!$large_name) {
						$sas_value_label .= "\n\tvalue $sas_val_enum_num" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_ ";
						$sas_format_string .= "\tformat " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . " " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_.;\n";
						if ($numericChoices) {
							$stata_value_label .= "\nlabel define " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_ ";
							$stata_inf_label .= "label values " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . " " . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . "_\n";
				$R_factors_string .= "data$" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . ".factor = factor(data$" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . ",levels=c(";
				$R_levels_string .= "levels(data$" . (string)$ob->FIELD_NAME . ".factor)=c(";
				if ($large_name && !$single_element_enum) {
					$sas_value_label .= "\n\tvalue $sas_val_enum_num" . $short_name . "_ ";
					$sas_format_string .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " " . $short_name . "_.;\n";
					if ($numericChoices) {
						$stata_value_label .= "\nlabel define " . $short_name . "_ "; //LS inserted this line 24-Feb-2012
						$stata_inf_label .= "label values " . $short_name . " " . $short_name . "_\n";

			$first_new_line_explode_array = explode("\\n", (string)$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM);

			// Loop through multiple choice options
			$select_is_text = false;
			$select_determining_array = array();
			for ($counter = 0; $counter < count($first_new_line_explode_array); $counter++) {
				if (!$single_element_enum) {

					// SAS: Add line break after 2 multiple choice options
					if (($counter % 2) == 0 && $counter != 0) {
						$sas_value_label .= "\n\t\t";
						$value_labels_spss .= "\n\t";

					$second_comma_explode = explode(",", $first_new_line_explode_array[$counter], 2);
					$value_labels_spss .= "'" . trim($second_comma_explode[0]) . "' ";
					$value_labels_spss .= "'" . trim($second_comma_explode[1]) . "' ";
					if (!is_numeric(trim($second_comma_explode[0])) && is_numeric(substr(trim($second_comma_explode[0]), 0, 1))) {
						// if enum raw value is not a number BUT begins with a number, add quotes around it for SAS only (parsing issue)
						$sas_value_label .= "'" . trim($second_comma_explode[0]) . "'=";
					} else {
						$sas_value_label .= trim($second_comma_explode[0]) . "=";
					$sas_value_label .= "'" . trim($second_comma_explode[1]) . "' ";
					if ($numericChoices) {
						$stata_value_label .= trim($second_comma_explode[0]) . " ";
						$stata_value_label .= "\"" . trim($second_comma_explode[1]) . "\" ";
					$select_determining_array[] = $second_comma_explode[0];
					$R_factors_string .= '"' . trim($second_comma_explode[0]) . '",';
					$R_levels_string .= '"' . trim($second_comma_explode[1]) . '",';
				} else {
					$select_determining_array[] = $second_comma_explode[0];
					$R_factors_string .= '"' . trim($first_new_line_explode_array[$counter]) . '",';
					$R_levels_string .= '"' . trim($first_new_line_explode_array[$counter]) . '",';
			$R_factors_string = rtrim($R_factors_string, ",");
			$R_factors_string .= "))\n"; //pharris 09/28/05
			$R_levels_string = rtrim($R_levels_string, ",");
			$R_levels_string .= ")\n";
			if (!$single_element_enum) {
				$sas_value_label = rtrim($sas_value_label, " ");
				$sas_value_label .= ";";
			if (!$single_element_enum) {
				foreach ($select_determining_array as $value) {
					if (preg_match("/([A-Za-z])/", $value)) {
						$select_is_text = true;
			} else {
				foreach ($first_new_line_explode_array as $value) {
					if (preg_match("/([A-Za-z])/", $value)) {
						$select_is_text = true;

		} else if (preg_match("/\+\+SQL\+\+/", (string)$ob->ELEMENT_ENUM)) {

			$select_is_text = true;


		# If the ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE is a float the data is define as a Number
		if ($ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "float" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "calc") {
			$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (F8.2) ";
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " best32. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " best12. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
			} elseif ($large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " best32. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " best12. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . "\n";
			// $spss_data_type_array[$x] = "NUMBER";
			$spss_variable_level[] = $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (SCALE)";

		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "slider" || $ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "int") {
			$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (F8) ";
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " best32. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " best12. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
			} elseif ($large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " best32. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " best12. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . "\n";
			// $spss_data_type_array[$x] = "NUMBER";
			$spss_variable_level[] = $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (SCALE)";

			# If the ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE is a DATE a treat the data as a date
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "date" || $ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "date_ymd" || $ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "date_mdy" || $ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "date_dmy") {
			$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (SDATE10) ";
			$spss_format_dates .= "FORMATS " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "(ADATE10).\n";
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " yymmdd10. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " yymmdd10. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "\ntostring " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . ", replace";
				$stata_date_format .= "\ngen _date_ = date(" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . ",\"YMD\")\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "drop " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "rename _date_ " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "format " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " %dM_d,_CY\n";
			} elseif ($large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " yymmdd10. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " yymmdd10. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . "\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "\ntostring " . $short_name . ", replace";
				$stata_date_format .= "\ngen _date_ = date(" . $short_name . ",\"YMD\")\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "drop " . $short_name . "\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "rename _date_ " . $short_name . "\n";
				$stata_date_format .= "format " . $short_name . " %dM_d,_CY\n";

			# If the ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE is TIME (military)
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE == "time") {

			$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (A500) ";
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " time5. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " time5. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
			} elseif ($large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " time5. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " time5. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . "\n";

			// } elseif (substr($ob->ELEMENT_VALIDATION_TYPE, 0, 8) == "datetime") {

			# If the object type is select then the variable $select_is_text is checked to
			# see if it is a TEXT or a NUMBER and treated accordanly.
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "yesno" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "truefalse" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "select" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "advcheckbox" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "radio") {
			if ($select_is_text) {
				$temp_trim = rtrim("varchar(500)", ")");
				# Divides the string to get the number of caracters
				$temp_explode_number = explode("(", $temp_trim);
				$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (A" . $temp_explode_number[1] . ") ";
				if (!$large_name) {
					$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$" . $temp_explode_number[1] . ". ;\n";
					$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$" . $temp_explode_number[1] . ". ;\n";
					$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$\n";
				} elseif ($large_name) {
					$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " \$" . $temp_explode_number[1] . ". ;\n";
					$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " \$" . $temp_explode_number[1] . ". ;\n";
					$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . " \$\n";
				// $spss_data_type_array[$x] = "TEXT";
			} else {
				$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (F3) ";
				if (!$large_name) {
					$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " best32. ;\n";
					$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " best12. ;\n";
					$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . "\n";
				} elseif ($large_name) {
					$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " best32. ;\n";
					$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " best12. ;\n";
					$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . "\n";
				// $spss_data_type_array[$x] = "NUMBER";

			# If the object type is text a treat the data like a text and look for the length
			# that is specified in the database
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "text" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "calc" || $ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "file") {

			$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (A500) ";
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$500. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$500. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$\n";
			} elseif ($large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " \$500. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " \$500. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . " \$\n";

			# If the object type is textarea a treat the data like a text and specify a large
			# string size.
		} elseif ($ob->ELEMENT_TYPE == "textarea") {
			$spss_string .= $ob->FIELD_NAME . " (A30000) ";
			if (!$large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$5000. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$5000. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $ob->FIELD_NAME . " \$\n";
			} elseif ($large_name) {
				$sas_informat .= "\tinformat " . $short_name . " \$5000. ;\n";
				$sas_format .= "\tformat " . $short_name . " \$5000. ;\n";
				$sas_input .= "\t\t" . $short_name . " \$\n";
			// $spss_data_type_array[$x] = "TEXT";


	// File names
	$today = date("Y-m-d_Hi");
	$projTitleShort = substr(str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/", "", html_entity_decode($app_title, ENT_QUOTES)))), 0, 20);
	$data_file_name = $projTitleShort . "_DATA_NOHDRS_" . $today . ".csv";
	$data_file_name_WH = $projTitleShort . "_DATA_" . $today . ".csv";
	$data_file_name_labels = $projTitleShort . "_DATA_LABELS_" . $today . ".csv";
	$export_sps_file_name = $projTitleShort . "_SPSS_" . $today . ".sps";
	$export_sas_file_name = $projTitleShort . "_SAS_" . $today . ".sas";
	$export_R_file_name = $projTitleShort . "_R_" . $today . ".r";
	$export_stata_file_name = $projTitleShort . "_STATA_" . $today . ".do";

	//Finish up syntax files
	$spss_string = rtrim($spss_string);
	$spss_string .= ".\n";
	$spss_string .= "\nVARIABLE LEVEL " . implode("\n\t/", $spss_variable_level) . ".\n";
	$spss_string .= "\n" . substr_replace($spss_variable_label, ".", -3) . "\n\n";
	$spss_string .= rtrim($value_labels_spss);
	$spss_string .= ".\n\n$spss_format_dates\nSET LOCALE=en_us.\nEXECUTE.\n";

	$spss_string = str_replace("data_place_holder_name", $data_file_name, $spss_string);

	$sas_read_string .= "%macro removeOldFile(bye); %if %sysfunc(exist(&bye.)) %then %do; proc delete data=&bye.; run; "
		. "%end; %mend removeOldFile; %removeOldFile(work.redcap); data REDCAP; "; // Suggested change by Ray Balise
	//$sas_read_string .= "proc delete data=REDCAP;\nrun;\n\ndata REDCAP;"; // Added to prevent deleting all temp files
	//$sas_read_string .= "proc delete data=_ALL_;\nrun;\n\ndata REDCAP;";
	$sas_read_string .= "%let _EFIERR_ = 0; ";
	$sas_read_string .= "infile '" . $data_file_name . "'";
	$sas_read_string .= " delimiter = ',' MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ; ";
	$sas_read_string .= "\n" . $sas_informat;
	$sas_read_string .= "\n" . $sas_format;
	$sas_read_string .= "\n" . $sas_input;
	$sas_read_string .= ";\n";
	$sas_read_string .= "if _ERROR_ then call symput('_EFIERR_',\"1\");\n";
	$sas_read_string .= "run;\n\nproc contents;run;\n\n";
	$sas_read_string .= $sas_label_section . "\trun;\n";
	$sas_value_label .= "\n\trun;\n";
	$sas_format_string .= "\trun;\n";
	$sas_read_string .= "\n" . $sas_value_label;
	$sas_read_string .= "\n" . $sas_format_string;
	$sas_read_string .= "\nproc contents data=redcap;";
	$sas_read_string .= "\nproc print data=redcap;";
	$sas_read_string .= "\nrun;\nquit;";

	$stata_order = "order " . substr($stata_insheet, 8);
	$stata_insheet .= "using " . "\"" . $data_file_name . "\", nonames";

	$stata_string .= $stata_insheet . "\n\n";
	$stata_string .= "label data " . "\"" . $data_file_name . "\"" . "\n\n";
	$stata_string .= $stata_value_label . "\n";
	$stata_string .= $stata_inf_label . "\n\n";
	$stata_string .= $stata_date_format . "\n";
	$stata_string .= $stata_var_label . "\n";
	$stata_string .= $stata_order . "\n";
	$stata_string .= "set more off\ndescribe\n";

	$R_string .= "#Read Data\ndata=read.csv('" . $data_file_name_WH . "')\n";
	$R_string .= $R_label_string;
	$R_string .= $R_units_string;
	$R_string .= $R_factors_string;
	$R_string .= $R_levels_string;

	$today = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
	$docs_comment = $docs_comment_WH = "Data export file created by $userid on $today";
	$spss_docs_comment = "Spss syntax file created by $userid on $today";
	$sas_docs_comment = "Sas syntax file created by $userid on $today";
	$stata_docs_comment = "Stata syntax file created by $userid on $today";
	$R_docs_comment = "R syntax file created by $userid on $today";
	$data = prep($data);


	// Replace any MS Word chacters in the data
	$data_csv = replaceMSchars($data_csv);
	$data_csv_labels = replaceMSchars($data_csv_labels);

	//Add comment in last field if these are date shifted
	$doc_rights = $do_date_shift ? "'DATE_SHIFT'" : "NULL";

	// Set flag for checking if error occurs during saving of files to docs table
	$is_export_error = false;

	### Creates the STATA syntax file
	$stata_string = strip_tags($stata_string); // Do NOT use addBOMtoUTF8() on Stata because BOM causes issues in syntax file
	$docs_size = strlen($stata_string);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $export_stata_file_name . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $stata_docs_comment . "','application/octet-stream',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$stata_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($export_stata_file_name, $stata_string, $stata_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;

	### Creates the R syntax file
	$R_string = addBOMtoUTF8(strip_tags($R_string));
	$docs_size = strlen($R_string);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $export_R_file_name . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $R_docs_comment . "','application/octet-stream',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$r_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($export_R_file_name, $R_string, $r_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;

	### Creates the SAS syntax file
	$sas_read_string = addBOMtoUTF8(strip_tags($sas_read_string));
	$docs_size = strlen($sas_read_string);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $export_sas_file_name . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $sas_docs_comment . "','application/octet-stream',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$sas_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($export_sas_file_name, $sas_read_string, $sas_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;

	### Creates the data comma separeted value file WITHOUT headers
	$data_csv_temp = addBOMtoUTF8($data_csv);
	$docs_size = strlen($data_csv_temp);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $data_file_name . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $docs_comment . "','application/csv',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$data_wo_hdr_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($data_file_name, $data_csv_temp, $data_wo_hdr_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;

	### Creates the data comma separeted value file WITH header
	$data_csv = addBOMtoUTF8($headers . $data_csv);
	$docs_size = strlen($data_csv);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $data_file_name_WH . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $docs_comment_WH . "','application/csv',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$data_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($data_file_name_WH, $data_csv, $data_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;

	### Creates the SPSS syntax file
	$spss_string = addBOMtoUTF8(strip_tags($spss_string));
	$docs_size = strlen($spss_string);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $export_sps_file_name . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $spss_docs_comment . "','application/octet-stream',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$spss_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($export_sps_file_name, $spss_string, $spss_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;

	### Creates the data comma separeted value file WITH LABELS
	$data_csv_labels = addBOMtoUTF8($headers_labels . $data_csv_labels);
	$docs_size = strlen($data_csv_labels);
	$export_sql = "INSERT INTO redcap_docs (project_id,docs_name,docs_file,docs_date,docs_size,docs_comment,docs_type,docs_rights,export_file) "
		. "VALUES ($project_id, '" . $data_file_name_labels . "', NULL, '" . TODAY . "','$docs_size','" . $docs_comment . "','application/csv',$doc_rights,1)";
	if (!db_query($export_sql)) {
		$is_export_error = true;
	} else {
		// Get insert id
		$data_labels_doc_id = db_insert_id();
		// Store the file in the file system
		if (!DataExport::storeExportFile($data_file_name_labels, $data_csv_labels, $data_labels_doc_id, $docs_size)) {
			$is_export_error = true;


	//Catch the error if the CSV data file is too large for MySQL to handle
	if ($is_export_error) {
		include APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/header.php';
		renderPageTitle("<img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "application_go.png'> {$lang['app_03']}");
		print  "<div class='red' style='margin:20px 0;'><img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "exclamation.png'>
		if ($super_user) {
			if ($edoc_storage_option == '1') {
				print $lang['data_export_tool_136'];
			} elseif ($edoc_storage_option == '0') {
				print $lang['data_export_tool_135'] . " (<b>" . EDOC_PATH . "</b>)" . $lang['period'];
			} else {
				print $lang['data_export_tool_135'] . " " . $lang['period'];
			print " " . $lang['data_export_tool_137'];
		} else {
			print "{$lang['data_export_tool_64']} <a href='mailto:$project_contact_email' style='font-family:Verdana;'>$project_contact_name</a>
		print  "</div>";
		include APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/footer.php';

	//Catch the error if there were data conversion problems
	if ($is_data_conversion_error) {
		include APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/header.php';
		renderPageTitle("<img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "application_go.png'> {$lang['app_03']}");
		print  "<div class='red' style='margin:20px 0;'><img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "exclamation.png'>
		if ($super_user) {
			print  $lang['data_export_tool_63'];
		} else {
			print  "{$lang['data_export_tool_64']} <a href='mailto:$project_contact_email' style='font-family:Verdana;'>$project_contact_name</a>
		print $is_data_conversion_error_msg;
		print  "</div>";
		include APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/footer.php';

	// Header
	include APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/header.php';

	renderPageTitle("<img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "application_go.png'> {$lang['app_03']}");

	print  "<div style='text-align:center;padding-top:10px;max-width:700px;'>
				<span class='darkgreen' style='padding:8px 80px;'>
				<img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "tick.png' class='imgfix'> {$lang['data_export_tool_05']}

	// Button back to previous page
	$prevPage = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : PAGE_FULL . "?pid=$project_id";
	print  "<button class='jqbutton' onclick=\"window.location.href='$prevPage';\">
				<img src='" . APP_PATH_IMAGES . "arrow_left.png' class='imgfix'>

	//Set the CSV icon to date-shifted look if the data in these files were date shifted
	if ($do_date_shift) {
		$csv_img = "download_csvdata_ds.gif";
		$csvexcel_img = "download_csvexcel_raw_ds.gif";
		$csvexcellabels_img = "download_csvexcel_labels_ds.gif";
	} else {
		$csv_img = "download_csvdata.gif";
		$csvexcel_img = "download_csvexcel_raw.gif";
		$csvexcellabels_img = "download_csvexcel_labels.gif";

	// If Send-It is not enabled for Data Export and File Repository, then hide the link to utilize Send-It
	$sendItLinkDisplay = ($sendit_enabled == '1' || $sendit_enabled == '3') ? "" : "display:none;";

	//Table header
	print  "<div style='max-width:700px;'>";
	print  "<table style='border: 1px solid #DODODO; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%'>
			<tr class='grp2'>
				<td colspan='2' style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;text-align:right;'>
				<td style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;text-align:center;'>
	print  '<tr class="odd">
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:center;width:60px;padding-top:10px;border:0px;border-left:1px solid #D0D0D0;">
					<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'excelicon.gif" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_15'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_15'] . '" />
			    <td style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px;" valign="top">
					<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_15'] . '</b><br>
					' . $lang['data_export_tool_118'] . '<br><br>
					<i>' . $lang['global_02'] . ': ' . $lang['data_export_tool_17'] . '</i>
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;width:100px;padding-top:10px;">
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $data_labels_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . $csvexcellabels_img . '" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_60'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_60'] . '"></a> &nbsp;
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $data_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . $csvexcel_img . '" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_60'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_60'] . '"></a>
					<div style="text-align:left;padding:5px 0 1px;' . $sendItLinkDisplay . '">
						<div style="line-height:5px;">
							<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'mail_small.png" style="position: relative; top: 5px;"><a
								href="javascript:;" style="color:#666;font-size:10px;text-decoration:underline;"
								onclick=\'$("#sendit_' . $data_doc_id . '").toggle("blind",{},"fast");\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_66'] . '</a>
						<div id="sendit_' . $data_doc_id . '" style="display:none;padding:4px 0 4px 6px;">
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $data_labels_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_120'] . '</a>
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $data_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_119'] . '</a>
	print '<tr class="even noncsv">
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:center;width:60px;padding-top:10px;border:0px;border-left:1px solid #D0D0D0;">
					<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'spsslogo_small.png" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_07'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_07'] . '" />
				<td style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px;" valign="top">
					<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_07'] . '</b><br />' . $lang['global_24'] . $lang['colon'] . " " . $lang['data_export_tool_08'] . '<br>
					<a href="javascript:;" style="text-decoration:underline;font-size:11px;" onclick=\'$("#spss_detail").toggle("fade");\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_08b'] . '</a>
					<div style="display:none;border-top:1px solid #aaa;margin-top:5px;padding-top:3px;" id="spss_detail">
						<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_01'] . '</b><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_08c'] . ' <font color="green">/folder/subfolder/</font> (e.g., /Users/administrator/documents/)<br><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_08d'] . '
						<br><font color=green>FILE HANDLE data1 NAME=\'DATA.CSV\' LRECL=90000.</font><br><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_08e'] . '<br>
						<font color=green>FILE HANDLE data1 NAME=\'<font color=red>/folder/subfolder/</font>DATA.CSV\' LRECL=90000.</font><br><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_08f'] . '
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;width:100px;padding-top:10px;">
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $spss_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'download_spss.gif" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_68'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_68'] . '">
					</a> &nbsp;
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $data_wo_hdr_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . $csv_img . '" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '"></a>
					<div style="padding-left:11px;text-align:left;">
						<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'DataExport/spss_pathway_mapper.php?pid=' . $project_id . '"
						><img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'download_pathway_mapper.gif" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_70'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_70'] . '"></a> &nbsp;
					<div style="text-align:left;padding:5px 0 1px;' . $sendItLinkDisplay . '">
						<div style="line-height:5px;">
							<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'mail_small.png" style="position: relative; top: 5px;"><a
								href="javascript:;" style="color:#666;font-size:10px;text-decoration:underline;" onclick=\'
									$("#sendit_' . $spss_doc_id . '").toggle("blind",{},"fast");
								\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_66'] . '</a>
						<div id="sendit_' . $spss_doc_id . '" style="display:none;padding:4px 0 4px 6px;">
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $spss_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_71'] . '</a>
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $data_wo_hdr_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_72'] . '</a>
	print '<tr class="odd noncsv">
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:center;width:60px;padding-top:10px;border:0px;border-left:1px solid #D0D0D0;">
					<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'saslogo_small.png" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_11'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_11'] . '" />
				<td style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px;" valign="top">
					<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_11'] . '</b><br />' . $lang['global_24'] . $lang['colon'] . " " . $lang['data_export_tool_130'] . '<br>
					<a href="javascript:;" style="text-decoration:underline;font-size:11px;" onclick=\'$("#sas_detail").toggle("fade");\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_08b'] . '</a>
					<div style="display:none;border-top:1px solid #aaa;margin-top:5px;padding-top:3px;" id="sas_detail">
						<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_131'] . '</b><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_132'] . ' <font color="green">/folder/subfolder/</font> (e.g., /Users/administrator/documents/)<br><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_133'] . '
						<br>... <font color=green>infile \'DATA.CSV\' delimiter = \',\' MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ;</font><br><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_08e'] . '<br>
						... <font color=green>infile \'<font color=red>/folder/subfolder/</font>DATA.CSV\' delimiter = \',\' MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ;</font><br><br>' .
		$lang['data_export_tool_134'] . '
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;width:100px;padding-top:10px;">
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $sas_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'download_sas.gif" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_74'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_74'] . '">
					</a> &nbsp;
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $data_wo_hdr_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . $csv_img . '" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '"></a>
					<div style="padding-left:11px;text-align:left;">
						<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'DataExport/sas_pathway_mapper.php?pid=' . $project_id . '"
						><img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'download_pathway_mapper.gif"></a> &nbsp;
					<div style="text-align:left;padding:5px 0 1px;' . $sendItLinkDisplay . '">
						<div style="line-height:5px;">
							<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'mail_small.png" style="position: relative; top: 5px;"><a
								href="javascript:;" style="color:#666;font-size:10px;text-decoration:underline;" onclick=\'
									$("#sendit_' . $sas_doc_id . '").toggle("blind",{},"fast");
								\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_66'] . '</a>
						<div id="sendit_' . $sas_doc_id . '" style="display:none;padding:4px 0 4px 6px;">
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $sas_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_71'] . '</a>
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $data_wo_hdr_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_72'] . '</a>
	print '<tr class="even noncsv">
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:center;width:60px;padding-top:10px;border:0px;border-left:1px solid #D0D0D0;">
					<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'rlogo_small.png" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_09'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_09'] . '" />
				<td style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px;" valign="top">
					<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_09'] . '</b><br />' . $lang['data_export_tool_10'] . '
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;width:100px;padding-top:10px;">
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $r_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'download_r.gif" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_75'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_75'] . '">
					</a> &nbsp;
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $data_doc_id . '&exporttype=R">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . $csv_img . '" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '"></a>
					<div style="text-align:left;padding:5px 0 1px;' . $sendItLinkDisplay . '">
						<div style="line-height:5px;">
							<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'mail_small.png" style="position: relative; top: 5px;"><a
								href="javascript:;" style="color:#666;font-size:10px;text-decoration:underline;" onclick=\'
									$("#sendit_' . $r_doc_id . '").toggle("blind",{},"fast");
								\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_66'] . '</a>
						<div id="sendit_' . $r_doc_id . '" style="display:none;padding:4px 0 4px 6px;">
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $r_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_71'] . '</a>
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $data_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_72'] . '</a>
	print '<tr class="odd noncsv">
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:center;width:60px;padding-top:10px;border:0px;border-bottom:1px solid #D0D0D0;border-left:1px solid #D0D0D0;">
					<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'statalogo_small.png" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_13'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_13'] . '" />
				<td style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px;border-bottom:1px solid #D0D0D0;" valign="top">
					<b>' . $lang['data_export_tool_13'] . '</b><br />' . $lang['data_export_tool_14'] . '
				<td valign="top" style="text-align:right;width:100px;padding-top:10px;border-bottom:1px solid #D0D0D0;">
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $stata_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'download_stata.gif" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_76'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_76'] . '">
					</a> &nbsp;
					<a href="' . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . 'FileRepository/file_download.php?pid=' . $project_id . '&id=' . $data_wo_hdr_doc_id . '">
						<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . $csv_img . '" title="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '" alt="' . $lang['data_export_tool_69'] . '"></a>
					<div style="text-align:left;padding:5px 0 1px;' . $sendItLinkDisplay . '">
						<div style="line-height:5px;">
							<img src="' . APP_PATH_IMAGES . 'mail_small.png" style="position: relative; top: 5px;"><a
								href="javascript:;" style="color:#666;font-size:10px;text-decoration:underline;" onclick=\'
									$("#sendit_' . $stata_doc_id . '").toggle("blind",{},"fast");
								\'>' . $lang['data_export_tool_66'] . '</a>
						<div id="sendit_' . $stata_doc_id . '" style="display:none;padding:4px 0 4px 6px;">
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $stata_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_71'] . '</a>
								&bull; <a href="javascript:;" onclick="popupSendIt(' . $data_wo_hdr_doc_id . ',2);" style="font-size:10px;">' . $lang['data_export_tool_72'] . '</a>

	print '</table>';
	print '</div><br><br><br><br>';
コード例 #2
 public static function doReport($report_id = '0', $outputType = 'report', $outputFormat = 'html', $apiExportLabels = false, $apiExportHeadersAsLabels = false, $outputDags = false, $outputSurveyFields = false, $removeIdentifierFields = false, $hashRecordID = false, $removeUnvalidatedTextFields = false, $removeNotesFields = false, $removeDateFields = false, $dateShiftDates = false, $dateShiftSurveyTimestamps = false, $selectedInstruments = array(), $selectedEvents = array(), $returnIncludeRecordEventArray = false, $outputCheckboxLabel = false)
     global $Proj, $user_rights, $isAjax, $app_title, $lang, $redcap_version;
     // Check report_id
     if (!is_numeric($report_id) && $report_id != 'ALL' && $report_id != 'SELECTED') {
         exit($isAjax ? '0' : 'ERROR');
     // Increase memory limit in case needed for intensive processing
     if (str_replace("M", "", ini_get('memory_limit')) < 1024) {
         ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
     // TESTING
     // if (isDev()) ini_set('memory_limit', '12M');
     // Determine if this is API report export
     $isAPI = PAGE == 'api/index.php' || PAGE == 'API/index.php';
     // Set flag to ALWAYS archive exported files in File Repository
     $archiveFiles = true;
     // Get report attributes
     $report = self::getReports($report_id, $selectedInstruments, $selectedEvents);
     if (empty($report)) {
         if ($isAPI) {
             exit(RestUtility::sendResponse(400, 'The value of the parameter "report_id" is not valid'));
         } else {
             exit($isAjax ? '0' : 'ERROR');
     // Check user rights: Does user have access to this report? (exclude super users in this check)
     if (defined('SUPER_USER') && !SUPER_USER || !defined('SUPER_USER')) {
         // If user has Add/Edit Report rights then let them view this report, OR if they have explicit rights to this report
         if (self::getReportNames($report_id, !$user_rights['reports']) == null) {
             // User does NOT have access to this report AND also does not have Add/Edit Report rights
             if ($isAPI) {
                 exit(RestUtility::sendResponse(403, "User \"" . USERID . "\" does not have access to this report."));
             } else {
                 exit($isAjax ? '0' : 'ERROR');
     // Determine if a report or an export
     $outputType = $outputType == 'report' ? 'report' : 'export';
     if ($outputType != 'report') {
         $returnIncludeRecordEventArray = false;
     // Determine whether to output a stats syntax file
     $stats_packages = array('r', 'spss', 'stata', 'sas');
     //		$outputSyntaxFile = (in_array($outputFormat, $stats_packages));
     // If CSV, determine whether to output a stats syntax file
     $outputAsLabels = $outputFormat == 'csvlabels';
     $outputHeadersAsLabels = $outputFormat == 'csvlabels';
     // List of fields to export
     $fields = $report['fields'];
     // If removing any fields due to DE-IDENTIFICATION, loop through them and remove them
     if ($removeIdentifierFields || $removeUnvalidatedTextFields || $removeNotesFields || $removeDateFields) {
         foreach ($fields as $key => $this_event_field) {
             $this_field = self::getFieldFromEventField($this_event_field);
             // Skip record ID field
             if ($this_field == $Proj->table_pk) {
             // Get field type and validation type
             $this_field_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_type'];
             $this_val_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_validation_type'];
             $this_phi = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['field_phi'];
             // Check if needs to be removed
             if ($this_phi && $removeIdentifierFields || $this_field_type == 'text' && $this_val_type == '' && $removeUnvalidatedTextFields || $this_field_type == 'textarea' && $removeNotesFields || $this_field_type == 'text' && $removeDateFields && substr($this_val_type, 0, 4) == 'date') {
                 // Remove the field from $fields
     // List of events to export
     $events = $report['limiter_events'];
     // Limit to user's DAG (if user is in a DAG), and if not in a DAG, then limit to the DAG filter
     $userInDAG = isset($user_rights['group_id']) && is_numeric($user_rights['group_id']);
     $dags = $userInDAG ? $user_rights['group_id'] : $report['filter_dags'];
     // Set options to include DAG names and/or survey fields (exclude ALL and SELECTED pre-defined reports)
     if (is_numeric($report_id)) {
         $outputDags = $report['output_dags'] == '1';
         $outputSurveyFields = $report['output_survey_fields'] == '1';
     } elseif (!is_numeric($report_id) && $outputType == 'report') {
         $outputDags = $outputSurveyFields = true;
     // If user is in a DAG, then do not output the DAG name field
     if ($userInDAG) {
         $outputDags = false;
     // If we're removing identifier fields, then also remove Survey Identifier (if outputting survey fields)
     $outputSurveyIdentifier = $outputSurveyFields && !$removeIdentifierFields;
     $outputScheduleDates = $report['output_schedule_dates'];
     $outputSurveyUrls = $report['output_survey_urls'];
     // File names for archived file
     $today_hm = date("Y-m-d_Hi");
     $projTitleShort = substr(str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/", "", html_entity_decode($app_title, ENT_QUOTES)))), 0, 20);
     if ($outputFormat == 'r' || $outputFormat == 'csvraw') {
         // CSV with header row
         $csv_filename = $projTitleShort . "_DATA_" . $today_hm . ".csv";
     } elseif ($outputFormat == 'csvlabels') {
         // CSV labels
         $csv_filename = $projTitleShort . "_DATA_LABELS_" . $today_hm . ".csv";
     } else {
         // CSV without header row
         $csv_filename = $projTitleShort . "_DATA_NOHDRS_" . $today_hm . ".csv";
     // Build sort array of sort fields and their attribute (ASC, DESC)
     $sortArray = array();
     if ($report['orderby_field1'] != '') {
         $sortArray[$report['orderby_field1']] = $report['orderby_sort1'];
     if ($report['orderby_field2'] != '') {
         $sortArray[$report['orderby_field2']] = $report['orderby_sort2'];
     if ($report['orderby_field3'] != '') {
         $sortArray[$report['orderby_field3']] = $report['orderby_sort3'];
     // If the only sort field is record ID field, then remove it (because it will sort by record ID and event on its own)
     if (count($sortArray) == 1 && isset($sortArray[$Proj->table_pk]) && $sortArray[$Proj->table_pk] == 'ASC') {
     // Set output format (CSV or HTML or API format)
     if ($isAPI) {
         // For API report export, return in desired format
         $returnDataFormat = $outputFormat;
         $outputAsLabels = $apiExportLabels;
         $outputHeadersAsLabels = $apiExportHeadersAsLabels;
     } elseif ($outputType == 'report') {
         // For webpage report, return html
         $returnDataFormat = 'html';
     } else {
         $returnDataFormat = 'csv';
     // Check syntax of logic string: If there is an issue in the logic, then return false and stop processing
     if ($outputType == 'report' && $report['limiter_logic'] != '' && !LogicTester::isValid($report['limiter_logic'])) {
         return array(RCView::div(array('class' => 'red'), RCView::img(array('src' => 'exclamation.png', 'class' => 'imgfix')) . RCView::b($lang['global_01'] . $lang['colon']) . " " . $lang['report_builder_132']), 0);
     // Retrieve CSV data file
     $data_content = LongitudinalRecords::getData(PROJECT_ID, $returnDataFormat, array(), $fields, $events, $dags, false, $outputDags, $outputSurveyFields, $report['limiter_logic'], $outputAsLabels, $outputHeadersAsLabels, $hashRecordID, $dateShiftDates, $dateShiftSurveyTimestamps, $sortArray, $outputType != 'report', true, $returnIncludeRecordEventArray, true, $outputSurveyIdentifier, $outputCheckboxLabel, $outputScheduleDates, $outputSurveyUrls);
     // Replace any MS Word chacters in the data (from 6.12.0 string passed by ref)
     if (version_compare($redcap_version, '6.12.0', '<')) {
         $data_content = replaceMSchars($data_content);
     } else {
         //replaceMSchars(is_array($data_content) ? $data_content[0] : $data_content); //"Only variables can be passed by reference"
         if (is_array($data_content)) {
         } else {
     ## Logging (for exports only)
     if ($outputType != 'report' || $isAPI) {
         // Set data_values as JSON-encoded
         $data_values = array('report_id' => $report_id, 'export_format' => substr($outputFormat, 0, 3) == 'csv' ? 'CSV' : strtoupper($outputFormat), 'rawOrLabel' => $outputAsLabels ? 'label' : 'raw');
         if ($outputDags) {
             $data_values['export_data_access_group'] = 'Yes';
         if ($outputSurveyFields) {
             $data_values['export_survey_fields'] = 'Yes';
         if ($dateShiftDates) {
             $data_values['date_shifted'] = 'Yes';
         if (isset($user_rights['data_export_tool']) && $user_rights['data_export_tool'] == '2') {
             $data_values['deidentified'] = 'Yes';
         if (isset($user_rights['data_export_tool']) && $user_rights['data_export_tool'] == '3') {
             $data_values['removed_identifiers'] = 'Yes';
         $data_values['fields'] = empty($fields) ? array_keys($Proj->metadata) : $fields;
         // Log it
         log_event("", "redcap_data", "longitudinal_report", "", json_encode($data_values), "Longitudinal Report" . ($isAPI ? " (API)" : ""));
     if ($outputType == 'report' || $isAPI) {
         return $data_content;
     // For SAS, SPSS, and Stata, remove the CSV file's header row
     if (in_array($outputFormat, array('spss', 'stata', 'sas'))) {
         // Remove header row
         list($headers, $data_content) = explode("\n", $data_content, 2);
     // Store the data file
     $data_edoc_id = self::storeExportFile($csv_filename, $data_content, $archiveFiles, $dateShiftDates);
     if ($data_edoc_id === false) {
         return false;
     /* Stats syntax not implemented for Longitudinal Reports		
     		## BUILD AND STORE SYNTAX FILE (if applicable)
     		// If exporting to a stats package, then also generate the associate syntax file for that package
     		$syntax_edoc_id = null;
     		if ($outputSyntaxFile) {
     			// Generate syntax file	
     			$syntax_file_contents = self::getStatsPackageSyntax($outputFormat, $fields, $csv_filename, $outputDags, $outputSurveyFields, $removeIdentifierFields);
     			// Set the filename of the syntax file
     			if ($outputFormat == 'spss') {
     				$stats_package_filename = $projTitleShort ."_" . strtoupper($outputFormat) . "_$today_hm.sps";
     			} elseif ($outputFormat == 'stata') {
     				$stats_package_filename = $projTitleShort ."_" . strtoupper($outputFormat) . "_$today_hm.do";
     			} else {
     				$stats_package_filename = $projTitleShort ."_" . strtoupper($outputFormat) . "_$today_hm.$outputFormat";
     			// Store the syntax file
     			$syntax_edoc_id = self::storeExportFile($stats_package_filename, $syntax_file_contents, $archiveFiles, $dateShiftDates);
     			if ($syntax_edoc_id === false) return false;
     $syntax_edoc_id = null;
     // Return the edoc_id's of the CSV data file
     return array($data_edoc_id, $syntax_edoc_id);