function paypalpaymentsproref_3dsecure($params) { if ($params['sandbox']) { $mapurl = ""; } else { $mapurl = ""; } $currency = ""; if ($params['currency'] == "USD") { $currency = "840"; } if ($params['currency'] == "GBP") { $currency = "826"; } if ($params['currency'] == "EUR") { $currency = "978"; } if ($params['currency'] == "CAD") { $currency = "124"; } $postfields = array(); $postfields['MsgType'] = "cmpi_lookup"; $postfields['Version'] = "1.7"; $postfields['ProcessorId'] = $params['processorid']; $postfields['MerchantId'] = $params['merchantid']; $postfields['TransactionPwd'] = $params['transpw']; $postfields['UserAgent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $postfields['BrowserHeader'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']; $postfields['TransactionType'] = "C"; $postfields['Amount'] = $params['amount'] * 100; $postfields['ShippingAmount'] = "0"; $postfields['TaxAmount'] = "0"; $postfields['CurrencyCode'] = $currency; $postfields['OrderNumber'] = $params['invoiceid']; $postfields['OrderDescription'] = $params['description']; $postfields['EMail'] = $params['clientdetails']['email']; $postfields['BillingFirstName'] = $params['clientdetails']['firstname']; $postfields['BillingLastName'] = $params['clientdetails']['lastname']; $postfields['BillingAddress1'] = $params['clientdetails']['address1']; $postfields['BillingAddress2'] = $params['clientdetails']['address2']; $postfields['BillingCity'] = $params['clientdetails']['city']; $postfields['BillingState'] = $params['clientdetails']['state']; $postfields['BillingPostalCode'] = $params['clientdetails']['postcode']; $postfields['BillingCountryCode'] = $params['clientdetails']['country']; $postfields['BillingPhone'] = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']; $postfields['ShippingFirstName'] = $params['clientdetails']['firstname']; $postfields['ShippingLastName'] = $params['clientdetails']['lastname']; $postfields['ShippingAddress1'] = $params['clientdetails']['address1']; $postfields['ShippingAddress2'] = $params['clientdetails']['address2']; $postfields['ShippingCity'] = $params['clientdetails']['city']; $postfields['ShippingState'] = $params['clientdetails']['state']; $postfields['ShippingPostalCode'] = $params['clientdetails']['postcode']; $postfields['ShippingCountryCode'] = $params['clientdetails']['country']; $postfields['ShippingPhone'] = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']; $postfields['CardNumber'] = $params['cardnum']; $postfields['CardExpMonth'] = substr($params['cardexp'], 0, 2); $postfields['CardExpYear'] = "20" . substr($params['cardexp'], 2, 2); $queryString = "<CardinalMPI>\n"; foreach ($postfields as $name => $value) { $queryString .= "<" . $name . ">" . $value . "</" . $name . ">\n"; } $queryString .= "</CardinalMPI>"; $data = "cmpi_msg=" . urlencode($queryString); $response = curlCall($mapurl, $data); $xmlarray = XMLtoArray($response); $xmlarray = $xmlarray['CARDINALMPI']; $errorno = $xmlarray['ERRORNO']; $enrolled = $xmlarray['ENROLLED']; $eciflag = $xmlarray['ECIFLAG']; $transid = $xmlarray['TRANSACTIONID']; $acsurl = $xmlarray['ACSURL']; $pareq = $xmlarray['PAYLOAD']; $orderid = $xmlarray['ORDERID']; $_SESSION['Centinel_OrderId'] = $orderid; $_SESSION['Centinel_TransactionId'] = $transid; if ($errorno == 0) { if ($enrolled == "Y") { logTransaction("PayPal Pro Reference", $xmlarray, "3D Auth"); $_SESSION['Centinel_Details'] = array("cardtype" => $params['cardtype'], "cardnum" => $params['cardnum'], "cardexp" => $params['cardexp'], "cccvv" => $params['cccvv'], "cardstart" => $params['cardstart'], "cardissuenum" => $params['cardissuenum']); $code = "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . $acsurl . "\">\n <input type=hidden name=\"PaReq\" value=\"" . $pareq . "\">\n <input type=hidden name=\"TermUrl\" value=\"" . $params['systemurl'] . "/modules/gateways/callback/paypalpaymentsproref.php\">\n <input type=hidden name=\"MD\" value=\"" . $params['invoiceid'] . "\">\n <noscript>\n <center>\n <font color=\"red\">\n <h2>Processing your Payer Authentication Transaction</h2>\n <h3>JavaScript is currently disabled or is not supported by your browser.<br></h3>\n <h4>Please click Submit to continue the processing of your transaction.</h4>\n </font>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">\n </center>\n </noscript>\n </form>"; return $code; } $result = paypalpaymentsproref_capture($params); if ($result['status'] == "success") { logTransaction("PayPal Pro References 3D Capture", $result['rawdata'], "Successful"); addInvoicePayment($params['invoiceid'], $result['transid'], "", "", "paypalpaymentsproref", "on"); sendMessage("Credit Card Payment Confirmation", $params['invoiceid']); redirSystemURL("id=" . $params['invoiceid'] . "&paymentsuccess=true", "viewinvoice.php"); } else { logTransaction("PayPal Pro References 3D Capture", $result['rawdata'], "Failed"); } } else { logTransaction("PayPal Pro References 3D Secure", $xmlarray, "No 3D Auth"); } return "declined"; }
* * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ require "../../../init.php"; $whmcs->load_function("gateway"); $whmcs->load_function("invoice"); $GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables("paymex"); if (!$GATEWAY['type']) { exit("Module Not Activated"); } $invoiceid = checkCbInvoiceID($_GET['xinv'], "Paymex"); if ($_GET['xresp'] == "1") { $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "total", array("id" => $invoiceid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $total = $data['total']; $fee = $total * 0.0295 + 0.55; $pos = strpos($fee, "."); $pos = $pos + 3; $fee = substr($fee, 0, $pos); addInvoicePayment($invoiceid, $invoiceid, "", $fee, "paymex"); logTransaction("Paymex", $_REQUEST, "Successful"); redirSystemURL("id=" . $invoiceid . "&paymentsuccess=true", "viewinvoice.php"); return 1; } logTransaction("Paymex", $_REQUEST, "Unsuccessful"); redirSystemURL("id=" . $invoiceid . "&paymentfailed=true", "viewinvoice.php");
$lastName = $results['LASTNAME']; $suffix = $results['SUFFIX']; $cntryCode = $results['COUNTRYCODE']; $business = $results['BUSINESS']; $shipToName = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME']; $shipToStreet = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET']; $shipToStreet2 = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET2']; $shipToCity = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCITY']; $shipToState = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTATE']; $shipToCntryCode = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE']; $shipToZip = $results['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOZIP']; $addressStatus = $results['ADDRESSSTATUS']; $invoiceNumber = $results['INVNUM']; $phonNumber = $results['PHONENUM']; $_SESSION['paypalexpress']['payerid'] = $payerId; if ($_SESSION['uid']) { redirSystemURL("a=checkout", "cart.php"); } $is_registered = get_query_val("tblclients", "id", array("email" => $email)); if ($is_registered) { $_SESSION['adminid'] = true; validateClientLogin($email, ""); unset($_SESSION['adminid']); redirSystemURL("a=checkout", "cart.php"); } $_SESSION['cart']['user'] = array("firstname" => $firstName, "lastname" => $lastName, "companyname" => $business, "email" => $email, "address1" => $shipToStreet, "address2" => $shipToStreet2, "city" => $shipToCity, "state" => $shipToState, "postcode" => $shipToZip, "country" => $shipToCntryCode, "phonenumber" => $phonNumber); redirSystemURL("a=checkout", "cart.php"); return 1; } logTransaction("PayPal Express Callback", $results, "Error"); echo "An Error Occurred. Please contact support.";
* @ WHMCS FULL DECODED & NULLED * * @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ require "../../../init.php"; $whmcs->load_function("gateway"); $whmcs->load_function("invoice"); $GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables("payson"); if (!$GATEWAY['type']) { exit("Module Not Activated"); } $strYourSecretKey = $GATEWAY['key']; $strOkURL = $_GET['OkURL']; $strRefNr = $_GET['RefNr']; $strPaysonRef = $_GET['Paysonref']; $strTestMD5String = $strOkUrl . $strPaysonRef . $strYourSecretKey; $strMD5Hash = md5($strTestMD5String); if ($strMD5Hash = $_GET['MD5']) { $invoiceid = checkCbInvoiceID($_REQUEST['RefNr'], "PaySon"); addInvoicePayment($_GET['RefNr'], $strPaysonRef, "", "", "payson"); logTransaction("Payson", $_REQUEST, "Successful"); redirSystemURL("id=" . $invoiceid . "&paymentsuccess=true", "viewinvoice.php"); return 1; } logTransaction("Payson", $_REQUEST, "Unsuccessful"); redirSystemURL("action=invoices", "clientarea.php");
<?php require "../../../init.php"; $whmcs->load_function('gateway'); $whmcs->load_function('client'); $GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables("boleto"); if (!$GATEWAY["type"]) { die("Module Not Activated"); } if (!isset($_SESSION["uid"]) && !isset($_SESSION['adminid'])) { redirSystemURL("", "clientarea.php"); } $GATEWAY = array(); $gwresult = select_query("tblpaymentgateways", "", array("gateway" => "boleto")); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($gwresult)) { $gVgwsetting = $data["setting"]; $gVgwvalue = $data["value"]; $GATEWAY[$gVgwsetting] = $gVgwvalue; } if (!in_array($GATEWAY['banco'], array('banestes', 'bb', 'bradesco', 'cef', 'hsbc', 'itau', 'nossacaixa', 'real', 'unibanco'))) { exit; } $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "", array("id" => (int) $invoiceid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $data["id"]; $userid = $data["userid"]; $date = $data["date"]; $duedate = $data["duedate"]; $subtotal = $data["subtotal"]; $credit = $data["credit"]; $tax = $data["tax"];
function imsp_3dsecure($params) { global $remote_ip; $currency = "978"; $amount = str_pad($params['amount'] * 100, 12, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $signature = $params['passcode'] . $params['merchantid'] . $params['terminalid'] . $params['invoiceid'] . $params['passcode'] . $amount; $signature = sha1($signature); $postfields = array(); $postfields['merchantid'] = $params['merchantid']; $postfields['terminalid'] = $params['terminalid']; $postfields['trxntype'] = "Sale"; $postfields['cardnumber'] = $params['cardnum']; $postfields['expirydate'] = $params['cardexp']; if ($params['cccvv']) { $postfields['cardvervalue'] = $params['cccvv']; } $postfields['amount'] = $amount; $postfields['currency'] = $currency; $postfields['batchnumber'] = $params['invoiceid']; $postfields['invoicenumber'] = $params['invoiceid']; $postfields['ipaddress'] = $remote_ip; $postfields['signature'] = $signature; $postfields['responseurl'] = $params['systemurl'] . "/modules/gateways/callback/imsp.php"; $data = curlCall($url, $postfields); $resultstemp = explode(";", $data); $results = array(); foreach ($resultstemp as $v) { $v = explode("|", $v); if ($v[0]) { $results[$v[0]] = $v[1]; continue; } } print_r($results); $responsecode = $results['responsecode']; $responsereasoncode = $results['responsereasoncode']; $trxnid = $results['trxnid']; $url = ""; $acsurl = ""; $pareq = ""; $termurl = ""; $Md = ""; if ($responsecode == "5" && $responsereasoncode == "18") { logTransaction("IMSP 3D Secure", $results, "3D Auth Forward"); $code = "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . $acsurl . "\">\n <input type=hidden name=\"PaReq\" value=\"" . $pareq . "\">\n <input type=hidden name=\"TermUrl\" value=\"" . $termurl . "\">\n <input type=hidden name=\"MD\" value=\"" . $Md . "\">\n <noscript>\n <center>\n <font color=\"red\">\n <h2>Processing your Payer Authentication Transaction</h2>\n <h3>JavaScript is currently disabled or is not supported by your browser.<br></h3>\n <h4>Please click Submit to continue the processing of your transaction.</h4>\n </font>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Continue\">\n </center>\n </noscript>\n </form>"; return $code; } if ($responsecode == "1") { logTransaction("IMSP 3D Secure", $results, "Successful"); addInvoicePayment($params['invoiceid'], $trxnid, "", "", "imsp", "on"); sendMessage("Credit Card Payment Confirmation", $params['invoiceid']); redirSystemURL("id=" . $params['invoiceid'] . "&paymentsuccess=true", "viewinvoice.php"); } else { if ($responsecode == "2") { logTransaction("IMSP 3D Secure", $results, "Declined"); } else { if ($responsecode == "3") { logTransaction("IMSP 3D Secure", $results, "Parse Error"); } else { logTransaction("IMSP 3D Secure", $results, "System Error"); } } } return "declined"; }
function worldpayfuturepay_link($params) { global $_LANG; $code = ""; $futurepayid = get_query_val("tblclients", "gatewayid", array("id" => $params['clientdetails']['userid'])); if (!$futurepayid) { $query2 = "SELECT * FROM tblcustomfieldsvalues WHERE fieldid=(SELECT id FROM tblcustomfields WHERE type='client' AND fieldname='FuturePay ID') AND relid=" . (int) $params['clientdetails']['userid']; $result2 = full_query($query2); $data2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $value = $data2['value']; if (trim($value)) { $futurepayid = $value; } } $testmode = $params['testmode'] ? "100" : ""; if ($_GET['fpcharge'] && $futurepayid) { unset($_GET['fpcharge']); if ($params['testmode']) { $url = ""; } else { $url = ""; } $qrystring = "instId=" . $params['installationidcharges']; $qrystring .= "&authPW=" . $params['authpw']; $qrystring .= "&futurePayId=" . $futurepayid; $qrystring .= "&amount=" . $params['amount']; $qrystring .= "&op-paymentLFP="; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qrystring); $gatewayresult = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (substr($gatewayresult, 0, 1) == "Y") { $returndata = explode(",", $gatewayresult); addInvoicePayment($params['invoiceid'], $returndata[1], "", "", "worldpayfuturepay"); logTransaction("WorldPay FuturePay", $gatewayresult, "Successful"); redirSystemURL("id=" . $params['invoiceid'] . "&paymentsuccess=true", "viewinvoice.php"); } else { logTransaction("WorldPay FuturePay", $gatewayresult, "Error"); if ($_LANG['worldpayfuturepaycapturefailed']) { $code = $_LANG['worldpayfuturepaycapturefailed'] . "<br>"; } else { $code = "Payment Attempt Failed. You can setup a new agreement using the button below.<br>"; } $futurepayid = ""; } } if ($futurepayid) { $code .= "We have your details on record and will charge your card on the invoice due date<br /><input type=\"button\" value=\"Click here to Pay Now\" onclick=\"window.location='" . $params['systemurl'] . "/viewinvoice.php?id=" . $params['invoiceid'] . "&fpcharge=true'\" />"; } else { $code .= "\n<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"instId\" VALUE=\"" . $params['installationid'] . "\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"cartId\" VALUE=\"" . $params['invoiceid'] . "\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"desc\" VALUE=\"" . $params['description'] . "\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"currency\" VALUE=\"" . $params['currency'] . "\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"amount\" VALUE=\"" . $params['amount'] . "\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"TestMode\" VALUE=\"" . $testmode . "\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"futurePayType\" VALUE=\"limited\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"noOfPayments\" VALUE=\"0\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"amountLimit\" VALUE=\"0.00\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"option\" VALUE=\"0\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['firstname'] . " " . $params['clientdetails']['lastname'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['email'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['address1'] . "\r\n" . $params['clientdetails']['city'] . "\r\n" . $params['clientdetails']['state'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"postcode\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['postcode'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"country\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['country'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tel\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hideCurrency\" value=\"true\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"MC_callback\" VALUE=\"" . $params['systemurl'] . "/modules/gateways/callback/worldpayfuturepay.php\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"successURL\" VALUE=\"" . $params['systemurl'] . "/viewinvoice.php?id=" . $params['invoiceid'] . "&paymentsuccess=true\">\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"failureURL\" VALUE=\"" . $params['systemurl'] . "/viewinvoice.php?id=" . $params['invoiceid'] . "&paymentfailed=true\">"; if ($params['authmode'] == "on") { $code .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"authMode\" value=\"A\">"; } $code .= "\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $params['langpaynow'] . "\">\n</FORM>\n\t\t"; } return $code; }