function recursive_copy($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); @mkdir($dst); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { recursive_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); }
function recursive_copy($src, $dst) { if (!file_exists($src) && !is_dir($src)) { die("Template not found"); } $dir = opendir($src); mkdir($dst); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { recursive_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); }
function recursive_copy($source, $destination) { $counter = 0; if (substr($source, strlen($source), 1) != "/") { $source .= "/"; } if (substr($destination, strlen($destination), 1) != "/") { $destination .= "/"; } if (!is_dir($destination)) { makeDirs($destination); } $itens = listFiles($source); foreach ($itens as $id => $name) { if ($name[0] == "/") { $name = substr($name, 1); } if (is_file($source . $name)) { // file if ($name != "Thumbs.db") { $counter++; if (!copy($source . $name, $destination . $name)) { echo "Error: " . $source . $name . " -> " . $destination . $name . "<br/>"; } else { safe_chmod($destination . $name, 0775); } } else { @unlink($source . $name); } } else { if (is_dir($source . $name)) { // dir if (!is_dir($destination . $name)) { safe_mkdir($destination . $name); } $counter += recursive_copy($source . $name, $destination . $name); } } } return $counter; }
function recursive_copy($source, $dest) { global $return; if (is_dir($source)) { $dir_handle = opendir($source); while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir($source . "/" . $file)) { if (!is_dir($dest . "/" . $file)) { mkdir($dest . "/" . $file); } recursive_copy($source . "/" . $file, $dest . "/" . $file); } else { copy($source . "/" . $file, $dest . "/" . $file); $return['copied'][] = $source . "/" . $file; } } } closedir($dir_handle); } else { copy($source, $dest); $return['copied'][] = $source; } }
protected function copy_scripts() { $this->write_progress("\tCopying Scripts"); $script_dir = $this->global_settings->switch_script_dir(); if (strlen($script_dir) == 0) { throw new Exception("Cannot copy scripts the 'script_dir' is empty"); } if (file_exists($script_dir)) { if (file_exists('/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/install/scripts')) { $src_dir = '/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/install/scripts'; } else { $src_dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/resources/install/scripts'; } $dst_dir = $script_dir; if (is_readable($script_dir)) { recursive_copy($src_dir, $dst_dir, $_SESSION['scripts']['options']['text']); unset($src_dir, $dst_dir); } else { throw new Exception("Cannot read from '{$src_dir}' to get the scripts"); } chmod($dst_dir, 0774); } else { $this->write_progress("\tSkipping scripts, script_dir is unset"); } }
protected function backup_dir($dir, $backup_name) { if (!is_readable($dir)) { throw new Exception("backup_dir() source directory '" . $dir . "' does not exist."); } $dst_tar = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(sys_get_temp_dir(), "{$backup_name}.tar")); //pharData is the correct ay to do it, but it keeps creating incomplete archives //$tar = new PharData($dst_tar); //$tar->buildFromDirectory($dir); $this->write_debug("backing up to {$dst_tar}"); if (file_exists('/bin/tar')) { exec('tar -cvf ' . $dst_tar . ' -C ' . $dir . ' .'); } else { $this->write_debug('WARN: old config could not be compressed'); $dst_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(sys_get_temp_dir(), "{$backup_name}")); recursive_copy($dir, $dst_dir); } }
/** * Copy the switch scripts from the web directory to the switch directory */ public function copy_files() { if (strlen($_SESSION['switch']['scripts']['dir']) > 0) { $dst_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['scripts']['dir']; if (strlen($dst_dir) == 0) { throw new Exception("Cannot copy scripts the 'script_dir' is empty"); } if (file_exists($dst_dir)) { //get the source directory if (file_exists('/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/install/scripts')) { $src_dir = '/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/install/scripts'; } else { $src_dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/resources/install/scripts'; } if (is_readable($dst_dir)) { recursive_copy($src_dir, $dst_dir); unset($src_dir, $dst_dir); } else { throw new Exception("Cannot read from '{$src_dir}' to get the scripts"); } chmod($dst_dir, 0774); } else { throw new Exception("Scripts directory doesn't exist"); } } }
/** Recursively copy a directory */ function recursive_copy($dirsourceparent, $dirdest, &$md5sums, $dirsource = "") { global $dryrun; global $check_md5s; global $amp_conf; global $asterisk_conf; global $install_moh; global $make_links; $moh_subdir = isset($amp_conf['MOHDIR']) ? trim(trim($amp_conf['MOHDIR']), '/') : 'mohmp3'; // total # files, # actually copied $num_files = $num_copied = 0; if ($dirsource && $dirsource[0] != "/") { $dirsource = "/" . $dirsource; } if (is_dir($dirsourceparent . $dirsource)) { $dir_handle = opendir($dirsourceparent . $dirsource); } /* echo "dirsourceparent: "; var_dump($dirsourceparent); echo "dirsource: "; var_dump($dirsource); echo "dirdest: "; var_dump($dirdest); */ while (isset($dir_handle) && ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "CVS" && $file != ".svn") { $source = $dirsourceparent . $dirsource . "/" . $file; $destination = $dirdest . $dirsource . "/" . $file; if ($dirsource == "" && $file == "moh" && !$install_moh) { // skip to the next dir continue; } // configurable in amportal.conf if (strpos($destination, "htdocs_panel") == 1) { $destination = str_replace("/htdocs_panel", trim($amp_conf["FOPWEBROOT"]), $destination); } else { $destination = str_replace("/htdocs", trim($amp_conf["AMPWEBROOT"]), $destination); } $destination = str_replace("/htdocs_panel", trim($amp_conf["FOPWEBROOT"]), $destination); // $destination=str_replace("/cgi-bin",trim($amp_conf["AMPCGIBIN"]),$destination); if (strpos($dirsource, 'modules') === false) { $destination = str_replace("/bin", trim($amp_conf["AMPBIN"]), $destination); } $destination = str_replace("/sbin", trim($amp_conf["AMPSBIN"]), $destination); // the following are configurable in asterisk.conf $destination = str_replace("/astetc", trim($asterisk_conf["astetcdir"]), $destination); $destination = str_replace("/moh", trim($asterisk_conf["astvarlibdir"]) . "/{$moh_subdir}", $destination); $destination = str_replace("/astvarlib", trim($asterisk_conf["astvarlibdir"]), $destination); if (strpos($dirsource, 'modules') === false) { $destination = str_replace("/agi-bin", trim($asterisk_conf["astagidir"]), $destination); } if (strpos($dirsource, 'modules') === false) { $destination = str_replace("/sounds", trim($asterisk_conf["astvarlibdir"]) . "/sounds", $destination); } // if this is a directory, ensure destination exists if (is_dir($source)) { if (!file_exists($destination)) { if (!$dryrun && $destination != "") { amp_mkdir($destination, "0750", true); } } } //var_dump($md5sums); if (!is_dir($source)) { $md5_source = preg_replace("|^/?amp_conf/|", "/", $source); if ($check_md5s && file_exists($destination) && isset($md5sums[$md5_source]) && md5_file($destination) != $md5sums[$md5_source]) { // double check using diff utility (and ignoring whitespace) // This is a somewhat edge case (eg, the file doesn't match // it's md5 sum from the previous version, but no substantial // changes exist compared to the current version), but it // pervents a useless prompt to the user. if (checkDiff($source, $destination)) { $overwrite = ask_overwrite($source, $destination); } else { debug("NOTE: MD5 for " . $destination . " was different, but `diff` did not detect any (non-whitespace) changes: overwriting"); $overwrite = true; } } else { $overwrite = true; } $num_files++; if ($overwrite) { debug(($make_links ? "link" : "copy") . " " . $source . " -> " . $destination); if (!$dryrun) { if ($make_links) { // symlink, unlike copy, doesn't overwrite - have to delete first if (is_link($destination) || file_exists($destination)) { unlink($destination); } symlink($_ENV["PWD"] . "/" . $source, $destination); } else { copy($source, $destination); } $num_copied++; } } else { debug("not overwriting " . $destination); } } else { //echo "recursive_copy($dirsourceparent, $dirdest, $md5sums, $dirsource/$file)"; list($tmp_num_files, $tmp_num_copied) = recursive_copy($dirsourceparent, $dirdest, $md5sums, $dirsource . "/" . $file); $num_files += $tmp_num_files; $num_copied += $tmp_num_copied; } } } if (isset($dir_handle)) { closedir($dir_handle); } return array($num_files, $num_copied); }
} else { echo '<form method="post">'; echo '<input name="submit" type="hidden" value="submit" />'; echo '</form>'; if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) { $hostfile = fopen($zip_url . $zip_name, 'r'); $fh = fopen($zip_name, 'w'); while (!feof($hostfile)) { $output = fread($hostfile, 8192); fwrite($fh, $output); } fclose($hostfile); fclose($fh); require_once 'pclzip.lib.php'; $archive = new PclZip($zip_name); if (($v_result_list = $archive->extract()) == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } unlink($zip_name); //DELETE ZIP recursive_copy($src_dir, $dest_dir); //COPY FILES //system('/bin/rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg($src_dir)); //LINUX DELETE system('rd /Q /S "' . $src_dir . '"'); //WINDOWS DELETE include 'mysql_update.php'; //UPDATE MYSQL echo "Updater finished!"; //FINAL } }
public function createStore() { $this->load->dbforge(); $this->load->helper('file_helper'); $this->load->helper('Mobile_Detect_helper'); $this->load->helper('create_db_helper'); $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $deviceName = ""; if ($detect->isMobile()) { $deviceName = "mobile"; } else { if ($detect->isTablet()) { $deviceName = "tablet"; } else { $deviceName = "pc"; } } $post = $this->input->post(); $clientInfo = $post["clientInfo"]; $userId = $this->session->userdata("userid"); $databaseObj = $this->template->getTemplateName($post["key"]); $resultObj = $databaseObj->result()[0]; $projectName = $resultObj->TemplateProjectName; $projectImage = $resultObj->TemplateImage; recursive_copy("assets/template/" . $projectName, "../" . $post["domainName"]); copy("assets/images/screen-shot/" . $projectImage, "assets/images/screen-shot/" . $post["domainName"] . ".jpg"); $databaseObj->next_result(); $databaseObj = $this->template->createStore($post["storeName"], $post["domainName"], $userId, $post["key"], $clientInfo["appCodeName"], $clientInfo["appVersion"], $this->input->ip_address(), $deviceName, $clientInfo["platform"]); $newStore = $databaseObj->result()[0]; $databaseObj->next_result(); execSql($newStore->TemplateType, $post["domainName"], get_instance()); }
protected function copy_conf() { //send a message $this->write_progress("\tCopying Config"); //make a backup of the config if (file_exists($this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir())) { $this->backup_dir($this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir(), 'fusionpbx_switch_config'); recursive_delete($this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir()); } //make sure the conf directory exists if (!is_dir($this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir())) { if (!mkdir($this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir(), 0774, true)) { throw new Exception("Failed to create the switch conf directory '" . $this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir() . "'. "); } } //copy resources/templates/conf to the freeswitch conf dir if (file_exists('/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf')) { $src_dir = "/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf"; } else { $src_dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . "/resources/templates/conf"; } $dst_dir = $this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir(); if (is_readable($dst_dir)) { recursive_copy($src_dir, $dst_dir); unset($src_dir, $dst_dir); } $fax_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($this->global_settings->switch_storage_dir(), 'fax')); if (!is_readable($fax_dir)) { mkdir($fax_dir, 0777, true); } $voicemail_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($this->global_settings->switch_storage_dir(), 'voicemail')); if (!is_readable($voicemail_dir)) { mkdir($voicemail_dir, 0777, true); } //write the xml_cdr.conf.xml file if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . "/app/xml_cdr")) { xml_cdr_conf_xml(); } //write the switch.conf.xml file if (file_exists($this->global_settings->switch_conf_dir())) { switch_conf_xml(); } }
function sync_directory() { global $v_id, $db; $v_settings_array = v_settings(); foreach ($v_settings_array as $name => $value) { ${$name} = $value; } //if the directory does not exist then create it. clearstatcache(); if (!is_dir($v_sounds_dir . "/en/us/callie/directory/48000")) { mkdir($v_sounds_dir . "/en/us/callie/directory/48000", 0700, true); $src_dir = $v_web_dir . '/includes/install/sounds/directory/48000'; $dest_dir = $v_sounds_dir . "/en/us/callie/directory/48000"; //echo "src_dir $src_dir<br />\n"; //echo "dest_dir $dest_dir<br />\n"; recursive_copy($src_dir, $dest_dir); } $tmp = "include(\"config.js\");\n"; $tmp .= "//var sounds_dir\n"; $tmp .= "var admin_pin = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "var search_type = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "//var tmp_dir\n"; $tmp .= "var digitmaxlength = 0;\n"; $tmp .= "var timeoutpin = 5000;\n"; $tmp .= "var timeouttransfer = 5000;\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "var dtmf = new Object( );\n"; $tmp .= "dtmf.digits = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "function mycb( session, type, obj, arg ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\ttry {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tif ( type == \"dtmf\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tconsole_log( \"info\", \"digit: \"+obj.digit+\"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tif ( obj.digit == \"#\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"detected pound sign.\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\texit = true;\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\treturn( false );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tif ( obj.digit == \"*\" ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"detected pound sign.\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\texit = true;\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\treturn( false );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tdtmf.digits += obj.digit;\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tif ( dtmf.digits.length >= digitmaxlength ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\texit = true;\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t\treturn( false );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\t} catch (e) {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tconsole_log( \"err\", e+\"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\treturn( true );\n"; $tmp .= "} //end function mycb\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "function directory_search(search_type) {\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\tdigitmaxlength = 3;\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-enter-person.wav\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tif (search_type == \"last_name\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-last_name.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-to_search_by.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-first_name.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\tif (search_type == \"first_name\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-first_name.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-to_search_by.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-last_name.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-press.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.execute(\"say\", \"en name_spelled iterated 1\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.collectInput( mycb, dtmf, timeoutpin );\n"; $tmp .= "\tvar dtmf_search = dtmf.digits;\n"; $tmp .= "\t//console_log( \"info\", \"--\" + dtmf.digits + \"--\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\tif (dtmf_search == \"1\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"press 1 detected: \" + dtmf.digits + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"press 1 detected: \" + search_type + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tif (search_type == \"last_name\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"press 1 detected last_name: \" + search_type + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tsearch_type = \"first_name\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\t\telse {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"press 1 detected first_name: \" + search_type + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tsearch_type = \"last_name\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdtmf_search = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdtmf.digits = \"\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdirectory_search(search_type);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\treturn;\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\tconsole_log( \"info\", \"first 3 letters of first or last name: \" + dtmf.digits + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en name_spelled pronounced mark\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//<action application=\"say\" data=\"en name_spelled iterated \${destination_number}\"/>\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en number iterated 12345\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en number pronounced 1001\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en short_date_time pronounced [timestamp]\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en CURRENT_TIME pronounced CURRENT_TIME\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en CURRENT_DATE pronounced CURRENT_DATE\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.execute(\"say\", \"en CURRENT_DATE_TIME pronounced CURRENT_DATE_TIME\");\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t//take each name and convert it to the equivalent number in php when this file is generated\n"; $tmp .= "\t//then test each number see if it matches the user dtmf search keys\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\tvar result_array = new Array();\n"; $tmp .= "\tvar x = 0;\n"; //get a list of extensions and the users assigned to them $sql = ""; $sql .= " select * from v_extensions "; $sql .= "where v_id = '{$v_id}' "; $prepstatement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prepstatement->execute(); $x = 0; $result = $prepstatement->fetchAll(); foreach ($result as &$row) { //print_r($row); $extension = $row["extension"]; $effective_caller_id_name = $row["effective_caller_id_name"]; $user_list = $row["user_list"]; $user_list = trim($user_list, "|"); //echo $user_list."<br />\n"; $username_array = explode("|", $user_list); //print_r($username_array); foreach ($username_array as &$username) { if (strlen($username) > 0) { $sql = ""; $sql .= "select * from v_users "; $sql .= "where v_id = '{$v_id}' "; $sql .= "and username = '******' "; $prepstatement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prepstatement->execute(); $tmp_result = $prepstatement->fetchAll(); foreach ($tmp_result as &$row_tmp) { $userfirstname = $row_tmp["userfirstname"]; $userlastname = $row_tmp["userlastname"]; if ($userfirstname == "na") { $userfirstname = ""; } if ($userlastname == "na") { $userlastname = ""; } if ($userfirstname == "admin") { $userfirstname = ""; } if ($userlastname == "admin") { $userlastname = ""; } if ($userfirstname == "superadmin") { $userfirstname = ""; } if ($userlastname == "superadmin") { $userlastname = ""; } if (strlen($userfirstname . $userlastname) == 0) { $name_array = explode(" ", $effective_caller_id_name); $userfirstname = $name_array[0]; if (count($name_array) > 1) { $userlastname = $name_array[1]; } } break; //limit to 1 row } $f1 = phone_letter_to_number(substr($userfirstname, 0, 1)); $f2 = phone_letter_to_number(substr($userfirstname, 1, 1)); $f3 = phone_letter_to_number(substr($userfirstname, 2, 1)); $l1 = phone_letter_to_number(substr($userlastname, 0, 1)); $l2 = phone_letter_to_number(substr($userlastname, 1, 1)); $l3 = phone_letter_to_number(substr($userlastname, 2, 1)); //echo $sql." extension: $extension firstname $userfirstname lastname $userlastname $tmp<br />"; $tmp .= "\tif (search_type == \"first_name\" && dtmf_search == \"" . $f1 . $f2 . $f3 . "\" || search_type == \"last_name\" && dtmf_search == \"" . $l1 . $l2 . $l3 . "\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tresult_array[x]=new Array()\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tresult_array[x]['first_name'] =\"" . $userfirstname . "\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tresult_array[x]['last_name'] =\"" . $userlastname . "\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tresult_array[x]['extension'] = \"" . $extension . "\";\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"found: " . $userfirstname . " " . $userlastname . "\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tx++;\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; } } } unset($prepstatement); $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t//say the number of results that matched\n"; $tmp .= "\t\$result_count = result_array.length;\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.execute(\"say\", \"en number iterated \"+\$result_count);\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-result_match.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t//clear values\n"; $tmp .= "\tdtmf_search = 0;\n"; $tmp .= "\tdtmf.digits = '';\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\tif (\$result_count == 0) {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//session.execute(\"transfer\", \"*347 XML default\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdirectory_search(search_type);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\treturn;\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.execute(\"set\", \"tts_engine=flite\");\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.execute(\"set\", \"tts_voice=rms\"); //rms //kal //awb //slt\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.execute(\"set\", \"playback_terminators=#\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t//session.speak(\"flite\",\"kal\",\"Thanks for.. calling\");\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\ti=1;\n"; $tmp .= "\tfor ( i in result_array ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//say first name and last name is at extension 1001\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//session.execute(\"speak\", result_array[i]['first_name']);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//session.execute(\"speak\", result_array[i]['last_name']);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.execute(\"say\", \"en name_spelled pronounced \"+result_array[i]['first_name']);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.execute(\"sleep\", \"500\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.execute(\"say\", \"en name_spelled pronounced \"+result_array[i]['last_name']);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-at_extension.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.execute(\"say\", \"en number pronounced \"+result_array[i]['extension']);\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//to select this entry press 1\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-to_select_entry.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.streamFile( sounds_dir+\"/en/us/callie/directory/48000/dir-press.wav\", mycb, \"dtmf\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tsession.execute(\"say\", \"en number iterated 1\");\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"first name: \" + result_array[i]['first_name'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"last name: \" + result_array[i]['last_name'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//console_log( \"info\", \"extension: \" + result_array[i]['extension'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t//if 1 is pressed then transfer the call\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tdtmf.digits = session.getDigits(1, \"#\", 3000);\n"; $tmp .= "\t\tif (dtmf.digits == \"1\") {\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tconsole_log( \"info\", \"directory: call transfered to: \" + result_array[i]['extension'] + \"\\n\" );\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t\tsession.execute(\"transfer\", result_array[i]['extension']+\" XML default\");\n"; $tmp .= "\t\t}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\t}\n"; $tmp .= "}\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "\n"; $tmp .= "if ( session.ready() ) {\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.answer();\n"; $tmp .= "\tsearch_type = \"last_name\";\n"; $tmp .= "\tdirectory_search(search_type);\n"; $tmp .= "\tsession.hangup(\"NORMAL_CLEARING\");\n"; $tmp .= "}\n"; $tmp .= ""; //write the file $fout = fopen($v_scripts_dir . "/directory.js", "w"); fwrite($fout, $tmp); fclose($fout); }
/** * From * Copy file or folder from source to destination * @param string $source file or folder * @param string $dest file or folder * @param array $options (optional) folderPermission,filePermission * @return boolean */ function recursive_copy($source, $dest, $options = array('folderPermission' => 0755, 'filePermission' => 0755)) { $result = false; if (is_file($source)) { if ($dest[strlen($dest) - 1] == '/') { if (!file_exists($dest)) { cmfcDirectory::makeAll($dest, $options['folderPermission'], true); } $__dest = $dest . '/' . basename($source); } else { $__dest = $dest; } $result = copy($source, $__dest); chmod($__dest, $options['filePermission']); } elseif (is_dir($source)) { if ($dest[strlen($dest) - 1] == '/') { if ($source[strlen($source) - 1] == '/') { //Copy only contents } else { //Change parent itself and its contents $dest = $dest . basename($source); @mkdir($dest); chmod($dest, $options['filePermission']); } } else { if ($source[strlen($source) - 1] == '/') { //Copy parent directory with new name and all its content @mkdir($dest, $options['folderPermission']); chmod($dest, $options['filePermission']); } else { //Copy parent directory with new name and all its content @mkdir($dest, $options['folderPermission']); chmod($dest, $options['filePermission']); } } $dirHandle = opendir($source); while ($file = readdir($dirHandle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!is_dir($source . "/" . $file)) { $__dest = $dest . '/' . $file; } else { $__dest = $dest . '/' . $file; } //echo "$source/$file ||| $__dest<br />"; $result = recursive_copy($source . "/" . $file, $__dest, $options); } } closedir($dirHandle); } else { $result = false; } return $result; }
# Unpdates shebang for Unix ############################################################################### */ #error_reporting(0); // Disable PHP errors and warnings // Comment to Enable for testing chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // Change wd to this files location include_once "../../main/includes/"; include_once "../../main/includes/functions.php"; run_location_tracker(); // Have servers moved update configuration accordingly //=== Update shebang in all files in folder cgi-bin and sub-folders =========== print "\n ============= End of line and shebang update =============\n\n"; if (perl_installed()) { //Copy all fies to new folder and update end of lines recursive_copy($base_f . '/cgi-bin', $base_f . '/cgi-bin-unix'); // Copy folder tree before conversion $start_dir = $base_f . '/cgi-bin-unix'; // starting folder $file_type = '/(\\.pl|\\.cgi)/'; // list file types to convert $search_str = '/\\r/'; // string to search for $replace_str = ""; // replace string recursive_search_replace($start_dir, $file_type, $search_str, $replace_str); // replace //Update shebang to Unix $start_dir = $base_f . "/cgi-bin-unix"; // Unix Perl folder $file_type = '/(\\.pl|\\.cgi)/';
/** Recursively copy a directory */ function recursive_copy($dirsourceparent, $dirdest, &$md5sums, $dirsource = "") { global $dryrun; global $check_md5s; global $amp_conf; global $asterisk_conf; global $install_moh; global $make_links; $overwrite = false; $moh_subdir = isset($amp_conf['MOHDIR']) ? trim(trim($amp_conf['MOHDIR']), '/') : 'mohmp3'; // total # files, # actually copied $num_files = $num_copied = 0; if ($dirsource && $dirsource[0] != "/") { $dirsource = "/" . $dirsource; } if (is_dir($dirsourceparent . $dirsource)) { $dir_handle = opendir($dirsourceparent . $dirsource); } /* echo "dirsourceparent: "; var_dump($dirsourceparent); echo "dirsource: "; var_dump($dirsource); echo "dirdest: "; var_dump($dirdest); */ while (isset($dir_handle) && ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "CVS" && $file != ".svn" && $file != ".git") { $source = $dirsourceparent . $dirsource . "/" . $file; $destination = $dirdest . $dirsource . "/" . $file; if ($dirsource == "" && $file == "moh" && !$install_moh) { // skip to the next dir continue; } // configurable in amportal.conf $destination = preg_replace("/^\\/htdocs\\//i", trim($amp_conf["AMPWEBROOT"]) . "/", $destination); if (strpos($dirsource, 'modules') === false) { $destination = str_replace("/bin", trim($amp_conf["AMPBIN"]), $destination); } $destination = str_replace("/sbin", trim($amp_conf["AMPSBIN"]), $destination); // the following are configurable in asterisk.conf $destination = str_replace("/astetc", trim($asterisk_conf["astetcdir"]), $destination); $destination = str_replace("/moh", trim($asterisk_conf["astvarlibdir"]) . "/{$moh_subdir}", $destination); $destination = str_replace("/astvarlib", trim($asterisk_conf["astvarlibdir"]), $destination); if (strpos($dirsource, 'modules') === false) { $destination = str_replace("/agi-bin", trim($asterisk_conf["astagidir"]), $destination); } if (strpos($dirsource, 'modules') === false) { $destination = str_replace("/sounds", trim($asterisk_conf["astvarlibdir"]) . "/sounds", $destination); } // if this is a directory, ensure destination exists if (is_dir($source)) { if (!file_exists($destination)) { if (!$dryrun && $destination != "") { amp_mkdir($destination, "0750", true); } } } //var_dump($md5sums); if (!is_dir($source)) { $md5_source = preg_replace("|^/?amp_conf/|", "/", $source); if ($check_md5s && file_exists($destination) && isset($md5sums[$md5_source]) && md5_file($destination) != $md5sums[$md5_source]) { // double check using diff utility (and ignoring whitespace) // This is a somewhat edge case (eg, the file doesn't match // it's md5 sum from the previous version, but no substantial // changes exist compared to the current version), but it // prevents a useless prompt to the user. if (checkDiff($source, $destination)) { $overwrite = ask_overwrite($source, $destination); } else { debug("NOTE: MD5 for " . $destination . " was different, but `diff` did not detect any (non-whitespace) changes: overwriting"); $overwrite = true; } } else { $overwrite = true; } // These are modified by, there may be others that fit in this category also. This keeps these from // being symlinked and then developers inadvertently checking in the changes when they should not have. // $never_symlink = array("cdr_mysql.conf", "manager.conf", "", "modules.conf"); $num_files++; if ($overwrite) { debug(($make_links ? "link" : "copy") . " " . $source . " -> " . $destination); if (!$dryrun) { if ($make_links && !in_array(basename($source), $never_symlink)) { // symlink, unlike copy, doesn't overwrite - have to delete first if (is_link($destination) || file_exists($destination)) { unlink($destination); } $links = recursive_readlink($source); if (!empty($links)) { @symlink(substitute_readlinks($source, $links), $destination); } else { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $source)) { @symlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $source, $destination); } } } else { $ow = false; if (file_exists($destination)) { if (checkDiff($source, $destination) && !$make_links) { $ow = ask_overwrite($source, $destination); } elseif ($make_links) { $ow = false; } } else { $ow = true; } //ask_overwrite if ($ow) { //Copy will not overwrite a symlink, phpnesssss if (file_exists($destination) && is_link($destination)) { unlink($destination); } copy($source, $destination); } else { continue; } } $num_copied++; } } else { debug("not overwriting " . $destination); } } else { list($tmp_num_files, $tmp_num_copied) = recursive_copy($dirsourceparent, $dirdest, $md5sums, $dirsource . "/" . $file); $num_files += $tmp_num_files; $num_copied += $tmp_num_copied; } } } if (isset($dir_handle)) { closedir($dir_handle); } return array($num_files, $num_copied); }
function recursive_copy($src, $dest) { // Base case, is file so just copy if (is_file($src)) { $c = copy($src, $dest); return $c; } if (!is_dir($dest)) { recursive_mkdir($dest); } $dir = dir($src); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..' || preg_match('/^\\./', $entry)) { // Skips the index '.' and '..' along with hidden files continue; } if ($dest !== "{$src}/{$entry}") { recursive_copy("{$src}/{$entry}", "{$dest}/{$entry}"); } } }
function loadMetadata() { if (!$this->debugmode) { return parent::loadMetadata(); } $this->errorControl->raise(1000); $this->log = array(); // we don't want the above "log" to cause an abort (yes, this function uses the log size to confirm an error - lame but extremelly effective) $this->allModulesLoaded = true; # initial clean up and check if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_TEMP)) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_TEMP); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE)) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG)) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS)) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_LOGS); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/actions/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/actions"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/content/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/content"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template"); copy(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/basefile.html", CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/basefile.html"); copy(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/index.html", CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/index.html"); } if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/mail/")) { safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/mail"); } # Dimconfig if (is_file(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/din.dat")) { $this->dimconfig = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/din.dat")); } if ($this->dimconfig === false) { $this->dimconfig = array(); } # Error on load $this->checkConfig(); # clear the meta cache if (!$this->offlineMode) { $files = listFiles(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/"); foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/" . $file)) { @unlink(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/" . $file); } } if (!$this->checkinstall()) { $this->errorControl->raise(118, array_unshift($this->log)); } if (isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) { recursive_del(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/pages/", true); recursive_del(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/", false, 'cache'); } } # If no database, we are done if ($this->dbless) { return count($this->log) == 0; } # Search all necessary model files $parseXMLparams = array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true); $xml = new xmlHandler(); $model = is_file(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "default.xml") ? cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "default.xml") . "\n" : ''; foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $scriptName => $scriptObj) { if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $scriptName . "/meta.xml")) { $model .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $scriptName . "/meta.xml") . "\n"; } } unset($scriptName); unset($scriptObj); if (is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/meta.xml")) { $model .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/meta.xml") . "\n"; } $model = $xml->parseXML($model, $parseXMLparams, true); unset($xml); if ($model === false) { $this->errorControl->raise(119); } # browses the XML and loads modules $model =& $model->getbranch(0); $total = $model->total(); $relation = array(); # foreign keys are only created later $lastLoad = ""; for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) { # for each module ... $thisbranch =& $model->getbranch($c); $total_campos = $thisbranch->total(); # creates the module as from XML settings $module = strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]); $param =& $thisbranch->data[1]; $dbname = strtolower(isset($param['dbname']) ? $param['dbname'] : ''); foreach ($this->modules as $name => $otherModule) { if ($otherModule->dbname == $dbname && $dbname != "" && $module != $otherModule->name) { $this->errorControl->raise(120, $otherModule->name, $name, $dbname); } } if ($module == '') { $this->errorControl->raise(107, $dbname, "XML error", "Module after {$lastLoad} is corrupt"); } $this->loadModule($module, $dbname); #MODULE CREATE $lastLoad = $module; # loads standard data from this object --------------------------------------------------------------------- # read parameters for the MODULE foreach ($this->moduleOptions as $mo) { $this->modules[$module]->options[$mo[0]] = $mo[3] != '' ? array() : ''; } if (is_array($param)) { foreach ($param as $pkey => $pcontent) { $pkey = strtolower($pkey); switch ($pkey) { case "key": case "keys": # will use default auto_increment "id" if none specified. If you specify more than one, none will be auto_increment and the system will use auto-numbering $this->modules[$module]->keys = explode(",", $pcontent); break; case "title": $this->modules[$module]->title = strtolower($pcontent); break; case "volatile": # this module can be deleted as a stand-alone volatile item $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_VOLATILE] = strtolower($pcontent) == "true"; break; case "parent": $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] = strtolower($pcontent); // field which denotes parenthood break; case "plugins": case "plugin": $this->modules[$module]->plugins = explode(",", strtolower($pcontent)); break; case "order": $this->modules[$module]->order = trim(strtolower($pcontent)); break; case "permissionoverride": if (strlen($pcontent) >= 9) { $this->modules[$module]->permissionOverride = substr(strtolower($pcontent), 0, 9); } break; case "linker": $this->modules[$module]->linker = true; break; case "systemmodule": $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM] = true; break; case "autoclean": $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_AUTOCLEAN] = $pcontent; break; case "meta": $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_META] = $pcontent; break; case "disallowmultiple": if (strtolower($pcontent) == "true") { $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_DISALLOWMULTIPLE] = true; } else { unset($this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_DISALLOWMULTIPLE]); } break; case "noundo": if (strtolower($pcontent) == "true") { $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_NOUNDO] = true; } else { unset($this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_NOUNDO]); } default: if ($pkey != "name" && $pkey != "dbname") { $isMO = false; foreach ($this->moduleOptions as $mo) { if ($mo[1] == $pkey) { $isMO = true; if ($mo[2]) { $pcontent = strtolower($pcontent); } if ($mo[3] != '') { $pcontent = explode($mo[3], $pcontent); } $this->modules[$module]->options[$mo[0]] = $pcontent; break; } } if (!$isMO) { $this->modules[$module]->options[$pkey] = $pcontent; } } break; } } #foreach unset($pkey); unset($pcontent); } if ($this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] != '' && strpos($this->modules[$module]->order, $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT]) === false) { # in tree mode, the field that defines parenthood must be in the order clause, the first if possible $this->modules[$module]->order = $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] . "+" . ($this->modules[$module]->order != '' ? "," . $this->modules[$module]->order : ''); } # -- ok on reading parameters $campos = array(); $mandatory = 0; # browse FIELDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for ($campo = 0; $campo < $total_campos; $campo++) { $thiscampo =& $thisbranch->getbranch($campo); ## processParameters ######################################### $campos = $this->processParameters($thiscampo, $campos, $module); ############################################################## $nomecampo = strtolower($thiscampo->data[0]); if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) { array_push($relation, array($module, $nomecampo, $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MODULE])); // if this is a non-mandatory link to myself, called "id_parent", and I don't have parent ... well .. obviously this is it if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $module && !isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) && $nomecampo == "id_parent" && $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] == '') { $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] = $nomecampo; } } else { if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_SERIALIZED) { // browse fields looking for links foreach ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL] as $exname => &$exfield) { if ($exfield[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) { array_push($relation, array($module, $nomecampo . ":" . $exname, $exfield[CONS_XML_MODULE])); } } } } # checks if this field can be NULL or NOT depending on options and mandatory setting if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL]) && $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] != "") { # relation will not be set if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) || $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_OPTIONS || isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) { $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " NOT NULL"; $mandatory++; } else { $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " NULL"; } if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) { $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " DEFAULT '" . $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT] . "'"; } } } # this module has a database (it's possible to have modules without a database) if ($this->modules[$module]->dbname != "") { # checks standard key "id" if no key specified if (in_array("id", $this->modules[$module]->keys) && !isset($this->modules[$module]->fields['id']) && !isset($campos['id'])) { if ($this->modules[$module]->linker) { $this->modules[$module]->keys = array(); $keys = 0; foreach ($campos as $fieldname => $fieldobj) { if (isset($fieldobj[CONS_XML_MODULE])) { $keys++; $this->modules[$module]->keys[] = $fieldname; if ($keys == 2) { break; } } } unset($fieldname); unset($fieldobj); } else { $campos['id'][CONS_XML_SQL] = "INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL" . (count($this->modules[$module]->keys) <= 1 ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : ""); $campos['id'][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_INT; if (count($this->modules[$module]->keys) > 1) { $campos['id'][CONS_XML_RESTRICT] = 99; } } } # -- keys (this is done to prevent repeated keys) $chave = $this->modules[$module]->keys; $this->modules[$module]->keys = array(); foreach ($chave as $x => $di) { if (!in_array($di, $this->modules[$module]->keys) && $di != "") { array_push($this->modules[$module]->keys, $di); } } unset($x); unset($di); # if this is a re-definition, will TOTALLY overright the fields (you can redefine fields from the default.xml on the meta.xml) $this->modules[$module]->fields = array_merge($this->modules[$module]->fields, $campos); # -- makes sure all keys are mandatory and present foreach ($this->modules[$module]->keys as $x => $chave) { if (!isset($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave])) { array_push($this->log, "Key not defined, considering INT 11, please fix the XML: {$module}.{$chave}"); $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave] = array("CONS_XML_SQL" => "INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL", "CONS_XML_TIPO" => CONS_TIPO_INT); } $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true; // vc keys without case specified, force ucase if ($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_VC && !isset($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) { $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SPECIAL] = "ucase"; } } unset($x); unset($chave); } } # -- foreach module $total_relacoes = count($relation); # check our relationship counts and build proper fields or support tables ------------- for ($c = 0; $c < $total_relacoes; $c++) { $rel = $relation[$c]; # relation: MODULE => FIELD => MODULE or MODULE => SFIELD:FIELD => MODULE for serialized fields if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]) || !isset($this->modules[$rel[2]])) { array_push($this->log, "Error (pass 1) trying to build foreign keys from '" . $rel[0] . "' to '" . $rel[2] . "' at " . $rel[1] . ": one of the modules do not exist, ignoring relation"); } else { $sfield = ""; if (strpos($rel[1], ":") !== false) { #serialized field $field = explode(":", $field); $sfield = $field[0]; $field = $field[1]; } else { $field = $rel[1]; } if (substr($field, 0, 3) != "id_") { array_push($this->log, "All relations to another modules MUST start with id_ on " . $rel[0] . "' to '" . $rel[2] . "' at " . $rel[1] . ": should be id_" . $field . " ?"); } if ($sfield == '') { $this->modules[$rel[2]]->volatile = false; } # keeps volatile if linked from serialized (a.k.a. serialized links are not safe, because they are meant to be dinamic) foreach ($this->modules[$rel[2]]->keys as $x => $chave) { # will create required keys for foreign table, except any one in common with this table if ($chave == "id" || !isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$chave])) { # only standard id exists (always link it), or it's not a standard key ... still have to test if it's not a key to this table # basically, this will create the second+ keys on multikey relations if (!($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $rel[0])) { # ok not a key to this table (the FOREING key is not this table, pay attention! this will still be true for id_parent) if ($sfield == "") { # normal if ($chave == "id") { # uses the name that came in the XML model if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field])) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field] = array(); } $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]); $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_LINK; $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT; $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MODULE] = $rel[2]; # the creation system might have added this already, that's why testing before resetting the array if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] == "inner" || isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) { // is set join to INNER or is explicitly mandatory, make sure both are set $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true; if ($x == 0) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "inner"; } } else { // no join mode set (defaults to left), set to left, and no explicit mandatory tag if ($x == 0) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left"; } $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL]); } } else { if ($x == 0) { $nome = $field; # first key keeps the original name $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT; } else { $nome = $field . "_" . str_replace("id_", "", $chave); } # creates a composition with the model name and the foreign name $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]); $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_TIPO] = $x == 0 ? CONS_TIPO_LINK : $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO]; $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MODULE] = isset($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE]) ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] : $rel[2]; if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] == "inner" || isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true; if ($x == 0) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "inner"; } } else { if ($x == 0) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left"; } unset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]); $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL]); } } } else { # serialized if ($chave == "id") { # uses the name that came in the XML model if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field])) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field] = array(); } $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]); $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_LINK; $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT; $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MODULE] = $rel[2]; # serialized links cannot be "inner" $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left"; if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true; } else { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL]); } } else { if ($x == 0) { $nome = $field; # first key keeps the original name $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT; } else { $nome = $field . "_" . str_replace("id_", "", $chave); } # creates a composition with the model name and the foreign name $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]); $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_TIPO] = $x == 0 ? CONS_TIPO_LINK : $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO]; $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MODULE] = isset($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE]) ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] : $rel[2]; # serialized links cannot be "inner" $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left"; if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true; } else { $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL]); } } } # sfield? } } # secondary (multikey)? } # foreach unset($x); unset($chave); if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL])) { array_push($this->log, "Error (pass 2) trying to build foreing keys from " . $rel[0] . " to " . $rel[2] . " at " . $field . ": ignoring relation"); } } } # foreach for relations // now some automatic settings since all modules are loaded, and consistency check on build, partOf, etc --------------------- $cacheLinkNum = array(); // module => modules which link to this foreach ($this->modules as $mname => &$module) { $links = 0; $fieldsRequiredToLinks = 0; foreach ($module->fields as $name => $field) { // check for linker modules if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $field[CONS_XML_MODULE] != $mname) { // links to OTHER link not myself $links++; # do not count PARENTS as links $fieldsRequiredToLinks += count($this->modules[$field[CONS_XML_MODULE]]->keys); # a module can have more than one key, thus to know if this module is a linker module, we need to check if ALL THIS HAVE are the keys for 2 modules // vc links that have no case specified, force to upper if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_VC && !isset($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) { $this->modules[$mname]->fields[$name][CONS_XML_SPECIAL] = "ucase"; } } if (isset($field[CONS_XML_FILTEREDBY])) { foreach ($field[CONS_XML_FILTEREDBY] as $fbname) { if (!isset($module->fields[$fbname])) { $this->log[] = "Error on filteredby for {$mname}.{$name}: {$fbname} does not exist"; } else { if (!isset($this->modules[$module->fields[$fbname][CONS_XML_MODULE]])) { $this->log[] = "Error on filteredby for {$mname}.{$name}: module defined in {$fbname} does not exist"; } } } } } if ($links == 2 && count($module->fields) == $fieldsRequiredToLinks || $this->modules[$mname]->linker) { # this is a linker module! $this->modules[$mname]->linker = true; } if ($this->modules[$mname]->title == "" && !$this->modules[$mname]->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM] && !$this->modules[$mname]->linker) { $this->modules[$mname]->title = $this->modules[$mname]->keys[0]; // first key } } # here we finished the automatic settings # load plugins that are defined by METADATA foreach ($this->modules as $name => &$module) { foreach ($module->plugins as $sname) { if (!isset($this->loadedPlugins[$sname])) { $this->addPlugin($sname, $name); } else { $this->loadedPlugins[$sname]->moduleRelation = $name; } } } foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $sname => $obj) { if ($obj->name == '' || $obj->name != $sname) { $this->errorControl->raise(9, $obj->name, $sname); } } # DIE FREAKING THUMBS.DB, DIE! function dieFreakingThumbs($folder) { if ($folder[strlen($folder) - 1] != '/') { $folder .= "/"; } foreach (glob($folder . "*") as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { dieFreakingThumbs($file); } else { $arf = explode(".", $file); if (array_pop($arf) == 'db') { @unlink($file); } } } } dieFreakingThumbs(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/"); $customxml = is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/_config/custom.xml") ? cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/_config/custom.xml") : ''; # All plugins are loaded, check their manifest and customs foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $sname => $plugin) { if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/payloadmanifest.php")) { $copyFiles = (include CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/payloadmanifest.php"); foreach ($copyFiles as $from => $to) { if ($from[strlen($from) - 1] == "/" && is_dir($from) && (!is_dir($to) || !CONS_ONSERVER && isset($_REQUEST['nocache']))) { // FOLDER if (!function_exists('recursive_copy')) { include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "recursive_copy.php"; } recursive_copy($from, $to); } else { if (is_file($from) && (!is_file($to) || !CONS_ONSERVER && isset($_REQUEST['nocache']))) { // FILE $path = explode("/", $to); array_pop($path); // bye file $path = implode("/", $path); makeDirs($path); copy($from, $to); } } } } if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/custom.xml")) { $customxml .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/custom.xml"); } } # Read custom metadata for dimconfig if ($customxml != '') { $parseXMLparams = array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true); $xml = new xmlHandler(); $customxml = $xml->parseXML($customxml, $parseXMLparams, true); if ($customxml === false) { $this->errorControl->raise(180); } unset($xml); $customxml =& $customxml->getbranch(0); $total = $customxml->total(); $dimconfigMD = array(); // MetaData ------------------------------------- for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) { # for each module ... $thisbranch =& $customxml->getbranch($c); $configname = strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]); if (!isset($this->dimconfig[$configname])) { $this->dimconfig[$configname] = ''; } $dimconfigMD = $this->processParameters($thisbranch, $dimconfigMD, ''); } foreach ($dimconfigMD as $name => $field) { if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_UPLOAD && (!isset($field['location']) || $field['location'][0] == '/')) { $this->errorControl->raise(181, $name, 'dimconfig'); } if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_ENUM) { unset($dimconfigMD[$name][CONS_XML_SQL]); } } cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/_dimconfig.dat", serialize($dimconfigMD)); // this defines the type of each item on dimconfig } # Apply and raise metadata $this->applyMetaData(); # no log = no error return $sucess = count($this->log) == 0; }
function recursive_copy($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); // Get handle to open source @mkdir($dst); // Create destination folder while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { // Skip special folders if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { // Is it a folder recursive_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); // yes: repeat create new folder } else { // no: Its a file copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); // copy file } } } closedir($dir); }
/** * Copies directory recursively, along with all files stored under source directory. * If destination directory doesn't exist it will be created. * * @param string source directory * @param string destination directory */ function recursive_copy($src, $dest) { if (!is_dir($src)) { copy($src, $dest); return; } $src = rtrim($src, '/'); $dest = rtrim($dest, '/'); if (!is_dir($dest)) { mkdir($dest); } $content = scandir($src); foreach ($content as $name) { if ($name == '.' || $name == '..') { continue; } $src_name = $src . '/' . $name; $dest_name = $dest . '/' . $name; if (is_dir($src_name)) { if (!is_dir($dest_name)) { mkdir($dest_name); } recursive_copy($src_name, $dest_name); } else { copy($src_name, $dest_name); } } }
public static function themeup() { $data_dir = self::Instance()->get_data_dir() . 'templates/default/'; $content = scandir($data_dir); foreach ($content as $name) { if ($name == '.' || $name == '..') { continue; } recursive_rmdir($data_dir . $name); } $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT * FROM modules'); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { $directory = 'modules/' . str_replace('_', '/', $row[0]) . '/theme_' . $row['version']; if (!is_dir($directory)) { $directory = 'modules/' . str_replace('_', '/', $row[0]) . '/theme'; } $mod_name = $row[0]; $data_dir = DATA_DIR . '/Base_Theme/templates/default'; if (!is_dir($directory)) { continue; } $content = scandir($directory); $mod_name = str_replace('_', '/', $mod_name); $mod_path = explode('/', $mod_name); $sum = ''; foreach ($mod_path as $p) { $sum .= '/' . $p; @mkdir($data_dir . $sum); } foreach ($content as $name) { if ($name == '.' || $name == '..' || preg_match('/^[\\.~]/', $name)) { continue; } recursive_copy($directory . '/' . $name, $data_dir . '/' . $mod_name . '/' . $name); } } self::install_default_theme_common_files('modules/Base/Theme/', 'images'); self::create_cache(); }
function recursive_copy($src, $dst, $options = '') { $dir = opendir($src); if (!$dir) { throw new Exception("recursive_copy() source directory '" . $src . "' does not exist."); } if (!is_dir($dst)) { if (!mkdir($dst, 02770, true)) { throw new Exception("recursive_copy() failed to create destination directory '" . $dst . "'"); } } while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { recursive_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); }
//copy recordings files recursive_copy($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/includes/install/recordings', $v_recordings_dir . ''); //get the javascript files if (!is_dir($v_scripts_dir . '')) { mkdir($v_scripts_dir . '', 0777, true); } if (!is_dir($v_scripts_dir . '/javascript')) { mkdir($v_scripts_dir . '/javascript', 0777, true); } if (!is_dir($v_scripts_dir . '/lua')) { mkdir($v_scripts_dir . '/lua', 0777, true); } if (!is_dir($v_scripts_dir . '/perl')) { mkdir($v_scripts_dir . '/perl', 0777, true); } recursive_copy($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/includes/install/scripts', $v_scripts_dir); //copy additional the flash mp3 player $srcfile = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/includes/install/htdocs/slim.swf'; $destfile = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/mod/recordings/slim.swf'; if (!copy($srcfile, $destfile)) { //echo "failed to copy $srcfile to $destfile...\n"; //exit; } unset($srcfile, $destfile); //activate the .htaccess file $srcfile = $install_secure_dir . '/htaccess.tmp'; $destfile = $install_secure_dir . '/.htaccess'; if (!copy($srcfile, $destfile)) { //echo "failed to copy $srcfile to $destfile...\n"; //exit; }