function really_simple_share_get_options_stored()
    $option = get_option('really_simple_share');
    if (!is_array($option)) {
        $option = array();
    if (isset($option['sort']) && $option['sort'] != '' && strpos($option['sort'], 'facebook_share_new') === false) {
        // Versions below 2.16.15 compatibility
        $option['width_buttons']['facebook_share_new'] = '110';
        $option['sort'] .= ',facebook_share_new';
    if (isset($option['sort']) && $option['sort'] != '' && strpos($option['sort'], 'bitcoin') === false) {
        // Versions below 3.0 compatibility
        $option['width_buttons']['bitcoin'] = '100';
        $option['width_buttons']['litecoin'] = '100';
        $option['sort'] .= ',bitcoin,litecoin';
    if (isset($option['sort']) && $option['sort'] != '' && strpos($option['sort'], 'specificfeeds') === false) {
        // Versions below 3.1 compatibility
        $option['width_buttons']['specificfeeds'] = '110';
        $option['sort'] .= ',specificfeeds';
    $option_default = really_simple_share_get_options_default();
    $option = array_merge($option_default, $option);
    foreach ($option['width_buttons'] as $key => $val) {
        if ($val == '') {
            $option['width_buttons'][$key] = $option_default['width_buttons'][$key];
    return $option;
コード例 #2
function really_simple_share_options()
    $option_name = 'really_simple_share';
    //must check that the user has the required capability
    if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
    $active_buttons = array('facebook_like' => 'Facebook like', 'twitter' => 'Twitter', 'linkedin' => 'Linkedin', 'google1' => 'Google "+1"', 'facebook_share_new' => 'Facebook share (new)', 'google_share' => 'Google share', 'digg' => 'Digg', 'stumbleupon' => 'Stumbleupon', 'hyves' => 'Hyves (Duch social)', 'reddit' => 'Reddit', 'flattr' => 'Flattr', 'email' => 'Email', 'pinterest' => 'Pinterest', 'tipy' => 'Tipy', 'buffer' => 'Buffer', 'tumblr' => 'Tumblr', 'facebook_share' => 'Facebook share (old)', 'pinzout' => 'Pinzout', 'rss' => 'Comments RSS Feed', 'print' => 'Print', 'youtube' => 'Youtube', 'bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin', 'litecoin' => 'Litecoin', 'specificfeeds' => 'SpecificFeeds');
    $show_in = array('posts' => 'Single posts', 'pages' => 'Pages', 'home_page' => 'Home page', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'dates' => 'Date based archives', 'authors' => 'Author archives', 'search' => 'Search results');
    $checkboxes = array('disable_default_styles', 'disable_excerpts', 'use_shortlink', 'scripts_at_bottom', 'facebook_like_html5', 'facebook_like_send', 'pinterest_multi_image', 'google1_count', 'google_share_count', 'facebook_share_new_count', 'linkedin_count', 'pinterest_count', 'buffer_count', 'twitter_count', 'twitter_author');
    $out = '';
    // See if the user has posted us some information
    if (isset($_POST['really_simple_share_position']) && check_admin_referer('really_simple_share_settings', 'really_simple_share_settings_nonce')) {
        $option = array();
        if ($_POST['reset'] == 'reset') {
            $option = really_simple_share_get_options_default();
        } else {
            foreach (array_keys($active_buttons) as $item) {
                $option['active_buttons'][$item] = (isset($_POST['really_simple_share_active_' . $item]) and $_POST['really_simple_share_active_' . $item] == 'on') ? true : false;
                $option['width_buttons'][$item] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_width_' . $item]);
            foreach (array_keys($show_in) as $item) {
                $option['show_in'][$item] = (isset($_POST['really_simple_share_show_' . $item]) and $_POST['really_simple_share_show_' . $item] == 'on') ? true : false;
            $option['sort'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'sort']);
            $option['position'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'position']);
            $option['layout'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'layout']);
            $option['locale'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'locale']);
            $option['above_prepend_above'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'above_prepend_above']);
            $option['above_prepend_inline'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'above_prepend_inline']);
            $option['below_prepend_above'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'below_prepend_above']);
            $option['below_prepend_inline'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'below_prepend_inline']);
            $option['facebook_like_appid'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'facebook_like_appid']);
            $option['facebook_like_text'] = $_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'facebook_like_text'] == 'recommend' ? 'recommend' : 'like';
            $option['facebook_like_fixed_url'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'facebook_like_fixed_url']);
            $option['facebook_share_text'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'facebook_share_text']);
            $option['rss_text'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'rss_text']);
            $option['pinterest_hover'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'pinterest_hover']);
            $option['email_label'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'email_label']);
            $option['email_subject'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'email_subject']);
            $option['print_label'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'print_label']);
            $option['bitcoin_wallet'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'bitcoin_wallet']);
            $option['litecoin_wallet'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'litecoin_wallet']);
            $option['flattr_uid'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'flattr_uid']);
            $option['specificfeeds_link'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'specificfeeds_link']);
            $option['tipy_uid'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'tipy_uid']);
            $option['twitter_text'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'twitter_text']);
            $option['twitter_follow'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'twitter_follow']);
            $option['twitter_via'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'twitter_via']);
            $option['youtube_channel'] = esc_html($_POST['really_simple_share_' . 'youtube_channel']);
            foreach ($checkboxes as $val) {
                $option[$val] = isset($_POST['really_simple_share_' . $val]) && $_POST['really_simple_share_' . $val] == 'on' ? true : false;
        update_option($option_name, $option);
        // Put a settings updated message on the screen
        $out .= '<div class="updated"><p><strong>' . __('Settings updated', 'really-simple-share') . '.</strong></p></div>';
    $option = really_simple_share_get_options_stored();
    $sel_above = $option['position'] == 'above' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_below = $option['position'] == 'below' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_both = $option['position'] == 'both' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_button = $option['layout'] == 'button' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_large_button = $option['layout'] == 'large_button' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_box = $option['layout'] == 'box' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_like = $option['facebook_like_text'] == 'like' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_recommend = $option['facebook_like_text'] == 'recommend' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_pinterest_hover_no = $option['pinterest_hover'] == '' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_pinterest_hover_hover = $option['pinterest_hover'] == 'hover' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $sel_pinterest_hover_hide = $option['pinterest_hover'] == 'hide' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    foreach ($checkboxes as $val) {
        ${$val} = isset($option[$val]) && $option[$val] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
    $out .= '
    #poststuff          { padding-top:10px; position:relative; }
    #poststuff .postbox { min-width: 200px; }
    #poststuff_left, #poststuff_right { float:none; width: 100%; min-width:550px; }
    @media all and (min-width: 970px) {
      #poststuff_left  { float:left;  width:74%; }
      #poststuff_right { float:right; width:25%; min-width:200px; }
		#really_simple_share_form h3 { cursor: default; }
		#really_simple_share_form td { vertical-align:top; padding-bottom:15px; }
		#sortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width:520px; }
		#sortable li { margin: 3px 0; padding: 4px 0 0 4px; height: 22px; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid gray;}
		#sortable li.button_active   { background: white; }
		#sortable li.button_active .button_title { font-weight: bold; }
		#sortable li.button_inactive { background: gray; }
		#sortable li.button_inactive .button_title { color: white; }
	jQuery(function() {
		var really_simple_sort = jQuery( "#sortable" ).sortable({ axis: "y",
			update:function(e,ui) {
				var order = really_simple_sort.sortable("toArray").join();
	function really_simple_share_reset_default () {
		if (confirm("' . __('Are you sure?', 'really-simple-share') . '")) { 
			document.getElementById("really_simple_share_reset").value = "reset";

	<div class="wrap">
	<h2>' . __('Really simple Facebook and Twitter share buttons', 'really-simple-share') . '</h2>
	<div id="poststuff">

	<div id="poststuff_left">

		<form id="really_simple_share_form" name="form1" method="post" action="">

		<div class="postbox">
		<h3>' . __("General options") . '</h3>
		<div class="inside">
			<tr><td style="width:130px;" colspan="2">' . __("Share buttons", 'really-simple-share') . ':<br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Check to activate, Drag&Drop to sort, Adjust width in pixels", 'really-simple-share') . '</span><br /><br />';
    $out .= '<ul id="sortable">';
    foreach (explode(',', $option['sort']) as $name) {
        $checked = $option['active_buttons'][$name] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        $options = '';
        $options2 = '';
        $li_style = '';
        switch ($name) {
            case 'facebook_like':
                $options = 'App ID:
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_facebook_like_appid" value="' . stripslashes($option['facebook_like_appid']) . '" style="width:120px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'email':
                $options = __('Button text') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_email_label" value="' . stripslashes($option['email_label']) . '" size="25" style="width:160px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'facebook_share':
                $options = __('Button text') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_facebook_share_text" value="' . stripslashes($option['facebook_share_text']) . '" style="width:160px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'facebook_share_new':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_facebook_share_new_count" ' . $facebook_share_new_count . ' />';
            case 'print':
                $options = __('Button text') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_print_label" value="' . stripslashes($option['print_label']) . '" size="25" style="width:160px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'rss':
                $options = __('Button text') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_rss_text" value="' . stripslashes($option['rss_text']) . '" style="width:160px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'bitcoin':
                $options = __('Wallet') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_bitcoin_wallet" value="' . stripslashes($option['bitcoin_wallet']) . '" style="width:160px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'litecoin':
                $options = __('Wallet') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_litecoin_wallet" value="' . stripslashes($option['litecoin_wallet']) . '" style="width:160px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
            case 'flattr':
                $options = 'Flattr UID:
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_flattr_uid" value="' . stripslashes($option['flattr_uid']) . '" style="width:80px; margin:0; padding:0;" />
							<span class="description">' . __("(mandatory)", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>';
            case 'google1':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_google1_count" ' . $google1_count . ' />';
            case 'google_share':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_google_share_count" ' . $google_share_count . ' />';
            case 'linkedin':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_linkedin_count" ' . $linkedin_count . ' />';
            case 'pinterest':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_pinterest_count" ' . $pinterest_count . ' />';
            case 'buffer':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_buffer_count" ' . $buffer_count . ' />';
            case 'specificfeeds':
                $options = __('SF link', 'really-simple-share') . ': 
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_specificfeeds_link" value="' . stripslashes($option['specificfeeds_link']) . '" style="width:100px; margin:0; padding:0;" />
							<span class="description">(' . __("mandatory", 'really-simple-share') . ')</span>';
                $li_style = 'style="height:75px;"';
                $options2 = '<div style="clear:both; background-color: #ccc; font-size:10px;">' . __('SpecificFeeds allows your visitors to receive messages from your Blog/RSS Feed by email. It\'s 100% free and also has
              <a href="" target="_blank">several other benefits</a>. Enter above the pop-up link you received after setting up your feed on 
              <a href="" target="_blank"></a>', 'really-simple-share') . '</div>';
            case 'tipy':
                $options = __('Tipy site id', 'really-simple-share') . ': 
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_tipy_uid" value="' . stripslashes($option['tipy_uid']) . '" style="width:80px; margin:0; padding:0;" />
							<span class="description">(' . __("mandatory", 'really-simple-share') . ')</span>';
            case 'twitter':
                $options = __('Counter', 'really-simple-share') . ': <input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_twitter_count" ' . $twitter_count . ' />';
            case 'youtube':
                $youtube_channel = isset($option['youtube_channel']) ? stripslashes($option['youtube_channel']) : '';
                $options = __('Channel name') . ':
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_youtube_channel" value="' . $youtube_channel . '" style="width:120px; margin:0; padding:0;" />';
        $button_status = $checked ? 'active' : 'inactive';
        $out .= '<li class="ui-state-default button_' . $button_status . '" id="' . $name . '" ' . $li_style . '>
						<div style="float:left; width:180px;" title="' . esc_html($active_buttons[$name]) . ' - ' . $button_status . '">
							<input type="checkbox" class="button_activate" name="really_simple_share_active_' . $name . '" title="' . __('Activate button', 'really-simple-share') . ' ' . $active_buttons[$name] . '" ' . $checked . ' /> 
							<span class="button_title">' . esc_html($active_buttons[$name]) . '</span>
						<div style="float:left; width:70px;" title="' . __('Width of the transparent box surrounding the button (use it for spacing)', 'really-simple-share') . '">
							<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_width_' . $name . '" value="' . stripslashes($option['width_buttons'][$name]) . '" style="width:35px; margin:0; padding:0; text-align:right;" />px	
						<div style="float:left; width:260px;">
							' . $options . '
						' . $options2 . '
    $out .= '</ul>
				<input type="hidden" id="really_simple_share_sort" name="really_simple_share_sort" value="' . stripslashes($option['sort']) . '" />
    $out .= '</td></tr>
			<tr><td>' . __('Show buttons in these pages', 'really-simple-share') . ':</td>
    foreach ($show_in as $name => $text) {
        $checked = $option['show_in'][$name] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
        $out .= '<div style="width:250px; float:left;">
						<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_show_' . $name . '" ' . $checked . ' /> ' . __($text, 'really-simple-share') . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;</div>';
    $out .= '</td></tr>
			<tr><td>' . __("Position", 'really-simple-share') . ':</td>
			<td><select name="really_simple_share_position">
				<option value="above" ' . $sel_above . ' > ' . __('only above the post', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				<option value="below" ' . $sel_below . ' > ' . __('only below the post', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				<option value="both"  ' . $sel_both . '  > ' . __('above and below the post', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
			<tr><td>' . __("Layout", 'really-simple-share') . ':</td>
			<td><select name="really_simple_share_layout">
				<option value="button" ' . $sel_button . ' > ' . __('button', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				<option value="large_button" ' . $sel_large_button . ' > ' . __('large button', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				<option value="box" ' . $sel_box . ' > ' . __('box', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				</select><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Please note that the Large button is available only for some social networks (e.g. google+ and twitter), otherwhise Standard button will be displayed", 'really-simple-share') . '
			<tr><td>' . __("Language", 'really-simple-share') . ':</td>
			<td><select name="really_simple_share_locale">
					<option value="en_US" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'en_US' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>English (US)</option>
					<option value="ca_ES" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ca_ES' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Catalan</option>
					<option value="cs_CZ" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'cs_CZ' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Czech</option>
					<option value="cy_GB" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'cy_GB' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Welsh</option>
					<option value="da_DK" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'da_DK' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Danish</option>
					<option value="de_DE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'de_DE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>German</option>
					<option value="eu_ES" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'eu_ES' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Basque</option>
					<option value="en_PI" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'en_PI' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>English (Pirate)</option>
					<option value="en_UD" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'en_UD' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>English (Upside Down)</option>
					<option value="ck_US" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ck_US' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Cherokee</option>
					<option value="es_LA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'es_LA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Spanish</option>
					<option value="es_CL" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'es_CL' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Spanish (Chile)</option>
					<option value="es_CO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'es_CO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Spanish (Colombia)</option>
					<option value="es_ES" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'es_ES' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Spanish (Spain)</option>
					<option value="es_MX" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'es_MX' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Spanish (Mexico)</option>
					<option value="es_VE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'es_VE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Spanish (Venezuela)</option>
					<option value="fb_FI" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fb_FI' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Finnish (test)</option>
					<option value="fi_FI" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fi_FI' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Finnish</option>
					<option value="fr_FR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fr_FR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>French (France)</option>
					<option value="gl_ES" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'gl_ES' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Galician</option>
					<option value="hu_HU" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'hu_HU' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Hungarian</option>
					<option value="it_IT" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'it_IT' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Italian</option>
					<option value="ja_JP" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ja_JP' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Japanese</option>
					<option value="ko_KR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ko_KR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Korean</option>
					<option value="nb_NO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'nb_NO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Norwegian (bokmal)</option>
					<option value="nn_NO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'nn_NO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Norwegian (nynorsk)</option>
					<option value="nl_NL" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'nl_NL' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Dutch</option>
					<option value="pl_PL" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'pl_PL' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Polish</option>
					<option value="pt_BR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'pt_BR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Portuguese (Brazil)</option>
					<option value="pt_PT" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'pt_PT' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Portuguese (Portugal)</option>
					<option value="ro_RO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ro_RO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Romanian</option>
					<option value="ru_RU" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ru_RU' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Russian</option>
					<option value="sk_SK" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sk_SK' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Slovak</option>
					<option value="sl_SI" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sl_SI' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Slovenian</option>
					<option value="sv_SE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sv_SE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Swedish</option>
					<option value="th_TH" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'th_TH' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Thai</option>
					<option value="tr_TR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'tr_TR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Turkish</option>
					<option value="ku_TR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ku_TR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Kurdish</option>
					<option value="zh_CN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'zh_CN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Simplified Chinese (China)</option>
					<option value="zh_HK" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'zh_HK' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)</option>
					<option value="zh_TW" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'zh_TW' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)</option>
					<option value="fb_LT" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fb_LT' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Leet Speak</option>
					<option value="af_ZA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'af_ZA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Afrikaans</option>
					<option value="sq_AL" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sq_AL' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Albanian</option>
					<option value="hy_AM" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'hy_AM' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Armenian</option>
					<option value="az_AZ" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'az_AZ' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Azeri</option>
					<option value="be_BY" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'be_BY' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Belarusian</option>
					<option value="bn_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'bn_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Bengali</option>
					<option value="bs_BA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'bs_BA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Bosnian</option>
					<option value="bg_BG" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'bg_BG' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Bulgarian</option>
					<option value="hr_HR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'hr_HR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Croatian</option>
					<option value="nl_BE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'nl_BE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Dutch (Belgium)</option>
					<option value="en_GB" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'en_GB' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>English (UK)</option>
					<option value="eo_EO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'eo_EO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Esperanto</option>
					<option value="et_EE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'et_EE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Estonian</option>
					<option value="fo_FO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fo_FO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Faroese</option>
					<option value="fr_CA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fr_CA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>French (Canada)</option>
					<option value="ka_GE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ka_GE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Georgian</option>
					<option value="el_GR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'el_GR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Greek</option>
					<option value="gu_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'gu_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Gujarati</option>
					<option value="hi_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'hi_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Hindi</option>
					<option value="is_IS" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'is_IS' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Icelandic</option>
					<option value="id_ID" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'id_ID' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Indonesian</option>
					<option value="ga_IE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ga_IE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Irish</option>
					<option value="jv_ID" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'jv_ID' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Javanese</option>
					<option value="kn_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'kn_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Kannada</option>
					<option value="kk_KZ" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'kk_KZ' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Kazakh</option>
					<option value="la_VA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'la_VA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Latin</option>
					<option value="lv_LV" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'lv_LV' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Latvian</option>
					<option value="li_NL" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'li_NL' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Limburgish</option>
					<option value="lt_LT" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'lt_LT' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Lithuanian</option>
					<option value="mk_MK" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'mk_MK' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Macedonian</option>
					<option value="mg_MG" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'mg_MG' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Malagasy</option>
					<option value="ms_MY" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ms_MY' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Malay</option>
					<option value="mt_MT" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'mt_MT' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Maltese</option>
					<option value="mr_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'mr_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Marathi</option>
					<option value="mn_MN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'mn_MN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Mongolian</option>
					<option value="ne_NP" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ne_NP' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Nepali</option>
					<option value="pa_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'pa_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Punjabi</option>
					<option value="rm_CH" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'rm_CH' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Romansh</option>
					<option value="sa_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sa_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Sanskrit</option>
					<option value="sr_RS" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sr_RS' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Serbian</option>
					<option value="so_SO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'so_SO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Somali</option>
					<option value="sw_KE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sw_KE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Swahili</option>
					<option value="tl_PH" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'tl_PH' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Filipino</option>
					<option value="ta_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ta_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Tamil</option>
					<option value="tt_RU" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'tt_RU' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Tatar</option>
					<option value="te_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'te_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Telugu</option>
					<option value="ml_IN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ml_IN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Malayalam</option>
					<option value="uk_UA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'uk_UA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Ukrainian</option>
					<option value="uz_UZ" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'uz_UZ' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Uzbek</option>
					<option value="vi_VN" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'vi_VN' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Vietnamese</option>
					<option value="xh_ZA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'xh_ZA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Xhosa</option>
					<option value="zu_ZA" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'zu_ZA' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Zulu</option>
					<option value="km_KH" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'km_KH' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Khmer</option>
					<option value="tg_TJ" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'tg_TJ' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Tajik</option>
					<option value="ar_AR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ar_AR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Arabic</option>
					<option value="he_IL" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'he_IL' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Hebrew</option>
					<option value="ur_PK" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ur_PK' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Urdu</option>
					<option value="fa_IR" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'fa_IR' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Persian</option>
					<option value="sy_SY" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'sy_SY' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Syriac</option>
					<option value="yi_DE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'yi_DE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Yiddish</option>
					<option value="gn_PY" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'gn_PY' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Guaran&igrave;</option>
					<option value="qu_PE" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'qu_PE' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Quechua</option>
					<option value="ay_BO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ay_BO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Aymara</option>
					<option value="se_NO" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'se_NO' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Northern S&agrave;mi</option>
					<option value="ps_AF" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'ps_AF' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Pashto</option>
					<option value="tl_ST" ' . ($option['locale'] == 'tl_ST' ? 'selected="1"' : '') . '>Klingon</option>						
				</select><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Please note that not all languages are available for every button. If the WPML plugin is active, language is set automatically", 'really-simple-share') . '

      Advanced Options
      <button class="button" style="margin-left:20px;" onclick="javascript:jQuery(\'#really_simple_share_advanced\').toggle(); return false;">Click to show / hide</button>
    <div id="really_simple_share_advanced" style="display:none;">' . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Call to action, above the post', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('On the above line', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_above_prepend_above" value="' . stripslashes($option['above_prepend_above']) . '" size="50" /><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Optional text shown above the buttons, e.g. 'If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it:'", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Inline', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_above_prepend_inline" value="' . stripslashes($option['above_prepend_inline']) . '" size="25" /><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Optional text shown inline before the buttons, e.g. 'Share this:'", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				')) . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Call to action, below the post', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('On the above line', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_below_prepend_above" value="' . stripslashes($option['below_prepend_above']) . '" size="50" /><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Optional text shown above the buttons, e.g. 'If you liked this post, say thanks by sharing it:'", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Inline', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_below_prepend_inline" value="' . stripslashes($option['below_prepend_inline']) . '" size="25" /><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Optional text shown inline before the buttons, e.g. 'Share this:'", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				')) . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Advanced options', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('Load scripts at the bottom of the body', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_scripts_at_bottom" ' . $scripts_at_bottom . ' />
					<span class="description">' . __("Checking it should increase the page loading speed. Warning: this requires the theme to have the wp_footer() hook in the appropriate place; if unsure, leave it unchecked", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Disable default styles', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_disable_default_styles" ' . $disable_default_styles . ' />
				', __('Disable buttons on excerpts', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_disable_excerpts" ' . $disable_excerpts . ' />
					<span class="description">' . __("Try changing this if the buttons show bad in some pages or areas", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Use Wordpress shortlink instead of permalink', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_use_shortlink" ' . $use_shortlink . ' />
					<span class="description">' . __("Warning: changing the link format may reset the button counters; if unsure, leave it unchecked", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				')) . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Facebook Like button options', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('Button text', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<select name="really_simple_share_facebook_like_text">
						<option value="like" ' . $sel_like . ' > ' . __('like', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
						<option value="recommend" ' . $sel_recommend . ' > ' . __('recommend', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				', __('Show Send button', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_facebook_like_send" ' . $facebook_like_send . ' />
				', __('Use Html5 code instead of iFrame', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_facebook_like_html5" ' . $facebook_like_html5 . ' />
					<span class="description">' . __("Warning: this requires the theme to have the wp_footer() hook in the appropriate place. If unsure, leave it unchecked", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Fixed sharing url', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_facebook_like_fixed_url" value="' . stripslashes($option['facebook_like_fixed_url']) . '" size="50" /><br />
			  	<span class="description">' . __("The optional url provided (e.g. will be linked to every FB Like button on the site, and used as a reference for share counts and clicks, instead of the single posts and pages. If unsure, leave it blank", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				')) . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Pinterest button options', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('Always use multiple image selector', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_pinterest_multi_image" ' . $pinterest_multi_image . ' /> 
				', __('Use the PinIt image hover button', 'really-simple-share') => '
				<select name="really_simple_share_pinterest_hover">
				<option value=""      ' . $sel_pinterest_hover_no . '    > ' . __('no', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				<option value="hover" ' . $sel_pinterest_hover_hover . ' > ' . __('yes', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				<option value="hide"  ' . $sel_pinterest_hover_hide . '  > ' . __('yes, and hide PinIt on the button bar', 'really-simple-share') . '</option>
				')) . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Twitter button options', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('Additional text', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_twitter_text" value="' . stripslashes($option['twitter_text']) . '" size="25" /><br />
					<span class="description">' . __("Optional text added at the end of every tweet, e.g. ' (via @authorofblogentry)'.\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIf you use it, insert an initial space or puntuation mark", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Add author to follow list', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="checkbox" name="really_simple_share_twitter_author" ' . $twitter_author . ' />
					<span class="description">' . __("If checked, the (wordpress) nickname of the author of the post is always added to the follow list.", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Add user to follow list', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_twitter_follow" value="' . stripslashes($option['twitter_follow']) . '" size="25" /><br />
					<span class="description">' . __("Optional related Twitter usernames (comma separated) added to the follow list", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				', __('Via this user', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_twitter_via" value="' . stripslashes($option['twitter_via']) . '" size="25" /><br />
					<span class="description">' . __("Optional Twitter username attributed as the tweet author", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				')) . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Email button options', 'really-simple-share'), array(__('Custom text for email subject and text', 'really-simple-share') => '
					<input type="text" name="really_simple_share_email_subject" value="' . stripslashes($option['email_subject']) . '" size="50" /><br />
				<span class="description">' . __("Optional text used instead of the article title", 'really-simple-share') . '</span>
				')) . '</div>' . wp_nonce_field('really_simple_share_settings', 'really_simple_share_settings_nonce') . '<p class="submit">
			<input type="hidden" name="reset" id="really_simple_share_reset" value="" />
			<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="' . esc_attr('Save Changes') . '" />
		<p style="text-align:right;">
			<input type="button" name="reset" class="button" onclick="javascript:really_simple_share_reset_default(); return false;" value="' . esc_attr('Reset to Default values') . '" />

	<div id="poststuff_right">' . really_simple_share_box_content('PremiumPress Shopping Cart', '
			<a target="_blank" href=";QTY=1&amp;AFFILIATE=26764&amp;AFFSRC=really_simple_share_plugin">
				<img border="0" src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
		') . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Additional info', 'really-simple-share'), '
			<b>Selective use</b><br />
			If you want to place the active buttons only in selected posts, put the [really_simple_share] shortcode inside the post text.<br /><br />
			<b>Selective hide</b><br />
			If you want to hide the share buttons inside selected posts, set the "really_simple_share_disable" custom field with value "yes".
		') . really_simple_share_box_content(__('Really simple, isn\'t it?', 'really-simple-share'), '
			Most of the actual plugin features were requested by users and developed for the sake of doing it.<br /><br />
			If you want to be sure this passion lasts centuries, please consider donating some cents!<br /><br />
			<div style="text-align: center;">
			<form method="post" action="">
			<input value="_s-xclick" name="cmd" type="hidden">
			<input alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" name="submit" border="0" src="" type="image"> 
			<img height="1" width="1" src="" border="0"> 
		') . really_simple_share_box_content('News by WhileTrue', really_simple_share_feed()) . '</div>

    echo $out;