コード例 #1
function getDetails($array, $useHash, $realPath, $dirRoot, $urlPrefix)
    foreach ($array as $file) {
        $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
        $pathFile = str_replace($realPath, $dirRoot, realPath($file));
        // remove last directory path from arguments. ex : /home/user/doc/file.txt to file.txt
        $realPathFile = str_replace($dirRoot . "/", "", $pathFile);
        // Exclude dir from list
        if (is_dir($file) == false) {
            $files[$realPathFile]['location'] = $realPathFile;
            $files[$realPathFile]['url'] = $urlPrefix . $realPathFile;
            $files[$realPathFile]['type'] = finfo_file($finfo, $file);
            $files[$realPathFile]['size'] = filesize($file);
            $files[$realPathFile]['last_modified'] = date("F d Y H:i:s", filemtime($file));
            if ($useHash == true) {
                $files[$realPathFile]['md5'] = md5_file($file);
                $files[$realPathFile]['crc32'] = hash_file('crc32', $file);
                $files[$realPathFile]['sha1'] = hash_file('sha1', $file);
                $files[$realPathFile]['sha256'] = hash_file('sha256', $file);
                $files[$realPathFile]['sha512'] = hash_file('sha512', $file);
            echo "Processing File " . $realPathFile . " ...\n";
    return array('files' => $files);
コード例 #2
  * @param \Slim\App $slimInstance
  * @param string|string[] $controllerDirs
  * @param string $cacheDir
  * @throws \Exception
 public function __construct(\Slim\App $slimInstance, $controllerDirs, $cacheDir, RouteParser $parser = null, DataGenerator $generator = null)
     parent::__construct($parser, $generator);
     // We save current Slim instance
     self::$_slimInstance = $slimInstance;
     // We save controller dirs
     if (is_string($controllerDirs)) {
         $controllerDirs = [$controllerDirs];
     if (!is_array($controllerDirs)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Controllers directory must be either string or array');
     $this->_controllerDirs = [];
     foreach ($controllerDirs as $d) {
         $realPath = realPath($d);
         if ($realPath !== false) {
             $this->_controllerDirs[] = $realPath;
     // We save the cache dir
     if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) {
         $result = @mkdir($cacheDir, 0777, true);
         if ($result === false) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Can\'t create cache directory');
     if (!is_writable($cacheDir)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Cache directory must be writable by web server');
     $this->_cacheDir = rtrim($cacheDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FileSystem.php プロジェクト: xinax/laravel-gettext
  * Build views in order to parse php files
  * @param array $viewPaths
  * @param string $domain
  * @return bool
  * @throws FileCreationException
 public function compileViews(array $viewPaths, $domain)
     // Check the output directory
     $targetDir = $this->storagePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->storageContainer;
     if (!file_exists($targetDir)) {
     // Domain separation
     $domainDir = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $domain;
     foreach ($viewPaths as $path) {
         $path = $this->basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
         if (!($realPath = realPath($path))) {
             throw new Exceptions\DirectoryNotFoundException("Failed to resolve {$path}, please check that it exists");
         $fs = new \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem($path);
         $files = $fs->allFiles($realPath);
         $compiler = new \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler($fs, $domainDir);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $filePath = $file->getRealPath();
             $contents = $compiler->compileString($fs->get($filePath));
             $compiledPath = $compiler->getCompiledPath($compiler->getPath());
             $fs->put($compiledPath . '.php', $contents);
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: YamlLoader.php プロジェクト: renegare/skip
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function load($filePath)
     $yaml = new Parser();
     $filePath = realPath($filePath);
     if (!$filePath) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Constant File Does not Exist! %s', $filePath));
     return $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($filePath));
コード例 #5
 public function run($addonId, $path)
     $addonModel = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_AddOn');
     $this->printMessage('Importing ' . $addonId . ' from ' . realPath($path) . '...');
     $print = 'importing addon.xml...';
     $print .= str_repeat(' ', $this->_column - strlen($print));
     $t = microtime(true);
     $m = memory_get_usage(true);
     $this->printMessage($print, false);
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($path . '/addon.xml', 0, true);
     $addOnData = array('addon_id' => (string) $xml['addon_id'], 'title' => (string) $xml['title'], 'version_string' => (string) $xml['version_string'], 'version_id' => (string) $xml['version_id'], 'install_callback_class' => (string) $xml['install_callback_class'], 'install_callback_method' => (string) $xml['install_callback_method'], 'uninstall_callback_class' => (string) $xml['uninstall_callback_class'], 'uninstall_callback_method' => (string) $xml['uninstall_callback_method'], 'url' => (string) $xml['url']);
     $version = file_get_contents($path . '/version.txt');
     if ($version) {
         foreach ($addOnData as &$data) {
             $data = str_replace('{@revision}', $version, $data);
     $addOnData['version_id'] = (int) $addOnData['version_id'];
     $existingAddOn = $addonModel->verifyAddOnIsInstallable($addOnData, $addonModel->getAddonById($addonId) ? $addonId : false);
     $db = XenForo_Application::getDb();
     if ($addOnData['install_callback_class'] && $addOnData['install_callback_method']) {
         call_user_func(array($addOnData['install_callback_class'], $addOnData['install_callback_method']), $existingAddOn, $addOnData);
     $addOnDw = XenForo_DataWriter::create('XenForo_DataWriter_AddOn');
     if ($existingAddOn) {
         $addOnDw->setExistingData($existingAddOn, true);
     $t = abs(microtime(true) - $t);
     $m = abs(memory_get_usage(true) - $m);
     $m = $m / 1024 / 1024;
     $this->printMessage('done (' . number_format($t, 2) . 'sec, ' . number_format($m, 2) . 'mb)');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/admin_navigation.xml', 'AdminNavigation');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/admin_permissions.xml', 'Admin', 'importAdminPermissionsAddOnXml');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/code_events.xml', 'CodeEvent', 'importEventsAddOnXml');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/code_event_listeners.xml', 'CodeEvent', 'importEventListenersAddOnXml');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/cron.xml', 'Cron', 'importCronEntriesAddOnXml');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/email_templates.xml', 'EmailTemplate');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/options.xml', 'Option');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/permissions.xml', 'Permission');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/route_prefixes.xml', 'RoutePrefix', 'importPrefixesAddOnXml');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/style_properties.xml', 'StyleProperty', 'importStylePropertyXml', array(0, $addonId));
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/admin_style_properties.xml', 'StyleProperty', 'importStylePropertyXml', array(-1, $addonId));
     foreach (array('templates/admin', 'templates/master', 'phrases') as $dir) {
         $this->_removeDirectory(XenForo_Application::getInstance()->getRootDir() . '/' . $dir . '/' . $addonId);
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/templates.xml', 'Template');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/admin_templates.xml', 'AdminTemplate');
     $this->_importXml($addonId, $path . '/phrases.xml', 'Phrase');
     // TODO: bbcode
     $this->manualRun('rebuild', false, false, array('caches' => 'addon'));
コード例 #6
 public function getDestination($realPath = true)
     $destination = $this->destination;
     if ($realPath) {
         $destination = realPath($destination);
         if (false === $destination) {
             throw new \RuntimeException("Invalid destination path ({$this->destination})");
     return $destination;
コード例 #7
  * Extracts the zip file $zipFile into the folder $folder. Some validation on content types may be given in $types.
  * @param str $zipFile The path to the zip file
  * @param str $folder The path of the folder to extract the zip to
  * @param str|array $types A string or an array containing either :
  * <ul><li>"*" (default behaviour) to extract any kind of contents</li>
  * <li>An array of the extensions that are allowed to be axtracted</li>
  * </ul>
  * @return ZipArchive The archive object
 public function extract($zipFile, $folder, $types = '*')
     if ($types == '*' || $types == array('*') || empty($types)) {
         $allTypes = true;
     } else {
         $allTypes = false;
     $symlinksFiles = array();
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zip->open($zipFile)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
             $entry = $zip->getNameIndex($i);
             if (substr($entry, -1) == '/') {
                 $isFolder = true;
             } else {
                 $ext = array_pop(explode('.', $entry));
                 $isFolder = false;
             if ($allTypes || $isFolder || in_array($ext, $types)) {
                 // We verify if the file is a symlink
                 $fileName = basename($entry);
                 if ($fileName == self::SYMLINK_FILENAME) {
                     // after the dezipping process, we will add the symlinks
                     $symlinksFiles[] = $entry;
                 $zip->extractTo($folder, $entry);
         foreach ($symlinksFiles as $symlinksFile) {
             $symlinks = file($folder . '/' . $symlinksFile);
             foreach ($symlinks as $symlink) {
                 list($source, $destination) = explode(' ', $symlink, 2);
                 $this->helper->create_symLink($source, realPath(dirname($source) . '/' . $destination));
             //echo 'On a un symlink de '.$source.' vers '.$destination.'<br />';
     } else {
         return false;
     return $zip;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ConvertConfigCommand.php プロジェクト: jee7/orm
 public function fire(Factory $viewFactory)
     //add config templates directory to view locations
     $viewFactory->addLocation(realpath(__DIR__ . '/ConfigMigrations/templates'));
     if (($destPath = $this->option('dest-path')) === null) {
         $destPath = 'config';
     if (($author = $this->argument('author')) === null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing author option');
     if (($sourceFilePath = $this->option('source-file')) === null) {
         $sourceFilePath = 'config/doctrine.php';
     $destPath = realpath($destPath);
     if (!is_dir($destPath)) {
         mkdir($destPath, 0777, true);
     if (!is_writable($destPath)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Configuration destination directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have write permissions.", $destPath));
     $destFilePath = $destPath . '/doctrine.generated.php';
     $originalSourceFilePath = $sourceFilePath;
     $sourceFilePath = realPath($sourceFilePath);
     if (!file_exists($sourceFilePath)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Source file at path '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $originalSourceFilePath));
     $sourceArrayConfig = (include $sourceFilePath);
     //TODO make this relative
     switch ($author) {
         case 'atrauzzi':
             //$convertedConfigString = $this->convertAtrauzzi($sourceArrayConfig, $viewFactory);
         case 'mitchellvanw':
             $convertedConfigString = $this->convertMitchell($sourceArrayConfig, $viewFactory);
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Author provided was not a valid choice.');
     file_put_contents($destFilePath, '<?php ' . $convertedConfigString);
     $this->info('Conversion successful. File generated at ' . $destFilePath);
コード例 #9
ファイル: BLSParser.php プロジェクト: hoff121324/GlassWebsite
 public function uploadBuild($target)
     if (!isset($_FILES[$target]["name"]) || !$_FILES[$target]["size"]) {
         $this->error_id = 1;
         $this->error_message = "No file provided.";
         return $this->error_id;
     if ($_FILES[$target]["size"] > 10000000) {
         $this->error_id = 2;
         $this->error_message = "The Maximum upload file size is 10 MB";
         return $this->error_id;
     //a filter for file names
     //allows letters, numbers, '.', '-', '_', '\'', and ' '
     $this->name = basename($_FILES[$target]["name"]);
     if (preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-\\_\\ \\']/", "", $this->name) !== $this->name) {
         $this->error_id = 2;
         $this->error_message = "Invalid characters in file name";
         return $this->error_id;
     $fileExt = pathinfo($this->name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
     $targetPath = realPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "uploads/" . $this->name);
     if ($fileExt != "bls") {
         $this->error_id = 2;
         $this->error_message = "Only .bls files are allowed";
         return $this->error_id;
     if (file_exists($targetPath)) {
         $this->error_id = 2;
         $this->error_message = "A file with that name already exists.";
         return $this->error_id;
     //basic parse of .bls file
     //$contents = explode("\n", file_get_contents($_FILES["uploadfile"]["tmp_name"]));
     $contents = file($_FILES[$target]["tmp_name"]);
     return $this->validateFileContents($contents);
コード例 #10
ファイル: ConvertConfigCommand.php プロジェクト: Devitek/orm
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (($destPath = $input->getOption('dest-path')) === null) {
         $destPath = 'config';
     if (($author = $input->getArgument('author')) === null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing author option');
     if (($sourceFilePath = $input->getOption('source-file')) === null) {
         $sourceFilePath = 'config/doctrine.php';
     $destPath = realpath($destPath);
     if (!is_dir($destPath)) {
         mkdir($destPath, 0777, true);
     if (!is_writable($destPath)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Configuration destination directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have write permissions.", $destPath));
     $destFilePath = $destPath . '/doctrine.generated.php';
     $originalSourceFilePath = $sourceFilePath;
     $sourceFilePath = realPath($sourceFilePath);
     if (!file_exists($sourceFilePath)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Source file at path '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $originalSourceFilePath));
     $sourceArrayConfig = (include $sourceFilePath);
     $viewFactory = $this->createViewFactory();
     $className = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\ConfigMigrations\\' . ucfirst($author) . 'Migrator';
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Author provided was not a valid choice.');
     } else {
         $configMigrator = new $className($viewFactory);
         $convertedConfigString = $configMigrator->convertConfiguration($sourceArrayConfig);
     file_put_contents($destFilePath, '<?php ' . $convertedConfigString);
     $output->writeln('Conversion successful. File generated at ' . $destFilePath);
コード例 #11
ファイル: pclzip.class.php プロジェクト: SayenkoDesign/ividf
 function iwp_mmb_get_file_size($file)
     $normal_file_size = filesize($file);
     if ($normal_file_size !== false && $normal_file_size >= 0) {
         return $normal_file_size;
     } else {
         $file = realPath($file);
         if (!$file) {
             echo 'iwp_mmb_get_file_size_error : realPath error';
         $ch = curl_init("file://" . $file);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, CURLPROTO_FILE);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
         $data = curl_exec($ch);
         $curl_error = curl_error($ch);
         if ($data !== false && preg_match('/Content-Length: (\\d+)/', $data, $matches)) {
             return (string) $matches[1];
         } else {
             echo 'iwp_mmb_get_file_size_error : ' . $curl_error;
             return $normal_file_size;
コード例 #12
  * Save the form controls data to the database
  * @param object $form Jelix jForm object
  * @return Boolean True if the has been saved
 public function saveFormDataToDb($form)
     // Set the form from request
     // Optionnaly query for the feature
     $cnx = jDb::getConnection($this->layerId);
     $layerName = $this->layerName;
     $capabilities = $this->project->getEditionLayers()->{$layerName}->capabilities;
     // Update or Insert
     $updateAction = false;
     $insertAction = false;
     if ($this->featureId) {
         $updateAction = true;
     } else {
         $insertAction = true;
     // Get list of fields which are not primary keys
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($this->dataFields as $fieldName => $prop) {
         // For update : And get only fields corresponding to edition capabilities
         if (!$prop->primary and (strtolower($capabilities->modifyAttribute) == 'true' and $fieldName != $this->geometryColumn or strtolower($capabilities->modifyGeometry) == 'true' and $fieldName == $this->geometryColumn or $insertAction)) {
             $fields[] = $fieldName;
     if (count($fields) == 0) {
         jLog::log('Not enough capabilities for this layer ! SQL cannot be constructed: no fields available !', 'error');
         $form->setErrorOn($this->geometryColumn, 'An error has been raised when saving the form: Not enough capabilities for this layer !');
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('view~edition.link.error.sql'), 'error');
         return false;
     // Loop though the fields and filter the form posted values
     $update = array();
     $insert = array();
     $refs = array();
     foreach ($fields as $ref) {
         // Get and filter the posted data foreach form control
         $value = $form->getData($ref);
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = '{' . implode(',', $value) . '}';
         switch ($this->formControls[$ref]->fieldDataType) {
             case 'geometry':
                 $value = "ST_GeomFromText('" . filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES) . "', " . $this->srid . ")";
                 $rs = $cnx->query('SELECT GeometryType(' . $value . ') as geomtype');
                 $rs = $rs->fetch();
                 if (!preg_match('/' . $this->geometryType . '/', strtolower($rs->geomtype))) {
                     if (preg_match('/' . str_replace('multi', '', $this->geometryType) . '/', strtolower($rs->geomtype))) {
                         $value = 'ST_Multi(' . $value . ')';
                     } else {
                         $form->setErrorOn($this->geometryColumn, "The geometry type doen't match!");
                         return false;
             case 'date':
             case 'datetime':
                 $value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
                 if (!$value) {
                     $value = 'NULL';
                 } else {
                     $value = $cnx->quote($value);
             case 'integer':
                 $value = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
                 if (!$value) {
                     $value = 'NULL';
             case 'float':
                 $value = (double) $value;
                 if (!$value) {
                     $value = 'NULL';
                 $value = $cnx->quote(filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES));
         if ($form->hasUpload() && array_key_exists($ref, $form->getUploads())) {
             $value = $form->getData($ref);
             $choiceValue = $form->getData($ref . '_choice');
             $hiddenValue = $form->getData($ref . '_hidden');
             $repPath = $this->repository->getPath();
             if ($choiceValue == 'update') {
                 $refPath = realpath($repPath . '/media') . '/upload/' . $this->project->getKey() . '/' . $this->tableName . '/' . $ref;
                 $form->saveFile($ref, $refPath);
                 $value = 'media' . '/upload/' . $this->project->getKey() . '/' . $this->tableName . '/' . $ref . '/' . $value;
                 if ($hiddenValue && file_exists(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue)) {
                     unlink(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue);
             } else {
                 if ($choiceValue == 'delete') {
                     if ($hiddenValue && file_exists(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue)) {
                         unlink(realPath($repPath) . '/' . $hiddenValue);
                     $value = 'NULL';
                 } else {
                     $value = $hiddenValue;
             if (!$value) {
                 $value = 'NULL';
             } else {
                 if ($value != 'NULL') {
                     $value = $cnx->quote(filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES));
         // Build the SQL insert and update query
         $insert[] = $value;
         $refs[] = '"' . $ref . '"';
         $update[] = '"' . $ref . '"=' . $value;
     $sql = '';
     // update
     if ($updateAction) {
         if (ctype_digit($this->featureId)) {
             $featureId = array($this->featureId);
         // featureId is set
         // SQL for updating on line in the edition table
         $sql = " UPDATE " . $this->table . " SET ";
         $sql .= implode(', ', $update);
         $v = '';
         $i = 0;
         $sql .= ' WHERE';
         foreach ($this->primaryKeys as $key) {
             $sql .= "{$v} {$key} = " . $featureId[$i];
             $v = " AND ";
         // Add login filter if needed
         if (!$this->loginFilteredOveride) {
             if (is_array($this->loginFilteredLayers)) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . $this->loginFilteredLayers['where'];
     // insert
     if ($insertAction) {
         // SQL for insertion into the edition this->table
         function dquote($n)
             return '"' . $n . '"';
         $dfields = array_map("dquote", $fields);
         $sql = " INSERT INTO " . $this->table . " (";
         $sql .= implode(', ', $refs);
         $sql .= " ) VALUES (";
         $sql .= implode(', ', $insert);
         $sql .= " );";
     try {
         $rs = $cnx->query($sql);
         //~ jLog::log($sql);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $form->setErrorOn($this->geometryColumn, 'An error has been raised when saving the form');
         jLog::log("SQL = " . $sql);
         jLog::log("An error has been raised when saving form data edition to db : " . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #13
ファイル: backend.php プロジェクト: bafio89/qea-u

defined('APP_CONFIG_NAME') or define('APP_CONFIG_NAME', 'backend');
// web application configuration
return array('basePath' => realPath(__DIR__ . '/..'), 'aliases' => array('bootstrap' => 'application.modules.bootstrap', 'menu' => 'application.modules.pb_menu', 'chartjs' => 'bootstrap.extensions.yii-chartjs-master'), 'behaviors' => array(), 'preload' => array('bootstrap', 'chartjs'), 'controllerMap' => array(), 'import' => array('bootstrap.*', 'bootstrap.components.*', 'bootstrap.models.*', 'bootstrap.controllers.*', 'bootstrap.helpers.*', 'bootstrap.widgets.*', 'bootstrap.extensions.*', 'chartjs.*', 'chartjs.widgets.*', 'chartjs.components.*', 'menu.*', 'menu.models.*', 'menu.widgets.*', 'menu.components.*', 'menu.controllers.*', 'menu.extensions.*'), 'modules' => array('bootstrap' => array('class' => 'bootstrap.BootStrapModule'), 'menu' => array('class' => 'menu.PbMenuModule')), 'components' => array('bsHtml' => array('class' => 'bootstrap.components.BSHtml'), 'chartjs' => array('class' => 'bootstrap.extensions.yii-chartjs-master.components.ChartJs'), 'menu' => array('class' => 'menu.components.MenuPlugin'), 'clientScript' => array(), 'urlManager' => array('urlFormat' => 'path', 'showScriptName' => false, 'rules' => array('<controller:\\w+>/<id:\\d+>' => '<controller>/view', '<controller:\\w+>/<action:\\w+>/<id:\\d+>' => '<controller>/<action>', '<controller:\\w+>/<action:\\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>')), 'user' => array('allowAutoLogin' => true), 'errorHandler' => array('errorAction' => 'site/error')));
コード例 #14
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: studio-v/nano
function fromTo($from, $to)
    echo "\t", sprintf('%-20s', $from), ' => ', $to, PHP_EOL;
echo 'Setting up', PHP_EOL;
$root = realPath(__DIR__ . '/../application/settings') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$env = isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : 'dev';
fromTo('env.php', $root . 'env.php');
file_put_contents($root . 'env.php', '<?php $config = \'' . $env . '\';');
require dirName(__DIR__) . '/library/Nano.php';
$files = array('db.php' => 'db.php', 'log.php' => 'log.php', 'selenium.php' => 'selenium.php', 'web.php' => 'web.php', 'assets.php' => 'assets.php', 'plugins.php' => 'plugins.php');
$source = __DIR__ . '/setup/' . $env;
if (file_exists($source)) {
    foreach ($files as $from => $to) {
        $sourceFile = $source . DS . $from;
        $destinationDir = realPath(dirName($root . $to));
        $destinationFile = $destinationDir . DS . baseName($to);
        if (file_exists($sourceFile)) {
            fromTo($from, $destinationFile);
            copy($sourceFile, $destinationFile);
echo 'Done', PHP_EOL;
if (file_exists($source . '.php')) {
    include $source . '.php';
    if (function_exists('setupEnv')) {
コード例 #15
 $url = $rowInstall['link'];
 $certPath = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/upgrademodx/cacert.pem';
 if (!file_exists($certPath)) {
     MODXInstaller::quit('Could not find cacert.pem');
 $success = MODXInstaller::downloadFile($url, $source, $method, $certPath);
 /* Make sure we have the downloaded file */
 if ($success !== true) {
 } elseif (!file_exists($source)) {
     MODXInstaller::quit('Missing file: ' . $source);
 } elseif (filesize($source) < 64) {
     MODXInstaller::quit('File: ' . $source . ' is empty -- download failed');
 $tempDir = realPath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/temp';
 $destination = $tempDir;
 if (!file_exists($tempDir)) {
     MODXInstaller::quit('Unable to create directory: ' . $tempDir);
 if (!is_readable($tempDir)) {
     MODXInstaller::quit('Unable to read from /temp directory');
 $success = MODXInstaller::unZip(MODX_CORE_PATH, $source, $destination, $forcePclZip);
 if ($success !== true) {
 $directories = MODXInstaller::getDirectories();
コード例 #16
ファイル: path.php プロジェクト: Auwibana/babesk

//defines the path's for the application
//cut off the filename and go up one directory to the base directory
$rootPath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
defined('DS') or define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
//smarty defines DS the same way
//realPath() makes sure we use the right seperator for the platform
defined('PATH_CODE') or define('PATH_CODE', $rootPath);
define('PATH_ADMIN', realPath($rootPath . "/administrator"));
define('PATH_PUBLICDATA', realPath($rootPath . "/publicData"));
define('PATH_WEB', realPath($rootPath . "/web"));
define('PATH_INCLUDE', realPath($rootPath . "/include"));
define('PATH_ACCESS', realPath($rootPath . "/include/sql_access"));
define('PATH_3RD_PARTY', PATH_INCLUDE . '/3rdParty');
define('PATH_SMARTY', PATH_3RD_PARTY . '/smarty');
define('PATH_SMARTY_TPL', realPath($rootPath . '/smarty_templates'));
//Document root
コード例 #17
  * Check if there is are already core files available
  * at the download destination.
  * @param string $version A version number
  * @return bool true when core files are available
 protected function checkCoreFilesAvailable($version)
     $newCoreLocation = @realPath($this->symlinkToCoreFiles . '/../') . '/typo3_src-' . $version;
     return @is_dir($newCoreLocation);
コード例 #18
ファイル: LogService.php プロジェクト: antarus/mystra-pve
  * Méthode retournant le chemin vers la racine de WebKiosk
  * @return string Le chemin vers la racine de WebKiosk
 private function _getPathToRoot()
     return realPath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../..');
コード例 #19
ファイル: filestore_dojoxdata.php プロジェクト: hflw/lucid
        if (!is_numeric($count)) {
            $count = $total;
        $files = array_slice($files, 0, $count);
    $result->total = $total;
    $result->items = $files;
    header("Content-Type", "text/json");
    print "/* " . json_encode($result) . " */";
} else {
    //Query of a specific file (useful for fetchByIdentity and loadItem)
    //Make sure the path isn't trying to walk out of the rooted directory
    //As defined by $rootDir in the top of the php script.
    $rootPath = realPath($rootDir);
    $fullPath = realPath($rootPath . "/" . $path);
    if ($fullPath !== false) {
        if (strpos($fullPath, $rootPath) === 0) {
            //Root the path into the tree cleaner.
            if (strlen($fullPath) == strlen($rootPath)) {
                $path = ".";
            } else {
                //Fix the path to relative of root and put back into UNIX style (even if windows).
                $path = substr($fullPath, strlen($rootPath) + 1, strlen($fullPath));
                $path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
            if (file_exists($fullPath)) {
                $arr = split("/", $path);
                $size = count($arr);
                if ($size > 0) {
                    $fName = $arr[$size - 1];
コード例 #20
function gs_ringtone_set($user, $src, $bellcore, $change_file = false, $file = null)
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z\\d]+$/', $user)) {
        return new GsError('User must be alphanumeric.');
    if (!in_array($src, array('internal', 'external'), true)) {
        return new GsError('Source must be internal|external.');
    $bellcore = (int) $bellcore;
    if ($bellcore < 0 || $bellcore > 10) {
        return new GsError('Bellcore must be between 1 and 10 or 0 for silent.');
    if (!$change_file) {
        $file = null;
    } else {
        if (!$file) {
            # to remove a custom ringer
            $file = null;
        } else {
            $file = @realPath($file);
            if (!@file_exists($file)) {
                $file = @realPath(@$_ENV['PWD'] . '/' . $file);
                if (!@file_exists($file)) {
                    return new GsError('File not found.');
            //if (strToLower(subStr($file,-4)) != '.mp3')
            //	return new GsError( 'File is not an mp3.' );
    # connect to db
    $db = gs_db_master_connect();
    if (!$db) {
        return new GsError('Could not connect to database.');
    # get user_id
    $user_id = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `user`=\'' . $db->escape($user) . '\'');
    if (!$user_id) {
        return new GsError('Unknown user.');
    # make sure there is an entry in the db and set the bellcore ringer
    $num = (int) $db->executeGetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) `num` FROM `ringtones` WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id . ' AND `src`=\'' . $src . '\'');
    if ($num < 1) {
        $ok = $db->execute('INSERT INTO `ringtones` (`user_id`, `src`, `bellcore`, `file`) VALUES (' . $user_id . ', \'' . $src . '\', ' . $bellcore . ', NULL)');
    } else {
        $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ringtones` SET `bellcore`=' . $bellcore . ' WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id . ' AND `src`=\'' . $src . '\'');
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('DB error.');
    if (!$change_file) {
        return true;
    # are we the web server?
    if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
        $our_host_ips = @gs_get_listen_to_ips();
        if (!is_array($our_host_ips)) {
            return new GsError('Failed to get our host IPs.');
        $we_are_the_webserver = in_array(GS_PROV_HOST, $our_host_ips);
    } else {
        $we_are_the_webserver = true;
    # remove old ringer from htdocs/prov/ringtones/ dir
    if ($we_are_the_webserver) {
        # local
        @exec('sudo rm -rf ' . GS_DIR . 'htdocs/prov/ringtones/' . $user . '-' . subStr($src, 0, 3) . '-* 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null');
    } else {
        # remotely
        $cmd = 'rm -rf /opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/' . $user . '-' . subStr($src, 0, 3) . '-* 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null &';
        @exec('sudo ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ' . qsa('root@' . GS_PROV_HOST) . ' ' . qsa($cmd) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null');
    # just remove custom ringer?
    if (!$file) {
        $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ringtones` SET `file`=NULL WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id . ' AND `src`=\'' . $src . '\'');
        if (!$ok) {
            return new GsError('DB error.');
        return true;
    # convert sound file to the formats needed for each phone type
    $to_sox_format = array('alaw' => 'al', 'ulaw' => 'ul');
    $pinfo = pathInfo($file);
    //$base = $pinfo['basename'];
    $ext = strToLower(@$pinfo['extension']);
    if (array_key_exists($ext, $to_sox_format)) {
        $ext = $to_sox_format[$ext];
    $rand = base_convert(rand(1296, 46655), 10, 36);
    # 100(36) - zzz(36)
    $tmpbase = '/tmp/gs-ring-' . $user . '-' . $rand;
    $infile = $tmpbase . '-in.' . $ext;
    $outbase = $tmpbase . '-out';
    $ok = @copy($file, $infile);
    @chmod($infile, 0666);
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('Failed to copy file to "' . $infile . '".');
    include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/phone-capability.php';
    $phone_types = glob(GS_DIR . 'htdocs/prov/*/capability.php');
    if (!is_array($phone_types)) {
        $phone_types = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($phone_types); ++$i) {
        $phone_types[$i] = baseName(dirName($phone_types[$i]));
    gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Ringtone conversion: Found phone types: ' . implode(', ', $phone_types));
    $errors = array();
    $new_ringer_basename = $user . '-' . subStr($src, 0, 3) . '-' . $rand;
    foreach ($phone_types as $phone_type) {
        include_once GS_DIR . 'htdocs/prov/' . $phone_type . '/capability.php';
        $class = 'PhoneCapability_' . $phone_type;
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, $phone_type . ': Class broken.');
            $errors[] = $phone_type . ': Class broken.';
        $PhoneCapa = new $class();
        $outfile = $PhoneCapa->conv_ringtone($infile, $outbase);
        if (isGsError($outfile)) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Ringtone conversion: ' . $phone_type . ': ' . $outfile->getMsg());
            $errors[] = $phone_type . ': ' . $outfile->getMsg();
        } elseif ($outfile === null) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Ringtone conversion: ' . $phone_type . ': Not implemented.');
        } elseif (!$outfile) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Ringtone conversion: ' . $phone_type . ': Failed to convert file.');
            $errors[] = $phone_type . ': ' . 'Failed to convert file.';
        if (!file_exists($outfile)) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Ringtone conversion: ' . $phone_type . ': Failed to convert file.');
            $errors[] = $phone_type . ': ' . 'Failed to convert file.';
        gs_log(GS_LOG_DEBUG, 'Ringtone conversion: ' . $phone_type . ': Converted.');
        @chmod($outfile, 0666);
        $pinfo = pathInfo($outfile);
        $ext = strToLower(@$pinfo['extension']);
        $newbase = $new_ringer_basename . '-' . $phone_type . '.' . $ext;
        if ($phone_type === 'siemens' && !gs_get_conf('GS_SIEMENS_PROV_PREFER_HTTP')) {
            # if this is a Siemens phone, push the file on the FTP server
            @copy($infile, '/tmp/' . $newbase);
            //FIXME - why?
            $ok = $PhoneCapa->_upload_ringtone('/tmp/' . $newbase);
            if (!$ok) {
                gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to upload ringtone to FTP server.');
            if (is_file('/tmp/' . $newbase)) {
                @unlink('/tmp/' . $newbase);
        } else {
            if ($we_are_the_webserver) {
                # local
                //rename( $outfile, GS_DIR .'htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $newbase );
                @exec('sudo mv ' . qsa($outfile) . ' ' . qsa(GS_DIR . 'htdocs/prov/ringtones/' . $newbase), $out, $err);
            } else {
                # remotely
                @exec('sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ' . qsa($outfile) . ' ' . qsa('root@' . GS_PROV_HOST . ':/opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/' . $newbase) . ' >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
                //@exec( 'sudo rm -f '. qsa($outfile) .' >>/dev/null 2>&1' );
            if ($err != 0) {
                gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to mv ringtone.');
    if (is_file($infile)) {
    @exec('rm -rf ' . $tmpbase . '-* 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null &');
    if (count($errors) > 0) {
        return new GsError("Failed to convert ringtone for some or all phone types: " . implode(", ", $errors));
    $ok = $db->execute('UPDATE `ringtones` SET `file`=\'' . $db->escape($new_ringer_basename) . '\' WHERE `user_id`=' . $user_id . ' AND `src`=\'' . $src . '\'');
    if (!$ok) {
        return new GsError('DB error.');
    return true;
    // OLD STUFF:
    # remove old ringer
    $files = @glob( GS_DIR .'htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $user .'/'. $src .'-*' );
    if (is_array($files)) {
    	foreach ($files as $f) {
    shell_exec( 'rm -f /opt/ast/htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $ext .'-*' );
    # get SIP name
    $ext = $db->executeGetOne( 'SELECT `name` FROM `ast_sipfriends` WHERE `_user_id`='. $user_id );
    if (! $ext)
    	return new GsError( 'DB error.' );
    if ($file) {
    	$rand = rand(10000,99999).time();
    	shell_exec( 'mpg123 -m -r 8000 -w - -n 500 -q \''. $file .'\' > \'/opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $rand .'.wav\'' );
    	shell_exec( 'sox \'/opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $rand .'.wav\' -r 8000 -c 1 -w \'/opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $ext .'-'. time() .'.wav\'' );
    	shell_exec( 'rm \'/opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $rand .'.wav\'' );
    } else {
    	//shell_exec( 'rm -f /opt/gemeinschaft/htdocs/prov/ringtones/'. $ext .'-*' );
    return true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: console.php プロジェクト: vasiliy-pdk/aes

 * console.php configuration file
 * @author Antonio Ramirez <*****@*****.**>
 * @link http://www.ramirezcobos.com/
 * @link http://www.2amigos.us/
 * @copyright 2013 2amigOS! Consultation Group LLC
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
defined('APP_CONFIG_NAME') or define('APP_CONFIG_NAME', 'console');
return array('basePath' => realPath(__DIR__ . '/..'), 'aliases' => array('frontend' => realPath(__DIR__ . '/../frontend')), 'import' => array('frontend.modules.album.AlbumModule'), 'commandMap' => array('migrate' => array('class' => 'console.extensions.yiiext.commands.migrate.EMigrateCommand', 'migrationPath' => 'console.migrations', 'migrationTable' => 'tbl_migration', 'applicationModuleName' => 'core', 'modulePaths' => array('userAccount' => 'frontend.modules.userAccount.migrations', 'personIdentifier' => 'frontend.modules.personIdentifier.migrations', 'album' => 'frontend.modules.album.migrations'), 'migrationSubPath' => 'migrations', 'disabledModules' => array())));
コード例 #22
ファイル: console.php プロジェクト: a303/smart_lp2

 * console.php config file
 * @author Antonio Ramirez <*****@*****.**>
 * @link http://www.ramirezcobos.com/
 * @link http://www.2amigos.us/
 * @copyright 2013 2amigOS! Consultation Group LLC
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
defined('APP_CONFIG_NAME') or define('APP_CONFIG_NAME', 'console');
return array('basePath' => realPath(__DIR__ . '/..'), 'commandMap' => array('migrate' => array('class' => 'system.cli.commands.MigrateCommand', 'migrationPath' => 'application.migrations')), 'modules' => array('user' => array('hash' => 'md5', 'sendActivationMail' => true, 'loginNotActiv' => false, 'activeAfterRegister' => false, 'autoLogin' => true, 'registrationUrl' => array('/user/registration'), 'recoveryUrl' => array('/user/recovery'), 'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'), 'returnUrl' => array('/user/profile'), 'returnLogoutUrl' => array('/user/login'))));
コード例 #23
ファイル: laraclip.php プロジェクト: expstudio/laraclip

return array('public_path' => realPath(public_path()), 'storage' => 'filesystem', 'image_processing_library' => 'GD', 'default_url' => '/:attachment/:style/missing.png', 'default_style' => 'original', 'styles' => array(), 'keep_old_files' => false, 'preserve_files' => false);
コード例 #24

 * backend.php configuration file
 * @author Antonio Ramirez <*****@*****.**>
 * @link http://www.ramirezcobos.com/
 * @link http://www.2amigos.us/
 * @copyright 2013 2amigOS! Consultation Group LLC
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
defined('APP_CONFIG_NAME') or define('APP_CONFIG_NAME', 'backend');
// web application configuration
return array('name' => '{APPLICATION NAME}', 'basePath' => realPath(__DIR__ . '/..'), 'aliases' => array('bootstrap' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..' . '/common/lib/vendor/2amigos/yiistrap', 'yiiwheels' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..' . '/common/lib/vendor/2amigos/yiiwheels'), 'behaviors' => array(), 'import' => array('yiiwheels.widgets.fineuploader.*', 'application.widgets.PhotoPortfolio.*', 'common.extensions.behaviors.*', 'application.components.*', 'application.modules.portfolio.models.*', 'application.models.*', 'backend.modules.user.models.*'), 'controllerMap' => array(), 'modules' => array('user' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.user.UserModule', 'hash' => 'md5', 'sendActivationMail' => true, 'loginNotActiv' => false, 'activeAfterRegister' => false, 'autoLogin' => true, 'registrationUrl' => array('/user/registration'), 'recoveryUrl' => array('/user/recovery'), 'loginUrl' => '/user/login', 'returnUrl' => array('/user/profile'), 'returnLogoutUrl' => '/user/login', 'adminUrl' => 'user/admin', 'tableUsers' => 'user', 'tableProfiles' => 'profiles', 'tableProfileFields' => 'profiles_fields'), 'portfolio' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.portfolio.PortfolioModule'), 'magazine' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.magazine.MagazineModule'), 'news' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.news.NewsModule'), 'tag' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.tag.TagModule'), 'portfolioposts' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.portfolioposts.PortfolioPostsModule'), 'partners' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.partners.PartnersModule'), 'banners' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.banners.BannersModule'), 'horoscope' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.horoscope.HoroscopeModule'), 'contacts' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.contacts.ContactsModule'), 'about' => array('class' => 'backend.modules.about.AboutModule')), 'components' => array('bootstrap' => array('class' => 'bootstrap.components.TbApi'), 'yiiwheels' => array('class' => 'yiiwheels.YiiWheels'), 'messages' => array('basePath' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '../../common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'messages'), 'clientScript' => array('scriptMap' => array('bootstrap.min.css' => false, 'bootstrap.min.js' => false, 'bootstrap-yii.css' => false)), 'urlManager' => array('urlFormat' => 'path', 'showScriptName' => false, 'rules' => array('<controller:\\w+>/<id:\\d+>' => '<controller>/view', '<controller:\\w+>/<action:\\w+>/<id:\\d+>' => '<controller>/<action>', '<controller:\\w+>/<action:\\w+>' => '<controller>/<action>')), 'user' => array('authTimeout' => 86400), 'errorHandler' => array('errorAction' => 'site/error')));
コード例 #25
ファイル: cbtreeFileStore.php プロジェクト: anselmoarruda/js
    cgiResponse(HTTP_V_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method Not Allowed", NULL);
    header("Allow: " . getenv("CBTREE_METHODS"));
    error_log("Invalid or unsupported method: [" . $method . "]");
// Validate the HTTP QUERY-STRING parameters
$args = getArguments($method, $status);
if ($args == null) {
    cgiResponse(HTTP_V_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad Request", "Malformed query arguments.");
if ($args->authToken) {
    // Your authentication may go here....
$rootDir = str_replace("\\", "/", realPath($docRoot . "/" . $args->basePath));
$fullPath = str_replace("\\", "/", realPath($rootDir . "/" . $args->path));
if ($rootDir && $fullPath) {
    // Make sure the caller isn't backtracking by specifying paths like '../../../'
    if (strncmp($rootDir, $docRoot, strlen($docRoot)) || strncmp($fullPath, $rootDir, strlen($rootDir))) {
        cgiResponse(HTTP_V_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden", "We're not going there...");
    switch ($method) {
        case "DELETE":
            $files = deleteFile($fullPath, $rootDir, $args, $status);
            if ($files) {
                // Compile the final result
                $result = new stdClass();
                $result->total = count($files);
                $result->status = $status;
                $result->items = $files;
コード例 #26
ファイル: TestSuite.php プロジェクト: maruthisivaprasad/zurmo
 public static function run()
     global $argv, $argc;
     $usage = PHP_EOL . "  Usage: php [options] TestSuite.php <All|Misc|moduleName|TestClassName> [options]" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "    All               Run all tests." . PHP_EOL . "    Framework         Run all tests in framework/tests/functional." . PHP_EOL . "    Misc              Run the test suites in app/protected/tests/functional." . PHP_EOL . "    moduleName        Run the test suites in app/protected/modules/moduleName/tests/functional." . PHP_EOL . "    TestClassName     Run the tests in TestClassName.html, wherever that happens to be." . PHP_EOL . "    options" . PHP_EOL . "    -p                port Example: -p4044" . PHP_EOL . "    -h                host Example: -hhttp://www.sitetotest/app/" . PHP_EOL . "    -b                browser <*firefox|*iexplore> if not specified, will run all in browsers " . PHP_EOL . "    -c                test server control url Example: -chttp://www.sitetotest/controlUrl.php" . PHP_EOL . "                      Example: -b*firefox " . PHP_EOL . "    -userExtensions   Example: -userExtensions pathToTheUserExtensionJS " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "  Examples:" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "    php TestSuiteSelenium.php accounts (Run the tests in the Accounts module.)" . PHP_EOL . "    php TestSuiteSelenium.php RedBeanModelTest   (Run the test suite RedBeanModelTest.html.)" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PhpUnitServiceUtil::checkVersion();
     if ($argv[0] != 'TestSuite.php') {
         echo $usage;
     } else {
         $whatToTest = $argv[1];
     $whatToTestIsModuleDir = self::isWhatToTestAModule($whatToTest);
     $suiteNames = array();
     $htmlTestSuiteFiles = array();
     if ($whatToTest == 'All' || $whatToTest == 'Misc' || !$whatToTestIsModuleDir) {
         $compareToTest = $whatToTest;
         if ($whatToTest == 'Misc') {
             $compareToTest = null;
         $htmlTestSuiteFiles = self::buildSuiteFromSeleneseDirectory($htmlTestSuiteFiles, '.', $compareToTest);
     if ($whatToTest != 'Misc' && !$whatToTestIsModuleDir) {
         $compareToTest = $whatToTest;
         if ($whatToTest == 'Framework') {
             $compareToTest = null;
         $frameworkTestSuiteDirectory = '../../core/tests/functional';
         $htmlTestSuiteFiles = self::buildSuiteFromSeleneseDirectory($htmlTestSuiteFiles, $frameworkTestSuiteDirectory, $compareToTest);
     $moduleDirectoryName = '../../modules';
     if (is_dir($moduleDirectoryName)) {
         $moduleNames = scandir($moduleDirectoryName);
         foreach ($moduleNames as $moduleName) {
             if ($moduleName != '.' && $moduleName != '..') {
                 $moduleFunctionalTestDirectoryName = "{$moduleDirectoryName}/{$moduleName}/tests/functional";
                 if (is_dir($moduleFunctionalTestDirectoryName)) {
                     if ($whatToTest == 'All' || $whatToTest == $moduleName || strtolower($whatToTest) == $moduleName || !$whatToTestIsModuleDir) {
                         if ($whatToTest == $moduleName || strtolower($whatToTest) == $moduleName) {
                             $compareToTest = null;
                         } else {
                             $compareToTest = $whatToTest;
                         $htmlTestSuiteFiles = self::buildSuiteFromSeleneseDirectory($htmlTestSuiteFiles, $moduleFunctionalTestDirectoryName, $compareToTest);
     if (count($htmlTestSuiteFiles) == 0) {
         echo $usage;
         echo "  No tests found for '{$whatToTest}'.\n" . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Suites to run:' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($htmlTestSuiteFiles as $pathToSuite) {
         if (in_array(basename($pathToSuite), $suiteNames)) {
             echo 'Cannot run tests because there are 2 test suites with the same name.' . PHP_EOL;
             echo 'The duplicate found is here: ' . $pathToSuite . PHP_EOL;
         $suiteNames[] = basename($pathToSuite);
         echo $pathToSuite . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Running Test Suites using Selenium RC v2:' . PHP_EOL;
     $browsersToRun = self::resolveBrowserFromParameter();
     foreach ($browsersToRun as $browserId => $browserDisplayName) {
         self::clearPreviousTestResultsByServerAndBrowser(self::getServerByServerControlUrl(self::resolveHostFromParameterAndConstant()), $browserDisplayName);
         foreach ($htmlTestSuiteFiles as $pathToSuite) {
             if (!self::isInstallationTest($pathToSuite)) {
                 echo "Restoring test db" . PHP_EOL;
                 self::remoteAction(self::resolveServerControlUrlFromParameterAndConstant(), array('action' => 'restore'));
                 echo "Restored test db" . PHP_EOL;
                 if (!self::isInstallationTest($pathToSuite)) {
                     echo "Set user default time zone." . PHP_EOL;
                     self::remoteAction(self::resolveServerControlUrlFromParameterAndConstant(), array('action' => 'setUserDefaultTimezone'));
                     echo "User default time zone set." . PHP_EOL;
                 echo "Clear cache on remote server" . PHP_EOL;
                 self::remoteAction(self::resolveHostFromParameterAndConstant(), array('clearCache' => '1', 'ignoreBrowserCheck' => '1'));
                 //Eventually remove this since in code for 2.5.9 this is removed
             } else {
                 echo "Uninstall zurmo" . PHP_EOL;
                 self::remoteAction(self::resolveServerControlUrlFromParameterAndConstant(), array('action' => 'backupRemovePerInstance'));
             echo "Cache cleared" . PHP_EOL;
             echo 'Running test suite: ';
             echo $pathToSuite . PHP_EOL;
             $host = self::resolveHostFromParameterAndConstant();
             $hostFilePart = str_replace('http://', '', $host);
             $hostFilePart = str_replace('https://', '', $hostFilePart);
             $hostFilePart = str_replace('/', '', $hostFilePart);
             $hostFilePart = $hostFilePart . '.';
             $testResultFileNamePrefix = str_replace('../', '', $pathToSuite);
             $testResultFileNamePrefix = str_replace('/', '.', $testResultFileNamePrefix);
             $testResultFileNamePrefix = str_replace('\\', '.', $testResultFileNamePrefix);
             $testResultFileNamePrefix = str_replace('..', '', $testResultFileNamePrefix);
             $testResultFileNamePrefix = str_replace('.html', '', $testResultFileNamePrefix);
             $testResultsFileName = $testResultFileNamePrefix . '.' . str_replace(' ', '', $browserDisplayName) . '.TestResults.html';
             $finalTestResultsPath = TEST_RESULTS_PATH . $hostFilePart . $testResultsFileName;
             $finalCommand = 'java -jar "' . SELENIUM_SERVER_PATH . '" ';
             $finalCommand .= '-port ' . self::resolvePortFromParameterAndConstant();
             $finalCommand .= ' -htmlSuite ' . $browserId . ' ';
             $finalCommand .= $host . ' ' . realPath($pathToSuite) . ' ' . $finalTestResultsPath;
             $finalCommand .= ' -userExtensions ' . self::resolveUserExtensionsJsFromParameterAndConstant();
             echo $finalCommand . PHP_EOL;
             echo 'Restoring test db';
             self::remoteAction(self::resolveServerControlUrlFromParameterAndConstant(), array('action' => 'restore'));
             if (self::isInstallationTest($pathToSuite)) {
                 self::remoteAction(self::resolveServerControlUrlFromParameterAndConstant(), array('action' => 'restorePerInstance'));
     echo 'Functional Run Complete.' . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #27
ファイル: conf.php プロジェクト: hehol/GemeinschaftPBX
# http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43283
# http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=1633
if (!defined('STDIN')) {
    define('STDIN', @fOpen('php://stdin', 'rb'));
if (!defined('STDOUT')) {
    define('STDOUT', @fOpen('php://stdout', 'wb'));
if (!defined('STDERR')) {
    define('STDERR', @fOpen('php://stderr', 'wb'));
# our root directory
define('GS_DIR', realPath(dirName(__FILE__) . '/../') . '/');
# log levels
define('GS_LOG_FATAL', 1 << 1);
define('GS_LOG_WARNING', 1 << 2);
#  "
define('GS_LOG_NOTICE', 1 << 3);
#  "
define('GS_LOG_DEBUG', 1 << 4);
#  "
function gs_get_conf($key, $default = null)
    return @defined($key) ? constant($key) : $default;
コード例 #28
ファイル: ScriptTest.php プロジェクト: BobRay/UpgradeMODX
 public function testCopyFiles()
     $dest = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'temproot';
     $dest = MODXInstaller::normalize($dest);
     MODXInstaller::removeFolder($dest, true);
     $directories = $this->getDirectories($dest);
     $directories = MODXInstaller::normalize($directories);
     $tempDir = realPath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/temp';
     $sourceDir = $tempDir . '/' . MODXInstaller::getModxDir($tempDir);
     $sourceDir = MODXInstaller::normalize($sourceDir);
     MODXInstaller::copyFiles($sourceDir, $directories);
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/setup'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/setup/controllers'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/core'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/core/docs'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/manager'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/manager/controllers'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/connectors'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/connectors/security'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($dest . '/myprocessors'));
コード例 #29
 * Function to generate an associative map of data about a specific file.
 * @param $file The name of the file this object represents.
 * @param $dir The sub-path that contains the file defined by $file
 * @param $rootDir The directory from which to append dir and name to get the full path to the file.
 * @param $expand boolean to denote that if the file is a directory, expand all children in the children attribute 
 *        to a a full object
 * @param $showHiddenFiles boolean to denote if hidden files should be shown in-view or not.
 * @return Associative Map.   The details about the file:
 *  $file["name"] - Returns the shortname of the file.
 *  $file["parentDir"] - Returns the relative path from the service root for the parent directory containing file $file["name"]
 *  $file["path"] - The relative path to the file.
 *  $file["directory"] - Boolean indicator if the file represents a directory.
 *  $file["size"] - The size of the file, in bytes.
 *  $file["modified] - The modified date of the file in milliseconds since Jan 1st, 1970.
 *  $file["children"] - Children files of a directory.  Empty if a standard file.
function generateFileObj($file, $dir, $rootDir, $expand, $showHiddenFiles)
    //  summary:
    //      Function to generate an object representation of a disk file.
    $path = $file;
    if ($dir != "." && $dir != "./") {
        $path = $dir . "/" . $file;
    $fullPath = $rootDir . "/" . $path;
    $atts = stat($fullPath);
    $rootPath = realPath($rootDir);
    $resolvedDir = realPath($rootDir . "/" . $dir);
    $resolvedFullPath = realPath($fullPath);
    //Try to normalize down the paths so it does a consistent return.
    if (strcmp($rootPath, $resolvedDir) === 0) {
        $dir = ".";
    } else {
        $dir = substr($resolvedDir, strlen($rootPath) + 1, strlen($resolvedDir));
        $dir = "./" . str_replace("\\", "/", $dir);
    if (strcmp($rootPath, $resolvedFullPath) === 0) {
        $path = ".";
    } else {
        $path = substr($resolvedFullPath, strlen($rootPath) + 1, strlen($resolvedFullPath));
        $path = "./" . str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
    $fObj = array();
    $fObj["name"] = $file;
    $fObj["parentDir"] = $dir;
    $fObj["path"] = $path;
    $fObj["directory"] = is_dir($fullPath);
    $fObj["size"] = filesize($fullPath);
    $fObj["modified"] = $atts[9];
    if (is_dir($fullPath)) {
        $children = array();
        $dirHandle = opendir($fullPath);
        while ($cFile = readdir($dirHandle)) {
            if ($cFile) {
                if ($cFile != ".." && $cFile != ".") {
                    if ($showHiddenFiles || $cFile[0] != '.') {
                        if (!$expand) {
                            $children[] = $cFile;
                        } else {
                            $children[] = generateFileObj($cFile, $path, $rootDir, $expand, $showHiddenFiles);
        $fObj["children"] = $children;
    return $fObj;
コード例 #30

 * console.php configuration file
 * @author Antonio Ramirez <*****@*****.**>
 * @link http://www.ramirezcobos.com/
 * @link http://www.2amigos.us/
 * @copyright 2013 2amigOS! Consultation Group LLC
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
defined('APP_CONFIG_NAME') or define('APP_CONFIG_NAME', 'console');
return array('basePath' => realPath(__DIR__ . '/..'), 'commandMap' => array('migrate' => array('class' => 'system.cli.commands.MigrateCommand', 'migrationPath' => 'application.migrations')));