コード例 #1
function build_response($app, $account_info, $operation_history, $request_payment, $process_payment, $home)
    if (count($operation_history->operations) < 3) {
        $operation_history_info = sprintf("You have less then 3 records in your payment history");
    } else {
        $operation_history_info = sprintf("The last 3 payment titles are: %s, %s, %s", $operation_history->operations[0]->title, $operation_history->operations[1]->title, $operation_history->operations[2]->title);
    if ($request_payment->status == "success") {
        $request_payment_info = "Response of request-payment is successive.";
        $is_process_error = false;
    } else {
        $request_payment_info = "Response of request-payment is errorneous." . sprintf(" The error label is %s", $request_payment->error);
        $is_process_error = true;
    if ($is_process_error) {
        $process_payment_info = "The request-payment returns error. No operation.";
    } else {
        $process_payment_info = sprintf("You send %g to %s wallet", $process_payment->credit_amount, $process_payment->payee);
    $template_meta = function ($method, $index) {
        $method['includes'] = array(array("is_collapsed" => false, "title" => "Source code", "id" => $index, "body" => $method['code']), array("is_collapsed" => true, "title" => "Response", "id" => $index + 100, "body" => json_encode($method['response'], JSON_OPTIONS)));
        return $method;
    $methods = array(array("info" => sprintf("You wallet balance is %s RUB", $account_info->balance), "code" => read_sample("account_info.txt"), "name" => "Account-info", "response" => $account_info), array("info" => $operation_history_info, "code" => read_sample("operation_history.txt"), "name" => "Operation-history", "response" => $operation_history), array("info" => $request_payment_info, "code" => read_sample("request_payment.txt"), "name" => "Request-payment", "response" => $request_payment), array("info" => $process_payment_info, "code" => read_sample("process_payment.txt"), "name" => "Process-payment", "response" => $process_payment, "is_error" => $is_process_error, "message" => "Call process_payment method isn't possible." . " See request_payment JSON for information"));
    return $app->render("auth.html", array("methods" => array_map($template_meta, $methods, array_keys($methods)), "home" => substr_replace($home, "", -1), "lang" => "PHP"));
コード例 #2
    $url = sprintf("%s?%s", $process_result->acs_uri, http_build_query($process_result->acs_params));
$app->get("/wallet/external-success/", function () use($app) {
    $request_id = $app->getCookie("request_id");
    $instance_id = $app->getCookie("instance_id");
    if (is_null($request_id) || is_null($instance_id)) {
        $params = array("text" => "cookie is expired or incorrect", "home" => "../");
        return show_error($params, $app);
    $api = new ExternalPayment($instance_id);
    $base_path = "http://" . $app->request->getHostWithPort() . $app->request->getPath() . "..";
    do {
        $result = $api->process(array("request_id" => $request_id, "ext_auth_success_uri" => $base_path . "/external-success/", "ext_auth_fail_uri" => $base_path . "/../external-fail/"));
        if ($result->status == "in_progress") {
    } while ($result->status == "in_progress");
    $get_cookie_json = function ($cookie_name) use($app) {
        return json_decode($app->getCookie($cookie_name));
    $codesamples_base = "external_payment/wallet/";
    return $app->render("cards.html", array("payment_result" => $result, "panels" => array("instance_id" => template_meta(array("code" => read_sample($codesamples_base . "obtain_instance_id.txt"), "response" => $get_cookie_json("result/instance_id")), 1), "request_payment" => template_meta(array("code" => read_sample($codesamples_base . "request_payment.txt"), "response" => $get_cookie_json("result/request")), 2), "process_payment1" => template_meta(array("code" => read_sample($codesamples_base . "process_payment1.txt"), "response" => $get_cookie_json("result/process")), 3), "process_payment2" => template_meta(array("code" => read_sample($codesamples_base . "process_payment2.txt"), "response" => $result), 4)), "home" => "../../", "lang" => "PHP"));
$app->get("/wallet/external-fail/", function () use($app) {
    $params = array("text" => "Check out GET params for additional information", "home" => "../../");
    return show_error($params, $app);
$app->get("/wallet/", function () use($app) {