function WSEAuthenticateHeader($header) { log_to_file("wsSeguimiento header: " . serialize($header)); $header = rcommon_object_to_array_lower($header); $this->user = isset($header['user']) ? $header['user'] : false; $this->password = isset($header['password']) ? $header['password'] : false; }
/** * Web Service to access digital content SM * @param none * @return obj -> web service response */ function get_book_structure($publisher, $isbn) { global $DB; // echo "<br>Indice Libro: ".$wsurl_contenido."<br>"; $book = $DB->get_record('rcommon_books', array('isbn' => $isbn)); if (!$book) { throw new Exception('Book not found'); } try { $client = get_marsupial_ws_client($publisher); $isbnparam = @new SoapVar($isbn, XSD_STRING, "string", ""); $response = $client->ObtenerEstructura(array('ISBN' => $isbnparam)); log_to_file("get_book_structure Request: " . $client->__getLastRequest()); log_to_file("get_book_structure Response: " . $client->__getLastResponse()); } catch (Exception $fault) { log_to_file("wsBookStructure: get_book_structure - Exception = " . $fault->getMessage()); $message = rcommon_ws_error('get_book_structure', $fault->getMessage()); throw new Exception($message); } $response = rcommon_object_to_array_lower($response, true); $response = isset($response['obtenerestructuraresult']) ? $response['obtenerestructuraresult'] : false; if (!$response) { $message = get_string('empty_response_error', 'local_rcommon'); print_object($client->__getLastRequest()); print_object($client->__getLastResponse()); debugging('<pre>' . htmlentities($client->__getLastResponse()) . '</pre>'); $message = rcommon_ws_error('get_book_structure', $message); die; throw new Exception(get_string('empty_response_error', 'local_rcommon')); } else { if (isset($response['codigo']) && $response['codigo'] <= 0) { $text = array('code' => $response['codigo'], 'description' => $response['descripcion']); $message = get_string('wserror', 'local_rcommon', $text); if (isset($response['url'])) { $message .= ', URL: ' . test_ws_url($response['url']); } $message = rcommon_ws_error('get_book_structure', $message); throw new Exception($message); } else { save_book_structure($response, $book); } } }
function rcommon_object_to_array_lower($value, $recursive = false) { if (is_array($value)) { $array = $value; } else { if (is_object($value)) { $array = (array) $value; } else { return $value; } } // Solve lack of xmlns if (count($array) == 1 && isset($array['any'])) { $anyxml = simplexml_load_string('<aux>' . $array['any'] . '</aux>'); $anyxml = $anyxml->children(); if (!$anyxml) { return false; } $name = $anyxml->getName(); if (count($anyxml->{$name}) == 1) { $array = array($name => $anyxml->{$name}); } else { $children = array(); foreach ($anyxml->{$name} as $child) { $children[] = $child; } $array = array($name => $children); } } $array_ret = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ($recursive) { $array_ret[strtolower($key)] = rcommon_object_to_array_lower($value, $recursive); } else { $array_ret[strtolower($key)] = $value; } } return $array_ret; }