コード例 #1
 public static function generate_config_file($db_type, $db_host, $db_name, $db_username, $db_password, $db_prefix = '', $cookie_name = false, $cookie_seed = false)
     if ($cookie_name === false) {
         $cookie_name = 'luna_cookie_' . random_key(6, false, true);
     if ($cookie_seed === false) {
         $cookie_seed = random_key(16, false, true);
     return '<?php' . "\n\n" . '$db_type = \'' . $db_type . "';\n" . '$db_host = \'' . $db_host . "';\n" . '$db_name = \'' . addslashes($db_name) . "';\n" . '$db_username = \'' . addslashes($db_username) . "';\n" . '$db_password = \'' . addslashes($db_password) . "';\n" . '$db_prefix = \'' . addslashes($db_prefix) . "';\n" . '$p_connect = false;' . "\n\n" . '$cookie_name = ' . "'" . $cookie_name . "';\n" . '$cookie_domain = ' . "'';\n" . '$cookie_path = ' . "'/';\n" . '$cookie_secure = 0;' . "\n" . '$cookie_seed = \'' . $cookie_seed . "';\n\ndefine('PUN', 1);\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: crypt.php プロジェクト: Nickersoft/eDart
function hash_password($password, $salt = null)
    $rice = "";
    if (trim($salt) != "") {
        $rice = trim($salt);
    } else {
        $rice = random_key(SALT_LEN);
    $hash = hash("sha256", $password . $rice);
    $hash .= $rice;
    return $hash;
コード例 #3
 public function set_new_key()
     //now we're going to set the random key
     $this->random_key = random_key(20);
     //before we can set that random key to the object
     //we NEED to make sure it doesn't exist
     while (Reset_Password::is_random_key_being_used($this->random_key)) {
         //while this key does it exist, keep looping through and generating new
         //random keys until it already exists
         $this->random_key = random_key(20);
コード例 #4
function get_new_password()
    global $settings;
    if ($settings['admin_username'] == $_REQUEST['user'] && $settings['admin_password'] == $_REQUEST['old_pw']) {
        $new_password = random_key(8, true);
        $query = array('UPDATE' => 'settings', 'SET' => 'value="' . openld_hash($new_password) . '"', 'WHERE' => 'title="admin_password"');
        ($hook = get_hook('admin_login_get_password_settings_sql')) ? eval($hook) : null;
        echo NEW_PASSWORD . ":" . $new_password;
    } else {
        error("Invalid password request");
コード例 #5
ファイル: messenger.php プロジェクト: Nickersoft/eDart
 private function send($send_parameters)
     global $con;
     $to = $send_parameters["to"];
     $from = $_SESSION["userid"];
     $msg = $send_parameters["msg"];
     $subj = $send_parameters["subject"];
     $convoid = $send_parameters["thread"];
     if (isset($to) && isset($msg) && isset($subj)) {
         if (!isset($convoid)) {
             $convoid = random_key(256);
         $send_array = array("thread" => $convoid, "sender" => $from, "receiver" => $to, "subject" => $subj, "msg" => $msg, "date" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
         addRow($con, "msg", $send_array);
         return 200;
     } else {
         return 401;
コード例 #6
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: joesingo/reviseit
					gid: <?php 
echo $game_id;
				beforeSend: beforeSend || function(){}
				if (callback) {

		var cipheredTerms = <?php 
$output = "[";
foreach ($terms_res as $i) {
    $key = random_key(max(strlen($i["term"]), strlen($i["def"])));
    $term = encode($i["term"], $key);
    $def = encode($i["def"], $key);
    $output .= "['{$term}','{$def}','{$i['id']}','{$key}'],";
$output = substr($output, 0, -1);
$output .= "]";
echo $output;


コード例 #7
function random_pass($len)
    return random_key($len, true);
コード例 #8
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: BogusCurry/Luna
<span class="help-block"><?php 
_e('Password and confirmation for SMTP server, only when required', 'luna');
					<div class="col-sm-9">
						<div class="checkbox">
								<input type="checkbox" name="form[smtp_change_pass]" id="form_smtp_change_pass" value="1" />
_e('Check this if you want to change or delete the currently stored password.', 'luna');
$smtp_pass = !empty($luna_config['o_smtp_pass']) ? random_key(luna_strlen($luna_config['o_smtp_pass']), true) : '';
						<div class="row">
							<div class="col-sm-6">
								<input class="form-control" type="password" name="form[smtp_pass1]" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo $smtp_pass;
" />
							<div class="col-sm-6">
								<input class="form-control" type="password" name="form[smtp_pass2]" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo $smtp_pass;
" />
コード例 #9
             $mail_message = 'User \'' . $forum_user['username'] . '\' changed to an e-mail address that also belongs to: ' . implode(', ', $dupe_list) . "\n\n" . 'User profile: ' . forum_link($forum_url['user'], $id) . "\n\n" . '-- ' . "\n" . 'Forum Mailer' . "\n" . '(Do not reply to this message)';
             forum_mail($forum_config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
 // Did everything go according to plan?
 if (empty($errors)) {
     if ($forum_config['o_regs_verify'] != '1') {
         // We have no confirmed e-mail so we change e-mail right now
         $query = array('UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'email=\'' . $forum_db->escape($new_email) . '\'', 'WHERE' => 'id=' . $id);
         ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_key_qr_update_email')) ? eval($hook) : null;
         $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
         redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id), $lang_profile['E-mail updated redirect']);
     // We have a confirmed e-mail so we going to send an activation link
     $new_email_key = random_key(8, true);
     // Save new e-mail and activation key
     $query = array('UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'activate_string=\'' . $forum_db->escape($new_email) . '\', activate_key=\'' . $new_email_key . '\'', 'WHERE' => 'id=' . $id);
     ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_qr_update_email_activation')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Load the "activate e-mail" template
     $mail_tpl = forum_trim(file_get_contents(FORUM_ROOT . 'lang/' . $forum_user['language'] . '/mail_templates/activate_email.tpl'));
     // The first row contains the subject
     $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n");
     $mail_subject = forum_trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf - 8));
     $mail_message = forum_trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf));
     $mail_message = str_replace('<username>', $forum_user['username'], $mail_message);
     $mail_message = str_replace('<base_url>', $base_url . '/', $mail_message);
     $mail_message = str_replace('<activation_url>', str_replace('&amp;', '&', forum_link($forum_url['change_email_key'], array($id, $new_email_key))), $mail_message);
     $mail_message = str_replace('<board_mailer>', sprintf($lang_common['Forum mailer'], $forum_config['o_board_title']), $mail_message);
     ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_pre_activation_email_sent')) ? eval($hook) : null;
コード例 #10
 private function user_register($profile, $prev_url)
     global $forum_config, $lang_fancy_login_loginza, $forum_user, $forum_db, $forum_url;
     // Load the profile language file
     if (!isset($lang_profile)) {
         require FORUM_ROOT . 'lang/' . $forum_user['language'] . '/profile.php';
     // We allowed register new users?
     if ($forum_config['o_regs_allow'] == '0') {
         message($lang_profile['No new regs']);
     // Check that someone from this IP didn't register a user within the last hour (DoS prevention)
     $query = array('SELECT' => 'COUNT(u.id)', 'FROM' => 'users AS u', 'WHERE' => 'u.registration_ip=\'' . $forum_db->escape(get_remote_address()) . '\' AND u.registered>' . (time() - 3600));
     ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_qr_check_register_flood')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
     if ($forum_db->result($result) > 0) {
         message($lang_profile['Registration flood']);
     // Get user info from Loginza Profile
     $username = $this->get_username_for_new_user($profile);
     $loginza_identity = isset($profile->identity) ? forum_trim($profile->identity) : FALSE;
     $lup = new LoginzaUserProfile($profile);
     $email = $lup->get_email();
     if (!$username) {
         message($lang_fancy_login_loginza['Error empty username']);
     if (!$loginza_identity) {
         message($lang_fancy_login_loginza['Error empty identity']);
     // Check e-mail address
     $banned_email = FALSE;
     $dupe_list = array();
     if ($email) {
         $error = $this->check_email($email, $banned_email, $dupe_list);
         if (TRUE !== $error) {
     // Clean old unverified registrators - delete older than 72 hours
     $query = array('DELETE' => 'users', 'WHERE' => 'group_id=' . FORUM_UNVERIFIED . ' AND activate_key IS NOT NULL AND registered < ' . (time() - 259200));
     ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_qr_delete_unverified')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
     ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_end_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     // User default info
     $language = $forum_config['o_default_lang'];
     $password = random_key(12, TRUE);
     $salt = random_key(12);
     $password_hash = forum_hash($password, $salt);
     $initial_group_id = $forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '0' ? $forum_config['o_default_user_group'] : FORUM_UNVERIFIED;
     // Timezone & DST
     $this->get_timezone_and_dst($timezone, $dst);
     // Insert the new user into the database.
     // We do this now to get the last inserted id for later use.
     $user_info = array('username' => $username, 'group_id' => $initial_group_id, 'salt' => $salt, 'password' => $password, 'password_hash' => $password_hash, 'email' => $email, 'email_setting' => $forum_config['o_default_email_setting'], 'timezone' => $timezone, 'dst' => $dst, 'language' => $forum_config['o_default_lang'], 'style' => $forum_config['o_default_style'], 'registered' => time(), 'registration_ip' => get_remote_address(), 'activate_key' => $forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '1' ? '\'' . random_key(8, TRUE) . '\'' : 'NULL', 'require_verification' => $forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '1', 'notify_admins' => $forum_config['o_regs_report'] == '1', 'loginza_profile' => $profile, 'loginza_return_url' => $prev_url, 'loginza_banned_email' => $banned_email, 'loginza_dupe_list' => $dupe_list);
     ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_pre_add_user')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     // If we dont have email — save userdata to session and show form
     if (!$email) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
         $session_id = 'fancy_login_loginza_' . random_key(12, TRUE, TRUE);
         $_SESSION[$session_id] = $user_info;
     } else {
         if ($forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '1' && $forum_config['o_fancy_login_loginza_trust_openid_emails'] == '1') {
             // Skip activate email from OpenID
             $user_info['activate_key'] = 'NULL';
             $user_info['require_verification'] = FALSE;
             $user_info['group_id'] = $forum_config['o_default_user_group'];
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: reficul/IZARIAM
 function send_password()
     // Variable errors
     $errors = array();
     $sended = false;
     // Load the modules
     // Type text or html emails
     $config['mailtype'] = 'html';
     if (!isset($_POST['universe'])) {
         $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_universe');
     if (!isset($_POST['email']) or !valid_email($_POST['email'])) {
         $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_email2');
     if (!in_array($_POST['universe'], $this->config->item('uni_array'))) {
         $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_world');
     if (count($errors) == 0) {
         $user_query = $this->db->get_where($_POST['universe'] . '_users', array('email' => $_POST['email']));
         if ($user_query->num_rows == 0) {
             $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_email3');
         } else {
             $user = $user_query->row();
             $password = $key = random_key(8);
             $this->db->set('password', md5($password));
             $this->db->where(array('id' => $user->id));
             $this->db->update($_POST['universe'] . '_users');
             // Send an email
             $message = '
                         <p>' . $this->lang->line('register_email_text_1') . ' ' . $user->login . ',<br>
                         <br>' . $this->lang->line('password_email_text_1') . ' (' . $_POST['universe'] . '):<br>
                         <br>' . $password . '<br>
                         <br>' . $this->lang->line('password_email_text_2') . ' <a href="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . '" target="_blank">' . $this->config->item('base_url') . '</a><br>
                         <br>' . $this->lang->line('register_email_text_6') . ',<br>' . $this->lang->line('register_email_text_7') . '</p>
             $this->email->from($this->config->item('email_from'), 'ZZJHONS');
             $this->email->subject($this->lang->line('password_email_text_1') . '!');
             $sended = true;
     $this->session->set_flashdata(array('errors' => $errors));
     $this->session->set_flashdata(array('sended' => $sended));
     $this->load->view('main_index_4', array('page' => 'password', 'errors' => $errors, 'sended' => $sended));
コード例 #12

include "../../include/config.php";
include "../../include/db.php";
include "../../include/poa_rca.php";
include "../../include/mail_helper.php";
include "../../include/mail.php";
include "../../include/css/default.css";
$authenticated = $_REQUEST['authenticated'];
$ticket_id = $_REQUEST['ticket_id'];
$request_date = mktime();
$requested_by = $_REQUEST['requested_by'];
$approval_by = $_REQUEST["approver"];
$approval_key = random_key();
$base_url = "http://";
if ($HTTPS == 1) {
    $base_url = "https://";
$base_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $INSTALL_HOME . "eztickets/scp";
if ($authenticated == 1) {
    $sql = "insert into isost_ticket_approval (ticket_id,request_date,requested_by,approval_status,approval_by,approval_date,approval_comments,approval_key)";
    $sql .= " values('{$ticket_id}','{$request_date}','{$requested_by}','PENDING','{$approval_by}','','','{$approval_key}')";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $sql = "update isost_ticket set pending_approval=1 where ticket_id='{$ticket_id}'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $title = "Ticket Pending Approval";
    $note = "Ticket is pending external approval from " . $approval_name . " requested by " . $requested_by;
    $sql = "insert into isost_ticket_note(ticket_id,staff_id,source,title,note,created)";
    $sql .= " values('{$ticket_id}','0','system','{$title}','{$note}',NOW())";
コード例 #13
ファイル: Manage.php プロジェクト: Orelab/election-libre
 public function save()
     // Security stuffs
     $this->Security_model->log('election creation', 3);
     // None of these fields must be empty. If it occurs, there is an IHM problem and the procedure
     // should be aborted.
     $profile = array('election' => array('admin_name' => '', 'admin_surname' => '', 'admin_email' => '', 'admin_password' => '', 'business' => '', 'winners' => '', 'title' => '', 'page' => '', 'start' => '', 'end' => ''), 'candidates' => array(), 'electors' => array());
     // No need to specify 'true' in the second argument as it is also configured in the config file,
     // but as it is a very important verification, it's better to force it here...
     $data = $this->input->post(null, true);
     $keys = array_keys($profile['election']);
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 'start' or $key == 'end') {
             //$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'd/m/Y', $value );
             $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d H:i', $value);
             if ($dt) {
                 $profile['election'][$key] = $dt->format(DateTime::ISO8601);
             } else {
                 die('Date error.');
         } elseif ($key == 'page') {
             $profile['election']['page'] = $value;
             // the same as below, without strip_tags()
         } elseif (in_array($key, $keys)) {
             $profile['election'][$key] = strip_tags($value);
         } elseif (substr($key, 0, 9) == 'candidate') {
             $profile['candidates'][] = strip_tags($value);
         } elseif (in_array(substr($key, 0, 4), array('name', 'surn', 'emai'))) {
             $col = preg_replace('/[0-9]/s', '', $key);
             $row = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/s', '', $key);
             $profile['electors'][$row][$col] = strip_tags($value);
         } elseif (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'valid') {
             // We have to ignore explicitly this field, otherwise we trigger
             // an 'unexpected data' error (see bellow)
         } else {
             die_error('unexpected data.');
     // Adding public user ID
     //	$key_list is used to prevent the generation of two identical keys.
     $key_list = array();
     foreach ($profile['electors'] as &$e) {
         $key = random_key();
         while (in_array($key, $key_list)) {
             $key = random_key();
         $key_list[] = $key;
         $e['public_id'] = $key;
     // post treatment validation
     foreach ($profile as $value) {
         if ($value == '' or is_array($value) && count($value) == 0) {
             die_error('missing data.');
     // generate a password for the admin
     //	It will be sent to the admin with its confirmation mail.
     // In the database, only the md5 is saved for security reasons.
     $password = random_key();
     $profile['election']['admin_password'] = md5($password);
     // Ok, so let's record it
     $fk = $this->Election_model->save($profile['election']);
     $this->Candidate_model->save($profile['candidates'], $fk);
     $this->Elector_model->save($profile['electors'], $fk);
     //  warn the admin
     $response = sendmail(array('subject' => 'Congratulations ! Elections are on rails now', 'message' => $this->load->view('email/creation', array('data' => $profile['election'], 'password' => $password), true), 'toName' => $profile['election']['admin_name'] . ' ' . $profile['election']['admin_surname'], 'toEmail' => $profile['election']['admin_email']));
     if ($response !== true) {
     //  warn the electors
     foreach ($profile['electors'] as $elector) {
         $mail = array('subject' => $profile['election']['title'], 'message' => $this->load->view('email/invitation', array('message' => $profile['election']['page'], 'public_id' => $elector['public_id'], 'start' => $profile['election']['start'], 'end' => $profile['election']['end']), true), 'fromName' => 'Election Libre', 'fromEmail' => $profile['election']['admin_email'], 'fromBusiness' => $profile['election']['business'], 'toName' => $elector['name'] . ' ' . $elector['surname'], 'toEmail' => $elector['email']);
         $response = sendmail($mail);
         if ($response !== true) {
コード例 #14
ファイル: options.php プロジェクト: beaver-dev/featherbb
									<th scope="row"><?php 
echo $lang_admin_options['SMTP password label'];
										<label><input type="checkbox" name="form_smtp_change_pass" value="1" />&#160;<?php 
echo $lang_admin_options['SMTP change password help'];
$smtp_pass = !empty($feather_config['o_smtp_pass']) ? random_key(feather_strlen($feather_config['o_smtp_pass']), true) : '';
										<input type="password" name="form_smtp_pass1" size="25" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo $smtp_pass;
" />
										<input type="password" name="form_smtp_pass2" size="25" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo $smtp_pass;
" />
echo $lang_admin_options['SMTP password help'];
コード例 #15
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: Nickersoft/eDart
 * Last Updated: 6/5/2014
 * Signature: Tyler Nickerson
 * Copyright 2014 eDart
 * [Do not remove this header. One MUST be included at the start of every page/script]
include_once $_SERVER["DOC_ROOT"] . "/scripts/php/core.php";
//Include core functionality
$complete = false;
//Boolean denoting whether the form has been submitted
//If the form has been submitted...
if (isset($_POST["forgotbox"])) {
    $to = trim($_POST["forgotbox"]);
    //Get the email address to send it to
    $rand = random_key(64);
    //Get a random password to reset to
    $fname = "eDart";
    //Default user first name
    $lname = "User";
    //Default user last name
    $found = false;
    //Boolean as to whether this user exists
    //Connect to MySQL
    $con = mysqli_connect(host(), username(), password(), mainDb());
    //Try to find the user by email (not possible via the API)
    $que = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM `usr` WHERE `email`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $to) . "'");
    //Loop through the results
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($que)) {
        //If we found them...
        $fname = $row["fname"];
コード例 #16
ファイル: email_sent.php プロジェクト: Nickersoft/eDart
//If the user is not logged in...
if (!isset($_SESSION["userid"])) {
    header("Location: /");
    //Send them home
Head::make("Validate Email");
//Connect to MySQL
$con = mysqli_connect(host(), username(), password(), mainDb());
//Delete any previous validation keys from the server
mysqli_query($con, "DELETE FROM validate WHERE `id`='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_SESSION["userid"]) . "'");
//Generate a 256 character validation key
$ukey = random_key(256);
//Put the key in the table with the user ID attached
$set_key = "INSERT INTO validate(`id`, `key`) VALUES ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_SESSION["userid"]) . "', '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $ukey) . "')";
mysqli_query($con, $set_key);
//Close the connection
//Get info about the current user
$curuser = new User(array("action" => "get", "id" => $_SESSION["userid"]));
$uinfo = $curuser->run(true);
$uinfo = $uinfo[0];
//Send an email to the user
sendMail($uinfo["email"], $uinfo["fname"], $uinfo["lname"], "Validate Your Email", "Click the button below to validate your email.", "signup/continue.php?auth=" . urlencode($ukey), "Validate Email");

			<div class="layout-1200 uk-container-center">
				<div class="uk-width-1-3 uk-align-center">
コード例 #17
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: gavrilastoto/ikariam
 function send_password()
     // Переменная ошибок
     $errors = array();
     $sended = false;
     // Загружаем модули
     // Тип письма text или html
     $config['mailtype'] = 'html';
     if (!isset($_POST['universe'])) {
         $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_universe');
     if (!isset($_POST['email']) or !valid_email($_POST['email'])) {
         $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_email2');
     if (count($errors) == 0) {
         $user_query = $this->db->get_where($_POST['universe'] . '_users', array('email' => $_POST['email']));
         if ($user_query->num_rows == 0) {
             $errors[] = $this->lang->line('error_email3');
         } else {
             $user = $user_query->row();
             $password = $key = random_key(8);
             $this->db->set('password', md5($password));
             $this->db->where(array('id' => $user->id));
             $this->db->update($_POST['universe'] . '_users');
             //Отправляем письмо
             $message = '<html><body><p>' . $this->lang->line('register_email_text_1') . ' ' . $user->login . ',<br><br>' . $this->lang->line('password_email_text_1') . ' (' . $_POST['universe'] . '):<br><br>' . $password . '<br><br>' . $this->lang->line('password_email_text_2') . ' <a href="' . $this->config->item('base_url') . '" target="_blank">' . $this->config->item('base_url') . '</a><br><br>' . $this->lang->line('register_email_text_6') . ',<br>' . $this->lang->line('register_email_text_7') . '</p></body></html>';
             $this->email->from($this->config->item('email_from'), $this->lang->line('register_email_from'));
             $this->email->subject($this->lang->line('password_email_text_1') . '!');
             $sended = true;
     $this->session->set_flashdata(array('errors' => $errors));
     $this->session->set_flashdata(array('sended' => $sended));
     $this->load->view('main_index', array('page' => 'password', 'errors' => $errors));
コード例 #18
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
						<input type="text" name="cookie_name" value="<?php 
    echo panther_htmlspecialchars('panther_cookie_' . random_key(6, false, true));
" maxlength="25" /></label>
						<div class="row">
						<label class="req"><span class="title"><?php 
    echo $lang_install['Cookie seed'];
 <span class="required"><?php 
    echo $lang_install['Required'];
						<input type="text" name="cookie_seed" value="<?php 
    echo panther_htmlspecialchars(random_key(16, false, true));
" maxlength="25" /></label>
			<div class="box">
					<p class="boxtitle"><?php 
    echo $lang_install['Appearance'];
					<p class="boxinfo"><?php 
    echo $lang_install['Info 15'];
コード例 #19
 $approver_key = $check_key;
 $action_date = mktime();
 $sql = "update poa_approval_history set action='{$action}', action_date='{$action_date}', action_by='{$action_by}',comments='{$comments}' where activity_id='{$activity_id}' and action='PENDING APPROVAL'";
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
 echo "<h2>You have submitted your approval. You can close this browser window.</h2>";
 if ($action == "APPROVED") {
     // Check if additional approvals are required and if yes, notify the next user in the approval chain
     $sql = "select record_index,approver_name,approver_email,approver_key";
     $sql .= " from poa_approval_history where activity_id='{$activity_id}' and action in ('ADDED') order by item_order asc limit 1";
     $result = mysql_query($sql);
     if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
         $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
         $record_index = $row[0];
         $next_approver_name = $row[1];
         $next_approver_email = $row[2];
         $next_approver_key = random_key();
         $sql = "update poa_approval_history set approver_key='{$next_approver_key}',action='PENDING APPROVAL' where record_index='{$record_index}'";
         $result = mysql_query($sql);
         $subject = "PLANNED ACTIVITY APPROVAL REQUEST : {$poa_display}";
         $url = $base_url . "/pa_view.php" . "?check_email=" . $next_approver_email . "&check_key=" . "{$next_approver_key}";
         $body = "\nA Planned Activity is pending your approval. Kindly click on the URL : {$url} to view and approve the request.\n\n\n";
         ezmail($next_approver_email, $next_approver_name, $subject, $body, "");
     } else {
         // set flag for completed approvals
         $approvals_completed = 1;
     // Notify the owner of the POA
     $subject = "PLANNED ACTIVITY : {$approver_name} {$action}";
     $body = "\nThis is to inform you that, {$approver_name} has {$action} the Planned Activity with ID : {$poa_display} submitted by you.\n\nThe Planned Activity may require further approvals and you shall be notified accordingly.\n\n\n";
コード例 #20
     $initial_group_id = 9;
 } else {
     $initial_group_id = $forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '0' ? $forum_config['o_default_user_group'] : FORUM_UNVERIFIED;
 $salt = random_key(12);
 $password_hash = forum_hash($password1, $salt);
 // Validate timezone and DST
 $timezone = isset($_POST['timezone']) ? floatval($_POST['timezone']) : $forum_config['o_default_timezone'];
 // Validate timezone — on error use default value
 if ($timezone > 14.0 || $timezone < -12.0) {
     $timezone = $forum_config['o_default_timezone'];
 // DST
 $dst = isset($_POST['dst']) && intval($_POST['dst']) === 1 ? 1 : $forum_config['o_default_dst'];
 // Insert the new user into the database. We do this now to get the last inserted id for later use.
 $user_info = array('username' => $username, 'pubkey' => $pubkey, 'btcaddress' => $btcaddress, 'invitedBy' => $username2, 'group_id' => $initial_group_id, 'salt' => $salt, 'password' => $password1, 'password_hash' => $password_hash, 'email' => $email1, 'email_setting' => $forum_config['o_default_email_setting'], 'timezone' => $timezone, 'dst' => $dst, 'language' => $language, 'style' => $forum_config['o_default_style'], 'registered' => time(), 'registration_ip' => get_remote_address(), 'activate_key' => $forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '1' ? '\'' . random_key(8, true) . '\'' : 'NULL', 'require_verification' => $forum_config['o_regs_verify'] == '1', 'notify_admins' => $forum_config['o_regs_report'] == '1');
 ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_pre_add_user')) ? eval($hook) : null;
 add_user($user_info, $new_uid);
 // If we previously found out that the e-mail was banned
 if ($banned_email && $forum_config['o_mailing_list'] != '') {
     $mail_subject = 'Alert - Banned e-mail detected';
     $mail_message = 'User \'' . $username . '\' registered with banned e-mail address: ' . $email1 . "\n\n" . 'User profile: ' . forum_link($forum_url['user'], $new_uid) . "\n\n" . '-- ' . "\n" . 'Forum Mailer' . "\n" . '(Do not reply to this message)';
     ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_banned_email')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     forum_mail($forum_config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
 // If we previously found out that the e-mail was a dupe
 if (!empty($dupe_list) && $forum_config['o_mailing_list'] != '') {
     $mail_subject = 'Alert - Duplicate e-mail detected';
     $mail_message = 'User \'' . $username . '\' registered with an e-mail address that also belongs to: ' . implode(', ', $dupe_list) . "\n\n" . 'User profile: ' . forum_link($forum_url['user'], $new_uid) . "\n\n" . '-- ' . "\n" . 'Forum Mailer' . "\n" . '(Do not reply to this message)';
     ($hook = get_hook('rg_register_dupe_email')) ? eval($hook) : null;
     forum_mail($forum_config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
コード例 #21
function set_default_user()
    global $forum_db, $db_type, $forum_user, $forum_config;
    $remote_addr = get_remote_address();
    $return = ($hook = get_hook('fn_set_default_user_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;
    if ($return != null) {
    // Fetch guest user
    $query = array('SELECT' => 'u.*, g.*, o.logged, o.csrf_token, o.prev_url, o.last_post, o.last_search', 'FROM' => 'users AS u', 'JOINS' => array(array('INNER JOIN' => 'groups AS g', 'ON' => 'g.g_id=u.group_id'), array('LEFT JOIN' => 'online AS o', 'ON' => 'o.ident=\'' . $forum_db->escape($remote_addr) . '\'')), 'WHERE' => 'u.id=1');
    ($hook = get_hook('fn_set_default_user_qr_get_default_user')) ? eval($hook) : null;
    $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $forum_user = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($result);
    if (!$forum_user) {
        exit('Unable to fetch guest information. The table \'' . $forum_db->prefix . 'users\' must contain an entry with id = 1 that represents anonymous users.');
    if (!defined('FORUM_QUIET_VISIT')) {
        // Update online list
        if (!$forum_user['logged']) {
            $forum_user['logged'] = time();
            $forum_user['csrf_token'] = random_key(40, false, true);
            $forum_user['prev_url'] = get_current_url(255);
            // REPLACE INTO avoids a user having two rows in the online table
            $query = array('REPLACE' => 'user_id, ident, logged, csrf_token', 'INTO' => 'online', 'VALUES' => '1, \'' . $forum_db->escape($remote_addr) . '\', ' . $forum_user['logged'] . ', \'' . $forum_user['csrf_token'] . '\'', 'UNIQUE' => 'user_id=1 AND ident=\'' . $forum_db->escape($remote_addr) . '\'');
            if ($forum_user['prev_url'] != null) {
                $query['REPLACE'] .= ', prev_url';
                $query['VALUES'] .= ', \'' . $forum_db->escape($forum_user['prev_url']) . '\'';
            ($hook = get_hook('fn_set_default_user_qr_add_online_guest_user')) ? eval($hook) : null;
            $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
        } else {
            $query = array('UPDATE' => 'online', 'SET' => 'logged=' . time(), 'WHERE' => 'ident=\'' . $forum_db->escape($remote_addr) . '\'');
            $current_url = get_current_url(255);
            if ($current_url != null) {
                $query['SET'] .= ', prev_url=\'' . $forum_db->escape($current_url) . '\'';
            ($hook = get_hook('fn_set_default_user_qr_update_online_guest_user')) ? eval($hook) : null;
            $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $forum_user['disp_topics'] = $forum_config['o_disp_topics_default'];
    $forum_user['disp_posts'] = $forum_config['o_disp_posts_default'];
    $forum_user['timezone'] = $forum_config['o_default_timezone'];
    $forum_user['dst'] = $forum_config['o_default_dst'];
    $forum_user['language'] = $forum_config['o_default_lang'];
    $forum_user['style'] = $forum_config['o_default_style'];
    $forum_user['is_guest'] = true;
    $forum_user['is_admmod'] = false;
    ($hook = get_hook('fn_set_default_user_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;
コード例 #22
             $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n");
             $mail_subject = forum_trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf - 8));
             $mail_message = forum_trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf));
             // Do the generic replacements first (they apply to all e-mails sent out here)
             $mail_message = str_replace('<base_url>', $base_url . '/', $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<board_mailer>', sprintf($lang_common['Forum mailer'], $forum_config['o_board_title']), $mail_message);
             ($hook = get_hook('li_forgot_pass_new_general_replace_data')) ? eval($hook) : null;
             // Loop through users we found
             foreach ($users_with_email as $cur_hit) {
                 $forgot_pass_timeout = 3600;
                 ($hook = get_hook('li_forgot_pass_pre_flood_check')) ? eval($hook) : null;
                 if ($cur_hit['last_email_sent'] != '' && time() - $cur_hit['last_email_sent'] < $forgot_pass_timeout && time() - $cur_hit['last_email_sent'] >= 0) {
                     message(sprintf($lang_login['Email flood'], $forgot_pass_timeout));
                 // Generate a new password activation key
                 $new_password_key = random_key(8, true);
                 $query = array('UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'activate_key=\'' . $new_password_key . '\', last_email_sent = ' . time(), 'WHERE' => 'id=' . $cur_hit['id']);
                 ($hook = get_hook('li_forgot_pass_qr_set_activate_key')) ? eval($hook) : null;
                 $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
                 // Do the user specific replacements to the template
                 $cur_mail_message = str_replace('<username>', $cur_hit['username'], $mail_message);
                 $cur_mail_message = str_replace('<activation_url>', str_replace('&amp;', '&', forum_link($forum_url['change_password_key'], array($cur_hit['id'], $new_password_key))), $cur_mail_message);
                 ($hook = get_hook('li_forgot_pass_new_user_replace_data')) ? eval($hook) : null;
                 forum_mail($email, $mail_subject, $cur_mail_message);
             message(sprintf($lang_login['Forget mail'], '<a href="mailto:' . forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']) . '">' . forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']) . '</a>'));
         } else {
             $errors[] = sprintf($lang_login['No e-mail match'], forum_htmlencode($email));
コード例 #23
									<th scope="row"><?php 
echo $lang->t('SMTP password label');
										<span><input type="checkbox" name="form[smtp_change_pass]" value="1" />&#160;&#160;<?php 
echo $lang->t('SMTP change password help');
$smtp_pass = !empty($pun_config['o_smtp_pass']) ? random_key(pun_strlen($pun_config['o_smtp_pass']), true) : '';
										<input type="password" name="form[smtp_pass1]" size="25" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo $smtp_pass;
" />
										<input type="password" name="form[smtp_pass2]" size="25" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo $smtp_pass;
" />
echo $lang->t('SMTP password help');
コード例 #24
ファイル: options.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
    // Regenerate the config cache
    if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
        require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
    if ($form['url_type'] != $panther_config['o_url_type']) {
        //Load new URL pack to avoid 404 error after redirecting
        if (file_exists(PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/url/' . $form['url_type'] . '.php')) {
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/url/' . $form['url_type'] . '.php';
        } else {
            require PANTHER_ROOT . 'include/url/default.php';
    redirect(panther_link($panther_url['admin_options']), $lang_admin_options['Options updated redirect']);
$page_title = array($panther_config['o_board_title'], $lang_admin_common['Admin'], $lang_admin_common['Options']);
define('PANTHER_ACTIVE_PAGE', 'admin');
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'header.php';
$diff = ($panther_user['timezone'] + $panther_user['dst']) * 3600;
$timestamp = time() + $diff;
$schemes = get_url_schemes();
$scheme_options = array();
foreach ($schemes as $scheme) {
    $scheme_options[] = array('file' => $scheme, 'title' => substr(ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $scheme)), 0, -4));
$tpl = load_template('admin_options.tpl');
echo $tpl->render(array('lang_admin_options' => $lang_admin_options, 'lang_admin_common' => $lang_admin_common, 'panther_config' => $panther_config, 'form_action' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_options']), 'csrf_token' => generate_csrf_token(PANTHER_ADMIN_DIR . '/options.php'), 'max_file_size' => $max_file_size, 'types' => $scheme_options, 'languages' => forum_list_langs(), 'styles' => forum_list_styles(), 'time_format' => gmdate($panther_config['o_time_format'], $timestamp), 'date_format' => gmdate($panther_config['o_date_format'], $timestamp), 'censoring_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_censoring']), 'archive_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_archive']), 'ranks_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_ranks']), 'tasks_link' => panther_link($panther_url['admin_tasks']), 'feeds' => array(5, 15, 30, 60), 'smtp_pass' => !empty($panther_config['o_smtp_pass']) ? random_key(panther_strlen($panther_config['o_smtp_pass']), true) : '', 'themes' => forum_list_themes()));
require PANTHER_ROOT . 'footer.php';
コード例 #25
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: heiswayi/ishare-plus
 } else {
     $alerts[] = '<li><span>' . $lang_install['No cache write'] . '</span></li>';
 // Check if default avatar directory is writable
 if (!is_writable(FORUM_ROOT . 'img/avatars/')) {
     $alerts[] = '<li><span>' . $lang_install['No avatar write'] . '</span></li>';
 // Check if we disabled uploading avatars because file_uploads was disabled
 if ($avatars == '0') {
     $alerts[] = '<li><span>' . $lang_install['File upload alert'] . '</span></li>';
 // Add some random bytes at the end of the cookie name to prevent collisions
 $cookie_name = 'forum_cookie_' . random_key(6, false, true);
 /// Generate the config.php file data
 $config = generate_config_file();
 // Attempt to write config.php and serve it up for download if writing fails
 $written = false;
 if (is_writable(FORUM_ROOT)) {
     $fh = @fopen(FORUM_ROOT . 'config.php', 'wb');
     if ($fh) {
         fwrite($fh, $config);
         $written = true;
 if ($install_pun_repository && is_readable(FORUM_ROOT . 'extensions/pun_repository/manifest.xml')) {
     require FORUM_ROOT . 'include/xml.php';
     $ext_data = xml_to_array(file_get_contents(FORUM_ROOT . 'extensions/pun_repository/manifest.xml'));
コード例 #26
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: mtechnik/pantherforum
function attach_generate_filename($storagepath, $messagelength = 0, $size = 0)
    // Login keys are one time use only. Use this as salt too.
    global $panther_user;
    $newfile = md5($messagelength . $size . $panther_user['login_key'] . random_key(18)) . '.attach';
    if (!is_file($storagepath . $newfile)) {
        return $newfile;
    } else {
        return attach_generate_filename($storagepath, $messagelength, $size);
コード例 #27
ファイル: exchange.php プロジェクト: Nickersoft/eDart
 private function create($parameters)
     global $con;
     if (!isset($parameters["item1"]) || !isset($parameters["item2"])) {
         return 401;
     } elseif (!isset($_SESSION["userid"])) {
         return 403;
     } else {
         $offerid = random_key(256);
         $offer_fields = array("id" => $offerid, "item1" => $parameters["item1"], "item2" => $parameters["item2"]);
         addRow($con, "exchange", $offer_fields);
         $originItem = new Item(array("action" => "get", "filter" => array("id" => $parameters["item1"])));
         $originInfo = $originItem->run();
         if ($originInfo[0]["usr"] != $_SESSION["userid"]) {
             return 403;
         $itemAuth = new User(array("action" => "get", "id" => $originInfo[0]["usr"]));
         $userGet = $itemAuth->run();
         $afname = $userGet[0]["fname"];
         $acceptItem = new Item(array("action" => "get", "filter" => array("id" => $parameters["item2"])));
         $acceptInfo = $acceptItem->run();
         $ai_name = $acceptInfo[0]["name"];
         $ai_usr = $acceptInfo[0]["usr"];
         $pronoun = "their";
         switch (trim($userGet[0]["gender"])) {
             case "0":
                 $pronoun = "his";
             case "1":
                 $pronoun = "her";
         $offermsg = $afname . " has decided to trade {$pronoun} " . $originInfo[0]["name"] . " for your " . $ai_name;
         $link = "exchange.php?offerid=" . trim($offerid);
         sendNotify($acceptInfo[0]["usr"], $offermsg, $link);
         return 200;
コード例 #28
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: ArchLinuxJP/archbbs-jp
function generate_config_file()
    global $db_type, $db_host, $db_name, $db_username, $db_password, $db_prefix, $cookie_name, $cookie_seed;
    return '<?php' . "\n\n" . '$db_type = \'' . $db_type . "';\n" . '$db_host = \'' . $db_host . "';\n" . '$db_name = \'' . addslashes($db_name) . "';\n" . '$db_username = \'' . addslashes($db_username) . "';\n" . '$db_password = \'' . addslashes($db_password) . "';\n" . '$db_prefix = \'' . addslashes($db_prefix) . "';\n" . '$p_connect = false;' . "\n\n" . '$cookie_name = ' . "'" . $cookie_name . "';\n" . '$cookie_domain = ' . "'';\n" . '$cookie_path = ' . "'/';\n" . '$cookie_secure = 0;' . "\n" . '$cookie_seed = \'' . random_key(16, false, true) . "';\n\ndefine('PUN', 1);\n";
コード例 #29
ファイル: rca_req.php プロジェクト: kumarsivarajan/ctrl-dock
$base_url = "http://";
if ($HTTPS == 1) {
    $base_url = "https://";
$base_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $INSTALL_HOME . "rca";
$activity_id = $_REQUEST["activity_id"];
$action_by = $username;
$action_date = mktime();
$email = $_REQUEST["email"];
$sql = "select record_index,approver_name,approver_email,approver_key,item_order";
$sql .= " from rca_approval_history where activity_id='{$activity_id}' and approver_email='{$email}' order by record_index asc limit 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    $record_index = $row[0];
    $approver_name = $row[1];
    $approver_email = $row[2];
    $approver_key = random_key();
    $sql = "update rca_approval_history set approver_key='{$approver_key}' where record_index='{$record_index}'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $item_order = $row[4];
    $subject = "RCA APPROVAL REQUEST : {$activity_id}";
    $url = $base_url . "/rca_view.php" . "?check_email=" . $approver_email . "&check_key=" . "{$approver_key}";
    $body = "\nA Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is pending your approval. Kindly click on the URL : {$url} to view and approve the request.\n\n\n";
    ezmail($approver_email, $approver_name, $subject, $body, "");
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;URL=index.php">

コード例 #30
 } else {
     $query['WHERE'] = 'LOWER(username)=LOWER(\'' . $forum_db->escape($form_username) . '\')';
 ($hook = get_hook('li_login_qr_get_login_data')) ? eval($hook) : null;
 $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
 list($user_id, $group_id, $db_password_hash, $salt) = $forum_db->fetch_row($result);
 $authorized = false;
 if (!empty($db_password_hash)) {
     $sha1_in_db = strlen($db_password_hash) == 40 ? true : false;
     $form_password_hash = forum_hash($form_password, $salt);
     if ($sha1_in_db && $db_password_hash == $form_password_hash) {
         $authorized = true;
     } else {
         if (!$sha1_in_db && $db_password_hash == md5($form_password) || $sha1_in_db && $db_password_hash == sha1($form_password)) {
             $authorized = true;
             $salt = random_key(12);
             $form_password_hash = forum_hash($form_password, $salt);
             // There's an old MD5 hash or an unsalted SHA1 hash in the database, so we replace it
             // with a randomly generated salt and a new, salted SHA1 hash
             $query = array('UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'password=\'' . $form_password_hash . '\', salt=\'' . $forum_db->escape($salt) . '\'', 'WHERE' => 'id=' . $user_id);
             ($hook = get_hook('li_login_qr_update_user_hash')) ? eval($hook) : null;
             $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
 ($hook = get_hook('li_login_pre_auth_message')) ? eval($hook) : null;
 if (!$authorized) {
     $errors[] = sprintf($lang_login['Wrong user/pass']);
     echo 'ERROR: ' . sprintf($lang_login['Wrong user/pass']);
     echo '<br /><a href="board/">Back to Board Index</a>';