public function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params) { // Don't increment limits or report user actions for events that were delayed. For example, a 'q_post' // event sent when a post is approved by the admin, for which a 'q_queue' event was already sent. if (isset($params['delayed'])) { return; } require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/limits.php'; switch ($event) { case 'q_queue': case 'q_post': case 'q_claim': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_QUESTIONS); break; case 'a_queue': case 'a_post': case 'a_claim': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_ANSWERS); break; case 'c_queue': case 'c_post': case 'c_claim': case 'a_to_c': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_COMMENTS); break; case 'q_vote_up': case 'q_vote_down': case 'q_vote_nil': case 'a_vote_up': case 'a_vote_down': case 'a_vote_nil': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_VOTES); break; case 'q_flag': case 'a_flag': case 'c_flag': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_FLAGS); break; case 'u_message': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_MESSAGES); break; case 'u_wall_post': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_WALL_POSTS); break; } $writeactions = array('_approve', '_claim', '_clearflags', '_delete', '_edit', '_favorite', '_flag', '_hide', '_post', '_queue', '_reject', '_reshow', '_unfavorite', '_unflag', '_vote_down', '_vote_nil', '_vote_up', 'a_select', 'a_to_c', 'a_unselect', 'q_close', 'q_move', 'q_reopen', 'u_block', 'u_edit', 'u_level', 'u_message', 'u_password', 'u_save', 'u_unblock'); if (is_numeric(array_search(strstr($event, '_'), $writeactions)) || is_numeric(array_search($event, $writeactions))) { if (isset($userid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/users.php'; qa_user_report_action($userid, $event); } elseif (isset($cookieid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/cookies.php'; qa_cookie_report_action($cookieid, $event); } } }
function process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; switch ($event) { case 'q_post': case 'q_claim': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_QUESTIONS); break; case 'a_post': case 'a_claim': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_ANSWERS); break; case 'c_post': case 'c_claim': case 'a_to_c': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_COMMENTS); break; case 'q_vote_up': case 'q_vote_down': case 'q_vote_nil': case 'a_vote_up': case 'a_vote_down': case 'a_vote_nil': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_VOTES); break; case 'q_flag': case 'a_flag': case 'c_flag': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_FLAGS); break; case 'u_message': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_MESSAGES); break; case 'u_wall_post': qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_WALL_POSTS); break; } $writeactions = array('_approve', '_claim', '_clearflags', '_delete', '_edit', '_favorite', '_flag', '_hide', '_post', '_queue', '_reject', '_reshow', '_unfavorite', '_unflag', '_vote_down', '_vote_nil', '_vote_up', 'a_select', 'a_to_c', 'a_unselect', 'q_close', 'q_move', 'q_reopen', 'u_block', 'u_edit', 'u_level', 'u_message', 'u_password', 'u_save', 'u_unblock'); if (!isset($params['delayed']) && (is_numeric(array_search(strstr($event, '_'), $writeactions)) || is_numeric(array_search($event, $writeactions)))) { if (isset($userid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; qa_user_report_action($userid, $event); } elseif (isset($cookieid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-cookies.php'; qa_cookie_report_action($cookieid, $event); } } }
} // Check we're not using Q2A's single-sign on integration and that we're not logged in if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { qa_fatal_error('User login is handled by external code'); } if (qa_is_logged_in()) { qa_redirect(''); } // Process submitted form after checking we haven't reached rate limit $passwordsent = qa_get('ps'); if (qa_clicked('dologin')) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; if (qa_limits_remaining(null, QA_LIMIT_LOGINS)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php'; qa_limits_increment(null, QA_LIMIT_LOGINS); $inemailhandle = qa_post_text('emailhandle'); $inpassword = qa_post_text('password'); $inremember = qa_post_text('remember'); $errors = array(); if (qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') || strpos($inemailhandle, '@') !== false) { // handles can't contain @ symbols $matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_email($inemailhandle); } else { $matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_handle($inemailhandle); } if (count($matchusers) == 1) { // if matches more than one (should be impossible), don't log in $inuserid = $matchusers[0]; $userinfo = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($inuserid, true)); if (strtolower(qa_db_calc_passcheck($inpassword, $userinfo['passsalt'])) == strtolower($userinfo['passcheck'])) {
if (qa_opt('mailing_enabled')) { qa_db_user_set_flag($userid, QA_USER_FLAGS_NO_MAILINGS, !$inmailings); } qa_db_user_set_flag($userid, QA_USER_FLAGS_SHOW_AVATAR, $inavatar == 'uploaded'); qa_db_user_set_flag($userid, QA_USER_FLAGS_SHOW_GRAVATAR, $inavatar == 'gravatar'); if (is_array(@$_FILES['file']) && $_FILES['file']['size']) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; switch (qa_user_permit_error(null, QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS)) { case 'limit': $errors['avatar'] = qa_lang('main/upload_limit'); break; default: $errors['avatar'] = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); break; case false: qa_limits_increment($userid, QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS); $toobig = qa_image_file_too_big($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], qa_opt('avatar_store_size')); if ($toobig) { $errors['avatar'] = qa_lang_sub('main/image_too_big_x_pc', (int) ($toobig * 100)); } elseif (!qa_set_user_avatar($userid, file_get_contents($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']), $useraccount['avatarblobid'])) { $errors['avatar'] = qa_lang_sub('main/image_not_read', implode(', ', qa_gd_image_formats())); } break; } } if (count($inprofile)) { $filtermodules = qa_load_modules_with('filter', 'filter_profile'); foreach ($filtermodules as $filtermodule) { $filtermodule->filter_profile($inprofile, $errors, $useraccount, $userprofile); } }
function qa_report_write_action($userid, $cookieid, $action, $questionid, $answerid, $commentid) { switch ($action) { case 'q_post': case 'q_claim': qa_limits_increment($userid, 'Q'); break; case 'a_post': case 'a_claim': qa_limits_increment($userid, 'A'); break; case 'c_post': case 'c_claim': case 'a_to_c': qa_limits_increment($userid, 'C'); break; case 'q_vote_up': case 'q_vote_down': case 'q_vote_nil': case 'a_vote_up': case 'a_vote_down': case 'a_vote_nil': qa_limits_increment($userid, 'V'); break; case 'q_flag': case 'a_flag': case 'c_flag': qa_limits_increment($userid, 'F'); break; } if (isset($userid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; qa_user_report_action($userid, $action, $questionid, $answerid, $commentid); } if (isset($cookieid)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-cookies.php'; qa_cookie_report_action($cookieid, $action, $questionid, $answerid, $commentid); } }
function qa_upload_file($localfilename, $sourcefilename, $maxfilesize = null, $onlyimage = false, $imagemaxwidth = null, $imagemaxheight = null) { if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args = func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); } $result = array(); // Check per-user upload limits require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; switch (qa_user_permit_error(null, QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS)) { case 'limit': $result['error'] = qa_lang('main/upload_limit'); return $result; case false: qa_limits_increment(qa_get_logged_in_userid(), QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS); break; default: $result['error'] = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); return $result; } // Check the uploaded file is not too large $filesize = filesize($localfilename); if (isset($maxfilesize)) { $maxfilesize = min($maxfilesize, qa_get_max_upload_size()); } else { $maxfilesize = qa_get_max_upload_size(); } if ($filesize <= 0 || $filesize > $maxfilesize) { // if file was too big for PHP, $filesize will be zero $result['error'] = qa_lang_sub('main/max_upload_size_x', number_format($maxfilesize / 1048576, 1) . 'MB'); return $result; } // Find out what type of source file was uploaded and if appropriate, check it's an image and get preliminary size measure $pathinfo = pathinfo($sourcefilename); $format = strtolower(@$pathinfo['extension']); $isimage = $format == 'png' || $format == 'gif' || $format == 'jpeg' || $format == 'jpg'; // allowed image extensions if ($isimage) { $imagesize = @getimagesize($localfilename); if (is_array($imagesize)) { $result['width'] = $imagesize[0]; $result['height'] = $imagesize[1]; switch ($imagesize['2']) { // reassign format based on actual content, if we can case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $format = 'gif'; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $format = 'jpeg'; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $format = 'png'; break; } } } $result['format'] = $format; if ($onlyimage) { if (!$isimage || !is_array($imagesize)) { $result['error'] = qa_lang_sub('main/image_not_read', 'GIF, JPG, PNG'); return $result; } } // Read in the raw file contents $content = file_get_contents($localfilename); // If appropriate, get more accurate image size and apply constraints to it require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-image.php'; if ($isimage && qa_has_gd_image()) { $image = @imagecreatefromstring($content); if (is_resource($image)) { $result['width'] = $width = imagesx($image); $result['height'] = $height = imagesy($image); if (isset($imagemaxwidth) || isset($imagemaxheight)) { if (qa_image_constrain($width, $height, isset($imagemaxwidth) ? $imagemaxwidth : $width, isset($imagemaxheight) ? $imagemaxheight : $height)) { qa_gd_image_resize($image, $width, $height); if (is_resource($image)) { $content = qa_gd_image_jpeg($image); $result['format'] = $format = 'jpeg'; $result['width'] = $width; $result['height'] = $height; } } } if (is_resource($image)) { // might have been lost imagedestroy($image); } } } // Create the blob and return require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-blobs.php'; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = isset($userid) ? qa_cookie_get() : qa_cookie_get_create(); $result['blobid'] = qa_create_blob($content, $format, $sourcefilename, $userid, $cookieid, qa_remote_ip_address()); if (!isset($result['blobid'])) { $result['error'] = qa_lang('main/general_error'); return $result; } $result['bloburl'] = qa_get_blob_url($result['blobid'], true); return $result; }
$inmessage = qa_post_text('message'); if (empty($inmessage)) { $errors['message'] = qa_lang('misc/message_empty'); } if (empty($errors)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-emails.php'; $fromhandle = qa_get_logged_in_handle(); $canreply = !(qa_get_logged_in_flags() & QA_USER_FLAGS_NO_MESSAGES); $more = strtr(qa_lang($canreply ? 'emails/private_message_reply' : 'emails/private_message_info'), array('^f_handle' => $fromhandle, '^url' => qa_path($canreply ? 'message/' . $fromhandle : 'user/' . $fromhandle, null, qa_opt('site_url')))); $subs = array('^message' => $inmessage, '^f_handle' => $fromhandle, '^f_url' => qa_path('user/' . $fromhandle, null, qa_opt('site_url')), '^more' => $more, '^a_url' => qa_path_html('account', null, qa_opt('site_url'))); if (qa_send_notification($useraccount['userid'], $useraccount['email'], $useraccount['handle'], qa_lang('emails/private_message_subject'), qa_lang('emails/private_message_body'), $subs)) { $messagesent = true; } else { $page_error = qa_lang_html('main/general_error'); } qa_limits_increment($qa_login_userid, 'M'); qa_report_event('u_message', $qa_login_userid, qa_get_logged_in_handle(), $qa_cookieid, array('userid' => $useraccount['userid'], 'handle' => $useraccount['handle'], 'message' => $inmessage)); } } // Prepare content for theme $qa_content = qa_content_prepare(); $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('misc/private_message_title'); $qa_content['error'] = @$page_error; $qa_content['form'] = array('tags' => 'METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'fields' => array('message' => array('type' => $messagesent ? 'static' : '', 'label' => qa_lang_html_sub('misc/message_for_x', qa_get_one_user_html($handle, false)), 'tags' => 'NAME="message" ID="message"', 'value' => qa_html(@$inmessage, $messagesent), 'rows' => 16, 'note' => qa_lang_html_sub('misc/message_explanation', qa_html(qa_opt('site_title'))), 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['message']))), 'buttons' => array('send' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('main/send_button'))), 'hidden' => array('domessage' => '1')); $qa_content['focusid'] = 'message'; if ($messagesent) { $qa_content['form']['ok'] = qa_lang_html('misc/message_sent'); unset($qa_content['form']['fields']['message']['note']); unset($qa_content['form']['buttons']); } return $qa_content;
} // Process submitted form if (qa_clicked('doregister')) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; if (qa_limits_remaining(null, QA_LIMIT_REGISTRATIONS)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users-edit.php'; $inemail = qa_post_text('email'); $inpassword = qa_post_text('password'); $inhandle = qa_post_text('handle'); $errors = array_merge(qa_handle_email_filter($inhandle, $inemail), qa_password_validate($inpassword)); if (qa_opt('captcha_on_register')) { qa_captcha_validate_post($errors); } if (empty($errors)) { // register and redirect qa_limits_increment(null, QA_LIMIT_REGISTRATIONS); $userid = qa_create_new_user($inemail, $inpassword, $inhandle); qa_set_logged_in_user($userid, $inhandle); $topath = qa_get('to'); /* if (isset($topath)) qa_redirect_raw(qa_path_to_root().$topath); // path already provided as URL fragment else qa_redirect(''); */ qa_redirect('welcome'); } } else { $pageerror = qa_lang('users/register_limit'); } }
function core_login($username, $password, $remember = false) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; if (qa_user_limits_remaining(QA_LIMIT_LOGINS)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php'; $errors = array(); if (qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') || strpos($username, '@') !== false) { // handles can't contain @ symbols $matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_email($username); } else { $matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_handle($username); } if (count($matchusers) == 1) { // if matches more than one (should be impossible), don't log in $inuserid = $matchusers[0]; $userinfo = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($inuserid, true)); if (strtolower(qa_db_calc_passcheck($password, $userinfo['passsalt'])) == strtolower($userinfo['passcheck'])) { // login require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; qa_set_logged_in_user($inuserid, $userinfo['handle'], $remember ? true : false); return $userinfo; } else { $this->error = new IXR_Error(1512, qa_lang('users/password_wrong')); } } else { $this->error = new IXR_Error(1512, qa_lang('users/user_not_found')); } } else { $this->error = new IXR_Error(1512, qa_lang('users/login_limit')); } qa_limits_increment(null, QA_LIMIT_LOGINS); // log on failure return false; }
function process_request($request) { $message = ''; $url = ''; if (is_array($_FILES) && count($_FILES)) { // Check that we're allowed to upload images (if not, no other uploads are allowed either) if (!qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_images')) { $message = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); } // Check that we haven't reached the upload limit and are not blocked if (empty($message)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php'; switch (qa_user_permit_error(null, QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS)) { case 'limit': $message = qa_lang('main/upload_limit'); break; case false: qa_limits_increment(qa_get_logged_in_userid(), QA_LIMIT_UPLOADS); break; default: $message = qa_lang('users/no_permission'); break; } } // Find out some information about the uploaded file and check it's not too large if (empty($message)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-blobs.php'; $file = reset($_FILES); $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name']); $extension = strtolower(@$pathinfo['extension']); $filesize = $file['size']; $maxsize = min(qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_max_size'), qa_get_max_upload_size()); if ($filesize <= 0 || $filesize > $maxsize) { // if file was too big for PHP, $filesize will be zero $message = qa_lang_sub('main/max_upload_size_x', number_format($maxsize / 1048576, 1) . 'MB'); } } // If it's only allowed to be an image, check it's an image if (empty($message)) { if (qa_get('qa_only_image') || !qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_all')) { // check if we need to confirm it's an image switch ($extension) { case 'png': // these are allowed image extensions // these are allowed image extensions case 'gif': case 'jpeg': case 'jpg': if (function_exists('getimagesize')) { // getimagesize() does not require GD library if (!is_array(@getimagesize($file['tmp_name']))) { $message = qa_lang_sub('main/image_not_read', 'GIF, JPG, PNG'); } } break; default: $message = qa_lang_sub('main/image_not_read', 'GIF, JPG, PNG'); break; } } } // If there have been no errors, looks like we're all set... if (empty($message)) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-blobs.php'; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = isset($userid) ? qa_cookie_get() : qa_cookie_get_create(); $blobid = qa_db_blob_create(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), $extension, @$file['name'], $userid, $cookieid, qa_remote_ip_address()); if (isset($blobid)) { $url = qa_get_blob_url($blobid, true); } else { $message = 'Failed to create object in database - please try again'; } } } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>" . qa_js(qa_get('CKEditorFuncNum')) . ", " . qa_js($url) . ", " . qa_js($message) . ");</script>"; return null; }
} elseif ($passwordsent) { qa_redirect('account'); } else { qa_redirect(''); } } else { $errors['password'] = qa_lang('users/password_wrong'); } } else { $errors['category'] = 'Your userid is not registered for this category'; } } else { $errors['emailhandle'] = qa_lang('users/user_not_found'); } } qa_limits_increment(null, 'L'); // only get here if we didn't log in successfully } else { $inemailhandle = qa_get('e'); } } else { $pageerror = qa_lang('users/login_limit'); } // Prepare content for theme $qa_content = qa_content_prepare(); $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('users/login_title'); $qa_content['error'] = @$pageerror; if (empty($inemailhandle) || isset($errors['emailhandle'])) { $forgotpath = qa_path('forgot'); } else { $forgotpath = qa_path('forgot', array('e' => $inemailhandle));