コード例 #1
function attach_add($at, $owner, $attach_opt = 0, $ext = 0)
    $mime_type = (int) q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_mime WHERE fl_ext='" . addslashes(substr(strrchr($at['name'], '.'), 1)) . "'");
    $id = db_qid("INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_attach (location,message_id,original_name,owner,attach_opt,mime_type,fsize) VALUES('',0,'" . addslashes($at['name']) . "', " . $owner . ", " . $attach_opt . ", " . $mime_type . ", " . $at['size'] . ")");
    safe_attachment_copy($at['tmp_name'], $id, $ext);
    return $id;
コード例 #2
function th_move($id, $to_forum, $root_msg_id, $forum_id, $last_post_date, $last_post_id)
    if (!db_locked()) {
        db_lock('phpgw_fud_poll WRITE, phpgw_fud_thread_view WRITE, phpgw_fud_thread WRITE, phpgw_fud_forum WRITE, phpgw_fud_msg WRITE');
        $ll = 1;
    $msg_count = q_singleval("SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_thread LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_msg ON phpgw_fud_msg.thread_id=phpgw_fud_thread.id WHERE phpgw_fud_msg.apr=1 AND phpgw_fud_thread.id=" . $id);
    q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_thread SET forum_id=' . $to_forum . ' WHERE id=' . $id);
    q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_forum SET post_count=post_count-' . $msg_count . ' WHERE id=' . $forum_id);
    q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_forum SET thread_count=thread_count+1,post_count=post_count+' . $msg_count . ' WHERE id=' . $to_forum);
    q('DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_thread WHERE forum_id=' . $to_forum . ' AND root_msg_id=' . $root_msg_id . ' AND moved_to=' . $forum_id);
    if ($aff_rows = db_affected()) {
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_forum SET thread_count=thread_count-' . $aff_rows . ' WHERE id=' . $to_forum);
    q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_thread SET moved_to=' . $to_forum . ' WHERE id!=' . $id . ' AND root_msg_id=' . $root_msg_id);
    q('INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_thread
		(forum_id, root_msg_id, last_post_date, last_post_id, moved_to)
		(' . $forum_id . ', ' . $root_msg_id . ', ' . $last_post_date . ', ' . $last_post_id . ', ' . $to_forum . ')');
    $c = q('SELECT poll_id FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE thread_id=' . $id . ' AND apr=1 AND poll_id>0');
    while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
        $p[] = $r[0];
    if (isset($p)) {
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_poll SET forum_id=' . $to_forum . ' WHERE id IN(' . implode(',', $p) . ')');
    if (isset($ll)) {
コード例 #3
function poll_validate($poll_id, $msg_id)
    if (($mid = (int) q_singleval('SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE poll_id=' . $poll_id)) && $mid != $msg_id) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return $poll_id;
コード例 #4
function get_sql_disk_usage()
    $ver = q_singleval('SELECT VERSION()');
    if ($ver[0] != 4 && strncmp($ver, '3.23', 4)) {
    $sql_size = 0;
    $c = uq('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_name'] . ' LIKE \'' . $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] . '%\'');
    while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
        $sql_size += $r->Data_length + $r->Index_length;
    return $sql_size;
コード例 #5
function register_vote(&$options, $poll_id, $opt_id, $mid)
    /* invalid option or previously voted */
    if (!isset($options[$opt_id]) || q_singleval('SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_poll_opt_track WHERE poll_id=' . $poll_id . ' AND user_id=' . _uid)) {
    if (db_li('INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_poll_opt_track(poll_id, user_id, poll_opt) VALUES(' . $poll_id . ', ' . _uid . ', ' . $opt_id . ')', $a)) {
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_poll_opt SET count=count+1 WHERE id=' . $opt_id);
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_poll SET total_votes=total_votes+1 WHERE id=' . $poll_id);
        poll_cache_rebuild($opt_id, $options);
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_msg SET poll_cache=' . strnull(addslashes(@serialize($options))) . ' WHERE id=' . $mid);
    return 1;
コード例 #6
function grp_delete_member($id, $user_id)
    if (!$user_id || $user_id == '2147483647') {
    q('DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_group_members WHERE group_id=' . $id . ' AND user_id=' . $user_id);
    if (q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_group_members WHERE user_id=" . $user_id . " LIMIT 1")) {
        /* we rebuild cache, since this user's permission for a particular resource are controled by
         * more the one group. */
    } else {
        q("DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_group_cache WHERE user_id=" . $user_id);
コード例 #7
    if (!empty($usr->ignore_list)) {
        $usr->ignore_list = @unserialize($usr->ignore_list);
    if (!isset($usr->ignore_list[$ignore_id])) {
        ignore_add(_uid, $ignore_id);
    } else {
        error_dialog('Info', 'You already have this user on your ignore list');
/* incomming from message display page (ignore link) */
if (isset($_GET['add']) && ($_GET['add'] = (int) $_GET['add'])) {
    if (!empty($usr->ignore_list)) {
        $usr->ignore_list = @unserialize($usr->ignore_list);
    if (($ignore_id = q_singleval('SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE id=' . $_GET['add'] . ' AND (users_opt & 1048576)=0')) && !isset($usr->ignore_list[$ignore_id])) {
        ignore_add(_uid, $ignore_id);
if (isset($_GET['del']) && ($_GET['del'] = (int) $_GET['del'])) {
    ignore_delete(_uid, $_GET['del']);
    /* needed for external links to this form */
    if (isset($_GET['redr'])) {
ses_update_status($usr->sid, 'Browsing own ignore list');
$ignore_member_search = $FUD_OPT_1 & (8388608 | 4194304) ? '<br>Or use the <a href="javascript://" class="GenLink" onClick="javascript: window_open(\'/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=pmuserloc&amp;' . _rsid . '&amp;js_redr=buddy_add.add_login&amp;overwrite=1\', \'user_list\', 250,250);">Find User</a> feature to find a person.' : '';
$tabs = '';
if (_uid) {
コード例 #8
require $WWW_ROOT_DISK . 'adm/admpanel.php';
<h2>System Configuration</h2>
<table class="datatable">
	<td><b>PHP built On:</b></td>
echo php_uname();
	<td><b>Database Version:</b></td>
echo q_singleval('SELECT VERSION()');
	<td><b>PHP Version:</b></td>
	<td><b>Web Server:</b></td>
echo get_server_software();
コード例 #9
function is_forum_notified($user_id, $forum_id)
    return q_singleval('SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_forum_notify WHERE forum_id=' . $forum_id . ' AND user_id=' . $user_id);
コード例 #10
        $email_link = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Email:</td><td class="GenText">[<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=email&amp;toi=' . $u->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">Clicca qui per spedire un&#39;email all&#39;utente</a>]</td></tr>';
    } else {
        $email_link = '';
if ($referals = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE referer_id=' . $u->id)) {
    $referals = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Utenti referenziati:</td><td class="GenText"><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=list_referers&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $referals . ' Utenti</a></td></tr>';
} else {
    $referals = '';
if (_uid && _uid != $u->id && !q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_buddy WHERE user_id=" . _uid . " AND bud_id=" . $u->id)) {
    $buddy = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Buddy:</td><td class="GenText"><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=buddy_list&amp;add=' . $u->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink">aggiungi alla buddy list</a></td></tr>';
} else {
    $buddy = '';
if ($polls = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_poll p INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON p.forum_id=f.id WHERE p.owner=' . $u->id . ' AND f.cat_id>0 ' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND f.id IN(' . implode(',', array_keys($frm_perms)) . ')'))) {
    $polls = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Sondaggi:</td><td class="GenText"><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=polllist&amp;uid=' . $u->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $polls . '</a></td></tr>';
} else {
    $polls = '';
$usrinfo_private_msg = $FUD_OPT_1 & 1024 && _uid ? '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Messaggio privato:</td><td class="GenText"><a href="/egroupware/index.php?menuaction=messenger.uimessenger.compose&message_to=;' . _rsid . '&amp;message_to=' . $u->alias . '" class="GenLink"><img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/msg_pm.gif" /></a></td></tr>' : '';
if ($u->users_opt & 1024) {
    $gender = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Genere:</td><td class="GenText">Maschio</td></tr>';
} else {
    if (!($u->users_opt & 512)) {
        $gender = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Genere:</td><td class="GenText">Femmina</td></tr>';
    } else {
        $gender = '';
$location = $u->location ? '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText">Località:</td><td class="GenText">' . $u->location . '</td></tr>' : '';
コード例 #11
function pmsg_del($mid, $fldr = null)
    if (is_null($fldr) && is_null($fldr = q_singleval('SELECT fldr FROM phpgw_fud_pmsg WHERE duser_id=' . _uid . ' AND id=' . $mid))) {
    if ($fldr != 5) {
        pmsg_move($mid, 5, false);
    } else {
        q('DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_pmsg WHERE id=' . $mid);
        $c = uq('SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_attach WHERE message_id=' . $mid . ' AND attach_opt=1');
        while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
            @unlink($GLOBALS[''] . $r[0] . '.atch');
        q('DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_attach WHERE message_id=' . $mid . ' AND attach_opt=1');
コード例 #12
<input type="hidden" name="adm_confirm" value="1">
<div align="center">You are taking away administration privileges from <font color="red"><b><?php 
                echo $u->alias;
Are you sure you want to do this?<br>
<input type="submit" value="Yes" name="btn_yes"> <input type="submit" value="No" name="btn_no">
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['btn_yes'])) {
                    if (q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'mod WHERE user_id=' . $u->id)) {
                        q('UPDATE ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'users SET users_opt=(users_opt & ~ 1048576) |524288 WHERE id=' . $usr_id);
                        $u->users_opt ^= 1048576;
                    } else {
                        q('UPDATE ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'users SET users_opt=users_opt & ~ (524288|1048576) WHERE id=' . $usr_id);
                        $u->users_opt = $u->users_opt & ~(1048576 | 524288);
        } else {
            if (!isset($_POST['adm_confirm'])) {
<title>Adminstrator confirmation</title>
<body color="white">
<form method="post" action="admuser.php"><?php 
コード例 #13
     if (!$gid) {
         $error_reason = 'Failed to add group';
         $error = 1;
     } else {
         if ($gr_resource) {
             foreach ($gr_resource as $v) {
                 q('INSERT INTO ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'group_resources (resource_id, group_id) VALUES(' . (int) $v . ', ' . $gid . ')');
         /* only rebuild the group cache if the all ANON/REG users were added */
         if ($gr_ramasks) {
             grp_rebuild_cache(array(0, 2147483647));
 } else {
     if (($frm = q_singleval('SELECT forum_id FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'groups WHERE id=' . $edit)) !== null) {
         /* update an existing group */
         if (!$res) {
             $old = db_sab("SELECT groups_opt, groups_opti FROM " . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . "groups WHERE id=" . $edit);
         } else {
             $old =& $res[$edit];
         group_sync($edit, isset($_POST['gr_name']) ? $_POST['gr_name'] : null, $gr_inherit_id, $perm, $permi);
         if (!$frm) {
             q('DELETE FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'group_resources WHERE group_id=' . $edit);
             $aff = db_affected();
             if ($gr_resource) {
                 foreach ($gr_resource as $v) {
                     q('INSERT INTO ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'group_resources (resource_id, group_id) VALUES(' . (int) $v . ', ' . $edit . ')');
コード例 #14
     $edit = '';
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['rebuild']) && ($data = db_saq('SELECT theme, lang, name FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'themes WHERE id=' . (int) $_GET['rebuild']))) {
         compile_all($data[0], $data[1], $data[2]);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['edit']) && ($c = db_arr_assoc('SELECT * FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'themes WHERE id=' . $edit))) {
             foreach ($c as $k => $v) {
                 ${'thm_' . $k} = $v;
             $thm_t_default = $c['theme_opt'] & 2;
             $thm_enabled = $c['theme_opt'] & 1;
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['del']) && (int) $_GET['del'] > 1) {
                 fud_theme::delete((int) $_GET['del']);
             } else {
                 if (isset($_GET['optimize']) && $is_tok && ($t_name = q_singleval('SELECT name FROM ' . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . 'themes WHERE id=' . (int) $_GET['optimize']))) {
                     /* optimize *.php files */
                     $path = $WWW_ROOT_DISK . 'theme/' . $t_name;
                     $dir = opendir($path);
                     $path .= '/';
                     while ($f = readdir($dir)) {
                         if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
                         if (@is_file($path . $f) && substr($f, -4) == '.php') {
                             $toks = token_get_all(file_get_contents($path . $f));
                             while (get_func_usage($toks)) {
                             clean_code($path . $f, $toks);
コード例 #15
function user_set_post_count($uid)
    $pd = db_saq("SELECT MAX(id),count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE poster_id=" . $uid . " AND apr=1");
    $level_id = (int) q_singleval('SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_level WHERE post_count <= ' . $pd[1] . ' ORDER BY post_count DESC LIMIT 1');
    q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_users SET u_last_post_id=' . (int) $pd[0] . ', posted_msg_count=' . (int) $pd[1] . ', level_id=' . $level_id . ' WHERE id=' . $uid);
コード例 #16
* (at your option) any later version.
require './GLOBALS.php';
fud_use('adm.inc', true);
if (isset($_GET['usr_id'])) {
    $usr_id = (int) $_GET['usr_id'];
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['usr_id'])) {
        $usr_id = (int) $_POST['usr_id'];
    } else {
        $usr_id = '';
if (!$usr_id || !($login = q_singleval('SELECT alias FROM ' . $tbl . 'users WHERE id=' . $usr_id))) {
    exit('<html><script language="JavaScript">window.close();</script></html>');
if (isset($_POST['mod_submit'])) {
    q('DELETE FROM ' . $tbl . 'mod WHERE user_id=' . $usr_id);
    if (isset($_POST['mod_allow'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['mod_allow'] as $m) {
            q('INSERT INTO ' . $tbl . 'mod (forum_id, user_id) VALUES(' . (int) $m . ', ' . $usr_id . ')');
    /* mod rebuild */
<script language="JavaScript">
コード例 #17
    $usr_lmt = ' p.owner=' . $uid . ' AND ';
} else {
    $uid = $usr_lmt = '';
if ($_GET['oby'] == 'ASC') {
    $oby = 'ASC';
    $oby_rev_val = 'DESC';
} else {
    $oby = 'DESC';
    $oby_rev_val = 'ASC';
$ttl = (int) q_singleval('SELECT count(*)
				FROM phpgw_fud_poll p
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON p.forum_id=f.id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=p.forum_id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=p.forum_id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=p.forum_id
					' . $usr_lmt . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? ' 1=1' : ' (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0)'));
$poll_entries = $pager = '';
if ($ttl) {
    $c = uq('SELECT
				p.owner, p.name, (CASE WHEN expiry_date = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (p.creation_date + p.expiry_date) END) AS poll_expiry_date, p.creation_date, p.id AS poid, p.max_votes, p.total_votes,
				u.alias, u.alias AS login, (u.last_visit + ' . $LOGEDIN_TIMEOUT * 60 . ') AS last_visit, u.users_opt,
				' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '1' : 'mm.id') . ' AS md,
				pot.id AS cant_vote,
				(CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) AS gco
				FROM phpgw_fud_poll p
コード例 #18
 function del_account($row)
     $ac_id = (int) $row['account_id'];
     if (!$ac_id) {
     define('plain_page', 1);
     $db =& $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
     $server =& $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server'];
     require $server['files_dir'] . "/fudforum/" . sprintf("%u", crc32($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['domain'])) . "/include/GLOBALS.php";
     if (!empty($server['use_adodb']) || empty($db->Link_ID) || !is_resource($db->Link_ID)) {
         // open your own connection, as ADOdb does not export the use Link_ID
         switch ($server['db_type']) {
             case 'mysql':
                 $func = $server['db_persistent'] ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect';
                 define('fud_sql_lnk', $func($db->Host, $db->User, $db->Password));
                 mysql_select_db($db->Database, fud_sql_lnk);
             case 'pgsql':
                 $func = $server['db_persistent'] ? 'pg_pconnect' : 'pg_connect';
                 define('fud_sql_lnk', $func('dbname=' . $db->Database . ' host=' . $db->Host . ' user='******' password='******'FUDforum only supports mysql or pgsql !!!');
     } else {
         define('fud_sql_lnk', $db->Link_ID);
     fud_use('users_adm.inc', true);
     $GLOBALS['DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX'] = 'phpgw_fud_';
     $id = q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE egw_id=" . $ac_id);
     if ($id) {
コード例 #19
<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="mnavWarnTbl">
	<td class="GenTextRed">The date range you&#39;ve specified is larger then the one allowed by the administrator, narrow down date range of your search.</td>
            $mnav_pager = '';
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['u'])) {
                $tm = __request_timestamp__ - $mage;
                $total = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_msg m
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
					m.post_stamp > ' . $tm . ' AND m.apr=1 ' . $qry_lmt . '
					' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0)'));
                if (!$total) {
                    $mnav_pager = '';
                    $mnav_data = '<div align="center" class="GenText" class="manvNoRes">There are no messages matching query.</div>';
                } else {
                    $c = uq('SELECT u.alias, f.name AS forum_name, f.id AS forum_id,
					m.poster_id, m.id, m.thread_id, m.subject, m.poster_id, m.foff, m.length, m.post_stamp, m.file_id, m.icon
					FROM phpgw_fud_msg m
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
コード例 #20
 function sync_user()
     $rb_mod_list = !($this->users_opt & 524288) && ($is_mod = q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_mod WHERE user_id={$this->id}")) && q_singleval("SELECT alias FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE id={$this->id}") == $this->alias;
     q("UPDATE phpgw_fud_users SET " . $passwd . "\n\t\t\ticq=" . in($this->icq) . ",\n\t\t\taim=" . ssn(urlencode($this->aim)) . ",\n\t\t\tyahoo=" . ssn(urlencode($this->yahoo)) . ",\n\t\t\tmsnm=" . ssn(urlencode($this->msnm)) . ",\n\t\t\tjabber=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->jabber)) . ",\n\t\t\taffero=" . ssn(urlencode($this->affero)) . ",\n\t\t\tposts_ppg='" . iz($this->posts_ppg) . "',\n\t\t\ttime_zone='" . addslashes($this->time_zone) . "',\n\t\t\tbday=" . iz($this->bday) . ",\n\t\t\tuser_image=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->user_image)) . ",\n\t\t\tlocation=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->location)) . ",\n\t\t\toccupation=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->occupation)) . ",\n\t\t\tinterests=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->interests)) . ",\n\t\t\tavatar=" . iz($this->avatar) . ",\n\t\t\ttheme=" . iz($this->theme) . ",\n\t\t\tavatar_loc=" . ssn($this->avatar_loc) . ",\n\t\t\tsig=" . ssn($this->sig) . ",\n\t\t\thome_page=" . ssn(htmlspecialchars($this->home_page)) . ",\n\t\t\tbio=" . ssn($this->bio) . ",\n\t\t\tusers_opt=" . $this->users_opt . "\n\t\tWHERE id=" . $this->id);
     if ($rb_mod_list) {
コード例 #21
    function approve($id, $unlock_safe = false)
        /* fetch info about the message, poll (if one exists), thread & forum */
        $mtf = db_sab('SELECT
					m.id, m.poster_id, m.apr, m.subject, m.foff, m.length, m.file_id, m.thread_id, m.poll_id, m.attach_cnt,
					m.post_stamp, m.reply_to, m.mlist_msg_id,
					t.forum_id, t.last_post_id, t.root_msg_id, t.last_post_date,
					m2.post_stamp AS frm_last_post_date,
					f.name AS frm_name,
					u.alias, u.email, u.sig,
					n.id AS nntp_id, ml.id AS mlist_id
				FROM phpgw_fud_msg m
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m2 ON f.last_post_id=m2.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mlist ml ON ml.forum_id=f.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_nntp n ON n.forum_id=f.id
				WHERE m.id=' . $id . ' AND m.apr=0');
        /* nothing to do or bad message id */
        if (!$mtf) {
        if ($mtf->alias) {
        } else {
            $mtf->alias = $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'];
        if (!db_locked()) {
            db_lock('phpgw_fud_thread_view WRITE, phpgw_fud_level WRITE, phpgw_fud_users WRITE, phpgw_fud_forum WRITE, phpgw_fud_thread WRITE, phpgw_fud_msg WRITE');
            $ll = 1;
        q("UPDATE phpgw_fud_msg SET apr=1 WHERE id=" . $mtf->id);
        if ($mtf->poster_id) {
        $last_post_id = $mtf->post_stamp > $mtf->frm_last_post_date ? $mtf->id : 0;
        if ($mtf->root_msg_id == $mtf->id) {
            /* new thread */
            $threads = 1;
        } else {
            /* reply to thread */
            if ($mtf->post_stamp > $mtf->last_post_date) {
                th_inc_post_count($mtf->thread_id, 1, $mtf->id, $mtf->post_stamp);
            } else {
                th_inc_post_count($mtf->thread_id, 1);
            rebuild_forum_view($mtf->forum_id, q_singleval('SELECT page FROM phpgw_fud_thread_view WHERE forum_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . ' AND thread_id=' . $mtf->thread_id));
            $threads = 0;
        /* update forum thread & post count as well as last_post_id field */
        frm_updt_counts($mtf->forum_id, 1, $threads, $last_post_id);
        if ($unlock_safe || isset($ll)) {
        if ($mtf->poll_id) {
            poll_activate($mtf->poll_id, $mtf->forum_id);
        $mtf->body = read_msg_body($mtf->foff, $mtf->length, $mtf->file_id);
        if ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'] & 16777216) {
            index_text(preg_match('!Re: !i', $mtf->subject) ? '' : $mtf->subject, $mtf->body, $mtf->id);
        /* handle notifications */
        if ($mtf->root_msg_id == $mtf->id) {
            if (empty($mtf->frm_last_post_date)) {
                $mtf->frm_last_post_date = 0;
            /* send new thread notifications to forum subscribers */
            $c = uq('SELECT u.email, u.icq, u.users_opt
					FROM phpgw_fud_forum_notify fn
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON fn.user_id=u.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_forum_read r ON r.forum_id=fn.forum_id AND r.user_id=fn.user_id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=fn.user_id AND g2.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					fn.forum_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . ' AND fn.user_id!=' . (int) $mtf->poster_id . '
					AND (CASE WHEN (r.last_view IS NULL AND (u.last_read=0 OR u.last_read >= ' . $mtf->frm_last_post_date . ')) OR r.last_view > ' . $mtf->frm_last_post_date . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)=1
					AND ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0');
            $notify_type = 'frm';
        } else {
            /* send new reply notifications to thread subscribers */
            $c = uq('SELECT u.email, u.icq, u.users_opt, r.msg_id, u.id
					FROM phpgw_fud_thread_notify tn
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON tn.user_id=u.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_read r ON r.thread_id=tn.thread_id AND r.user_id=tn.user_id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=tn.user_id AND g2.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					tn.thread_id=' . $mtf->thread_id . ' AND tn.user_id!=' . (int) $mtf->poster_id . '
					AND (r.msg_id=' . $mtf->last_post_id . ' OR (r.msg_id IS NULL AND ' . $mtf->post_stamp . ' > u.last_read))
					AND ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0');
            $notify_type = 'thr';
        while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
            if ($r[2] & 16) {
                $to['EMAIL'] = $r[0];
            } else {
                $to['ICQ'] = $r[1] . '@pager.icq.com';
            if (isset($r[4]) && is_null($r[3])) {
                $tl[] = $r[4];
        if (isset($tl)) {
            /* this allows us to mark the message we are sending notification about as read, so that we do not re-notify the user
             * until this message is read.
            q('INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_read (thread_id, msg_id, last_view, user_id) SELECT ' . $mtf->thread_id . ', 0, 0, id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE id IN(' . implode(',', $tl) . ')');
        if (isset($to)) {
            send_notifications($to, $mtf->id, $mtf->subject, $mtf->alias, $notify_type, $notify_type == 'thr' ? $mtf->thread_id : $mtf->forum_id, $mtf->frm_name, $mtf->forum_id);
        // Handle Mailing List and/or Newsgroup syncronization.
        if (($mtf->nntp_id || $mtf->mlist_id) && !$mtf->mlist_msg_id) {
            fud_use('email_msg_format.inc', true);
            $from = $mtf->poster_id ? $mtf->alias . ' <' . $mtf->email . '>' : $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'] . ' <' . $GLOBALS['NOTIFY_FROM'] . '>';
            $body = $mtf->body . ($mtf->msg_opt & 1 && $mtf->sig ? "\n--\n" . $mtf->sig : '');
            if ($mtf->reply_to) {
                $replyto_id = q_singleval('SELECT mlist_msg_id FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE id=' . $mtf->reply_to);
            } else {
                $replyto_id = 0;
            if ($mtf->attach_cnt) {
                $r = uq("SELECT a.id, a.original_name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCASE WHEN m.mime_hdr IS NULL THEN 'application/octet-stream' ELSE m.mime_hdr END\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_attach a\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mime m ON a.mime_type=m.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.message_id=" . $mtf->id . " AND a.attach_opt=0");
                while ($ent = db_rowarr($r)) {
                    $attach[$ent[1]] = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['FILE_STORE'] . $ent[0] . '.atch');
                    if ($mtf->mlist_id) {
                        $attach_mime[$ent[1]] = $ent[2];
            } else {
                $attach_mime = $attach = null;
            if ($mtf->nntp_id) {
                fud_use('nntp.inc', true);
                $nntp_adm = db_sab('SELECT * FROM phpgw_fud_nntp WHERE id=' . $mtf->nntp_id);
                $nntp = new fud_nntp();
                $nntp->server = $nntp_adm->server;
                $nntp->newsgroup = $nntp_adm->newsgroup;
                $nntp->port = $nntp_adm->port;
                $nntp->timeout = $nntp_adm->timeout;
                $nntp->nntp_opt = $nntp_adm->nntp_opt;
                $nntp->login = $nntp_adm->login;
                $nntp->pass = $nntp_adm->pass;
                define('sql_p', 'phpgw_fud_');
                $lock = $nntp->get_lock();
                $nntp->post_message($mtf->subject, $body, $from, $mtf->id, $replyto_id, $attach);
            } else {
                fud_use('mlist_post.inc', true);
                $GLOBALS['CHARSET'] = 'ISO-8859-15';
                $r = db_saq('SELECT name, additional_headers FROM phpgw_fud_mlist WHERE id=' . $mtf->mlist_id);
                mail_list_post($r[0], $from, $mtf->subject, $body, $mtf->id, $replyto_id, $attach, $attach_mime, $r[1]);
コード例 #22
function th_frm_last_post_id($id, $th)
    return (int) q_singleval('SELECT phpgw_fud_thread.last_post_id FROM phpgw_fud_thread INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg ON phpgw_fud_thread.root_msg_id=phpgw_fud_msg.id WHERE phpgw_fud_thread.forum_id=' . $id . ' AND phpgw_fud_thread.id!=' . $th . ' AND phpgw_fud_thread.moved_to=0 AND phpgw_fud_msg.apr=1 ORDER BY phpgw_fud_thread.last_post_date DESC LIMIT 1');
コード例 #23
function check_return($returnto)
    if (!$returnto || !strncmp($returnto, 't=error', 7)) {
        header('Location: /egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=index&' . _rsidl);
    } else {
        if (strpos($returnto, 'S=') === false && $GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'] & 128) {
            header('Location: /egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?' . $returnto . '&S=' . s);
        } else {
            header('Location: /egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?' . $returnto);
if (isset($_POST['rate_thread_id'], $_POST['sel_vote'])) {
    $th = (int) $_POST['rate_thread_id'];
    $rt = (int) $_POST['sel_vote'];
    /* determine if the user has permission to rate the thread */
    if (!q_singleval('SELECT t.id
				FROM phpgw_fud_thread t
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod m ON t.forum_id=m.forum_id AND m.user_id=' . _uid . '
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? 2147483647 : 0) . ' AND g1.resource_id=t.forum_id
				' . (_uid ? ' LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=t.forum_id ' : '') . '
				WHERE t.id=' . $th . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (m.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g1.id IS NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 1024) > 0)') . ' LIMIT 1')) {
    if (db_li('INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_thread_rate_track (thread_id, user_id, stamp, rating) VALUES(' . $th . ', ' . _uid . ', ' . __request_timestamp__ . ', ' . $rt . ')', $ef)) {
        $rt = db_saq('SELECT count(*), ROUND(AVG(rating)) FROM phpgw_fud_thread_rate_track WHERE thread_id=' . $th);
        q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_thread SET rating=' . (int) $rt[1] . ', n_rating=' . (int) $rt[0] . ' WHERE id=' . $th);
コード例 #24
        $admi = '<td class="SmallText" nowrap><a href="' . $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'] . 'adm/admuser.php?usr_id=' . $r->id . '&' . _rsid . '&act=1">Edit</a> || ' . $admi . '</td>';
    } else {
        $admi = '';
    $find_user_data .= '<tr class="' . alt_var('finduser_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText"><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->alias . '</a></td><td align="center" nowrap>' . $r->posted_msg_count . '</td><td class="DateText" nowrap>' . strftime("%a, %d %B %Y", $r->join_date) . '</td><td nowrap class="GenText"><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=showposts&amp;id=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink"><img alt="" src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/show_posts.gif" /></a>
' . $email_link . '
' . $pm_link . '
' . $homepage_link . '</td>' . $admi . '</tr>';
if (!$find_user_data) {
    $colspan = $adm ? 5 : 4;
    $find_user_data = '<tr class="RowStyleA"><td colspan="' . $colspan . '" width="100%" class="GenText">Nessun utente trovato</td></tr>';
$pager = '';
if (!$qry) {
    $total = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_users ' . $qry);
    if ($total > $count) {
        $pg = '/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=finduser&amp;' . _rsid . '&amp;';
        if ($usr_login) {
            $pg .= urlencode($usr_login) . '&amp;';
        if ($usr_email) {
            $pg .= urlencode($usr_email) . '&amp;';
        if (isset($_GET['pc'])) {
            $pg .= 'pc=1&amp;';
        if (isset($_GET['us'])) {
            $pg .= 'us=1&amp;';
        if (isset($_GET['js_redr'])) {
コード例 #25
function fetch_search_cache($qry, $start, $count, $logic, $srch_type, $order, $forum_limiter, &$total)
    if (strncmp($GLOBALS['usr']->lang, 'chinese', 7)) {
        $cs = array('!\\W!', '!\\s+!');
        $cd = array(' ', ' ');
        $qry = trim(preg_replace($cs, $cd, $qry));
        $w = array_unique(explode(' ', strtolower($qry)));
        $qr = '';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($w as $v) {
            $v = trim($v);
            if (strlen($v) <= 2) {
            } else {
                if ($i++ == 10) {
                    /* limit query length to 10 words */
            $qr .= " '" . addslashes($v) . "',";
        if (!$qr) {
        } else {
            $qr = substr($qr, 0, -1);
    } else {
        /* handling for multibyte languages */
        if (!($w = mb_word_split($qry))) {
        $qr = implode(',', $w);
        $i = count($w);
    if ($srch_type == 'all') {
        $tbl = 'index';
        $qt = '0';
    } else {
        $tbl = 'title_index';
        $qt = '1';
    $qry_lck = md5($qr);
    /* remove expired cache */
    q('DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache WHERE expiry<' . (__request_timestamp__ - $GLOBALS['SEARCH_CACHE_EXPIRY']));
    if (!($total = q_singleval("SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache WHERE query_type=" . $qt . " AND srch_query='" . $qry_lck . "'"))) {
        if (__dbtype__ == 'mysql') {
            q("INSERT IGNORE INTO phpgw_fud_search_cache (srch_query, query_type, expiry, msg_id, n_match) SELECT '" . $qry_lck . "', " . $qt . ", " . __request_timestamp__ . ", msg_id, count(*) as word_count FROM phpgw_fud_search s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_" . $tbl . " i ON i.word_id=s.id WHERE word IN(" . $qr . ") GROUP BY msg_id ORDER BY word_count DESC LIMIT 500");
            if (!($total = (int) db_affected())) {
        } else {
            q("BEGIN; DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache; INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_search_cache (srch_query, query_type, expiry, msg_id, n_match) SELECT '" . $qry_lck . "', " . $qt . ", " . __request_timestamp__ . ", msg_id, count(*) as word_count FROM phpgw_fud_search s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_" . $tbl . " i ON i.word_id=s.id WHERE word IN(" . $qr . ") GROUP BY msg_id ORDER BY word_count DESC LIMIT 500; COMMIT;");
    if ($forum_limiter) {
        if ($forum_limiter[0] != 'c') {
            $qry_lmt = ' AND f.id=' . (int) $forum_limiter . ' ';
        } else {
            $qry_lmt = ' AND c.id=' . (int) substr($forum_limiter, 1) . ' ';
    } else {
        $qry_lmt = '';
    $qry_lck = "'" . $qry_lck . "'";
    $total = q_singleval('SELECT count(*)
		FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache sc
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON m.id=sc.msg_id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
			sc.query_type=' . $qt . ' AND sc.srch_query=' . $qry_lck . $qry_lmt . '
			' . ($logic == 'AND' ? ' AND sc.n_match>=' . $i : '') . '
			' . ($GLOBALS['usr']->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 262146) >= 262146)'));
    if (!$total) {
    return uq('SELECT u.alias, f.name AS forum_name, f.id AS forum_id,
			m.poster_id, m.id, m.thread_id, m.subject, m.poster_id, m.foff, m.length, m.post_stamp, m.file_id, m.icon
		FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache sc
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON m.id=sc.msg_id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
			sc.query_type=' . $qt . ' AND sc.srch_query=' . $qry_lck . $qry_lmt . '
			' . ($logic == 'AND' ? ' AND sc.n_match>=' . $i : '') . '
			' . ($GLOBALS['usr']->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 262146) >= 262146)') . '
		ORDER BY sc.n_match DESC, m.post_stamp ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $start));
コード例 #26
    while ($f = readdir($d)) {
        if ($f == '.' || $f == '..') {
        $path = $dirn . '/' . $f;
        if (@is_file($path) && !@chmod($path, $filep)) {
            echo 'ERROR: couldn\'t chmod "' . $path . '"<br>';
        } else {
            if (@is_dir($path) && $rec === true) {
                chmoddir($path, $dirp, $filep, true);
if (isset($_POST['usr_passwd'], $_POST['usr_login']) && q_singleval("SELECT id FROM " . $DBHOST_TBL_PREFIX . "users WHERE login='******'usr_login']) . "' AND passwd='" . md5($_POST['usr_passwd']) . "' AND (users_opt & 1048576) > 0")) {
    $FUD_OPT_2 |= 8388608;
    if (isset($_POST['btn_unlock'])) {
        $dirperms = 0777;
        $fileperms = 0666;
        @unlink($ERROR_PATH . 'FILE_LOCK');
        $FUD_OPT_2 ^= 8388608;
    } else {
        if (!strncmp(PHP_SAPI, 'apache', 6)) {
            $dirperms = 0700;
            $fileperms = 0600;
        } else {
            $dirperms = 0711;
            $fileperms = 0644;
コード例 #27
if (!($usr->users_opt & 1048576)) {
    $fids = implode(',', array_keys(get_all_read_perms(_uid, $usr->users_opt & 524288)));
if (isset($_GET['so']) && !strcasecmp($_GET['so'], 'asc')) {
    $SORT_ORDER = 'ASC';
} else {
    $SORT_ORDER_R = 'ASC';
$post_entry = '';
if ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 || $fids) {
    $qry_limit = $usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : 'f.id IN (' . $fids . ') AND ';
    /* we need the total for the pager & we don't trust the user to pass it via GET or POST */
    $total = q_singleval("SELECT count(*)\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_msg m\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE " . $qry_limit . " m.apr=1 AND m.poster_id=" . $uid);
    $c = uq("SELECT f.name, f.id, m.subject, m.id, m.post_stamp\n\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_msg m\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id\n\t\t\tWHERE " . $qry_limit . " m.apr=1 AND m.poster_id=" . $uid . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY m.post_stamp " . $SORT_ORDER . " LIMIT " . qry_limit($THREADS_PER_PAGE, $start));
    while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
        $post_entry .= '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td class="GenText"><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;goto=' . $r[3] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r[2] . '</a></td><td class="GenText" nowrap><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . t_thread_view . '&amp;frm_id=' . $r[1] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink">' . htmlspecialchars($r[0]) . '</a></td><td class="DateText" nowrap>' . strftime("%a, %d %B %Y %H:%M", $r[4]) . '</td></tr>';
    $pager = tmpl_create_pager($start, $THREADS_PER_PAGE, $total, '/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=showposts&amp;id=' . $uid . '&amp;' . _rsid);
if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 2) {
    $page_gen_end = gettimeofday();
    $page_gen_time = sprintf('%.5f', $page_gen_end['sec'] - $PAGE_TIME['sec'] + ($page_gen_end['usec'] - $PAGE_TIME['usec']) / 1000000);
    $page_stats = '<br /><div align="left" class="SmallText">Total time taken to generate the page: ' . $page_gen_time . ' seconds</div>';
} else {
    $page_stats = '';
echo $GLOBALS['fud_egw_hdr'];
コード例 #28
function rebuild_stats_cache($last_msg_id)
    $tm_expire = __request_timestamp__ - $GLOBALS['LOGEDIN_TIMEOUT'] * 60;
    list($obj->last_user_id, $obj->user_count) = db_saq('SELECT MAX(id), count(*)-1 FROM phpgw_fud_users');
    $obj->online_users_anon = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_ses s WHERE time_sec>' . $tm_expire . ' AND user_id>2000000000');
    $obj->online_users_hidden = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_ses s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=s.user_id WHERE s.time_sec>' . $tm_expire . ' AND (u.users_opt & 32768) > 0');
    $obj->online_users_reg = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_ses s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=s.user_id WHERE s.time_sec>' . $tm_expire . ' AND (u.users_opt & 32768)=0');
    $c = uq('SELECT u.id, u.alias, u.users_opt, u.custom_color FROM phpgw_fud_ses s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=s.user_id WHERE s.time_sec>' . $tm_expire . ' AND (u.users_opt & 32768)=0 ORDER BY s.time_sec DESC LIMIT ' . $GLOBALS['MAX_LOGGEDIN_USERS']);
    while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
        $obj->online_users_text[$r[0]] = draw_user_link($r[1], $r[2], $r[3]);
    q('UPDATE phpgw_fud_stats_cache SET
		cache_age=' . __request_timestamp__ . ',
		last_user_id=' . (int) $obj->last_user_id . ',
		user_count=' . (int) $obj->user_count . ',
		online_users_anon=' . (int) $obj->online_users_anon . ',
		online_users_hidden=' . (int) $obj->online_users_hidden . ',
		online_users_reg=' . (int) $obj->online_users_reg . ',
		online_users_text=' . strnull(addslashes(@serialize($obj->online_users_text))));
    $obj->last_user_alias = q_singleval('SELECT alias FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE id=' . $obj->last_user_id);
    $obj->last_msg_subject = q_singleval('SELECT subject FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE id=' . $last_msg_id);
    return $obj;
コード例 #29
function is_notified($user_id, $thread_id)
    return q_singleval('SELECT * FROM phpgw_fud_thread_notify WHERE thread_id=' . $thread_id . ' AND user_id=' . $user_id);
コード例 #30
function mail_check()
    $GLOBALS['error'] = 0;
    if (!strlen(trim($_POST['tx_body']))) {
        set_err('tx_body', 'The body is required');
    if (!strlen(trim($_POST['tx_subject']))) {
        set_err('tx_subject', 'Subject is required');
    if (!strlen(trim($_POST['tx_name']))) {
        set_err('tx_name', 'Name is required');
    } else {
        if (!q_singleval("SELECT id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE alias='" . addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['tx_name'])) . "'")) {
            set_err('tx_name', 'Invalid user');
    return $GLOBALS['error'];