コード例 #1
function show_new_products()
    require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/e_commerce/sql/sql_connexion.php';
    require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/e_commerce/products/common_functions.php';
    $request = $bdd->query("SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
    echo '<div id="core_core">
          <div id="show_new_products_title">NOUVEAUTÉS</div>
          <hr width="85%" style="opacity: 0.3; float: right; margin-top: 2.3%;
                                 margin-right: 10px;">

          <div id="show_new_products_wrapper">';
    while ($fetch = $request->fetch()) {
        echo '<div id="' . $fetch['id'] . '" class="show_new_products_product">
            <div class="show_new_products_product_image">
              <img src="' . $fetch['image_link'] . '" width="200" height="200">

            <div class="show_new_products_product_name">' . $fetch['name'] . '</div>

           <div class="show_new_products_product_mini_description">' . substr($fetch['mini_description'], 0, 150) . '</div>

           <div class="show_new_products_product_price">' . putEuroSymbolandSupTagDecimals($fetch['price']) . '</div>
    echo '  </div>
コード例 #2
function show_products_list($menu)
    require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/e_commerce/products/common_functions.php';
    require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/e_commerce/sql/sql_connexion.php';
    $request = $bdd->prepare("SELECT * FROM products WHERE category=?");
    // $i will be used with modulo to put an alternate grey/white background to the product divs.
    $i = 0;
    $backgroundColor = '';
    while ($fetch = $request->fetch()) {
        /* If $i is pair, the background color of the product will be grey.
           Otherwise, it will be white. */
        $i % 2 == 0 ? $backgroundColor = 'grey' : ($backgroundColor = 'white');
        if (strlen($fetch['mini_description']) > 150) {
            // If the description is longer than 78 characters.
            // We only keep its first 78 characters.
            $fetch['mini_description'] = substr($fetch['mini_description'], 0, 150) . ' ...';
        echo '<div id="core_core">
            <div class="product ' . $backgroundColor . 'Product" id="' . $fetch['id'] . '">
              <div class="productLeftFloater">
                <div class="product_image">
                  <img src="' . $fetch['image_link'] . '" />

                <div class="product_left_floater_right_floater">
                  <div class="productName">' . $fetch['name'] . '</div>
                  <div class="productDescription">' . $fetch['mini_description'] . '</div>

              <div class="productRightFloater">
                <div class="productPrice">' . putEuroSymbolandSupTagDecimals($fetch['price']) . '</div>
                <div class="addToBasket">
                  <img src="http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/43/1445621396-addtobasket.png" />
                <div class="productQuantitySpinner">
                  <input class="productQuantitySpinnerInput" value="1">