function savepages() { global $nc; runTweak('on-save-pages'); $pagesdata = serialize($nc); if (!put2file(PAGES_DETAILS_FILE, $pagesdata)) { MsgBox(lt("file writing error"), 'redbox'); } }
function savepages() { global $NANO; runTweak('on-save-pages'); $pagesdata = serialize($NANO); if (!put2file(PAGES_DETAILS_FILE, $pagesdata)) { MsgBox(lt("File writing error"), 'redbox'); return false; } return true; }
function savepages() { global $NANO; runTweak('on-save-pages'); $pagesdata = serialize($NANO); $pagesdata = '<?php header("Location: ../index.php"); /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE' . "\n{$pagesdata}\n*/?>"; if (!put2file(PAGES_DETAILS_FILE, $pagesdata)) { MsgBox(lt("File writing error"), 'redbox'); return false; } return true; }
function doAreaEdit() { if (isset($_GET['do']) and $_GET['do'] == 'editarea') { $areaCount = stripslashes($_POST[areaCount]); $errCnt = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $areaCount; $i++) { $areaNamei = stripslashes($_POST["areaName{$i}"]); $areaContenti = stripslashes($_POST["areaContent{$i}"]); $areaFilei = areaDataDir("{$areaNamei}"); $areaFilei = strtolower($areaFilei); if (!put2file($areaFilei, $areaContenti)) { $errCnt++; $msg = sprintf(lt("Error saving area : <b>%s</b> to file <b>%s</b>", 'error-saving-area-to-file'), $areaNamei, $areaFilei); MsgBox($msg); } } if ($errCnt == 0) { MsgBox(lt("All Area contents saved Successfully", 'areas-save-success')); } //header("location:?action=showareas"); } }
function addpage() { $addtErrMsg = array(); $catlist = getDetails('cats'); $newp = new Page(); $newp->newPageInit(); $newp->addToCat('sidebar'); if (isset($_POST[save])) { $isFormSubmitted = true; $content = stripslashes($_POST[content]); $title = stripslashes($_POST[title]); $newp->editTitle($title); $slug = $newp->slug; // Fixed category adding $postVariables = $_POST; $selectedCats = array(); foreach ($postVariables as $catKey => $categoryName) { if (strpos($catKey, 'check_') !== false) { $selectedCats[] = $categoryName; } } if (count($selectedCats) == 0) { $selectedCats[] = 'sidebar'; } $newp->cats = $selectedCats; // $newp->commitChanges(); // dont commit yet // fix complete if ($title != '' and $content != '') { $newPageFile = pageDataDir($slug); if (!file_exists($newPageFile)) { //view all cats $newp->commitChanges(); //debug($newp); runTweak('new-page', array('page-obj' => &$newp, 'page-content' => &$content)); if (put2file($newPageFile, $content)) { savepages(); } $m = lt("The page was created successfully", 'page-create-success') . '<br />'; $m .= lt("File Created") . " : " . $newPageFile . "<br />"; $m .= lt("Content") . " : " . substr(strip_tags($content), 0, 100) . (strlen($content) > 100 ? '...' : '') . "<br />"; MsgBox($m); return; // success } else { $addtErrMsg[] = lt("Save Failed"); if (file_exists($newPageFile)) { $addtErrMsg[] = lt("A page with similar Title already exists!!", 'similar-page-title-exists'); } } } else { $addtErrMsg[] = lt("Either the title or the content is/are empty!!! Please check your input!!<br />", 'title-or-content-empty'); } //die('f****d'); //savepages(); } if (count($addtErrMsg) != 0 and isset($title)) { //error occured $em = ''; foreach ($addtErrMsg as $msg) { $em .= "<li>{$msg}</li>"; } MsgBox(lt("Errors Occured") . " : <ul>{$em}</ul>", 'background:#FFE8E8;border:1px solid #AE0000'); } //debug($addtErrMsg); $formAction = "?action=addpage"; $submitButton = lt('Add Page'); $chkboxs = checkBoxList(getDetails('cats'), $newp->cats); $pageTitleLabel = lt('Page Title'); $catsLabel = lt('Categories'); $contentLabel = lt('Content'); $addnewpageLabel = lt('Add new Page'); echo $te = <<<TET \t<form action='{$formAction}' method=post class='pagemod_form'> \t\t<h2>{$addnewpageLabel}</h2> \t\t<table width='98%' border='0'> \t\t <tr> \t\t\t<td width='20%'>{$pageTitleLabel}</td> \t\t\t<td><input type='text' value='{$title}' name='title'></td> \t\t\t<td align='right'><input type='submit' value='{$submitButton}' name='save'></td> \t\t </tr> \t\t <tr> \t\t\t<td>{$catsLabel}</td> \t\t\t<td colspan=2>{$chkboxs}</td> \t\t </tr> \t\t</table> \t\t<h2>{$contentLabel}</h2> \t\t<table width="98%"> \t\t <tr><td colspan=2> \t\t\t<textarea name='content' rows=20 cols=70 id='editbox' class='editbox'>{$content}</textarea> \t\t </td></tr> \t\t <tr><td colspan=2><br /><input type='submit' value='{$submitButton}' name='save'></td></tr> \t\t</table> \t</form> TET; runTweak('after-add-form-display'); }
function savepages() { global $WebPagesList; $pagesdata = serialize($WebPagesList); if (!put2file(PAGES_DETAILS_FILE, $pagesdata)) { die("file writing error"); } }
function doAreaEdit() { if (isset($_GET[action]) and $_GET[action] == 'editarea') { $areaName = stripslashes($_POST[areaname]); $content = stripslashes($_POST[content]); $areaFile = areaDataDir("{$areaName}"); //die( $areaFile ); if (!put2file($areaFile, $content)) { echo "error saving area"; } header("location:?action=showareas"); } }
function saveUserCheck($adminUsername, $userData) { $adminFile = getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . 'admin/core/admin_config.php'; $adminProfile = file_get_contents($adminFile); if (isset($adminProfile)) { $adminProfile = str_replace("RAZOR['" . $userData['finduser'] . "'] = '" . $userData['username'] . "'", "RAZOR['" . $userData['finduser'] . "'] = '" . $adminUsername . "'", $adminProfile); } $result = put2file('admin/core/admin_config.php', $adminProfile); if ($result) { $result = false; } else { $result = lt('Error writing data to file') . '...'; } return $result; }
function saveContents($pathToInstall) { foreach ($this->zipContents as $parts) { if ($parts->Path != '') { // check dir exists, if not create it // if (!file_exists('../' . $pathToInstall . $parts->Path)) { $splitPath = array(); $splitPath = explode('/', $parts->Path); $checkPath = '../' . $pathToInstall; foreach ($splitPath as $pathBit) { $checkPath .= $pathBit; if (!file_exists($checkPath)) { mkdir($checkPath, 0755); } $checkPath .= '/'; } } $path = $parts->Path . '/'; } else { $path = ''; } put2file($pathToInstall . $path . $parts->Name, $parts->Data); } }