declare (ticks=1) { $var = 'some test'; ptc_watch('var'); // PtcDebug::watch( ) $var = 'some new value'; // the variable changed } /* STOP CODE COVERAGE ANALYSIS */ ptc_stop_coverage(); // PtcDebug::stopCoverage( ) /* STOP FUNCTION CALLS TRACING */ ptc_stop_trace(); // PtcDebug::stopTrace( ) /*** PTC HANDYMAN HELPERPS ****************************************************/ /* ADDING APPLICATION PATHS FOR LATER USAGE ( PtcHandMan::addAppPath( ) ) */ ptc_add_path(array('lib' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/autoloader-example-files')); /* ADDING CLASS FILES ( PtcHandMan::addFile( ) ) */ ptc_add_file(array('HmTestClassFile' => ptc_path('lib') . '/class-file.php', 'ns\\HmTestClassFile' => ptc_path('lib') . '/ns-class-file.php')); /* ADDING DIRECTORIES WITH CLASSES TO THE AUTOLOADER ( PtcHandMan::addDir( ) ) */ ptc_add_dir(ptc_path('lib')); // PtcHandMan::getAppPath( /* ADDING A NAMESPACED DIRECTORY WITH CLASSES TO THE AUTOLOADER */ ptc_add_dir(array('nsTest' => ptc_path('lib') . '/namespaceTest')); /* GETTING THE DIRECTORIES OF THE AUTOLOADER ( PtcHandyMan::getDirs( ) )*/ $dirs = ptc_dir(); // PtcHandyMan::getDirs( ) params: ( files , directories , ns ) ptc_log($dirs, 'getting all directories and files to be autoloaded'); //PtcDebug::bufferLog( ); /*** PTC EVENT HELPERPS ****************************************************/ /* ADDING EVENT LISTENERS ( PtcEvent::listen( ) ) */ ptc_listen('some.event', function ($data) {
protected static function _addModule($name) { $path = ptc_path('root') . '/modules/' . $name; if (!realpath($path)) { trigger_error('Module "' . $name . '" is not accessible!', E_USER_ERROR); return; } static::$_modules[$name] = new Instance($name, $path); ptc_add_path(['module_' . $name => $path]); }
/** * Application bootstrap configuration */ protected static function _setAppConfig() { /* paths */ static::option('paths', Module::merge(ptc_path('root') . '/app/config/paths.php')); ptc_add_path(ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'paths')); /* application */ static::option('app', Module::merge(ptc_path('root') . '/app/config/app.php')); HandyMan::addAlias(ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.aliases')); if ($locale = ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.locale')) { setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale . 'UTF-8'); } if ($timezone = ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.timezone')) { date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } ptc_add_file(ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.files')); ptc_add_dir(ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.directories')); ptc_add_dir(ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.namespaces')); if ($sep = ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.separators')) { HandyMan::addSeparators($sep); } if ($conv = ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'app.conventions')) { HandyMan::addConventions($conv); } /* database */ static::option('db', Module::merge(ptc_path('root') . '/app/config/db.php')); if ($db = ptc_array_get(static::$_config, 'db')) { $loop = static::option('app.test_env') ? $db['develop'] : $db['prod']; foreach ($loop as $k => $v) { if (ptc_array_get($v, 'user')) { DB::add($v, $k); } } } /* auth */ static::option('auth', Module::merge(ptc_path('root') . '/app/config/auth.php')); }