コード例 #1
  * Clean the cache
  * @return 	boolean		TRUE, simulating success
 public function cleanCache()
     if (function_exists('profiler_log')) {
         profiler_log('CACHE', 'APC Write OK: ' . $type . '/' . $name . '/' . $ID);
     return TRUE;
コード例 #2
  * Call any method inside common module, else call $APP method
  * @param type $name
  * @param array $arguments
  * @return type
  * @throws Exception
 public function __call($name, array $arguments)
     if (method_exists($this->xtends, $name)) {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this->xtends, $name), $arguments);
     if (method_exists(CI::$APP, $name)) {
         return call_user_func_array(array(CI::$APP, $name), $arguments);
     if (method_exists($this, '_' . $name)) {
         $ID = md5(json_encode($arguments));
         $methodName = '_' . $name;
         if (($result = $this->xdbcache->xcache->readCache('cache_methods', get_class($this) . '_' . $methodName, $ID)) !== FALSE) {
             if (function_exists('profiler_log')) {
                 profiler_log('CACHE', "Cache Method GET: " . get_class($this) . "/" . $methodName);
         } else {
             $result = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $methodName), $arguments);
             $this->xdbcache->xcache->writeCache('cache_methods', get_class($this) . '_' . $methodName, $ID, $result);
             if (function_exists('profiler_log')) {
                 profiler_log('CACHE', "Cache Method PUT: " . get_class($this) . "/" . $methodName);
         return $result;
     throw new Exception('No such method: ' . $name);
コード例 #3
  * Cache Save
  * @param 	string		Unique Key
  * @param 	mixed		Data to store
  * @param 	int			Length of time (in seconds) to cache the data
  * @return 	boolean		TRUE, Simulating success
 public function writeCache($type, $name, $ID, $output, $depID = "")
     $originalID = $ID;
     //if (function_exists('profiler_log')) profiler_log('CACHE','Memcache Write init : '.$type.'/'.$name.'/'.$ID);
     $item_expiration = $this->getCacheItemExpiration($type, $name, $originalID);
     if (is_array($item_expiration)) {
         $item_properties = $item_expiration;
         $name .= '-' . $item_properties[0];
         $item_expiration = $item_properties[1];
     if ($item_expiration == FALSE) {
         $item_expiration = $this->getCacheConfigItem('default', $type);
         if ($item_expiration == FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     $this->getInstance()->set($type . '-' . $name . '-' . $ID, serialize($output), MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $item_expiration);
     if (function_exists('profiler_log')) {
         profiler_log('CACHE', 'Memcache Write OK: ' . $type . '/' . $name . '/' . $ID);
     return TRUE;
コード例 #4
 * Sets the given parameter into the debug bar Variables -> DEBUG VARS section
 * @param mixed $vars
 * @return void
function debug_vars($vars)
    $callerTrace = reset(debug_backtrace(0, 1));
    profiler_log('DEBUG VARS', $callerTrace['file'] . ': ' . $callerTrace['line'], $vars);
コード例 #5
  * Cache Save
  * @param 	string		Unique Key
  * @param 	mixed		Data to store
  * @param 	int			Length of time (in seconds) to cache the data
  * @return 	boolean		TRUE, Simulating success
 public function writeCache($type, $name, $ID, $output, $depID = "")
     $originalID = $ID;
     if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0) {
         $ID = $ID . md5(serialize($_POST));
     self::logMessage('debug', "Writting file {$type} {$name} {$ID}");
     $cache_path = $this->getCacheConfigItem('cache_path');
     if (!is_dir($cache_path)) {
         @mkdir($cache_path, 0777, TRUE);
     $cache_path = $cache_path . $type . '/' . $name . '/' . substr(md5($ID), 0, 2) . '/' . substr(md5($ID), 2, 2) . '/' . substr(md5($ID), 4, 2) . '/' . substr(md5($ID), 6, 2) . '/';
     $item_expiration = $this->getCacheItemExpiration($type, $name, $originalID);
     if (is_array($item_expiration)) {
         $item_properties = $item_expiration;
         $name .= '-' . $item_properties[0];
         $item_expiration = $item_properties[1];
     if ($item_expiration == FALSE) {
         $item_expiration = $this->getCacheConfigItem('default', $type);
         if ($item_expiration == FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     if (!is_dir($cache_path)) {
         @mkdir($cache_path, 0777, TRUE);
     if (!is_writable($cache_path)) {
         return FALSE;
     $filepath = realpath($cache_path) . '/' . md5($ID);
     if (!($fp = fopen($filepath, 'wb'))) {
         self::logMessage('error', "Unable to write cache file: " . $filepath);
         return FALSE;
     $expire = time() + $item_expiration;
     if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
         self::logMessage('debug', "Cache file writting: " . $filepath);
         if ($this->compress == TRUE) {
             fwrite($fp, $expire . 'TS--->' . gzdeflate(serialize($output)));
         } else {
             fwrite($fp, $expire . 'TS--->' . serialize($output));
         flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
     } else {
         self::logMessage('error', "Unable to secure a file lock for file at: " . $cache_path);
         return FALSE;
     @chmod($filepath, 0777);
     self::logMessage('debug', "Cache file written: " . $filepath);
     if (function_exists('profiler_log')) {
         profiler_log('CACHE', 'Cache File Write OK: ' . $type . '/' . $name . '/' . $ID);
     return TRUE;
コード例 #6
    function run()
        if (IS_AJAX) {
            $position = 'relative';
        } else {
            $position = 'absolute';
        profiler_log('SERVER', $_SERVER);
        profiler_log('COOKIES', $_COOKIE);
        profiler_log('CONFIG', CI::$APP->config->config);
        if ($this->CI->config->item("firePHP") != "firePHP") {
            // Load jQuery if not loaded
            $output = '';
            $output = <<<WAK
\t\t\t<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t\tif (window.require) require(['jquery'], function() {});
\t\t\telse if (!window.jQuery) {
                document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src=\\"http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js\\"%3E%3C/script%3E'))
            // Calculate relative path to document_root
            //			$relativePath = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'',str_replace('\\','/',FCPATH));
            //			$output = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".$relativePath."media/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js\"></script>\n";
            $i_currentDIV = rand(10, 99) . substr(md5($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]), 0, 6);
            $output .= "<div id='debugTrace" . $i_currentDIV . "X' style='position:{$position};top:0px;left:0px;width:10px;border:#FFFFEB solid 1px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#80000000,endColorstr=#10000000);background: rgba(135, 135, 135, 0.6);color:white;z-index:9999;'>";
            $output .= "<a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler\").slideUp();jQuery(\".debugTraceProfiler2\").toggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;'> <font color='white' size='1'>&laquo;</font> </a>";
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='debugTrace" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='debugTraceProfiler2' style='position:{$position};top:0px;left:10px;width:100%;border:#FFFFEB solid 1px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#80000000,endColorstr=#10000000);background: rgba(135, 135, 135, 0.6);color:red;z-index:9999;'>";
            $output .= "<table align='center' border='0' width='98%'>";
            $output .= "<tr>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_URI" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> URI </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_CTRL" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> Controler </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_MEM" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> Memory </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_BENCH" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> Benchmarks </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_VARS" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> Variables </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_SQL" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> SQL </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_CACHE" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> CACHE </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='left' width='10%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#codeigniter_profiler_UTEST" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideToggle();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'> UNIT TEST </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='right' width='30%'><a href='Javascript:;' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler" . $i_currentDIV . "\").slideUp();jQuery(\"#debugTrace" . $i_currentDIV . "\").hide();' style='text-decoration:none;font-size: 1em;color:#fff'>" . $this->CI->router->fetch_class() . "/" . $this->CI->router->fetch_method() . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>&lt;&lt;&lt;</strong> </a></td>";
            $output .= "<td align='right'>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
            $output .= "</tr>";
            $output .= "<tr>";
            $output .= "<td colspan='99' onclick='jQuery(\".codeigniter_profiler\").slideUp();'>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_URI" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->_compile_uri_string();
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_CTRL" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->_compile_controller_info();
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('CLASS');
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_MEM" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->_compile_memory_usage();
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_BENCH" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->_compile_benchmarks();
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_VARS" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->_compile_get();
            $output .= $this->_compile_post();
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('DEBUG VARS');
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('XVIEW');
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('CONFIG');
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('COOKIES');
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('SERVER');
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_SQL" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            //			$output .= $this->compile_queries();
            $output .= $this->compile_queries();
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_CACHE" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->compile_traceLines('CACHE');
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "<div id='codeigniter_profiler_UTEST" . $i_currentDIV . "' class='codeigniter_profiler' style='position:relative;top:0px;padding:10px;width:90%;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid silver;z-index:9999;display:none;color:silver;'>";
            $output .= $this->compile_unittests();
            $output .= "</div>";
            $output .= "</td>";
            $output .= "</tr>";
            $output .= "</table>";
            $output .= "</div>";
            return $output;
        } else {
コード例 #7
  * Cache Save
  * @param 	string		Unique Key
  * @param 	mixed		Data to store
  * @param 	int			Length of time (in seconds) to cache the data
  * @return 	boolean		TRUE, Simulating success
 public function writeCache($type, $name, $ID, $output, $depID = "")
     $originalID = $ID;
     //if (function_exists('profiler_log')) profiler_log('CACHE','Memcache Write init : '.$type.'/'.$name.'/'.$ID);
     $item_expiration = $this->getCacheItemExpiration($type, $name, $originalID);
     if (is_array($item_expiration)) {
         $item_properties = $item_expiration;
         $name .= '-' . $item_properties[0];
         $item_expiration = $item_properties[1];
     if ($item_expiration == FALSE) {
         $item_expiration = $this->getCacheConfigItem('default', $type);
         if ($item_expiration == FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     $expire = time() + $item_expiration;
     $this->getInstance()->update(array('ID' => $type . '-' . $name . '-' . $ID), array('ID' => $type . '-' . $name . '-' . $ID, 'insert' => time(), 'expires' => $expire, 'content' => serialize($output)), array("upsert" => true));
     if (function_exists('profiler_log')) {
         profiler_log('CACHE', 'MongoDB Write OK: ' . $type . '/' . $name . '/' . $ID);
     return TRUE;