コード例 #1
 * print the children table for a family
 * @param WT_Family $family  family
 * @param string    $childid child ID
 * @param int       $sosa    child sosa number
 * @param string    $label   indi label (descendancy booklet)
 * @param int       $personcount
function print_family_children(WT_Family $family, $childid = '', $sosa = 0, $label = '', $personcount = 1)
    global $bheight, $pbheight, $cbheight, $show_cousins, $WT_IMAGES, $TEXT_DIRECTION;
    $children = $family->getChildren();
    $numchil = count($children);
    echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tr>";
    if ($sosa > 0) {
        echo "<td></td>";
    echo "<td><span class=\"subheaders\">";
    if ($numchil == 0) {
        echo WT_I18N::translate('No children');
    } else {
        echo WT_I18N::plural('%s child', '%s children', $numchil, $numchil);
    echo '</span>';
    if ($sosa == 0 && WT_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
        echo '<br>';
        echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"return add_child_to_family('", $family->getXref(), "', 'U');\">" . WT_I18N::translate('Add a child to this family') . "</a>";
        echo ' <a class="icon-sex_m_15x15" href="#" onclick="return add_child_to_family(\'', $family->getXref(), '\', \'M\');" title="', WT_I18N::translate('son'), '"></a>';
        echo ' <a class="icon-sex_f_15x15" href="#" onclick="return add_child_to_family(\'', $family->getXref(), '\', \'F\');" title="', WT_I18N::translate('daughter'), '"></a>';
        echo '<br><br>';
    echo '</td>';
    if ($sosa > 0) {
        echo '<td></td><td></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    $nchi = 1;
    if ($children) {
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            echo '<tr>';
            if ($sosa != 0) {
                if ($child->getXref() == $childid) {
                    print_sosa_number($sosa, $childid);
                } elseif (empty($label)) {
                } else {
                    print_sosa_number($label . $nchi++ . ".");
            if ($child->isNew()) {
                echo '<td valign="middle" class="new">';
            } elseif ($child->isOld()) {
                echo '<td valign="middle" class="old">';
            } else {
                echo '<td valign="middle">';
            print_pedigree_person($child, 1, 8, $personcount++);
            echo "</td>";
            if ($sosa != 0) {
                // loop for all families where current child is a spouse
                $famids = $child->getSpouseFamilies();
                $maxfam = count($famids) - 1;
                for ($f = 0; $f <= $maxfam; $f++) {
                    $famid_child = $famids[$f]->getXref();
                    // multiple marriages
                    if ($f > 0) {
                        echo "</tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
                        echo "<td valign=\"top\"";
                        if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
                            echo " align=\"left\">";
                        } else {
                            echo " align=\"right\">";
                        //if ($f==$maxfam) echo "<img height=\"50%\"";
                        //else echo "<img height=\"100%\"";
                        //find out how many cousins there are to establish vertical line on second families
                        $fchildren = $famids[$f]->getChildren();
                        $kids = count($fchildren);
                        $Pheader = $cbheight * $kids - $bheight;
                        $PBadj = 6;
                        // default
                        if ($show_cousins > 0) {
                            if ($cbheight * $kids > $bheight) {
                                $PBadj = $Pheader / 2 + $kids * 4.5;
                        if ($PBadj < 0) {
                            $PBadj = 0;
                        if ($f == $maxfam) {
                            echo "<img height=\"" . ($bheight / 2 + $PBadj) . "px\"";
                        } else {
                            echo "<img height=\"" . $pbheight . "px\"";
                        echo " width=\"3\" src=\"" . $WT_IMAGES["vline"] . "\" alt=\"\">";
                        echo "</td>";
                    echo "<td class=\"details1\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\">";
                    $spouse = $famids[$f]->getSpouse($child);
                    $marr = $famids[$f]->getFirstFact('MARR');
                    $div = $famids[$f]->getFirstFact('DIV');
                    if ($marr) {
                        // marriage date
                        echo $marr->getDate()->minDate()->format('%Y');
                        // divorce date
                        if ($div) {
                            echo '–', $div->getDate()->minDate()->format('%Y');
                    echo "<br><img width=\"100%\" class=\"line5\" height=\"3\" src=\"" . $WT_IMAGES["hline"] . "\" alt=\"\">";
                    echo "</td>";
                    // spouse information
                    echo "<td style=\"vertical-align: center;";
                    if (!empty($divrec)) {
                        echo " filter:alpha(opacity=40);opacity:0.4;\">";
                    } else {
                        echo "\">";
                    print_pedigree_person($spouse, 1, 9, $personcount++);
                    echo "</td>";
                    // cousins
                    if ($show_cousins) {
                        print_cousins($famid_child, $personcount++);
            echo "</tr>";
    } elseif ($sosa < 1) {
        // message 'no children' except for sosa
        if (preg_match('/\\n1 NCHI (\\d+)/', $family->getGedcom(), $match) && $match[1] == 0) {
            echo '<tr><td><i class="icon-childless"></i> ' . WT_I18N::translate('This family remained childless') . '</td></tr>';
    } else {
        echo "<tr>";
        print_sosa_number($sosa, $child);
        echo "<td valign=\"top\">";
        print_pedigree_person(WT_Individual::getInstance($childid), 1, 0, $personcount);
        echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table><br>";
コード例 #2
 * print the children table for a family
 * @param string $famid family gedcom ID
 * @param string $childid optional child ID
 * @param int $sosa optional child sosa number
 * @param string $label optional indi label (descendancy booklet)
function print_family_children($famid, $childid = "", $sosa = 0, $label = "", $personcount = "1")
    global $pgv_lang, $factarray, $pbwidth, $pbheight, $view, $show_famlink, $show_cousins;
    global $PGV_IMAGE_DIR, $PGV_IMAGES, $show_changes, $pgv_changes, $GEDCOM, $SHOW_ID_NUMBERS, $TEXT_DIRECTION;
    $family = Family::getInstance($famid);
    $children = $family->getChildrenIds();
    print "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tr>";
    if ($sosa > 0) {
        print "<td></td>";
    print "<td><span class=\"subheaders\">" . $pgv_lang["children"] . "</span></td>";
    if ($sosa > 0) {
        print "<td></td><td></td>";
    print "</tr>\n";
    $newchildren = array();
    $oldchildren = array();
    if (PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['show_changes']) && $_REQUEST['show_changes'] == 'yes' && isset($pgv_changes[$famid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
            $newrec = find_updated_record($famid);
            $ct = preg_match_all("/1 CHIL @(.*)@/", $newrec, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            if ($ct > 0) {
                $oldchil = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
                    if (!in_array($match[$i][1], $children)) {
                        $newchildren[] = $match[$i][1];
                    } else {
                        $oldchil[] = $match[$i][1];
                foreach ($children as $indexval => $chil) {
                    if (!in_array($chil, $oldchil)) {
                        $oldchildren[] = $chil;
                //-- if there are no old or new children then the children were reordered
                if (count($newchildren) == 0 && count($oldchildren) == 0) {
                    $children = array();
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
                        $children[] = $match[$i][1];
    $nchi = 1;
    if (count($children) > 0 || count($newchildren) > 0 || count($oldchildren) > 0) {
        foreach ($children as $indexval => $chil) {
            if (!in_array($chil, $oldchildren)) {
                print "<tr>\n";
                if ($sosa != 0) {
                    if ($chil == $childid) {
                        print_sosa_number($sosa, $childid);
                    } else {
                        if (empty($label)) {
                        } else {
                            print_sosa_number($label . $nchi++ . ".");
                print "<td valign=\"middle\" >";
                print_pedigree_person($chil, 1, $show_famlink, 8, $personcount);
                print "</td>";
                if ($sosa != 0) {
                    // loop for all families where current child is a spouse
                    $famids = find_sfamily_ids($chil);
                    $maxfam = count($famids) - 1;
                    for ($f = 0; $f <= $maxfam; $f++) {
                        $famid = $famids[$f];
                        if (!$famid) {
                        $parents = find_parents($famid);
                        if (!$parents) {
                        if ($parents["HUSB"] == $chil) {
                            $spouse = $parents["WIFE"];
                        } else {
                            $spouse = $parents["HUSB"];
                        // multiple marriages
                        if ($f > 0) {
                            print "</tr>\n<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
                            print "<td valign=\"top\"";
                            if ($TEXT_DIRECTION == "rtl") {
                                print " align=\"left\">";
                            } else {
                                print " align=\"right\">";
                            //if ($f==$maxfam) print "<img height=\"50%\"";
                            //else print "<img height=\"100%\"";
                            if ($f == $maxfam) {
                                print "<img height=\"" . ($pbheight / 2 - 3) . "px\"";
                            } else {
                                print "<img height=\"" . $pbheight . "px\"";
                            print " width=\"3\" src=\"" . $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["vline"]["other"] . "\" alt=\"\" />";
                            print "</td>";
                        print "<td class=\"details1\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"center\">";
                        $divrec = "";
                        if (showFact("MARR", $famid)) {
                            // marriage date
                            $famrec = find_family_record($famid);
                            $ct = preg_match("/2 DATE.*(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/", get_sub_record(1, "1 MARR", $famrec), $match);
                            if ($ct > 0) {
                                print "<span class=\"date\">" . trim($match[1]) . "</span>";
                            // divorce date
                            $divrec = get_sub_record(1, "1 DIV", $famrec);
                            $ct = preg_match("/2 DATE.*(\\d\\d\\d\\d)/", $divrec, $match);
                            if ($ct > 0) {
                                print "-<span class=\"date\">" . trim($match[1]) . "</span>";
                        print "<br /><img width=\"100%\" height=\"3\" src=\"" . $PGV_IMAGE_DIR . "/" . $PGV_IMAGES["hline"]["other"] . "\" alt=\"\" />";
                        // family link
                        if ($famid) {
                            print "<br />";
                            print "<a class=\"details1\" href=\"family.php?famid={$famid}\">";
                            if ($SHOW_ID_NUMBERS) {
                                print getLRM() . "&nbsp;({$famid})&nbsp;" . getLRM();
                            print "</a>";
                        print "</td>\n";
                        // spouse information
                        print "<td style=\"vertical-align: center;";
                        if (!empty($divrec) and $view != "preview") {
                            print " filter:alpha(opacity=40);-moz-opacity:0.4\">";
                        } else {
                            print "\">";
                        print_pedigree_person($spouse, 1, $show_famlink, 9, $personcount);
                        print "</td>\n";
                        // cousins
                        if ($show_cousins) {
                            print_cousins($famid, $personcount);
                print "</tr>\n";
        foreach ($newchildren as $indexval => $chil) {
            print "<tr >";
            print "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"facts_valueblue\" style=\"width: " . $pbwidth . "px; height: " . $pbheight . "px;\">\n";
            print_pedigree_person($chil, 1, $show_famlink, 0, $personcount);
            print "</td></tr>\n";
        foreach ($oldchildren as $indexval => $chil) {
            print "<tr >";
            print "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"facts_valuered\" style=\"width: " . $pbwidth . "px; height: " . $pbheight . "px;\">\n";
            print_pedigree_person($chil, 1, $show_famlink, 0, $personcount);
            print "</td></tr>\n";
        // message 'no children' except for sosa
    } else {
        if ($sosa < 1) {
            print "<tr><td></td><td valign=\"top\" >";
            $nchi = "";
            if (isset($pgv_changes[$famid . "_" . $GEDCOM])) {
                $famrec = find_updated_record($famid);
            } else {
                $famrec = find_family_record($famid);
            $ct = preg_match("/1 NCHI (\\w+)/", $famrec, $match);
            if ($ct > 0) {
                $nchi = $match[1];
            } else {
                $famrec = find_family_record($famid);
                $ct = preg_match("/1 NCHI (\\w+)/", $famrec, $match);
                if ($ct > 0) {
                    $nchi = $match[1];
            if ($nchi == "0") {
                print "<img src=\"images/small/childless.gif\" alt=\"" . $pgv_lang["childless_family"] . "\" title=\"" . $pgv_lang["childless_family"] . "\" /> " . $pgv_lang["childless_family"];
            } else {
                print $pgv_lang["no_children"];
            print "</td></tr>";
        } else {
            print "<tr>\n";
            print_sosa_number($sosa, $childid);
            print "<td valign=\"top\">";
            print_pedigree_person($childid, 1, $show_famlink, 0, $personcount);
            print "</td></tr>\n";
    print "</table><br />";
    if ($view != "preview" && $sosa == 0 && PGV_USER_CAN_EDIT) {
        print_help_link("add_child_help", "qm", "add_child_to_family");
        print "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"return addnewchild('{$famid}','');\">" . $pgv_lang["add_child_to_family"] . "</a>";
        print "<span style='white-space:nowrap;'>";
        print " <a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"return addnewchild('{$famid}','M');\">[" . Person::sexImage('M', 'small', $pgv_lang['son']) . "]</a>";
        print " <a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"return addnewchild('{$famid}','F');\">[" . Person::sexImage('F', 'small', $pgv_lang['daughter']) . "]</a>";
        print "</span>";