if (is_file($options['d'])) { delete_old_shadow_links($options['d']); } else { echo "\nYou need to supply the path to the PHP file as the argument of -d option.\nRun the script without argument to see its usage.\n\n"; } exit; } // Get old shadow links $old_links = get_old_shadow_links(); // If there are no old shadow links, print a message and quit if (empty($old_links)) { echo "\nThere are no old shadow links in the system.\n\n"; exit; } // Print old shadow links print_links($old_links); // If the options -s, -p and -d are not used at all, print a message to remind the user if (!isset($options['s']) && !isset($options['p'])) { echo ' You will need to run this script with -s or -p option to save the shadow links to files and -d option to delete the shadow links stored in the output file generated by -p option. (You have to use an SQL client like psql to execute the SQL statements generated by -s option) '; } else { // Save SQL statements to file if (isset($options['s'])) { save_sql_statements($old_links, $options['s']); } // Save shadow links as array to a file if (isset($options['p'])) {
$frameDepth = get_param("frameDepth", "fd", $frameDepthDefault); $viewerUrlDefault = "viewer.php?pd="; $viewerUrl = get_param("viewerUrl", "vu", $viewerUrlDefault); $showDownload = get_param("showDownload", "sd", "false"); $showDownload = $showDownload == "true" || $showDownload == "t"; $headlessPage = get_param("headlessPage", "hp", "false"); $headlessPage = $headlessPage == "true" || $headlessPage == "t"; $help = get_param("help", "h", "false"); $help = $help == "true" || $help == "t"; if (!is_numeric($frameDepth) || $frameDepth < 0 || $frameDepth > 5) { $frameDepth = $frameDepthDefault; } $actualFrameDepth = 0; $urls = array(); get_links($targetUrl, $frameDepth); print_links(); function get_links($targetUrl, $depth) { global $urls, $linkFilter, $frameDepth, $actualFrameDepth; if (!$targetUrl) { return; } if ($frameDepth - $depth > $actualFrameDepth) { $actualFrameDepth = $frameDepth - $depth; } $html = file_get_contents($targetUrl); $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $bases = $xpath->evaluate("/html/head//base"); if ($bases->length > 0) {
echo "<p><a href=\"index.html\"> Home </a></p>"; echo "<p> Unable to connect to database!</p>"; exit; } $pkglist = array('Bean', 'DCM', 'LawOfDemeter', 'NullCheck', 'ProdLine', 'StarJ-Pool', 'Tetris', 'aglets', 'antlr-gunit', 'aoi', 'argoUML', 'asm', 'axion', 'azureus', 'bcel', 'bloat', 'cglib', 'colt', 'columba', 'commons-cli', 'commons-collections', 'commons-lang', 'commons-logging', 'derby', 'dom4j', 'drjava', 'fit', 'fop', 'galleon', 'gantt', 'hibernate', 'hsqldb', 'ireport', 'jag', 'jasper', 'javacc', 'jaxen', 'jchem', 'jcm', 'jedit', 'jeppers', 'jetty', 'jext', 'jfreechart', 'jgraph', 'jmeter', 'jre', 'jung', 'junit', 'jython', 'log4j', 'lucene', 'megamek', 'pmd', 'poi', 'proxool', 'regexp', 'sablecc', 'sandmark', 'tomcat', 'xerces', 'xstream'); ?> <div id="sidebar"> <?php include 'menu.php'; ?> <hr /> <?php foreach ($pkglist as $pkg) { print_links($pkg); } echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div id=\"main\">"; if (isset($_GET['pkg'])) { if (!in_array($_GET['pkg'], $pkglist)) { echo "<p> Invalid benchmark! </p>\n"; } else { getlogs($_GET['pkg']); } // printf("<p><br />IN SUMMARY: <br />TOTAL EXACT FIELD MATCH STRUCTURES: %d OUT OF %d : %0.2f%s<br />", $total_exact_hits, $total_exact, ($total_exact_hits*100.0/$total_exact), "%"); // printf("TOTAL NON_OBJECT STRUCTURES: %d OUT OF %d : %0.2f%s<br />", $total_nonobject_hits, $total_nonobject, ($total_nonobject_hits*100.0/$total_nonobject), "%"); // printf("TOTAL OBJECT STRUCTURES: %d OUT OF %d : %0.2f%s<br />", $total_object_hits, $total_object, ($total_object_hits*100.0/$total_object) ,"%"); echo "<p>TOTAL PACKAGES: ", count($pkglist), "<br /></p>"; } else { if (isset($_GET['log'])) {