function print_array($data_, $n_ = 0) { if (is_array($data_)) { foreach ($data_ as $k => $v) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n_; $i++) { echo '.'; } echo "<strong>{$k}</strong> => { "; if (is_array($v)) { echo "<br />\n"; print_array($v, $n_ + 4); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_; $i++) { echo '.'; } echo " }<br />\n"; } else { echo $v . " }<br />\n"; } } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $n_; $i++) { echo '.'; } echo $data_ . "<br>\n"; } }
function drawline_handle_fatal() { $error = error_get_last(); if ($error !== NULL) { print_array($error); } }
function print_array($array) { $result = ''; foreach ($array as $b => $param) { $result .= "<br/> {$b} => "; try { if (is_array($param)) { $result .= print_array($param); } else { if (is_object($param)) { $result .= print_r($param); } else { if (is_string($param)) { $result .= $param; } else { $result .= print_r($param); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $result .= print_r($e); } } return $result; }
function print_power_sets($arr) { echo "POWER SET of [" . join(", ", $arr) . "]<br>"; foreach (power_set($arr) as $subset) { print_array($subset); } }
function test_from_wx_3g() { // print_r($_SERVER); $array = getallheaders(); // print_r($array); print_array($array); }
function print_array( $array ) { $result = ''; foreach( $array as $b => $param) if ( is_array($param) ) $result .= print_array( $param ); else $result .= "$b => $param<br/>"; return $result; }
function merge_sort(&$a, $l = 0, $r = -1, $tmp_v = array()) { // gestisce la prima chiamata, quella senza argomenti if ($r == -1) { $r = count($a) - 1; $tmp_v = $a; } // Distingue i casi elementari (1 o 2 elementi) if ($l == $r) { $pa = array_slice($a, $l, $r - $l + 1); print_array($pa, "Dividi - caso elementare 1 elemento", "({$l} {$r})"); } elseif ($r == $l + 1) { $pa = array_slice($a, $l, $r - $l + 1); print_array($pa, "Dividi - caso elementare 2 elementi", "({$l} {$r})"); if ($a[$l] > $a[$r]) { $tmp = $a[$r]; $a[$r] = $a[$l]; $a[$l] = $tmp; } $pa = array_slice($a, $l, $r - $l + 1); print_array($pa, "Ordina - caso elementare 2 elementi", "({$l} {$r})"); } elseif ($l != $r) { // Caso non elementare $pa = array_slice($a, $l, $r - $l + 1); print_array($pa, "Dividi - caso non elementare elementi", "({$l} {$r})"); $center = round(($l + $r) / 2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); merge_sort($a, $l, $center); merge_sort($a, $center + 1, $r); } // merge $n = $r - $l + 1; $c = round($n / 2, 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $tmp_v[$i] = $a[$l + $i]; } $i = $j = 0; while ($i < $c && $j < $n - $c) { if ($tmp_v[$i] < $tmp_v[$c + $j]) { $a[$l + $i + $j] = $tmp_v[$i]; $i++; } else { $a[$l + $i + $j] = $tmp_v[$c + $j]; $j++; } } while ($i < $c) { $a[$l + $i + $j] = $tmp_v[$i]; $i++; } $pa = array_slice($a, $l, $r - $l + 1); print_array($pa, "Fondi ", "({$l} {$r})"); }
/** //作者:Zerolone //日期:20060306 //修改:20070421 -- 添加变量调试信息 //功能:显示调试信息 //返回: */ function printDebug() { global $totaltime, $query_count, $show_queries, $query_log; $ThisPage = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //变量调试信息 20070421 $variable_log = "本页得到的_GET变量有:\n" . print_array($_GET); $variable_log .= "本页得到的_POST变量有:\n" . print_array($_POST); $variable_log .= "本页得到的_COOKIE变量有:\n" . print_array($_COOKIE); $variable_log .= "本页得到的_SESSION变量有:\n" . print_array(@$_SESSION); $variable_log .= "HTTP头文件:\n" . print_array(getallheaders()); // return "当前页面为:{$ThisPage} [<a href=\"javascript:history.go(0);\">刷新该页面</a>]\n\t <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\tfunction showdebug(span_show, span_source)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tvar TheImg;\n\t\t\tspan_show\t= eval(span_show);\n\t \t\tspan_source\t= eval(span_source)\n\t\t\n\t\t\tif( == \"none\")\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ = \"\";\n\t \t\t\tspan_source.innerHTML\t= \"<font color=\\'blue\\'>关闭</font>调试信息\"; \n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ = \"none\";\n\t \t\t\tspan_source.innerHTML\t= \"<font color=\\'red\\'>打开</font>调试信息\"; \n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t </script>\n\t <span id=debug_source onClick=showdebug('debug_show','debug_source')><font color=\"red\">打开</font>调试信息</span><br>\n\t <!-- <span id=debug_source onClick=showdebug('debug_show','debug_source')><font color=\"blue\">关闭</font>调试信息</span><br> -->\n\t <div align=\"left\"><span id=debug_show style=\"display=none\">\n\t\t\t\t<textarea style='width=800;height=500' cols='100' rows='8'>{$query_log}{$variable_log}</textarea>\n\t </span>\n\t </div>\n\t "; }
function dev_dump($argument, $heading = "", $dev = 1, $query_trigger = 0) { //print_r($_SERVER); //allows the whole lot to be switched off $all_off = 0; //allows every dev dump encountered to be switched on $all_on = 0; if ($dev && !$all_off || $all_on) { if (is_array($argument)) { echo "<div style='width:95%; float:left; position:relative; background-color:#fff; z-index:1000000; margin-bottom:20px; padding:2%; border:1px solid #4242ff; color:#4242ff; border-radius:2px;'>"; if ($query_trigger) { echo "<span class='dd_q_out full_screen_width bold'><strong>" . $heading . "</strong></span>"; } else { echo "<span>ARRAY DUMP - <strong>" . $heading . "</strong></span><br/><br/>"; } echo "<span class='dd_a_out full_screen_width'>"; print_array("", $argument); echo "</span>"; echo "</div>"; } else { if (is_numeric($argument)) { echo "<div style='width:95%; float:left; position:relative; background-color:#fff; z-index:1000000; margin-bottom:20px; padding:2%;border:1px solid #bf42bf; color:#bf42bf; border-radius:2px;'>"; $type = 'NUMBER'; } else { if (is_null($argument)) { echo "<div style='width:95%; float:left; position:relative; background-color:#fff; z-index:1000000; margin-bottom:20px; padding:2%;border:1px solid #ff4242; color:#ff4242; border-radius:2px;'>"; $type = 'NULL'; } else { echo "<div style='width:95%; float:left; position:relative; background-color:#fff; z-index:1000000; margin-bottom:20px; padding:2%;border:1px solid #428f42; color:#428f42; border-radius:2px;'>"; $type = 'STRING / OTHER'; } } echo "<span>" . $type . " DUMP - <strong>" . $heading . "</strong></span><br/><br/>"; echo "<span style='dd_v_out full_screen_width'>"; var_dump($argument); echo "</span>"; echo "</div>"; } echo "\n\n"; if (!$query_trigger) { echo "<span style='width:100%;height:10px;float:left;'></span>"; } } }
function print_array($data) { echo '['; foreach ($data as $row) { echo '{'; foreach (array_keys($row) as $key) { if (isset($row[$key])) { echo $key . ': '; if (is_array($row[$key]) === FALSE) { echo '"' . str_replace("\n", "\\n", $row[$key]) . '", '; } else { print_array($row[$key]); echo ','; } } } echo '},'; } echo ']'; }
function print_array($array, $offset_symbol = "|--", $offset = "", $parent = "") { if (!is_array($array)) { echo "[{$array}] is not an array!<br />"; return; } reset($array); switch ($array['type']) { case "string": printf("<li><div align=left class=string> - <span class=icon>[STRING]</span> <span class=title>[%s]</span> <span class=length>(%d)</span>: <span class=value>%s</span></div></li>", $parent, $array['strlen'], $array['value']); break; case "integer": printf("<li><div align=left class=integer> - <span class=icon>[INT]</span> <span class=title>[%s]</span> <span class=length>(%d)</span>: <span class=value>%s</span></div></li>", $parent, $array['strlen'], $array['value']); break; case "list": printf("<li><div align=left class=list> + <span class=icon>[LIST]</span> <span class=title>[%s]</span> <span class=length>(%d)</span></div>", $parent, $array['strlen']); echo "<ul>"; print_array($array['value'], $offset_symbol, $offset . $offset_symbol); echo "</ul></li>"; break; case "dictionary": printf("<li><div align=left class=dictionary> + <span class=icon>[DICT]</span> <span class=title>[%s]</span> <span class=length>(%d)</span></div>", $parent, $array['strlen']); while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) { if (is_array($val)) { echo "<ul>"; print_array($val, $offset_symbol, $offset . $offset_symbol, $key); echo "</ul>"; } } echo "</li>"; break; default: while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) { if (is_array($val)) { //echo $offset; print_array($val, $offset_symbol, $offset, $key); } } break; } }
public function mail() { if (count($this->input->post()) > 0) { $post = $this->input->post(); $post['propio'] = isset($post['propio']) ? $this->unRadio($post['propio']) : 'NO'; $post['franquicia'] = isset($post['franquicia']) ? $this->unRadio($post['franquicia']) : 'NO'; $post['sucursales'] = isset($post['sucursales']) ? $this->unRadio($post['sucursales']) : 'NO'; $post['nombreAgente'] = isset($post['nombreAgente']) ? $post['nombreAgente'] : 'No aplica'; $post['telAgente'] = isset($post['telAgente']) ? $post['telAgente'] : 'No aplica'; $post['emailAgente'] = isset($post['emailAgente']) ? $post['emailAgente'] : 'No aplica'; $data = ['intro' => ucfirst('huayacan58') . ' Email enviado desde: ' . base_url(), 'h1' => ucfirst('huayacan58'), 'p' => 'Email enviado desde: ' . base_url(), 'negocioTitle' => 'Datos del negocio', 'negocioP' => 'Nombre: ' . $post['nombreNegocio'] . '<br>' . 'Giro: ' . $post['giroNegocio'] . '<br>' . 'Interesado en: <br>' . $this->parseLocales($post['locales']) . '<br>' . 'es Propio: ' . $post['propio'] . '<br>' . 'es Franquicia: ' . $post['franquicia'] . '<br>' . 'tiene Sucursales: ' . $post['sucursales'] . '<br>', 'agenteTitle' => 'Datos del Agente', 'agenteP' => 'nombre: ' . $post['nombreAgente'] . '<br>' . 'tel: ' . $post['telAgente'] . '<br>' . 'email: <a target="_blank" href="mailto:' . $post['emailAgente'] . '">' . $post['emailAgente'] . '</a><br>', 'interesadoTitle' => 'Datos del interesado', 'interesadoP' => 'nombre: ' . $post['interesado'] . '<br>' . 'telefono: ' . $post['telefono'] . '<br>' . 'email : <a target="_blank" href="mailto:' . $post['email'] . '">' . $post['email'] . '</a><br>']; $mensaje = $this->load->view('email/mensaje', $data, TRUE); if ($this->mailer('*****@*****.**', '', $mensaje)) { redirect(base_url('enviado#contacto'), 'refresh'); } else { print_array($this->mailer('*****@*****.**', '', $mensaje), 1); // <Ojo no dejar en produccion } } else { redirect(base_url(), 'refresh'); } }
if ($user_id == 0) { ?> <input type="text" id="txt_ver1" class="form-control" value="0" aria-describedby="basic-addon4" > <?php $_SESSION = array(); } else { $_SESSION = array(); ?> <input type="text" id="txt_ver1" class="form-control" value="<?php echo $user_id; ?> " aria-describedby="basic-addon4" > <?php session_start(); $_SESSION["userid"] = $user_id; print_array($_SESSION); echo is_login(); } } break; case "profile": ////Login if (isset($_POST["pass_"]) && isset($_POST["id_"])) { $user_id = change_pass($_POST["id_"], $_POST["pass_"]); } else { if (isset($_POST["oldpass_"]) && isset($_POST["id_"])) { echo "entro aqui"; $user_id = check_old_pass($_POST["id_"], $_POST["oldpass_"]); } else { if (isset($_POST["name_"]) && isset($_POST["last_"]) && isset($_POST["mail_"]) && isset($_POST["id_"])) { $user_id = change_data($_POST["id_"], $_POST["name_"], $_POST["last_"], $_POST["mail_"]);
$data1->prepare($strsql2); $data1->execute($params); $data1->commit(); print_sub_header('Inserted two rows and committed. They should exist...'); $data1->prepare($strsql); $data1->execute(array(&$param1, &$param2)); $data = $data1->data_key_assoc('id'); print_array($data); print_sub_header('Deleted the two rows that were added then rolled back.'); $strsql3 = 'delete from contacts where id IN (?, ?)'; $data1->prepare($strsql3); $data1->execute(array(&$param1, &$param2)); $data1->rollback(); //$data1->commit(); print_sub_header('They should still be there...'); $data1->prepare($strsql); $data1->execute(array(&$param1, &$param2)); $data = $data1->data_key_assoc('id'); print_array($data); print_sub_header('Deleted the two rows that were added then committed.'); $data1->prepare($strsql3); $data1->execute(array(&$param1, &$param2)); $data1->commit(); print_sub_header('They should gone.'); $data1->prepare($strsql); $data1->execute(array(&$param1, &$param2)); $data = $data1->data_key_assoc('id'); print_array($data); // Stop Benchmark $cb->stop_timer(); $cb->print_results(true);
function get_all_session_data() { $ci =& get_instance(); return print_array($ci->session->all_userdata()); }
print_array($db1->error_message); } $sql = "select {$sk}.new_pkey('user_project','user_project_id') as newid;"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $newId = $db1->sql_fetchfield('newid'); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$sk}.user_project(user_project_id,user_id,project_id,usergroup_id) VALUES({$newId},{$newUserId},{$projectId},{$usergroupId})"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } } else { $sql = "select {$sk}.new_pkey('user_admin','user_id',100) as newid;"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $newUserId = $db1->sql_fetchfield('newid'); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$sk}.user_admin(user_id,username,pwd,admintype_id) VALUES({$newUserId},'{$username}','{$pwd}',2)"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $sql = "select {$sk}.new_pkey('user_project','user_project_id') as newid;"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $newId = $db1->sql_fetchfield('newid'); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$sk}.user_project(user_project_id,user_id,project_id,usergroup_id) VALUES({$newId},{$newUserId},{$projectId},2)"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } }
unset($_SESSION["ADD_NEW"]); ?> <FORM id="stati" name="utenti" method="post" action="<?php echo $formaction; ?> "> <!-- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MODALITA' FORM IN EDITING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---> <TABLE cellPadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 class="stiletabella" width="75%"> <tr> <td> <!-- contenuto--> <?php if ($id) { print_array($Errors); if ($Errors) { $tabella->set_errors($Errors); } if (!count($Errors)) { $tabella->set_dati("id={$id}"); } else { $tabella->set_dati($_POST); } } $tabella->edita(); ?> <!-- fine contenuto--> </td> </tr> </TABLE>
public function render() { //------------------------------------------------------------- // No Render? //------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->get_data('no-render') || defined('POFW_SKIP_RENDER') && POFW_SKIP_RENDER) { return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // JavaScript / CSS Add-in Files //------------------------------------------------------------- if (!empty($this->js_files)) { $this->set_data('js_files', $this->js_files); } if (!empty($this->css_files)) { $this->set_data('css_files', $this->css_files); } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Escape Data (or not) //------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->data_format == 'xml') { foreach ($this->data as $dkey => &$dval) { if (!isset($this->no_escape_elements[$dkey])) { $dval = xml_escape_array($dval); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Create Data //------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->data_format == 'xml') { $data = array2xml($this->root_node, $this->data); } else { if ($this->data_format == 'json') { $data = json_encode($this->data); } else { $data = $this->data; } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Output //------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->show_data_only) { if (is_array($data)) { print_array($data); } else { print $data; } return true; } else { $render_function = $this->get_data('render-function'); //---------------------------------------------------- // XML //---------------------------------------------------- if ($this->data_format == 'xml') { if ($render_function) { return $render_function($data, $this->template); } else { if (file_exists($this->template)) { return xml_transform($data, $this->template); } else { if (empty($this->template)) { print "No template file has been specified."; } else { print "Invalid template file specified."; } } } } else { if ($render_function) { return $render_function($data, $this->template); } else { print "No valid render function was specified."; } } } return false; }
function check_by_filename($file = '', $sort = 'DESC') { if ($file == '') { return NULL; } else { $data = array('trash' => 'n', 'fileurl' => $file); //$this->output->cache(60); // Will expire in 60 minutes $query = $this->db->select()->from($this->_tablename)->where($data)->order_by($this->_primary_key, $sort)->get(); print_array($this->db->last_query()); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { return $row->id; } } else { return FALSE; } } }
$setup = true; break; case 'db2': $strsql0 = 'select * from contacts where id IN (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $params = array(1, 2, 3, 4); $cols = array(0, 'ID:FIRST_NAME', 'ID', 'FIRST_NAME:CITY', 'FIRST_NAME'); $setup = true; break; case 'sqlsrv': $strsql0 = 'select * from contacts where id IN (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $params = array(1, 2, 3, 4); $cols = array(0, 'id:first_name', 'id', 'first_name:city', 'first_name'); $setup = true; break; } //***************************************************** // Are We Setup? Run Tests. //***************************************************** if ($setup) { //print_array($cols); print_array(qdb_row($data_source, $strsql0, $cols[0], false, $params)); print qdb_row($data_source, $strsql0, '3', $cols[1], $params); print_array(qdb_row($data_source, $strsql0, '3', $cols[2], $params)); print qdb_row($data_source, $strsql0, 'Chris', $cols[3], $params); print_array(qdb_row($data_source, $strsql0, 'Chris', $cols[4], $params)); } else { print div($no_setup_msg, array('class' => 'message_box no_setup')); } } else { print div($no_bind_msg, array('class' => 'message_box notice')); }
print_array(ReferralRequests::get_all()); ?> </p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Referrer confirms for referral 1... </p><p><?php $data = array(); $data['id'] = 1; $data['referrer_acknowledged_on'] = now(); if (ReferralRequests::update($data)) { ReferralRequests::close_similar_requests_with_id(1); print_array(ReferralRequests::get($data['id'])); } else { echo "failed"; exit; } ?> </p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Referrer confirms for referral 4... </p><p><?php $data = array(); $data['id'] = 4; $data['referrer_acknowledged_on'] = now(); if (ReferralRequests::update($data)) { ReferralRequests::close_similar_requests_with_id(4); print_array(ReferralRequests::get($data['id'])); } else { echo "failed"; exit; } ?> </p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Show all requests... </p><p><?php print_array(ReferralRequests::get_all()); ?> </p>
</p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Add an item... </p><p><?php if (Invoice::add_item($id, 270.98, 23, 'some references')) { print_array(Invoice::get_items_of($id)); } else { echo "failed"; exit; } ?> </p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Add another item... </p><p><?php if (Invoice::add_item($id, 0.05, 93, 'some other charges')) { print_array(Invoice::get_items_of($id)); } else { echo "failed"; exit; } ?> </p><p style="font-weight: bold;">Pay an invoice... </p><p><?php $data = array(); $data['id'] = $id; $data['paid_on'] = sql_date_add(today(), 30, 'day'); $data['paid_through'] = 'CHQ'; $data['paid_id'] = 'a_cheque_number'; if (Invoice::update($data)) { print_array(Invoice::get($id)); } else { echo "failed"; exit; } ?> </p>
/** * 函数调用错误提示 * * @param 方法名 $n * @param 参 数 $v */ public function __call($n, $v) { echo '错误的方法名:' . $n; echo '<br>错误的参数:' . print_array($v); echo '<hr>'; }
* @license */ use rhoone\models\Keyword; /* @var $keyword Keyword */ function print_array($array) { foreach ($array as $content) { echo $content . "<br/>"; } } ?> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Keyword</th> <th>Segmented</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><?php echo $keyword->raw; ?> </td> <td><?php print_array($keyword->segmented); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
</select> <label for="bloque">Bloque</label> <select name="bloque"> <option value=""></option> <option value="I">I</option> <option value="II">II</option> <option value="III">III</option> <option value="IV">IV</option> <option value="V">V</option> </select> </form> </section> <?php $level = 'Secundaria'; ?> <?php $meta_query = array('meta_key' => 'pl_nivel', 'meta_value' => $level); $planeaciones = get_plans($meta_query); ?> <?php print_array($planeaciones); ?> <?php } // end of the loop. ?> <?php get_footer();
$html .= '<td class="hidden-xs col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3">' . action($file) . '</td></tr>'; } } $html .= '<tr>'; if ($table_fixed == '') { $html .= '<td colspan="5" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">'; } else { $html .= '<td colspan="4" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">'; } $html .= $lang[9] . ' : <mark>' . $page . '</mark> ' . $lang[10] . ' : <mark>' . $total_files . '</mark></td></tr></tbody></table></div>'; if ($alert_msg != '') { $alert_msg = alert($alert_msg); } $response = array('table' => $html, 'total' => $total_pages, 'page' => $page, 'dir' => $directory, 'dirHtml' => GetOldirectory(), 'alert' => $alert_msg); unset($html); die(print_array($response)); } // free memory unset($files); unset($times); //unset($directory); unset($total_files); //unset($page); unset($offset); //unset($total_pages); unset($perpage); unset($table_fixed); unset($RTL_languages); unset($show_file_or_dir); unset($alert_msg); ?>
function print_object($item) { global $options; foreach ($item as $name => $value) { $name = replace_inv($name); switch (gettype($value)) { case "array": write('elem_s', $name); print_array($value); write('elem_e', $name); break; case "object": write('elem_s', $name); print_object($value); write('elem_e', $name); break; case "integer": case "string": write('obj_int_str', $name, $value); break; case "boolean": case "NULL": write('obj_bool_null', $name, $value); break; } } }
function print_array($array, $prep = '', $no_pre = false) { $newArray = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $newArray[$key] = $value; } // Print an array tree. $ret = ''; $prep = "{$prep}|"; foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $type = gettype($val); if (is_array($val) && !$val) { $line = "-+ {$key} (<strong>{$type}</strong>)\n"; $line .= "\t" . $prep . " |\t(<em>is empty</em>)\n"; } elseif (is_array($val)) { $line = "-+ {$key} (<strong>{$type}</strong>)\n"; $line .= print_array($val, "{$prep} ", true); } else { $val = trim($val); $line = "-> {$key} = \"{$val}\" (<em>{$type}</em>)\n"; } $ret .= "\t" . $prep . $line; } if ($no_pre) { return $ret; } return "<pre>\n" . $ret . "</pre>\n"; }
<?php //*********************************************************************** // Standard Query //*********************************************************************** print_header('Standard Query'); $strsql = 'select * from contacts where id IN (2, 4)'; $data1->data_query($strsql); print_array($data1->data_assoc_result()); //*********************************************************************** // Standard Query using qdb_list() //*********************************************************************** print_header('Standard Query using qdb_list()'); $strsql = 'select * from contacts where id IN (1, 3)'; print_array(qdb_list($data_source, $strsql));
function print_array($array, $title = NULL, $htmlisekey = false, $indent = '') { global $vbphrase; if ($title === NULL) { $title = 'My Array'; } if (is_array($array)) { echo iif(empty($indent), "<div class=\"echoarray\">\n") . "{$indent}<li><b" . iif(empty($indent), ' style="font-size: larger"', '') . ">" . iif($htmlisekey, htmlspecialchars_uni($title), $title) . "</b><ul>\n"; foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { print_array($val, $key, $htmlisekey, $indent . "\t"); } else { echo "{$indent}\t<li>" . iif($htmlisekey, htmlspecialchars_uni($key), $key) . " = '<i>" . htmlspecialchars_uni($val) . "</i>'</li>\n"; } } echo iif(empty($indent), "</div>\n") . "{$indent}</ul></li>\n"; } }