コード例 #1
 *  Print the donation details depending on the version type
function printDonation($devOptions, $evanto)
    if ($evanto) {
        if ($devOptions['accordeon_menu'] == 'false') {
            echo '<div class="ai-anchor" id="qu"></div>
        echo '<h1>';
        _e('Quickstart guide, display options, vote for the plugin on codecanyon', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</h1>
      <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon_ai">
        _e('Advanced iFrame Pro - Quickstart guide, widget, plugin options, vote for the plugin on codecanyon', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</h2>';
        if (true) {
   <h3>Warning: Illegal copies of Advanced iFrame Pro</h3>
   Unfortuatelly for most good plugins on codecanyon also illegal versions can be found in the internet. Please make sure you got your version from codecanyon. Very often, this scripts will have modified code inserted into them which allows hackers to access your server. These are very dangerous to use! I already found hacked versions that do include backdoors!<br />
   The only offical version of Advanced iFrame Pro can be found here: <a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-iframe-pro/5344999?ref=mdempfle" target="_blank">http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-iframe-pro/5344999</a>  
   Thank you.
   </p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<h3>Quick start guide</h3>
      <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-video-tutorials" target="_blank" id="vid" class="button-primary">Show me the quickstart video</a>    

<p>To include a web page to your page please check the following things first:</p>
<li>- Check if your page you want to include is allowed to be included:<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/free-iframe-checker">http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/free-iframe-checker</a>!</li>
<li>- Check if the iframe page and the parent page are one the same domain. www.example.com and text.example.com are different domains!</li>
<li>- Can you modify the page that should be included?</li>
<p>Most likely you have one of the following setups:</p>
<li>iframe cannot be included:  You cannot include the content because the owner does not allow this. </li>
<li>iframe can be included and you are on a different domain: See the <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-comparison-chart" target="_blank">feature comparison chart</a>. To resize the content to the height/width or modify css you <strong>need to modify the remote iframe page</strong> by adding one line of Javascript to enable the provided workaround.</li>
<li>Iframe can be included and you are on the same domain: All features of the plugin can be used.</li>
</ol>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<p>Advanced users that have their own server might also setup a reverse proxy if the iframe page is on a different domain and cannot use the external workaround. See <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/using-a-reverse-proxy-to-enable-all-features-of-advanced-iframe-pro" target="_blank">this blog</a> for details.<br />', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('If you mix http and https read <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/iframe-do-not-mix-http-and-https" target="_blank">this blog</a>. Parent https and iframe http does not work on all browsers!</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<h3 class="hide-print">Advanced iFrame Pro Widget</h3><p class="hide-print">The pro version also does offer a widget where you can include the iframe. The usage is really simple. Go to Appearance -> Widgets and insert the shortcode you would normally put into a page into the text field of the "Advanced iFrame Pro Widget" .</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<h3>Vote for the plugin</h3><p>Thank you for getting Advanced iFrame Pro at Codecanyon.<br/>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('Please feel free to leave an item rating from your items download page if you haven\'t already done so.</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<p>Please get in contact with me if you have problems because most of the issues are easy to solve. But at least tell me what you did not like so I can improve this. Also make sure that you took a look at the quick start guide to make sure the feature you like can be used!</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<h3 class="hide-print">Plugin options</h3>', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '<table class="form-table hide-print">';
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Show this section as last tab/at the bottom', 'advanced-iframe'), 'donation_bottom', __('<strong class="move-bottom">Please move this section as last tab/to the bottom after you have read it.</strong>', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Enable expert mode', 'advanced-iframe'), 'expert_mode', __('If you enable the expert mode the description is only shown if you click on the label of the setting. You see more settings at once but only one description at once. Also the padding between the table rows are reduced a lot. So you see a lot of more settings on one screen. Use this if you are common with the settings.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Use footer save button', 'advanced-iframe'), 'single_save_button', __('The new default is that the save button is in a sticky footer. I was testing this for all major browsers but not for all worpress versions. So if this does not work for your version set this to false to get one save button for each section.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
        printAccordeon($devOptions, __('Use accordeon menu', 'advanced-iframe'), 'accordeon_menu', __('The accordeon menu does not show the different sections in one big page but does only show the sections you open. You can define the default section which is open by default here also. Sections do not close if you open another one because sometimes is is useful to open several sections at once. Also the quick jump links at the top are removed because they do not make sense then anymore. The menu is used after you saved this setting. Only important sections are offered in the dropdown.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
        printTextInput($devOptions, __('Alternative shortcode', 'advanced-iframe'), 'alternative_shortcode', __('You can define an alternative shortcode the plugin should evaluate. This is e.g. useful if you chance/upgrade from iframe to advanced iframe (pro). Simply insert "iframe" in the text field. Most if the parameters do already match! Make sure to deactivate the other plugin that used the shortcode. With using iframe also the BBCode [iframe]url[/iframe] is supported. IMPORTANT: If you use this, security codes are NOT checked anymore. So anyone who can e.g. write a post can also insert an iframe!', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Show plugin in main menu', 'advanced-iframe'), 'show_menu_link', __('Show the "Advanced iFrame Pro" Menu link also in the main menu. If set to "False" it is only shown in the settings menu.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'true');
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Allow shortcode attributes', 'advanced-iframe'), 'shortcode_attributes', __('Allow to set attributes in the shortcode. All of the attributes can be overwritten in the shortcode if you set \'Yes\'. Otherwise the settings you specify here are used.', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Use shortcode attributes only', 'advanced-iframe'), 'use_shortcode_attributes_only', __('All iframes you use in your pages use the settings below. With shortcode attributes you can overwrite these settings. When you use several iframes with different settings this can lead to strange behavior because you do not see the whole configuration in the shortcode. By setting this option to true only the parameters defined as attributes are used. So the minimum you need to define is: securitykey and src of the iframe. You can set this for a single iframe as well with the shortcode attribute use_shortcode_attributes_only="true". A minimal shortcode would then look like this: [advanced_iframe securitykey="', 'advanced-iframe') . $devOptions['securitykey'] . __('" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="http://www.tinywebgallery.com"].  Shortcode attribute: use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" or use_shortcode_attributes_only="false"', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Include ai.js in the footer', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_scripts_in_footer', __('By default now the needed Javascripts are included at the footer. So you can include jQuery also at the footer if you like. If you like/need it in the header set this value to false. Before Wordpress 3.3 jQuery is needed in the header if you want to use lazy-loading! The ai.js has also to be in the footer if it should only be loaded when the shortcode is on the page. This setting cannot be set as shortcode!', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Load jQuery as dependency', 'advanced-iframe'), 'load_jquery', __('By default jQuery is loaded as dependeny. If you have a theme or another plugin that does not stick to the Wordpress way to load the scripts you might have to disable the dependeny. This avoids that jQuery is loaded again and other plugins do maybe not work anymore.', 'advanced-iframe'), true);
        printTextInput($devOptions, __('Editor button', 'advanced-iframe'), 'editorbutton', __('With this setting you can add a "advanced iframe" button to the text editor of Wordpress. The button does add the shortcode with the current security code. So the default settings are used then. Currently only "securitykey" enables the button. All other settings don\'t  show the button right now. For further versions it is planned that you can define the attributes of the button here.', 'advanced-iframe'));
        echo '</table><p>';
        echo '<p class="button-submit">
        <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="';
        _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '"/></p>';
    } else {
        echo '<h1>';
        _e('Upgrading to Advanced iFrame Pro', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</h1>
    <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon_ai">
        _e('Advanced iFrame - Upgrading to Advanced iFrame Pro', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</h2>
        _e('<p>Advanced iframe is <strong>free for personal use</strong> and the Pro version a bargain for your business. The personal version does already contain many of the cool features of the Pro version. It has a limit of 10.000 views a month which should normaly not been hit by a personal website.</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '<div id="first" class="signup_account_container signup_account_container_active" style="cursor: default;" title="';
        _e('Free - For personal, non-commercial sites and blogs', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '">
			<div class="signup_inner">
				<div class="signup_inner_plan">';
        _e('Personal', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>
				<div class="signup_inner_price">
        _e('FREE', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</strong>
				<div class="signup_inner_header">';
        _e('For personal, non-commercial sites and blogs', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>
				<div class="signup_inner_desc">';
        _e('10.000 views/month limit', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>
				<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=paypal%40mdempfle%2ede&item_name=advanced%20iframe&item_number=Support%20Open%20Source&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=EUR&lc=EN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8" target="_blank" id="plan_button_pro" class="signup_inner_button">';
        _e('Donate with Paypal', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</a>
        echo '
   <div  class="signup_account_container signup_account_container_active" style="cursor: default;" title="';
        _e('Pro - For commercial, business, and professional sites', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '">
			<div class="signup_inner">
				<div class="signup_inner_plan">';
        _e('Pro', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>
				<div class="signup_inner_price">
					<strong>$16</strong> (one time fee)
				<div class="signup_inner_header">';
        _e('For commercial, business, and professional sites', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>
				<div class="signup_inner_desc">';
        _e('+ <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-comparison-chart" target="_blank">Many additional features!</a>', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>
				<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-iframe-pro/5344999?ref=mdempfle" target="_blank" id="plan_button_pro" class="signup_inner_button">';
        _e('Get pro at Codecanyon', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</a>
        echo '
       <div id="last" class="signup_account_container signup_account_container_active" style="cursor: default;">
			<div class="signup_inner">
				<div class="signup_inner_plan">';
        _e('Pro Version Benefits', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</div>

				<div class="signup_inner_desc">
           <ul class="pro"><li>';
        _e('<a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/show-only-a-part-of-the-iframe" target="_blank">Show/Hide specific areas of the iframe</a> if the iframe is on a different domain<br /><a target="_blank" href="http://examples.tinywebgallery.com/configurator/advanced-iframe-area-selector.html">Show the graphical selector</a></li><li><a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/widgets" target="_blank">Widget support</a>, <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/change-links-targets" target="_blank">change link targets</a></li><li>External workaround supports <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications" target="_blank">iframe modifications</a> and <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/responsive-iframes" target="_blank">responsive iframes</a></li><li><a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/browser-detection" target="_blank">Browser dependant settings</a>, <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/lazy-loading" target="_blank">lazy load</a></li><li>No view limit, <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/zoom-iframe-content" target="_blank">zoom</a>, <a target="_blank" href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-standalone">standalone version!</a></li><li><a target="_blank" href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo">See the pro demo</a><li><a target="_blank" href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-comparison-chart">Compare versions for all features</a>', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</li></ul>

<div class="clear"></div><br />
        _e('<p>So if you use the Advanced iFrame on a non personal website please first test the plugin carefully before buying. After that it is quick and painless to get Advanced iFrame Pro. Simply get <strong><a target="_blank" href="http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-iframe-pro/5344999?ref=mdempfle">Advanced iFrame Pro on CodeCanyon</a></strong> and be pro in a few minutes!</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        _e('<p><strong>Current status</strong>: ', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo get_option('default_a_options') / 100 . ' % of views for this month used.';
        _e('</p>', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '</p>';
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Show this section as last tab/at the bottom', 'advanced-iframe'), 'donation_bottom', __('Please move this section as last tab/to the bottom if it bothers you or if you have already supported the development. Feel also free to contact me if you are missing a feature. Sorry for moving this section to the top but at the bottom it seems to be ignored completely.', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Use footer save button', 'advanced-iframe'), 'single_save_button', __('The new default is that the save button is in a sticky footer. I was testing this for all major browsers but not for all worpress versions. So if this does not work for your version set this to false to get one save button for each section.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Allow shortcode attributes', 'advanced-iframe'), 'shortcode_attributes', __('Allow to set attributes in the shortcode. All of the attributes can be overwritten in the shortcode if you set \'Yes\'. Otherwise the settings you specify here are used.', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Use shortcode attributes only', 'advanced-iframe'), 'use_shortcode_attributes_only', __('All iframes you use in your pages use the settings below. With shortcode attributes you can overwrite these settings. When you use several iframes with different settings this can lead to strange behavior because you do not see the whole configuration in the shortcode. By setting this option to true only the parameters defined as attributes are used. So the minimum you need to define is: securitykey and src of the iframe. You can set this for a single iframe as well with the shortcode attribute use_shortcode_attributes_only="true". A minimal shortcode would then look like this: [advanced_iframe securitykey="', 'advanced-iframe') . $devOptions['securitykey'] . __('" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="http://www.tinywebgallery.com"].  Shortcode attribute: use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" or use_shortcode_attributes_only="false"', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Include ai.js in the footer', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_scripts_in_footer', __('By default now the needed Javascripts are included at the footer. So you can include jQuery also at the footer if you like. If you like/need it in the header set this value to false. Before Wordpress 3.3 jQuery is needed in the header if you want to use lazy-loading! The ai.js has also to be in the footer if it should only be loaded when the shortcode is on the page. This setting cannot be set as shortcode!', 'advanced-iframe'));
        printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Load jQuery as dependency', 'advanced-iframe'), 'load_jquery', __('By default jQuery is loaded as dependeny. If you have a theme or another plugin that does not stick to the Wordpress way to load the scripts you might have to disable the dependeny. This avoids that jQuery is loaded again and other plugins do maybe not work anymore.', 'advanced-iframe'), true);
        printTextInput($devOptions, __('Editor button', 'advanced-iframe'), 'editorbutton', __('With this setting you can add a "advanced iframe" button to the text editor of Wordpress. The button does add the shortcode with the current security code. So the default settings are used then. Currently only "securitykey" enables the button. All other settings don\'t  show the button right now. For further versions it is planned that you can define the attributes of the button here.', 'advanced-iframe'));
        echo '
    <p class="button-submit">
      <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="';
        _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
        echo '"/>

_e('<strong>Please note:</strong> All settings here and also in the other sections which are marked with a ', 'advanced-iframe');
echo renderExternalWorkaroundIcon(true);
_e(' are saved to the external ai_external.js workaround file! ', 'advanced-iframe');
      <table class="form-table">
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Resize remote iframe to content height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_external_height_workaround', __('Enable the height workaround in the generated Javascript file. If you want to use several iframes please use the description below for configuration. This settings only works if you have included the Javascript to the remote page.<br>IMPORTANT: If you set this setting to true the settings from "Options if the iframe is on the same domain" and "Modify the content of the iframe if the iframe page is on the same domain" are disabled. The settings of ""Modify the content of the iframe if the iframe page is on the same domain" are used in the pro version in the external workaround. These settings would generated Javascipt security errors if set for an external domain! Shortcode attribute: enable_external_height_workaround="false". The shortcode can only be used to enable the disabled functionality describe before!', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', true);
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Keep overflow:hidden after resize', 'advanced-iframe'), 'keep_overflow_hidden', __('By default overflow:hidden (removes any scrollbars inside the iframe) is set during the resize to avoid scrollbars and is removed afterwards to allow scrollbars if e.g. the content changes because of dynamic elements. If you set this setting to true the overflow:hidden is not removed and any scrollbars are not shown. This is e.g. helpful if the page is still to wide! If you want to use several iframes please use the description below for configuration. These settings only works if you have included the Javascript to the remote page. This setting cannot be set by a shortcode. Please see below.', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', true);
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Hide the iframe until it is completely modified.', 'advanced-iframe'), 'hide_page_until_loaded_external', __('This setting hides the iframe until the external workaround is completely done. This prevents that you see the original site before any modifications. The normal "Hide the iframe until it is loaded" shows the iframe after all modifications are done which are all done by a local script. This way cannot be used for the external workaround because the exact time when the external modifications are done is unknown. Therefore the external workaround does call iaShowIframe after all modifications are done. Shortcode attribute: hide_page_until_loaded_external="true" or hide_page_until_loaded_external="false"', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', true);
if ($evanto) {
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Write css directly', 'advanced-iframe'), 'write_css_directly', __('By default changes off the iframe are made by jQuery after the page is loaded. This is the only way this is possible if you do this directly. But with the external workaround it is now also possible that the style is written directly to the page. It is written where the ai_external.js is included. So if you use this option you need to include the ai_external.js as last element in the header. This setting has the advantage that the changes are not done after the page is loaded but when the browser renders the page initially. Also the page is not hidden until the page is fully modified. The settings "Hide elements in iframe" and "Modify content in iframe" are supported! This setting cannot be set by a shortcode. Please see below.', 'advanced-iframe'), "false", 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/resize-on-element-resize#e27', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Iframe redirect url', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_redirect_url', __('If you like that the page you want to include can only be viewed in your iframe you can define the parent url here. If someone tries to open the url directly he will be redirected to this url. Existing parameters from the original url are added to the new url. You need to add the possible parameters to the "URL forward parameters" that they will be passed to the iframe again. This setting does use Javascript for the redirect. If Javascript is turned off the user can still access the site. If you also want to avoid this add "html {visibility:hidden;}" to the style sheet of your iframe page. Than the page is simply white. The Javascript does set the page visible after it is loaded!', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Add the id to the url of the iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'pass_id_by_url', __('This feature adds the id of the iframe to the iframe url. The id is than extracted on the iframe and used as value for the callback to find the right iframe on the parent side. The static way is to set iframe_id (Please see below). The dynamic solution has to be used if you want to include the same page several times to the parent page (e.g. the page you include is called with different parameters and shows different content). You specify the parameter that is added to the url. So e.g. ai_id can be used. Allowed values are only a-zA-Z0-9_. Do NOT use any other characters. You need to set the parameter here or by setting iframe_url_id before you include ai_external.js. Please note the if you specify it here ALL shortcodes with use_shortcode_parameters_only="true" need pass_id_by_url to be set. See example 27 for a working setup. Shortcode: pass_id_by_url=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/resize-on-element-resize#e27', true);
_e('<strong>Please note:</strong> If you change the settings above I recommend to reload the iframe page in a different tab because otherwise the page is cached by many browsers!', 'advanced-iframe');
if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
     <p class="button-submit">
コード例 #3
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'height', __('The height of the iframe. You can specify the value in px or in %. If you don\'t specify anything px is assumed. Please note that % does most of the time does NOT give the expected result (e.g. 100% is only 150px) because the % are not from the iframe page but from the parent element. If you like that the iframe is resized to the content please go to \'<a id="resize-same-link" href="#rt">Resize the iframe to the content height/width</a>\' if you are one hte same domain or the "<a id="external-workaround-link" href="#xss">External workaround</a>" if the iframe is on a diffent domain. Pro user can also do basic calculations here if you have e.g. a fix header or footer on a page. e.g. 100%-200px. See <a target="_blank" href="http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc">http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc</a> for supported browsers! Shortcode attribute: height=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printAutoNo($devOptions, __('Scrolling', 'advanced-iframe'), 'scrolling', __('Defines if scrollbars are shown if the page is too big for your iframe. Please note: If you select \'Yes\' IE does always show scrollbars on many pages! So only use this if needed. Scrolling "none" means that the attribute is not rendered at all and can be set by css to enable the scrollbars responsive.  Shortcode attribute: scrolling="auto" or scrolling="no" or scrolling="none"', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Margin width', 'advanced-iframe'), 'marginwidth', __('The margin width of the iframe. You can specify the value in px. If you don\'t specify anything px is assumed.  Shortcode attribute: marginwidth=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Margin height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'marginheight', __('The margin height of the iframe. You can specify the value in px. If you don\'t specify anything px is assumed.  Shortcode attribute: marginheight=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Frame border', 'advanced-iframe'), 'frameborder', __('The frame border of the iframe. You can specify the value in px. If you don\'t specify anything px is assumed.  Shortcode attribute: frameborder=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Transparency', 'advanced-iframe'), 'transparency', __('If you like that the iframe is transparent and your background is shown you should set this to \'Yes\'. If this value is not set then the iframe is transparent in IE but transparent in e.g. Firefox. So by default you should leave this to \'Yes\'. Shortcode attribute: transparency="true" or transparency="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Class', 'advanced-iframe'), 'class', __('You can define a class for the iframe if you like. Shortcode attribute: class=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($evanto) {
    $style_fs = '<br /><input type="button" onclick="aiPresetFullscreen(); return false;" value="Set settings for fullscreen iframe" name="presetFullscreen" class="button-primary" id="presetFullscreen" />';
} else {
    $style_fs = '';
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Style', 'advanced-iframe'), 'style', __('You can define styles for the iframe if you like. The recommended way is to put the styles in a css file and use the class option. With the button below the width, height, content_id, content_styles, hide_content_until_iframe_color and the needed styles above for a fullscreen iframe are set. Also check the settings at the height where you can do calculations to add fixed headers/footers. Shortcode attribute: style=""' . $style_fs, 'advanced-iframe'));
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Id', 'advanced-iframe'), 'id', __('Enter the \'id\' attribute of the iframe. Allowed values are only a-zA-Z0-9_. Do NOT use any other characters because the id is also used to generate unique javascript functions! Other characters will be removed when you save! If a src directly in a shortcode is set and no id than an id is generated automatically if several iframes are on one page to avoid configuration problems. Shortcode attribute: id=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Name', 'advanced-iframe'), 'name', __('Enter the \'name\' attribute of the iframe. Shortcode attribute: name=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Allow full screen', 'advanced-iframe'), 'allowfullscreen', __('allowfullscreen is an HTML attribute that enables videos to be displayed in fullscreen mode. Currently this is a new html attribute not supported by all browsers. So please check  all of the browsers you want to support. Shortcode attribute: allowfullscreen="true" or allowfullscreen="false"', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
    <p class="button-submit">
      <input id="gs" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
コード例 #4
_e('Only if the content from the iframe comes from the <strong>same domain</strong> it is possible that the onload attribute can execute Javascript directly which does e.g. resize the iframe to the height of the content or scroll the parent window to the top. <br /> If this is the case you can use the settings below. If you want to include an iframe from a <strong>different domain</strong> please go to the "<a id="external-workaround-link" href="#xss">External workaround</a>" where I explain how this can be done if you can modify the web site that should be included. So if you are on a different domain and cannot edit the external iframe page no interaction between parent and iframe is possible!', 'advanced-iframe');
    <table class="form-table">
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Onload', 'advanced-iframe'), 'onload', __('Enter the \'onload\' script of the iframe you want to execute. You can enter Javascript that is executed when the iframe is loaded. Please check the following settings first! There you find a solution for iframe resize and one for scrolling the parent to the top. Please note that the output is escaped for security reasons with the Wordpress function esc_js. So please define your Javascript functions in your parent page, read all needed parameters inside the functions and call this function here. I recommend to use only the following characters: a-zA-Z_0-9();. Also note that the 2 settings below also use the onload event. So if you set them to true the code is appended to your onload function. If you like a different order of the predefined functions (aiShowElementOnly(id,element); aiResizeIframe(this); and aiScrollToTop();) please set the settings below to \'No\' and enter them here directly. Shortcode attribute: onload=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Resize iframe to content height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'onload_resize', __('If you like that the iframe is resized to the height of the content you should set this to \'Yes\'. Please note that this is done by Javascript! So if a user has Javascript deactivated or a not supported browser the iframe does not get resized. Please set the height of the iframe to the minimum pixels the iframe should have! Some web pages use 100% of the height. Specifying a too big value as height does not gives you the expected result. This setting generates the code onload="aiResizeIframe(this);" to the iframe. Shortcode attribute: onload_resize="true" or onload_resize="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Resize delay', 'advanced-iframe'), 'onload_resize_delay', __('Sometimes the external page does not have its full height after loading because e.g. parts of the page are build by Javascript. If this is the case you can define a timeout in millisecounds until the resize is called. Otherwise leave this field empty.. Shortcode attribute: onload_resize_delay=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printHeightTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Store height in cookie', 'advanced-iframe'), 'store_height_in_cookie', __('If you enable the dynamic resize the value is calculated each time when the page is loaded. So each time it took a little time until the resize of the iframe is done. And this is visible sometimes if the content page loads very slow or is on a different domain or depends on the browser. By enabling this option the last calculated height is stored in a cookie and available right away. The iframe is then first resized to this height and later on when the new height comes it is updated. By default this is disabled because when you have dynamic content in the iframe it is possible that the iframe does not shrink. So please try this setting with your destination page. <strong>If you use several iframes on one page please don\'t use this because currently only one cookie per page is supported. Also you cannot use this feature if you include the ai.js file at the bottom. If you use iframe on different pages different id are needed because the id is part of the cookie.</stong>. Shortcode attribute: store_height_in_cookie="true" or store_height_in_cookie="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
printHeightNumberInput($devOptions, __('Additional height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'additional_height', __('If you like that the iframe is higher than the calculated value you can add some extra height here. This number is then added to the calculated one. This is e.g. needed if one of your tested browsers displays a scrollbar because of 1 or 2 pixel. Or you have an invisible area that is shown by the click on a button that can increase the size of the page. This option is NOT possible when "Store height in cookie" is enabled because this would cause that the height will increase at each reload of the parent page. If you use several iframes please use the same setting for all of them because there is only one global variable. Shortcode attribute: additional_height=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Resize iframe to content width', 'advanced-iframe'), 'onload_resize_width', __('If you like that the iframe is resized to the width of the content you should set this to \'Yes\'. Please note that this is done by Javascript and only in combination with resizing the content height! So if a user has Javascript deactivated or a not supported browser the iframe does not get resized. This setting generates the code onload="aiResizeIframe(this, \'true\');" to the iframe. Shortcode attribute: onload_resize_width="true" or onload_resize_width="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Resize on click events', 'advanced-iframe'), 'resize_on_click', __('If you like that the iframe is resized after clicks  in the iframe please enter the timeout here. Otherwise leave this field empty. The number is the timeout in milliseconds until the resize is called. This setting intercepts the clicks on the element specified below. Catching happens BEFORE the actual action on e.g. the link. Therefore you need to enter a number > 0 because the original action is done later. 100 is a good value to start with! If you have e.g. a slide down effect you should add the time here it takes to get the full height. This setting does only work on the SAME domain by default. If you like to get this working across different domains use the "Resize on Element resize" feature of the pro version. Shortcode attribute: resize_on_click=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTextInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Elements where the<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;clicks are intercepted', 'advanced-iframe'), 'resize_on_click_elements', __('You can define the tags and ids where the clicks should be intercepted. By default all links "a" are intercepted. To define a specific id you have to add the id with a :. So intercepting all links with the id "testid" you have to enter "a:testid". The id you specify is compared with "contains". So if you use "a:test" all links with an id containing test are intercepted. You can add several tags separated by ",". So "a:test,button:submitid" would work fine. Always try to specify the elements as exactly as possible to avoid any problems with other Javascript on the site. If you leave this field empty resize on click events is NOT enabled at all! Shortcode attribute: resize_on_click_elements=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Resize on AJAX events', 'advanced-iframe'), 'resize_on_ajax', __('If you like that the iframe is resized after each AJAX event in the iframe please enter a number here. Otherwise leave this field empty. The number is the timeout in milliseconds until the resize is called. This setting intercepts the AJAX call after the callback was executed. So for many pages 0 should work fine. But if you have e.g. a slide down effect you should add the time here to get the full height. Currently only jQuery and direct XMLHttpRequest are supported as AJAX calls on the included page! See the "AJAX events are jQuery" setting. This setting does only work on the SAME domain by default. If you like to get this working across different domains use the "Resize on Element resize" feature of the pro version. Shortcode attribute: resize_on_ajax=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AJAX events are jQuery', 'advanced-iframe'), 'resize_on_ajax_jquery', __('Currently only direct XMLHttpRequest and jQuery AJAX call can be intercepted. Please select true = jQuery, false = XMLHttpRequest. Shortcode attribute: resize_on_ajax_jquery="true" or resize_on_ajax_jquery="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($evanto) {
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Resize on element resize', 'advanced-iframe'), 'resize_on_element_resize', __('With this setting you are able to detect if the size of an element changes. If this is the case than the iframe is resized. This can be on click, by an Ajax call, typing with the keyboard where a menu opens, a timer .... So actually any change of the size. The big advantage is that this feature is most of the time easier to configure than the options before and also more powerful. But it has the disadvantage that the change of the size is not send by an event but the defined elements are checked in a fix interval (see below). So e.g. every 100ms a certain div is checked and if the size has changed the iframe is resized.<br />If you only specify "body" then the iframe does enlarge nicely but does not get smaller anymore. So the best way to configure this is to use the outermost element where the change can happen. Please see example 26 for a working example. You can use the jQuery syntax to specify the elements. Most likely the outermost div (e.g. #main, #page, #wrap) is the one you need. This feature is also available in the external workaround while "Resize on click events" and "Resize on AJAX events" not yet! Shortcode attribute: resize_on_element_resize=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/resize-on-element-resize', true);
    printNumberInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poll interval for the<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;resize detection', 'advanced-iframe'), 'resize_on_element_resize_delay', __('The invervall in ms the specified element is checked for a change of the size. The minimum polling time is 50ms. If you a smaller value the default of 250 is used. Shortcode attribute: resize_on_element_resize_delay=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/resize-on-element-resize', true);
if ($evanto) {
    _e('Resize hidden iframes on tabs', 'advanced-iframe');
    _e('<p>Iframes do often slow down the loading of pages because more content needs to be loaded at the same time.</p>
<p>The lazy load feature can improve this by loading the iframe only when needed and can be configured in several ways:</p>
<li>The iframe is loaded when it is visible</li>
<li>The iframe is loaded after the parent page is loaded</li>
<li>The iframe is loaded manually</li>
</ol>', 'advanced-iframe');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    // lazy load
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Enable lazy load', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_lazy_load', __('You can enable that iframes are lazy loaded. If you enable this, the iframe is loaded either after the ready event of the parent or if the iframe gets visible. Please check the "Enable lazy load threshold" setting below how to configure this. Shortcode attribute: enable_lazy_load="true" or enable_lazy_load="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/lazy-loading', false);
    printNumberInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lazy load threshold', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_lazy_load_threshold', __('This setting sets the pixels to load earlier. Setting the value e.g. to 200 causes iframe to load 200 pixels before it appears in the viewport. It should be greater or equal zero. The default is set to 3000 which normally is a lazy load after the parent finished loading. If you set this value higher then the distance of the iframe to the top, the iframe is lazy loaded after the parent document ready event is fired. If you leave this field empty 0 is used. Shortcode attribute: enable_lazy_load_threshold="" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '3000');
    printNumberInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lazy load fadein time', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_lazy_load_fadetime', __('This setting enables you to fade in the iframe after it is lazy loaded. Enter the time in milliseconds.  Depending on the content of the iframe this looks good or not. Please test if you like the behaviour. If you leave this field empty 0 is used. Shortcode attribute: enable_lazy_load_fadetime="" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '0');
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reserve iframe space', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_lazy_load_reserve_space', __('By default the initial height of the iframe is reserved in the layout to avoid jumping when the iframe is loaded. "No" does not reserve the space anymore. Shortcode attribute: enable_lazy_load_reserve_space="true" or enable_lazy_load_reserve_space="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'true', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/lazy-loading', false);
    printScollAutoManuall($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How trigger lazy loading', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_lazy_load_manual', __('Normally (Default (Scroll)) the iframes are loaded lazy after the settings you specify above. The option "Auto" does check every 50 ms if the iframe is visible in the viewport and should be loaded. This is especially useful for iframes that are hidden when the page is loaded. So this can be used for hidden tabs because when this is shown no internal Javascipt event like scrolling does exist! If you use auto all iframes on the same page do poll because this is a global setting of the plugin. But you also can trigger the loading manually. This can also be used to lazy load tabs or when you want to load the iframe by yourself. For each iframe a Javascript function to show the iframe is created: aiLoadIframe_"your id"(); e.g. aiLoadIframe_advanced_iframe(); Simply call it when you want. Also see the next option! If you want to avoid polling for tabs use the manual setting. See the lazy load demo for an example. Shortcode attribute: enable_lazy_load_manual="false"  enable_lazy_load_manual="auto" or enable_lazy_load_manual="true" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Element that triggers &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the lazy load', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_lazy_load_manual_element', __('If you enable "How trigger lazy loading -> manually" you have a Javascript function that triggers the lazy load. With this setting you can add an click event with this Javascript function to the element you define here. So if you e.g. have a tab with the id="tab1" you simply enter #tab1 here. Any jQuery selector does work here. So you can even attach this to several elements. Shortcode attribute: enable_lazy_load_manual_element=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
    echo '</table>';
    if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
      <p class="button-submit">
        <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('With the following 3 options you can modify your template on the fly to give the iframe more space! At most templates you would have to create a page template with a special css and this is quite complicated. By using the options below your template is modified on the fly by jQuery. Please look at the screenshots to make these options more clear. The options are very useful for templates that have a top navigation because otherwise your menu is gone! If you still want to do this you should add a back link to the page. The examples below are for Twenty Ten, iNove and the default Wordpress theme.', 'advanced-iframe');
    <table class="form-table">
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Hide elements', 'advanced-iframe'), 'hide_elements', __('This setting allows you to hide elements when the iframe is shown. This can be used to hide the sidebar or the heading. Usage: If you want to hide a div you have to enter a hash (#) followed by the id e.g. #sidebar. If you want to hide a heading which is a &lt;h2&gt; you have to enter h2. You can define several elements separated by , e.g. #sidebar,h2. This gives you a lot more space to show the content of the iframe. To get the id of the sidebar go to Appearance -> Editor -> Click on \'Sidebar\' on the right side. Then look for the first \'div\' you find. The id of this div is the one you need. For some common templates the id is e.g. #menu, #sidebar, or #primary. For Twenty Ten and iNove you can remove the sidebar directly: Page attributes -> Template -> no sidebar. Wordpress default: \'#sidebar\'. I recommend using firebug (see below) to find the elements and the ids. You can use any valid <a class="jquery-help-link" href="#jqh">jQuery selector pattern</a> here! Shortcode attribute: hide_elements=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
echo '</table><p>';
_e('With the next 2 options you can modify the css of your parent page. The first option defines the id/class/element you want to modify and at the 2nd option you define the styles you want to change.', 'advanced-iframe');
echo '</p><table class="form-table">';
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Content id', 'advanced-iframe'), 'content_id', __('Some templates do not use the full width for their content and even most \'One column, no sidebar Page Template\' templates only remove the sidebar but do not change the content width. Set the e.g. id of the div starting with a hash (#) that defines the content.  You can use any valid <a class="jquery-help-link" href="#jqh">jQuery selector pattern</a> here! In the field below you then define the style you want to overwrite. For Twenty Ten and WordPress Default the id is #content, for iNove it is #main. You can also define more than one element. Please separate them with | and provide the styles below. Please read the note below how to find this id for other templates. #content|h2 means that you want to set a new style for the div content and the heading h2 below. Shortcode attribute: content_id=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Content styles', 'advanced-iframe'), 'content_styles', __('Define the styles that have to be overwritten to enable the full width. Most of the time you have to modify some of the following attributes: width, margin-left, margin-right, padding-left. Please use ; as separator between styles. If you have defined more than one element above (Content id) please separate the different style sets with |. The default values are: Wordpress default: \'width:450px;padding-left:45px;\'. Twenty Ten: \'margin-left:20px;margin-right:240px\'. iNove: \'width:605px\'. Read the note below how to find these styles for other templates. If you have defined #content|h2 at the Content id you can e.g. set \'width:650px;padding-left:25px;|padding-left:15px;\'. Shortcode attribute: content_styles=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($evanto) {
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Add css class to parent elements', 'advanced-iframe'), 'add_css_class_parent', __('Sometimes it is not possible to modify existing css classes of the parent because they are also used somewhere else or there is no unique selector for this element. Setting this attribute to true causes that a new class is added at each parent of the iframe up to the body! If the element has an id the class is named "ai-class-(id)". Otherwise "ai-class-(number)" is added. Then it is easy to identify all parent elements of the iframe and modify them. If you have several iframes on one page the classes could not be unique anymore. You need to set "Include ai.js in the footer" to false if you want to use this! Shortcode attribute: add_css_class_parent="true" or add_css_class_parent="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Change parent links target', 'advanced-iframe'), 'change_parent_links_target', __('Change links of the parent page to open the url inside the iframe. This option does add the attribute target="your id" to the links you define. You can use any valid <a class="jquery-help-link" href="#jqh">jQuery selector pattern</a> here! So if your link e.g. has an id="link1" you have to use "a#link1". If you want to change all links e.g. in the div with the id="menu-div" you have to use "#menu-div a". You can also define more than one element. Please separate them with ,. Shortcode attribute: change_parent_links_target=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
    printTrueExternalFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Show iframe as layer', 'advanced-iframe'), 'show_iframe_as_layer', __('If you enable this, the iframe is initally hidden and if you click on a link defined at "Change parent links target" the iframe is shown as a simple lighbox as overlay on the page. So if you use this for external links the user does not leave your page! "External" does simply open all links that are not on the same domain in a layer. The setting at "Change parent links target" is ignored than. This setting does overwrite some iframe settings like height, width and border! Show part of iframe, lazy load, hide part of iframe and iframe loader are disabled as they do not work with this feature. <span id="howtoid">Shortcode</span> attribute: show_iframe_as_layer="true", show_iframe_as_layer="external", show_iframe_as_layer="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/change-links-targets#e32');

_e('<p><strong>How to find the id and the attributes:</strong></p><ol><li>Manually: Go to Appearance -> Editor and select the page template. Then you have to look which div elements are defined. e.g. container, content, main. Also classes can be defined here. Then you have to select the style sheet below and search for this ids and classes and look which one does define the width of you content.</li><li>Firebug: For Firefox you can use the plugin firebug to select the content element directly in the page. On the right side the styles are always shown. Look for the styles that set the width or any bigger margins. These are the values you can then overwrite by the settings above.</li><li><strong>Small jquery help</strong><br>Above you have to use the jQuery syntax:<p><ul><li>- tags - if you want to hide/modify a tag directly (e.g. h1, h2) simply use it directly e.g. h1,h2</li><li>- id - if you want to hide/modify an element where you have the id use #id</li><li>- class - if you want to hide/modify an element where you have the class use .class</li></ul></p>You can use any valid <a class="jquery-help-link" href="#jqh">jQuery selector pattern</a> here!</li></ol>', 'advanced-iframe');

if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
コード例 #7
    <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon_ai">
    _e('Zoom', 'advanced-iframe');
    _e('All major browsers do now support the zoom of iframes. Depending on your setup you can use a static zoom factor or even automatic zoom.', 'advanced-iframe');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Zoom iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_zoom', __('You can zoom the content of the iframe with this setting. E.g. entering 0.5 does resize the iframe to 50%. At the iframe width and height you need to enter the FULL size of the iframe. So if you enter width = 1000, height = 500 and zoom = 0.5 than the result will be 500x250. The following browsers are supported: IE8-11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. Older versions of IE are not supported. Please test all the browsers you want to support with your page because not all pages do look good in a zoomed mode! "Show only a part of an iframe" and "Resize iframe to content height" are supported. Shortcode attribute: iframe_zoom=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/zoom-iframe-content');
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Support zoom on IE8', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_zoom_ie8', __('Zoom on IE8 does require the browser detection. And the browser detection does need a lot of memory during processing. So by default the IE8 support of zoom is disabled. If you enable this and your system runs out of memory the plugin does automatically disable this support by creating a file called advanced-iframe-custom/browser-check-failed.txt. As long as this file does exist the IE8 support for zoom is disabled. Shortcode attribute: iframe_zoom_ie8="true" or iframe_zoom_ie8="false"', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zoom absolute fix', 'advanced-iframe'), 'use_zoom_absolute_fix', __('Sometimes the zoom measurements need an additional position:absolute to work correctly. Only set this to true if the zooms doens not work as expected. Shortcode attribute: use_zoom_absolute_fix="true" or use_zoom_absolute_fix="false"', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
    printSameRemote($devOptions, __('Auto zoom iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'auto_zoom', __('This feature does automatically calculates the needed zoom factor to fit the iframe page into the parent page. Especially when you have a responsive website but the remote website is not responsive this is the only way that the page in the iframe does also zoom. Many smartphones and tablets to automatically zoom the parent page but not the iframe page. So there this feature can also be used. This feature works on the same domain and if you are able to use the external workaround and use auto height there (otherwise the width does not get transfered). Shortcode attribute: auto_zoom="same", auto_zoom="remote" or auto_zoom="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/auto-zoom-iframe-content', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Auto zoom by ratio', 'advanced-iframe'), 'auto_zoom_by_ratio', __('This setting can be used on the SAME domain if the height of the page cannot be mesured but the ratio of the page is known. And if the width also cannot be measured automatically but is known because the iframe page has a fixed width, you can specify this width by adding with a pipe like ratio|width. E.g. 0.80|800. If you know the the ratio and the width, this setting does also work on REMOTE domains. You don\'t even need access to the remote domain! For remote domains also select SAME in the setting before as remote means that the height/width information is sent from the remote domain which is not the case here. Shortcode attribute: auto_zoom_by_ratio=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/auto-zoom-iframe-content#e35');
    echo '</table>';
    if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
      <p class="button-submit">
        <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
    </div>    <h2>
_e('Include content directly', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('You can also include content directly with jQuery. The page is loaded and the part you specify below is included by Javascript into the page. The cool thing is that you can specify an id or a class which specify the content area that should be included. <strong>This feature does only work if the page is loaded from the SAME domain.</strong>. If you use the setting below no iframe is used anymore. So only include stuff that is for display only.<br/>Please note: Loading the external content is done after the page is fully loaded and takes some time. Therefore some extra settings below are possible to make the integration as invisible as possible. The included div has the id ai_temp_&gt;iframe_name&lt;. So if you need to overwrite some css you can put it in an extra file and add this in the section "Additional files" ', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('</p><p>"Include html" does write the given string directly and all other settings are not used!', 'advanced-iframe');
echo '<table class="form-table">';
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Include url', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_url', __('Enter the full URL to your page you want to include. e.g. http://www.tinywebgallery.com. <strong>If you specify this then the page is included directly, the iframe settings above are not used and no iframe is included.</strong>. Shortcode attribute: include_url=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Include content', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_content', __('You can specify an id or a class which specify the content area that should be included. For an id please use e.g. #id, for a class use .class. Shortcode attribute: include_content=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Include height', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_height', __('You can specify the height of the content that should be included. If you do this the space for the content is already reserved and this prevents that you maybe see when the page gets updated. You should specify the value in px. Shortcode attribute: include_height=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Include fade', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_fade', __('You can specify a fade in time that is used when the content is done loading. If you leave this setting entry the content is shown right away. If you specify a time in milliseconds then this content is faded in in the given time. This does sometimes looks nicer than if the content suddenly appears. Shortcode attribute: include_fade=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Hide page until include is loaded', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_hide_page_until_loaded', __('If you like to hide the whole page until the extra content is loaded you should set this to \'Yes\'. You should test this setting and decide what looks best for you. Shortcode attribute: include_hide_page_until_loaded="true" or include_hide_page_until_loaded="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($evanto) {
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Include html', 'advanced-iframe'), 'include_html', __('If you enter something here the given string is written instead of an iframe. This is especially helpful if you e.g. use the browser detection and you want to display a simple text, image or link instead of the iframe in this case. If you set this include_url is also ignored! Only the following tags are allowed: br, em, p, div(id, class, style), a(href, target, class, style), img(src, class, style, width, height). Shortcode attribute: include_html=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
echo '</table>';
if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
      <p class="button-submit">
        <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
if ($evanto) {
    _e(' or if you can use the external workaround', 'advanced-iframe');

_e('With the following options you can modify the content of the iframe. <strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: This is only possible if the iframe comes from the <strong>same domain</strong> because of the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy" target="_blank">same origin policy</a> of Javascript.<p>If you can use the "<a id="external-workaround-link" href="#xss">External workaround</a>", you can also use this setting if you have the pro version.</p><p>Please read the section "<a href="#howtoid">How to find the id and the attributes</a>" above how to find the right styles. If the content comes from a different domain you have to modify the iframe page by e.g. adding a Javascript function that is then called by the onload function you can set above or you add a parameter in the url that you can read in the iframe and display the page differently then. You should also use the external workaround to modify the iframe if your page loads quite slow and you see the modifications on subsequent pages. The reason is that the direct modification can only be done after the page is loaded and the "Hide until loaded" is only working for the 1st page. The external workaround is able to hide the iframe until it is modified always and also css can be added to the header directly.', 'advanced-iframe');
    <table class="form-table">
if ($evanto) {
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Add css class to iframe elements', 'advanced-iframe'), 'add_css_class_iframe', __('Sometimes it is not possible to modify existing css classes in the iframe because they are also used somewhere else or there is no unique selector for this element. Also it is sometimes needed that each iframe page do need a different unique selector. Setting this attribute to true causes that in the iframe an unique is created from the iframe url and is added as class to the body and his children. Then you are also able to e.g. hide a element on one page and show it on another page. Shortcode attribute: add_css_class_iframe="true" or add_css_class_iframe="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false', '', true);
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Hide elements in iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_hide_elements', __('This setting allows you to hide elements inside the iframe. This can be used to hide e.g. a div or a heading. Usage: If you want to hide a div you have to enter a hash (#) followed by the id e.g. #header. If you want to hide a heading which is a &lt;h2&gt; you have to enter h2. You can define several elements separated by , e.g. #header,h2. I recommend using firebug to find the elements and the ids. You can use any valid <a class="jquery-help-link" href="#jqh">jQuery selector pattern</a> here! Also the width and height of the elements are set to 0 because e.g. auto height or auto zoom could have problems measuring! Shortcode attribute: iframe_hide_elements=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', $evanto);
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Show only one element', 'advanced-iframe'), 'onload_show_element_only', __('You can define which part of the page should be shown in the iframe. You can define the id (e.g. #id) or the class (.class) which should be shown. Be aware that all other elements below the body are removed! So if your css relies on a certain structure you have to add additional css by "Content id in iframe" below. Very often also a background is defined for the header which you should remove below. e.g. by setting background-image: none; in the body. This can be done at "Content id in iframe" and "Content styles in iframe" below. Shortcode attribute: onload_show_element_only=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications#e7', $evanto);
echo '</table>';
echo '<p>';
_e('With the next 2 options you can modify the css of your iframe if <strong>it is on the same domain</strong> or if you can use the external workaround and have the pro version. This settings are save to the ai_external.js. The first option defines the id/class/element you want to modify and at the 2nd option you define the styles you want to change.', 'advanced-iframe');
echo '</p><table class="form-table">';
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Content id in iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_content_id', __('Set the id of the element starting with a hash (#) that defines element you want to modify the css.  You can use any valid <a class="jquery-help-link" href="#jqh">jQuery selector pattern</a> here! In the field below you then define the style you want to overwrite. You can also define more than one element. Please separate them by | and provide the styles below. Please read the note below how to find this id for other templates. #content|h2 means that you want to set a new style for the div content and the heading h2 below. Shortcode attribute: iframe_content_id=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', $evanto);
printTextInput($devOptions, __('Content styles in iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_content_styles', __('Define the styles that have to be overwritten to enable the full width. Most of the time you have to modify some of the following attributes: width, margin-left, margin-right, padding-left. Please use ; as separator between styles. If you have defined more than one element above (Content id in iframe) please separate the different style sets with |. The default values are: Wordpress default: \'width:450px;padding-left:45px;\'. Twenty Ten: \'margin-left:20px;margin-right:240px\'. iNove: \'width:605px\'. Please read the note below how to find these styles for other templates. If you have defined #content|h2 at the Content id you can e.g. set \'width:650px;padding-left:25px;|padding-left:15px;\'. Shortcode attribute: iframe_content_styles=""', 'iframe_advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-auto-height-and-css-modifications', $evanto);
if ($evanto) {
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Add css styles to iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_content_css', __('This setting does add the css you enter here directly as last element to the body of the iframe page. The big difference to the two settings before is, that the modification is not done by jQuery but the css is directly written to the iframe. The advantage is that also !important can be used to overwrite such styles. This setting is only supported for the <strong>same domain</strong>. Use "Write css directly" for the external workaround. Enter the styles without &lt;style&gt;. Shortcode attribute: iframe_content_css=""', 'iframe_advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', false);
コード例 #10
<div style="clear:left;"></div>
', 'advanced-iframe');
    <table class="form-table">
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Scrolls the parent window to the top', 'advanced-iframe'), 'onload_scroll_top', __('If you like that if you click on a link in the iframe the parent page should scroll to the top you should set this to \'Yes\'. Please note that this is done by Javascript! So if a user has Javascript deactivated no scrolling is done.   This setting generates the code onload="aiScrollToTop();" to the iframe. If you select the resize iframe as well then onload="aiResizeIframe(this);aiScrollToTop();" is generated. If you like a different order please enter the javascript functions directly in the onload parameter in the order you like. Shortcode attribute: onload_scroll_top="true" or onload_scroll_top="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Hide the iframe until it is loaded', 'advanced-iframe'), 'hide_page_until_loaded', __('This setting hides the iframe until it is loaded. This prevents the iframe white flash issue while loading. When you use the external workaround please check the setting for the "<a id="external-workaround-link" href="#xss">External workaround</a>". The setting there overwrites this setting because otherwise the iframe is maybe shown too early! Shortcode attribute: hide_page_until_loaded="true" or hide_page_until_loaded="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($evanto) {
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Show loading icon', 'advanced-iframe'), 'show_iframe_loader', __('You can show a loading icon until the page in the iframe is fully loaded. You can use your own image with the size of 66 x 66 px by replacing the file img/loader.gif. Shortcode attribute: show_iframe_loader="true" or show_iframe_loader="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/zoom-iframe-content');
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Hide the content until iframe is loaded', 'advanced-iframe'), 'hide_content_until_iframe_color', __('If you define a color here (e.g. #ffffff) the content of the main page is hidden until the iframe is loaded. Especially if the iframe does cover most of your page the iframe looks more integrated. Shortcode attribute: hide_content_until_iframe_color=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('Enable responsive iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'enable_responsive_iframe', __('You can enable that the width of iframe is responsive. This features adds a max-width:100% to the iframe. So the defined  width is the maximum width of the iframe. If the surrounding element gets smaller than this, the iframe is responsive and does shrink! When you enable this feature <strong>AND also the resize the iframe to the content height (direct or by external workaround)</strong>, the height does get responsive too! And this is the big difference to any other pure css solution which only work for iframes with a certain ratio e.g. for videos. Please read <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/responsive-iframes-with-advanced-iframe-pro" target="_blank">this post</a> for details and take a look <a href="http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/responsive-iframes" target="_blank">pro demo</a>. Please note that this feature does NOT work together with "Show only a part of an iframe" and "Hidden tabs". Shortcode attribute: enable_responsive_iframe="true" or enable_responsive_iframe="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/responsive-iframes', true);
    printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Set Iframe height by ratio', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_height_ratio', __('This setting enables you to set the height of an iframe depending on the width of an iframe with a given ratio. If you have a static site you know the width of an iframe and you can set the height to a fix value. But if you e.g. have an iframe width of 100% and responsive layout you do not know the height. Using auto height does solve this most of the time but sometimes the content inside the iframe is fully dynamic too (like a video which does scale). If this is the case you can define a ratio here. e.g. 0.5 means that if you have a width of 1000 you have a height of 500. If the width changes to 800 the height changes to 400. Please use a . as decimal char. This setting does also work together with "Enable responsive iframe". Scalling the browser does change the height also if you enable the setting above. If you enable this setting the local resize settings are disabled! Shortcode attribute: iframe_height_ratio="" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/responsive-videos', false);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Reload interval', 'advanced-iframe'), 'reload_interval', __('You can reload the iframe in a given interval. Enter the intervall im ms or leave the field blank for no reload. Shortcode attribute: reload_interval=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
        <th scope="row"><strong><?php 
_e('Browser detection', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('You can now specify browser specific iframes. This is imporant especially for the "Show only part of the iframe" feature where browser differences of a few pixels can matter. But you can use this for other things as well because mobile, iphone, ipad can also be detected. Please read the <a id="browser-detection-link" href="#browser-detection">browser detection</a> section for details. Shortcode: browser=""', 'advanced-iframe');