?> <tr class="vide"> <td colspan="10">Aucun classement</td> </tr> <?php } foreach ($classements as $classement) { ?> <tr class="form"> <td> <div><?php echo stripslashes($classement['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($classement['sexe']); ?> </div> <input type="hidden" name="sport[]" value="<?php echo $classement['id_sport']; ?> " /> </td> <td><input type="number" name="coeff[]" value="<?php echo $classement['coeff']; ?> " min="0" /></td> <td> <select name="ecole1[]"> <?php
<?php } else { foreach ($pompoms_ecole as $pompom) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($pompom['pnom'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($pompom['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($pompom['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($pompom['ptelephone']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </tbody>
url('ecole/tarifs'); ?> ">cliquez ici</a> </div> </div> <?php } foreach ($equipes_sportifs as $eid => $equipe) { $nb = empty($equipe[0]['pid']) ? 0 : count($equipe); $quota_places = $equipe[0]['effectif'] - $nb; $quota_inscrip = empty($equipe[0]['quota_inscription']) ? $quota_places : $equipe[0]['quota_inscription'] - $equipe[0]['inscrits']; ?> <h3><?php echo ($equipe[0]['special'] ? '<small>Sport Spécial : </small>' : '') . stripslashes($equipe[0]['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($equipe[0]['sexe']); ?> </h3> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="sport" value="<?php echo $eid; ?> " /> <table class="table-small"> <thead> <tr class="form"> <td><div><center><small><?php echo '<b>' . $nb . '</b> / ' . $equipe[0]['effectif']; ?> </small></div></td> <td colspan="2">
<?php /* *********************************************************/ /* Challenger V3 : Gestion de l'organisation du Challenge **/ /* Créé par Raphaël Kichot' MOULIN *************************/ /* raphael.moulin@ecl13.ec-lyon.fr *************************/ /* *********************************************************/ /* actions/admin/competition/action_sportifs.php ***********/ /* Liste des sportifs **************************************/ /* *********************************************************/ /* Dernière modification : le 18/12/14 *********************/ /* *********************************************************/ $sportifs = $pdo->query('SELECT ' . 'e.id, ' . 'e.nom AS enom, ' . 'e.ecole_lyonnaise, ' . 's.sport, ' . 's.sexe AS ssexe, ' . 's.id AS sid, ' . 'e.quota_sportif, ' . 'p.nom AS pnom, ' . 'p.prenom AS pprenom, ' . 'p.licence AS plicence, ' . 'p.sexe AS psexe, ' . 'p.telephone AS ptelephone, ' . 'p.id AS pid, ' . 'eq.id_capitaine ' . 'FROM sportifs AS sp ' . 'LEFT JOIN ecoles AS e ON ' . 'sp.id_ecole = e.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN participants AS p ON ' . 'p.id = sp.id_participant ' . 'LEFT JOIN sports AS s ON ' . 's.id = sp.id_sport ' . 'LEFT JOIN equipes AS eq ON ' . 'eq.id_sport = s.id AND ' . 'eq.id_ecole = e.id ' . 'ORDER BY ' . 'p.nom ASC, ' . 'p.prenom ASC, ' . 'e.nom ASC') or DEBUG_ACTIVE && die(print_r($pdo->errorInfo())); $sportifs = $sportifs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($sportifs as $i => $sportif) { $sportifs[$i]['sport_sexe'] = $sportif['sport'] . ' ' . strip_tags(printSexe($sportif['ssexe'])); $sportifs[$i]['capitaine'] = $sportif['id_capitaine'] == $sportif['pid'] ? 'Oui' : ''; } //Téléchargement du fichier XLSX concerné if (isset($_GET['excel'])) { $titre = 'Liste des sportifs'; $fichier = 'liste_sportifs'; $items = $sportifs; $labels = ['Capitaine' => 'capitaine', 'Nom' => 'pnom', 'Prénom' => 'pprenom', 'Sexe' => 'psexe', 'Ecole' => 'enom', 'Sport' => 'sport_sexe', 'Licence' => 'plicence', 'Téléphone' => 'ptelephone']; exportXLSX($items, $fichier, $titre, $labels); } //Inclusion du bon fichier de template require DIR . 'templates/admin/competition/sportifs.php';
/* *********************************************************/ /* Challenger V3 : Gestion de l'organisation du Challenge **/ /* Créé par Raphaël Kichot' MOULIN *************************/ /* raphael.moulin@ecl13.ec-lyon.fr *************************/ /* *********************************************************/ /* actions/admin/competition/action_capitaines_ecoles.php **/ /* Liste des capitaines par école **************************/ /* *********************************************************/ /* Dernière modification : le 18/12/14 *********************/ /* *********************************************************/ $capitaines = $pdo->query('SELECT ' . 'e.id AS id, ' . 'e.nom, ' . 'e.ecole_lyonnaise, ' . 's.sport, ' . 's.sexe AS ssexe, ' . 's.id AS sid, ' . 'p.nom AS pnom, ' . 'p.prenom AS pprenom, ' . 'p.licence AS plicence, ' . 'p.sexe AS psexe, ' . 'p.telephone AS ptelephone, ' . 'p.id AS pid ' . 'FROM ecoles AS e ' . 'LEFT JOIN equipes AS eq ON ' . 'eq.id_ecole = e.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN participants AS p ON ' . 'p.id = eq.id_capitaine ' . 'LEFT JOIN sports AS s ON ' . 's.id = eq.id_sport ' . 'ORDER BY ' . 'e.nom ASC, ' . 'p.nom ASC, ' . 'p.prenom ASC ') or DEBUG_ACTIVE && die(print_r($pdo->errorInfo())); $capitaines = $capitaines->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC | PDO::FETCH_GROUP); foreach ($capitaines as $i => $groupe) { foreach ($groupe as $j => $capitaine) { $capitaines[$i][$j]['sport_sexe'] = $capitaine['sport'] . ' ' . strip_tags(printSexe($capitaine['ssexe'])); } } //Labels XLSX $labels = ['Nom' => 'pnom', 'Prénom' => 'pprenom', 'Sexe' => 'psexe', 'Sport' => 'sport_sexe', 'Licence' => 'plicence', 'Téléphone' => 'ptelephone']; //Téléchargement du fichier XLSX concerné if (!empty($_GET['excel']) && intval($_GET['excel']) && in_array($_GET['excel'], array_keys($capitaines))) { $titre = 'Liste des capitaines (' . unsecure($capitaines[$_GET['excel']][0]['nom']) . ')'; $fichier = 'liste_capitaines_ecole_' . onlyLetters(unsecure($capitaines[$_GET['excel']][0]['nom'])); $items = $capitaines[$_GET['excel']]; exportXLSX($items, $fichier, $titre, $labels); } else { if (isset($_GET['excel'])) { $fichier = 'liste_capitaines_ecoles'; $items = $titres = $feuilles[] = []; $i = 0;
<?php } ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($sportif['pnom'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($sportif['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['enom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['plicence']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['ptelephone']); ?> </td>
<?php } else { foreach ($participants as $participant) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($participant['pnom'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($participant['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($participant['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($participant['enom']); ?> </td> <td style="padding:0px"> <?php if ($participant['sportif']) { ?> <input type="checkbox" checked /> <label></label> <?php
<?php echo printLogementTarif($tarif['logement']); ?> <br /> <?php echo nl2br($tarif['description']); ?> <br /> <?php if (!empty($tarif['id_sport_special'])) { ?> <i>Sport Spécial : </i> <b><?php echo stripslashes($tarif['sport']); ?> </b> <?php echo printSexe($tarif['sexe']); ?> <br /> <?php } ?> <div class="extras"> <?php if (in_array($tarif['for_pompom'], ['yes', 'no'])) { ?> <input type="checkbox" readonly <?php if ($tarif['for_pompom'] == 'yes') { echo 'checked '; }
<div class="alerte-contenu"> Aucune équipe n'a encore été créée.<br /> Dirigez-vous sur <a href="<?php url('ecole/equipes'); ?> ">la page concernée</a> pour en ajouter ! </div> </div> <?php } foreach ($equipes_sportifs as $eid => $equipe) { ?> <h3><?php echo stripslashes($equipe[0]['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($equipe[0]['sexe']); ?> </h3> <center>Responsable : <a href="<?php url('contact'); ?> "><b> <?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($equipe[0]['anom']) . ' ' . $equipe[0]['aprenom']); ?> </b></a></center> <table class="table-small"> <thead> <tr> <th style="width:60px"><small>Capitaine</small></th> <th>Sportif</th>
?> <td><center style="height:auto; padding:0px 5px; line-height:20px;"> <?php if (isset($filles_proprio[$i])) { $fille = $filles[$filles_proprio[$i]]; ?> <b><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($fille['nom']) . ' ' . $fille['prenom']); ?> </b><br /> <small><?php echo stripslashes($fille['enom']) . ' / '; echo empty($fille['sid']) ? '<i>Sans sport</i>' : $fille['sport'] . ' ' . printSexe($fille['sexe']); ?> <br /> <?php echo stripslashes($fille['telephone']); ?> </small> <?php } ?> </center></td> <?php }
?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($sportif['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['enom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($sportif['ssexe']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['plicence']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($sportif['ptelephone']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
<label for="form-sport"> <span>Sport</span> <select name="sport" id="form-sport"> <?php foreach ($sports_ajout as $sport) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $sport['id']; ?> " data-max="<?php echo (int) $sport['quota_total'] - $sport['quota_sum']; ?> "><?php echo strip_tags(stripslashes($sport['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($sport['sexe'])); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </label> <label for="form-quota-max"> <span>Quota Max</span> <input type="number" min="1" name="quota-max" id="form-quota-max" value="" /> </label>
$sportifs = $pdo->query('SELECT ' . 's.id, ' . 's.sport, ' . 's.sexe, ' . 's.quota_max, ' . 's.quota_inscription, ' . 'p.nom AS pnom, ' . 'p.prenom AS pprenom, ' . 'p.licence AS plicence, ' . 'p.sexe AS psexe, ' . 'p.telephone AS ptelephone, ' . 'p.id AS pid, ' . 'eq.id_capitaine, ' . 'e.nom AS enom, ' . 'e.id AS eid ' . 'FROM sports AS s ' . 'LEFT JOIN sportifs AS sp ON ' . 'sp.id_sport = s.id ' . 'LEFT JOIN participants AS p ON ' . 'p.id = sp.id_participant ' . 'LEFT JOIN ecoles AS e ON ' . 'e.id = sp.id_ecole ' . 'LEFT JOIN equipes AS eq ON ' . 'eq.id_sport = s.id AND ' . 'eq.id_ecole = e.id ' . 'ORDER BY ' . 's.sport ASC, ' . 's.sexe ASC, ' . 'e.nom ASC, ' . 'p.nom ASC, ' . 'p.prenom ASC ') or DEBUG_ACTIVE && die(print_r($pdo->errorInfo())); $sportifs = $sportifs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC | PDO::FETCH_GROUP); foreach ($sportifs as $i => $groupe) { foreach ($groupe as $j => $sportif) { $sportifs[$i][$j]['capitaine'] = $sportif['id_capitaine'] == $sportif['pid'] ? 'Oui' : ''; } } //Labels pour le XLSX $labels = ['Ecole' => 'enom', 'Capitaine' => 'capitaine', 'Nom' => 'pnom', 'Prénom' => 'pprenom', 'Sexe' => 'psexe', 'Licence' => 'plicence', 'Téléphone' => 'ptelephone']; //Téléchargement du fichier XLSX concerné if (!empty($_GET['excel']) && intval($_GET['excel']) && in_array($_GET['excel'], array_keys($sportifs))) { $titre = 'Liste des sportifs (' . unsecure($sportifs[$_GET['excel']][0]['sport'] . ' ' . strip_tags(printSexe($sportifs[$_GET['excel']][0]['sexe']))) . ')'; $fichier = 'liste_sportifs_sport_' . onlyLetters(unsecure($sportifs[$_GET['excel']][0]['sport'] . '_' . strip_tags(printSexe($sportifs[$_GET['excel']][0]['sexe'])))) . '_groupes'; $items = $sportifs[$_GET['excel']]; exportXLSX($items, $fichier, $titre, $labels); } else { if (isset($_GET['excel'])) { $fichier = 'liste_sportifs_sports_groupes'; $items = $titres = $feuilles[] = []; $i = 0; foreach ($sportifs as $sportifs_sport) { $titres[$i] = 'Liste des sportifs (' . unsecure($sportifs_sport[0]['sport'] . ' ' . strip_tags(printSexe($sportifs_sport[0]['sexe']))) . ')'; $feuilles[$i] = unsecure($sportifs_sport[0]['sport'] . ' ' . strip_tags(printSexe($sportifs_sport[0]['sexe']))); $items[$i] = $sportifs_sport; $i++; } exportXLSXGroupe($items, $fichier, $feuilles, $titres, $labels); } } //Inclusion du bon fichier de template require DIR . 'templates/admin/competition/sportifs_sports_groupes.php';
<?php } else { foreach ($fanfarons as $fanfaron) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($fanfaron['pnom'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($fanfaron['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($fanfaron['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($fanfaron['enom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($fanfaron['ptelephone']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
<?php } else { foreach ($capitaines_sport as $capitaine) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($capitaine['pnom'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($capitaine['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['enom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['plicence']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['ptelephone']); ?> </td>
<tr> <td><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($capitaine['pnom'])); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['pprenom']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo printSexe($capitaine['psexe'], false); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($capitaine['ssexe']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['plicence']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo stripslashes($capitaine['ptelephone']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php }
foreach ($amies_logees as $fille) { $numero = !empty($fille['cid']) ? sprintf('%s%d%02d', $fille['batiment'], $fille['etage'], $fille['numero']) : ''; ?> <tr class="form"> <td style="width:150px !important"> <input style="background-color:<?php echo empty($fille['cid']) ? 'transparent' : colorChambre($numero); ?> " type="text" readonly value="<?php echo $numero; ?> " /> </td> <td><div><?php echo empty($fille['sid']) ? '<i>Sans sport</i>' : stripslashes($fille['sport']) . ' ' . printSexe($fille['sexe']); ?> </div></td> <td><div><?php echo stripslashes(strtoupper($fille['nom'])); ?> </div></td> <td><div><?php echo stripslashes($fille['prenom']); ?> </div></td> <td><div><?php echo stripslashes($fille['telephone']); ?> </div></td> <td class="actions"><a href="?ecole=<?php