コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: ehironymous/racktables
            // any other error requires no special handling and will be caught outside
        case 'popup' == $_REQUEST['module']:
            require_once 'inc/popup.php';
            require_once 'inc/init.php';
        case 'upgrade' == $_REQUEST['module']:
            require_once 'inc/config.php';
            // for CODE_VERSION
            require_once 'inc/dictionary.php';
            require_once 'inc/functions.php';
            // for ip translation functions
            require_once 'inc/upgrade.php';
        case 'installer' == $_REQUEST['module']:
            require_once 'inc/dictionary.php';
            require_once 'inc/config.php';
            require_once 'inc/install.php';
            throw new InvalidRequestArgException('module', $_REQUEST['module']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: error.php プロジェクト: bdusell/jitsu-error
 * Override the global exception handler with more useful behavior.
 * If `$debug` is true, then unhandled exceptions will cause the script to
 * print a stack trace and then exit. If `$debug` is false, then the script
 * will exit silently.
 * @param bool $debug Whether to display stack traces.
function overrideExceptionHandler($debug = true)
    if ($debug) {
        set_exception_handler(function ($e) {
    } else {
        set_exception_handler(function () {
コード例 #3
ファイル: reshtml.php プロジェクト: jhbsz/ossimTest
function origdetails()
    global $uroles, $user, $sid, $query_risk, $border, $report_id, $scantime, $scantype, $fp, $nfp, $filterip, $enableFP, $enableNotes, $enableException, $output, $sortby, $dbconn, $arruser;
    global $treport, $ipl, $query_byuser, $ips_inrange;
    $enableException = 0;
    $colors = array("Serious" => "#FFCDFF", "High" => "#FFDBDB", "Medium" => "#FFF283", "Low" => "#FFFFC0", "Info" => "#FFFFE3");
    $images = array("Serious" => "./images/risk7.gif", "High" => "./images/risk6.gif", "Medium" => "./images/risk3.gif", "Low" => "./images/risk2.gif", "Info" => "./images/risk1.gif");
    $levels = array("Serious" => "1", "High" => "2", "Medium" => "3", "Low" => "6", "Info" => "7");
    $query_host = "";
    if ($filterip) {
        $query_host = " AND hostip='{$filterip}'";
    echo "<center>";
    echo "<form>";
    echo "<table width=\"900\" class=\"noborder\" style=\"background:transparent;\">";
    echo "<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;\" class=\"nobborder\">";
    echo "<input id=\"checkboxFP\" type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"showFalsePositives()\"> <span style=\"color:black\">" . _("View false positives") . "</span>";
    echo "</td><td class=\"nobborder\" style=\"text-align:center;\">";
    // print the icon legend
    if ($enableFP) {
        echo "<img alt='True' src='images/true.gif' border=0 align='absmiddle'> - " . _("True result") . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        echo "<img alt='False' src='images/false.png' border=0 align='absmiddle'> - " . _("False positive result") . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    if ($enableNotes) {
        echo "<img alt='Note' src='images/note.png' border=0 align='absmiddle'> - " . _("Add a custom note") . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo "<img alt='Info' src='images/info.png' border=0 align='absmiddle'> - " . _("Additional information is available");
    echo "</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "<br>";
    //$query ="select distinct hostip, hostname from vuln_nessus_results where report_id='$report_id' $query_host order by INET_ATON(hostip) ASC";
    if ($ipl == "all") {
        $query = "SELECT distinct t1.hostip, t2.hostname\n         FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results t1\n         LEFT JOIN host t2 on t1.hostip = t2.ip " . (in_array("admin", $arruser) ? "" : "WHERE username in ('{$user}') ") . "ORDER BY hostip ASC";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT distinct t1.hostip, t2.hostname\n         FROM " . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? "vuln_nessus_latest_results" : "vuln_nessus_results") . " t1\n         LEFT JOIN host t2 on t1.hostip = t2.ip\n         WHERE report_id in ({$report_id}) " . ($treport == "latest" || $ip != "" ? " and sid in ({$sid})" : " ") . " {$query_host}" . (!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") ? " AND username in ('{$user}') " : " ") . "ORDER BY INET_ATON(hostip) ASC";
    $resultp = $dbconn->execute($query);
    $host_range = array_keys($ips_inrange);
    while (list($hostip, $hostname) = $resultp->fields) {
        if ($hostname == "") {
            $hostname = "unknown";
        if (in_array($hostip, $host_range)) {
            if ($output == "min") {
                echo "<h3>" . _("Details for Serious, High, Medium and Medium/Low severity risks only") . ".</h3>";
            echo "<div class='hostip'>";
            echo <<<EOT
<br><font color="red"><b><a name="{$hostip}">{$hostip} - {$hostname}</a></b></font>
            echo "<table summary=\"{$hostip} - " . _("Reported Ports") . "\">";
            echo "<tr><th colspan=2>" . _("Reported Ports") . "</th></tr>";
            // get the "open ports" this replaced an approroacj requiring risk 7 and an empty msg cell
            if ($ipl == "all") {
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `port` , `protocol` FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results \n   \t\tWHERE hostip='{$hostip}' {$query_byuser} AND port > '0' ORDER BY port ASC";
            } else {
                $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `port` , `protocol` FROM `" . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? "vuln_nessus_latest_results" : "vuln_nessus_results") . "` \n   \t\tWHERE report_id in ({$report_id})" . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? " and sid in ({$sid})" : " ") . ($scantime != "" ? " AND scantime={$scantime}" : "") . (!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") ? " AND username in ('{$user}') " : " ") . " AND hostip='{$hostip}' AND port > '0' ORDER BY  port ASC";
            $result1 = $dbconn->execute($query);
            $k = 1;
            $pos = "";
            if (!$result1->fields) {
                print "<tr><td>" . _("No reported ports found") . "</td></tr>";
            } else {
                while (list($port, $proto) = $result1->fields) {
                    if ($k % 2) {
                        echo "<tr><td>{$port}/{$proto}</td>";
                        $pos = "open";
                    } else {
                        echo "<td>{$port}/{$proto}</td></tr>";
                        $pos = "closed";
                // end while
                // close up the table
                if ($pos != "closed") {
                    echo "<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
            echo "</table><p></p>";
            echo <<<EOT
<table width="900" summary="{$hostip} - risks">
            echo "<th>" . _("Vuln Name") . "</th>";
            echo "<th>" . _("VulnID") . "</th>";
            echo "<th>" . _("Service") . "</th>";
            echo "<th>" . _("Severity") . "</th>";
            echo "</tr>";
            if ($ipl == "all") {
                $query = "select distinct 0, r.service, r.risk, r.falsepositive, r.scriptid, v.name, r.msg\n                FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results as r\n                LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_plugins as v ON v.id=r.scriptid\n                WHERE hostip='{$hostip}' {$query_byuser} and msg<>''";
                /*  $query_msg = "select r.msg from vuln_nessus_latest_results as r
                    LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_plugins as v ON v.id=r.scriptid
                    WHERE hostip='$hostip' $query_byuser and msg<>'' ORDER BY r.scantime DESC LIMIT 0,1";*/
            } else {
                if ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") {
                    $query = "select distinct 0, r.service, r.risk, r.falsepositive, r.scriptid, v.name, r.msg\n                FROM vuln_nessus_latest_results as r\n                LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_plugins as v ON v.id=r.scriptid\n                WHERE report_id in ({$report_id}) and sid in ({$sid}) and hostip='{$hostip}' and msg<>''" . ($scantime != "" && $ipl == "" ? " AND scantime={$scantime}" : "") . (!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") ? " AND username in ('{$user}') " : "");
                    /*   $query_msg = "select r.msg from vuln_nessus_latest_results as r
                         LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_plugins as v ON v.id=r.scriptid
                         WHERE report_id in ($report_id) and sid in ($sid) and hostip='$hostip' and msg<>''".
                         (($scantime!="" && $ipl=="")? " AND scantime=$scantime":"").
                         ((!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport=="latest" || $ipl!=""))? " AND username in ('$user') " : " ")."ORDER BY r.scantime DESC LIMIT 0,1";*/
                } else {
                    $query = "select distinct 0, t1.service, t1.risk, t1.falsepositive, t1.scriptid, v.name, t1.msg\n                FROM vuln_nessus_results t1\n                LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_plugins as v ON v.id=t1.scriptid\n                WHERE report_id in ({$report_id}) and hostip='{$hostip}' and msg<>''" . ($scantime != "" && $ipl == "" ? " AND scantime={$scantime}" : "") . (!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") ? " AND username in ('{$user}') " : "");
                    /*  $query_msg = "select t1.msg from vuln_nessus_results t1
                        LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_plugins as v ON v.id=t1.scriptid
                        WHERE report_id in ($report_id) and hostip='$hostip' and msg<>''".
                        (($scantime!="" && $ipl=="")? " AND scantime=$scantime":"").
                        ((!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport=="latest" || $ipl!=""))? " AND username in ('$user') " : " ")."ORDER BY t1.scantime DESC LIMIT 0,1";*/
            //echo $scantime;
            //echo "bucle:$query";
            // for minimized output, don't include risk=[5|6|7]
            if ($output == "min") {
                $query .= " and risk NOT IN( '7', '6', '5')";
            $query .= " order by risk";
            $result1 = $dbconn->execute($query);
            $arrResults = "";
            while (list($result_id, $service, $risk, $falsepositive, $scriptid, $pname, $msg) = $result1->fields) {
                //$msg = get_msg($dbconn,$query_msg); // to avoid same messages
                $tmpport1 = preg_split("/\\(|\\)/", $service);
                if (sizeof($tmpport1) == 1) {
                    $tmpport1[1] = $tmpport1[0];
                #echo "$tmpport1[0] $tmpport1[1]<BR>";
                $tmpport2 = preg_split("/\\//", $tmpport1[1]);
                #echo "$tmpport2[0] $tmpport2[1]<BR>";
                $service_num = $tmpport2[0];
                $service_proto = $tmpport2[1];
                $arrResults[] = array($service_num, $service_proto, $service, $risk, $falsepositive, $result_id, $msg, $scriptid, $pname);
            if (!empty($arrResults)) {
                //uasort ($arrResults, 'arrScanResultsCompare');
            } else {
                // empty, print out message
                echo "<td colspan='4'>" . _("No vulnerability results matching this reports \n               filtering criteria were found") . ".</td></tr>";
            foreach ($arrResults as $key => $value) {
                list($service_num, $service_proto, $service, $risk, $falsepositive, $resid, $msg, $scriptid, $pname) = $value;
                // No need to do this anymore as the HTML entities are converted when
                // importing the results
                //            $msg=htmlspecialchars($msg);
                // Print Notes associated with this result (resid)
                // modified to remove username filter - will tag the note with the
                // username which we now get in the results
                if ($enableNotes) {
                    $query = "select note, username FROM nessus_notes WHERE pid={$scriptid} and resid = {$resid}";
                    $result_note = $dbconn->execute($query);
                    //and username='******'");
                    //The next line breaks for upgrade installs
                    if (!empty($result_note)) {
                        $msg .= '<p><FONT COLOR="#0044FF"><B>' . _("Custom Notes") . ':</B>';
                        foreach ($result_note as $note_num => $customnote) {
                            // do this as the index starts at 0
                            $msg .= "\n{$note_num}. [{$customnote['username']}] - {$customnote['note']}";
                        $msg .= "</FONT></p>";
                // end Print Notes
                $msg = preg_replace("/^[ \t]*/", "", $msg);
                $msg = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br>", $msg);
                //         $tr = array("\\n" => "<br>");
                //         $msg=strtr($msg,$tr);
                $msg = wordwrap($msg, 100, "<br>", 1);
                // Add Exceptions
                //if ($enableException && $risk <= 6) {
                if ($enableException) {
                    $msg .= "<p><FONT COLOR='#0044FF'><b>" . _("Exceptions") . ":</b><br>";
                    if ($uroles['eview'] || $uroles['esubmit'] || $uroles['eapprove']) {
                        $msg .= printException($hostip, $scriptid, $dbconn, FALSE, $hostname, $service_num, $sid);
                    //if ($esubmit) {
                    //   $msg .= addException($hostip,$resid,$scriptid,$schedid,$hostname);
                // end Exceptions
                $tmprisk = getrisk($risk);
                $msg = preg_replace("/^\\<br\\>/i", "", str_replace("\\r", "", $msg));
                $msg = preg_replace("/(Solution|Overview|Synopsis|Description|See also|Plugin output|References|Vulnerability Insight|Impact|Impact Level|Affected Software\\/OS|Fix|Information about this scan)\\s*:/", "<b>\\1:</b>", $msg);
                // output the table cells
                $ancla = $hostip . "_" . $levels[$tmprisk];
                echo "<tr " . ($falsepositive == 'Y' ? "class=\"trsk risk{$risk} fp\"" : "class=\"trsk risk{$risk}\"") . "style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$tmprisk] . ($falsepositive == 'Y' ? ";display:none;" : "") . "\">";
                //echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td width=\"50%\" style=\"padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;\"><b>" . ($pname != "" ? $pname : _("No name")) . "</b></td>";
                echo "<td style=\"padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;\">{$scriptid}</td>";
<td style="padding:3px;" width="180"><?php 
                echo $service;
<td style="text-align:center;">
                echo $tmprisk;
&nbsp;&nbsp;<img align="absmiddle" src="<?php 
                echo $images[$tmprisk];
" style="border: 1px solid ; width: 25px; height: 10px;">
                echo "<tr " . ($falsepositive == 'Y' ? "class=\"trsk risk{$risk} fp\"" : "class=\"trsk risk{$risk}\"") . "style=\"background-color:" . $colors[$tmprisk] . ($falsepositive == 'Y' ? ";display:none;" : "") . "\">";
<td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 6px;text-align:left;">
<A class="msg" NAME="<?php 
                echo $resid;
 "></a><a name="<?php 
                echo $ancla;
                echo $msg;
<font size="1">
                // Add info from osvdb
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title=\"" . _("Info from OSVDB for vuln id ") . "{$scriptid}\" class=\"greybox\" href=\"osvdb_info.php?scriptid={$scriptid}\"><img src=\"images/osvdb.png\" border=\"0\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                // Add link to popup with Script Info
                echo <<<EOT
<a href="javascript:;" lid="{$scriptid}" style="text-decoration:none;" class="scriptinfo"><img alt="Info" src="images/info.png" border=0></a>
                // Add Custom Notes icon
                // don't filter on username - any user can add a note to any result
                //if ($sql_uid==$user) {
                if ($enableNotes) {
                    if ($output == "min") {
                        echo <<<EOT
<a href="notes.php?op=add&amp;pid={$scriptid}&scantime={$scantime}&scantype={$scantype}&sortby={$sortby}&resid={$resid}&httpfrom=resmin" 
  return false;"><img alt="Note" src="images/note.png" title="Add note" border=0></a>
                    } else {
                        echo <<<EOT
<a href="notes.php?op=add&amp;pid={$scriptid}&scantime={$scantime}&scantype={$scantype}&sortby={$sortby}&resid={$resid}&httpfrom=results" 
  return false;"><img alt="Note" src="images/note.png" title="Add note" border=0></a>
                // Add False Positive Indicator/link
                if ($enableFP && ($sql_uid == $user || $uroles['admin'])) {
                          $query = "select result_id from vuln_nessus_latest_results 
                          WHERE hostip='$hostip' and service='$service' and risk=".$levels[$tmprisk]." and scriptid=$scriptid $query_byuser";
                    if ($ipl == "") {
                        $list_result_ids = array();
                        $query = "select result_id from " . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? "vuln_nessus_latest_results" : "vuln_nessus_results") . " \n                WHERE report_id in ({$report_id})" . ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "" ? " and sid in ({$sid})" : " ") . " and hostip='{$hostip}'\n                and service='{$service}' and risk=" . $levels[$tmprisk] . " and scriptid={$scriptid}" . (!in_array("admin", $arruser) && ($treport == "latest" || $ipl != "") ? " AND username in ('{$user}') " : "");
                        $result = $dbconn->execute($query);
                        while (!$result->EOF) {
                            $list_result_ids[] = $result->fields["result_id"];
                        $resid = base64_encode(implode(",", $list_result_ids));
                    } else {
                        $resid = base64_encode("{$report_id};{$hostip};{$service};" . $levels[$tmprisk] . ";{$scriptid}");
                    //print_r ($query);
                    $tmpu = array();
                    $url = "";
                    foreach ($_GET as $kget => $vget) {
                        if ($kget != "pluginid" && $kget != "nfp" && $kget != "fp") {
                            $tmpu[] = "{$kget}={$vget}";
                    $url = implode("&", $tmpu);
                    if ($falsepositive == "Y") {
                        /*               echo <<<EOT
                        <a href="reshtml.php?$url&nfp=$resid&pluginid=$scriptid">
                        echo <<<EOT
<a href="reshtml.php?{$url}&nfp={$resid}">
                        echo "<img alt=\"" . _("Clear false positive") . "\" src=\"images/false.png\" title=\"" . _("Clear false positive") . "\" border=0></a>";
                    } else {
                        /*               echo <<<EOT
                        <a href="reshtml.php?$url&fp=$resid&pluginid=$scriptid">
                        echo <<<EOT
<a href="reshtml.php?{$url}&fp={$resid}">
                        echo "<img alt=\"" . _("Mark as false positive") . "\" src=\"images/true.gif\" title=\"" . _("Mark as false positive") . "\" border=0></a>";
                $pticket = "ref=Vulnerability&ip={$hostip}&port={$service_num}&nessus_id={$scriptid}&risk={$tmprisk}&type=Nessus Vulnerability";
                echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title=\"" . _("New ticket") . "\" class=\"greybox\" href=\"new_vuln_ticket.php?{$pticket}\"><img style=\"padding-bottom:2px;\" src=\"../pixmaps/incident.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"i\" width=\"12\"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $plugin_info = $dbconn->execute("SELECT t2.name, t3.name, t1.copyright, t1.summary, t1.version \n        FROM vuln_nessus_plugins t1\n        LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_family t2 on t1.family=t2.id\n        LEFT JOIN vuln_nessus_category t3 on t1.category=t3.id\n        WHERE t1.id='{$scriptid}'");
                list($pfamily, $pcategory, $pcopyright, $psummary, $pversion) = $plugin_info->fields;
         <td colspan="3" valign="top" style="text-align:left;padding:3px;">
                $plugindetails = "";
                if ($pfamily != "") {
                    $plugindetails .= '<b>Family name:</b> ' . $pfamily . '<br><br>';
                if ($pcategory != "") {
                    $plugindetails .= '<b>Category:</b> ' . $pcategory . '<br><br>';
                if ($pcopyright != "") {
                    $plugindetails .= '<b>Copyright:</b> ' . $pcopyright . '<br><br>';
                if ($psummary != "") {
                    $plugindetails .= '<b>Summary:</b> ' . $psummary . '<br><br>';
                if ($pversion != "") {
                    $plugindetails .= '<b>Version:</b> ' . $pversion . '<br><br>';
                echo $plugindetails;
            echo "</table>";
            echo "</div>";
    echo "</center>";