コード例 #1
 * @link http://www.open-emr.org
 * Please help the overall project by sending changes you make to the author and to the OpenEMR community.
$fake_register_globals = false;
$sanitize_all_escapes = true;
require_once "../globals.php";
require_once "{$srcdir}/patient.inc";
require_once "{$srcdir}/formatting.inc.php";
require_once "{$srcdir}/options.inc.php";
require_once "{$srcdir}/patient_tracker.inc.php";
require_once "{$srcdir}/user.inc";
// mdsupport - user_settings prefix
$uspfx = substr(__FILE__, strlen($webserver_root)) . '.';
$setting_new_window = prevSetting($uspfx, 'setting_new_window', 'form_new_window', ' ');
#define variables, future enhancement allow changing the to_date and from_date
#to allow picking a date to review
if (!is_null($_POST['form_provider'])) {
    $provider = $_POST['form_provider'];
} else {
    if ($_SESSION['userauthorized']) {
        $provider = $_SESSION['authUserID'];
    } else {
        $provider = null;
$facility = !is_null($_POST['form_facility']) ? $_POST['form_facility'] : null;
$form_apptstatus = !is_null($_POST['form_apptstatus']) ? $_POST['form_apptstatus'] : null;
$form_apptcat = null;
if (isset($_POST['form_apptcat'])) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: left_nav.php プロジェクト: juggernautsei/openemr
// supports set_encounter to establish an encounter.
// TBD: Include active_pid and/or active_encounter in relevant submitted
// form data, and add logic to the save routines to make sure they match
// the corresponding session values.
require_once "../globals.php";
require_once $GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/library/acl.inc";
require_once $GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/custom/code_types.inc.php";
require_once $GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/library/patient.inc";
require_once $GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/library/lists.inc";
require_once $GLOBALS['srcdir'] . '/ESign/Api.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['srcdir'] . '/user.inc';
// Fetch user preferences saved from prior session
$uspfx = substr(__FILE__, strlen($GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/")) . '.';
$cb_top_chk = prevSetting($uspfx, 'cb_top', 'frame0_chk', 'checked');
$cb_bot_chk = prevSetting($uspfx, 'cb_bot', 'frame1_chk', 'checked');
$usrval = json_encode(array($cb_top_chk, $cb_bot_chk));
// This array defines the list of primary documents that may be
// chosen.  Each element value is an array of 3 values:
// * Name to appear in the navigation table
// * Usage: 0 = global, 1 = patient-specific, 2 = encounter-specific
// * The URL relative to the interface directory
$primary_docs = array('cal' => array(xl('Calendar'), 0, 'main/main_info.php'), 'pfb' => array(xl('Patient Flow Board'), 0, '../interface/patient_tracker/patient_tracker.php?skip_timeout_reset=1'), 'app' => array(xl('Portal Activity'), 0, '../myportal/index.php'), 'msg' => array(xl('Messages'), 0, 'main/messages/messages.php?form_active=1'), 'pwd' => array(xl('Password'), 0, 'usergroup/user_info.php'), 'prf' => array(xl('Preferences'), 0, 'super/edit_globals.php?mode=user'), 'adm' => array(xl('Admin'), 0, 'usergroup/admin_frameset.php'), 'rep' => array(xl('Reports'), 0, 'reports/index.php'), 'ono' => array(xl('Ofc Notes'), 0, 'main/onotes/office_comments.php'), 'fax' => array(xl('Fax/Scan'), 0, 'fax/faxq.php'), 'adb' => array(xl('Addr Bk'), 0, 'usergroup/addrbook_list.php'), 'orl' => array(xl('Proc Prov'), 0, 'orders/procedure_provider_list.php'), 'ort' => array(xl('Proc Cat'), 0, 'orders/types.php'), 'orc' => array(xl('Proc Load'), 0, 'orders/load_compendium.php'), 'orb' => array(xl('Proc Bat'), 0, 'orders/orders_results.php?batch=1'), 'ore' => array(xl('E-Reports'), 0, 'orders/list_reports.php'), 'ppo' => array(xl('CMS Portal'), 0, 'cmsportal/list_requests.php'), 'cht' => array(xl('Chart Trk'), 0, '../custom/chart_tracker.php'), 'imp' => array(xl('Import'), 0, '../custom/import.php'), 'bil' => array(xl('Billing'), 0, 'billing/billing_report.php'), 'sup' => array(xl('Superbill'), 0, 'patient_file/encounter/superbill_custom_full.php'), 'aun' => array(xl('Authorizations'), 0, 'main/authorizations/authorizations.php'), 'new' => array(xl('New Pt'), 0, 'new/new.php'), 'ped' => array(xl('Patient Education'), 0, 'reports/patient_edu_web_lookup.php'), 'lab' => array(xl('Check Lab Results'), 0, 'orders/lab_exchange.php'), 'dem' => array(xl('Patient'), 1, "patient_file/summary/demographics.php"), 'his' => array(xl('History'), 1, 'patient_file/history/history.php'), 'ens' => array(xl('Visit History'), 1, 'patient_file/history/encounters.php'), 'nen' => array(xl('Create Visit'), 1, 'forms/newpatient/new.php?autoloaded=1&calenc='), 'pre' => array(xl('Rx'), 1, 'patient_file/summary/rx_frameset.php'), 'iss' => array(xl('Issues'), 1, 'patient_file/summary/stats_full.php?active=all'), 'imm' => array(xl('Immunize'), 1, 'patient_file/summary/immunizations.php'), 'doc' => array(xl('Documents'), 1, '../controller.php?document&list&patient_id={PID}'), 'orp' => array(xl('Proc Pending Rev'), 1, 'orders/orders_results.php?review=1'), 'orr' => array(xl('Proc Res'), 1, 'orders/orders_results.php'), 'lda' => array(xl('Lab overview'), 1, 'patient_file/summary/labdata.php'), 'tan' => array(xl('Configure Tracks'), 0, 'forms/track_anything/create.php'), 'prp' => array(xl('Pt Report'), 1, 'patient_file/report/patient_report.php'), 'prq' => array(xl('Pt Rec Request'), 1, 'patient_file/transaction/record_request.php'), 'pno' => array(xl('Pt Notes'), 1, 'patient_file/summary/pnotes.php'), 'tra' => array(xl('Transact'), 1, 'patient_file/transaction/transactions.php'), 'sum' => array(xl('Summary'), 1, 'patient_file/summary/summary_bottom.php'), 'enc' => array(xl('Encounter'), 2, 'patient_file/encounter/encounter_top.php'), 'erx' => array(xl('e-Rx'), 1, 'eRx.php'), 'err' => array(xl('e-Rx Renewal'), 1, 'eRx.php?page=status'), 'ere' => array(xl('e-Rx EPCS'), 1, 'eRx.php?page=epcs-admin'), 'pay' => array(xl('Payment'), 1, '../patient_file/front_payment.php'), 'edi' => array(xl('EDI History'), 0, 'billing/edih_view.php'), 'eob' => array(xl('Posting'), 0, 'billing/sl_eob_search.php'), 'dld' => array(xl('Display Documents'), 0, 'main/display_documents.php'));
$primary_docs['npa'] = array(xl('Batch Payments'), 0, 'billing/new_payment.php');
if ($GLOBALS['use_charges_panel'] || $GLOBALS['menu_styling_vertical'] == 0) {
    $primary_docs['cod'] = array(xl('Charges'), 2, 'patient_file/encounter/encounter_bottom.php');
$esignApi = new Api();
// This section decides which navigation items will not appear.