コード例 #1
ファイル: pret.inc.php プロジェクト: hogsim/PMB
function add_pret($id_empr, $id_expl, $cb_doc, $resarc_id = 0, $short_loan = 0)
    // le lien MySQL
    global $dbh, $msg;
    global $pmb_quotas_avances, $pmb_utiliser_calendrier;
    global $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_tarif_prets;
    global $include_path, $lang;
    global $deflt2docs_location;
    global $pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee;
    global $pmb_short_loan_management;
    global $pmb_transferts_actif;
    global $pmb_resa_planning;
    $resarc_id += 0;
    /* on prépare la date de début*/
    $pret_date = today();
    $duree_pret = 0;
    // calcul de la duree du pret si la date de fin est definie par les previsions
    if ($resarc_id && $pmb_resa_planning == 1) {
        $q = 'select datediff(resarc_fin,"' . $pret_date . '") from resa_archive where resarc_id =' . $resarc_id . ' and resarc_resa_planning_id_resa!=0 limit 1';
        $r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
        if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($r)) {
            $duree_pret = pmb_mysql_result($r, 0, 0);
    if (!$duree_pret) {
        /* on cherche la durée du prêt */
        if ($pmb_short_loan_management && $short_loan) {
            if ($pmb_quotas_avances) {
                //Initialisation de la classe
                $qt = new quota("SHORT_LOAN_TIME_QUOTA");
                $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
                $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
                $duree_pret = $qt->get_quota_value($struct);
                if ($duree_pret == -1) {
                    $duree_pret = 0;
            } else {
                $query = "SELECT short_loan_duration as duree_pret";
                $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
                $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
                $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
                $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
                $expl_properties = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
                $duree_pret = $expl_properties->duree_pret;
        } else {
            if ($pmb_quotas_avances) {
                //Initialisation de la classe
                $qt = new quota("LEND_TIME_QUOTA");
                $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
                $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
                $duree_pret = $qt->get_quota_value($struct);
                if ($duree_pret == -1) {
                    $duree_pret = 0;
            } else {
                $query = "SELECT duree_pret";
                $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
                $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
                $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
                $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
                $expl_properties = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
                $duree_pret = $expl_properties->duree_pret;
    // calculer la date de retour prévue, tenir compte de la date de fin d'adhésion
    if (!$duree_pret) {
        $duree_pret = '0';
    if ($pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee) {
        $rqt_date = "select empr_date_expiration,if(empr_date_expiration>date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),0,1) as pret_depasse_adhes, date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY) as date_retour from empr where id_empr='" . $id_empr . "'";
    } else {
        $rqt_date = "select empr_date_expiration,if(empr_date_expiration>date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),0,1) as pret_depasse_adhes, if(empr_date_expiration>date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),empr_date_expiration) as date_retour from empr where id_empr='" . $id_empr . "'";
    $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date) or die(pmb_mysql_error() . "<br /><br />{$rqt_date}<br /><br />");
    $res = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
    $date_retour = $res->date_retour;
    $pret_depasse_adhes = $res->pret_depasse_adhes;
    $empr_date_expiration = $res->empr_date_expiration;
    if ($pmb_utiliser_calendrier) {
        if ($pret_depasse_adhes == 0 || $pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee) {
            $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where ouvert=1 and to_days(date_ouverture)>=to_days('{$date_retour}') and num_location={$deflt2docs_location} order by date_ouverture ";
            $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date);
            $res = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
            if ($res->date_ouverture) {
                $date_retour = $res->date_ouverture;
        } else {
            $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where date_ouverture>=sysdate() and ouvert=1 and to_days(date_ouverture)<=to_days('{$date_retour}') and num_location={$deflt2docs_location} order by date_ouverture DESC";
            $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date);
            $res = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
            if ($res->date_ouverture) {
                $date_retour = $res->date_ouverture;
        // Si la date_retour, calculée ci-dessus d'après le calendrier, dépasse l'adhésion, alors que c'est interdit,
        // la date de retour doit etre le dernier jour ouvert
        if (!$pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee) {
            $rqt_date = "SELECT DATEDIFF('{$empr_date_expiration}','{$date_retour}')as diff";
            $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date);
            $res = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
            if ($res->diff < 0) {
                $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where date_ouverture>=sysdate() and ouvert=1 and to_days(date_ouverture)<=to_days('{$empr_date_expiration}') and num_location={$deflt2docs_location} order by date_ouverture DESC";
                $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date);
                $res = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
                if ($res->date_ouverture) {
                    $date_retour = $res->date_ouverture;
    // insérer le prêt
    $query = "INSERT INTO pret SET ";
    $query .= "pret_idempr = '" . $id_empr . "', ";
    $query .= "pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "', ";
    $query .= "pret_date   = sysdate(), ";
    $query .= "pret_retour = '{$date_retour}', ";
    $query .= "retour_initial = '{$date_retour}', ";
    $query .= "short_loan_flag = " . ($pmb_short_loan_management && $short_loan ? "'1'" : "'0'");
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error() . "<br />can't INSERT into pret" . $query);
    // insérer la trace en stat, récupérer l'id et le mettre dans la table des prêts pour la maj ultérieure
    $stat_avant_pret = pret_construit_infos_stat($id_expl);
    $stat_id = stat_stuff($stat_avant_pret);
    $query = "update pret SET pret_arc_id='{$stat_id}' where ";
    $query .= "pret_idempr = '" . $id_empr . "' and ";
    $query .= "pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update pret for stats " . $query);
    audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_PRET, $stat_id);
    //enregistrer les champs perso pret
    $p_perso = new pret_parametres_perso("pret");
    if ($resarc_id) {
        $rqt_arch = "UPDATE resa_archive SET resarc_arcpretid = {$stat_id} WHERE resarc_id = '" . $resarc_id . "' ";
        @pmb_mysql_query($rqt_arch, $dbh);
    $query = "update exemplaires SET ";
    $query .= "last_loan_date = sysdate() ";
    $query .= "where expl_id= '" . $id_expl . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update last_loan_date in exemplaires : " . $query);
    $query = "update exemplaires SET ";
    $query .= "expl_retloc=0 ";
    $query .= "where expl_id= '" . $id_expl . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update expl_retloc in exemplaires : " . $query);
    $query = "update empr SET ";
    $query .= "last_loan_date = sysdate() ";
    $query .= "where id_empr= '" . $id_empr . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update last_loan_date in empr : " . $query);
    $query = "delete from resa_ranger ";
    $query .= "where resa_cb='" . $cb_doc . "'";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't delete cb_doc in resa_ranger : " . $query);
    //Débit du compte lecteur si nécessaire
    if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_tarif_prets) {
        $tarif_pret = 0;
        switch ($pmb_gestion_tarif_prets) {
            case 1:
                //Gestion simple
                $query = "SELECT tarif_pret";
                $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
                $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
                $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
                $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
                $expl_tarif = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
                $tarif_pret = $expl_tarif->tarif_pret;
            case 2:
                //Gestion avancée
                //Initialisation Quotas
                global $_parsed_quotas_;
                $_parsed_quotas_ = false;
                $qt_tarif = new quota("COST_LEND_QUOTA", "{$include_path}/quotas/own/{$lang}/finances.xml");
                $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
                $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
                $tarif_pret = $qt_tarif->get_quota_value($struct);
        $tarif_pret = $tarif_pret * 1;
        if ($tarif_pret) {
            $compte_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 3);
            if ($compte_id) {
                $cpte = new comptes($compte_id);
                $explaire = new exemplaire('', $id_expl);
                if ($explaire->id_notice == 0 && $explaire->id_bulletin) {
                    //C'est un exemplaire de bulletin
                    $bulletin = new bulletinage_display($explaire->id_bulletin);
                    $titre = strip_tags($bulletin->display);
                } elseif ($explaire->id_notice) {
                    $notice = new mono_display($explaire->id_notice);
                    $titre = strip_tags($notice->header);
                $libelle_expl = strlen($titre) > 15 ? $explaire->cb . " " . $titre : $explaire->cb . " " . $titre;
                $cpte->record_transaction("", abs($tarif_pret), -1, sprintf($msg["finance_pret_expl"], $libelle_expl), 0);
    if ($pmb_transferts_actif) {
        // si transferts validé (en attente d'envoi), il faut restaurer le statut
        global $PMBuserid;
        $rqt = "SELECT id_transfert FROM transferts,transferts_demande\r\n\t\twhere\r\n\t\tnum_transfert=id_transfert and\r\n\t\tetat_demande=1 and num_expl ={$id_expl} and etat_transfert=0 and sens_transfert=0";
        $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt);
        if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) {
            $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res);
            $idTrans = $obj->id_transfert;
            //Récupération des informations d'origine
            $rqt = "SELECT statut_origine, num_expl FROM transferts INNER JOIN transferts_demande ON id_transfert=num_transfert\r\n\t\t\tWHERE id_transfert=" . $idTrans . " AND sens_transfert=0";
            $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt);
            $obj_data = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res);
            //on met à jour
            $rqt = "UPDATE exemplaires SET expl_statut=" . $obj_data->statut_origine . " WHERE expl_id=" . $obj_data->num_expl;
        // cloture les demandes de transfert pour résa, refusée ou pas
        // afin de générer les transfert en automatique dans le circuit classique des résa
        $req = " update transferts,transferts_demande\n\t\tset etat_transfert=1 ,\n\t\tmotif=CONCAT(motif,'. Cloture, car parti en pret (gestion {$PMBuserid}, {$id_empr})')\n\t\twhere\n\t\tnum_transfert=id_transfert and\n\t\t(etat_demande=4 or etat_demande=0 or etat_demande=1)and\n\t\tetat_demande != 3 and etat_demande!=2 and etat_demande!=5 and\n\t\tnum_expl ={$id_expl} and etat_transfert=0 and sens_transfert=0\n\t\t";
        pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh);
    // invalidation des résas avec ce code-barre, au cas où
    // $query = "update resa SET resa_cb='' where resa_cb='".$cb_doc."' ";
    // $result = @ pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update resa ".$query);
コード例 #2
function add_pret($id_empr, $id_expl, $cb_doc)
    // le lien MySQL
    global $dbh;
    global $msg;
    global $pmb_quotas_avances;
    /* on prépare la date de début*/
    $pret_date = time();
    /* on cherche la durée du prêt */
    if ($pmb_quotas_avances) {
        //Initialisation de la classe
        $qt = new quota("LEND_TIME_QUOTA");
        $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
        $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
        $duree_pret = $qt->get_quota_value($struct);
        if ($duree_pret == -1) {
            $duree_pret = 0;
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT duree_pret";
        $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
        $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
        $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
        $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
        $expl_properties = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
        $duree_pret = $expl_properties->duree_pret;
    // calculer la date de retour prévue
    $pret_retour = $pret_date + 3600 * 24 * $duree_pret;
    // insérer le prêt
    $query = "INSERT INTO pret SET ";
    $query .= "pret_idempr = '" . $id_empr . "', ";
    $query .= "pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "', ";
    $query .= "pret_date   = sysdate(), ";
    $query .= "pret_retour = '" . date("Y-m-d", $pret_retour) . "', ";
    $query .= "retour_initial = '" . date("Y-m-d", $pret_retour) . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error() . "<br />can't INSERT into pret" . $query);
    // insérer la trace en stat, récupérer l'id et le mettre dans la table des prêts pour la maj ultérieure
    $stat_avant_pret = pret_construit_infos_stat($id_expl);
    $stat_id = stat_stuff($stat_avant_pret);
    $query = "update pret SET pret_arc_id='{$stat_id}' where ";
    $query .= "pret_idempr = '" . $id_empr . "' and ";
    $query .= "pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update pret for stats " . $query);
    audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_PRET, $stat_id);
    //enregistrer les champs perso pret
    $p_perso = new pret_parametres_perso("pret");
    $query = "update exemplaires SET ";
    $query .= "last_loan_date = sysdate() ";
    $query .= "where expl_id= '" . $id_expl . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update last_loan_date in exemplaires : " . $query);
    $query = "update empr SET ";
    $query .= "last_loan_date = sysdate() ";
    $query .= "where id_empr= '" . $id_empr . "' ";
    $result = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update last_loan_date in empr : " . $query);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ajax_pret.class.php プロジェクト: bouchra012/PMB
 function confirm_pret($id_empr, $id_expl, $short_loan = 0)
     // le lien MySQL
     global $dbh, $msg;
     global $pmb_quotas_avances, $pmb_utiliser_calendrier;
     global $pmb_gestion_financiere, $pmb_gestion_tarif_prets;
     global $include_path, $lang;
     global $deflt2docs_location;
     global $pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee;
     global $pmb_short_loan_management;
     //supprimer le pret temporaire
     $query = "delete from pret where pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "' ";
     $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh);
     /* on prépare la date de début*/
     $pret_date = today();
     /* on cherche la durée du prêt */
     if ($pmb_short_loan_management && $short_loan) {
         if ($pmb_quotas_avances) {
             //Initialisation de la classe
             $qt = new quota("SHORT_LOAN_TIME_QUOTA");
             $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
             $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
             $duree_pret = $qt->get_quota_value($struct);
             if ($duree_pret == -1) {
                 $duree_pret = 0;
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT short_loan_duration as duree_pret";
             $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
             $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
             $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
             $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
             $expl_properties = mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $duree_pret = $expl_properties->duree_pret;
     } else {
         if ($pmb_quotas_avances) {
             //Initialisation de la classe
             $qt = new quota("LEND_TIME_QUOTA");
             $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
             $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
             $duree_pret = $qt->get_quota_value($struct);
             if ($duree_pret == -1) {
                 $duree_pret = 0;
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT duree_pret";
             $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
             $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
             $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
             $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
             $expl_properties = mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $duree_pret = $expl_properties->duree_pret;
     // calculer la date de retour prévue, tenir compte de la date de fin d'adhésion
     if (!$duree_pret) {
         $duree_pret = "0";
     if ($pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee) {
         $rqt_date = "select empr_date_expiration,if(empr_date_expiration>date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),0,1) as pret_depasse_adhes, date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY) as date_retour from empr where id_empr='" . $id_empr . "'";
     } else {
         $rqt_date = "select empr_date_expiration,if(empr_date_expiration>date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),0,1) as pret_depasse_adhes, if(empr_date_expiration>date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),date_add('" . $pret_date . "', INTERVAL '{$duree_pret}' DAY),empr_date_expiration) as date_retour from empr where id_empr='" . $id_empr . "'";
     $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date) or die(mysql_error() . "<br /><br />{$rqt_date}<br /><br />");
     $res = mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
     $date_retour = $res->date_retour;
     $pret_depasse_adhes = $res->pret_depasse_adhes;
     $empr_date_expiration = $res->empr_date_expiration;
     if ($pmb_utiliser_calendrier) {
         if ($pret_depasse_adhes == 0 || $pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee) {
             $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where ouvert=1 and to_days(date_ouverture)>=to_days('{$date_retour}') and num_location={$deflt2docs_location} order by date_ouverture ";
             $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date);
             $res = @mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
             if ($res->date_ouverture) {
                 $date_retour = $res->date_ouverture;
         } else {
             $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where date_ouverture>=sysdate() and ouvert=1 and to_days(date_ouverture)<=to_days('{$date_retour}') and num_location={$deflt2docs_location} order by date_ouverture DESC";
             $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date);
             $res = @mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
             if ($res->date_ouverture) {
                 $date_retour = $res->date_ouverture;
         // Si la date_retour, calculée ci-dessus d'après le calendrier, dépasse l'adhésion, alors que c'est interdit,
         // la date de retour doit etre le dernier jour ouvert
         if (!$pmb_pret_date_retour_adhesion_depassee) {
             $rqt_date = "SELECT DATEDIFF('{$empr_date_expiration}','{$date_retour}')as diff";
             $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date);
             $res = @mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
             if ($res->diff < 0) {
                 $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where date_ouverture>=sysdate() and ouvert=1 and to_days(date_ouverture)<=to_days('{$empr_date_expiration}') and num_location={$deflt2docs_location} order by date_ouverture DESC";
                 $resultatdate = mysql_query($rqt_date);
                 $res = @mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate);
                 if ($res->date_ouverture) {
                     $date_retour = $res->date_ouverture;
     // insérer le prêt
     $query = "INSERT INTO pret SET ";
     $query .= "pret_idempr = '" . $id_empr . "', ";
     $query .= "pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "', ";
     $query .= "pret_date   = sysdate(), ";
     $query .= "pret_retour = '{$date_retour}', ";
     $query .= "retour_initial = '{$date_retour}', ";
     $query .= "short_loan_flag = " . ($pmb_short_loan_management && $short_loan ? "'1'" : "'0'");
     $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't INSERT into pret" . $query);
     // insérer la trace en stat, récupérer l'id et le mettre dans la table des prêts pour la maj ultérieure
     $stat_avant_pret = pret_construit_infos_stat($id_expl);
     $stat_id = stat_stuff($stat_avant_pret);
     $query = "update pret SET pret_arc_id='{$stat_id}' where ";
     $query .= "pret_idempr = '" . $id_empr . "' and ";
     $query .= "pret_idexpl = '" . $id_expl . "' ";
     $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update pret for stats " . $query);
     $query = "update exemplaires SET ";
     $query .= "last_loan_date = sysdate() ";
     $query .= "where expl_id= '" . $id_expl . "' ";
     $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update last_loan_date in exemplaires : " . $query);
     $query = "update exemplaires SET ";
     $query .= "expl_retloc=0 ";
     $query .= "where expl_id= '" . $id_expl . "' ";
     $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update expl_retloc in exemplaires : " . $query);
     $query = "update empr SET ";
     $query .= "last_loan_date = sysdate() ";
     $query .= "where id_empr= '" . $id_empr . "' ";
     $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't update last_loan_date in empr : " . $query);
     //Débit du compte lecteur si nécessaire
     if ($pmb_gestion_financiere && $pmb_gestion_tarif_prets) {
         $tarif_pret = 0;
         switch ($pmb_gestion_tarif_prets) {
             case 1:
                 //Gestion simple
                 $query = "SELECT tarif_pret";
                 $query .= " FROM exemplaires, docs_type";
                 $query .= " WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl;
                 $query .= "' and idtyp_doc=expl_typdoc LIMIT 1";
                 $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh) or die("can't SELECT exemplaires " . $query);
                 $expl_tarif = mysql_fetch_object($result);
                 $tarif_pret = $expl_tarif->tarif_pret;
             case 2:
                 //Gestion avancée
                 //Initialisation Quotas
                 global $_parsed_quotas_;
                 $_parsed_quotas_ = false;
                 $qt_tarif = new quota("COST_LEND_QUOTA", "{$include_path}/quotas/own/{$lang}/finances.xml");
                 $struct["READER"] = $id_empr;
                 $struct["EXPL"] = $id_expl;
                 $tarif_pret = $qt_tarif->get_quota_value($struct);
         $tarif_pret = $tarif_pret * 1;
         if ($tarif_pret) {
             $compte_id = comptes::get_compte_id_from_empr($id_empr, 3);
             if ($compte_id) {
                 $cpte = new comptes($compte_id);
                 $cpte->record_transaction("", abs($tarif_pret), -1, sprintf($msg["finance_pret_expl"], $id_expl), 0);
     $this->resa_pret_gestion($id_empr, $id_expl, $stat_id);
     $array[0]['statut'] = 1;
     $buf_xml = array2xml($array);
     return $buf_xml;