コード例 #1
 * createBatchDetailsNotification()
 * wrapper-function to create the notification to the customer
 * @param		array			customer information array
function createBatchDetailsNotification($customerInfo)
    global $base;
    $html = prepareNotificationTemplate($customerInfo);
    $pdfDocument = createPDF($html);
    return $pdfDocument;
コード例 #2
 * createUserDetailsInvoiceNotification()
 * wrapper-function to create the notification to the customer
 * @param		array			customer information array
function createUserDetailsInvoiceNotification($customerInfo)
    global $base;
    $html = prepareNotificationTemplate($customerInfo);
    $pdfDocument = createPDF($html);
    file_put_contents("{$base}/out4.pdf", $pdfDocument);
    return $pdfDocument;
コード例 #3
 * sendWelcomeNotification()
 * wrapper-function to send notification to the customer
 * @param		array			customer information array
 * @param		array			smtp server information
 * @param		string			from email address of the sender identity
function sendWelcomeNotification($customerInfo, $smtpInfo, $from)
    global $base;
    if (empty($customerInfo['customer_email'])) {
    $headers = array("From" => $from, "Subject" => "Welcome new customer!", "Reply-To" => $from);
    $html = prepareNotificationTemplate($customerInfo);
    $pdfDocument = createPDF($html);
    $mime = new Mail_mime();
    $mime->setTXTBody("Notification letter of service");
    $mime->addAttachment($pdfDocument, "application/pdf", "notification.pdf", false, 'base64');
    $body = $mime->get();
    $headers = $mime->headers($headers);
    $mail =& Mail::factory("smtp", $smtpInfo);
    $mail->send($customerInfo['customer_email'], $headers, $body);