コード例 #1
_e('Icon URL', 'premise');
                		<input class="regular-text premise-content-scrollers-icon" type="text" name="premise[content-scrollers][<?php 
echo $key;
][icon]" id="premise-content-scrollers-<?php 
echo $key;
-icon" value="<?php 
echo esc_attr($icon);
" />
printf(__('You can upload one via the <a class="thickbox" href="%s">WordPress uploader</a>.', 'premise'), esc_attr(add_query_arg(array('post_id' => 0, 'send_to_premise_field_id' => "premise-content-scrollers-{$key}-icon", 'TB_iframe' => 1, 'width' => 640, 'height' => 459), add_query_arg('TB_iframe', null, get_upload_iframe_src('image')))));

premise_the_editor($text, 'premise[content-scrollers][' . $key . '][text]', '', true, $key + 2);
コード例 #2
ファイル: video-below.php プロジェクト: hscale/webento

$meta = $this->getPremiseMeta($post->ID);
premise_the_editor($meta['below-video-copy'], 'premise[below-video-copy]', '', true, 6);
コード例 #3
ファイル: opt-in.php プロジェクト: hscale/webento
_e('Copy that is displayed next to the opt in form.', 'premise');
premise_the_editor($meta['optin-copy'], 'premise[optin-copy]', '', true, 4);

<div class="premise-option-box">
_e('Placement', 'premise');
_e('Where do you want your opt in form in relation to your copy?', 'premise');
	<ul id="premise-video-placement-choices">
			<label for="premise-optin-placement-left">
				<img src="<?php 
echo $resourcesUrl;
images/optin-left.png" alt="Opt In Left Placement" /><br />
				<input type="radio" <?php 
checked(in_array($meta['optin-placement'], array('left', '')), true);
 name="premise[optin-placement]" id="premise-optin-placement-left" value="left" />
_e('Left of Copy', 'premise');
コード例 #4
ファイル: pricing-content.php プロジェクト: hscale/webento
_e('Above Pricing Table', 'premise');
premise_the_editor($meta['above-pricing-table-copy'], 'premise[above-pricing-table-copy]', '', true, 6);

_e('Below Pricing Table', 'premise');
premise_the_editor($meta['below-pricing-table-copy'], 'premise[below-pricing-table-copy]', '', true, 7);
コード例 #5
_e('Enter the page elements and copy you want displayed before a reader shares the page.  This is your teaser page.', 'premise');
premise_the_editor($meta['teaser-page'], 'premise[teaser-page]', '', true, 6);
コード例 #6
ファイル: class-meta-boxes.php プロジェクト: hscale/webento
 function long_copy($post)
     global $premise_base, $Premise;
     $meta = $premise_base->get_premise_meta($post->ID);
     premise_the_editor($post->post_content, 'content', '', true, 6);
コード例 #7
ファイル: video.php プロジェクト: hscale/webento
_e('Copy that is displayed next to the video (or leave blank for a centered video with no copy.', 'premise');
premise_the_editor($meta['video-copy'], 'premise[video-copy]', '', true, 3);

<div class="premise-option-box">
_e('Placement', 'premise');
_e('Where do you want your video in relation to your copy?', 'premise');
	<ul id="premise-video-placement-choices">
			<label for="premise-video-placement-left">
				<img src="<?php 
echo $resourcesUrl;
images/video-left.png" alt="Video Left Placement" /><br />
				<input type="radio" <?php 
checked(in_array($meta['video-placement'], array('left', '')), true);
 name="premise[video-placement]" id="premise-video-placement-left" value="left" />
_e('Left of Copy', 'premise');
コード例 #8
_e('Enter the page elements and copy you want displayed after a read shares the page.  This is where you give them what you promised them for sharing the page.', 'premise');
premise_the_editor($meta['after-a-share-page'], 'premise[after-a-share-page]', '', true, 6);