/** * Take in a url parameter of work and try to convert it to gold */ public function requestWork() { // Initialize variables to pass to the template. $work_multiplier = self::WORK_MULTIPLIER; $worked = positive_int(in('worked')); // No negative work. $earned_gold = null; $not_enough_energy = null; $recommended_to_work = $worked; $is_logged_in = is_logged_in(); $char_id = self_char_id(); $char = new Player($char_id); $turns = $char->turns(); $gold = $char->gold(); if ($worked > $turns) { $not_enough_energy = true; } else { $earned_gold = $worked * $work_multiplier; // calc amount worked $char->set_gold($gold + $earned_gold); $char->set_turns($turns - $worked); $char->save(); } $gold_display = number_format($char->gold()); $parts = ['recommended_to_work' => $recommended_to_work, 'work_multiplier' => $work_multiplier, 'is_logged_in' => $is_logged_in, 'gold_display' => $gold_display, 'worked' => $worked, 'earned_gold' => number_format($earned_gold), 'not_enough_energy' => $not_enough_energy]; return $this->render($parts); }
public function setType($type) { $cast_type = positive_int($type); if ($cast_type != $type) { throw new Exception('Account: The account type set was inappropriate.'); } $this->type = $cast_type; return $this->type; }
public function testPositiveInt() { $this->assertEquals(4, positive_int(4)); $this->assertEquals(0, positive_int(-4)); $this->assertEquals(0, positive_int(4.1)); $this->assertEquals(0, positive_int(4.9)); $this->assertEquals(0, positive_int(0)); $this->assertEquals(0, positive_int('somestring')); $this->assertEquals(0, positive_int([])); }
/** * group char **/ function testCreatePlayerObjectHasUsefulInfo() { $char = new Player($this->char_id); $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->health())); $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->speed())); $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->stamina())); $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->strength())); $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->level())); $this->assertNotEmpty($char->name()); $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->damage())); }
public static function canKill($clone1, $clone2) { // Input is transformed into $id1 = $id2 = null; if (!$clone1 instanceof Player) { if ($clone1 == positive_int($clone1)) { $char1 = new Player($clone1); } elseif (is_string($clone1)) { $char1 = new Player($clone1); } } else { $char1 = $clone1; } if (!$clone2 instanceof Player) { if ($clone2 == positive_int($clone2)) { $char2 = new Player($clone2); } elseif (is_string($clone2)) { $char2 = new Player($clone2); } } else { $char2 = $clone2; } // Reject invalid/ninexistent characters if ($char1->id() === null || $char2->id() === null) { return false; } // Reject same character if ($char1->id() == $char2->id()) { return false; } // Don't clone kill admins. if ($char1->isAdmin() || $char2->isAdmin()) { return false; } // Reject inactive characters if (!$char1->isActive() || !$char2->isActive()) { return false; } // TODO: Reject inoperative characters // TODO: You can't clone kill yourself.. $host = gethostname(); $server_ip = gethostbyname($host); $untouchable_ips = ['', '', $server_ip, '', null]; // Reject invalid custom ips if (in_array($char1->ip(), $untouchable_ips) || in_array($char2->ip(), $untouchable_ips)) { return false; } // If characters have the same joint account, and have been logged in recently... if ($char1->ip() === $char2->ip()) { // Activity was already tested above. return true; } return false; }
function get_chats($chatlength = null) { $chatlength = positive_int($chatlength); // Prevent negatives. $limit = $chatlength ? 'LIMIT :limit' : ''; $bindings = array(); if ($limit) { $bindings[':limit'] = $chatlength; } $chats = query_resultset("SELECT sender_id, uname, message, date, age(now(), date) AS ago FROM chat\n JOIN players ON chat.sender_id = player_id ORDER BY chat_id DESC " . $limit, $bindings); return $chats; }
public static function create($identity, $data = null) { $founder = $data['founder'] ? $data['founder'] : null; $desc = $data['description'] ? $data['description'] : ''; $url = isset($data['clan_avatar_url']) ? $data['clan_avatar_url'] : null; $name = $identity; $new_clan_id = insert_query('insert into clan (clan_name, clan_avatar_url, clan_founder, description) values (:name, :url, :founder, :desc)', [':name' => $name, ':url' => $url, ':founder' => $founder, ':desc' => $desc], 'clan_clan_id_seq'); if (!positive_int($new_clan_id)) { throw new \Exception('Clan not inserted into database properly!'); } return ClanFactory::find($new_clan_id); }
/** * Command for current user to purchase a quantity of a specific item * * @param quantity int The quantity of the item to purchase * @param item string The identity of the item to purchase * @return Array */ public function buy() { $in_quantity = in('quantity'); $in_item = in('item'); $gold = get_gold($this->sessionData['char_id']); $current_item_cost = 0; $no_funny_business = false; // Pull the item info from the database $item_costs = $this->itemForSaleCosts(); $item = getItemByID(item_id_from_display_name($in_item)); $quantity = whichever(positive_int($in_quantity), 1); $item_text = null; if ($item instanceof Item) { $item_text = $quantity > 1 ? $item->getPluralName() : $item->getName(); $purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder(); // Determine the quantity from input or as a fallback, default of 1. $purchaseOrder->quantity = $quantity; $purchaseOrder->item = $item; $potential_cost = isset($item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost']) ? $item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost'] : null; $current_item_cost = first_value($potential_cost, 0); $current_item_cost = $current_item_cost * $purchaseOrder->quantity; if (!$this->sessionData['char_id'] || !$purchaseOrder->item || $purchaseOrder->quantity < 1) { $no_funny_business = true; } else { if ($gold >= $current_item_cost) { // Has enough gold. try { add_item($this->sessionData['char_id'], $purchaseOrder->item->identity(), $purchaseOrder->quantity); subtract_gold($this->sessionData['char_id'], $current_item_cost); } catch (\Exception $e) { $invalid_item = $e->getMessage(); error_log('Invalid Item attempted :' . $invalid_item); $no_funny_business = true; } } } } else { $no_funny_business = true; } $parts = array('current_item_cost' => $current_item_cost, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'item_text' => $item_text, 'no_funny_business' => $no_funny_business, 'view_part' => 'buy'); return $this->render($parts); }
/** * Use an item on a target * @note /use/ is aliased to useItem externally because use is a php reserved keyword */ public function useItem($give = false, $self_use = false) { // Formats are: // http://nw.local/item/self_use/amanita/ // http://nw.local/item/use/shuriken/10/ // http://nw.local/item/give/shuriken/10/ // http://nw.local/item/use/shuriken/156001/ $slugs = $this->parse_slugs($give, $self_use); // Pull the parsed slugs $link_back = $slugs['link_back']; $selfTarget = $slugs['selfTarget']; $item_in = $slugs['item_in']; // Item identifier, either it's id or internal name $in_target = $slugs['in_target']; $give = $slugs['give']; $target = $in_target; if (positive_int($in_target)) { $target_id = positive_int($target); } else { $target_id = get_char_id($target); } $give = in_array($give, array('on', 'Give')); $player = new Player(self_char_id()); $victim_alive = true; $using_item = true; $item_used = true; $stealthLost = false; $error = false; $suicide = false; $kill = false; $repeat = false; $ending_turns = null; $turns_change = null; $turns_to_take = null; $gold_mod = NULL; $result = NULL; $targetResult = NULL; // result message to send to target of item use $targetName = ''; $targetHealth = ''; $bountyMessage = ''; $resultMessage = ''; $alternateResultMessage = ''; if ($item_in == (int) $item_in && is_numeric($item_in)) { // Can be cast to an id. $item = $item_obj = getItemByID($item_in); } elseif (is_string($item_in)) { $item = $item_obj = $this->getItemByIdentity($item_in); } else { $item = null; } if (!is_object($item)) { return new RedirectResponse(WEB_ROOT . 'inventory?error=noitem'); } else { $item_count = $this->itemCount($player->id(), $item); // Check whether use on self is occurring. $self_use = $selfTarget || $target_id === $player->id(); if ($self_use) { $target = $player->name(); $targetObj = $player; } else { if ($target_id) { $targetObj = new Player($target_id); $target = $targetObj->name(); } } $starting_turns = $player->turns; $username_turns = $starting_turns; $username_level = $player->level; if ($targetObj instanceof Player && $targetObj->id()) { $targets_turns = $targetObj->turns; $targets_level = $targetObj->level; $target_hp = $targetObj->health; } else { $targets_turns = $targets_level = $target_hp = null; } $max_power_increase = 10; $level_difference = $targets_level - $username_level; $level_check = $username_level - $targets_level; $near_level_power_increase = $this->nearLevelPowerIncrease($level_difference, $max_power_increase); // Sets the page to link back to. if ($target_id && ($link_back == "" || $link_back == 'player') && $target_id != $player->id()) { $return_to = 'player'; } else { $return_to = 'inventory'; } // Exceptions to the rules, using effects. if ($item->hasEffect('wound')) { // Minor damage by default items. $item->setTargetDamage(rand(1, $item->getMaxDamage())); // DEFAULT, overwritable. // e.g. Shuriken slices, for some reason. if ($item->hasEffect('slice')) { // Minor slicing damage. $item->setTargetDamage(rand(1, max(9, $player->getStrength() - 4)) + $near_level_power_increase); } // Piercing weapon, and actually does any static damage. if ($item->hasEffect('pierce')) { // Minor static piercing damage, e.g. 1-50 plus the near level power increase. $item->setTargetDamage(rand(1, $item->getMaxDamage()) + $near_level_power_increase); } // Increased damage from damaging effects, minimum of 20. if ($item->hasEffect('fire')) { // Major fire damage $item->setTargetDamage(rand(20, $player->getStrength() + 20) + $near_level_power_increase); } } // end of wounds section. // Exclusive speed/slow turn changes. if ($item->hasEffect('slow')) { $item->setTurnChange(-1 * $this->caltropTurnLoss($targets_turns, $near_level_power_increase)); } else { if ($item->hasEffect('speed')) { $item->setTurnChange($item->getMaxTurnChange()); } } $turn_change = $item_obj->getTurnChange(); $itemName = $item->getName(); $itemType = $item->getType(); $article = self::getIndefiniteArticle($item_obj->getName()); if ($give) { $turn_cost = 1; $using_item = false; } else { $turn_cost = $item->getTurnCost(); } // Attack Legal section $attacker = $player->name(); $params = ['required_turns' => $turn_cost, 'ignores_stealth' => $item_obj->ignoresStealth(), 'self_use' => $item->isSelfUsable()]; assert(!!$selfTarget || $attacker != $target); $AttackLegal = new AttackLegal($player, $targetObj, $params); $attack_allowed = $AttackLegal->check(); $attack_error = $AttackLegal->getError(); // *** Any ERRORS prevent attacks happen here *** if (!$attack_allowed) { //Checks for error conditions before starting. $error = 1; } else { if (is_string($item) || $target == "") { $error = 2; } else { if ($item_count < 1) { $error = 3; } else { /**** MAIN SUCCESSFUL USE ****/ if ($give) { $this->giveItem($player->name(), $target, $item->getName()); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ will receive your {$item->getName()}."; } else { if (!$item->isOtherUsable()) { // If it doesn't do damage or have an effect, don't use up the item. $resultMessage = $result = 'This item is not usable on __TARGET__, so it remains unused.'; $item_used = false; $using_item = false; } else { if ($item->hasEffect('stealth')) { $targetObj->addStatus(STEALTH); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ is now stealthed."; $targetResult = ' be shrouded in smoke.'; } if ($item->hasEffect('vigor')) { if ($targetObj->hasStatus(STR_UP1)) { $result = "__TARGET__'s body cannot become more vigorous!"; $item_used = false; $using_item = false; } else { $targetObj->addStatus(STR_UP1); $result = "__TARGET__'s muscles experience a strange tingling."; } } if ($item->hasEffect('strength')) { if ($targetObj->hasStatus(STR_UP2)) { $result = "__TARGET__'s body cannot become any stronger!"; $item_used = false; $using_item = false; } else { $targetObj->addStatus(STR_UP2); $result = "__TARGET__ feels a surge of power!"; } } // Slow and speed effects are exclusive. if ($item->hasEffect('slow')) { $turns_change = $item->getTurnChange(); if ($targetObj->hasStatus(SLOW)) { // If the effect is already in play, it will have a decreased effect. $turns_change = ceil($turns_change * 0.3); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ is already moving slowly."; } else { if ($targetObj->hasStatus(FAST)) { $targetObj->subtractStatus(FAST); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ is no longer moving quickly."; } else { $targetObj->addStatus(SLOW); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ begins to move slowly..."; } } if ($turns_change == 0) { $alternateResultMessage .= " You fail to take any turns from __TARGET__."; } $targetResult = " lose " . abs($turns_change) . " turns."; $targetObj->subtractTurns($turns_change); } else { if ($item->hasEffect('speed')) { // Note that speed and slow effects are exclusive. $turns_change = $item->getTurnChange(); if ($targetObj->hasStatus(FAST)) { // If the effect is already in play, it will have a decreased effect. $turns_change = ceil($turns_change * 0.5); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ is already moving quickly."; } else { if ($targetObj->hasStatus(SLOW)) { $targetObj->subtractStatus(SLOW); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ is no longer moving slowly."; } else { $targetObj->addStatus(FAST); $alternateResultMessage = "__TARGET__ begins to move quickly!"; } } // Actual turn gain is 1 less because 1 is used each time you use an item. $targetResult = " gain {$turns_change} turns."; $targetObj->changeTurns($turns_change); // Still adding some turns. } } if ($item->getTargetDamage() > 0) { // *** HP Altering *** $alternateResultMessage .= " __TARGET__ takes " . $item->getTargetDamage() . " damage."; if ($self_use) { $result .= "You take " . $item->getTargetDamage() . " damage!"; } else { if (strlen($targetResult) > 0) { $targetResult .= " You also"; // Join multiple targetResult messages. } $targetResult .= " take " . $item->getTargetDamage() . " damage!"; } $victim_alive = $targetObj->subtractHealth($item->getTargetDamage()); // This is the other location that $victim_alive is set, to determine whether the death proceedings should occur. } if ($item->hasEffect('death')) { $targetObj->death(); $resultMessage = "The life force drains from __TARGET__ and they drop dead before your eyes!"; $victim_alive = false; $targetResult = " be drained of your life-force and die!"; $gold_mod = 0.25; //The Dim Mak takes away 25% of a targets' gold. } if ($turns_change !== null) { // Even if $turns_change is set to zero, let them know that. if ($turns_change > 0) { $resultMessage .= "__TARGET__ has gained back {$turns_change} turns!"; } else { if ($turns_change === 0) { $resultMessage .= "__TARGET__ did not lose any turns!"; } else { $resultMessage .= "__TARGET__ has lost " . abs($turns_change) . " turns!"; } if ($targetObj->turns <= 0) { // Message when a target has no more turns to remove. $resultMessage .= " __TARGET__ no longer has any turns."; } } } if (empty($resultMessage) && !empty($result)) { $resultMessage = $result; } if (!$victim_alive) { // Target was killed by the item. if (!$self_use) { // *** SUCCESSFUL KILL, not self-use of an item *** $attacker_id = $player->hasStatus(STEALTH) ? "A Stealthed Ninja" : $player->name(); if (!$gold_mod) { $gold_mod = 0.15; } $initial_gold = $targetObj->gold(); $loot = floor($gold_mod * $initial_gold); $targetObj->set_gold($initial_gold - $loot); $player->set_gold($player->gold() + $loot); $player->save(); $targetObj->save(); $player->addKills(1); $kill = true; $bountyMessage = Combat::runBountyExchange($player->name(), $target); //Rewards or increases bounty. } else { $loot = 0; $suicide = true; } // Send mails if the target was killed. $this->sendKillMails($player->name(), $target, $attacker_id, $article, $item->getName(), $loot); } else { // They weren't killed. $attacker_id = $player->name(); } if (!$self_use && $item_used) { if (!$targetResult) { error_log('Debug: Issue 226 - An attack was made using ' . $item->getName() . ', but no targetResult message was set.'); } // Notify targets when they get an item used on them. $message_to_target = "{$attacker_id} has used {$article} {$item->getName()} on you"; if ($targetResult) { $message_to_target .= " and caused you to {$targetResult}"; } else { $message_to_target .= '.'; } send_event($player->id(), $target_id, str_replace(' ', ' ', $message_to_target)); } // Unstealth if (!$item->isCovert() && !$item->hasEffect('stealth') && $player->hasStatus(STEALTH)) { //non-covert acts $player->subtractStatus(STEALTH); $stealthLost = true; } else { $stealthLost = false; } } } $targetName = $targetObj->uname; $targetHealth = $targetObj->health; $turns_to_take = 1; if ($item_used) { // *** remove Item *** removeItem($player->id(), $item->getName(), 1); // *** Decreases the item amount by 1. } if ($victim_alive && $using_item) { $repeat = true; } } } } // *** Take away at least one turn even on attacks that fail to prevent page reload spamming *** if ($turns_to_take < 1) { $turns_to_take = 1; } $ending_turns = $player->subtractTurns($turns_to_take); assert($item->hasEffect('speed') || $ending_turns < $starting_turns || $starting_turns == 0); return ['template' => 'inventory_mod.tpl', 'title' => 'Use Item', 'parts' => get_defined_vars(), 'options' => ['body_classes' => 'inventory-use', 'quickstat' => 'player']]; } // Item was not valid object }
<?php $alive = false; $private = false; if ($error = init($private, $alive)) { display_error($error); } else { $admin_override_pass = '******'; // Just a weak passphrase for simply confirming players. $admin_override_request = in('admin_override'); $acceptable_admin_override = $admin_override_pass === $admin_override_request; $confirm = in('confirm'); $aid = positive_int(in('aid')); $data = query_row(' SELECT player_id, uname, accounts.verification_number as verification_number, CASE WHEN active = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS active, accounts.active_email, CASE WHEN accounts.confirmed = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as confirmed, status, member, days, ip, players.created_date FROM accounts JOIN account_players ON _account_id = account_id JOIN players ON _player_id = player_id WHERE account_id = :acctId', array(':acctId' => $aid)); if (rco($data)) { $check = $data['verification_number']; $confirmed = $data['confirmed']; $active = $data['active']; $username = $data['uname']; } else { $active = $check = $confirmed = $username = null; } //debug($data, $confirm, $check, $confirmed); //debug($check, $confirm); $confirmation_confirmed = false; if ($confirmed == 1) { // Confirmation state from the database is already confirmed.
function find_account_info_by_oauth($id, $provider = 'facebook') { $id = positive_int($id); $account_info = query_row('select * from accounts where ( oauth_id = :id and oauth_provider = :provider ) order by operational, type, created_date asc limit 1', array(':id' => $id, ':provider' => $provider)); if (empty($account_info) || !$account_info['account_id']) { return false; } else { return $account_info; } }
/** * group accountconf **/ function testMakeSureThatNinjaAccountIsOperationalByDefault() { $ninja_id = ninja_id($this->test_ninja_name); $this->assertTrue(positive_int($ninja_id) > 0); $char_id = get_char_id($this->test_ninja_name); $this->assertTrue(positive_int($char_id) > 0); $account_id = account_id_by_ninja_id(ninja_id($this->test_ninja_name)); $account_operational = query_item('select operational from accounts join account_players on account_id = _account_id where _player_id = :char_id', array(':char_id' => $char_id)); $this->assertTrue($ninja_id == $char_id); $this->assertTrue($account_id > 0); $this->assertTrue(positive_int($account_id) > 0); $this->assertTrue($account_operational, 'Account is not being set as operational by default when created'); }
$ids = explode(',', $ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { $res[$id] = char_info($id, $admin_info = true); } return $res; } } public static function char_inventory($char_id) { return inventory_counts($char_id); } } // Redirect for any non-admins. $char_id = self_char_id(); $self = null; if (positive_int($char_id)) { $self = new Player($char_id); } if ($self instanceof Player && $self->isAdmin()) { // Admin possibilities start here. $view_char = null; $dupes = AdminViews::duped_ips(); $stats = AdminViews::high_rollers(); $npcs = NpcFactory::allNonTrivialNpcs(); $trivial_npcs = NpcFactory::allTrivialNpcs(); $char_name = in('char_name'); if (is_string($char_name) && trim($char_name)) { $view_char = get_char_id($char_name); } // If a request is made to view a character's info, show it. $view_char = $view_char ? $view_char : in('view');
/** * group accountconf */ function testMakeSureThatNinjaAccountIsOperationalByDefault() { $ninja_id = $this->test_ninja_id; $this->assertTrue(positive_int($ninja_id) > 0); $char_id = get_char_id($this->test_ninja_name); $this->assertTrue(positive_int($char_id) > 0); $account_operational = query_item('SELECT operational FROM accounts JOIN account_players ON account_id = _account_id WHERE _player_id = :char_id', [':char_id' => $char_id]); $this->assertTrue($ninja_id == $char_id); $this->assertTrue($account_operational, 'Account is not being set as operational by default when created'); }