/** * Find related items related to an item * * @param int $field_id The Field ID * @param int $pod_id The Pod ID * @param int $id Item ID to get related IDs from * @param array $field Field data array * @param array $pod Pod data array * * @return array|bool * * @since 2.3 * * @uses pods_query() */ public function lookup_related_items_from($field_id, $pod_id, $id, $field = null, $pod = null) { $related_ids = false; $id = (int) $id; $tableless_field_types = PodsForm::tableless_field_types(); if (empty($id) || !in_array(pods_v('type', $field), $tableless_field_types)) { return false; } $related_pick_limit = 0; if (!empty($field)) { $options = (array) pods_var_raw('options', $field, $field, null, true); $related_pick_limit = (int) pods_v('pick_limit', $options, 0); if ('single' == pods_var_raw('pick_format_type', $options)) { $related_pick_limit = 1; } } if (!pods_tableless()) { $field_id = (int) $field_id; $sister_id = (int) pods_var_raw('sister_id', $field, 0); $related_where = "\n `field_id` = {$field_id}\n AND `related_item_id` = {$id}\n "; $sql = "\n SELECT *\n FROM `@wp_podsrel`\n WHERE\n {$related_where}\n ORDER BY `weight`\n "; $relationships = pods_query($sql); if (!empty($relationships)) { $related_ids = array(); foreach ($relationships as $relation) { if ($field_id == $relation->field_id && !in_array($relation->item_id, $related_ids)) { $related_ids[] = (int) $relation->item_id; } elseif (0 < $sister_id && $field_id == $relation->related_field_id && !in_array($relation->related_item_id, $related_ids)) { $related_ids[] = (int) $relation->related_item_id; } } } } else { // @todo handle meta-based lookups return false; if (!is_array($pod)) { $pod = $this->load_pod(array('id' => $pod_id, 'table_info' => false), false); } if (!empty($pod) && in_array($pod['type'], array('post_type', 'media', 'user', 'comment', 'settings'))) { $related_ids = array(); $meta_type = $pod['type']; if (in_array($pod['type'], array('post_type', 'media'))) { $meta_type = 'post'; } $no_conflict = pods_no_conflict_check($meta_type); if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_on($meta_type); } if ('settings' == $meta_type) { $related_id = get_option('_pods_' . $pod['name'] . '_' . $field['name']); if (empty($related_id)) { $related_id = get_option($pod['name'] . '_' . $field['name']); } if (is_array($related_id) && !empty($related_id)) { foreach ($related_id as $related) { if (is_array($related) && !empty($related)) { if (isset($related['id'])) { $related_ids[] = (int) $related['id']; } else { foreach ($related as $r) { $related_ids[] = (int) $r; } } } else { $related_ids[] = (int) $related; } } } } else { $related_id = get_metadata($meta_type, $id, '_pods_' . $field['name'], true); if (empty($related_id)) { $related_id = get_metadata($meta_type, $id, $field['name']); } if (is_array($related_id) && !empty($related_id)) { foreach ($related_id as $related) { if (is_array($related) && !empty($related)) { if (isset($related['id'])) { $related_ids[] = (int) $related['id']; } else { foreach ($related as $r) { if (isset($related['id'])) { $related_ids[] = (int) $r['id']; } else { $related_ids[] = (int) $r; } } } } else { $related_ids[] = (int) $related; } } } } if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_off($meta_type); } } } if (is_array($related_ids)) { $related_ids = array_unique(array_filter($related_ids)); } return $related_ids; }
/** * @param $object_type * @param null $_null * @param int $object_id * @param string $meta_key * @param bool $single * * @return array|bool|int|mixed|null|string|void */ public function get_meta($object_type, $_null = null, $object_id = 0, $meta_key = '', $single = false) { $meta_type = $object_type; if ('post_type' == $meta_type) { $meta_type = 'post'; } if (empty($meta_key)) { $single = false; } $object = $this->get_object($object_type, $object_id); if (empty($object_id) || empty($object)) { return $_null; } $no_conflict = pods_no_conflict_check($meta_type); if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_on($meta_type); } $meta_cache = array(); if (!$single && isset($GLOBALS['wp_object_cache']) && is_object($GLOBALS['wp_object_cache'])) { $meta_cache = wp_cache_get($object_id, 'pods_' . $meta_type . '_meta'); if (empty($meta_cache)) { $meta_cache = wp_cache_get($object_id, $meta_type . '_meta'); if (empty($meta_cache)) { $meta_cache = update_meta_cache($meta_type, array($object_id)); $meta_cache = $meta_cache[$object_id]; } } } if (empty($meta_cache) || !is_array($meta_cache)) { $meta_cache = array(); } $pod = pods($object['name']); $meta_keys = array($meta_key); if (empty($meta_key)) { $meta_keys = array_keys($meta_cache); } $key_found = false; foreach ($meta_keys as $meta_k) { if (!empty($pod)) { if (isset($pod->fields[$meta_k])) { if (empty($pod->id)) { $pod->fetch($object_id); $pod->id = $object_id; } $key_found = true; $meta_cache[$meta_k] = $pod->field(array('name' => $meta_k, 'single' => $single, 'get_meta' => true)); if (!is_array($meta_cache[$meta_k]) || !isset($meta_cache[$meta_k][0])) { if (empty($meta_cache[$meta_k]) && !is_array($meta_cache[$meta_k]) && $single) { $meta_cache[$meta_k] = array(); } else { $meta_cache[$meta_k] = array($meta_cache[$meta_k]); } } if (in_array($pod->fields[$meta_k]['type'], PodsForm::tableless_field_types()) && isset($meta_cache['_pods_' . $meta_k])) { unset($meta_cache['_pods_' . $meta_k]); } } elseif (false !== strpos($meta_k, '.')) { if (empty($pod->id)) { $pod->fetch($object_id); $pod->id = $object_id; } $key_found = true; $first = current(explode('.', $meta_k)); if (isset($pod->fields[$first])) { $meta_cache[$meta_k] = $pod->field(array('name' => $meta_k, 'single' => $single, 'get_meta' => true)); if ((!is_array($meta_cache[$meta_k]) || !isset($meta_cache[$meta_k][0])) && $single) { if (empty($meta_cache[$meta_k]) && !is_array($meta_cache[$meta_k]) && $single) { $meta_cache[$meta_k] = array(); } else { $meta_cache[$meta_k] = array($meta_cache[$meta_k]); } } if (in_array($pod->fields[$first]['type'], PodsForm::tableless_field_types()) && isset($meta_cache['_pods_' . $first])) { unset($meta_cache['_pods_' . $first]); } } } } } if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_off($meta_type); } unset($pod); // memory clear if (!$key_found) { return $_null; } if (!$single && isset($GLOBALS['wp_object_cache']) && is_object($GLOBALS['wp_object_cache'])) { wp_cache_set($object_id, $meta_cache, 'pods_' . $meta_type . '_meta'); } if (empty($meta_key)) { return $meta_cache; } elseif (isset($meta_cache[$meta_key])) { $value = $meta_cache[$meta_key]; } else { $value = ''; } if (!is_numeric($value) && empty($value)) { if ($single) { $value = ''; } else { $value = array(); } } elseif (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } return $value; }
/** * Delete the value from the DB * * @param int $id * @param string $name * @param array $options * @param array $pod * * @since 2.3 */ public function delete($id = null, $name = null, $options = null, $pod = null) { if (empty(self::$api)) { self::$api = pods_api(); } $simple_tableless_objects = $this->simple_objects(); // Bidirectional relationship requirement checks $related_object = pods_var(self::$type . '_object', $options, ''); // pod, post_type, taxonomy, etc.. $related_val = pods_var(self::$type . '_val', $options, $related_object, null, true); // pod name, post type name, taxonomy name, etc.. $related_sister_id = (int) pods_var('sister_id', $options, 0); if (!empty($related_sister_id) && !in_array($related_object, $simple_tableless_objects)) { $related_pod = self::$api->load_pod(array('name' => $related_val, 'table_info' => false), false); if (false !== $related_pod && ('pod' == $related_object || $related_object == $related_pod['type'])) { $related_field = false; // Ensure sister_id exists on related Pod foreach ($related_pod['fields'] as $related_pod_field) { if ('pick' == $related_pod_field['type'] && $related_sister_id == $related_pod_field['id']) { $related_field = $related_pod_field; break; } } if (!empty($related_field)) { $values = self::$api->lookup_related_items($options['id'], $pod['id'], $id, $options, $pod); if (!empty($values)) { $no_conflict = pods_no_conflict_check($related_pod['type']); if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_on($related_pod['type']); } self::$api->delete_relationships($values, $id, $related_pod, $related_field); if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_off($related_pod['type']); } } } } } }
/** * Return the value for a field. * * If you are getting a field for output in a theme, most of the time you will want to use display() instead. * * This function will return arrays for relationship and file fields. * * @param string|array $name The field name, or an associative array of parameters * @param boolean $single (optional) For tableless fields, to return the whole array or the just the first item, or an associative array of parameters * @param boolean $raw (optional) Whether to return the raw value, or to run through the field type's display method, or an associative array of parameters * * @return mixed|null Value returned depends on the field type, null if the field doesn't exist, false if no value returned for tableless fields * @since 2.0 * @link http://pods.io/docs/field/ */ public function field($name, $single = null, $raw = false) { global $sitepress; $defaults = array('name' => $name, 'orderby' => null, 'single' => $single, 'params' => null, 'in_form' => false, 'raw' => $raw, 'raw_display' => false, 'display' => false, 'get_meta' => false, 'output' => null, 'deprecated' => false, 'args' => array()); if (is_array($name) || is_object($name)) { $defaults['name'] = null; $params = (object) array_merge($defaults, (array) $name); } elseif (is_array($single) || is_object($single)) { $defaults['single'] = null; $params = (object) array_merge($defaults, (array) $single); } elseif (is_array($raw) || is_object($raw)) { $defaults['raw'] = false; $params = (object) array_merge($defaults, (array) $raw); } else { $params = (object) $defaults; } if ($params->in_form) { $params->output = 'ids'; } elseif (null === $params->output) { $params->output = $this->do_hook('field_related_output_type', 'arrays', $this->row, $params); } if (in_array($params->output, array('id', 'name', 'object', 'array', 'pod'))) { $params->output .= 's'; } // Support old $orderby variable if (null !== $params->single && is_string($params->single) && empty($params->orderby)) { pods_deprecated('Pods::field', '2.0', 'Use $params[ \'orderby\' ] instead'); $params->orderby = $params->single; $params->single = false; } if (null !== $params->single) { $params->single = (bool) $params->single; } if (is_array($params->name) || strlen(trim($params->name)) < 1) { return null; } $params->name = trim($params->name); $params->full_name = $params->name; $value = null; if (isset($this->row_override[$params->name])) { $value = $this->row_override[$params->name]; } if (false === $this->row()) { if (false !== $this->data()) { $this->fetch(); } else { return $value; } } if ($this->data->field_id == $params->name) { if (isset($this->row[$params->name])) { return $this->row[$params->name]; } elseif (null !== $value) { return $value; } return 0; } $tableless_field_types = PodsForm::tableless_field_types(); $simple_tableless_objects = PodsForm::field_method('pick', 'simple_objects'); $params->traverse = array(); if (in_array($params->name, array('_link', 'detail_url')) || in_array($params->name, array('permalink', 'the_permalink')) && in_array($this->pod_data['type'], array('post_type', 'media'))) { if (0 < strlen($this->detail_page)) { $value = get_home_url() . '/' . $this->do_magic_tags($this->detail_page); } elseif (in_array($this->pod_data['type'], array('post_type', 'media'))) { $value = get_permalink($this->id()); } elseif ('taxonomy' == $this->pod_data['type']) { $value = get_term_link($this->id(), $this->pod_data['name']); } elseif ('user' == $this->pod_data['type']) { $value = get_author_posts_url($this->id()); } elseif ('comment' == $this->pod_data['type']) { $value = get_comment_link($this->id()); } } $field_data = false; $field_type = false; $first_field = explode('.', $params->name); $first_field = $first_field[0]; if (isset($this->fields[$first_field])) { $field_data = $this->fields[$first_field]; $field_type = 'field'; } elseif (isset($this->pod_data['object_fields']) && !empty($this->pod_data['object_fields'])) { if (isset($this->pod_data['object_fields'][$first_field])) { $field_data = $this->pod_data['object_fields'][$first_field]; $field_type = 'object_field'; } else { foreach ($this->pod_data['object_fields'] as $object_field => $object_field_opt) { if (in_array($first_field, $object_field_opt['alias'])) { if ($first_field == $params->name) { $params->name = $object_field; } $first_field = $object_field; $field_data = $object_field_opt; $field_type = 'object_field'; break; } } } } // Simple fields have no other output options if ('pick' == $field_data['type'] && in_array($field_data['pick_object'], $simple_tableless_objects)) { $params->output = 'arrays'; } if (empty($value) && in_array($field_data['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $params->raw = true; $value = false; if ('arrays' != $params->output && isset($this->row['_' . $params->output . '_' . $params->name])) { $value = $this->row['_' . $params->output . '_' . $params->name]; } elseif ('arrays' == $params->output && isset($this->row[$params->name])) { $value = $this->row[$params->name]; } if (false !== $value && !is_array($value) && 'pick' == $field_data['type'] && in_array($field_data['pick_object'], $simple_tableless_objects)) { $value = PodsForm::field_method('pick', 'simple_value', $params->name, $value, $field_data, $this->pod_data, $this->id(), true); } } if (empty($value) && isset($this->row[$params->name]) && (!in_array($field_data['type'], $tableless_field_types) || 'arrays' == $params->output)) { if (empty($field_data) || in_array($field_data['type'], array('boolean', 'number', 'currency'))) { $params->raw = true; } $value = $this->row[$params->name]; } elseif (empty($value)) { $object_field_found = false; if ('object_field' == $field_type) { $object_field_found = true; if (isset($this->row[$first_field])) { $value = $this->row[$first_field]; } elseif (in_array($field_data['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $this->fields[$first_field] = $field_data; $object_field_found = false; } else { return null; } } if ('post_type' == $this->pod_data['type'] && !isset($this->fields[$params->name])) { if (!isset($this->fields['post_thumbnail']) && ('post_thumbnail' == $params->name || 0 === strpos($params->name, 'post_thumbnail.'))) { $size = 'thumbnail'; if (0 === strpos($params->name, 'post_thumbnail.')) { $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $size = $field_names[1]; } } // Pods will auto-get the thumbnail ID if this isn't an attachment $value = pods_image($this->id(), $size, 0, null, true); $object_field_found = true; } elseif (!isset($this->fields['post_thumbnail_url']) && ('post_thumbnail_url' == $params->name || 0 === strpos($params->name, 'post_thumbnail_url.'))) { $size = 'thumbnail'; if (0 === strpos($params->name, 'post_thumbnail_url.')) { $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $size = $field_names[1]; } } // Pods will auto-get the thumbnail ID if this isn't an attachment $value = pods_image_url($this->id(), $size, 0, true); $object_field_found = true; } elseif (0 === strpos($params->name, 'image_attachment.')) { $size = 'thumbnail'; $image_id = 0; $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $image_id = $field_names[1]; } if (isset($field_names[2])) { $size = $field_names[2]; } if (!empty($image_id)) { $value = pods_image($image_id, $size, 0, null, true); if (!empty($value)) { $object_field_found = true; } } } elseif (0 === strpos($params->name, 'image_attachment_url.')) { $size = 'thumbnail'; $image_id = 0; $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $image_id = $field_names[1]; } if (isset($field_names[2])) { $size = $field_names[2]; } if (!empty($image_id)) { $value = pods_image_url($image_id, $size, 0, true); if (!empty($value)) { $object_field_found = true; } } } } elseif ('user' == $this->pod_data['type'] && !isset($this->fields[$params->name])) { if (!isset($this->fields['avatar']) && ('avatar' == $params->name || 0 === strpos($params->name, 'avatar.'))) { $size = null; if (0 === strpos($params->name, 'avatar.')) { $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $size = (int) $field_names[1]; } } if (!empty($size)) { $value = get_avatar($this->id(), $size); } else { $value = get_avatar($this->id()); } $object_field_found = true; } } elseif (0 === strpos($params->name, 'image_attachment.')) { $size = 'thumbnail'; $image_id = 0; $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $image_id = $field_names[1]; } if (isset($field_names[2])) { $size = $field_names[2]; } if (!empty($image_id)) { $value = pods_image($image_id, $size, 0, null, true); if (!empty($value)) { $object_field_found = true; } } } elseif (0 === strpos($params->name, 'image_attachment_url.')) { $size = 'thumbnail'; $image_id = 0; $field_names = explode('.', $params->name); if (isset($field_names[1])) { $image_id = $field_names[1]; } if (isset($field_names[2])) { $size = $field_names[2]; } if (!empty($image_id)) { $value = pods_image_url($image_id, $size, 0, true); if (!empty($value)) { $object_field_found = true; } } } if (false === $object_field_found) { $params->traverse = array($params->name); if (false !== strpos($params->name, '.')) { $params->traverse = explode('.', $params->name); $params->name = $params->traverse[0]; } if (isset($this->fields[$params->name]) && isset($this->fields[$params->name]['type'])) { $v = $this->do_hook('field_' . $this->fields[$params->name]['type'], null, $this->fields[$params->name], $this->row, $params); if (null !== $v) { return $v; } } $simple = false; $simple_data = array(); if (isset($this->fields[$params->name])) { if ('meta' == $this->pod_data['storage']) { if (!in_array($this->fields[$params->name]['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $simple = true; } } if (in_array($this->fields[$params->name]['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $params->raw = true; if ('pick' == $this->fields[$params->name]['type'] && in_array($this->fields[$params->name]['pick_object'], $simple_tableless_objects)) { $simple = true; $params->single = true; } } elseif (in_array($this->fields[$params->name]['type'], array('boolean', 'number', 'currency'))) { $params->raw = true; } } if (!isset($this->fields[$params->name]) || !in_array($this->fields[$params->name]['type'], $tableless_field_types) || $simple) { if (null === $params->single) { if (isset($this->fields[$params->name]) && !in_array($this->fields[$params->name]['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $params->single = true; } else { $params->single = false; } } $no_conflict = pods_no_conflict_check($this->pod_data['type']); if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_on($this->pod_data['type']); } if (in_array($this->pod_data['type'], array('post_type', 'media'))) { $id = $this->id(); // Support for WPML 'duplicated' translation handling if (is_object($sitepress) && $sitepress->is_translated_post_type($this->pod_data['name'])) { $master_post_id = (int) get_post_meta($id, '_icl_lang_duplicate_of', true); if (0 < $master_post_id) { $id = $master_post_id; } } $value = get_post_meta($id, $params->name, $params->single); $single_multi = pods_var($this->fields[$params->name]['type'] . '_format_type', $this->fields[$params->name]['options'], 'single'); if ($simple && !is_array($value) && 'single' != $single_multi) { $value = get_post_meta($id, $params->name); } } elseif (in_array($this->pod_data['type'], array('user', 'comment'))) { $value = get_metadata($this->pod_data['type'], $this->id(), $params->name, $params->single); $single_multi = pods_var($this->fields[$params->name]['type'] . '_format_type', $this->fields[$params->name]['options'], 'single'); if ($simple && !is_array($value) && 'single' != $single_multi) { $value = get_metadata($this->pod_data['type'], $this->id(), $params->name); } } elseif ('settings' == $this->pod_data['type']) { $value = get_option($this->pod_data['name'] . '_' . $params->name, null); } // Handle Simple Relationships if ($simple) { if (null === $params->single) { $params->single = false; } $value = PodsForm::field_method('pick', 'simple_value', $params->name, $value, $this->fields[$params->name], $this->pod_data, $this->id(), true); } if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_off($this->pod_data['type']); } } else { // Dot-traversal $pod = $this->pod; $ids = array($this->id()); $all_fields = array(); $lookup = $params->traverse; if (!empty($lookup)) { unset($lookup[0]); foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if (!in_array($field['type'], $tableless_field_types) || in_array($field['name'], $lookup)) { continue; } $lookup[] = $field['name']; } } // Get fields matching traversal names if (!empty($lookup)) { $fields = $this->api->load_fields(array('name' => $lookup, 'type' => $tableless_field_types, 'object_fields' => true)); if (!empty($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!empty($field)) { if (!isset($all_fields[$field['pod']])) { $all_fields[$field['pod']] = array(); } $all_fields[$field['pod']][$field['name']] = $field; } } } if (isset($this->pod_data['object_fields']) && !empty($this->pod_data['object_fields'])) { foreach ($this->pod_data['object_fields'] as $object_field => $object_field_opt) { if (in_array($object_field_opt['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $all_fields[$this->pod][$object_field] = $object_field_opt; } } } } $last_type = $last_object = $last_pick_val = ''; $last_options = array(); $single_multi = pods_var($this->fields[$params->name]['type'] . '_format_type', $this->fields[$params->name]['options'], 'single'); if ('multi' == $single_multi) { $limit = (int) pods_var($this->fields[$params->name]['type'] . '_limit', $this->fields[$params->name]['options'], 0); } else { $limit = 1; } $last_limit = 0; // Loop through each traversal level foreach ($params->traverse as $key => $field) { $last_loop = false; if (count($params->traverse) <= $key + 1) { $last_loop = true; } $field_exists = isset($all_fields[$pod][$field]); $simple = false; $last_options = array(); if ($field_exists && 'pick' == $all_fields[$pod][$field]['type'] && in_array($all_fields[$pod][$field]['pick_object'], $simple_tableless_objects)) { $simple = true; $last_options = $all_fields[$pod][$field]; } // Tableless handler if ($field_exists && (!in_array($all_fields[$pod][$field]['type'], array('pick', 'taxonomy')) || !$simple)) { $type = $all_fields[$pod][$field]['type']; $pick_object = $all_fields[$pod][$field]['pick_object']; $pick_val = $all_fields[$pod][$field]['pick_val']; if ('table' == $pick_object) { $pick_val = pods_var('pick_table', $all_fields[$pod][$field]['options'], $pick_val, null, true); } elseif ('__current__' == $pick_val) { $pick_val = $pod; } $last_limit = 0; if (in_array($type, $tableless_field_types)) { $single_multi = pods_var("{$type}_format_type", $all_fields[$pod][$field]['options'], 'single'); if ('multi' == $single_multi) { $last_limit = (int) pods_var("{$type}_limit", $all_fields[$pod][$field]['options'], 0); } else { $last_limit = 1; } } $last_type = $type; $last_object = $pick_object; $last_pick_val = $pick_val; $last_options = $all_fields[$pod][$field]; // Temporary hack until there's some better handling here $last_limit = $last_limit * count($ids); // Get related IDs if (!isset($all_fields[$pod][$field]['pod_id'])) { $all_fields[$pod][$field]['pod_id'] = 0; } if (isset($all_fields[$pod][$field]['id'])) { $ids = $this->api->lookup_related_items($all_fields[$pod][$field]['id'], $all_fields[$pod][$field]['pod_id'], $ids, $all_fields[$pod][$field]); } // No items found if (empty($ids)) { return false; } elseif (0 < $last_limit) { $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $last_limit); } // Get $pod if related to a Pod if (!empty($pick_object) && !empty($pick_val)) { if ('pod' == $pick_object) { $pod = $pick_val; } else { $check = $this->api->get_table_info($pick_object, $pick_val); if (!empty($check) && !empty($check['pod'])) { $pod = $check['pod']['name']; } } } } else { // Invalid field if (0 == $key) { return false; } $last_loop = true; } if ($last_loop) { $object_type = $last_object; $object = $last_pick_val; if (in_array($last_type, PodsForm::file_field_types())) { $object_type = 'media'; $object = 'attachment'; } $data = array(); $table = $this->api->get_table_info($object_type, $object, null, null, $last_options); $join = $where = array(); if (!empty($table['join'])) { $join = (array) $table['join']; } if (!empty($table['where']) || !empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $where[$id] = '`t`.`' . $table['field_id'] . '` = ' . (int) $id; } if (!empty($where)) { $where = array(implode(' OR ', $where)); } if (!empty($table['where'])) { $where = array_merge($where, array_values((array) $table['where'])); } } /** * @var $related_obj Pods */ $related_obj = false; if ('pod' == $object_type) { $related_obj = pods($object, null, false); } elseif (isset($table['pod']) && !empty($table['pod'])) { $related_obj = pods($table['pod']['name'], null, false); } if (!empty($table['table']) || !empty($related_obj)) { $sql = array('select' => '*, `t`.`' . $table['field_id'] . '` AS `pod_item_id`', 'table' => $table['table'], 'join' => $join, 'where' => $where, 'orderby' => $params->orderby, 'pagination' => false, 'search' => false, 'limit' => -1); // Output types if (in_array($params->output, array('ids', 'objects', 'pods'))) { $sql['select'] = '`t`.`' . $table['field_id'] . '` AS `pod_item_id`'; } elseif ('names' == $params->output && !empty($table['field_index'])) { $sql['select'] = '`t`.`' . $table['field_index'] . '` AS `pod_item_index`, `t`.`' . $table['field_id'] . '` AS `pod_item_id`'; } if (is_array($params->params) && !empty($params->params)) { $where = $sql['where']; $sql = array_merge($sql, $params->params); if (isset($params->params['where'])) { $sql['where'] = array_merge((array) $where, (array) $params->params['where']); } } if (empty($related_obj)) { if (!is_object($this->alt_data)) { $this->alt_data = pods_data(null, 0, true, true); } $item_data = $this->alt_data->select($sql); } else { $item_data = $related_obj->find($sql)->data(); } $items = array(); if (!empty($item_data)) { foreach ($item_data as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $item = (object) $item; } if (empty($item->pod_item_id)) { continue; } // Bypass pass field if (isset($item->user_pass)) { unset($item->user_pass); } // Get Item ID $item_id = $item->pod_item_id; // Cleanup unset($item->pod_item_id); // Output types if ('ids' == $params->output) { $item = (int) $item_id; } elseif ('names' == $params->output && !empty($table['field_index'])) { $item = $item->pod_item_index; } elseif ('objects' == $params->output) { if (in_array($object_type, array('post_type', 'media'))) { $item = get_post($item_id); } elseif ('taxonomy' == $object_type) { $item = get_term($item_id, $object); } elseif ('user' == $object_type) { $item = get_userdata($item_id); if (!empty($item)) { // Get other vars $roles = $item->roles; $caps = $item->caps; $allcaps = $item->allcaps; $item = $item->data; // Set other vars $item->roles = $roles; $item->caps = $caps; $item->allcaps = $allcaps; unset($item->user_pass); } } elseif ('comment' == $object_type) { $item = get_comment($item_id); } else { $item = (object) $item; } } elseif ('pods' == $params->output) { $item = pods($object, (int) $item_id); } else { // arrays $item = get_object_vars((object) $item); } // Pass item data into $data $items[$item_id] = $item; } // Cleanup unset($item_data); // Return all of the data in the order expected if (empty($params->orderby)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { if (isset($items[$id])) { $data[$id] = $items[$id]; } } } } } if (in_array($last_type, $tableless_field_types) || in_array($last_type, array('boolean', 'number', 'currency'))) { $params->raw = true; } if (empty($data)) { $value = false; } else { $object_type = $table['type']; if (in_array($table['type'], array('post_type', 'attachment', 'media'))) { $object_type = 'post'; } $no_conflict = true; if (in_array($object_type, array('post', 'user', 'comment', 'settings'))) { $no_conflict = pods_no_conflict_check($object_type); if (!$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_on($object_type); } } // Return entire array if (false !== $field_exists && (in_array($last_type, $tableless_field_types) && !$simple)) { $value = $data; } else { $value = array(); foreach ($data as $item_id => $item) { // $field is 123x123, needs to be _src.123x123 $full_field = implode('.', array_splice($params->traverse, $key)); if ((false !== strpos($full_field, '_src') || 'guid' == $field) && (in_array($table['type'], array('attachment', 'media')) || in_array($last_type, PodsForm::file_field_types())) || (in_array($field, array('_link', 'detail_url')) || in_array($field, array('permalink', 'the_permalink')) && in_array($last_type, PodsForm::file_field_types()))) { $size = 'full'; if (false !== strpos($full_field, '_src.') && 5 < strlen($full_field)) { $size = substr($full_field, 5); } elseif (false !== strpos($full_field, '_src_relative.') && 14 < strlen($full_field)) { $size = substr($full_field, 14); } elseif (false !== strpos($full_field, '_src_schemeless.') && 16 < strlen($full_field)) { $size = substr($full_field, 16); } $value_url = pods_image_url($item_id, $size); if (false !== strpos($full_field, '_src_relative') && !empty($value_url)) { $value_url_parsed = parse_url($value_url); $value_url = $value_url_parsed['path']; } elseif (false !== strpos($full_field, '_src_schemeless') && !empty($value_url)) { $value_url = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '//', $value_url); } if (!empty($value_url)) { $value[] = $value_url; } $params->raw_display = true; } elseif (false !== strpos($full_field, '_img') && (in_array($table['type'], array('attachment', 'media')) || in_array($last_type, PodsForm::file_field_types()))) { $size = 'full'; if (false !== strpos($full_field, '_img.') && 5 < strlen($full_field)) { $size = substr($full_field, 5); } $value[] = pods_image($item_id, $size); $params->raw_display = true; } elseif (in_array($field, array('_link', 'detail_url')) || in_array($field, array('permalink', 'the_permalink')) && 'post' == $object_type) { if ('pod' == $object_type) { if (is_object($related_obj)) { $related_obj->fetch($item_id); $value[] = $related_obj->field('detail_url'); } else { $value[] = ''; } } elseif ('post' == $object_type) { $value[] = get_permalink($item_id); } elseif ('taxonomy' == $object_type) { $value[] = get_term_link($item_id, $object); } elseif ('user' == $object_type) { $value[] = get_author_posts_url($item_id); } elseif ('comment' == $object_type) { $value[] = get_comment_link($item_id); } else { $value[] = ''; } $params->raw_display = true; } elseif (is_array($item) && isset($item[$field])) { if ($table['field_id'] == $field) { $value[] = (int) $item[$field]; } else { $value[] = $item[$field]; } } elseif (is_object($item) && isset($item->{$field})) { if ($table['field_id'] == $field) { $value[] = (int) $item->{$field}; } else { $value[] = $item->{$field}; } } elseif ('post' == $object_type) { // Support for WPML 'duplicated' translation handling if (is_object($sitepress) && $sitepress->is_translated_post_type($object)) { $master_post_id = (int) get_post_meta($item_id, '_icl_lang_duplicate_of', true); if (0 < $master_post_id) { $item_id = $master_post_id; } } $value[] = get_post_meta($item_id, $field, true); } elseif (in_array($object_type, array('post', 'user', 'comment'))) { $value[] = get_metadata($object_type, $item_id, $field, true); } elseif ('settings' == $object_type) { $value[] = get_option($object . '_' . $field); } } } if (in_array($object_type, array('post', 'user', 'comment', 'settings')) && !$no_conflict) { pods_no_conflict_off($object_type); } // Handle Simple Relationships if ($simple) { if (null === $params->single) { $params->single = false; } $value = PodsForm::field_method('pick', 'simple_value', $field, $value, $last_options, $all_fields[$pod], 0, true); } elseif (false === $params->in_form && !empty($value)) { $value = array_values($value); } // Return a single column value if (false === $params->in_form && 1 == $limit && !empty($value) && is_array($value) && 1 == count($value)) { $value = current($value); } } break; } } } } } if (!empty($params->traverse) && 1 < count($params->traverse)) { $field_names = implode('.', $params->traverse); $this->row[$field_names] = $value; } elseif ('arrays' != $params->output && in_array($field_data['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $this->row['_' . $params->output . '_' . $params->full_name] = $value; } elseif ('arrays' == $params->output || !in_array($field_data['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $this->row[$params->full_name] = $value; } if ($params->single && is_array($value) && 1 == count($value)) { $value = current($value); } // @todo Expand this into traversed fields too if (!empty($field_data) && ($params->display || !$params->raw) && !$params->in_form && !$params->raw_display) { if ($params->display || ($params->get_meta || $params->deprecated) && !in_array($field_data['type'], $tableless_field_types)) { $field_data['options'] = pods_var_raw('options', $field_data, array(), null, true); $post_temp = false; if ('post_type' == pods_var('type', $this->pod_data) && 0 < $this->id() && (!isset($GLOBALS['post']) || empty($GLOBALS['post']))) { global $post_ID, $post; $post_temp = true; $old_post = $GLOBALS['post']; $old_ID = $GLOBALS['post_ID']; $post = get_post($this->id()); $post_ID = $this->id(); } $filter = pods_var_raw('display_filter', $field_data['options']); if (0 < strlen($filter)) { $args = array($filter, $value); $filter_args = pods_var_raw('display_filter_args', $field_data['options']); if (!empty($filter_args)) { $args = array_merge($args, compact($filter_args)); } $value = call_user_func_array('apply_filters', $args); } elseif (1 == pods_var('display_process', $field_data['options'], 1)) { $value = PodsForm::display($field_data['type'], $value, $params->name, array_merge($field_data, $field_data['options']), $this->pod_data, $this->id()); } if ($post_temp) { $post = $old_post; $post_ID = $old_ID; } } else { $value = PodsForm::value($field_data['type'], $value, $params->name, array_merge($field_data, $field_data['options']), $this->pod_data, $this->id()); } } $value = $this->do_hook('field', $value, $this->row, $params); return $value; }