コード例 #1
function foot()
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['xanthia_theme']) && pnModLoad('Header_Footer', 'user', true)) {
        pnModFunc('Header_Footer', 'user', 'render');
コード例 #2
ファイル: mediaitem.php プロジェクト: ro0f/Mediashare
 function displayEditing()
     $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
     if (!empty($this->mediaItemId)) {
         return pnModFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'simpledisplay', array('mid' => $this->mediaItemId, 'showAlbumLink' => $this->showAlbumLink, 'text' => $this->text, 'containerWidth' => $this->styleWidth));
     return __('No media item selected', $dom);
コード例 #3
ファイル: pnremote.php プロジェクト: ro0f/Mediashare
function mediashare_remote_main()
    $cmd = str_replace('-', '', $_POST['cmd']);
    pnModFunc('mediashare', 'remote', $cmd);
    $txt = "\n" . ob_get_clean();
    /* DEBUG
      $f = fopen('c:/tmp/gallery.txt', 'a');
      fwrite($f, $txt);
    echo $txt;
    return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: stephen-smith/openemr
// get module information
$modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($module));
if ($modinfo['type'] == 2) {
    // New-new style of loading modules
    if (empty($type)) {
        $type = 'user';
    if (empty($func)) {
        $func = "main";
    // it should be $module not $name [class007]
    if (pnModAvailable($module)) {
        if (pnModLoad($module, $type)) {
            // Run the function
            $return = pnModFunc($module, $type, $func);
        } else {
            $return = false;
    } else {
        $return = false;
    // Sort out return of function.  Can be
    // true - finished
    // false - display error msg
    // text - return information
    if (empty($return) || $return == false) {
        // Failed to load the module
        $output = new pnHTML();
        $output->Text('Failed to load module ' . $module . ' ( At function: "' . $func . '" )');
コード例 #5
ファイル: pnMod.php プロジェクト: katopenzz/openemr
 * carry out hook operations for module
 * @param hookobject the object the hook is called for - either 'item' or 'category'
 * @param hookaction the action the hook is called for - one of 'create', 'delete', 'transform', or 'display'
 * @param hookid the id of the object the hook is called for (module-specific)
 * @param extrainfo extra information for the hook, dependent on hookaction
 * @returns string
 * @return output from hooks
function pnModCallHooks($hookobject, $hookaction, $hookid, $extrainfo)
    // Get database info
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $hookstable = $pntable['hooks'];
    $hookscolumn =& $pntable['hooks_column'];
    // Get applicable hooks
    $sql = "SELECT {$hookscolumn['tarea']},\n                   {$hookscolumn['tmodule']},\n                   {$hookscolumn['ttype']},\n                   {$hookscolumn['tfunc']}\n            FROM {$hookstable}\n            WHERE {$hookscolumn['smodule']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetName()) . "'\n            AND {$hookscolumn['object']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($hookobject) . "'\n            AND {$hookscolumn['action']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($hookaction) . "'";
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($sql);
    if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
        return null;
    $output = '';
    // Call each hook
    for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
        list($hookarea, $hookmodule, $hooktype, $hookfunc) = $result->fields;
        if ($hookarea == 'GUI') {
            if (pnModAvailable($hookmodule, $hooktype) && pnModLoad($hookmodule, $hooktype)) {
                $output .= pnModFunc($hookmodule, $hooktype, $hookfunc, array('objectid' => $hookid, 'extrainfo' => $extrainfo));
        } else {
            if (pnModAvailable($hookmodule, $hooktype) && pnModAPILoad($hookmodule, $hooktype)) {
                $extrainfo = pnModAPIFunc($hookmodule, $hooktype, $hookfunc, array('objectid' => $hookid, 'extrainfo' => $extrainfo));
    if ($hookaction == 'display') {
        return $output;
    } else {
        return $extrainfo;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pnuser.php プロジェクト: ro0f/Mediashare
function mediashare_user_slideshowcenter($args)
    return pnModFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'slideshow', array('center' => true));
コード例 #7
ファイル: album.php プロジェクト: ro0f/Mediashare
 function display()
     $csssrc = ThemeUtil::getModuleStylesheet('mediashare');
     PageUtil::addVar('stylesheet', $csssrc);
     return pnModFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'simplethumbnails', array('aid' => $this->albumId, 'template' => $this->template, 'count' => $this->itemCount));
コード例 #8
ファイル: pnedit.php プロジェクト: ro0f/Mediashare
 * Add / edit media items
function mediashare_edit_addmedia($args)
    $albumId = mediashareGetIntUrl('aid', $args, 1);
    $sourceName = mediashareGetStringUrl('source', $args);
    // Check access
    if (!mediashareAccessAlbum($albumId, mediashareAccessRequirementAddMedia, '')) {
        return LogUtil::registerPermissionError();
    $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('mediashare');
    // Get parent album info (ignore unknown parent => this means we add to a top most album)
    if (!($album = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'user', 'getAlbum', array('albumId' => $albumId)))) {
        return false;
    // Get media sources
    if (($sources = pnModAPIFunc('mediashare', 'sources', 'getSources', array('active' => 1))) === false) {
        return false;
    if (count($sources) == 0) {
        return LogUtil::registerError(__('No media sources found. You need to go to the admin panel and perform a scan for media sources.', $dom));
    if ($sourceName == '') {
        $sourceName = $sources[0]['name'];
    // Find current source
    $source = null;
    foreach ($sources as $s) {
        if ($s['name'] == $sourceName) {
            $source = $s;
    $selectedSourceFile = DataUtil::formatForStore("source_{$sourceName}");
    if (!pnModLoad('mediashare', $selectedSourceFile)) {
        return LogUtil::registerError("Failed to load Mediashare {$selectedSourceFile} file");
    $sourceHtml = pnModFunc('mediashare', $selectedSourceFile, 'view');
    if ($sourceHtml === false || $sourceHtml === true) {
        return $sourceHtml;
    // Build the output
    $render =& pnRender::getInstance('mediashare', false);
    $render->assign('album', $album);
    $render->assign('sources', $sources);
    $render->assign('selectedSource', $source);
    $render->assign('selectedSourceName', $sourceName);
    $render->assign('selectedSourceFile', $selectedSourceFile);
    $render->assign('sourceHtml', $sourceHtml);
    return $render->fetch('mediashare_edit_addmedia.html');
コード例 #9
ファイル: pnuser.php プロジェクト: grlf/eyedock
function Lenses_user_display($args)
    //Permission check.
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Lenses::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
        return pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_MODULENOAUTH);
    // Clean $tid from input.
    $tid = pnVarCleanFromInput('tid');
    // Ensure valid values were passed in.
    if (empty($tid) || !is_numeric($tid)) {
        //echo 'TID: $tid<br />';
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _MODARGSERROR);
        return false;
    // Start a new output object.
    $pnRender =& new pnRender('Lenses');
    // Call API function to get all lens data.
    $lens_data = pnModAPIFunc('Lenses', 'user', 'get', array('item_type' => 'lens', 'item_id' => $tid));
    //the image field will be a comma-separated string.  Explode it.  The first element will be placed into the "image1" field and the rest will be kept in the images field
    $lens_data[images] = explode(",", $lens_data[image]);
    //record lens ID as a session variable so it can be used to provide an option to compare recently searched lenses
    $saved_lens_array = array();
    $saved_lens_array = pnSessionGetVar('saved_lens_array');
    $saved_lens_array[$lens_data[name]] = $tid;
    pnSessionSetVar('saved_lens_array', array_unique($saved_lens_array));
    //count how many recently searched lenses are now saved as a session variable.
    $saved_lens_count = count($saved_lens_array);
    //create text for company popups:
    $lens_data['comp_info'] = pnModFunc('Lenses', 'user', 'company_popup', array('comp_id' => $lens_data['comp_id']));
    //create popup text for FDA groups:
    $fda_desc = pnModAPIFunc('Lenses', 'user', 'fda_descriptions');
    $lens_data['fda_grp_desc'] = $fda_desc[$lens_data['fda_grp']];
    //if possible, create dk/t value
    if ($lens_data['dk'] > 0 && $lens_data['ct'] > 0) {
        $lens_data['dkt'] = $lens_data['dk'] / $lens_data['ct'] / 10;
    // Let any hooks know that we are displaying an item.  As this is a display
    // hook we're passing a URL as the extra info, which is the URL that any
    // hooks will show after they have finished their own work.  It is normal
    // for that URL to bring the user back to this function
    $pnRender->assign('hooks', pnModCallHooks('item', 'display', $tid, pnModURL('Lenses', 'user', 'display', array('tid' => $tid))));
    //if user is allowed to edit, allow them to go to the edit page for the lens they're veiwing
    if (pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Lenses::', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) {
        $pnRender->assign('edit_lens', true);
    //only enable those with comment access (users) to see wholesale prices
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Lenses::', '::', ACCESS_COMMENT)) {
        $lens_data['price'] = "";
    // Assign $lenses to template.
    $pnRender->assign('lens_data', $lens_data);
    $pnRender->assign('saved_lens_count', $saved_lens_count);
    // return templated output.
    return $pnRender->fetch('lenses_user_display.htm');
コード例 #10
ファイル: pnuser.php プロジェクト: grlf/eyedock
function Meds_user_display($args)
    // Permission check.
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Meds::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
        return pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_MODULENOTSUBSCRIBED);
    // This is a flag to use in the template for
    // the purpose of displaying a go-back link.
    // This flag is needed because the go back link
    // is not needed when the user dialed in a med
    // and displayed it directly (ie, non-search)
    $search = pnVarCleanFromInput('search');
    // Get the object type and start number.
    $med_id = pnVarCleanFromInput('med_id');
    // Get medication from database.
    $med = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'med', 'med_id' => $med_id));
    // Check if medication could not be obtained.
    if (!$med) {
        return pnVarPrepHTMLDisplay(_NOSUCHITEM);
    if (strpos($med['rxInfo'], "pdf/") === 0) {
        $med['rxInfo'] = "modules/Meds/pn" . $med['rxInfo'];
    //print (strpos($med['rxInfo'], "pdf/"));
    //information used for popup windows. I'm sure there's a better way to do this but...
    $pregnancy = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'preg_descriptions');
    $schedules = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'sched_descriptions');
    if ($med['pres_id1']) {
        $pres_info1 = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'preserve', 'pres_id' => $med['pres_id1']));
    if ($med['pres_id2']) {
        $pres_info2 = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'preserve', 'pres_id' => $med['pres_id2']));
    $comp_info = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'company', 'comp_id' => $med['comp_id']));
    $comp_text = pnModFunc('Meds', 'user', 'company_popup', array('comp_info' => $comp_info));
    if ($med['moa_id1']) {
        $moa_info1 = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'moa', 'moa_id' => $med['moa_id1']));
    if ($med['moa_id2']) {
        $moa_info2 = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'moa', 'moa_id' => $med['moa_id2']));
    if ($med['moa_id3']) {
        $moa_info3 = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'moa', 'moa_id' => $med['moa_id3']));
    if ($med['moa_id4']) {
        $moa_info4 = pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'get', array('object' => 'moa', 'moa_id' => $med['moa_id4']));
    // Start a new output object.
    $pnRender =& new pnRender('Meds');
    // Assign medication's data to template.
    $pnRender->assign('med', $med);
    //assign popup info to templates
    $pnRender->assign('preg', $pregnancy[$med['preg']]);
    $pnRender->assign('sched', $schedules[$med['schedule']]);
    $pnRender->assign('comp_text', $comp_text);
    $pnRender->assign('preserve_info1', $pres_info1['comments']);
    $pnRender->assign('preserve_info2', $pres_info2['comments']);
    $pnRender->assign('moa_info1', $moa_info1['comments']);
    $pnRender->assign('moa_info2', $moa_info2['comments']);
    $pnRender->assign('moa_info3', $moa_info3['comments']);
    $pnRender->assign('moa_info4', $moa_info4['comments']);
    // Assign flag to template; for search back-links.
    if (!empty($search)) {
        $pnRender->assign('search', $search);
    // Assign flag for admin permission capacity.
    $pnRender->assign('is_admin', pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Meds::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN));
    // Let any hooks know that we are displaying an item.  As this is a display
    // hook we're passing a URL as the extra info, which is the URL that any
    // hooks will show after they have finished their own work.  It is normal
    // for that URL to bring the user back to this function
    $pnRender->assign('hooks', pnModCallHooks('item', 'display', $med_id, pnModURL('Meds', 'user', 'display', array('med_id' => $med_id))));
    // Get options for all dropdowns.  These are not used
    // for dropdowns here, but rather are used to help convert
    // the med's various ids back into meaning texts.
    $pnRender->assign(pnModAPIFunc('Meds', 'user', 'getall_selects'));
    // Return templated output.
    return $pnRender->fetch('meds_user_display.htm');
コード例 #11
     $arguments = array();
 // temporary additional security check.....
 if ($type == 'admin' && $func == 'updateconfig' && !pnSecAuthAction(0, "{$modinfo['name']}::", '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
     header('HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied');
     include 'header.php';
     echo _MODULENOAUTH;
     include 'footer.php';
 // we need to force the mod load if we want to call a modules interactive init
 // function because the modules is not active right now
 $force_modload = $type == 'init' ? true : false;
 if (pnModLoad($modinfo['name'], $type, $force_modload)) {
     // Run the function
     $return = pnModFunc($modinfo['name'], $type, $func, $arguments);
 } else {
     $return = false;
 // Sort out return of function.  Can be
 // true - finished
 // false - display error msg
 // text - return information
 if ($return !== true) {
     include_once 'header.php';
     if ($return === false) {
         // Failed to load the module
         header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
         echo 'Failed to load module <strong>' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($module) . '</strong> (at function: "<strong>' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($func) . '</strong>")';
     } elseif (is_string($return) && strlen($return) > 0) {
         // Text
コード例 #12
 * carry out hook operations for module
 * @author Jim McDonald <*****@*****.**>
 * @link http://www.mcdee.net
 * @param 'hookobject' the object the hook is called for - one of 'item', 'category' or 'module'
 * @param 'hookaction' the action the hook is called for - one of 'new', 'create', 'modify', 'update', 'delete', 'transform', 'display', 'modifyconfig', 'updateconfig'
 * @param 'hookid' the id of the object the hook is called for (module-specific)
 * @param 'extrainfo' extra information for the hook, dependent on hookaction
 * @param 'implode' implode collapses all display hooks into a single string - default to true for compatability with .7x
 * @return mixed string output from GUI hooks, extrainfo array for API hooks
function pnModCallHooks($hookobject, $hookaction, $hookid, $extrainfo = array(), $implode = true)
    static $modulehooks;
    if (!isset($hookaction)) {
        return null;
    if (isset($extrainfo['module']) && (pnModAvailable($extrainfo['module']) || strtolower($hookobject) == 'module')) {
        $modname = $extrainfo['module'];
    } else {
        $modname = pnModGetName();
    if (!isset($modulehooks[strtolower($modname)])) {
        // Get database info
        $dbconn =& pnDBGetConn(true);
        $pntable =& pnDBGetTables();
        $hookstable = $pntable['hooks'];
        $hookscolumn =& $pntable['hooks_column'];
        // Get applicable hooks
        $sql = "SELECT {$hookscolumn['tarea']},\n\t\t\t\t\t   {$hookscolumn['tmodule']},\n\t\t\t\t\t   {$hookscolumn['ttype']},\n\t\t\t\t\t   {$hookscolumn['tfunc']},\n\t\t\t\t\t   {$hookscolumn['action']},\n\t\t\t\t\t   {$hookscolumn['object']}\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$hookstable}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE {$hookscolumn['smodule']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($modname) . "'";
        $result =& $dbconn->Execute($sql);
        if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
            return null;
        $hooks = array();
        for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
            list($area, $module, $type, $func, $action, $object) = $result->fields;
            $hooks[] = array('area' => $area, 'module' => $module, 'type' => $type, 'func' => $func, 'action' => $action, 'object' => $object);
        $modulehooks[strtolower($modname)] = $hooks;
    $gui = false;
    $output = array();
    // Call each hook
    foreach ($modulehooks[strtolower($modname)] as $modulehook) {
        if ($modulehook['action'] == $hookaction && $modulehook['object'] == $hookobject) {
            if ($modulehook['area'] == 'GUI') {
                $gui = true;
                if (pnModAvailable($modulehook['module'], $modulehook['type']) && pnModLoad($modulehook['module'], $modulehook['type'])) {
                    $output[$modulehook['module']] = pnModFunc($modulehook['module'], $modulehook['type'], $modulehook['func'], array('objectid' => $hookid, 'extrainfo' => $extrainfo));
            } else {
                if (pnModAvailable($modulehook['module'], $modulehook['type']) && pnModAPILoad($modulehook['module'], $modulehook['type'])) {
                    $extrainfo = pnModAPIFunc($modulehook['module'], $modulehook['type'], $modulehook['func'], array('objectid' => $hookid, 'extrainfo' => $extrainfo));
    // check what type of information we need to return
    // credit to the xaraya team for the eregi check
    // itevo
    if ($gui || strtolower($hookaction) == 'display' || strtolower($hookaction) == 'new' || strtolower($hookaction) == 'modify' || strtolower($hookaction) == 'modifyconfig') {
        if ($implode || empty($output)) {
            $output = implode("\n", $output);
        return $output;
    } else {
        return $extrainfo;