コード例 #1
ファイル: pninit.php プロジェクト: grlf/eyedock
 * Module initialization.
 * @return  true on successful module initialization, else false.
function Meds_init()
    // Get database connection and tables references.
    $dbconn =& pnDBGetConn(true);
    $pntable =& pnDBGetTables();
    // Assign table/columns used in this module.
    $company_table =& $pntable['rx_company'];
    $company_field =& $pntable['rx_company_column'];
    $preserve_table =& $pntable['rx_preserve'];
    $preserve_field =& $pntable['rx_preserve_column'];
    $chem_table =& $pntable['rx_chem'];
    $chem_field =& $pntable['rx_chem_column'];
    $moa_table =& $pntable['rx_moa'];
    $moa_field =& $pntable['rx_moa_column'];
    $meds_table =& $pntable['rx_meds'];
    $meds_field =& $pntable['rx_meds_column'];
    // Start a new data object.
    $dict =& NewDataDictionary($dbconn);
    // Get table creation options.
    $options =& pnDBGetTableOptions();
    // Initialize a variable to hold the modules' table/columns schema.
    $schema = array();
    // Adding another table/columns to $schema.
    $schema[$preserve_table] = "\n            {$preserve_field['pres_id']}    I       AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$preserve_field['name']}       C(48)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$preserve_field['comments']}   X2\n            ";
    // Adding a first table/columns to $schema.
    $schema[$company_table] = "\n            {$company_field['comp_id']}     I       AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$company_field['name']}        C(48)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['phone']}       C(15)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['street']}      C(96)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['city']}        C(48)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['state']}       C(2)    NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['zip']}         C(12)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['email']}       C(64)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['url']}         C(64)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$company_field['comments']}    X2\n            ";
    // Adding another table/columns to $schema.
    $schema[$chem_table] = "\n            {$chem_field['chem_id']}        I       AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$chem_field['name']}           C(48)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$chem_field['moa_id']}         I(6)    DEFAULT NULL\n            ";
    // Adding another table/columns to $schema.
    $schema[$moa_table] = "\n            {$moa_field['moa_id']}          I       AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$moa_field['name']}            C(48)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$moa_field['comments']}        X2\n            ";
    // Loop through $schema array.
    foreach ($schema as $table => $fields) {
        // Assemble each SQL array to CREATE the populated, optioned table.
        $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL($table, $fields, $options);
        // Run SQL query, checking for errors along the way.
        if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
            pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', $table . ' - ' . mysql_error());
            return false;
        // If no error was encountered in the table creation loop, each table now
        // needs an index for better performance. Since all the tables don't have
        // an identical field to use as an index, a single assigment won't do for
        // all iterations of the loop.  To deal with this, a switch() is used and
        // the indexes defined on a case by case basis.
        switch ($table) {
            case $preserve_table:
                $index_alias = 'PreserveIndex';
            case $company_table:
                $index_alias = 'CompanyIndex';
            case $chem_table:
                $index_alias = 'ChemIndex';
            case $moa_table:
                $index_alias = 'MOAIndex';
                pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', $index_alias . ' - ' . mysql_error());
                $failure = true;
        if ($failure) {
        $index_field = 'pn_name';
        // Create an array of SQL to INDEX the table
        $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL($index_alias, $table, $index_field);
        // Run each INDEX query, checking for errors along the way.
        if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
            pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', $table . ' - ' . mysql_error());
            return false;
    // This table requires an "enum" column type, which cannot be
    // handled with the data dictionary object.  This table will have
    // to be built the old way (a la the "Template" module.)
    $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$meds_table} (\n             {$meds_field['med_id']}                int(10)         NOT NULL auto_increment,\n             {$meds_field['trade']}                 varchar(48)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['comp_id']}               int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['medType1']}              varchar(48)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['medType2']}              varchar(48)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['preg']}                  char(1)         NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['schedule']}              varchar(4)      NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['generic']}               enum('yes','no','unknown') DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['image1']}                varchar(48)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['image2']}                varchar(48)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['dose']}                  text,\n             {$meds_field['peds']}                  varchar(32)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['ped_text']}              varchar(8)      DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['nurse']}                 varchar(96)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['pres_id1']}              int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['pres_id2']}              int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['comments']}              text,\n             {$meds_field['rxInfo']}                varchar(200)    DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['med_url']}               varchar(200)    NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['updated']}               varchar(10)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['display']}               enum('true','false') DEFAULT 'true',\n             {$meds_field['conc1']}                 varchar(20)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['chem_id1']}              int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['moa_id1']}               int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['conc2']}                 varchar(20)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['chem_id2']}              int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['moa_id2']}               int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['conc3']}                 varchar(20)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['chem_id3']}              int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['moa_id3']}               int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['conc4']}                 varchar(20)     DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['chem_id4']}              int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['moa_id4']}               int(4)          DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['form1']}                 enum('capsule','gel','intravenous','ointment','solution','emulsion','suspension','syrup','tablet','unknown','other') DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['size1']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['cost1']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['form2']}                 enum('capsule','gel','intravenous','ointment','solution','emulsion','suspension','syrup','tablet','unknown','other') DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['size2']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['cost2']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['form3']}                 enum('capsule','gel','intravenous','ointment','solution','emulsion','suspension','syrup','tablet','unknown','other') DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['size3']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['cost3']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['form4']}                 enum('capsule','gel','intravenous','ointment','solution','emulsion','suspension','syrup','tablet','unknown','other') DEFAULT NULL,\n             {$meds_field['size4']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             {$meds_field['cost4']}                 varchar(20)     NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n             PRIMARY KEY({$meds_field['med_id']}))";
    // Execute SQL.
    // Check for any db errors.
    if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', '<strong>' . $meds_table . '</strong> - ' . mysql_error());
        return false;
    // Create the SQL to create a table index.
    $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL('MedsIndex', $meds_table, 'pn_trade');
    // Run SQL query and check for database error.
    if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
        // Set a detailed error message.
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', '<strong>' . $meds_table . '</strong> - ' . mysql_error());
        // Report failure.
        return false;
    // Set a default number for per-page meds.
    pnModSetVar('Meds', 'per_page', (int) 10);
    // --------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------
    // Define the path/file that holds the SQL inserts.
    $inserts = dirname(__FILE__) . '/pnSQL/inserts.sql';
    // Check if such a file exists and...
    if (@file_exists($inserts)) {
        // ...if so, get all INSERTs from file into an easily queryable array and then...
        $sqlarray = file($inserts);
        // ...run each INSERT query, checking for errors along the way.
        if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
            pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', 'Error Inserting Default Data - ' . mysql_error());
            return false;
    // Installation success.
    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pninit.php プロジェクト: grlf/eyedock
function Lenses_init()
    // Security check.
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'Lenses::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _MODULENOAUTH);
        return false;
    // Get reference to database connection and PN tables.
    $dbconn =& pnDBGetConn(true);
    $pntable =& pnDBGetTables();
    // Create a new data object and define table options.
    $dict =& NewDataDictionary($dbconn);
    $taboptarray =& pnDBGetTableOptions();
    // Table/column references.
    $lenses_table =& $pntable['lenses'];
    $lenses_field =& $pntable['lenses_column'];
    $companies_table =& $pntable['lenses_companies'];
    $companies_field =& $pntable['lenses_companies_column'];
    $polymers_table =& $pntable['lenses_polymers'];
    $polymers_field =& $pntable['lenses_polymers_column'];
    $stats_table =& $pntable['lenses_stats'];
    $stats_field =& $pntable['lenses_stats_column'];
    $zero_table =& $pntable['lenses_zero'];
    $zero_field =& $pntable['lenses_zero_column'];
    // TIP: Another way to save on code is to setup all the table information
    //      inside an array first, and then loop through the array afterward,
    //      creating all the module tables with only a single block of table-
    //      creation code. Shaves many, many lines of code off this function.
    //      Though, note that now that the module only has 3 tables, the number
    //      of lines of code saved is far less than previously saved when there
    //      where many tables in this module.
    // Schema for companies table.
    $schema[$companies_table] = "\n            {$companies_field['comp_tid']}          I       AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$companies_field['comp_name']}         C(50)   NOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$companies_field['logo']}              C(100)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['phone']}             C(15)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['address']}           C(100)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['city']}              C(50)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['state']}             C(50)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['zip']}               C(15)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['url']}               C(100)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['email']}             C(100)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$companies_field['comp_desc']}         X2\n            ";
    // Schema for polymers table.
    $schema[$polymers_table] = "\n            {$polymers_field['poly_tid']}           I       AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$polymers_field['fda_grp']}            I(1)    DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$polymers_field['h2o']}                N(3.1)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$polymers_field['poly_name']}          C(50)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$polymers_field['poly_desc']}          X2\n            ";
    // Schema for stats table.
    $schema[$stats_table] = "\n            {$stats_field['id']}           \t\t\tI(4)    PRIMARY,\n            {$stats_field['total']}            \t\tI(7)  \tNOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$stats_field['last_month']}         \tI(5)  \tNOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$stats_field['this_month']}         \tI(5)    NOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t{$stats_field['month']}         \t\tI(2)    NOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            ";
    // Schema for stats table.
    $schema[$zero_table] = "\n            {$zero_field['id']}           \t\t\tI(4)    AUTO PRIMARY,\n\t\t\t{$zero_field['phrase']}           \t\tC(40)   AUTO PRIMARY,\n            {$zero_field['total']}            \t\tI(7)  \tNOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$zero_field['last_month']}         \tI(5)  \tNOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$zero_field['this_month']}         \tI(5)    NOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t{$zero_field['month']}         \t\t\tI(2)    NOTNULL DEFAULT '',\n            ";
    $schema[$lenses_table] = "\n            {$lenses_field['tid']}                  I(10)   NOT NULL auto_increment,\n            {$lenses_field['name']}                 C(100)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['aliases']}              X2      NOT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['comp_id']}              I(4)    DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['poly_id']}              I(4)    DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['visitint']}             L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n            {$lenses_field['ew']}                   L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n            {$lenses_field['ct']}                   N(4.2)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['dk']}                   N(3.1)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['oz']}                   N(3.1)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['process_text']}         C(64)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['process_simple']}       C(64)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['qty']}                  C(32)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['replace_simple']}       I(3)    NOT NULL DEFAULT 365,\n            {$lenses_field['replace_text']}         C(128)  NOT NULL DEFAULT 'conventional',\n            {$lenses_field['wear']}                 C(64)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'daily wear',\n            {$lenses_field['price']}                X2      DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['markings']}             C(64)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['fitting_guide']}        C(255)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['website']}              C(255)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['image']}                C(255)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['other_info']}           X2,\n            {$lenses_field['discontinued']}         L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n            {$lenses_field['display']}              L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n            {$lenses_field['special']}              X2  NOT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['bc_simple']}            C(30)   DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t{$lenses_field['bc_all']}               C(100)   DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['max_plus']}             N(4.2)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',\n            {$lenses_field['max_minus']}            N(4.2)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',\n            {$lenses_field['max_diam']}             N(4.1)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',\n            {$lenses_field['min_diam']}             N(4.1)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',\n            {$lenses_field['diam_1']}               C(90)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',\n            {$lenses_field['base_curves_1']}        C(90)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['powers_1']}             C(160)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['diam_2']}               C(90)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['base_curves_2']}        C(90)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['powers_2']}             C(160)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['diam_3']}               C(90)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['base_curves_3']}        C(90)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['powers_3']}             C(160)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t{$lenses_field['sph_notes']}            C(200)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\n            {$lenses_field['toric']}                L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n            {$lenses_field['toric_type']}           C(128)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['toric_type_simple']}    C(80)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['cyl_power']}            C(128)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['max_cyl_power']}        N(5.2)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['cyl_axis']}             C(128)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['cyl_axis_steps']}       L       DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['oblique']}              I(2)    DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t{$lenses_field['cyl_notes']}            C(200)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\n            {$lenses_field['bifocal']}              L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n            {$lenses_field['bifocal_type']}         C(128)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['add_text']}             C(64)   NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['max_add']}              N(5.2)  DEFAULT NULL,\n            {$lenses_field['cosmetic']}             L       NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n            {$lenses_field['enh_names']}            C(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['enh_names_simple']}     C(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['opaque_names']}         C(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['opaque_names_simple']}  C(255)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n            {$lenses_field['updated']}              D       NOT NULL DEFAULT '2003-01-03'\n            ";
    // Now all tables are defined inside $schema, so
    // we let fly with the table-creation loop here.
    // Loop through $schema array.
    foreach ($schema as $table => $fields) {
        // Create SQL for creating a table.
        $sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL($table, $fields, $taboptarray);
        // Run SQL query and check for database error.
        if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
            // Set a detailed error message.
            pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', '<strong>Table creation failure in ' . $table . '</strong> - ' . mysql_error());
            // Report failure.
            return false;
        // If no error was encountered in the table creation loop, each table now
        // needs an index for better performance. Since all the tables don't have
        // an identical field to use as an index, a single assigment won't do for
        // all iterations of the loop.  To deal with this, a switch() is used and
        // the indexes defined on a case by case basis.
        switch ($table) {
            case $lenses_table:
                $index_alias = 'LensIndex';
                $index_field = 'pn_name';
            case $companies_table:
                $index_alias = 'CompanyIndex';
                $index_field = 'pn_comp_name';
            case $polymers_table:
                $index_alias = 'PolymerIndex';
                $index_field = 'pn_poly_name';
                pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', '<strong>Case failure in ' . $table . '</strong> - ' . mysql_error());
                return false;
        // Create the SQL to create a table index.
        $sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL($index_alias, $table, $index_field);
        // Run SQL query and check for database error.
        if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
            // Set a detailed error message.
            pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', '<strong>Error indexing table ' . $table . '</strong> - ' . mysql_error());
            // Report failure.
            return false;
    // Now all the tables are created and indexed.  This next block
    // is to pre-populate the module with the 432 initial records.
    // Define the file that holds the default records to insert.
    $inserts = dirname(__FILE__) . '/pnSQL/inserts.sql';
    // Check if such a file exists.
    if (@file_exists($inserts)) {
        // Get all INSERTs from file into an easily queryable array.
        $sqlarray = file($inserts);
        // Run SQL query and check for database error.
        if ($dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray) != 2) {
            // Set a detailed error message.
            pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', '<strong>Error Inserting Default Data</strong> - ' . mysql_error());
            // Report failure.
            return false;
    // Module installation complete.  Return success.
    return true;