function get_primaldata() { global $dbh; $requete = "SELECT * FROM sub_collections WHERE sub_coll_id='" . addslashes($this->id) . "' "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->get_primaldatafrom($obj); } else { // pas de sous-collection avec cette clé $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = ''; $this->parent_libelle = ''; $this->parent_isbd = ''; $this->publisher = ''; $this->publisher_libelle = ''; $this->publisher_isbd = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->isbd_entry = ''; $this->comment = ''; } }
function get_primaldata() { global $dbh; $requete = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_id='" . addslashes($this->id) . "' LIMIT 1 "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->get_primaldatafrom($obj); } else { // pas d'auteur avec cette clé $this->id = 0; $this->type = ''; $this->name = ''; $this->rejete = ''; $this->date = ''; $this->see = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->isbd_entry = ''; $this->author_web = ''; $this->author_comment = ''; $this->subdivision = ''; $this->lieu = ''; $this->salle = ''; $this->ville = ''; $this->pays = ''; $this->numero = ''; } }
function getData() { global $dbh; global $msg; if (!$this->idetagere) { // pas d'identifiant. $this->name = ''; $this->comment = ''; $this->autorisations = ""; $this->validite = ""; $this->validite_date_deb = ""; $this->validite_date_fin = ""; $this->validite_date_deb_f = ""; $this->validite_date_fin_f = ""; $this->visible_accueil = ""; $this->id_tri = 0; $this->thumbnail_url = ''; $this->classementGen = ''; } else { $requete = "SELECT idetagere, name, comment, validite, "; $requete .= "validite_date_deb, date_format(validite_date_deb, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as validite_date_deb_f, "; $requete .= "validite_date_fin, date_format(validite_date_fin, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as validite_date_fin_f, "; $requete .= "visible_accueil, autorisations, id_tri, thumbnail_url, etagere_classement FROM etagere WHERE idetagere='{$this->idetagere}' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->idetagere = $temp->idetagere; $this->name = $temp->name; $this->comment = $temp->comment; $this->validite = $temp->validite; $this->validite_date_deb = $temp->validite_date_deb; $this->validite_date_deb_f = $temp->validite_date_deb_f; $this->validite_date_fin = $temp->validite_date_fin; $this->validite_date_fin_f = $temp->validite_date_fin_f; $this->visible_accueil = $temp->visible_accueil; $this->autorisations = $temp->autorisations; $this->id_tri = $temp->id_tri; $this->thumbnail_url = $temp->thumbnail_url; $this->thumbnail_url = $temp->etagere_classsement; } else { // pas de caddie avec cet id $this->idetagere = 0; $this->name = ""; $this->comment = ""; $this->validite = ""; $this->validite_date_deb = ""; $this->validite_date_fin = ""; $this->validite_date_deb_f = ""; $this->validite_date_fin_f = ""; $this->visible_accueil = ""; $this->autorisations = ""; $this->id_tri = ''; $this->thumbnail_url = ''; $this->classementGen = ''; } } }
function getData() { global $dbh; if (!$this->id) { // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->editeur = ''; $this->editor_isbd = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->collection_web = ''; $this->comment = ''; } else { $requete = "SELECT * FROM collections WHERE collection_id={$this->id} LIMIT 1 "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->id = $temp->collection_id; $this->name = $temp->collection_name; $this->parent = $temp->collection_parent; $this->issn = $temp->collection_issn; $this->collection_web = $temp->collection_web; $this->comment = $temp->collection_comment; if ($temp->collection_web) { $this->collection_web_link = " <a href='{$temp->collection_web}' target=_blank><img src='./images/globe.gif' border=0 /></a>"; } else { $this->collection_web_link = ""; } $editeur = new editeur($temp->collection_parent); $this->editor_isbd = $editeur->isbd_entry; $this->issn ? $this->isbd_entry = $this->name . ', ISSN ' . $this->issn : ($this->isbd_entry = $this->name); $this->editeur = $editeur->name; $this->display = $this->name . ' (' . $this->editeur . ')'; // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche collection si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) { $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=collections&sub=collection_form&id=" . $this->id . "' class='lien_gestion'>" . $this->name . "</a>"; } else { $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->name; } } else { // pas de collection avec cette clé $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->editeur = ''; $this->editor_isbd = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->collection_web = ''; $this->collection_web_link = ""; $this->comment = ""; } } }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0, $id = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $msg; global $no_display; global $charset; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM notices where notice_id!='" . $no_display . "' and niveau_biblio='s' and niveau_hierar='1' "; } else { $aq = new analyse_query(stripslashes($user_input)); if ($aq->error) { error_message($msg["searcher_syntax_error"], sprintf($msg["searcher_syntax_error_desc"], $aq->current_car, $aq->input_html, $aq->error_message)); exit; } $members = $aq->get_query_members("notices", "index_wew", "index_sew", "notice_id"); $requete = "select count(notice_id) from notices where (" . $members["where"] . " or code like '" . stripslashes($user_input) . "') and notice_id!='" . $no_display . "' and niveau_biblio='s' and niveau_hierar='1'"; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT notice_id, tit1, code FROM notices where notice_id!='" . $no_display . "' and niveau_biblio='s' and niveau_hierar='1' ORDER BY tit1, code LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } else { $requete = "select notice_id, tit1, code, " . $members["select"] . " as pert from notices where (" . $members["where"] . " or code like '" . stripslashes($user_input) . "') and notice_id!='" . $no_display . "' and niveau_biblio='s' and niveau_hierar='1' group by notice_id order by pert desc, index_serie, tnvol, index_sew, code limit {$debut},{$nb_per_page}"; } $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); print "<table><tr>"; while ($notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $notice_entry = $notice->tit1 . " " . $notice->code; print "\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '{$notice->notice_id}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($notice->tit1), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " ({$notice->code})')\">" . htmlentities($notice->tit1, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$notice->code}</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; } // affichage de la pagination print "<div class='row'> <hr /></div><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print "</div>"; }
function show_results($dbh, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $charset; global $msg; global $id_fou; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien $nbr_lignes = types_produits::countTypes(); if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête $q = types_produits::listTypes($debut, $nb_per_page); $res = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $typ = $row->id_produit; $lib_typ = $row->libelle; $taux_tva = new tva_achats($row->num_tva_achat); $lib_tva = htmlentities($taux_tva->taux_tva, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $offre = new offres_remises($id_fou, $row->id_produit); if ($offre->remise) { $lib_rem = htmlentities($offre->remise, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } else { $lib_rem = '0'; } print pmb_bidi("\n\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '{$row->id_produit}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($lib_typ), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "', '{$lib_rem}', '{$lib_tva}' )\">{$lib_typ}</a>"); print "<br />"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; // affichage du lien précédent si nécessaire print '<hr /><div align=center>'; if ($precedente > 0) { print "<a href='{$base_url}&page={$precedente}&nbr_lignes={$nbr_lignes}&no_display={$no_display}'><img src='./images/left.gif' border='0' title='{$msg['48']}' alt='[{$msg['48']}]' hspace='3' align='middle' /></a>"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbepages; $i++) { if ($i == $page) { print "<b>{$i}/{$nbepages}</b>"; } } if ($suivante <= $nbepages) { print "<a href='{$base_url}&page={$suivante}&nbr_lignes={$nbr_lignes}&no_display={$no_display}'><img src='./images/right.gif' border='0' title='{$msg['49']}' alt='[{$msg['49']}]' hspace='3' align='middle' /></a>"; } } print '</div>'; }
function dsi_list_classements() { global $dbh, $msg; global $page, $nbr_lignes; global $dsi_list_tmpl; global $form_cb; // nombre de références par pages $nb_per_page = 10; if (!$nbr_lignes) { $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM classements "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); } if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête $requete = "SELECT id_classement, nom_classement, type_classement FROM classements ORDER BY type_classement, nom_classement, id_classement LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $parity = 0; while ($clas = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($parity % 2) { $pair_impair = "even"; } else { $pair_impair = "odd"; } $tr_javascript = " onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='{$pair_impair}'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='./dsi.php?categ=options&sub=classements&id_classement={$clas->id_classement}&suite=acces';\" "; $empr_list .= "<tr class='{$pair_impair}' {$tr_javascript} style='cursor: pointer'>"; $empr_list .= "\n\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>" . $msg['dsi_clas_type_class_' . $clas->type_classement] . "</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>{$clas->nom_classement}</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>"; $parity += 1; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // affichage de la barre de navig $url_base = "{$PHP_SELF}?categ=options&sub=classements"; $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); if ($nbr_lignes > 0) { $dsi_list_tmpl = str_replace("<!--!!nb_total!!-->", "(" . $nbr_lignes . ")", $dsi_list_tmpl); } $dsi_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!cle!!", $form_cb, $dsi_list_tmpl); $dsi_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!list!!", $empr_list, $dsi_list_tmpl); $dsi_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!nav_bar!!", $nav_bar, $dsi_list_tmpl); $dsi_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!message_trouve!!", "", $dsi_list_tmpl); $ajout = "<br /><input type='button' class='bouton' value='{$msg['dsi_clas_ajouter']}' onclick=\"document.location='./dsi.php?categ=options&sub=classements&suite=add'\" />"; return $dsi_list_tmpl . $ajout; } else { return ""; } }
function affiche_notice_navigopac($requete) { global $page, $nbr_lignes, $id, $location, $dcote, $lcote, $nc, $main, $ssub, $plettreaut; global $opac_nb_aut_rec_per_page, $opac_section_notices_order, $msg, $dbh, $opac_notices_depliable, $begin_result_liste, $add_cart_link_spe, $base_path; global $back_surloc, $back_loc, $back_section_see; global $opac_perio_a2z_abc_search, $opac_perio_a2z_max_per_onglet; if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $opac_nb_aut_rec_per_page; //On controle paramètre de tri if (!trim($opac_section_notices_order)) { $opac_section_notices_order = "index_serie, tnvol, index_sew"; } if ($plettreaut && $plettreaut != "vide") { $opac_section_notices_order = "index_author, " . $opac_section_notices_order; } $requete .= " ORDER BY " . $opac_section_notices_order . " LIMIT {$debut},{$opac_nb_aut_rec_per_page}"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); print $nbr_lignes . " " . $msg["results"] . "<br />"; if ($opac_notices_depliable) { print $begin_result_liste; } if ($add_cart_link_spe) { print pmb_bidi(str_replace("!!spe!!", "&location={$location}&dcote={$dcote}&lcote={$lcote}&ssub={$ssub}&nc={$nc}&plettreaut={$plettreaut}", $add_cart_link_spe)); } //affinage //enregistrement de l'endroit actuel dans la session $_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_mod"] = "section_see"; $_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"] = $id; $_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_location"] = $location; $_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_page"] = $page; //affinage if ($dcote == "" && $plettreaut == "" && $nc == "") { print "<span class=\"espaceResultSearch\"> </span><span class=\"affiner_recherche\"><a href='{$base_path}/index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search&mode_aff=aff_module' title='" . $msg["affiner_recherche"] . "'>" . $msg["affiner_recherche"] . "</a></span>"; } //fin affinage print "<blockquote>"; print aff_notice(-1); while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { print pmb_bidi(aff_notice($obj->notice_id)); } print aff_notice(-2); print "</blockquote>"; pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $opac_nb_aut_rec_per_page); print '<div id="navbar"><hr /><center>' . printnavbar($page, $nbepages, './index.php?lvl=section_see&id=' . $id . '&location=' . $location . ($back_surloc ? '&back_surloc=' . urlencode($back_surloc) : '') . ($back_loc ? '&back_loc=' . urlencode($back_loc) : '') . ($back_section_see ? '&back_section_see=' . urlencode($back_section_see) : '') . '&page=!!page!!&nbr_lignes=' . $nbr_lignes . '&dcote=' . $dcote . '&lcote=' . $lcote . '&nc=' . $nc . '&main=' . $main . '&ssub=' . $ssub . '&plettreaut=' . $plettreaut) . '</center></div>'; }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0, $id = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $class_path; global $no_display; global $charset; global $msg; global $dbh; // on récupére le nombre de lignes if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT empr_cp, empr_ville FROM empr group by empr_cp, empr_ville "; } else { $requete = "SELECT empr_cp, empr_ville FROM empr where empr_cp like '{$user_input}%' group by empr_cp, empr_ville "; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT empr_cp, empr_ville, count(id_empr) as nbre FROM empr group by empr_cp, empr_ville ORDER BY empr_cp, empr_ville LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } else { $requete = "SELECT empr_cp, empr_ville, count(id_empr) as nbre FROM empr where empr_cp like '{$user_input}%' group by empr_cp, empr_ville ORDER BY empr_cp, empr_ville LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($cp_ville = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { print "<div class='row'>"; print pmb_bidi("<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($cp_ville->empr_ville), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($cp_ville->empr_cp), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "')\">{$cp_ville->empr_cp} - {$cp_ville->empr_ville} : {$cp_ville->nbre}</a>"); print "</div>"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; // affichage de la pagination print "<hr /><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&rech_regexp={$rech_regexp}&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print '</div>'; } }
function get_primaldata() { global $dbh; $requete = "SELECT * FROM series WHERE serie_id='" . addslashes($this->id) . "' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->get_primaldatafrom($obj); } else { // pas de collection avec cette clé $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->index = ''; } }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $msg; global $charset; global $idaction; global $current_note; $user_input = str_replace('*', '%', $user_input); if ($user_input == "") { $req_count = "select count(1) from demandes_notes where num_action='" . $idaction . "' and id_note !='" . $current_note . "'"; } else { $req_count = "select count(1) from demandes_notes where num_action='" . $idaction . "' and contenu like '%" . $user_input . "%' and id_note !='" . $current_note . "'"; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($req_count, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if ($user_input == "") { $req = "select id_note, date_note, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(contenu,1,50),'','...') as note from demandes_notes where num_action='" . $idaction . "' and id_note !='" . $current_note . "'"; } else { $req = "select id_note, date_note, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(contenu,1,50),'','...') as note from demandes_notes where num_action='" . $idaction . "' and contenu like '%" . $user_input . "%' and id_note !='" . $current_note . "'"; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh); while ($note = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { print "<div class='row'>"; print "<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '{$note->id_note}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($note->note), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "')\"> [" . htmlentities(formatdate($note->date_note), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . '] ' . htmlentities($note->note, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>"; print "</div>"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; } print "<div class='row'> <hr /></div><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print "</div>"; }
protected function _get_notices_ids() { if (!$this->searched) { $query = $this->_get_search_query(); $this->notices_ids = ""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($this->notices_ids != "") { $this->notices_ids .= ","; } $this->notices_ids .= $row->num_obj; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); } $this->searched = true; } return $this->notices_ids; }
function getData() { global $dbh; if (!$this->id_classement) { $this->type_classement = 'BAN'; $this->nom_classement = ''; } else { $requete = "SELECT type_classement, nom_classement FROM classements WHERE id_classement='{$this->id_classement}' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->type_classement = $temp->type_classement; $this->nom_classement = $temp->nom_classement; } else { $this->id_classement = 0; $this->type_classement = ''; $this->nom_classement = ''; } } }
function getData() { global $dbh; if (!$this->idemprcaddie) { // pas d'identifiant. $this->name = ''; $this->comment = ''; $this->nb_item = 0; $this->autorisations = ""; $this->classementGen = ""; } else { $requete = "SELECT * FROM empr_caddie WHERE idemprcaddie='{$this->idemprcaddie}' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->idemprcaddie = $temp->idemprcaddie; $this->name = $temp->name; $this->comment = $temp->comment; $this->autorisations = $temp->autorisations; $this->classementGen = $temp->empr_caddie_classement; //liaisons $req = "SELECT id_planificateur, num_type_tache, libelle_tache FROM planificateur WHERE num_type_tache=8 AND param REGEXP 's:11:\"empr_caddie\";s:[0-9]+:\"" . $this->idemprcaddie . "\";'"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh); if ($res && pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($ligne = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $this->liaisons["mailing"][] = array("id" => $ligne->id_planificateur, "id_bis" => $ligne->num_type_tache, "lib" => $ligne->libelle_tache); } } } else { // pas de caddie avec cet id $this->idemprcaddie = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->comment = ''; $this->autorisations = ""; $this->classementGen = ""; } $this->compte_items(); } }
function do_header() { global $dbh; global $charset; global $pmb_notice_reduit_format; global $base_path; global $msg; $aut1_libelle = array(); // récupération du titre de série if ($this->notice->is_article) { $this->header = $this->notice->serie_name; if ($this->notice->bull_num && $this->notice->bull_periode) { $this->header .= " (" . $this->notice->bull_num . " - " . $this->notice->bull_periode . ")"; } elseif ($this->notice->bull_num) { $this->header .= " (" . $this->notice->bull_num . ")"; } elseif ($this->notice->bull_periode) { $this->header .= " (" . $this->notice->bull_periode . ")"; } } elseif ($this->notice->serie_name) { $this->tit_serie = $this->notice->serie_name; $this->header = $this->tit_serie; if ($this->notice->tnvol) { $this->header .= ', ' . $this->notice->tnvol; } } $this->tit1 = $this->notice->tit1; $this->header ? $this->header .= '. ' . $this->tit1 : ($this->header = $this->tit1); if ($this->source_name) { $this->header = $this->source_name . " : " . $this->header; } //on ajoute la checkbox pour l'intégration en lot... //calcul de la checkbox $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='external_notice_to_integer[]' value='" . $this->notice_id . "'"; //on commence par regarder si cette notice n'a pas déjà été intégrér $query = "select rid from notices_externes join external_count on external_count.recid = notices_externes.recid where rid=" . $this->notice_id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $checkbox .= " checked='checked' disabled='disabled'"; } $checkbox .= "/>"; //ajout dans le header; $this->header = $checkbox . " " . $this->header; //$this->responsabilites $as = array_search("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]); if ($as !== FALSE && $as !== NULL) { $auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as]; //$auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]); if ($auteur_0["auteur_isbd"]) { $this->header .= ' / ' . $auteur_0["auteur_titre"]; } } else { $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; $auteur_1 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]; $aut1_libelle[] = $auteur_1["auteur_titre"]; } $auteurs_liste = implode("; ", $aut1_libelle); if ($auteurs_liste) { $this->header .= ' / ' . $auteurs_liste; } } switch ($pmb_notice_reduit_format) { case "1": if ($this->notice->year != '') { $this->header .= ' (' . htmlentities($this->notice->year, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ')'; } break; case "2": if ($this->notice->year != '') { $this->header .= ' (' . htmlentities($this->notice->year, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ')'; } if ($this->notice->code != '') { $this->header .= ' / ' . htmlentities($this->notice->code, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } break; default: break; } if ($this->drag) { $drag = "<span id=\"NOTI_drag_" . $this->notice_id . ($this->anti_loop ? "_p" . $this->anti_loop[count($this->anti_loop) - 1] : "") . "\" dragicon=\"{$base_path}/images/icone_drag_notice.png\" dragtext=\"" . $this->header . "\" draggable=\"yes\" dragtype=\"notice\" callback_before=\"show_carts\" callback_after=\"\" style=\"padding-left:7px\"><img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/notice_drag.png\"/></span>"; } if ($this->action) { $this->header = "<a href=\"" . $this->action . "\">" . $this->header . '</a>'; } if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $rqt = "select tit1 from bulletins,notices where bulletins.num_notice='" . $this->notice_id . "' and notices.notice_id=bulletins.bulletin_notice"; $execute_query = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($execute_query); $this->header .= " <i>" . str_replace("%s", $row->tit1, $msg["bul_titre_perio"]) . "</i>"; pmb_mysql_free_result($execute_query); } if ($this->notice->lien) { // ajout du lien pour les ressourcenotice_parent_useds électroniques $this->header .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"__LINK__\">"; global $use_opac_url_base, $opac_url_base; if (!$use_opac_url_base) { $this->header .= "<img src=\"./images/globe.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\""; } else { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/globe.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\""; } $this->header .= " alt=\""; $this->header .= $this->notice->eformat; $this->header .= "\" title=\""; $this->header .= $this->notice->eformat; $this->header .= "\">"; $this->header .= '</a>'; } }
function get_info_editeur($id) { $info = array(); if ($id) { $requete = "SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE ed_id={$id} LIMIT 1 "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $id = $temp->ed_id; $name = $temp->ed_name; $adr1 = $temp->ed_adr1; $adr2 = $temp->ed_adr2; $cp = $temp->ed_cp; $ville = $temp->ed_ville; $pays = $temp->ed_pays; $web = $temp->ed_web; $ed_comment = $temp->ed_comment; // Determine le lieu de publication $l = ''; if ($adr1) { $l = $adr1; } if ($adr2) { $l = $l == '' ? $adr2 : $l . ', ' . $adr2; } if ($cp) { $l = $l == '' ? $cp : $l . ', ' . $cp; } if ($pays) { $l = $l == '' ? $pays : $l . ', ' . $pays; } if ($ville) { $l = $l == '' ? $ville : $ville . ' (' . $l . ')'; } if ($l == '') { $l = '[S.l.]'; } // Determine le nom de l'editeur if ($name) { $n = $name; } else { $n = '[S.n.]'; } // Constitue l'ISBD pour le coupe lieu/editeur if ($l == '[S.l.]' and $n == '[S.n.]') { $isbd_entry = '[S.l. : s.n.]'; } else { $isbd_entry = $l . ' : ' . $n; } $info['isbd_entry'] = $isbd_entry; $info['name'] = $name; $info['place'] = $l; } } return $info; }
while ($j = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultat_droits_expl)) { $temp .= $j["idlocation"] . ","; $visibilite_expl_user .= "\n\t\t\t<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne3' align='right'>" . $j["location_libelle"] . " : </div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne_suite'> <select name=\"form_expl_visibilite_" . $j["idlocation"] . "\">\n\t\t\t"; $as_invis = array_search($j["idlocation"], $explr_tab_invis); $as_unmod = array_search($j["idlocation"], $explr_tab_unmod); $as_mod = array_search($j["idlocation"], $explr_tab_modif); $visibilite_expl_user .= "\n<option value='explr_invisible' " . ($as_invis !== FALSE && $as_invis !== NULL ? "selected='selected' " : "") . ">" . $msg["explr_invisible"] . "</option>"; if ($as_mod !== FALSE && $as_mod !== NULL || $as_unmod !== FALSE && $as_unmod !== NULL || $as_invis !== FALSE && $as_invis !== NULL) { $visibilite_expl_user .= "\n<option value='explr_visible_unmod' " . ($as_unmod !== FALSE && $as_unmod !== NULL ? "selected='selected' " : "") . ">" . $msg["explr_visible_unmod"] . "</option>"; } else { $visibilite_expl_user .= "\n<option value='explr_visible_unmod' selected='selected' >" . $msg["explr_visible_unmod"] . "</option>"; } $visibilite_expl_user .= "\n<option value='explr_visible_mod' " . ($as_mod !== FALSE && $as_mod !== NULL ? "selected='selected' " : "") . ">" . $msg["explr_visible_mod"] . "</option>"; $visibilite_expl_user .= "</select></div></div>\n"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($resultat_droits_expl); if (!$explr_invisible && !$explr_visible_unmod && !$explr_visible_mod) { $rqt = "UPDATE users SET explr_invisible=0,explr_visible_mod=0,explr_visible_unmod='" . substr($temp, 0, strlen($temp) - 1) . "' WHERE userid={$id}"; @pmb_mysql_query($rqt); } $deflt_user .= $visibilite_expl_user; } //fin visibilité des exemplaires $param_default = "\n<div class='row'><hr /></div>\n\t\t{$param_user}\n\t<div class='row'><hr /></div>\n\t\t" . str_replace("!!param_allloc!!", $param_user_allloc, $deflt_user) . "\n\t<br />\n\t<div class='row'><hr /></div>\n\t\t{$value_user}\n\t<div class='row'><hr /></div>\n\t\t{$deflt_user_style}\n\t<br />"; if ($speci_user || $deflt3user) { $param_default .= "<div class='row'><hr /></div>"; $param_default .= $deflt3user; $param_default .= $speci_user; $param_default .= "<div class='row'></div>"; } echo window_title($msg[1003] . $msg[18] . $msg[1003] . $msg[86] . $msg[1003] . $usr->username . $msg[1001]);
function print_resume($level = 2, $css = '') { global $css; global $msg; if (!$this->id) { return; } // adaptation par rapport au niveau de détail souhaité switch ($level) { // case x : case 2: default: global $collection_level2_display; global $collection_level2_no_issn_info; $collection_display = $collection_level2_display; $collection_no_issn_info = $collection_level2_no_issn_info; break; } $print = $collection_display; // remplacement des champs statiques $print = str_replace("!!name!!", $this->name . " " . $this->collection_web_link, $print); $print = str_replace("!!issn!!", $this->issn ? $this->issn : $collection_no_issn_info, $print); $print = str_replace("!!publ!!", $this->publisher_libelle, $print); $print = str_replace("!!publ_isbd!!", $this->publisher_isbd, $print); $print = str_replace("!!isbd!!", $this->isbd_entry, $print); $print = str_replace("!!comment!!", nl2br($this->comment), $print); // remplacement des champs dynamiques if (preg_match("#!!publisher!!#", $print)) { $remplacement = "<a href='index.php?lvl=publisher_see&id={$this->parent}'>{$this->publisher_libelle}</a>"; $print = str_replace("!!publisher!!", $remplacement, $print); } if (preg_match("#!!subcolls!!#", $print)) { global $dbh; $query = "select sub_coll_id, sub_coll_name from sub_collections where sub_coll_parent=" . $this->id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $remplacement = $msg["subcollection_attached"] . "\n<ul>\n"; while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $remplacement .= "<li><a href='index.php?lvl=subcoll_see&id=" . $obj->sub_coll_id . "'>" . $obj->sub_coll_name . "</a></li>\n"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $remplacement .= "</ul><div class='row'></div>\n"; } else { $remplacement = ""; } $print = str_replace("!!subcolls!!", $remplacement, $print); } return $print; }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0, $id = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $charset; global $msg; global $expl_list_id; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM groupexpl"; } else { $aq = new analyse_query(stripslashes($user_input)); if ($aq->error) { error_message($msg["searcher_syntax_error"], sprintf($msg["searcher_syntax_error_desc"], $aq->current_car, $aq->input_html, $aq->error_message)); exit; } $requete = "select count(distinct id_groupexpl) from groupexpl where groupexpl_name like '%" . $user_input . "%'"; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); } else { $nbr_lignes = 1; } if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { $expl_list = explode(",", $expl_list_id); $expl_list_cb = array(); foreach ($expl_list as $id_expl) { $query = "SELECT expl_cb FROM exemplaires WHERE expl_id='" . $id_expl . "'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $cb = pmb_mysql_result($result, 0, 0); $expl_list_cb[] = $cb; } } $last_id_used = session::get_last_used("groupexpl"); if ($last_id_used) { print "<div class='selector_last_used'>\n \t\t\t\t<div class='row'>\n \t\t\t\t\t<b>" . $msg["selector_last_groupexpl_used"] . "</b>\n \t\t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\t<div class='row'>"; $query = "select id_groupexpl, groupexpl_name from groupexpl where id_groupexpl=" . $last_id_used; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); while ($group = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { print pmb_bidi("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$base_url}&action=add_expl&id_groupexpl=" . $group->id_groupexpl . "&expl_list=" . implode(",", $expl_list_cb) . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$group->groupexpl_name}</a><br />"); } print "</div></div>"; } // on lance la vraie requête if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT groupexpl.* FROM groupexpl"; $requete .= " ORDER BY groupexpl_name LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } else { $requete = "select groupexpl.* from groupexpl where groupexpl_name like '%" . $user_input . "%' order by groupexpl_name LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page}"; } } else { $requete = "select groupexpl.* FROM groupexpl where id_groupexpl='" . $id . "'"; } $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($group = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { print pmb_bidi("\n \t\t\t<a href=\"{$base_url}&action=add_expl&id_groupexpl=" . $group->id_groupexpl . "&expl_list=" . implode(",", $expl_list_cb) . "\">\n\t\t\t\t\t{$group->groupexpl_name}</a><br />"); } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; // affichage pagination print "<div class='row'> <hr /></div><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print "</div>"; } }
function resa_list_resa_a_traiter() { /* Traitement : chercher toutes les réservations non traitées (resa_cb ="") construire le tableau avec le titre de l'ouvrage, le nom du réservataire et son rang */ global $dbh; global $msg; global $pmb_lecteurs_localises; global $deflt_resas_location; global $pmb_location_reservation; global $pmb_transferts_actif, $transferts_choix_lieu_opac, $transferts_site_fixe; global $f_loc, $f_dispo_loc; $tableau_final = array(); $order = "tit, resa_idnotice, resa_idbulletin, resa_date"; $sql_expl_loc = ""; if ($pmb_lecteurs_localises) { if ($f_loc == "") { $f_loc = $deflt_resas_location; } if ($f_loc && $f_dispo_loc) { $sql_expl_loc = " and (expl_location='" . $f_loc . "' or expl_location='" . $f_dispo_loc . "') "; } elseif ($f_dispo_loc) { $sql_expl_loc = " and expl_location='" . $f_dispo_loc . "' "; } } if ($pmb_transferts_actif == "1" && $f_loc) { switch ($transferts_choix_lieu_opac) { case "1": //retrait de la resa sur lieu choisi par le lecteur $sql_suite .= " AND resa_loc_retrait='" . $f_loc . "' "; break; case "2": //retrait de la resa sur lieu fixé if ($f_loc != $transferts_site_fixe) { $sql_suite .= " AND 0"; } break; case "3": //retrait de la resa sur lieu exemplaire // On affiche les résa que peut satisfaire la loc // respecter les droits de réservation du lecteur if ($pmb_location_reservation) { $sql_loc_resa .= " and empr_location=resa_emprloc and resa_loc='" . $f_loc . "' "; $sql_loc_resa_from = ", resa_loc "; } if ($f_loc && $f_dispo_loc) { $sql_expl_loc = " and (expl_location='" . $f_loc . "' or expl_location='" . $f_dispo_loc . "') "; } elseif ($f_dispo_loc) { $sql_expl_loc = " and expl_location='" . $f_dispo_loc . "' "; } break; default: //retrait de la resa sur lieu lecteur $sql_suite .= " AND empr_location='" . $f_loc . "' "; if ($f_loc && $f_dispo_loc) { $sql_expl_loc = " and (expl_location='" . $f_loc . "' or expl_location='" . $f_dispo_loc . "') "; } elseif ($f_dispo_loc) { $sql_expl_loc = " and expl_location='" . $f_dispo_loc . "' "; } break; } } elseif ($pmb_location_reservation && $f_loc) { $sql_loc_resa .= " and empr_location=resa_emprloc and resa_loc='" . $f_loc . "' "; $sql_loc_resa_from = ", resa_loc "; } $sql = "SELECT resa_idnotice, resa_idbulletin, resa_date, resa_date_fin, resa_cb, resa_idempr, empr_nom, empr_prenom, empr_cb, empr_location, "; $sql .= " trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if (mention_date, concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,''))) as tit, id_resa, "; $sql .= " IF(resa_date_fin>=sysdate() or resa_date_fin='0000-00-00',0,1) as perimee, date_format(resa_date_debut, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_resa_date_debut, if(resa_date_fin='0000-00-00', '', date_format(resa_date_fin, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "')) as aff_resa_date_fin, date_format(resa_date, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_resa_date "; $sql .= " FROM ((((resa LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON resa_idnotice = notices_m.notice_id ) "; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN bulletins ON resa_idbulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) "; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id) "; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN exemplaires ON resa_cb = exemplaires.expl_cb), empr {$sql_loc_resa_from} "; $sql .= " where resa_idempr=id_empr and (resa_cb='' or resa_cb is null) "; $sql .= $sql_suite; $sql .= " group by resa_idnotice, resa_idbulletin, resa_idempr "; $sql .= " order by " . $order; $req = pmb_mysql_query($sql) or die("Erreur SQL !<br />" . $sql . "<br />" . pmb_mysql_error()); if (!pmb_mysql_num_rows($req)) { return $tableau_final; } while ($data = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($req)) { if ($pmb_lecteurs_localises) { $requete = "SELECT location_libelle as empr_loc_libelle FROM docs_location WHERE idlocation= '" . $data['empr_location'] . "' "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $res_empr = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); } $resa_idnotice = $data['resa_idnotice']; $resa_idbulletin = $data['resa_idbulletin']; // on compte le nombre total d'exemplaires prêtables pour la notice $query = "SELECT count(1) FROM exemplaires, docs_statut WHERE expl_statut=idstatut AND statut_allow_resa=1 {$sql_expl_loc} "; if ($resa_idnotice) { $query .= " AND expl_notice=" . $resa_idnotice; } elseif ($resa_idbulletin) { $query .= " AND expl_bulletin=" . $resa_idbulletin; } $tresult = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $total_ex = pmb_mysql_result($tresult, 0, 0); // on compte le nombre d'exemplaires sortis $query = "SELECT count(1) as qte FROM exemplaires , pret WHERE pret_idexpl=expl_id {$sql_expl_loc} "; if ($resa_idnotice) { $query .= " and expl_notice=" . $resa_idnotice; } elseif ($resa_idbulletin) { $query .= " and expl_bulletin=" . $resa_idbulletin; } $tresult = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $total_sortis = pmb_mysql_result($tresult, 0, 0); // on en déduit le nombre d'exemplaires disponibles $total_dispo = $total_ex - $total_sortis; // on a au moins UN dispo : if ($total_dispo > 0) { $available = true; $rank = recupere_rang($data['resa_idempr'], $resa_idnotice, $resa_idbulletin); if ($rank > $total_dispo) { $available = false; } if ($pmb_transferts_actif == "1") { $dest_loc = resa_loc_retrait($data['id_resa']); if ($dest_loc != 0) { $query = "SELECT count(1) FROM exemplaires, docs_statut WHERE expl_statut=idstatut AND statut_allow_resa=1"; $query .= " AND expl_location=" . $dest_loc; if ($resa_idnotice) { $query .= " AND expl_notice=" . $resa_idnotice; } elseif ($resa_idbulletin) { $query .= " AND expl_bulletin=" . $resa_idbulletin; } $tresult = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $total_ex = pmb_mysql_result($tresult, 0); if ($total_ex == 0) { //on a pas d'exemplaires sur le site de retrait //on regarde si on en ailleurs $query = "SELECT count(1) FROM exemplaires, docs_statut WHERE expl_statut=idstatut AND statut_allow_resa=1"; $query .= " AND expl_location<>" . $dest_loc; if ($resa_idnotice) { $query .= " AND expl_notice=" . $resa_idnotice; } elseif ($resa_idbulletin) { $query .= " AND expl_bulletin=" . $resa_idbulletin; } $tresult = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $total_ex = pmb_mysql_result($tresult, 0); if ($total_ex != 0) { //on en a au moins un ailleurs! //on regarde si un des exemplaires n'est pas en transfert pour cette resa ! $query = "SELECT count(1) FROM transferts WHERE etat_transfert=0 AND origine=4 AND origine_comp=" . $data['id_resa']; $tresult = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $nb_trans = pmb_mysql_result($tresult, 0); if ($nb_trans != 0) { //on a un transfert en cours $available = false; } elseif ($total_ex >= $rank) { if (!transfert_resa_dispo($resa_idnotice, $resa_idbulletin, $dest_loc)) { //non disponible dans une autre localisation $available = false; } } } } } } // un exemplaire est disponible pour cette resa if ($available) { $rank = recupere_rang($data['resa_idempr'], $resa_idnotice, $resa_idbulletin); if ($pmb_transferts_actif == "1") { $loc_retrait = resa_loc_retrait($data["id_resa"]); $rqt = "SELECT location_libelle FROM docs_location WHERE idlocation='" . $loc_retrait . "'"; $libloc_retrait = @pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($rqt), 0); } else { $libloc_retrait = ""; } $tableau_final[] = array('resa_tit' => $data['tit'], 'resa_idnotice' => $resa_idnotice, 'resa_idbulletin' => $resa_idbulletin, 'resa_idempr' => $data['resa_idempr'], 'resa_empr' => $data['empr_nom'] . " " . $data['empr_prenom'], 'resa_empr_loc_libelle' => $res_empr->empr_loc_libelle, 'rank' => $rank, 'loc_retrait_libelle' => $libloc_retrait); } } } // fin while pmb_mysql_free_result($req); return $tableau_final; }
function getData() { global $dbh; if (!$this->id) { // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->parent_libelle = ''; $this->editeur = 0; $this->editeur_libelle = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->isbd_entry = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->subcollection_web = ''; $this->subcollection_web_link = ""; $this->comment = ""; $this->num_statut = 1; } else { $requete = "SELECT * FROM sub_collections WHERE sub_coll_id={$this->id} LIMIT 1 "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->id = $temp->sub_coll_id; $this->name = $temp->sub_coll_name; $this->parent = $temp->sub_coll_parent; $this->issn = $temp->sub_coll_issn; $this->subcollection_web = $temp->subcollection_web; $this->comment = $temp->subcollection_comment; $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_SUB_COLLECTIONS); $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut(); if ($temp->subcollection_web) { $this->subcollection_web_link = " <a href='{$temp->subcollection_web}' target=_blank><img src='./images/globe.gif' border=0 /></a>"; } else { $this->subcollection_web_link = ""; } $parent = new collection($temp->sub_coll_parent); $this->parent_libelle = $parent->name; $parent_libelle_lien_gestion = $parent->isbd_entry_lien_gestion; $this->editeur = $parent->parent; $editeur = new editeur($parent->parent); $this->editeur_libelle = $editeur->name; $this->editor_isbd = $editeur->isbd_entry; $this->issn ? $this->isbd_entry = $this->parent_libelle . '. ' . $this->name . ', ISSN ' . $this->issn : ($this->isbd_entry = $this->parent_libelle . '. ' . $this->name); $this->display = $this->parent_libelle . '. ' . $this->name . ' (' . $this->editeur_libelle . ')'; // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche sous-collection si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) { if ($this->issn) { $lien_lib = $this->name . ', ISSN ' . $this->issn; } else { $lien_lib = $this->name; } //$this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $parent_libelle_lien_gestion.". <a href='./autorites.php?categ=souscollections&sub=collection_form&id=".$this->id."' class='lien_gestion'>".$lien_lib."</a>"; $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $parent_libelle_lien_gestion . ". <a href='./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=subcollection&id=" . $this->id . "' class='lien_gestion'>" . $lien_lib . "</a>"; } else { $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->isbd_entry; } } else { // pas de sous-collection avec cette clé $this->id = 0; $this->name = ''; $this->parent = 0; $this->parent_libelle = ''; $this->editeur = 0; $this->editeur_libelle = ''; $this->display = ''; $this->isbd_entry = ''; $this->issn = ''; $this->subcollection_web = ''; $this->comment = ''; $this->subcollection_web_link = ""; $this->num_statut = 1; } } }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0, $id = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $no_display; global $charset; global $msg; global $callback; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM series where serie_id!='{$no_display}' "; } else { $aq = new analyse_query(stripslashes($user_input)); if ($aq->error) { error_message($msg["searcher_syntax_error"], sprintf($msg["searcher_syntax_error_desc"], $aq->current_car, $aq->input_html, $aq->error_message)); exit; } $requete = $aq->get_query_count("series", "serie_name", "serie_index", "serie_id", "serie_id!='{$no_display}'"); } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); } else { $nbr_lignes = 1; } if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT * FROM series where serie_id!='{$no_display}' "; $requete .= "ORDER BY serie_index LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } else { $members = $aq->get_query_members("series", "serie_name", "serie_index", "serie_id"); $requete = "select *," . $members["select"] . " as pert from series where " . $members["where"] . " and serie_id!='{$no_display}' group by serie_id order by pert desc,serie_index limit {$debut},{$nb_per_page}"; } } else { $requete = "select * from series where serie_id='" . $id . "'"; } $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($serie = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $entry = $serie->serie_name; print pmb_bidi("\n\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '{$serie->serie_id}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($entry), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "','{$callback}')\">\n\t\t\t\t{$entry}</a>"); print "<br />"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; // affichage pagination print "<div class='row'> <hr /></div><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print "</div>"; } }
if (!$start) { $requete = "CREATE TABLE if not exists empr_passwords (\n\t\t\tid_empr INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,\n\t\t\tempr_password VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL default '')"; pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $requete = "INSERT IGNORE INTO empr_passwords SELECT id_empr, empr_password FROM empr where empr_password_is_encrypted=0"; pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } // définition de l'état de la jauge $state = floor($start / ($count / $jauge_size)); // mise à jour de l'affichage de la jauge print "<table border='0' align='center' width='{$jauge_size}' cellpadding='0' border='0'><tr><td class='jauge'>"; print "<img src='../../images/jauge.png' width='{$state}' height='16'></td></tr></table>"; // calcul pourcentage avancement $percent = floor($start / $count * 100); // affichage du % d'avancement et de l'état print "<div align='center'>{$percent}%</div>"; while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($query)) { emprunteur::update_digest($row->empr_login, $row->empr_password); emprunteur::hash_password($row->empr_login, $row->empr_password); } pmb_mysql_free_result($query); $next = $start + $lot; print "\n\t<form class='form-{$current_module}' name='current_state' action='./clean.php' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='v_state' value=\"" . urlencode($v_state) . "\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='spec' value=\"{$spec}\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='start' value=\"{$next}\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='count' value=\"{$count}\">\n\t</form>\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t<!--\n\t\tdocument.forms['current_state'].submit();\n\t-->\n\t</script>"; } else { $spec = $spec - HASH_EMPR_PASSWORD; $v_state .= "<br /><img src=../../images/d.gif hspace=3>" . htmlentities($msg["hash_empr_password_status"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $v_state .= $count . " " . htmlentities($msg["hash_empr_password_status_end"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $opt = pmb_mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE empr'); // mise à jour de l'affichage de la jauge print "\n\t<table border='0' align='center' width='{$table_size}' cellpadding='0'><tr><td class='jauge'>\n\t<img src='../../images/jauge.png' width='{$jauge_size}' height='16'></td></tr></table>\n\t<div align='center'>100%</div>"; print "\n\t<form class='form-{$current_module}' name='process_state' action='./clean.php' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='v_state' value=\"" . urlencode($v_state) . "\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='spec' value=\"{$spec}\">\n\t</form>\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t<!--\n\t\tdocument.forms['process_state'].submit();\n\t-->\n\t</script>"; }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0, $id = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $msg; global $charset; global $callback; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sub_collections where sub_coll_id!='{$no_display}' "; } else { $aq = new analyse_query(stripslashes($user_input)); if ($aq->error) { error_message($msg["searcher_syntax_error"], sprintf($msg["searcher_syntax_error_desc"], $aq->current_car, $aq->input_html, $aq->error_message)); exit; } $requete = $aq->get_query_count("sub_collections", "sub_coll_name", "index_sub_coll", "sub_coll_id", "sub_coll_id!='{$no_display}' "); } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = @pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); } else { $nbr_lignes = 1; } if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT A.*,B.*,C.* FROM sub_collections A, collections B, publishers C"; $requete .= " WHERE sub_coll_id!='{$no_display}' and A.sub_coll_parent=B.collection_id"; $requete .= " AND B.collection_parent=C.ed_id"; $requete .= " ORDER BY A.sub_coll_name LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } else { $members = $aq->get_query_members("sub_collections", "sub_coll_name", "index_sub_coll", "sub_coll_id"); $requete = "select sub_collections.*,collections.*,publishers.*, " . $members["select"] . " as pert from sub_collections, collections, publishers "; $requete .= "where " . $members["where"] . " and sub_coll_id!='{$no_display}' and sub_coll_parent=collection_id and collection_parent=ed_id group by sub_coll_id order by pert desc,index_sub_coll, index_coll, index_publisher limit {$debut},{$nb_per_page}"; } } else { $requete = "select sub_collections.*,collections.*,publishers.* from sub_collections,collections,publishers where sub_coll_id='" . $id . "' and sub_coll_parent=collection_id and collection_parent=ed_id group by sub_coll_id"; } $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($col = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $idsubcoll = $col->sub_coll_id; $libellesubcoll = htmlentities(addslashes($col->sub_coll_name), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $idparentcoll = $col->sub_coll_parent; $idparentlibelle = htmlentities(addslashes($col->collection_name), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $idediteur = $col->ed_id; $libelleediteur = htmlentities(addslashes($col->ed_name), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); print pmb_bidi("\n\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', {$idsubcoll}, '" . $libellesubcoll . "', {$idparentcoll}, '" . $idparentlibelle . "', {$idediteur}, '" . $libelleediteur . "','{$callback}')\">\n\t\t\t\t{$col->sub_coll_name}</a>"); print pmb_bidi(" ({$col->collection_name}. {$col->ed_name})<br />"); } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; // affichage pagination print "<div class='row'> <hr /></div><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print "</div>"; } }
function show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes = 0, $page = 0, $id = 0) { global $nb_per_page; global $base_url; global $caller; global $no_display; global $charset; global $msg; global $callback; global $param1; // on récupére le nombre de lignes qui vont bien // if($param1) $restrict=" and abt_id not in (select num_serialcirc_abt from serialcirc) "; if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM abts_abts where abt_id!='{$no_display}' {$restrict}"; } else { $requete = "select count(distinct abt_id) from abts_abts where abt_name like '%abt%' and abt_id!='{$no_display}' {$restrict}"; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $nbr_lignes = pmb_mysql_result($res, 0, 0); } else { $nbr_lignes = 1; } if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $debut = ($page - 1) * $nb_per_page; if ($nbr_lignes) { // on lance la vraie requête if (!$id) { if ($user_input == "") { $requete = "SELECT * FROM abts_abts where abt_id!='{$no_display}' {$restrict} "; $requete .= "ORDER BY abt_name LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } else { $requete = "SELECT * FROM abts_abts where abt_name like '%{$user_input}%' and abt_id!='{$no_display}' {$restrict}"; $requete .= "ORDER BY abt_name LIMIT {$debut},{$nb_per_page} "; } } else { $requete = "select * from abts_abts where abt_id='" . $id . "'"; } print "<table>"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($abt = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $circlist_info = ""; $flag_circlist_info = 0; $requete = "select id_serialcirc from serialcirc where num_serialcirc_abt=" . $abt->abt_id; $res_circlist = pmb_mysql_query($requete); print "<tr><td>"; if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res_circlist)) { $circlist_info = "<img align='top' title='" . $msg["serialcirc_img_info"] . "' height='18' width='18' alt='" . $msg["serialcirc_img_info"] . "' src='./images/icon_a.gif'>"; $flag_circlist_info = 1; } print "{$circlist_info}</td><td width='100%'>"; $entry = $abt->abt_name; print pmb_bidi("\n\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"set_parent('{$caller}', '{$abt->abt_id}', '" . htmlentities(addslashes($entry), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "','{$callback}',{$flag_circlist_info})\">\n\t\t\t\t{$entry}</a>"); print "</td>"; } print "</table>"; pmb_mysql_free_result($res); // constitution des liens $nbepages = ceil($nbr_lignes / $nb_per_page); $suivante = $page + 1; $precedente = $page - 1; // affichage pagination print "<div class='row'> <hr /></div><div align='center'>"; $url_base = $base_url . "&user_input=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)); $nav_bar = aff_pagination($url_base, $nbr_lignes, $nb_per_page, $page, 10, false, true); print $nav_bar; print "</div>"; } }
function bulletin_affichage($id, $type = "") { global $dbh, $msg; global $opac_show_exemplaires; $display = ""; $requete = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, bulletin_notice, mention_date, date_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_cb, date_format(date_date, '" . $msg["format_date_sql"] . "') as aff_date_date,num_notice FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_id='{$id}'"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $requete3 = "SELECT notice_id FROM notices WHERE notice_id='" . $obj["bulletin_notice"] . "' "; $res3 = @pmb_mysql_query($requete3, $dbh); while ($obj3 = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res3)) { $notice3 = new notice($obj3->notice_id); } $notice3->fetch_visibilite(); //on vient poser l'ancre des docnums... $req = "select explnum_id from explnum where explnum_bulletin = " . $obj["bulletin_id"]; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh) or die($req . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $nb_ex = pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat); $res_print = "<h3><img src=./images/icon_per.gif> " . $notice3->print_resume(1, $css) . "." . " <b>" . $obj["bulletin_numero"] . "</b>" . ($nb_ex ? " <a href='#docnum'>" . ($nb_ex > 1 ? "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_rouge.png") . "' />" : "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_orange.png") . "' />") . "</a>" : "") . "</h3>\n"; $num_notice = $obj['num_notice']; if ($obj['bulletin_titre']) { $res_print .= htmlentities($obj['bulletin_titre'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "<br />"; } if ($obj['mention_date']) { $res_print .= $msg['bull_mention_date'] . " " . $obj['mention_date'] . "\n"; } if ($obj['date_date']) { $res_print .= "<br />" . $msg['bull_date_date'] . " " . $obj['aff_date_date'] . " \n"; } if ($type != "visionneuse" && $nb_ex) { $res_print .= "<br /><a href='#docnum'>" . ($nb_ex > 1 ? "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_rouge.png") . "' />" : "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_orange.png") . "' />") . "</a>"; } if ($obj['bulletin_cb']) { $res_print .= "<br />" . $msg["code_start"] . " " . htmlentities($obj['bulletin_cb'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "\n"; $code_cb_bulletin = $obj['bulletin_cb']; } } do_image($res_print, $code_cb_bulletin, 0); if ($num_notice) { // Il y a une notice de bulletin $display .= $res_print; $opac_notices_depliable = 0; $seule = 1; //$display .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice,0,0)) ; if ($type == "visionneuse") { $display .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice, 1, 1, 0, "", 0, 1)); } else { $display .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice, 0, 1, 0, "", 0)); } } else { // construction des dépouillements $depouill = "<br /><h3>" . $msg['bull_dep'] . "</h3>"; $requete = "SELECT * FROM analysis, notices, notice_statut WHERE analysis_bulletin='{$id}' AND notice_id = analysis_notice AND statut = id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)" . ($_SESSION["user_code"] ? " or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)" : "") . ") "; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { if ($opac_notices_depliable) { $depouill .= $begin_result_liste; } if ($opac_cart_allow) { $depouill .= "<a href=\"cart_info.php?id=" . $id . "&lvl=analysis&header=" . rawurlencode(strip_tags($notice_header)) . "\" target=\"cart_info\" class=\"img_basket\" title='" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "'>" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "</a>"; } $depouill .= "<blockquote>"; while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $depouill .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($obj["analysis_notice"])); } $depouill .= "</blockquote>"; } else { $depouill = $msg["no_analysis"]; } $display .= $res_print; $display .= $depouill; if ($notice3->visu_expl && (!$notice3->visu_expl_abon || $notice3->visu_expl_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"])) { if (!$opac_resa_planning) { $resa_check = check_statut(0, $id); if ($resa_check) { $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idbulletin='{$id}'"; $nb_resa_encours = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($requete_resa, $dbh), 0, 0); if ($nb_resa_encours) { $message_nbresa = str_replace("!!nbresa!!", $nb_resa_encours, $msg["resa_nb_deja_resa"]); } if ($_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_book && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { $ret_resa .= "<h3>" . $msg["bulletin_display_resa"] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_max_resa == 0 || $opac_max_resa > $nb_resa_encours) { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $ret_resa .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $ret_resa .= "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $ret_resa .= $message_nbresa; } else { $ret_resa .= str_replace("!!nb_max_resa!!", $opac_max_resa, $msg["resa_nb_max_resa"]); } $ret_resa .= "<br />"; } elseif (!$_SESSION["user_code"] && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { // utilisateur pas connecté // préparation lien réservation sans être connecté $ret_resa .= "<h3>" . $msg["bulletin_display_resa"] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_resa_popup) { $ret_resa .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $ret_resa .= "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $ret_resa .= $message_nbresa; $ret_resa .= "<br />"; } elseif ($fonction == 'notice_affichage_custom_bretagne') { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $reserver = "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=" . $this->notice_id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $reserver = "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=" . $this->notice_id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $reservernbre = $message_nbresa; } else { $ret_resa = ""; } $display .= pmb_bidi($ret_resa); } } if ($opac_show_exemplaires) { if ($fonction == 'notice_affichage_custom_bretagne') { $display .= pmb_bidi(notice_affichage_custom_bretagne::expl_list("m", 0, $id)); } else { $display .= pmb_bidi(notice_affichage::expl_list("m", 0, $id)); } } } if ($type != "visionneuse" && $notice3->visu_explnum && (!$notice3->visu_explnum_abon || $notice3->visu_explnum_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"])) { if ($explnum = show_explnum_per_notice(0, $id, '')) { $display .= pmb_bidi("<a name='docnum'><h3>" . $msg["explnum"] . "</h3></a>" . $explnum); } } } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); $display .= notice_affichage::autres_lectures(0, $id); return $display; }
require_once "./dsi/"; require_once "./dsi/"; require_once "./dsi/"; require_once "./dsi/"; require_once "./dsi/"; require_once "./dsi/"; require_once "./dsi/"; $action_diff_aff = "<h1>" . $msg[dsi_dif_auto_titre] . "</h1>"; // récupérer les bannettes à diffuser $requete = "SELECT id_bannette, proprio_bannette FROM bannettes "; $requete .= " WHERE (DATE_ADD(date_last_envoi, INTERVAL periodicite DAY) <= sysdate()) and bannette_auto=1 "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($bann = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $liste_bannette[] = $bann->id_bannette; } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); if (!$liste_bannette) { $liste_bannette = array(); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($liste_bannette); $i++) { $bannette = new bannette($liste_bannette[$i]); $action_diff_aff .= $msg['dsi_dif_vidage'] . ": " . $bannette->nom_bannette . "<br />"; if (!$bannette->limite_type) { $action_diff_aff .= $bannette->vider(); } $action_diff_aff .= $msg['dsi_dif_remplissage'] . ": " . $bannette->nom_bannette; $action_diff_aff .= $bannette->remplir(); $action_diff_aff .= $bannette->purger(); $action_diff_aff .= "<strong>" . $msg['dsi_dif_diffusion'] . ": " . $bannette->nom_bannette . "</strong><br />"; $action_diff_aff .= $bannette->diffuser(); }
protected function _get_objects_ids() { global $dbh; if (!$this->searched) { $query = $this->_get_search_query(); $this->objects_ids = ""; $res = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($res) { if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($this->objects_ids != "") { $this->objects_ids .= ","; } $this->objects_ids .= $row->{$this->object_index_key}; } } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); } $this->searched = true; } return $this->objects_ids; }
function do_header() { global $msg, $dbh, $base_path; global $charset; global $pmb_notice_reduit_format; global $icon_doc; global $tdoc, $biblio_doc; global $use_opac_url_base, $opac_url_base, $use_dsi_diff_mode; global $no_aff_doc_num_image; $aut1_libelle = array(); $type_reduit = substr($pmb_notice_reduit_format, 0, 1); //Icone type de Document $icon = $icon_doc[$this->notice->niveau_biblio . $this->notice->typdoc]; if ($icon) { $info_bulle_icon = $biblio_doc[$this->notice->niveau_biblio] . " : " . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]; if ($use_opac_url_base) { $this->icondoc = "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/{$icon}\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" align='top' />"; } else { $this->icondoc = "<img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/{$icon}\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" align='top' />"; } } //Icone nouveauté $icon = "icone_nouveautes.png"; if ($this->notice->notice_is_new) { $info_bulle_icon_new = $msg["notice_is_new_gestion"]; if ($use_opac_url_base) { $this->icon_is_new = "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/{$icon}\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon_new}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon_new}\" align='top' />"; } else { $this->icon_is_new = "<img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/{$icon}\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon_new}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon_new}\" align='top' />"; } } if ($this->notice->statut) { $rqt_st = "SELECT class_html , gestion_libelle FROM notice_statut WHERE id_notice_statut='" . $this->notice->statut . "' "; $res_st = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_st, $dbh) or die($rqt_st . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $class_html = " class='" . pmb_mysql_result($res_st, 0, 0) . "' "; if ($this->notice->statut > 1) { $txt = pmb_mysql_result($res_st, 0, 1); } else { $txt = ""; } } else { $class_html = " class='statutnot1' "; $txt = ""; } if ($this->notice->commentaire_gestion) { if ($txt) { $txt .= ":\r\n" . $this->notice->commentaire_gestion; } else { $txt = $this->notice->commentaire_gestion; } } if ($txt) { $statut = "<small><span {$class_html} style='margin-right: 3px;'><a href=# onmouseover=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_statut" . $this->notice_id . "');''; \" onmouseout=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_statut" . $this->notice_id . "');'none'; \"><img src='" . $base_path . "/images/spacer.gif' width='10' height='10' /></a></span></small>"; $statut .= "<div id='zoom_statut" . $this->notice_id . "' style='border: solid 2px #555555; background-color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; display:none; z-index: 2000;'><b>" . nl2br(htmlentities($txt, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "</b></div>"; } else { $statut = "<small><span {$class_html} style='margin-right: 3px;'><img src='" . $base_path . "/images/spacer.gif' width='10' height='10' /></span></small>"; } $this->aff_statut = $statut; if ($type_reduit == "H") { $id_tpl = substr($pmb_notice_reduit_format, 2); if ($id_tpl) { $tpl = new notice_tpl_gen($id_tpl); $notice_tpl_header = $tpl->build_notice($this->notice_id); if ($notice_tpl_header) { $this->header = $notice_tpl_header; } } } if ($type_reduit == "E" || $type_reduit == "P") { // peut-être veut-on des personnalisés ? $perso_voulus_temp = substr($pmb_notice_reduit_format, 2); if ($perso_voulus_temp != "") { $perso_voulus = explode(",", $perso_voulus_temp); } } if ($type_reduit == "E") { // zone de l'éditeur if ($this->notice->ed1_id) { $editeur = new editeur($this->notice->ed1_id); $editeur_reduit = $editeur->display; if ($this->notice->year) { $editeur_reduit .= " (" . $this->notice->year . ")"; } } elseif ($this->notice->year) { // année mais pas d'éditeur et si pas un article if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio != 'a' && $this->notice->niveau_hierar != 2) { $editeur_reduit = $this->notice->year . " "; } } } else { $editeur_reduit = ""; } if ($type_reduit == "E" || $type_reduit == "P") { if (!is_object($this->p_perso)) { $this->p_perso = new parametres_perso("notices"); } //Champs personalisés à ajouter au réduit if (!$this->p_perso->no_special_fields) { if (count($perso_voulus)) { $this->p_perso->get_values($this->notice_id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($perso_voulus); $i++) { $perso_voulu_aff .= $this->p_perso->get_formatted_output($this->p_perso->values[$perso_voulus[$i]], $perso_voulus[$i]) . " "; } $perso_voulu_aff = trim($perso_voulu_aff); } else { $perso_voulu_aff = ""; } } else { $perso_voulu_aff = ""; } } if ($type_reduit != "H") { // récupération du titre de série if ($this->tit_serie) { $this->header = $this->header_texte = $this->tit_serie; if ($this->notice->tnvol) { $this->header .= ', ' . $this->notice->tnvol; $this->header_texte .= ', ' . $this->notice->tnvol; } } elseif ($this->notice->tnvol) { $this->header .= $this->notice->tnvol; $this->header_texte .= $this->notice->tnvol; } $this->tit1 = $this->notice->tit1; $this->header ? $this->header .= '. ' . $this->tit1 : ($this->header = $this->tit1); $this->header_texte ? $this->header_texte .= '. ' . $this->tit1 : ($this->header_texte = $this->tit1); $this->memo_titre = $this->header_texte; $this->memo_complement_titre = $this->notice->tit4; $this->memo_titre_parallele = $this->notice->tit3; } if ($type_reduit == '4') { if ($this->memo_titre_parallele != "") { $this->header .= " = " . $this->memo_titre_parallele; $this->header_texte .= ' = ' . $this->memo_titre_parallele; } } // if ((floor($type_reduit/10) == 1)&&($this->memo_complement_titre)) { // $this->header.=" : ".htmlentities($this->memo_complement_titre,ENT_QUOTES,$charset); // $this->header_texte.=" : ".$this->memo_complement_titre; // } if ($type_reduit == "T" && $this->memo_complement_titre) { $this->header .= " : " . htmlentities($this->memo_complement_titre, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $this->header_texte .= " : " . $this->memo_complement_titre; } if ($type_reduit != '3' && $type_reduit != 'H') { //$this->responsabilites $as = array_search("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]); if ($as !== FALSE && $as !== NULL) { $auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as]; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]); if ($auteur->isbd_entry) { $this->header .= ' / ' . $auteur->isbd_entry; $this->header_texte .= ' / ' . $auteur->isbd_entry; } } else { $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; $auteur_1 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_1["id"]); $aut1_libelle[] = $auteur->isbd_entry; } $auteurs_liste = implode("; ", $aut1_libelle); if ($auteurs_liste) { $this->header .= ' / ' . $auteurs_liste; $this->header_texte .= ' / ' . $auteurs_liste; } } } if ($editeur_reduit) { $this->header .= ' / ' . $editeur_reduit; $this->header_texte .= ' / ' . $editeur_reduit; } if ($perso_voulu_aff) { $this->header .= ' / ' . $perso_voulu_aff; $this->header_texte .= ' / ' . $perso_voulu_aff; } switch ($type_reduit) { case "1": if ($this->notice->year != '') { $this->header .= ' (' . htmlentities($this->notice->year, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ')'; $this->header_texte .= ' (' . $this->notice->year . ')'; } break; case "2": if ($this->notice->year != '') { $this->header .= ' (' . htmlentities($this->notice->year, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ')'; $this->header_texte .= ' (' . $this->notice->year . ')'; } if ($this->notice->code != '') { $this->header .= ' / ' . htmlentities($this->notice->code, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $this->header_texte .= ' / ' . $this->notice->code; } break; default: break; } if ($this->drag) { $drag = "<span onMouseOver='if(init_drag) init_drag();' id=\"NOTI_drag_" . $this->notice_id . ($this->anti_loop ? "_p" . $this->anti_loop[count($this->anti_loop) - 1] : "") . "\" dragicon=\"" . $base_path . "/images/icone_drag_notice.png\" dragtext=\"" . $this->header . "\" draggable=\"yes\" dragtype=\"notice\" callback_before=\"show_carts\" callback_after=\"\" style=\"padding-left:7px\"><img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/notice_drag.png\"/></span>"; } if ($this->action) { $this->header = "<a href=\"" . $this->action . "\">" . $this->header . '</a>'; } if ($this->icon_is_new) { $this->header = $this->header . " " . $this->icon_is_new; } if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $rqt = "select tit1, date_format(date_date, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_date_date, bulletin_numero as num_bull from bulletins,notices where bulletins.num_notice='" . $this->notice_id . "' and notices.notice_id=bulletins.bulletin_notice"; $execute_query = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($execute_query); $this->header .= " <i>" . (!$row->aff_date_date ? sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"], $row->tit1) : sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"], $row->tit1 . ", " . $row->num_bull . " [" . $row->aff_date_date . "]")) . "</i>"; $this->header_texte .= " " . (!$row->aff_date_date ? sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"], $row->tit1) : sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"], $row->tit1 . ", " . $row->num_bull . " [" . $row->aff_date_date . "]")); pmb_mysql_free_result($execute_query); } if ($this->drag) { $this->header .= $drag; } if ($this->notice->lien) { // ajout du lien pour les ressource notice_parent_useds électroniques if (!$this->print_mode || $this->print_mode == '2' || $use_dsi_diff_mode) { $this->header .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"__LINK__\">"; if (!$use_opac_url_base) { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/globe.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\""; } else { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/globe.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\""; } $this->header .= " alt=\""; $this->header .= $this->notice->eformat; $this->header .= "\" title=\""; $this->header .= $this->notice->eformat; $this->header .= "\">"; $this->header .= '</a>'; } elseif ($this->print_mode == '4') { $this->header .= '<br />'; $this->header .= "<a href=\"" . $this->notice->lien . "\" target=\"__LINK__\">"; $this->header .= '<font size="-1">' . $this->notice->lien . '</font>'; $this->header .= '</a>'; } else { $this->header .= "<br />"; $this->header .= '<font size="-1">' . $this->notice->lien . '</font>'; } } if (!$this->print_mode || $this->print_mode == '2' && !$no_aff_doc_num_image) { if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $sql_explnum = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_nom FROM explnum, bulletins WHERE bulletins.num_notice = " . $this->notice_id . " AND bulletins.bulletin_id = explnum.explnum_bulletin order by explnum_id"; } else { $sql_explnum = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_nom FROM explnum WHERE explnum_notice = " . $this->notice_id; } $explnums = pmb_mysql_query($sql_explnum); $explnumscount = pmb_mysql_num_rows($explnums); if ($explnumscount == 1) { $explnumrow = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($explnums); if (!$use_opac_url_base) { $this->header .= "<a href=\"" . $base_path . "/doc_num.php?explnum_id=" . $explnumrow->explnum_id . "\" target=\"__LINK__\">"; } else { $this->header .= "<a href=\"" . $opac_url_base . "doc_num.php?explnum_id=" . $explnumrow->explnum_id . "\" target=\"__LINK__\">"; } if (!$use_opac_url_base) { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/globe_orange.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\""; } else { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/globe_orange.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\""; } $this->header .= " alt=\""; $this->header .= htmlentities($explnumrow->explnum_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $this->header .= "\" title=\""; $this->header .= htmlentities($explnumrow->explnum_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $this->header .= "\">"; $this->header .= '</a>'; } else { if ($explnumscount > 1) { if (!$use_opac_url_base) { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $base_path . "/images/globe_rouge.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"" . $msg['info_docs_num_notice'] . "\" title=\"" . $msg['info_docs_num_notice'] . "\" hspace=\"3\">"; } else { $this->header .= "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/globe_rouge.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"" . $msg['info_docs_num_notice'] . "\" title=\"" . $msg['info_docs_num_notice'] . "\" hspace=\"3\">"; } } } } if ($this->icondoc) { $this->header = $this->icondoc . " " . $this->header; } if ($this->show_statut) { $this->header = $this->aff_statut . " " . $this->header; } }
function get_primaldata() { global $dbh; global $fonction_auteur; // on récupère les infos de la notice $query = "select * from notices where notice_id=" . $this->id . " limit 1"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $this->get_primaldatafrom($obj); } }