コード例 #1
 protected function getJobAndJobqueue($groupId, $upload, $addUploads)
     $uploadId = $upload->getId();
     $readMeOssAgent = plugin_find('agent_readmeoss');
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     $jqCmdArgs = $readMeOssAgent->uploadsAdd($addUploads);
     $dbManager = $this->getObject('db.manager');
     $sql = 'SELECT jq_pk,job_pk FROM jobqueue, job ' . 'WHERE jq_job_fk=job_pk AND jq_type=$1 AND job_group_fk=$4 AND job_user_fk=$3 AND jq_args=$2 AND jq_endtime IS NULL';
     $params = array($readMeOssAgent->AgentName, $uploadId, $userId, $groupId);
     $log = __METHOD__;
     if ($jqCmdArgs) {
         $sql .= ' AND jq_cmd_args=$5';
         $params[] = $jqCmdArgs;
         $log .= '.args';
     } else {
         $sql .= ' AND jq_cmd_args IS NULL';
     $scheduled = $dbManager->getSingleRow($sql, $params, $log);
     if (!empty($scheduled)) {
         return array($scheduled['job_pk'], $scheduled['jq_pk']);
     $jobId = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $upload->getFilename(), $uploadId);
     $error = "";
     $jobQueueId = $readMeOssAgent->AgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, $error, array(), $jqCmdArgs);
     if ($jobQueueId < 0) {
         throw new Exception(_("Cannot schedule") . ": " . $error);
     return array($jobId, $jobQueueId);
コード例 #2
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Response
 protected function handle(Request $request)
     $errorMessage = "";
     $jobqueueId = -1;
     $userId = $_SESSION['UserId'];
     $groupId = $_SESSION['GroupId'];
     $uploadId = intval($_POST['uploadId']);
     $agentName = $_POST['agentName'];
     if ($uploadId > 0) {
         $upload = $this->uploadDao->getUpload($uploadId);
         $uploadName = $upload->getFilename();
         $jobId = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $uploadName, $uploadId);
         $ourPlugin = plugin_find($agentName);
         $jobqueueId = $ourPlugin->AgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMessage, array());
     } else {
         $errorMessage = "bad request";
     $headers = array('Content-type' => 'text/json');
     if (empty($errorMessage) && $jobqueueId > 0) {
         return new Response(json_encode(array("jqid" => $jobqueueId)), Response::HTTP_OK, $headers);
     } else {
         return new Response(json_encode(array("error" => $errorMessage)), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $headers);
コード例 #3
 protected function handle(Request $request)
     $uploadId = intval($request->get("upload"));
     if (empty($uploadId)) {
         throw new Exception('missing upload id');
     $parmAgentList = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames("ParmAgents");
     $plainAgentList = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames("Agents");
     $agentList = array_merge($plainAgentList, $parmAgentList);
     $skipAgents = array("agent_unpack", "wget_agent");
     $out = "";
     $relevantAgents = array();
     foreach ($agentList as $agent) {
         if (array_search($agent, $skipAgents) !== false) {
         $plugin = plugin_find($agent);
         if ($plugin->AgentHasResults($uploadId) != 1 && $this->jobNotYetScheduled($plugin->AgentName, $uploadId)) {
             $out .= "<option value='" . $agent . "'>";
             $out .= htmlentities($plugin->Title);
             $out .= "</option>\n";
             $relevantAgents[$agent] = $plugin->Title;
     $out = '<select multiple size="10" id="agents" name="agents[]">' . $out . '</select>';
     return new Response($out, Response::HTTP_OK, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'));
コード例 #4
  * @param array $vars
  * @return string
 public function renderContent(&$vars)
     $renderer = $GLOBALS['container']->get('twig.environment');
     $vars['isNinkaInstalled'] = false;
     if ($ninkaUi = plugin_find('agent_ninka')) {
         $vars['isNinkaInstalled'] = $ninkaUi->isNinkaInstalled();
     return $renderer->loadTemplate('agent_decider.html.twig')->render($vars);
コード例 #5
  * @overwrite
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @param int $uploadTreeId
  * @param int $agentId
  * @return array
 protected function additionalVars($uploadId, $uploadTreeId, $agentId)
     if (empty($agentId)) {
         $agentMap = $this->agentDao->getLatestAgentResultForUpload($uploadId, array('copyright'));
         $agentId = array_key_exists('copyright', $agentMap) ? $agentMap['copyright'] : 0;
     $modCopyrightHist = plugin_find('copyright-hist');
     $filter = '';
     list($output, $tableVars) = $modCopyrightHist->getTableForSingleType('statement', _("Copyright"), $uploadId, $uploadTreeId, $filter, $agentId);
     $vars = array('statement' => $tableVars, 'content' => "{$output}\n", 'script' => '<script>$(document).ready(function() { tableCopyright = createTablestatement(); } );</script>');
     return $vars;
コード例 #6
 protected function postUploadAddJobs(Request $request, $fileName, $uploadId, $jobId = null, $wgetDependency = false)
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     $groupId = Auth::getGroupId();
     if ($jobId === null) {
         $jobId = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $fileName, $uploadId);
     $dummy = "";
     $adj2nestDependencies = array();
     if ($wgetDependency) {
         $adj2nestDependencies = array(array('name' => 'agent_unpack', AgentPlugin::PRE_JOB_QUEUE => array('wget_agent')));
     $adj2nestplugin = \plugin_find('agent_adj2nest');
     $adj2nestplugin->AgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, $dummy, $adj2nestDependencies);
     $checkedAgents = checkedAgents();
     AgentSchedule($jobId, $uploadId, $checkedAgents);
     $errorMsg = '';
     $parmAgentList = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames("ParmAgents");
     $plainAgentList = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames("Agents");
     $agentList = array_merge($plainAgentList, $parmAgentList);
     foreach ($parmAgentList as $parmAgent) {
         $agent = plugin_find($parmAgent);
         $agent->scheduleAgent($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $request, $agentList);
     $status = GetRunnableJobList();
     $message = empty($status) ? _("Is the scheduler running? ") : "";
     $jobUrl = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs&upload={$uploadId}";
     $message .= _("The file") . " " . $fileName . " " . _("has been uploaded. It is") . ' <a href=' . $jobUrl . '>upload #' . $uploadId . "</a>.\n";
     if ($request->get('public') == self::PUBLIC_GROUPS) {
         $this->getObject('dao.upload.permission')->makeAccessibleToAllGroupsOf($uploadId, $userId);
     return $message;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Xpview.php プロジェクト: DanielDobre/fossology
 protected function handle(Request $request)
     $vars = array();
     $uploadId = intval($request->get('upload'));
     $uploadTreeId = intval($request->get('item'));
     if (empty($uploadTreeId) || empty($uploadId)) {
         $text = _("Empty Input");
         $vars['message'] = "<h2>{$text}</h2>";
         return $this->responseBad($vars);
     if (!$this->uploadDao->isAccessible($uploadId, Auth::getGroupId())) {
         $text = _("Permission Denied");
         $vars['message'] = "<h2>{$text}</h2>";
         return $this->responseBad();
     $uploadTreeTableName = $this->uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($uploadId);
     $uploadEntry = $this->uploadDao->getUploadEntry($uploadTreeId, $uploadTreeTableName);
     if (Isdir($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) || Iscontainer($uploadEntry['ufile_mode'])) {
         $parent = $this->uploadDao->getUploadParent($uploadEntry['upload_fk']);
         if (!isset($parent)) {
             return $this->responseBad();
         $uploadTree = $this->uploadDao->getNextItem($uploadEntry['upload_fk'], $parent);
         if ($uploadTree === UploadDao::NOT_FOUND) {
             return $this->responseBad();
         $uploadTreeId = $uploadTree->getId();
         return new RedirectResponse(Traceback_uri() . '?mod=' . $this->getName() . Traceback_parm_keep(array('show', 'upload')) . "&item={$uploadTreeId}");
     if (empty($uploadTreeId)) {
         return $this->responseBad('No item selected.');
     $copyrightDecisionMap = $this->decisionTypes->getMap();
     $vars['micromenu'] = Dir2Browse($this->modBack, $uploadTreeId, NULL, $showBox = 0, "View", -1, '', '', $uploadTreeTableName);
     $lastItem = GetParm("lastItem", PARM_INTEGER);
     $changed = GetParm("changedSomething", PARM_STRING);
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     if (!empty($lastItem) && $changed == "true") {
         $lastUploadEntry = $this->uploadDao->getUploadEntry($lastItem, $uploadTreeTableName);
         $clearingType = $_POST['clearingTypes'];
         $description = $_POST['description'];
         $textFinding = $_POST['textFinding'];
         $comment = $_POST['comment'];
         $this->copyrightDao->saveDecision($this->decisionTableName, $lastUploadEntry['pfile_fk'], $userId, $clearingType, $description, $textFinding, $comment);
     $scanJobProxy = new ScanJobProxy($this->agentDao, $uploadId);
     $selectedScanners = $scanJobProxy->getLatestSuccessfulAgentIds();
     $highlights = array();
     if (array_key_exists($this->agentName, $selectedScanners)) {
         $latestXpAgentId = $selectedScanners[$this->agentName];
         $highlights = $this->copyrightDao->getHighlights($uploadTreeId, $this->tableName, $latestXpAgentId, $this->typeToHighlightTypeMap);
     if (count($highlights) < 1) {
         $vars['message'] = _("No ") . $this->tableName . _(" data is available for this file.");
     /* @var $view ui_view */
     $view = plugin_find("view");
     $theView = $view->getView(null, null, $showHeader = 0, "", $highlights, false, true);
     list($pageMenu, $textView) = $theView;
     list($description, $textFinding, $comment, $decisionType) = $this->copyrightDao->getDecision($this->decisionTableName, $uploadEntry['pfile_fk']);
     $vars['description'] = $description;
     $vars['textFinding'] = $textFinding;
     $vars['comment'] = $comment;
     $vars['itemId'] = $uploadTreeId;
     $vars['uploadId'] = $uploadId;
     $vars['pageMenu'] = $pageMenu;
     $vars['textView'] = $textView;
     $vars['legendBox'] = $this->legendBox();
     $vars['uri'] = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name;
     $vars['optionName'] = $this->optionName;
     $vars['formName'] = "CopyRightForm";
     $vars['ajaxAction'] = $this->ajaxAction;
     $vars['skipOption'] = $this->skipOption;
     $vars['selectedClearingType'] = $decisionType;
     $vars['clearingTypes'] = $copyrightDecisionMap;
     $vars['xptext'] = $this->xptext;
     $agentId = intval($request->get("agent"));
     $vars = array_merge($vars, $this->additionalVars($uploadId, $uploadTreeId, $agentId));
     return $this->render('ui-cp-view.html.twig', $this->mergeWithDefault($vars));
コード例 #8
ファイル: common-job.php プロジェクト: DanielDobre/fossology
 * \brief Queue an agent.  This is a simple version of AgentAdd() that can be
 *  used by multiple plugins that only use upload_pk as jqargs.
 *  Before queuing, check if agent needs to be queued.  It doesn't need to be queued if:
 *  - It is already queued
 *  - It has already been run by the latest agent version
 * \param $plugin caller plugin object
 * \param $job_pk
 * \param $upload_pk
 * \param $ErrorMsg - error message on failure
 * \param $Dependencies - array of named dependencies. Each array element is the plugin name.
 *         For example,  array(agent_adj2nest, agent_pkgagent).  
 *         Typically, this will just be array(agent_adj2nest).
 * \param $jqargs (optional) jobqueue.jq_args
 * \returns
 * - jq_pk Successfully queued
 * -   0   Not queued, latest version of agent has previously run successfully
 * -  -1   Not queued, error, error string in $ErrorMsg
function CommonAgentAdd($plugin, $job_pk, $upload_pk, &$ErrorMsg, $Dependencies, $jqargs = "", $jq_cmd_args = NULL)
    global $Plugins;
    $Deps = array();
    $DependsEmpty = array();
    /* check if the latest agent has already been run */
    if ($plugin->AgentHasResults($upload_pk) == 1) {
        return 0;
    /* if it is already scheduled, then return success */
    if (($jq_pk = IsAlreadyScheduled($job_pk, $plugin->AgentName, $upload_pk)) != 0) {
        return $jq_pk;
    /* queue up dependencies */
    foreach ($Dependencies as $Dependency) {
        if (is_array($Dependency)) {
            $PluginName = $Dependency['name'];
            $DepArgs = $Dependency['args'];
        } else {
            $PluginName = $Dependency;
            $DepArgs = null;
        $DepPlugin = plugin_find($PluginName);
        if ($DepPlugin === null) {
            $ErrorMsg = "Invalid plugin name: {$PluginName}, (CommonAgentAdd())";
            return -1;
        if (($Deps[] = $DepPlugin->AgentAdd($job_pk, $upload_pk, $ErrorMsg, $DependsEmpty, $DepArgs)) == -1) {
            return -1;
    /* schedule AgentName */
    if (empty($jqargs)) {
        $jqargs = $upload_pk;
    $jq_pk = JobQueueAdd($job_pk, $plugin->AgentName, $jqargs, "", $Deps, NULL, $jq_cmd_args);
    if (empty($jq_pk)) {
        $ErrorMsg = _("Failed to insert agent {$plugin->AgentName} into job queue. jqargs: {$jqargs}");
        return -1;
    /* Tell the scheduler to check the queue. */
    $success = fo_communicate_with_scheduler("database", $output, $error_msg);
    if (!$success) {
        $ErrorMsg = $error_msg . "\n" . $output;
    return $jq_pk;
コード例 #9
ファイル: AgentPlugin.php プロジェクト: DanielDobre/fossology
  * @param int $jobId
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @param &string $errorMsg
  * @param mixed $dependency
  * @return int
 protected function implicitAgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, &$errorMsg, $dependency)
     if (is_array($dependency)) {
         $pluginName = $dependency['name'];
         $depArgs = array_key_exists('args', $dependency) ? $dependency['args'] : null;
         $preJq = array_key_exists(self::PRE_JOB_QUEUE, $dependency) ? $dependency[self::PRE_JOB_QUEUE] : array();
     } else {
         $pluginName = $dependency;
         $depArgs = null;
         $preJq = array();
     $depPlugin = plugin_find($pluginName);
     if (!$depPlugin) {
         $errorMsg = "Invalid plugin name: {$pluginName}, (implicitAgentAdd())";
         return -1;
     return $depPlugin->AgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $preJq, $depArgs);
コード例 #10
 function doEdit($userId, $groupId, $itemId)
     $licenses = GetParm("licenseNumbersToBeSubmitted", PARM_RAW);
     $removed = $_POST['removed'] === 't' || $_POST['removed'] === 'true';
     $itemTreeBounds = $this->uploadDao->getItemTreeBounds($itemId);
     $uploadId = $itemTreeBounds->getUploadId();
     $upload = $this->uploadDao->getUpload($uploadId);
     $uploadName = $upload->getFilename();
     $jobId = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $uploadName, $uploadId);
     if (isset($licenses)) {
         if (!is_array($licenses)) {
             return $this->errorJson("bad license array");
         foreach ($licenses as $licenseId) {
             if (intval($licenseId) <= 0) {
                 return $this->errorJson("bad license");
             $this->clearingDao->insertClearingEvent($itemId, $userId, $groupId, $licenseId, $removed, ClearingEventTypes::USER, $reportInfo = '', $comment = '', $jobId);
     /** @var agent_fodecider $deciderPlugin */
     $deciderPlugin = plugin_find("agent_deciderjob");
     $conflictStrategyId = null;
     $errorMsg = "";
     $jq_pk = $deciderPlugin->AgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMsg, array(), $conflictStrategyId);
     /** after changing one license, purge all the report cache */
     //Todo: Change sql statement of fossology/src/buckets/agent/leaf.c line 124 to take the newest valid license, then uncomment this line
     // $this->ChangeBuckets(); // change bucket accordingly
     if (empty($errorMsg) && $jq_pk > 0) {
         return new JsonResponse(array("jqid" => $jq_pk));
     } else {
         return $this->errorJson($errorMsg, 500);
コード例 #11
 * \brief search in available plugins and return all agents
 * \return Plugin[] list of checked agent plugins, mapped by name
function listAgents()
    $agents = array();
    $agentList = menu_find("Agents", $Depth);
    if (!empty($agentList)) {
        foreach ($agentList as $agentItem) {
            The URI below contains the agent name e.g agent_license, this is
            not be confused with the Name attribute in the class, for example,
            the Name attribute for agent_license is: Schedule License Analysis
            $agentPlugin = plugin_find($agentItem->URI);
            if (empty($agentPlugin)) {
            $name = htmlentities($agentPlugin->Name);
            $agents[$name] = $agentPlugin;
    return $agents;
コード例 #12
 private function getJobQueueId($uploadTreeId)
     $uploadEntry = $this->uploadDao->getUploadEntry($uploadTreeId);
     $uploadId = intval($uploadEntry['upload_fk']);
     if ($uploadId <= 0) {
         throw new Exception('permission denied');
     $bulkScope = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'bulkScope');
     switch ($bulkScope) {
         case 'u':
             $uploadTreeTable = $this->uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($uploadId);
             $row = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("SELECT uploadtree_pk FROM {$uploadTreeTable} WHERE upload_fk = \$1 ORDER BY uploadtree_pk LIMIT 1", array($uploadId), __METHOD__ . "adam" . $uploadTreeTable);
             $uploadTreeId = $row['uploadtree_pk'];
         case 'f':
             if (!Isdir($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Iscontainer($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Isartifact($uploadEntry['ufile_mode'])) {
                 $uploadTreeId = $uploadEntry['parent'] ?: $uploadTreeId;
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('bad scope request');
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     $groupId = Auth::getGroupId();
     $refText = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'refText');
     $action = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'bulkAction');
     $licenseId = GetParm('licenseId', PARM_INTEGER);
     $removing = $action === 'remove';
     $bulkId = $this->licenseDao->insertBulkLicense($userId, $groupId, $uploadTreeId, $licenseId, $removing, $refText);
     if ($bulkId <= 0) {
         throw new Exception('cannot insert bulk reference');
     $upload = $this->uploadDao->getUpload($uploadId);
     $uploadName = $upload->getFilename();
     $job_pk = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $uploadName, $uploadId);
     /** @var DeciderJobAgentPlugin $deciderPlugin */
     $deciderPlugin = plugin_find("agent_deciderjob");
     $dependecies = array(array('name' => 'agent_monk_bulk', 'args' => $bulkId));
     $conflictStrategyId = intval(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'forceDecision'));
     $errorMsg = '';
     $jqId = $deciderPlugin->AgentAdd($job_pk, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $dependecies, $conflictStrategyId);
     if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
         throw new Exception(str_replace('<br>', "\n", $errorMsg));
     return $jqId;
コード例 #13
ファイル: agent-add.php プロジェクト: DanielDobre/fossology
  * @brief Add an upload to multiple agents.
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @param string[] $agentsToStart - list of agents
  * @return NULL on success, error message string on failure
 private function agentsAdd($uploadId, $agentsToStart, Request $request)
     if (!is_array($agentsToStart)) {
         return "bad parameters";
     if (!$uploadId) {
         return "agent-add.php AgentsAdd(): No upload_pk specified";
     /* @var $upload Upload */
     $upload = $GLOBALS['container']->get('dao.upload')->getUpload($uploadId);
     if ($upload === null) {
         return _("Upload") . " " . $uploadId . " " . _("not found");
     $agents = array();
     $parmAgentList = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames("ParmAgents");
     $plainAgentList = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames("Agents");
     $agentList = array_merge($plainAgentList, $parmAgentList);
     foreach ($agentList as $agentName) {
         if (in_array($agentName, $agentsToStart)) {
             $agents[$agentName] = plugin_find($agentName);
     if (count($agents) == 0) {
         return _("no valid agent specified");
     $jobId = JobAddJob(Auth::getUserId(), Auth::getGroupId(), $upload->getFilename(), $uploadId);
     $errorMsg = '';
     foreach ($parmAgentList as $parmAgent) {
         $agent = plugin_find($parmAgent);
         $agent->scheduleAgent($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $request);
     foreach ($agents as &$agent) {
         $rv = $agent->AgentAdd($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMsg, array());
         if ($rv == -1) {
             return $errorMsg;
     return null;
コード例 #14
 private function suggestLicenseId($str)
     /* @var $monkOneShotPlugin \Fossology\Monk\UI\Oneshot */
     $monkOneShotPlugin = plugin_find("oneshot-monk");
     if (null !== $monkOneShotPlugin) {
         return $monkOneShotPlugin->scanMonkRendered($str);
     } else {
         return array(array(), $str);
コード例 #15
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: DanielDobre/fossology
// Database connection
/* Set SYSCONFDIR and set global (for backward compatibility) */
$SysConf = bootstrap();
global $container;
/** @var TimingLogger $logger */
$timingLogger = $container->get("log.timing");
$timingLogger->logWithStartTime("bootstrap", $startTime);
/* Initialize global system configuration variables $SysConfig[] */
ConfigInit($SYSCONFDIR, $SysConf);
$timingLogger->toc("setup init");
$timingLogger->toc("setup plugins");
$plugin = plugin_find(GetParm("mod", PARM_STRING) ?: HomePage::NAME);
if ($plugin) {
    $timingLogger->toc("plugin execution");
} else {
    $linkUri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=auth";
    $errorText = _("Module unavailable or your login session timed out.");
    print "{$errorText} <P />";
    $linkText = _("Click here to continue.");
    print "<a href=\"{$linkUri}\">{$linkText}</a>";
return 0;
コード例 #16
  * @param int $uploadTreeId
  * @param Request $request
  * @return int $jobQueueId
 private function getJobQueueId($uploadTreeId, Request $request)
     $uploadEntry = $this->uploadDao->getUploadEntry($uploadTreeId);
     $uploadId = intval($uploadEntry['upload_fk']);
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     $groupId = Auth::getGroupId();
     if ($uploadId <= 0 || !$this->uploadDao->isAccessible($uploadId, $groupId)) {
         throw new Exception('permission denied');
     $bulkScope = $request->get('bulkScope');
     switch ($bulkScope) {
         case 'u':
             $uploadTreeTable = $this->uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($uploadId);
             $topBounds = $this->uploadDao->getParentItemBounds($uploadId, $uploadTreeTable);
             $uploadTreeId = $topBounds->getItemId();
         case 'f':
             if (!Isdir($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Iscontainer($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Isartifact($uploadEntry['ufile_mode'])) {
                 $uploadTreeId = $uploadEntry['parent'] ?: $uploadTreeId;
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('bad scope request');
     $refText = $request->get('refText');
     $actions = $request->get('bulkAction');
     $licenseRemovals = array();
     foreach ($actions as $licenseAction) {
         $licenseRemovals[$licenseAction['licenseId']] = $licenseAction['action'] == 'remove';
     $bulkId = $this->licenseDao->insertBulkLicense($userId, $groupId, $uploadTreeId, $licenseRemovals, $refText);
     if ($bulkId <= 0) {
         throw new Exception('cannot insert bulk reference');
     $upload = $this->uploadDao->getUpload($uploadId);
     $uploadName = $upload->getFilename();
     $job_pk = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $uploadName, $uploadId);
     /** @var DeciderJobAgentPlugin $deciderPlugin */
     $deciderPlugin = plugin_find("agent_deciderjob");
     $dependecies = array(array('name' => 'agent_monk_bulk', 'args' => $bulkId));
     $conflictStrategyId = intval($request->get('forceDecision'));
     $errorMsg = '';
     $jqId = $deciderPlugin->AgentAdd($job_pk, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $dependecies, $conflictStrategyId);
     if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
         throw new Exception(str_replace('<br>', "\n", $errorMsg));
     return $jqId;
コード例 #17
  * @param array $vars
  * @return string
 public function renderFoot(&$vars)
     $reuserPlugin = plugin_find('plugin_reuser');
     return $reuserPlugin->renderFoot($vars);
コード例 #18
  * \brief Given an $Uploadtree_pk, display: \n
  * (1) The histogram for the directory BY LICENSE. \n
  * (2) The file listing for the directory.
  * \param $Uploadtree_pk
  * \param $Uri
  * \param $filter
  * \param $uploadtree_tablename
  * \param $Agent_pk - agent id
 protected function ShowUploadHist($upload_pk, $Uploadtree_pk, $Uri, $filter, $uploadtree_tablename, $Agent_pk)
     list($ChildCount, $VF) = $this->getFileListing($Uploadtree_pk, $Uri, $uploadtree_tablename, $Agent_pk, $upload_pk);
     $this->vars['childcount'] = $ChildCount;
     $this->vars['fileListing'] = $VF;
        Problem: $ChildCount can be zero!
        This happens if you have a container that does not
        unpack to a directory.  For example:
        file.gz extracts to archive.txt that contains a license.
        Same problem seen with .pdf and .Z files.
        Solution: if $ChildCount == 0, then just view the license!
        $ChildCount can also be zero if the directory is empty.
     if ($ChildCount == 0) {
         $isADirectory = $this->isADirectory($Uploadtree_pk);
         if ($isADirectory) {
         $ModLicView = plugin_find($this->viewName);
         return $ModLicView->execute();
     return $this->fillTables($upload_pk, $Uploadtree_pk, $filter, $Agent_pk, $VF);
コード例 #19
 private function insertPermission($groupId, $uploadId, $permission, $uploadList)
     $fileName = false;
     foreach ($uploadList as $uploadEntry) {
         if ($uploadEntry['upload_pk']) {
             $fileName = $uploadEntry['name'];
     if (empty($fileName)) {
         throw new \Exception('This upload is missing or inaccessible');
     $reuseBit = $permission & self::MOD_REUSE;
     if ($reuseBit) {
         $jobId = \JobAddJob(Auth::getUserId(), $groupId, $fileName, $uploadId);
         $reuserAgent = \plugin_find('agent_reuser');
         $request = new Request(array('uploadToReuse' => "{$uploadId}," . Auth::getGroupId(), 'groupId' => $groupId));
         $reuserAgent->scheduleAgent($jobId, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $request);
         if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
             throw new Exception($errorMsg);
         $permission ^= $reuseBit;
     $this->uploadPermDao->insertPermission($uploadId, $groupId, $permission);