コード例 #1
ファイル: recent-posts.php プロジェクト: lytranuit/wordpress
  * Outputs and filters the widget.
  * @since 0.0.1
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     /** Get the the cached posts list. */
     $cache = wp_cache_get('pls_widget_recent_posts', 'widget');
     /** If cache hasn't been set, initialize it. */
     if (!is_array($cache)) {
         $cache = array();
     /** If cache has been set for this widget, echo it, and return. */
     if (isset($args['widget_id']) && isset($cache[$args['widget_id']])) {
         echo $cache[$args['widget_id']];
     /** Start output buffering. */
     $args = self::process_defaults($args, $instance);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     /** If conversion to non-negative integer results in 0, set the number of posts to 5. */
     if (!($number = absint($instance['number']))) {
         $number = 5;
     /** Get the posts. */
     $query = new WP_Query(array('posts_per_page' => $number, 'cat' => $cat, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'post_status' => 'publish'));
     /** If there are posts... */
     if ($query->have_posts()) {
         /* If a title was input by the user, store it. */
         $widget_title = '';
         if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
             $widget_title = $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
         /* Output the theme's $before_widget wrapper. */
         echo $before_widget;
         /** Will hold the combined posts html. */
         $widget_body = '';
         /** The loop. */
         while ($query->have_posts()) {
             /** Setup post data. */
             /** This array will hold the html elements for each post and will be passed to the filters. */
             $post_html = $instance;
             $post_html['post_title'] = empty($instance['post_title']) ? '' : pls_h_a(get_permalink(), esc_attr(get_the_title() ? get_the_title() : get_the_ID()), array('class' => 'title'));
             $post_html['author'] = empty($instance['author']) ? '' : sprintf(' ' . 'by <span class="author">%1$s</span>', get_the_author());
             $post_html['date'] = empty($instance['date']) ? '' : sprintf(' ' . 'on <time datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>', get_the_date('Y-m-d'), get_the_date());
             $post_html['excerpt'] = empty($instance['excerpt']) ? '' : pls_h_div(has_excerpt() ? get_the_excerpt() : '', array('class' => 'excerpt'));
             $post_html['url'] = empty($instance['excerpt']) ? '' : get_permalink();
             $post_html['read_more'] = empty($instance['read_more']) ? '' : pls_h_a(get_permalink(), 'Read more', array('class' => 'read-more'));
             /** Combine the post information. */
             $post_item = pls_get_if_not_empty($post_html['post_title']) . (!empty($post_html['author']) || !empty($post_html['date']) ? pls_h_p(sprintf('Posted%1$s%2$s.', pls_get_if_not_empty($post_html['author']), pls_get_if_not_empty($post_html['date'])), array('class' => 'meta p3')) : '') . pls_get_if_not_empty($post_html['excerpt']) . pls_get_if_not_empty($post_html['read_more']);
             /** Wrap the post in an article element and filter its contents. */
             $post_item = pls_h('article', array('class' => 'recent-post-single', 'itemscope' => '', 'itemtype' => "http://schema.org/BlogPosting"), apply_filters('pls_widget_recent_posts_post_inner', $post_item, $post_html, $instance, $widget_id));
             /** Append the filtered post to the post list. */
             $widget_body .= apply_filters('pls_widget_recent_posts_post_outer', $post_item, $post_html, $instance, $widget_id);
         /** while $query->have_posts() */
         /** Wrap the widget body in a section element. */
         $widget_body = pls_h('section', array('class' => 'widget-inner', 'itemscope' => '', 'itemtype' => 'http://schema.org/Blog'), apply_filters('pls_widget_recent_posts_inner', $widget_body, $instance, $widget_id));
         // Now we need to put the "read more" strip at the bottom, linking to the selected category page
         // should come back and use pls_ methods
         $category_link = get_category_link($cat);
         $widget_body .= "<section class='more_posts'><a href='" . esc_url($category_link) . "' title='View More News'>View More News</a></section>";
         /** Output and apply a filter on the whole widget. */
         echo apply_filters('pls_widget_recent_posts', $widget_title . $widget_body, $widget_title, $before_title, $after_title, $widget_body, $instance, $widget_id);
         /* Output the theme's $after_widget wrapper. */
         echo $after_widget;
         /** Reset the global $the_post as this query will have stomped on it. */
     /** if $query->have_posts() */
     /** Cache the widget contents */
     $cache[$args['widget_id']] = ob_get_flush();
     wp_cache_set('pls_widget_recent_posts', $cache, 'widget');
コード例 #2
ファイル: agent.php プロジェクト: lytranuit/wordpress
  * Outputs and filters the widget.
  * The widget connects to the plugin using the framework plugin api class. 
  * If the class returns false, this means that either the plugin is 
  * missing, either the it has no API key set.
  * @since 0.0.1
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     list($args, $instance) = self::process_defaults($args, $instance);
     /** Extract the arguments into separate variables. */
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     /** Get the agent information from the plugin. */
     $agent = PLS_Plugin_API::get_user_details();
     $agent_array = array();
     // pls_dump($agent);
     /** If the plugin is active, and has an API key set... */
     if ($agent) {
         /* Output the theme's $before_widget wrapper. */
         echo $before_widget;
         /* If a title was input by the user, display it. */
         $widget_title = '';
         if (!empty($instance['title'])) {
             $widget_title = $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base) . $after_title;
         /** This array will hold the html for the agent info sections and will be passed to the filters. */
         $agent_html = $instance;
         // Add Name
         if (!empty($instance['name_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom name
             $agent_html['name'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'name');
             $agent_array['name'] = $instance['name_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's name
             if (!empty($instance['name']) && (!empty($agent['user']['first_name']) || !empty($agent['user']['last_name']))) {
                 $agent_html['name'] = pls_h_p(trim($agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name']), array('class' => 'fn h5', 'itemprop' => 'name'));
                 $agent_array['name'] = $agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name'];
             } else {
                 $agent_html['name'] = '';
                 $agent_array['name'] = '';
         // Add Email
         if (!empty($instance['email_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom email
             $agent_html['email'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'email');
             $agent_array['email'] = $instance['email_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's email
             if (!empty($instance['email']) && !empty($agent['user']['email'])) {
                 $agent_html['email'] = pls_h_p(pls_h_a("mailto:{$agent['user']['email']}", $agent['user']['email']), array('class' => 'email', 'itemprop' => 'email'));
                 $agent_array['email'] = $agent['user']['email'];
             } else {
                 $agent_html['email'] = '';
                 $agent_array['email'] = '';
         // Add Phone
         if (!empty($instance['phone_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom phone
             $agent_html['phone'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'phone');
             $agent_array['phone'] = $instance['phone_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's phone
             if (!empty($instance['phone']) && !empty($agent['user']['phone'])) {
                 $agent_html['phone'] = pls_h_p(PLS_Format::phone($agent['user']['phone']), array('class' => 'phone', 'itemprop' => 'phone'));
                 $agent_array['phone'] = PLS_Format::phone($agent['user']['phone'], array('class' => 'phone', 'itemprop' => 'phone'));
             } else {
                 $agent_html['phone'] = '';
                 $agent_array['phone'] = '';
         // Add Description
         if (!empty($instance['description_custom'])) {
             // if admin set custom description
             $agent_html['description'] = self::checkForCustom($instance, 'description');
             $agent_array['description'] = $instance['description_custom'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's descriptions
             if (!empty($instance['description']) && pls_get_option('pls-user-description')) {
                 $agent_bio = pls_get_option('pls-user-description');
                 $agent_html['description'] = pls_h_p($agent_bio, array('class' => 'desc p4', 'itemprop' => 'description'));
                 $agent_array['description'] = $agent_bio;
             } else {
                 $agent_html['description'] = '';
                 $agent_array['description'] = '';
         // Add Photo
         if (!empty($instance['image_uri'])) {
             // if admin set custom photo
             self::checkForCustom($instance, 'photo');
             $agent_array['photo'] = $instance['image_uri'];
         } else {
             // otherwise use admin's photo
             $user_image_option = pls_get_option('pls-user-image');
             if (!empty($instance['photo']) && !empty($user_image_option)) {
                 $agent_html['photo'] = pls_h_img(@pls_get_option('pls-user-image'), trim($agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name']), array('class' => 'photo', 'itemprop' => 'image') + array() + array());
                 $agent_array['photo'] = $user_image_option;
             } else {
                 if (isset($agent['user']['headshot'])) {
                     $agent_html['photo'] = pls_h_img($agent['user']['headshot'], trim($agent['user']['first_name'] . ' ' . $agent['user']['last_name']), array('class' => 'photo', 'itemprop' => 'image') + array() + array());
                     $agent_array['photo'] = $agent['user']['headshot'];
                 } else {
                     $agent_array['photo'] = '';
         // Form the HTML elements
         // photo
         $agent_html['photo'] = '<img class="pls-agent-phone" src="' . esc_url($instance['image_uri']) . '" />';
         // texts
         $agent_info = array('name', 'email', 'phone', 'description');
         foreach ($agent_info as $value) {
             $agent_html[$value] = pls_h_p($agent_html[$value], array('class' => 'pls-agent-' . $value));
         /** Combine the agent information. */
         $widget_body = $agent_html['photo'] . $agent_html['name'] . $agent_html['email'] . $agent_html['phone'] . $agent_html['description'];
         /** Wrap the agent information in a section element. */
         $widget_body = apply_filters('pls_widget_agent_inner', $widget_body, $agent_html, $agent_array, $instance, $agent, $widget_id);
         /** Apply a filter on the whole widget */
         echo apply_filters('pls_widget_agent', $widget_title . $widget_body, $widget_title, $before_title, $after_title, $widget_body, $agent_html, $agent, $instance, $widget_id);
         /* Close the theme's widget wrapper. */
         if ($args['clearfix']) {
             echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
         echo $after_widget;
     } elseif (current_user_can('administrator')) {
         /** Display an error message if the user is admin. */
         // echo pls_get_no_plugin_placeholder( $widget_id );
コード例 #3
ファイル: slideshow.php プロジェクト: lytranuit/wordpress
  * Slideshow
  * @param string $args 
  * @param mixed $data 
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function slideshow($args = '')
     /** Define the default argument array */
     $defaults = array('animation' => 'fade', 'animationSpeed' => 800, 'timer' => true, 'advanceSpeed' => 4000, 'pauseOnHover' => true, 'startClockOnMouseOut' => true, 'startClockOnMouseOutAfter' => 500, 'directionalNav' => true, 'captions' => true, 'captionAnimation' => 'fade', 'captionAnimationSpeed' => 800, 'afterSlideChange' => 'function(){}', 'bullets' => 'false', 'width' => 620, 'height' => 300, 'container_height' => false, 'context' => '', 'context_var' => false, 'featured_option_id' => false, 'allow_user_slides' => false, 'user_slides_header_id' => false, 'listings' => 'limit=5&sort_by=price', 'data' => false, 'post_id' => false, 'post_meta_key' => false, 'fluid' => false);
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     /** Check cache, return something is there **/
     $cache = new PLS_Cache('slide');
     if ($result = $cache->get($args)) {
         return $result;
     /** Extract all args for easy usage **/
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     /** If the slideshow data is null or not an array AND the plugin is working, try to fetch the proper data... **/
     if ((!$data || !is_array($data)) && !pls_has_plugin_error()) {
         /** Data assumed to take this form. */
         $data = array('images' => array(), 'links' => array(), 'captions' => array());
         // If the calling theme allows user input, get slideshow config option...
         if ($allow_user_slides && $user_slides_header_id) {
             $slides = pls_get_option($user_slides_header_id, array());
             // Check to see if slides are set to custom, but are empty
             $custom_but_empty = isset($slides[0]) && $slides[0]['type'] == 'custom' && empty($slides[0]['image']);
             // Populate slides when '$custom_but_empty' is true OR when no slides exist...
             if ($custom_but_empty || empty($slides)) {
                 $slides = self::empty_slides_and_add_random_listings();
             foreach ($slides as $index => $slide) {
                 switch ($slide['type']) {
                     case 'listing':
                         unset($slide['html'], $slide['image'], $slide['type'], $slide['link']);
                         // In this case, the slide's remaining key will correspond to it's property ID...
                         $property_id = key($slide);
                         $api_response = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listing_details(array('property_ids' => array($property_id)));
                         if (!empty($api_response['listings']) && $api_response['listings'][0]['id'] === false) {
                             self::$listings_to_delete[] = $property_id;
                         if ($api_response['total'] == '1') {
                             $listing = $api_response['listings'][0];
                             $first_valid_img_url = null;
                             // Overwrite the placester url with the local url...
                             $listing_url = PLS_Plugin_API::get_property_url($listing['id']);
                             $data['links'][] = $listing_url;
                             // Try to retrieve the image url if order is set...
                             if (is_array($listing['images']) && isset($listing['images'][0]['order'])) {
                                 foreach ($listing['images'] as $key => $image) {
                                     if ($image['order'] == 1) {
                                         $data['images'][$index] = $image['url'];
                                         // break, just in case the listing has more than one '1' in the 'order' param
                                     // Record the first valid image URL in case no image has the top order...
                                     if (!isset($first_valid_img_url) && isset($image['url'])) {
                                         $first_valid_img_url = $image['url'];
                             // If image still isn't set, use first valid image URL discovered above, or just set to default...
                             if (empty($data['images'][$index])) {
                                 $data['images'][$index] = isset($first_valid_img_url) ? $first_valid_img_url : self::$default_img_url;
                             $data['type'][] = 'listing';
                             $data['listing'][] = $listing;
                             /** Get the listing caption **/
                             $data['captions'][] = trim(self::render_listing_caption($listing, $index));
                     case 'custom':
                         $is_empty = empty($slide['image']) && empty($slide['link']) && empty($slide['image']) && empty($slide['html']);
                         // Only include a custom slide if it's not entirely empty...
                         if (!$is_empty) {
                             $data['images'][] = $slide['image'];
                             $data['links'][] = $slide['link'];
                             $data['type'][] = 'custom';
                             $data['captions'][] = trim(self::render_custom_caption($slide['html'], $index));
         } else {
             if (!empty($args['post_id']) && !empty($args['post_meta_key'])) {
                 $api_response = PLS_Listing_Helper::get_featured_from_post($args['post_id'], $args['post_meta_key']);
             } elseif ($featured_option_id) {
                 $api_response = PLS_Listing_Helper::get_featured($featured_option_id);
             if (empty($api_response['listings'])) {
                 $api_response = PLS_Plugin_API::get_listings($listings);
             foreach ($api_response['listings'] as $index => $listing) {
                 if (empty($listing['id'])) {
                 $listing_url = PLS_Plugin_API::get_property_url($listing['id']);
                 /** Overwrite the placester url with the local url. */
                 $data['links'][] = $listing_url;
                 $data['images'][] = !empty($listing['images']) ? $listing['images'][0]['url'] : self::$default_img_url;
                 $data['listing'][] = $listing;
                 // Get the listing caption
                 $listing_caption = trim(self::render_listing_caption($listing, $index));
                 // Add a filter for a single caption, to be edited via a template
                 $single_caption = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_slideshow_single_caption', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $listing_caption, $listing, $context, $context_var, $index);
                 $data['captions'][] = $single_caption;
     /** Filter the data array */
     $data = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_slideshow_data', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $data, $context, $context_var);
     /** Create the slideshow */
     $html = array('slides' => '', 'captions' => '');
     if (is_array($data['images'])) {
         foreach ($data['images'] as $index => $slide_src) {
             $extra_attr = array();
             $extra_attr['title'] = '';
             /** Save the caption and the title attribute for the img. */
             if (isset($data['captions'][$index])) {
                 $html['captions'] .= $data['captions'][$index];
                 $extra_attr['title'] = "#caption-{$index}";
             if (isset($data['type'][$index])) {
                 // Get image, but only Dragonfly listing images
                 switch ($data['type'][$index]) {
                     case "listing":
                         $slide_src = PLS_Image::load($slide_src, array('resize' => array('w' => $width, 'h' => $height), 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => false));
                     case "custom":
                         $slide_src = PLS_Image::load($slide_src, array('allow_resize' => false, 'fancybox' => false, 'as_html' => false));
             /** Create the img element. */
             $slide = pls_h_img($slide_src, false, $extra_attr);
             /** Wrap it in an achor if the anchor exists. */
             if (isset($data['links'][$index])) {
                 $slide = pls_h_a($data['links'][$index], $slide, array('data-caption' => "#caption-{$index}"));
             $html['slides'] .= $slide;
     /** Combine the HTML **/
     $html = pls_h_div($html['slides'], array('id' => 'slider', 'class' => 'orbitSlider')) . $html['captions'];
     /** Filter the HTML array */
     $html = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_slideshow_html', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $html, $data, $context, $context_var, $args);
     if (!$container_height) {
         $container_height = $height;
     /** Render the necessary inline CSS... */
     $css_args = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'container_height' => $container_height);
     $css = self::render_inline_css($css_args);
     /** Render the necessary inline JS... **/
     $args['data'] = is_string($data) ? $data : '';
     // For compatibility...
     $js = self::render_inline_js($args);
     /** Filter inline JS **/
     $js = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_slideshow_js', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $js, $html, $data, $context, $context_var);
     /** Filter the final output **/
     $full_slideshow = apply_filters(pls_get_merged_strings(array('pls_slideshow', $context), '_', 'pre', false), $css . $html . $js, $html, $js, $data, $context, $context_var, $args);
     /** Cache rendered slideshow for future retrieval **/
     return $full_slideshow;