// add date to array $matchDays[] = $newDateTime; } foreach ($matchDays as $matchDay) { $endOfMatchDay = clone $matchDay; $endOfMatchDay->modify('+1 day -1 second'); // Select the matches $matches = $database->select('matches', ['[><]players (winner)' => ['winner' => 'id'], '[><]players (loser)' => ['loser' => 'id']], ['matches.id', 'matches.datetime', 'matches.sent-by', 'winner.id(winner-id)', 'loser.id(loser-id)', 'winner.name(winner-name)', 'loser.name(loser-name)', 'matches.winner', 'matches.loser', 'matches.accepted', 'matches.declined', 'matches.winner-original-rating', 'matches.loser-original-rating', 'matches.difference', 'matches.winner-new-rating', 'matches.loser-new-rating'], ["AND" => ['accepted' => '1', 'matches.datetime[<>]' => [$matchDay->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $endOfMatchDay->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")]], 'ORDER' => "matches.sent-datetime DESC"]); if (!empty($matches)) { echo ' <section class="block results"> <h1 class="h1">' . $matchDay->format('l jS') . '</h1>'; // each match foreach ($matches as $match) { $winnerStats = playerStats($match['winner-id']); $loserStats = playerStats($match['loser-id']); if ($match['declined'] == 1) { $isDisputed = ' is--disputed'; } else { $isDisputed = ''; } echo ' <li> <a href="/match.php?match=' . $match['id'] . '" class="g2 slate is--result' . $isDisputed . '"> <div class="base"></div> <div class="col1 player is--a is--winner is--level' . $winnerStats['levelId'] . '"> <figure class="position-triangle">' . file_get_contents('src/img/position-triangle.svg') . '</figure>'; playerPhoto($match['winner-id']);
} else { $countPlayersGames = countPlayersGames($player['id']); $gamesRemaining = 10 - $countPlayersGames; echo '<h3 class="h3 block is--textcentre prompt is--inline is--prompted">' . $gamesRemaining . ' games left to play!</h1>'; } ?> <section class="block results"> <ul> <?php $mostRecentResults = $database->select('matches', ['[><]players (winner)' => ['winner' => 'id'], '[><]players (loser)' => ['loser' => 'id']], ['matches.id', 'matches.datetime', 'matches.sent-by', 'winner.id(winner-id)', 'loser.id(loser-id)', 'winner.name(winner-name)', 'loser.name(loser-name)', 'matches.winner', 'matches.loser', 'matches.accepted', 'matches.declined', 'matches.winner-original-rating', 'matches.loser-original-rating', 'matches.difference', 'matches.winner-new-rating', 'matches.loser-new-rating'], ['AND' => ['OR' => ['winner' => $player['id'], 'loser' => $player['id']]], 'ORDER' => "matches.sent-datetime DESC", "LIMIT" => 5]); foreach ($mostRecentResults as $result) { $winnerStats = playerStats($result['winner-id']); $loserStats = playerStats($result['loser-id']); if ($result['declined'] == 1) { $isDisputed = ' is--disputed'; } else { $isDisputed = ''; } echo ' <li> <a href="/match.php?match=' . $result['id'] . '" class="g2 slate is--result' . $isDisputed . '"> <div class="base"></div> <div class="col1 player is--a is--winner is--level' . $winnerStats['levelId'] . '"> <figure class="position-triangle">' . file_get_contents('src/img/position-triangle.svg') . '</figure>'; playerPhoto($result['winner-id']);
<?php $notifications = $database->count('matches', ['AND' => ['OR' => ['winner' => $you['id'], 'loser' => $you['id']], 'sent-by[!]' => $you['id'], 'accepted' => '0', 'declined' => '0']]); $playerStats = playerStats($you['id']); ?> <nav class="menu"> <label class="menu__toggle" data-toggles="menu"> <div class="player-photo-wrap is--level<?php echo $playerStats['levelId']; ?> "><?php playerPhoto($you['id']); ?> </div> <figure class="menu__icon"><?php if ($notifications > 0) { echo '<span class="new">' . $notifications . '</span>'; } ?> </span><?php echo file_get_contents('src/img/menu.svg'); ?> </figure> </label> <div class="fullscreen is--menu" data-is="menu"> <label class="close" data-toggles="menu">X</label>
$gamesPlayed = $database->count('matches', ['id'], ['AND' => ['OR' => ['winner' => $player['id'], 'loser' => $player['id']], 'accepted' => '1']]); $gamesWon = $database->count('matches', ['id'], ['AND' => ['winner' => $player['id'], 'accepted' => '1']]); $gamesLost = $database->count('matches', ['id'], ['AND' => ['loser' => $player['id'], 'accepted' => '1']]); echo $gamesPlayed . ' Total (' . $gamesWon . ' won / ' . $gamesLost . ' lost)'; ?> </p> </li> <?php $bestWin = $database->select('matches', ['[><]players (winner)' => ['winner' => 'id'], '[><]players (loser)' => ['loser' => 'id']], ['matches.id', 'matches.datetime', 'matches.sent-by', 'winner.id(winner-id)', 'loser.id(loser-id)', 'winner.name(winner-name)', 'loser.name(loser-name)', 'loser.photo(loser-photo)', 'matches.winner', 'matches.loser', 'matches.accepted', 'matches.declined', 'matches.winner-original-rating', 'matches.loser-original-rating'], ['AND' => ['OR' => ['winner' => $player['id']], 'accepted' => '1'], "ORDER" => "matches.loser-original-rating DESC", "LIMIT" => 1]); if (!empty($bestWin)) { ?> <li class="row"> <h3 class="h4">Best win:</h3> <p> <?php $bestLoserStats = playerStats($bestWin[0]['loser-id']); echo '<a href="/match.php?match=' . $bestWin[0]['id'] . '">'; echo 'Versus. '; playerPhotoInline($bestWin[0]['loser-id']); echo ' ' . $bestWin[0]['loser-name'] . ' (' . $bestWin[0]['loser-original-rating'] * 5 . ')</a>'; ?> </p> </li> <?php } ?> </ol>