function hooks_with_activation() { wp_enqueue_script('fotosmail', PL_CHILD_URL . '/assets/js/fotosmail.js', array('jquery'), $this->version, true); wp_localize_script('fotosmail', 'fotosmail', array('ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); if (!function_exists('pl_detect_ie')) { return; } $ie_ver = pl_detect_ie(); if ($ie_ver < 10) { wp_enqueue_script('formalize', PL_CHILD_URL . '/assets/js/formalize.min.js', array('jquery'), $this->version, true); } }
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/** * * Fix IE to the extent possible * * @package PageLines Framework * @subpackage Functions Library * @since 1.3.3 * */ function pagelines_fix_ie() { $ie_ver = pl_detect_ie(); if (ploption('google_ie') && $ie_ver < 9) { $compat = sprintf('//$s.js', $ie_ver + 1); $shiv = '//'; wp_enqueue_script('ie-compat', $compat); wp_enqueue_script('html5shiv', $shiv); } // If IE7 add the Internet Explorer 7 specific stylesheet if ($ie_ver == 7) { wp_enqueue_style('ie7-style', PL_CSS . '/ie7.css', array(), PL_CORE_VERSION); } }