コード例 #1
14 Waltzes<br/>
3 Sonatas<br/>
Selected Polonaises,Mazurkas and Nocturnes</td>
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コード例 #2
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						<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_von_Zemlinsky">
							<h3>Alexander von Zemlinski</h3>
							<li>L&auml;ndliche T&auml;nze Op.1 (ab 2001)</li>
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コード例 #3
        		 	<h2>16th International <a title="Peter Feuchtwanger" href="http://peter-feuchtwanger.de/english-version">Peter Feuchtwanger</a> Piano Masterclass</h2>
            <div class="row">
                 <div class="col-lg-12">         
					<h3>With William Cuthbertson  </h3>
photorightlinked("Peter_Feuchtwanger_250.jpg", "Peter  Feuchtwanger:photo Stefan Blido, Wertheim", "http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Feuchtwanger");
					<h3>At Waldkirch Music School and Elztal Museum</h3>
					<h4> 31.August – 5.September 2015</h4>
					<a title="Peter Feuchtwanger" href="http://peter-feuchtwanger.de/english-version"><strong>Peter Feuchtwanger</strong></a> was born in Munich, Germany. He studied piano with Gerti Rainer (a pupil of Emil von Sauer), Max Egger, Edwin Fischer and Walter Gieseking, composition with Hans Heimler (a pupil of Alban Berg, Heinrich Schenker and Felix Weingartner) and Lennox Berkeley and also Indian and Arabic music and philosophy with Nazir Jairazbhoy and Dr. Arnold Bake. His encounter with the Rumanian pianist, Clara Haskil was the most decisive musical influence in his life. He has also researched into Belcanto, the technique used in the golden age of singing. Peter Feuchtwanger is a member of the jury of many international piano competitions and Vice President of EPTA UK (European Piano Teachers'Association). He is Professor and Vice president of the Internationaler Akademie für musikalische Bildung e.V. and has been a visiting Professor at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. He has been giving master classes throughout the world since 1967. Peter Feuchtwanger lives and works in London.
photorightnolink("stefanbildo1.jpg", "Stefan%20Bildo");
					The masterclass classes include:
					<li>Daily Masterclasses with William Cuthbertson. <B>Maximum number of active participants: 15</b><br/>
					<li>Daily : Peter Feuchtwanger's exercises  for healing physiological playing disorders and for learning a functional and natural playing technique with <a href="http://www.blido.de/">Stefan Blido</a>
					<br clear="all"/> 
photoright("MartinaBarufke.jpg", "MartinaBarufke_250.jpg", "Masterclasses%202015", "Martina%20Barufke", "masterclasses_e.php", "en");
コード例 #4
						<td  ><?php 
photorightlinked("islaycentre.JPG", "Islay%20Centre", "http://www.islay-gaelic.net");
						<strong> Concert with William Cuthbertson and Fiona Middleton ("Fiona of the seals") , Violin, Vocals</strong>
						Works by Franck, Kreisler, Elgar, Faur&eacute;, Liszt, Cuthbertson and Middleton<br/>
						<a href="http://www.islay-gaelic.net/" title="Islay Gaelic Centre">Islay Gaelic Centre (Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle)</a>, 
						Bowmore,PA43 7LN, Islay, Scotland.<br/>
						Entry: &pound;10</td>
						<td><strong>Thursday 16th October<br/>8pm </strong></td>
						<td> <?php 
photorightnolink("WilhelmBuschAbend_240.jpg", "Wilhelm Busch Abend");
						<a href="http://kulturwoche-waldkirch.de/programm.php"><strong>Poetry and Piano</strong></a>
						&quot;Time - eternity - Transience: A Journey&quot; / Litera theater, Martin Lutz &amp; William Cuthbertson Orgelbauersaal, Gewerbekanal 1, Waldkirch. Doors open 19:30 | Admission 10 €. A collage of texts to &quot;time-eternity -Transience&quot; paired with piano music by and with William Cuthbertson opens the listeners new spaces, also by connecting the recitations of the actor Martin Lutz. A voice and sound journey This performance is part of the <a href="http://kulturwoche-waldkirch.de/programm.php">Waldkirch Culture Week</a></td>
						<td  ><strong>Sunday 19th October 11am<br/></strong></td>
						<td  ><?php 
photorightlinked("hoffman_240.jpg", "Frauke Hofmann", "http://www.frauke-hofmann.de");
						<strong>Musical love time travel &quot;Love through the Ages&quot; with duo <a href="http://www.frauke-hofmann.de">Frauke Hofmann</a> (Mezzo-soprano), and William Cuthbertson (Grand Piano)</strong>
						At Orgelbauersaal Gewerbekanal 1, Waldkirch. The mezzo-soprano Frauke Hofmann and the concert pianist William Cuthbertson provide the theme of love in the musical world over the centuries. Has this changed over time? The journey from the Renaissance to modern times will be presented, including songs, arias, and piano music by Dowland, Bizet, Rachmaninov, Weil and Yiddish Tango, illuminated by music, complemented by explanations, which demonstrates  love.through the ages in a great program, including  &quot;Habanera&quot; from Carmen and &quot;Liebestraum&quot; by Liszt. 
						This performance is part of the <a href="http://kulturwoche-waldkirch.de/programm.php">Waldkirch Culture Week</a></td>
コード例 #5
							<td> : </td>
							<td><a href="mailto:w.cuthbertson@gmx.de">w.cuthbertson@gmx.de</a></td>
							<td><strong>E-Mail (website)</strong></td>
							<td> : </td>
							<td><a href="mailto:guylancaster@hotmail.com">guylancaster@hotmail.com</a></td>
            <div class="col-sm-6">
photorightnolink("FotoChopinKonzertSept2010_350.jpg", "William Cuthbertson - Chopin Konzert Sept 2010");
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				<div class="alpha">Ihre Nachricht</div>
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コード例 #6
					<div class="row rowBorder">	
     					<div class="col-md-2 boldTxt"> 
							Montag 21 July<br />
						20.00Uhr   </div>
     					<div class="col-md-8">
						<div class="boldTxt">
							Wilhelm Busch Abend mit William Cuthbertson und Martin Lunz
						Zeltkultur, Elzach (auf dem Schulhof in Elzach im Zirkuszelt statt). Kartenvorverkauf: Buchhandlung Merkle. 
						 Eintritt: 8/7&euro;</div>
     					<div class="col-md-2">
photorightnolink("WilhelmBuschAbend_240.jpg", "Wilhelm%20Busch%20Abend%20mit%20William%20Cuthbertson%20und%20Martin%20Lunz");
				 <div class="row rowBorder">	
     					<div class="col-md-2 boldTxt"> 
						 Montag 4. August 
						<div class="col-md-8">
						<div class="boldTxt">
							Weitere Konzerte
						im <a href="http://theislayhotel.com/" title="Islay Hotel">Islay Hotel </a>
						Charlotte Street, Port Ellen, Isle of Islay, Schottland
コード例 #7
				<td><a href="tel:+497681409260">0049-76-81-40-92-60</a></td></tr>
				<td  ><strong>E-Mail</strong></td>
				<td  ><a href="mailto:w.cuthbertson@gmx.de">w.cuthbertson@gmx.de</a></td>
						<td><strong>E-Mail (website)</strong></td>
						<td><a href="mailto:guylancaster@hotmail.com">guylancaster@hotmail.com</a></td>
            <div class="col-sm-6">
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                    <div class="alpha">Your Message</div>
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print $_GET["error"];
コード例 #8
				<li>Etude Dis-Moll Op.8 Nr.12</li>
				<li>Etude Es-Dur Op.33 Nr.7</li>
				<li>Etude C-Moll Op.39 Nr.1</li>
				<li>Etude Es-Moll Op.39 Nr.5</li>
				<li>Etude D-Moll Op.39 Nr.8</li>
				<a href="http://www.elztalmuseum.de/">Elztal Museum</a>, Kirchplatz 14, D-79183 Waldkirch. 17&euro; ,15euro; ( erm.), 9euro; (Kinder).
				<td><b>Sontag 27.December<br/>19.30Uhr</b></td>
				<td ><?php 
photorightnolink("martinwilliam_240.jpg", "Martin Lunz+William%20Cuthbertson");
				"Posie und Piano"<br/>
				Hymne an die Nacht von Novalis mit Klavierstücke von Chopin, Skrjabin und Schumann.
				Mit Martin Lunz (Rezitation) und William Cuthbertson (Klavier).
				Am <a href="http://www.rehaklinik-sonneneck.de">Haus Sonneneck</a>, Kanderner Strasse 18, 79410 Badenweiler, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg.
				Eintritt &euro;12.</td>
			<th colspan="2" class="year">2014</th>
				<td valign="top"><strong>Donnerstag 30. Januar<br/>20:00 Uhr</strong></td>
				<td valign="top"><strong>Gao Weimo+William Cuthbertson Eurythmie Saal  Konzert
				C.Cui: &quot;Causerie&quot;    (Klavier)
コード例 #9
                 <div class="col-sm-3 col-3">
photorightnolink("m.Carl-Maria-Von-Weber.jpg", "Carl-Maria-Von-Weber by After Ferdinand Schimon");
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					<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_von_Zemlinsky"><h3>Alexander von Zemlinski</h3></a>
					<li>Rural Dances Op.1 (from 2001)</li>
                 <div class="col-sm-3 col-3">
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コード例 #10
			<li>Franz Schubert, Polonaisen D599 No. 1,2 - <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Cibis">Paul Cibis</a> und <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie-Mayuko_Vetter">Mayuko Vetter</a>  </li> 
    		<LI>Manuel de Falla, Fire Dance from The Love Spell - <a href="http://www.achimclemens.de/">Achim Clemens</a></LI>
			<LI>Shura Cherkassky, Prelude Pathétique  - <a href="http://www.achimclemens.de/">Achim Clemens</a></LI>
			<LI>Ludwig van Beethoven, 6 Bagatellen Op.126, No.1,2,3 - <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_D%C3%BCnki">Jean Jaques Dünki</a></LI>
		 	<LI>Robert Schumann, Evening - Andrew Kraus</LI>
			<LI>Adolph von Henselt, Wiegenlied  - Andrew Kraus</LI>
			<LI>Franz Schubert, arr. Leopold Godowsky, Wiegenlied - Andrew Kraus</LI>
			<LI>David Saperton, Zephyr - Andrew Kraus</LI>
			<LI> E.Granados - Andaluza and Allegro de Concerto - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/emma.stratton.39"> Emma Stratton</a></LI>
 					Tickets: 12&euro; / 10&euro;(conc) / 9&euro;(children). 
		           <div class="col-md-2">
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					<div class="col-lg-12 box">2015</div>
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						<div class="col-md-2 boldTxt">
							 Fri March 13<br/> 8.30pm 
						<div class="col-md-8">
		 					<strong><A href="http://www.klappe11.de/">Klappe11 : CHARLEY CHASE / LIMOUSINE LOVE At the Piano: William Cuthbertson</A></strong>
						Limousine Love One of the best short silent films ever with Charley Chase in the lead role! Chase was not an easy slapstick comedian, but coined a form of situation comedy in which he usually appeared as a shy, nervous average citizen or as a young daredevils. So also LIMOUSINE LOVE is hilarious: suddenly discover Chase has on the way to his own wedding that a naked, totally unknown woman is in the back seat of his car ... Admission: Adults € 5.50. At Kommunales Kino, Fabrikstrasse 16, 79183 Waldkirch, Germany
コード例 #11
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		           William Cuthbertson has extensive experience in  giving individual piano lessons to pupils of all ages and experience, from complete beginners to professional performers.
					<br />
					Cuthbertson teaches Professor Peter Feuchtwanger&rsquo;s  piano exercises in order to produce a natural and individual piano technique.  
                    With his differentiated methodological knowledge, he goes into the individual  needs of his students and encourages them to make good progress.
					William Cuthbertson also encourages his students to  produce a beautiful tone by analysing the &lsquo;musical sense&rsquo;, structures and  intentions of each work, examining their effect on the listener.
				 <br class="brclear"/> 
photorightnolink("Alban6_240.JPG", "William%20Cuthbertson%20Accompanying%20Alban");
				<br />
				William Cuthbertson provides piano accompaniment and  additional coaching for performers on other instruments, for example in  preparation for examinations and competitions.
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