$OrgType = $gdbobj->getEnumSelect("" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master", "eOrganizationType", "Data[eOrganizationType]", "eOrganizationType", "", "" . $arrorgtype . "", "class='required' tabIndex=14", "Select Organization Type", "---Select Organization Type----"); } else { $OrgType = $gdbobj->getEnumSelect("" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master", "eOrganizationType", "Data[eOrganizationType]", "eOrganizationType", "", "" . $arrorgtype . "", "class='required' tabIndex=14", "Select Organization Type", "---Select Organization Type----", 'Buyer2'); } $CrMethod = $gdbobj->getEnumSelect("" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master", "eCreateMethodAllowed", "Data[eCreateMethodAllowed]", "eCreateMethodAllowed", "", "" . $arrcrtmtd . "", "class='required' tabIndex='27' ", "Select Method Allowed", "---Select Method Allowed----"); $reqVerif = $gdbobj->getEnumSelect("" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_organization_master", "eReqVerification", "Data[eReqVerification]", "eReqVerification", "", "" . $arrreqvrf . "", "class='required' tabIndex='28' ", "", ""); $view = isset($view) ? $view : ''; if ($view == 'edit') { $serarr = serialize($arr); //prints($serarr); exit; } $currency = $generalobj->getCurrency(); phoneCode('vPhone'); phoneCode('vPrimaryContactNo'); phoneCode('vPrimaryContactTelephone'); phoneCode('vPrimaryContactMobile'); $iAdditionalInfoID = isset($iAdditionalInfoID) ? $iAdditionalInfoID : ''; $bnk_dtls = $bnkObj->getDetails('*', " AND eStatus='Active'"); // $eary = multi21Array($arr,'iOrganizationID'); // pr($eary); exit; $smarty->assign('stateArr', $stateArr); $smarty->assign('db_country', $db_country); $smarty->assign('db_state', $db_state); $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); $smarty->assign('iASMID', $iASMID); $smarty->assign('OrgType', $OrgType); $smarty->assign('CrMethod', $CrMethod); $smarty->assign('reqVerif', $reqVerif); $smarty->assign('arr', $arr); $smarty->assign('bnk_dtls', $bnk_dtls); $smarty->assign('iOrganizationID', $iOrganizationID);
$elitx = isset($podtls[0]['eLineItemTax']) ? $podtls[0]['eLineItemTax'] : ''; $lineItemTax = $gdbobj->getEnumSelect("" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_purchase_order_heading", "eLineItemTax", "Data[eLineItemTax]", "eLineItemTax", "setT()", $elitx, " class='' "); // prints($msg); exit; function phoneCode($field) { global $podtls; $phoneData = @explode("-", $podtls[0][$field]); if (count($phoneData) == 1) { $podtls[0][$field] = $phoneData[0]; } else { $podtls[0][$field . 'Code'] = $phoneData[0]; $podtls[0][$field] = $phoneData[1]; } } phoneCode('vBillToContactTelephone'); phoneCode('vShipToContactTelephone'); # Invoice Code DropDownBox Data [START] $stsdtls = $statusmasterObj->getDetails('*', " AND vStatus_en='Accepted' AND eFor='Invoice' "); $sid = $sts = $stsdtls[0]['iStatusID']; $where = " AND iStatusID={$sts} "; $where .= " AND iBuyerOrganizationID={$curORGID} "; $invoiceCodeData = $invOrdObj->getDetails("vInvoiceCode as vTitle,iInvoiceID as Id", $where); # Invoice Code DropDownBox Data [END] # PO Code DropDownBox Data [START] //$stsdtls = $statusmasterObj->getDetails('*'," AND vStatus_en='Accepted' AND eFor='PO' "); //$sts = $stsdtls[0]['iStatusID']; //$where = " AND iStatusID=$sts "; $where = " AND iBuyerOrganizationID={$curORGID} "; $POCodeData = $pohObj->getDetails("vPOCode as vTitle,iPurchaseOrderID as Id", $where); # PO Code DropDownBox Data [END] // prints($podtls);exit;
if (is_array($ordt)) { $emlar = $or_dt; } } } function phoneCode($field) { global $Data; if ($Data[$field] != '' && $_POST[$field . 'Code'] != '') { $Data[$field] = $_POST[$field . 'Code'] . "-" . $Data[$field]; } } $Data = PostVar("Data"); $dupl = PostVar('dpr'); phoneCode('vPhone'); phoneCode('vMobile'); //prints($_POST);EXIT; //exit; if (!isset($Data['eEmailNotification'])) { $Data['eEmailNotification'] = 'No'; } $iOrgID = $Data['iOrganizationID']; //prints($Data);exit; $Data_access = PostVar("Data_access"); $iUserID = PostVar("iUserID"); $iOrganizationID = PostVar("iOrgID"); $view = PostVar("view"); $curr_date = calcGTzTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); /*if($sess_usertype == 'securitymanager') $where ="and bom.iASMID='".$sess_id."'"; else $where = "and bom.iOrganizationID='".$sess_id."'";