コード例 #1
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: astorm/pestle
* One Line Description
* @command format_php
* @argument file Which file?
function pestle_cli($argv)
    define('START', 0);
    define('PARSE_IF', 1);
    define('INSIDE_IF_BLOCK', 2);
    $file = $argv['file'];
    $tokens = pestle_token_get_all(file_get_contents($file));
    //remove whitespace tokens
    $tokens = array_filter($tokens, function ($token) {
        return $token->token_name !== 'T_WHITESPACE';
    $tokens = array_values($tokens);
    $state = 0;
    $indent_level = 0;
    foreach ($tokens as $key => $token) {
        $before = '';
        $after = '';
        //state switching
        if ($token->token_name == 'T_IF') {
            $state = PARSE_IF;
        if ($state == PARSE_IF && $token->token_value === ':') {
            $state = INSIDE_IF_BLOCK;
        if ($state == INSIDE_IF_BLOCK && $token->token_name === 'T_ENDIF') {
            $state = START;
        //manipuate extra output tokens
        if ($token->token_value === '{') {
            $after = "\n" . str_repeat("    ", $indent_level);
        if ($token->token_value === '}') {
            $after = "\n" . str_repeat("    ", $indent_level);
        if ($token->token_name === 'T_CLOSE_TAG') {
            $after = "\n" . str_repeat("    ", $indent_level);
        if (tokenIsSemiColonAndNextTokenIsNotTCloseTag($tokens, $key)) {
            $after = "\n" . str_repeat("    ", $indent_level);
        if ($token->token_name === 'T_INLINE_HTML' && !trim($token->token_value)) {
        //do output
        echo $before;
        echo $token->token_value;
        echo $after;
コード例 #2
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: astorm/pestle
function getAclRulesFromIsAllowedFunction($string)
    $tokens = pestle_token_get_all('<' . '?' . 'php ' . "\n" . $string);
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
        if ($state === STATE_ACLRULE_START) {
            if ($token->token_name === 'T_STRING' && $token->token_value === 'isAllowed') {
                $state = STATE_ACLRULE_FOUND_ISALLOWED;
        if ($state === STATE_ACLRULE_FOUND_ISALLOWED) {
            if ($token->token_name === 'T_STRING' || $token->token_name === 'T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING') {
                $string = $token->token_value;
                return trim($string, "'\"");
    return null;
コード例 #3
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: astorm/pestle
function injectDependencyArgumentIntoFile($class, $file, $propName = false)
    $di_lines = (object) getDiLinesFromMage2ClassName($class, $propName);
    $di_lines->parameter = trim(trim($di_lines->parameter, ','));
    $indent = getClassIndent();
    $contents = file_get_contents($file);
    $tokens = pestle_token_get_all($contents);
    $has_constructor = arrayContainsConstructToken($tokens);
    if (!$has_constructor) {
        $tokens = insertConstrctorIntoPhpClassFileTokens($tokens);
    $state = 0;
    $c = 0;
    $new_tokens = [];
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
        $new_tokens[] = $token;
        if ($state === 0 && $token->token_name === 'T_CLASS') {
            $state = FOUND_CLASS_KEYWORD;
        if ($state === FOUND_CLASS_KEYWORD && $token->token_value === '{') {
            $state = FOUND_OPENING_CLASS_BRACKET;
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            //$tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . '#Property Here' . "\n";
            $comment = $indent . '/**' . "\n" . $indent . '* Injected Dependency Description' . "\n" . $indent . '* ' . "\n" . $indent . '* @var \\' . $class . '' . "\n" . $indent . '*/' . "\n";
            $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $comment . $indent . $di_lines->property . "\n";
            $new_tokens[] = $tmp;
        if ($state === FOUND_OPENING_CLASS_BRACKET && $token->token_value === '__construct') {
            $state = FOUND_CONSTRUCT;
        if ($state === FOUND_CONSTRUCT && $token->token_value === ')') {
            $state = FOUND_CONSTRUCT_CLOSE_PAREN;
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . $indent . $di_lines->parameter;
            $current_token = array_pop($new_tokens);
            $new_tokens = trimWhitespaceFromEndOfTokenArray($new_tokens);
            $new_tokens = addCommaIfSpoolBackwardsRevealsConstructorParam($new_tokens);
            $new_tokens[] = $tmp;
            $new_tokens[] = $current_token;
        if ($state === FOUND_CONSTRUCT_CLOSE_PAREN && $token->token_value === '{') {
            $state = FOUND_CONSTRUCT_OPEN_BRACKET;
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            // $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . '#Property Assignment Here' . "\n";
            $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . $indent . $di_lines->assignment;
            $new_tokens[] = $tmp;
    $contents = implodeTokensIntoContents($new_tokens);
    output("Injecting {$class} into {$file}");
    writeStringToFile($file, $contents);
コード例 #4
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: astorm/pestle
* This is a test
* @command export_module
* @argument module_file Which file?
function pestle_cli($arguments)
    $files = getFilesFromArguments($arguments);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        $tokens = pestle_token_get_all(file_get_contents($file));
        $tokens = replaceNamespacedFunction($tokens);
        $tokens = removePestleImports($tokens);
        $tokens = removePhpTag($tokens);
        $tokens = turnIntoBlockedNamespace($tokens);
        //collect names of all functions
        $string = getTokensAsString($tokens);
        // output("##PROCESSING: $file");
        // output("##DONE PROCESSING: $file");
コード例 #5
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: salem/pestle
function inProgressParsing()
    $contents = file_get_contents('/Users/alanstorm/Documents/github_private/infortis-ultimo-magento2/app/code/Infortis/Brands/Block/Logo.php');
    $tokens = pestle_token_get_all($contents);
    $namespace = parseNamespaceFromTokens($tokens);
    // var_dump($namespace);
    $uses = parseUsesFromTokens($tokens);
    // var_dump($uses);
    $classes = parseClassCodeFromTokens($tokens);
コード例 #6
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: mrtuvn/pestle
* Injects a dependency into a class constructor
* This command modifies a preexisting class, adding the provided 
* dependency to that class's property list, `__construct` parameters 
* list, and assignment list.
*    pestle.phar generate_di app/code/Pulsestorm/Generate/Command/Example.php 'Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductFactory' 
* @command generate_di
* @argument file Which PHP class file are we injecting into?
* @argument class Which class to inject? [Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductFactory]
function pestle_cli($argv)
    $file = realpath($argv['file']);
    if (!$file) {
        exit("Could not find {$file}.\n");
    $class = $argv['class'];
    $di_lines = (object) getDiLinesFromMage2ClassName($class);
    $di_lines->parameter = trim(trim($di_lines->parameter, ','));
    $indent = getClassIndent();
    $contents = file_get_contents($file);
    $tokens = pestle_token_get_all($contents);
    $has_constructor = arrayContainsConstructToken($tokens);
    if (!$has_constructor) {
        $tokens = insertConstrctorIntoPhpClassFileTokens($tokens);
    $state = 0;
    $c = 0;
    $new_tokens = [];
    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
        $new_tokens[] = $token;
        if ($state === 0 && $token->token_name === 'T_CLASS') {
            $state = FOUND_CLASS_KEYWORD;
        if ($state === FOUND_CLASS_KEYWORD && $token->token_value === '{') {
            $state = FOUND_OPENING_CLASS_BRACKET;
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            //$tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . '#Property Here' . "\n";
            $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . $di_lines->property . "\n";
            $new_tokens[] = $tmp;
        if ($state === FOUND_OPENING_CLASS_BRACKET && $token->token_value === '__construct') {
            $state = FOUND_CONSTRUCT;
        if ($state === FOUND_CONSTRUCT && $token->token_value === ')') {
            $state = FOUND_CONSTRUCT_CLOSE_PAREN;
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . $indent . $di_lines->parameter;
            $current_token = array_pop($new_tokens);
            $new_tokens = trimWhitespaceFromEndOfTokenArray($new_tokens);
            $new_tokens = addCommaIfSpoolBackwardsRevealsConstructorParam($new_tokens);
            $new_tokens[] = $tmp;
            $new_tokens[] = $current_token;
        if ($state === FOUND_CONSTRUCT_CLOSE_PAREN && $token->token_value === '{') {
            $state = FOUND_CONSTRUCT_OPEN_BRACKET;
            $tmp = new stdClass();
            // $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . '#Property Assignment Here' . "\n";
            $tmp->token_value = "\n" . $indent . $indent . $di_lines->assignment;
            $new_tokens[] = $tmp;
    $contents = implodeTokensIntoContents($new_tokens);
    output("Injecting {$class} into {$file}");
    writeStringToFile($file, $contents);
コード例 #7
ファイル: module.php プロジェクト: astorm/pestle
* Test Command
* argument foobar @callback exampleOfACallback
* @command fix_direct_om
* @argument folder Folder to scan
* @argument extensions File extensions? [php, phtml]
function pestle_cli($arguments, $options)
    output("TODO: When there's not an existing __construct");
    output("TODO: When file doesn't exist");
    output("TODO: Flag to ask if you want to replace a file");
    output("TODO: Prop Name \\Foo\\Bar\\Splat\\Baz\\Boo ->barBazBoo");
    define('TOKEN_BASELINE', 0);
    define('TOKEN_REMOVING_OM', 1);
    $files = getFiles($folder, $extensions);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        // output('.');
        if (preg_match('%.bak.php%', $file)) {
            // output("{$file} looks like a backup, skipping.");
        // output($file);
        $tokensAll = pestle_token_get_all(file_get_contents($file));
        $tokens = tokensFilterWhitespace($tokensAll);
        // getBaseConstructor($file, $tokens);
        $results = processFile($file, $tokensAll, $tokens);
        //do the fixing
        #performInjectionAndReplaceObjectManager($results, $tokensAll);