function orsee_session_read($aKey) { $query = "SELECT DataValue FROM " . table('http_sessions') . " WHERE SessionID=:aKey"; $pars = array(':aKey' => $aKey); $result = or_query($query, $pars); if (pdo_num_rows($result) == 1) { $r = pdo_fetch_assoc($result); return $r['DataValue']; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO " . table('http_sessions') . " (SessionID, LastUpdated, DataValue)\n VALUES (:aKey, NOW(), '')"; or_query($query, $pars); return ""; } }
function subpools__get_subpools() { global $preloaded_subpools; if (is_array($preloaded_subpools) && count($preloaded_subpools) > 0) { return $preloaded_subpools; } else { $subpools = array(); $query = "SELECT *\n \t\t\tFROM " . table('subpools') . " \n \t\t\tORDER BY subpool_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $subpools[$line['subpool_id']] = $line; } $preloaded_subpools = $subpools; return $subpools; } }
function laboratories__get_laboratories($tlang = "") { if (!$tlang) { global $lang; $tlang = lang('lang'); } $labs = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('lang') . " WHERE content_type='laboratory'\n ORDER BY order_number "; $result = or_query($query); while ($lab = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tlab = array(); $tlab['lab_name'] = laboratories__strip_lab_name(stripslashes($lab[lang('lang')])); $tlab['lab_address'] = laboratories__strip_lab_address(stripslashes($lab[lang('lang')])); $labs[$lab['content_name']] = $tlab; } return $labs; }
$datasetsLabels = ["Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]; $whichDay = htmlspecialchars($_GET["day"]); $whichDay = array_search($whichDay, array_values($datasetsLabels)); $inputDay = $datasets[$whichDay]; $whichPlace = htmlspecialchars($_GET["place"]); $whatTime = (int) htmlspecialchars($_GET["time"]); $position = htmlspecialchars($_GET["position"]); $firstquery = pdo_query("select * from places where name = '" . $whichPlace . "'"); $firstresult = pdo_fetch_assoc($firstquery); $xposition = $firstresult["x"]; $yposition = $firstresult["y"]; $selectedCategory = $firstresult["category"]; if (!strcasecmp($position, "after")) { $myquery = "Select, count(*) as number, move.category, move.x, move.y from movement_combined move, \n (select id,min(timestamp) as timestamp from movement_combined where id in (select distinct(id) from movement_combined \n where name = '" . $whichPlace . "' and HOUR(timestamp) = " . $whatTime . " and day = '" . $inputDay . "') and day = '" . $inputDay . "' and \n HOUR(timestamp) = " . ($whatTime + 1) . " group by id) as temp where temp.timestamp = move.timestamp and = \n group by order by number DESC limit 5"; } else { $myquery = "Select, count(*) as number, move.category, move.x, move.y from movement_combined move, \n (select id,max(timestamp) as timestamp from movement_combined where id in (select distinct(id) from movement_combined \n where name = '" . $whichPlace . "' and HOUR(timestamp) = " . $whatTime . " and day = '" . $inputDay . "') and day = '" . $inputDay . "' and \n HOUR(timestamp) = " . ($whatTime - 1) . " group by id) as temp where temp.timestamp = move.timestamp and = \n group by order by number DESC limit 5"; } $query = pdo_query($myquery); if (!$query) { echo pdo_error(); die; } $data[] = [$selectedCategory, 0, 0]; for ($x = 0; $x < pdo_num_rows($query); $x++) { $result = pdo_fetch_assoc($query); $distance = round(abs(sqrt(pow($xposition - $result["x"], 2) + pow($yposition - $result["y"], 2)))); $result["distance"] = $distance; $data[] = $result; } unset($server); echo json_encode($data);
function mysql_fetch_assoc($result = NULL) { return pdo_fetch_assoc(func_get_args()); }
<form action="admin_type_edit.php"> <input class="button" type=submit name="new" value="' . lang('create_new') . '"> </form>'; echo '<br> <table class="or_listtable" style="width: 90%;"><thead> <tr style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';"> <td>' . lang('name') . '</td> <td>' . lang('rights') . '</td> <td></td> </tr></thead> <tbody>'; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('admin_types') . " ORDER BY type_name"; $result = or_query($query); $shade = false; while ($type = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<tr class="small"'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } echo '> <td> ' . $type['type_name'] . ' </td> <td class="small"> ' . str_replace(",", ", ", $type['rights']) . ' </td> <td>
function options__get_color_styles() { global $preloaded_color_styles; if (isset($preloaded_color_styles) && is_array($preloaded_color_styles) && count($preloaded_color_styles) > 0) { return $preloaded_color_styles; } else { $color_styles = array(); $query = "select option_style from " . table('options') . "\n where option_type='color'\n group by option_style\n order by option_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $color_styles[] = $line['option_style']; } $preloaded_color_styles = $color_styles; return $color_styles; } }
<td>' . lang('firstname') . '</td> <td>' . lang('lastname') . '</td> <td>' . lang('username') . '</td> <td>' . lang('type') . '</td> <td>' . lang('is_experimenter') . '</td> <td>' . lang('account') . '</td> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('admin') . "\n ORDER BY disabled, lname, fname"; $result = or_query($query); $enabled_emails = array(); $emails = array(); $shade = false; while ($admin = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($admin['email']) { $emails[] = $admin['email']; if ($admin['disabled'] == 'n') { $enabled_emails[] = $admin['email']; } } echo '<tr class="small"'; if ($admin['disabled'] == 'y') { echo ' bgcolor="#999999" style="color: #333333"'; } else { if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; }
function lang__load_lang_cat($content_type, $language = "") { global $lang, $preloaded_lang_cats; if (!$language) { $language = lang('lang'); } if (isset($preloaded_lang_cats[$content_type][$language]) && is_array($preloaded_lang_cats[$content_type][$language]) && count($preloaded_lang_cats[$content_type][$language]) > 0) { return $preloaded_lang_cats[$content_type][$language]; } else { $cat = array(); $pars = array(':content_type' => $content_type); $query = "SELECT content_name, " . $language . " as content_value\n FROM " . table('lang') . " WHERE content_type= :content_type"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $cat[$line['content_name']] = stripslashes($line['content_value']); } $preloaded_lang_cats[$content_type][$language] = $cat; return $cat; } }
function expregister__get_participation_statuses() { global $participation_statuses, $lang; if (!(is_array($participation_statuses) && count($participation_statuses) > 0)) { $participation_statuses = array(); $query = "SELECT *\n \t\t\tFROM " . table('participation_statuses') . " \n \t\t\tORDER BY pstatus_id"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $participation_statuses[$line['pstatus_id']] = $line; } $query = "SELECT *\n \t\t\tFROM " . table('lang') . "\n \t\t\tWHERE content_type='participation_status_internal_name' \n \t\t\tOR content_type='participation_status_display_name'\n \t\t\tORDER BY content_name"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($line['content_type'] == 'participation_status_internal_name') { $field = 'internal_name'; } else { $field = 'display_name'; } $participation_statuses[$line['content_name']][$field] = $line[lang('lang')]; } } return $participation_statuses; }
function admin__select_admin_type($fieldname, $selected = "", $return_var = "type_name", $hide = array()) { global $settings, $preloaded_admintypes; $out = ''; if (!isset($preloaded_admintypes) || !is_array($preloaded_admintypes)) { $preloaded_admintypes = array(); $query = "SELECT * from " . table('admin_types') . "\n\t\t\t\tORDER by type_name"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $preloaded_admintypes[$line['type_name']] = $line; } } if (!isset($preloaded_admintypes[$selected])) { $selected = $settings['default_admin_type']; } $out .= '<SELECT name="' . $fieldname . '">'; foreach ($preloaded_admintypes as $line) { if (!in_array($line['type_id'], $hide)) { $out .= '<OPTION value="' . $line[$return_var] . '"'; if ($line[$return_var] == $selected || $line['type_name'] == $selected) { $out .= ' SELECTED'; } $out .= '>' . $line['type_name'] . '</OPTION>'; } } $out .= '</SELECT>'; return $out; }
function calendar__get_user_for_ics_token($icstoken) { $pars = array(':icstoken' => $icstoken); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('admin') . " WHERE MD5(concat(admin_id,'|-|',password_crypt))=:icstoken"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $admin = false; while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $admin = $line; } return $admin; }
function pdfoutput__make_part_list($experiment_id, $session_id = "", $pstatus = "", $focus = "", $sort = "", $file = false, $tlang = "") { global $settings; if ($tlang == "") { global $lang; } else { $lang = load_language($tlang); } $experiment = orsee_db_load_array("experiments", $experiment_id, "experiment_id"); $pstatuses = expregister__get_participation_statuses(); if ($session_id) { $clause = "session_id = '" . $session_id . "'"; $title = lang('registered_subjects'); } elseif (isset($pstatuses[$pstatus])) { $clause = "pstatus_id = '" . $pstatus . "'"; if ($pstatus == 0) { $clause .= " AND session_id != 0"; } $title = lang('subjects_in_participation_status') . ' "' . $pstatuses[$pstatus]['internal_name'] . '"'; } elseif ($focus == 'enroled') { $clause = "session_id != 0"; $title = lang('registered_subjects'); } $cols = participant__get_result_table_columns('session_participants_list_pdf'); if ($session_id) { unset($cols['session_id']); } // load sessions of this experiment $pars = array(':experiment_id' => $experiment_id); $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM " . table('sessions') . "\n\t\t\tWHERE experiment_id= :experiment_id\n\t\t\tORDER BY session_start"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); global $thislist_sessions; $thislist_sessions = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $thislist_sessions[$line['session_id']] = $line; } // load participant data for this session/experiment $pars = array(':experiment_id' => $experiment_id); $select_query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('participate_at') . ", " . table('participants') . " \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE " . table('participate_at') . ".experiment_id= :experiment_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND " . table('participate_at') . ".participant_id=" . table('participants') . ".participant_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (" . $clause . ")"; $order = query__get_sort('session_participants_list_pdf', $sort); if (!$order) { $order = table('participants') . ".participant_id"; } $select_query .= " ORDER BY " . $order; // get result $result = or_query($select_query, $pars); $participants = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $participants[] = $line; } $result_count = count($participants); // load sessions of this experiment $pars = array(':texperiment_id' => $experiment_id); $squery = "SELECT *\n FROM " . table('sessions') . "\n\t\t\tWHERE experiment_id= :texperiment_id \n ORDER BY session_start"; $result = or_query($squery, $pars); $thislist_sessions = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $thislist_sessions[$line['session_id']] = $line; } // reorder by session date if ordered by session id if ($sort == "session_id") { $temp_participants = $participants; $participants = array(); foreach ($thislist_sessions as $sid => $s) { foreach ($temp_participants as $p) { if ($p['session_id'] == $sid) { $participants[] = $p; } } } } unset($temp_participants); // determine table title $table_title = $experiment['experiment_public_name']; if ($session_id) { $table_title .= ', ' . lang('session') . ' ' . str_replace(" ", " ", session__build_name($thislist_sessions[$session_id])); } $table_title .= ' - ' . $title; // determine table headings $table_headings = participant__get_result_table_headcells_pdf($cols); $table_data = array(); $pnr = 0; foreach ($participants as $p) { $pnr++; $p['order_number'] = $pnr; $row = participant__get_result_table_row_pdf($cols, $p); $table_data[] = $row; } // prepare pdf include_once '../tagsets/class.ezpdf.php'; $pdf = new Cezpdf('a4', 'landscape'); $pdf->selectFont('../tagsets/fonts/Times-Roman.afm'); $fontsize = $settings['participant_list_pdf_table_fontsize'] ? $settings['participant_list_pdf_table_fontsize'] : 10; $titlefontsize = $settings['participant_list_pdf_title_fontsize'] ? $settings['participant_list_pdf_title_fontsize'] : 12; $y = $pdf->ezTable($table_data, $table_headings, $table_title, array('gridlines' => 31, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(1, 1, 1), 'shadeCol2' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'fontSize' => $fontsize, 'titleFontSize' => $titlefontsize, 'rowGap' => 1, 'colGap' => 3, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'outerLineThickness' => 1, 'maxWidth' => 800, 'width' => 800, 'protectRows' => 2)); if ($file) { $pdffilecode = $pdf->output(); return $pdffilecode; } else { $pdf->ezStream(array('Content-Disposition' => 'participant_list.pdf', 'Accept-Ranges' => 0, 'compress' => 1)); } }
function downloads__list_experiments($showsize = false, $showtype = false, $showdate = false) { global $lang, $color, $expadmindata; $out = ''; $continue = true; if (check_allow('file_view_experiment_all')) { $experimenter_clause = ''; $pars = array(); } elseif (check_allow('file_view_experiment_my')) { $experimenter_clause = " AND " . table('experiments') . ".experimenter LIKE :experimenter "; $pars = array(':experimenter' => '%|' . $expadmindata['admin_id'] . '|%'); } else { $continue = false; } if ($continue) { $query = "SELECT " . table('experiments') . ".*,\n (SELECT min(session_start) from or_sessions as s1 WHERE s1.experiment_id=" . table('experiments') . ".experiment_id) as first_session_date,\n (SELECT max(session_start) from or_sessions as s2 WHERE s2.experiment_id=" . table('experiments') . ".experiment_id) as last_session_date\n FROM " . table('experiments') . "\n WHERE " . table('experiments') . ".experiment_id IN\n (SELECT DISTINCT experiment_id FROM " . table('uploads') . ")\n " . $experimenter_clause . "\n ORDER BY last_session_date DESC"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $experiments = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $experiments[] = $line; } if (count($experiments) > 0) { $out .= '<TABLE width=100% border=0>'; $shade = true; foreach ($experiments as $exp) { if ($shade) { $bgcolor = ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; $shade = false; } else { $bgcolor = ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; $shade = true; } $out .= '<TR' . $bgcolor . '><TD>'; $out .= $exp['experiment_name'] . '</TD><TD>('; $out .= lang('from') . ' '; if ($exp['first_session_date'] == 0) { $out .= '???'; } else { $out .= ortime__format(ortime__sesstime_to_unixtime($exp['first_session_date']), 'hide_time:true'); } $out .= ' ' . lang('to') . ' '; if ($exp['last_session_date'] == 0) { $out .= '???'; } else { $out .= ortime__format(ortime__sesstime_to_unixtime($exp['last_session_date']), 'hide_time:true'); } $out .= ')</TD><TD>'; $out .= experiment__list_experimenters($exp['experimenter'], true, true); $out .= '</TD><TD><A HREF="download_main.php?experiment_id=' . $exp['experiment_id'] . '">' . lang('show_files') . '</A>'; $out .= '</TD></TR>'; } $out .= '</TABLE>'; } } return $out; }
function experimentmail__send_participant_statistics() { global $lang, $settings; $now = time(); $from = $settings['support_mail']; $headers = "From: " . $from . "\r\n"; // remember the current language for later reset $old_lang = lang('lang'); // preload details with current language $maillang = $old_lang; $statistics = stats__get_textstats_for_email(); $subject = load_language_symbol('subject_pool_statistics', $maillang) . ' ' . ortime__format($now, 'hide_time:true'); // get experimenters who want to receive the statistics $query = "SELECT *\n FROM " . table('admin') . "\n WHERE get_statistics_mail='y'\n AND disabled='n'\n ORDER BY language"; $result = or_query($query); $i = 0; $rec_count = pdo_num_rows($result); while ($admin = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($admin['language'] != $maillang) { $maillang = $admin['language']; $lang = load_language($maillang); $statistics = stats__get_textstats_for_email(); $subject = load_language_symbol('subject_pool_statistics', $maillang) . ' ' . ortime__format($now, 'hide_time:true', $maillang); } $mailtext = load_mail("admin_participant_statistics_mailtext", $maillang) . "\n\n" . $statistics . "\n" . experimentmail__get_admin_footer($maillang, $admin) . "\n"; $message = process_mail_template($mailtext, $admin); $done = experimentmail__mail($admin['email'], $subject, $message, $headers); if ($done) { $i++; } } // reset language if ($maillang != $old_lang) { $lang = load_language($old_lang); } return "statistics sent to " . $i . " out of " . $rec_count . " administrators\n"; }
function payments__get_default_budget($experiment = array(), $session = array()) { $continue = true; if ($continue) { if (is_array($session) && isset($session['payment_budgets'])) { $budgets = db_string_to_id_array($session['payment_budgets']); if (count($budgets) > 0) { $continue = false; return $budgets[0]; } } } if ($continue) { if (is_array($experiment) && isset($experiment['payment_budgets'])) { $budgets = db_string_to_id_array($experiment['payment_budgets']); if (count($budgets) > 0) { $continue = false; return $budgets[0]; } } } if ($continue) { $budgets = payments__load_budgets(true); ksort($budgets); $first = true; foreach ($budgets as $k => $budget) { if ($first) { return $k; $first = false; } } } if ($continue) { $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('budgets') . " \n\t\t\t\tORDER BY budget_id\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1"; $result = or_query($query); $line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result); return $line['budget_id']; } }
function copy_table($table, $idvar, $cond = "", $delete = true) { global $do_delete, $do_insert, $new_db_name, $old_db_name; $dquery = "DELETE FROM " . $new_db_name . "." . table($table) . ""; if ($do_delete && $delete) { $done = or_query($dquery); } $squery = "SELECT * FROM " . $old_db_name . "." . table($table); if ($cond) { $squery .= ' ' . $cond; } $result = or_query($squery); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $line = convert_array_to_UTF8($line); if ($do_insert) { $done = orsee_db_save_array($line, $table, $line[$idvar], $idvar); } } }
function query__load_saved_queries($type, $limit = -1, $experiment_id = 0, $details = false, $order = "query_time DESC") { // type can be participants_search_active, participants_search_all, assign, deassign $conditions = array(); if ($type) { $types = explode(",", $type); $tqueries = array(); foreach ($types as $t) { $tqueries[] = "query_type='" . trim($t) . "'"; } $conditions[] = "( " . implode(' OR ', $tqueries) . " )"; } if ($experiment_id) { $conditions[] = "( experiment_id='" . $experiment_id . "' )"; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('queries'); if (count($conditions) > 0) { $query .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conditions); } $query .= " ORDER BY " . $order; if ($limit > 0) { $query .= " LIMIT " . $limit; } $result = or_query($query); $queries = array(); while ($q = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($details) { $q['properties'] = db_string_to_property_array($q['properties']); $queries[] = $q; } else { $queries[] = $q['json_query']; } } return $queries; }
function participant__load_participants_for_ids($ids = array()) { $participants = array(); if (count($ids) > 0) { $par_array = id_array_to_par_array($ids); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('participants') . "\n WHERE participant_id IN (" . implode(',', $par_array['keys']) . ")"; $result = or_query($query, $par_array['pars']); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $participants[$line['participant_id']] = $line; } } return $participants; }
function mailqueue__show_mailqueue($experiment_id = "", $limit = -1) { global $lang, $color, $options, $proceed; if ($proceed) { $pars = array(); if ($limit == -1 && $experiment_id && isset($options['mailqueue_experiment_number_of_entries_per_page']) && $options['mailqueue_experiment_number_of_entries_per_page']) { $limit = $options['mailqueue_experiment_number_of_entries_per_page']; } elseif ($limit == -1 && isset($options['mailqueue_number_of_entries_per_page']) && $options['mailqueue_number_of_entries_per_page']) { $limit = $options['mailqueue_number_of_entries_per_page']; } else { $limit = 100; } if (isset($_REQUEST['os']) && $_REQUEST['os'] > 0) { $offset = $_REQUEST['os']; } else { $offset = 0; } if ($experiment_id) { $equery = " AND experiment_id=:experiment_id "; $pars[':experiment_id'] = $experiment_id; } else { $equery = ""; } if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteall']) && $_REQUEST['deleteall']) { $dall = true; } else { $dall = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteallonpage']) && $_REQUEST['deleteallonpage']) { $dallpage = true; } else { $dallpage = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['deletesel']) && $_REQUEST['deletesel']) { $dsel = true; } else { $dsel = false; } } if ($proceed) { if ($dall || $dallpage || $dsel) { if ($experiment_id) { $allow = check_allow('mailqueue_edit_experiment', 'experiment_mailqueue_show?experiment_id=' . $experiment_id); } else { $allow = check_allow('mailqueue_edit_all', 'mailqueue_show.php'); } $where_clause = " WHERE mail_id IS NOT NULL " . $equery; $ok = false; if ($dall) { $ok = true; } if ($dallpage) { $tallids = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['allids']) && trim($_REQUEST['allids'])) { $tallids = explode(",", trim($_REQUEST['allids'])); } if (count($tallids) > 0) { $i = 0; $parnames = array(); foreach ($tallids as $id) { $i++; $tparname = ':mailid' . $i; $parnames[] = $tparname; $pars[$tparname] = $id; } $where_clause .= " AND mail_id IN (" . implode(",", $parnames) . ") "; $ok = true; } else { message(lang('error__mailqueue_delete_no_emails_selected')); $ok = false; } } if ($dsel) { $dids = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['del']) && is_array($_REQUEST['del'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['del'] as $k => $v) { if ($v == 'y') { $dids[] = $k; } } } if (count($dids) > 0) { $i = 0; $parnames = array(); foreach ($dids as $id) { $i++; $tparname = ':mailid' . $i; $parnames[] = $tparname; $pars[$tparname] = $id; } $where_clause .= " AND mail_id IN (" . implode(",", $parnames) . ") "; $ok = true; } else { message(lang('error__mailqueue_delete_no_emails_selected')); $ok = false; } } if ($ok) { $query = "DELETE FROM " . table('mail_queue') . $where_clause; //echo $query; $done = or_query($query, $pars); $number = pdo_num_rows($done); message($number . ' ' . lang('xxx_emails_deleted_from_queue')); if ($experiment_id) { if ($number > 0) { log__admin("mailqueue_delete_entries", "Experiment: " . $experiment_id . ", Count: " . $number); } } else { if ($number > 0) { log__admin("mailqueue_delete_entries", "Count: " . $number); } } } if ($experiment_id) { redirect("admin/experiment_mailqueue_show.php?experiment_id=" . $experiment_id); } else { redirect("admin/mailqueue_show.php"); } } } if ($proceed) { $pars = array(); if ($experiment_id) { $equery = " AND experiment_id=:experiment_id "; $pars[':experiment_id'] = $experiment_id; } else { $equery = ""; } $pars[':offset'] = $offset; $pars[':limit'] = $limit; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('mail_queue') . "\n WHERE mail_id IS NOT NULL " . $equery . " ORDER BY timestamp DESC\n LIMIT :offset , :limit"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $num_rows = pdo_num_rows($result); if ($experiment_id && check_allow('mailqueue_edit_experiment')) { echo '<FORM action="experiment_mailqueue_show.php" method="POST"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="experiment_id" value="' . $experiment_id . '">'; } elseif (check_allow('mailqueue_edit_all')) { echo '<FORM action="mailqueue_show.php" method="POST">'; } echo '<TABLE width=90% border=0> <TR><TD width=50%>'; //echo '<FONT class="small">'.lang('query').': '.$query.'</FONT><BR><BR>'; echo ' </TD> <TD align=right width=50%>'; if (check_allow('mailqueue_edit_all')) { echo ' <TABLE width="100%" border="0"> <TR><TD width="33%" align="right"> <input class="button" type=submit name="deleteall" value="' . lang('delete_all') . '"> </TD><TD width="33%" align="right"> <input class="button" type=submit name="deleteallonpage" value="' . lang('delete_all_on_page') . '"> </TD><TD width="33%" align="right"> <input class="button" type=submit name="deletesel" value="' . lang('delete_selected') . '"> </TD></TR> </TABLE> '; } echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; if ($offset > 0) { echo '[' . log__link('os=' . ($offset - $limit)) . lang('previous') . '</A>]'; } else { echo '[' . lang('previous') . ']'; } echo ' '; if ($num_rows >= $limit) { echo '[' . log__link('os=' . ($offset + $limit)) . lang('next') . '</A>]'; } else { echo '[' . lang('next') . ']'; } echo '<TABLE class="or_listtable" style="width: 90%;"><thead>'; // header echo ' <thead> <TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';"> <TD>' . lang('id') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('date_and_time') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('email_type') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('email_recipient') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('reference') . '</TD> <TD>' . lang('error') . '</TD>'; if (check_allow('mailqueue_edit_all')) { echo '<TD> ' . lang('select_all') . ' <INPUT id="selall" type="checkbox" name="selall" value="y"> <script language="JavaScript"> $("#selall").change(function() { if (this.checked) { $("input[name*=\'del[\']").each(function() { this.checked = true; }); } else { $("input[name*=\'del[\']").each(function() { this.checked = false; }); } }); </script> </TD>'; } echo ' </TR> </thead> <tbody> '; $shade = false; $ids = array(); $experiment_ids = array(); $entries = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ids[] = $line['mail_id']; if ($line['experiment_id']) { $experiment_ids[] = $line['experiment_id']; } $entries[] = $line; } $experiments = experiment__load_experiments_for_ids($experiment_ids); foreach ($entries as $line) { echo '<TR'; if ($shade) { $shade = false; } else { $shade = true; } if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } echo '> <TD>' . $line['mail_id'] . '</TD> <TD>' . ortime__format($line['timestamp'], 'hide_second:false', lang('lang')) . '</TD> <TD>' . $line['mail_type'] . '</TD> <TD>' . $line['mail_recipient'] . '</TD> <TD>'; $reference = array(); if ($line['experiment_id']) { $reference[] = 'Experiment: <A HREF="experiment_show.php?experiment_id=' . $line['experiment_id'] . '">' . $experiments[$line['experiment_id']]['experiment_name'] . '</A>'; } if ($line['session_id']) { $reference[] = 'Session: <A HREF="session_edit.php?session_id=' . $line['session_id'] . '">' . $line['session_id'] . '</A>'; } if ($line['bulk_id']) { $reference[] = 'Bulk email: ' . $line['bulk_id']; } echo implode('<BR>', $reference); echo '</TD> <TD>' . $line['error'] . '</TD>'; if (check_allow('mailqueue_edit_all')) { echo '<TD><INPUT type="checkbox" name="del[' . $line['mail_id'] . ']" value="y"></TD'; } echo '</TR>'; } echo '</tbody></TABLE>'; if (check_allow('mailqueue_edit_all')) { echo '<INPUT type="hidden" name="allids" value="' . implode(",", $ids) . '">'; echo '</FORM>'; } return $num_rows; } }
function email__get_count($col, $id, $assigned_to = 0) { $pars = array(); $conditions = array(); $conditions[] = "thread_id = message_id"; $conditions[] = "flag_deleted = 0"; if ($col) { $pars[':id'] = $id; $conditions[] = $col . " = :id"; } if ($assigned_to) { $ass_clause = query__get_experimenter_or_clause(array($assigned_to), 'emails', 'assigned_to'); $conditions[] = $ass_clause['clause']; foreach ($ass_clause['pars'] as $k => $v) { $pars[$k] = $v; } } $query = "SELECT flag_processed, count(*) as num_emails\n FROM " . table('emails') . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conditions) . "\n GROUP BY flag_processed "; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $nums = array('num_all' => 0, 'num_new' => 0); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($line['flag_processed']) { $nums['num_all'] = $line['num_emails']; } else { $nums['num_new'] = $line['num_emails']; } } $nums['num_all'] = $nums['num_all'] + $nums['num_new']; return $nums; }
function stats__get_participant_action_data($months_backward = 12) { global $lang, $settings; $actions = array('subscribe', 'confirm', 'edit', 'delete'); if (isset($settings['stats_months_backward']) && $settings['stats_months_backward'] > 0) { $months_backward = $settings['stats_months_backward']; } // titles ect ... $d['xname'] = lang('month'); $d['yname'] = lang('count'); $d['title'] = lang('participant_actions'); $d['charttype'] = 'multibars'; $d['type_of_data'] = 'count'; $d['column_names'] = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { $d['column_names'][$action] = lang($action); } // the data //first get the stuff from the database $nums = array(); $first_date_unixtime = strtotime("-" . $months_backward . " month", time()); $query = "SELECT action, date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp),'%Y%m') as yearmonth,\n count(log_id) as nractions\n FROM " . table('participants_log') . "\n WHERE date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp),'%Y%m')>=date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $first_date_unixtime . "),'%Y%m')\n AND action IN ('" . implode("','", $actions) . "')\n GROUP BY action, yearmonth\n ORDER BY timestamp DESC"; $result = or_query($query); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $nums[$line['action']][$line['yearmonth']] = $line['nractions']; } $d['value_names'] = array(); foreach ($nums as $action => $months) { foreach ($months as $month => $count) { $d['value_names'][$month] = $month; } } krsort($d['value_names']); foreach ($d['value_names'] as $k => $v) { $d['value_names'][$k] = substr($v, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($v, 2, 2); } $d['data'] = $nums; return $d; }
function sessions__load_sessions_for_ids($ids = array()) { $sessions = array(); if (count($ids) > 0) { $par_array = id_array_to_par_array($ids); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('sessions') . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE session_id IN (" . implode(',', $par_array['keys']) . ")"; $result = or_query($query, $par_array['pars']); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $sessions[$line['session_id']] = $line; } } return $sessions; }
<tbody>'; $num_cols = count($cols) + 1; foreach ($dupvals as $dv) { $mvals = array(); $pars = array(); $qclause = array(); foreach ($columns as $c) { $mvals[] = $field_names[$c] . ': ' . $dv[$c]; $pars[':' . $c] = $dv[$c]; $qclause[] = ' ' . $c . ' = :' . $c . ' '; } echo '<TR><TD colspan="' . $num_cols . '"><B>' . implode(", ", $mvals) . '</B></TD></TR>'; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('participants') . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $qclause) . "\n ORDER BY creation_time"; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $shade = false; while ($p = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<tr class="small"'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo 'bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } echo '>'; echo '<TD bgcolor="' . $color['content_background_color'] . '"></TD>'; echo participant__get_result_table_row($cols, $p); echo '</tr>'; if ($shade) { $shade = false; } else { $shade = true; }
function orsee_db_save_array($array, $table, $key, $keyname) { global $site__database_database; // find out which fields i can save $query = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS \n\t\t\tWHERE table_name= :table \n\t\t\tAND table_schema = :table_schema"; $pars = array(':table' => table($table), 'table_schema' => $site__database_database); $result = or_query($query, $pars); $columns = array(); while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $columns[] = $line['COLUMN_NAME']; } // delete key if (isset($array[$keyname])) { unset($array[$keyname]); } $arraykeys = array_keys($array); $fields_to_save = array_intersect($arraykeys, $columns); // build set phrase and param array $first = true; $set_phrase = ""; $pars = array(); foreach ($fields_to_save as $field) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $set_phrase = $set_phrase . ", "; } $set_phrase = $set_phrase . $field . "=:" . $field; $pars[':' . $field] = $array[$field]; } $pars[':key'] = $key; // check if already saved $query = "SELECT " . $keyname . " FROM " . table($table) . " WHERE " . $keyname . "=:key"; $result = or_query($query, array(':key' => $key)); $num_rows = pdo_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { // update query $query = "UPDATE " . table($table) . " SET " . $set_phrase . " WHERE " . $keyname . "=:key"; } else { // insert query $query = "INSERT INTO " . table($table) . " SET " . $keyname . "=:key, " . $set_phrase; } $result = or_query($query, $pars); return $result; }
function cron__check_for_participant_exclusion() { global $settings; $mess = ""; if ($settings['automatic_exclusion'] == 'y') { $status_query = participant_status__get_pquery_snippet("eligible_for_experiments"); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . table('participants') . " \n \tWHERE " . $status_query . " \n \tAND number_noshowup >= '" . $settings['automatic_exclusion_noshows'] . "'"; $result = or_query($query); $excluded = 0; $informed = 0; while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { $done = participant__exclude_participant($line); if ($done == 'informed') { $informed++; } $excluded++; } if ($excluded > 0) { $mess .= "participants excluded: " . $excluded; } if ($informed > 0) { $mess .= "\nparticipants informed: " . $informed; } } return $mess; }
session_start(); include_once "pdo_mysql.php"; $username = '******'; $password = '******'; $host = ''; $database = 'sdb_pnguyen'; if (!($server = pdo_connect("{$host}", $username, $password))) { die('Error connecting to ' . $host . '.' . pdo_error()); } if (!($conn = pdo_select_db($database, $server))) { die('Error selecting' . $database . '.' . pdo_error()); } $classID = $_SESSION['classID']; $timequery = "UPDATE `enqueue` SET `timeSpent` = TIMEDIFF(`TimeOut`, `timeIn`) WHERE `isSolved` = 1"; $tquery = pdo_query($timequery); if (!$tquery) { echo pdo_error(); // die; } $myquery = "SELECT DISTINCT(`studentName`) as `studentName`, sum(TIME_TO_SEC(`timeSpent`)/60) as `timeCount`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `enqueue`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `classID` = {$classID}\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY `studentName`\n\t\t\t\tHAVING `timeCount` > 0"; $query = pdo_query($myquery); if (!$myquery) { echo pdo_error(); die; } $data = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < pdo_num_rows($query); $x++) { $data[] = pdo_fetch_assoc($query); } echo json_encode($data);
// load languages $languages = get_languages(); echo '<BR><BR> <table class="or_listtable" style="width: 80%;"><thead> <TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';">'; foreach ($languages as $language) { echo '<td class="small">' . $language . '</td>'; } echo '<TD>' . lang('this_faq_answered_questions_of_xxx') . '</TD> <TD></TD> </TR></thead> <tbody>'; $query = "SELECT *\n FROM " . table('faqs') . ", " . table('lang') . "\n WHERE content_type='faq_question'\n AND " . table('faqs') . ".faq_id=" . table('lang') . ".content_name\n ORDER BY " . lang('lang'); $result = or_query($query); $shade = false; while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo ' <tr class="small"'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } echo '>'; foreach ($languages as $language) { echo ' <td class="small">' . stripslashes($line[$language]) . '</td>'; } echo '<TD>' . $line['evaluation'] . ' ' . lang('persons') . '</TD> <TD><A HREF="faq_edit.php?faq_id=' . $line['faq_id'] . '">' . lang('edit') . '</A> </TD> </tr>'; if ($shade) {
function log__show_log($log) { global $limit; if (!$limit) { $limit = 50; } if (isset($_REQUEST['os']) && $_REQUEST['os'] > 0) { $offset = $_REQUEST['os']; } else { $offset = 0; } global $lang, $color; $pars = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']) { $aquery = " AND action=:action "; $pars[':action'] = $_REQUEST['action']; } else { $aquery = ""; } if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $_REQUEST['id']) { $idquery = " AND id=:id "; $pars[':id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; } else { $idquery = ""; } if (isset($_REQUEST['target']) && $_REQUEST['target']) { $tquery = " AND target LIKE :target "; $pars[':target'] = '%' . $_REQUEST['target'] . '%'; } else { $tquery = ""; } $logtable = table('participants_log'); switch ($log) { case "participant_actions": $logtable = table('participants_log'); $secondtable = " LEFT JOIN " . table('participants') . " ON id=participant_id "; break; case "experimenter_actions": $logtable = table('admin_log'); $secondtable = " LEFT JOIN " . table('admin') . " ON id=admin_id "; break; case "regular_tasks": $logtable = table('cron_log'); $secondtable = " LEFT JOIN " . table('admin') . " ON id=admin_id "; break; } if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && $_REQUEST['delete'] && isset($_REQUEST['days']) && $_REQUEST['days']) { $allow = check_allow('log_file_' . $log . '_delete', 'statistics_show_log.php?log=' . $log); if (isset($_REQUEST['days']) && $_REQUEST['days'] == "all") { $where_clause = ""; } else { $now = time(); $dsec = (int) $_REQUEST['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60; $dtime = $now - $dsec; $where_clause = " WHERE timestamp < " . $dtime; } $query = "DELETE FROM " . $logtable . $where_clause; $done = or_query($query); $number = pdo_num_rows($done); message($number . ' ' . lang('xxx_log_entries_deleted')); if ($number > 0) { log__admin("log_delete_entries", "log:" . $log . "\ndays:" . $_REQUEST['days']); } redirect("admin/statistics_show_log.php?log=" . $log); } $pars[':offset'] = $offset; $pars[':limit'] = $limit; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $logtable . $secondtable . "\n WHERE id IS NOT NULL " . $aquery . $idquery . $tquery . " ORDER BY timestamp DESC\n LIMIT :offset , :limit "; $result = or_query($query, $pars); $num_rows = pdo_num_rows($result); echo '<TABLE width=80% border=0> <TR><TD width=50%>'; //echo '<FONT class="small">'.lang('query').': '.$query.'</FONT><BR><BR>'; echo '</TD> <TD align=right width=50%>'; if (check_allow('log_file_' . $log . '_delete')) { echo ' <FORM action="statistics_show_log.php"> <INPUT type=hidden name="log" value="' . $log . '"> ' . lang('delete_log_entries_older_than') . ' <select name="days"> <option value="all">' . lang('all_entries') . '</option>'; $ddays = array(1, 7, 30, 90, 180, 360); if (isset($_REQUEST['days']) && $_REQUEST['days']) { $selected = $_REQUEST['days']; } else { $selected = 90; } foreach ($ddays as $day) { echo '<option value="' . $day . '"'; if ($day == $selected) { echo ' SELECTED'; } echo '>' . $day . ' '; if ($day == 1) { echo lang('day'); } else { echo lang('days'); } echo '</option> '; } echo ' </select><input type=submit name="delete" value="' . lang('delete') . '">'; } echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; if ($offset > 0) { echo '[' . log__link('os=' . ($offset - $limit)) . lang('previous') . '</A>]'; } else { echo '[' . lang('previous') . ']'; } echo ' '; if ($num_rows >= $limit) { echo '[' . log__link('os=' . ($offset + $limit)) . lang('next') . '</A>]'; } else { echo '[' . lang('next') . ']'; } echo '<TABLE class="or_listtable" style="width: 90%;">'; // header echo '<thead> <TR style="background: ' . $color['list_header_background'] . '; color: ' . $color['list_header_textcolor'] . ';"> <TD> ' . lang('date_and_time') . ' </TD> <TD>'; if ($log == 'participant_actions') { echo lang('lastname') . ', ' . lang('firstname'); } elseif ($log == 'experimenter_actions' || $log == 'regular_tasks') { echo lang('experimenter'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && $_REQUEST['id']) { echo ' ' . log__link('id=', 'os=0') . '<FONT class="small">[' . lang('unrestrict') . ']</FONT></A>'; } echo ' </TD><TD>' . lang('action'); if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']) { echo ' ' . log__link('action=', 'os=0') . '<FONT class="small">[' . lang('unrestrict') . ']</FONT></A>'; } echo ' </TD><TD>' . lang('target'); if (isset($_REQUEST['target']) && $_REQUEST['target']) { echo ' ' . log__link('target=', 'os=0') . '<FONT class="small">[' . lang('unrestrict') . ']</FONT></A>'; } echo ' </TD></TR> </thead> <tbody>'; $shade = false; while ($line = pdo_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '<tr class="small"'; if ($shade) { echo ' bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade1'] . '"'; } else { echo 'bgcolor="' . $color['list_shade2'] . '"'; } echo '> <TD>' . ortime__format($line['timestamp'], 'hide_seconds:false', lang('lang')) . '</TD> <TD>'; if ($log == 'participant_actions') { if ($line['participant_id']) { echo $line['lname'] . ', ' . $line['fname'] . ' <A HREF="participants_edit.php?participant_id=' . $line['participant_id'] . '"><FONT class="small">[' . lang('edit') . ']</FONT></A>'; } else { echo $line['id']; } } elseif ($log == 'experimenter_actions' || $log == 'regular_tasks') { echo $line['adminname']; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || $_REQUEST['id'] != $line['id']) { echo ' ' . log__restrict_link('id', $line['id']); } echo ' </TD><TD>' . $line['action']; if (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != $line['action']) { echo ' ' . log__restrict_link('action', $line['action']); } echo ' </TD><TD>' . nl2br(stripslashes($line['target'])); if (!isset($_REQUEST['target']) || $_REQUEST['target'] != $line['target'] && $log != 'regular_tasks') { echo ' ' . log__restrict_link('target', $line['target']); } echo ' </TD></TR>'; if ($shade) { $shade = false; } else { $shade = true; } } echo '</tbody></TABLE>'; return $num_rows; }